A Glimpse of Necessity (Elite...

By AltairNeedsCoffee

293 134 7

After a long brawl in the city of Yin, the Grandmaster, Ruminasu, along with the entire city has fallen. With... More

[Announcement] Official Poster!
[Ch 2, Act 1] Rendezvous.
[Ch 2, Act 2] Together, forever.
[Ch 2, Act 3] 'Til the end.
[Ch 2, Act 4] Head off Shoulders.
[Ch 2, Act 5] Sumiko and Inzagi
[Ch 2, Act 6] The uprising.
[Ch 2, Act 7] The delusion.
[Ch 2, Act 8] The meetup.
[Ch 2, Act 9] The recruit.
[Ch 2, Act 10] Ryoria.
[Ch 2, Act 11] Top Dog.
[Ch 2, Act 12] Under dog.

[Ch 2, Act 13] The monsters.

28 9 4
By AltairNeedsCoffee

"Why... Why involve my mother..?" - Inzagi asked, in a raspy voice, as Xeno smiled

"To send a message to not fuck with us like how you and that blue bitch fucked with me, back in Shitosan!" - Xeno replied as he slowly began to cut the skin of Inzagi's mother.

Inzagi was forced to watch, by the hands of Fujio. But, Xeno stops and only leaves a small non-lethal cut

"Actually, before I do this. What's this poor lady's name?" - Xeno smiled

"Name, Merodee Rier... Age... 42... Greatest fear... Us.... Greatest memory... Inzagi... Physical status... Extremely poor..." - The lady said as Inzagi continued to cry, from how helpless he was.

"Ah, shit, what a nice name. Too bad she's old as shit, though. Won't be able to fuck her in front of this cunt." - Xeno chuckled

Inzagi and Merodee looked at each other, filled with disbelief, as they weren't expecting each other to see themselves in such a state.

Without hesitation, Xeno injects adrenaline through the neck of Merodee, as he stabs her in the spine.

Inzagi was unable to scream as it would hurt too much, but his tears continued to pour, as he watched his mother get stabbed.

Merodee screamed in pain as Xeno pinned her down, beginning to choke her. However, when Merodee is in the brink of fainting, Xeno lets go of her neck, to let her breathe.

The torture was silent the whole time, with only the gargles of Merodee was the only thing being heard, along with Inzagi's sniffles and Xeno's wheezing, as he choked his mother in front of him.

Next, Xeno makes sure he sees his mother be tortured, as he throws her near him. Xeno chuckled as he began to skin Merodee's right arm, Merodee screaming through the cloth inside her mouth. Merodee began to shake tremendously from the pain, trying to adapt to it.

Eventually, Merodee's right arm was completely skinned, her muscles and nerves being completely exposed as it bled all over the ground. Xeno gets up and stomps on the skinned arm as the pain was so extreme that Merodee felt waves of uneasiness all over her body, as her muscles got mushed by Xeno's foot.

Suddenly, Inzagi pushes Fujio and the lady off, and tries to crawl to his mother. But, Xeno swiftly stabs Inzagi through his left cheek, causing him to falter and gargle in his own blood, as he tries to catch his breath.

Suddenly, Inzagi grabs the crystal from his pocket that Hecate gave him, but Xeno quickly sees this and kicks it off his hand and takes it, as Merodee continues to cry from the pain.

"What's this? A communicator? You're gonna summon your whores to come fuck me up? Try me, bitch. Not even your little girlfriend is here to fucking save you. I hope you've tasted her pussy, because that's probably the last time you'll ever taste it!" - Xeno chuckles as he summons three daggers and stabs it through Inzagi's spine, making him completely immobile.

"God, once I'm done with you, the other tyrants are gonna come fuck this world up, and I'm gonna make sure that I rip that blue bitch's pussy open, as you watch me from whatever afterlife exists." - Xeno chuckles as Inzagi was extremely infuriated, as he bled from his cheek

"Toast him up, 7." - Xeno chuckles as the lady nods and grabs Inzagi, charging up her thrusters.

Suddenly, Fujio successfully fights the machine momentarily and uses it to punch the lady, breaking the glass of her helmet, stunning her.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER" - Xeno attempts to stab Fujio but the metal that the lady poured on him deflects it. Fujio pushes Xeno down and takes the crystal from him, throwing it to Inzagi.

Inzagi swiftly grabs the crystal, as the two tyrants' eyes widened, Fujio being taken by the machine once again.

"H... He... Cate.." - Inzagi whispered to the crystal as the crystal began to glow.

