The First Time I Saw Her I Kn...

By Tears_To_Roses

817K 8.9K 654

The first time he saw her, he knew he was stuck. Kinsley Willows is a werewolf. He’s the beta of his cousin’s... More

The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck ~Prologue
The First Time I saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter 1
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter 2
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter 3
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Four
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Five
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Six
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Seven
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Eight
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Nine
The First Time I Saw Her I Was Stuck Chapter Ten
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Eleven
Authours Note (Important please read)
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Twelve
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Thirteen
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Fourteen
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Fifteen
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Sixteen
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Seventeen (Final Chapter)
The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Final Chapter

The First Time I Saw Her I Knew I Was Stuck Chapter Seventeen (Final Chapter)

29.7K 187 6
By Tears_To_Roses

Chapter Seventeen

Rohanna’s POV

            I trip on my wedges as I go but nothing will make me stop. Not even the sound of my father’s frantic cries from the porch. Tears fall from my eyes causing me to push myself further away from the person who caused them. I break through the trees of the woods, hopping on one foot to rip off my wedges to make it easier for me to run.

            I hear Dad’s footsteps and shouts grow closer. Without sparing a glance behind me I rush forward, holding up my long sun dress. This was not the right outfit choice for today.

            “KEGI” I holler at the top of my lungs without slowing down, “KINSLEY”

            “ROHANNA STOP PLEASE” My father shouts behind me.

            I don’t answer I push myself harder to put a distance between us. I never wanted to see him again, and I just had to pick up a babysitter notice for his kids. Why didn’t I look at the last name? Evidently I wasn’t thinking when I picked up the notice.

            I choke on my tears as a tear sounds though the woods. Sparing a glance down I see that just below my butt my dress has ripped. I smile softly now capable to run faster and push myself harder.

            “KINSLEY” I screech, “KINSLEY”

            I have no idea why I thought it would be a good idea to run into the woods. Or why I even thought Kinsley would be in the woods. Or why I went for Kinsley instead of home in the first place. I guess I’ve known it all along, ever since I laid eyes on him at the party. I loved him. He was the only person I could go to for help and he’d be there. I need him the most now, and something was urging me that he’s in the woods.

            I come across a sparkling blue patch of water, and I no longer here my dad’s cries for me to stop. At the back of my mind, I slowly start to give up hope that I’ll ever see Kinsley again. Now, I’m wondering why I’m so emotional lately.

            “KINSLEY” I holler once more, stopping dead in my tracks.

            No answer, no nothing. My heart breaks a little more with each passing second. A sob rips from my throat as my eyes scan over the trees. I turn back towards the way I came, wrapping my arms around myself. As I raise my head my eyes widen and a happy smile stretches across my face.

            There standing in front of me is Kinsley. His brown eyes cast on my face with worry swimming them.

            “Rohanna what-“Kinsley begins in a murmur.

            I step closer to him holding up a hand to stop his speech flow. Kinsley closes his mouth and looks at me intently. Two stray tears drip from my eyes and trail slowly down my cheeks. Kinsley steps forward and brushes them away with his thumbs, his hand skimming along my cheek slyly. He goes to pull his hand away when I place mine over it, keeping it in place. His eyes widen and he looks deep into mine.

            “I’ve been through a lot” I start off slowly, “My dad left me, my mum didn’t care about me anymore and Blayden cheated on me with my mother. I thought my life couldn’t ever be good again, whole” I murmur. “Then I met this guy at a party, and everything got better. He showed me without knowing what I went through that life was good. Even when my mum kicked me out and I thought I was going to be homeless he offered me a place to live and we really didn’t know each other for that long” I smile thinking of all the things we’ve done together, “I thought that there was no such thing as love. It was just a feeling everyone but me felt. I was wrong, because I now know what that feeling is” Kinsley’s eyes widen and again he goes to open his mouth to speak. I cut him off with a smile that says it all, “When I knocked on that door today and my dad answered in, there was only one person on my mind as I ran off. I’d really like to have a chance with him, is what I’m trying to say I guess…” I murmur looking down shyly.

            Kinsley chuckles and takes my chin gently to move my head up to look at him. The dazzling smile on his face is wide enough to blind someone.

            “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for you” Kinsley says, “For you to come running, screaming my name. For you to be in my life again and to kiss you and call you mine. I’ve waited forever Ro-Ro, and I finally get to do that now. Of course you get a chance”

            My smile is cut off when Kinsley’s lips capture mine in a sweet kiss. My heart beat speeds up and I rap my arms around Kinsley’s neck, weaving my fingers in his silky hair. I pull him closer to me, opening my mouth as wide as it’ll go when Kinsley’s tongue slides across it. I let out a soft moan when Kinsley’s tongue comes in contact with my own and Kinsley growl’s slightly in his chest. I crush myself closer to him, never wanting the kiss to end. Kinsley pulls away to soon for my liking and rests his forehead against mine, breathing heavily.

            “Say it again Ro-Ro” Kinsley pleads in a murmur, “Say it again the right way”

            I smile softly knowing what he wants me to say, “I love you Kinsley Willows”

            Kinsley lets another sexy little growl escape his lips and crashes his lips to mine again before pulling away quickly again.

            “I love you Rohanna, so much” Kinsley gasps kissing me again.

            All the cares in the world escaped my brain at that moment. I didn’t think of my father whose house wasn’t very far from the woods I’m currently making out in. I didn’t think about the fact that I was going to a new school soon without Kinsley. No, the only thought in my mind was Kinsley. Kinsley, Kinsley, Kinsley.

            “The first time I saw her, I knew I was stuck” Kinsley whispers looking into my eyes telling me I’m the her.



Hey guys! So that was the end of the first time. I think it was a good place to end it to be able to possibly make a sequel. Please no hate! I just don’t have enough time to write three stories at a time and this looked like a good spot to end it to me. I want to finish Living With before summer starts so I can focus on other stories and by writing three, I can’t finish it I know that for sure. I couldn’t put this one on hold again either. SORRY GUYS! I’m sorry if this isn’t the ending you wanted but it’s the one you got and I worked hard on it.

Song on the side: Enchanted by Taylor Swift.

See you guys again when the sequel comes out which will probably be some time after summer.

Comment (Tell me your favourite part in the story and what you’d like to see happen in the sequel! I already now, but I want to see what you guys are thinking)

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