"NO, YOU FUCKING CUNT!" - Xeno swiftly grabs a dagger and quickly slices through the body of Merodee, completely splitting her in half. But, her body continues to feel, as she twitches from the pain, due to the adrenaline that was injected inside her, earlier.

Suddenly, a strong portal with an extreme aura, green butterflies and green vines surrounding it opens up, blasting Xeno and the lady away, along with her thrusters.

Inside the portal, a high pitched scream was heard as Sumiko swiftly dashed through the portal, immediately charging at the lady with the thrusters.

Next, Syu enters through the portal and clashes blades with Xeno immediately, her eyes being completely different, from how she would look. This time, she was filled with fury, as she glared at Xeno, as their daggers and kunais clashed.

Finally, a lady with a green aura, completely glowing floats above the portal, summoning strong spirits of guardians around Inzagi, as they healed his wounds.

Hecate, the goddess of sorcery arrives into the battle and absorbs the soul of Fujio, releasing it into the heavens, making Fujio rest.

Hecate summons her staff and releases a green light throughout the field, to ensure that Xeno doesn't summon an army of deceased people.

Eventually, Xeno pushes Syu out of the way, as he beats her in their clash. Xeno immediately dashes through the green guardians, to try and stab Inzagi, to kill him off. Xeno had a huge grin, as the blood of Inzagi's mother was splattered all over his face.

Immediately, Sumiko jumps Xeno and pushes him at intense speeds. Sumiko screamed at the top of her lungs

"BACK THE FUCK OFF." - Sumiko screamed, as the high pitch of her voice and the high pressure of her speed began to bust the ear drums of Xeno. Sumiko's sclera began to turn black, as her hair grew darker and darker

Xeno was in disbelief and was unable to move, from the amount of pressure on his body. Sumiko endlessly ran in rage, as he held Xeno in his shirt. Eventually, Sumiko arrives at the ruined city of Yin, and she begins to destroy the scaffolding by running into it, using Xeno as a shield.

Hecate swiftly casts a spell on Sumiko, despite being from an extremely far distance. Sumiko felt the power in her legs, as she jumped extremely high, bringing Xeno up with her.

Sumiko's pupils went blank, from so much rage as they reached an extremely high altitude. Sumiko lets go of Xeno, as they stop in the air. Sumiko swiftly kicks Xeno down, at high speed as she follows and begins to press her thumbs into Xeno's throat, screaming at Xeno at an intense pitch range.

Xeno felt the pain all over his body, as Sumiko kicked him down once again, making his fall quicker.

Sumiko catches up once again and kicks Xeno down once more, before catching up with him and using him as a shield, when they fall.

Eventually, Xeno hits the ground and the field of Yin begins to crack at the shape of an X, from the extreme impact. Xeno groaned in so much pain, as Sumiko threw him at sonic speed, slicing his body all over with her katana, mid air.

Sumiko then grabs Xeno and uses him as a sled, as they slide through the rocky fields of Yin. Sumiko swiftly grabs Xeno's throat and twists it, soon breaking it and pulling it out.

Xeno was unable to regenerate, because Sumiko had her blade blessed by Hecate, before going through the portal.

The man was once again afraid, as she looked at Sumiko, bleeding from his jaw being taken apart from his skull.

Sumiko glared down at Xeno as she began to punch Xeno directly on the throat, since Xeno had no jaw to protect it anymore.

Xeno screamed in pain, as he tried to stab Sumiko. But, Sumiko blocks his wrist, causing the knife to not reach her.

Sumiko then crushes Xeno's wrists with her intense grip, as she begins to rapidly punch Xeno on his chest. Eventually, Sumiko forces Xeno to stand up, as she slices his achilles tendonitis. and pours alcohol on it.

Sumiko forces Xeno to run, and Xeno complies. She says that his body was too bent, so she plunges her blade through Xeno's throat, keeping Xeno's body completely straight.

Xeno continued to run as she took her other blade to continuously slice him from behind, as he ran. Xeno flinched and wept from every slash, but he continued to run for his life, praying that the blue portal would open.

Sumiko tears Xeno's clothes off and sprays alcohol on the slashes on Xeno's wounds, soon burning it with the spark of her blade and his dagger.

Xeno falls from the pain, as he screams, while getting his back roasted completely.

Meanwhile, back to Inzagi- Hecate continued to heal him, as Syu fought the lady

The lady screamed in anger as she tried to burn Syu once again. However, Syu was prepared to not fall for that again. The lady tries to land a left hook on Syu's face, but Syu, swiftly ducks and lands a hard blow on her abdomen.

"SYSTEM FAILURE, MOTHERBOARD SEVERELY DAMAGED, PLEASE EVACUATE AREA" - The helmet of the lady loudly said as the lady chuckled

"Rise, my little ones..." - The lady whispered as the two ladies began to see multiple bright flames from a far distance.

The lady chuckled and backed up as she threw projectiles that would create purple smoke. Hecate and Syu immediately cover their lower faces, as it could be a toxic gas.

Suddenly, multiple metallic sounds began to be heard, inside the smoke.

"SYU, GET OUT OF THIS SMOKE!" - Hecate ordered as she carried Inzagi out of the smoke, as Syu got hit by some type of metal, making her get blown off from the smoke

Syu spits out blood as she pulls some sort of blades that were chains onto each other from their handles.

"Are you okay?" - Hecate asked as she puts Inzagi down, who was knocked out. Syu nods and gets up

"Let's do this." - Syu began to swing her blades around

Suddenly, a familiar lady looks at them inside the smoke, as the smoke began to clear. Hecate's eyes widened from the sight.

"Hecate, you okay?" - Syu looked at Hecate in concern, as Hecate froze for a second

"Rolotia... Shitosan workers..." - Hecate whispered as she sees the workers of Shitosan fly above Rolotia.

Their skins were all burnt to a crisp as well, due to the metal that was poured onto their skin. Same with what the lady did to Fujio.

"Terminate." - Rolotia said, in a robotic like voice, as she swings her time blade at the two, causing them to slow down.

Hundreds of Shitosan workers began to fly and attack the city of Herya, as Rolotia and the lady remained.

The lady chuckles as she charges up her jet thrusters, pointing it towards the face of Hecate. Hecate noticed her, but was unable to do something, since she was so slow. But, Hecate slowly puts her middle and index fingers up, as the lady charged her thrusters.

"I'm... Sorry." - Rolotia whispered as the lady chuckled in joy.

Suddenly, a strong ray of light shines onto Rolotia and the lady.

The lady was startled by this, as the two began to regain their normal movement. Hecate swiftly grabbed Rolotia's arm that was holding the time blade and kicks her extremely hard on the side of her body.

Rolotia groaned in pain, as Syu jumped in front of Rolotia and cut Rolotia's arm off as Hecate held her. The time blade was finally in Hecate's hands. Hecate immediately bashed the blade onto her knee, shattering the blade in half completely.

The lady turns around, only to be kicked extremely hard by Hecate, on the face. Syu stretches her chains out, and throws it at the lady, wrapping her body around the chains of her blade.

Syu pulls the chains and kicks the lady's gut extremely hard, making the lady wheeze in pain. Hecate meanwhile, flicks Rolotia's forehead, sending her soul to the heavens.

"Meddling with the souls of humans, with your stupid machines... What kind of soul could have such intentions..." - Hecate whispered as her right cheek began to show a symbol of an apple.

"Is this... What the apple gets you..?" - Hecate added as the ground began to shake, along with the clouds beginning to split.

"Truly, I have gained a reason, to put you through the deepest rings of hell." - Hecate whispers as she gripped onto her staff tightly.

Hecate raises her hand and makes Syu levitate, moving her away. Hecate began to call for the elders above, to protect the city of Herya. The elders gladly accepted Hecate's request, as they flew down from the gates of heaven.

The sound of a large horn was heard in the clouds, as heaps of people with enormous wings began to fly to Herya, in the distance.

Hecate charges at the lady, grabbing her by the hair, then bashing her face onto the ground

"DON'T MESS WITH THE SOULS OF MY PEOPLE." - Hecate screamed in a voice that sounded both demonic and angelic, as if an angel and a demon were speaking along with her.

Hecate's eyes completely glow green, as she makes the lady levitate, showing her a glimpse of hell with her eyes. Hecate shows the truth to the lady, as the lady cries and begins to bleed out...

Hecate began to whisper inaudible words, as multiple portals were summoned around them, each portal containing the childhood memories of the lady. The lady smiled as she bled.

However, Hecate manipulates her memories, by showing the lady altered realities that Hecate created for her to watch. The portal now contains visualisations of her loved ones being killed. After her loved ones died, their addresses began to show inside the portal.

The lady was extremely afraid, as Hecate smiled maniacally, beginning to mimic the lady

"Name... Akuma... Age... 18... Greatest memory... Mother's kiss... Greatest fear... We shall see." - Hecate mimics the lady, as the lady looked at Hecate in fear.

Hecate laughs maniacally as the surroundings for the two began to turn dark. Akuma began to hallucinate the souls of the people she had tortured.

"Judgement... Judgement... Judgement..." - The souls unanimously said, same with the souls of Fujio and Rolotia as they pointed at Akuma

"Judgement... Judgement." - Hecate said as she levitated in the abyss, pointing at the lady, with her eyes glowing completely green.

Suddenly, Akuma screams, as her ankles are getting pulled by the hands of her tortured ones. The children that blew up at Inzagi and Sumiko appeared, as they smiled at Akuma, with their carved out eyes, possessing no teeth, as they bled.

Akuma screamed for help, finally breaking her silence.

"What's wrong, Akuma? Never seen a real demon, before?" - Hecate said as she breaks her own neck, chuckling maniacally.

Akuma tears up from fear, as the darkness grows darker. Akuma began to get torn up by the hands of her subjects.

Akuma's mouth was soon covered by one of the hands, as the sounds of "ssshh" of the souls began to circulate around the abyss.

Akuma suddenly wakes up inside the temple where their "master" is.

"M-Master..?" - Akuma kneeled as she looked at the man in blue armor.

The man had not moved at all, as Akuma sees dull images of Hecate, surrounding her, if she looked at the dark areas of the temple.

Akuma shook her head as she ran to the throne of her master. However, the throne seemed unreachable, as the room began to stretch.

"Master... Please... Help me..." - Akuma cried as she reached her hand out.

"Monster... Monster..." - The whispers of Hecate began to circulate around the stretched out room of the temple.

"I know who you are, I know where you live, I know where your master is, I know what you're thinking, I know what you cannot see." - Hecate whispered continuously, as an image of a blue portal began to open in the eyes of Akuma.

The temple turned back to normal, as Akuma watched in fear.

"I've done it, master." - the man kneeled as he bowed down to the man in the throne.

"You've disappointed me, that's what you've done." - The man said as he continued to talk.

Akuma was shocked to listen to their conversation, not knowing if she should believe if this is their real conversation or not.

Soon, 4 other portals began to open, as 4 other individuals go through them, kneeling to the man in the throne

"T-Those are the tyrants... T-That's me..." - Akuma said as she looked at herself, kneeling on the left side of Xeno.

Akuma was extremely confused as to why she was beginning to see these things. Suddenly, the room changes to the city of Yin, watching herself burn down the workers of Shitosan.

"Miss...? Why did you do it...? Why did you gut us, place bombs inside us and make us move and talk against our will..?" - The children asked as they looked at Akuma

Akuma shakes her head, attempting to run from them, but she doesn't seem to move at all.

Soon, the abyss began to wear out, as Akuma slowly woke up, only to see Hecate holding her shoulder, noticing that all of those events occurred in a single second.

Hecate swiftly pushes Akuma back and hits her neck with her staff. Akuma's sclera turns completely red, as she coughs out blood.

Akuma tries to fly away, but she is apparently chained to the ground, by Hecate's spell...

"P-Please, let me go... I was just following orders..." - Akuma said as Hecate smiled, shaking her head slowly

"Tsk tsk tsk, I'm afraid I can't do that~" - Hecate chuckled as she makes Akuma levitate...

Soon enough, Hecate sucks the blood from Akuma's veins and turned it into a ball of her blood.

Akuma began to spin around, as she was levitating, as her blood circled around her as well, returning back to her body.

Akuma's body was then spread open, her limbs being slowly pulled apart, by green arms coming from 4 green portals

Akuma screamed in pain, as the metal and her skin began to tear apart from her torso.

Akuma cried for help, as Hecate chuckled, completely dismembering Akuma from her limbs. Soon, Hecate heals Akuma completely and drops her, but she crushes Akuma's thrusters.

Hecate smiled, as Akuma was confused, as she walked away slowly...

Soon enough, Sumiko was running towards Akuma in the distance

"You'd better run, before she gets to you~" - Hecate and Syu chuckles as she snaps her fingers, returning her thrusters.

Sumiko had Xeno's pale head hanging on her kimono, as if she sewed it onto her kimono. Sumiko ran at intense speeds, with her blade out, as she runs towards Akuma.

Akuma panicked as she tried to fly away, only to realize that the thrusters had no fuel.

"Oopsies~" - Hecate smiled as she shrugged.

Akuma's eyes widened, as Sumiko ran at light speed, slicing through Akuma.

Akuma reached her hand out to Hecate, as half of Akuma's head began to slide off, along with her thighs.

Hecate smiles and regenerates Akuma completely, as Sumiko repeatedly makes her bleed, until the grass fields of Herya were covered by the blood of their opponent.

Akuma screamed in pain each time she was killed, as she continuously gets revived, only to meet the same fate over and over again.

Sumiko's body began to steam, as she slides her Kimono and skirt off, and began to move at faster speeds, as she slices Akuma left and right.

Sumiko's blade became dull, showering in the never ending blood of Akuma.

Hecate soon heals Akuma completely once again and drops her. Akuma trembles in fear, as the three ladies walk towards her.

Sumiko grabs Xeno's head and shows it to Akuma. Akuma teared up from the sight, as she tried to look away, but couldn't.

"Machen Sie mir nichts vor." - Sumiko said, as she leaves a huge cut on Akuma's left eye. Akuma screamed in pain, as Hecate hit Akuma on her nape, knocking her out, soon teleporting her to a place in Hecatia.

Hecate takes the soul of Xeno from his head and releases it into hell. Sumiko sighed from relief as she smiled at Hecate and Syu, her cheeks covered in blood. Hecate caresses Sumiko's cheeks, wiping the blood off her face.

The battle was finally over. The three ladies ran towards Inzagi, who was still knocked out.

However, Inzagi immediately wakes up, after Hecate touches his forehead.

"M-Mother... My mother..." - Inzagi said as she pointed at his mother who was still cut in half. Unfortunately, his mother's blood has already dried out, and her soul is no longer there.

The three ladies stared at the body of Merodee, cut open in half and was being visited by flies.

"I'm sorry, Inzagi... But, I can't heal your mother..." - Hecate says as Inzagi cried, shaking his head

"N-NO, NO, that's impossible! You're a master at reviving people, aren't you?!" - Inzagi asked as he wept, Hecate looking down and inhaling deeply.

Hecate sighs and kneels to the skies, closing her eyes and asking for permission to return her soul, if Merodee wishes to return.

Hecate smiles lightly from what she hears as she stands up

"I can heal her, the gods have given me permission. But, I cannot let her remember this event. Once I revive her, I will teleport her back to her home and wipe her memory of this. I suggest you don't visit her, for a few months, since she'll be adapting to the shifted reality of this world, since her mind is still in Valhalla." - Hecate said as Inzagi smiled and nodded.

Hecate casted an extremely powerful spell, putting Merodee back together, as she levitated. Merodee was completely healed, as Hecate snaps her fingers, to wipe her memory and teleport her back to her home.

"Thank you, Lady Hecate..." - Inzagi smiled at Hecate as she nods at him, smiling.

"Great work out there, Inzagi, you managed to survive two tyrants, whatever they are~" - Syu said in a calm tone, as she looked down at Inzagi

Inzagi looked at Sumiko, who was looking at him as well, with extremely concerned eyes, almost tearing up. Inzagi gasps as he remembers his present for Sumiko. Inzagi immediately gets up and walks to the motorcycle.

"Inzagi, you shouldn't walk, your body is still experiencing serious physical trauma.." - Hecate said, as Inzagi continued to walk anyway, holding his stomach, while breathing heavily.

Sumiko was confused, as Inzagi took the box near the broken down motorcycle. Inzagi soon smiles and walks back to Sumiko. Hecate and Syu's eyes widened as they smiled brightly, already knowing what was about to happen.

Inzagi's legs give in as he falls down and kneels. Sumiko scurries to Inzagi and holds his hands, telling him to rest.

Inzagi smiles at Sumiko, with his eyes being completely tired. He hands the box to Sumiko as Sumiko blushes deeply, her eyes widening from the sight of the box, despite not knowing what's inside.

Sumiko's heart began to beat extremely fast, and it's not because of how fast she ran earlier. Sumiko tries to maintain her breathing, trying not to squeal.

"I-It's not much, but... Hey, there you go.." - Inzagi whispered as he smiled, out of breath.

Sumiko opens the box, seeing the blue and orange necklace completely in perfect condition. Sumiko's eyes sparkled as she teared up from the overwhelming amount of joy and love she holds for Inzagi, in that moment.

"Pfft, she can't hide it this time, she's literally right in front of him~" - Syu whispers to Hecate, as the two chuckle lightly, watching the two interact with each other.

"I-I.." - Sumiko was speechless, as she stared deeply into the colors of the necklaces, clearly matching the colors of their eyes.

Inzagi smiles at Sumiko as he takes the blue necklace, while getting closer to Sumiko. He wraps his arms around Sumiko, putting the necklace around her neck.

Inzagi puts his necklace on and smiles at Sumiko. Finally, Inzagi takes the box from Sumiko's hand and hugs her tightly. Sumiko smiles and continues to tear up from so much joy, as her head completely turns red.

"I'm back, Sumiko." - Inzagi smiled as Sumiko nodded, hugging him tightly.

Their necklaces' magnets began to attract each other, as they hugged, making a clicking sound, as the necklaces collided, forming the shape of a perfect circle.

Sumiko pulls away from the hug and caresses Inzagi's cheek, as well as Inzagi smiling at Sumiko, caressing her cheeks.

"W-Welcome back.." - Sumiko said, as she looked away, continuing to hold his cheek.

Inzagi smiled as Sumiko looked at him. Abruptly, Sumiko lands her soft, pink lips onto Inzagi's lips, giving his lips a soft touch of her lips. Inzagi blushed deeply, shocked from the action of Sumiko.

Hecate and Syu's eyes widened as they smiled

"Oh my, I'm getting kind of jealous~ Hecate, wanna kiss as well?~" - Syu whispered as they chuckled

"Shall we, perhaps?~" - Hecate teases back as the two continue to chuckle lightly, trying to not interrupt the two

Sumiko and Inzagi look at each other, both being completely flustered. They close their eyes and mutually go back to a warm and comforting zone, as their lips begin to meet once again.

Sumiko smiled as they both pulled away from the kiss. Inzagi smiles as well as they hug each other tightly again.

"Thank you for coming to save me, Sumi." - Inzagi said

"I love you... Inzagi..." - Sumiko replied as she looked at him and smiled, finally accepting her feelings for Inzagi.

Sumiko became calm, as she turned red, now that she has finally shown her true self to Inzagi.

Inzagi blushes deeply and replies with the words "I love you, too." as their lips collide once again.

Soon enough, a green portal opens, as Rizette, Ruru and Haruna go through it.

"Aye, good shit, beating the bitch that burnt Sy-" - Rizette gets cut off as the three ladies are in shock, seeing Sumiko and Inzagi making such contact.

The three squeal in silence, as they jump around in joy, holding a huge smile on their faces, finally seeing Sumiko find true love. Hecate and Syu giggle at their reactions, as Hecate opens a portal back to Inzagi's home in Shitosan.

"Heyoo~ Are you two walking back home?" - Hecate chuckled as the two lovebirds get up and smile, Sumiko assisting Inzagi.

"IS THAT MY MOTORCYCLE?" - Ruru ran to the motorcycle and was in complete shock

The four ladies chuckle at Ruru, as the two enter through the portal

"THIS IS NO LAUGHING MATTER!" - Ruru shouted as she teared up, still holding a smile, as she carried her motorcycle.

"Come on, Ruru! We'll get Kuroha to fix it later!" - Hecate smiled as Ruru sighed and walked through the portal, carrying the motorcycle at ease

Hecate giggles, snaps her finger and teleports the motorcycle and blood away, turning everything in the field back to normal.

"We're not bringing that motorcycle with us, Ruru~ we'll get it fixed later~ promise~" - Hecate said as Ruru crossed her arms and pouted

"Fine." - Ruru continued to pouted, Haruna holding Ruru's hand and giggling.

The portal finally closes, as the heroes celebrate inside Inzagi's room.

"WOO! CHEERS TO MY BABY GIRL SUMIKO AND HER BOYFRIEND!" - Rizette screamed as she raised her glass, filled with apple juice.

The others chuckle and raise their glass as well, also filled with apple juice.

"Cheers to eliminating two tyrants!" - Hecate chuckles as the others cheer as well

"Cheers to Syu's GODDAMN RECOVERY!" - Rizette screamed as the others chuckle and cheered

The heroes laughed and enjoyed their time inside the room, after a long and tiring battle. Though, from the distance of the room, Inzagi sees a dull image of the souls of Rolotia and Fujio.

The two souls bow to Inzagi as they disappear into thin air. Inzagi smiles and hugs Sumiko tightly, Sumiko hugging back, kissing Inzagi on the cheek.

Inzagi smiles and finally feels the success of his mission. Inzagi closes his eyes as this step in his life finally lands on the next stair to greatness.


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