The Burning Truth-Harmony

By Elisedeluxe

161 6 0

The ship swayed in the ocean. Children pretending to be soldiers as they bid their time. The last days before... More

Prologue~Air Bending Master Fujimora
Part 1~Fire Nation Ship
Part 2~Talks
Part 3~Disguises
Part 4~School
Part 5~Trouble Makers
Part 6~The Dance
Part 7~The Town
Part 8~The Painted Lady
Part 9~Secret's Out
Part 10~Thanks
Part 11~Comet
Part 12~Master
Part 14~The Past
Part 15~Roku's Mistake
Part 16~Great Grandfather
Part 17~Scams
Part 18~Hawky
Part 19~Motherly
Part 20~Combustion Man
Part 21~Hama
Part 22~Blood Bending

Part 13~Assassin

3 0 0
By Elisedeluxe

Isu sighed, dipping his feet in the water of the hot spring. Hachi and Zuko sat side by side on the other side of the water, relaxing as Iroh sat in the shade, sharing a cup of tea with Toph. Katara wrung the water out of her hair as Sokka fished.

"Hey, look at that, you're not afraid of the water anymore," Katara chuckled as Isu stuck out her tongue.

"We were never afraid of it. We just can't swim."

"My offer is still out there, I could teach you."

Isu jumped up, scrambling out of the water. "Nope. I'm- I'm good. Maybe another time."

Katara chuckled, watching Isu walk away and collapse down in the shade. She turned, looking at Zuko. "You're going to need to redye your hair soon. Your roots are coming through."

Zuko frowned, pulling at his hair. "I can't wait to not need to dye it at all."

"Well, we should end the war earlier then." Hachi wrapped his arms around Zuko as he blushed.

"Maybe you shouldn't stand so exposed," Toph muttered as Katara shook her head.

"There are walls all around us. It's completely safe."

Toph didn't look completely convinced but did nothing as they relaxed.

A little off, a very bored watchman sat in his chair, sighing as he spun himself in an attempt to keep himself entertained. "This has got to be the most boring job in the Fire Nation. Nothing ever happens."

He grumbled, glancing through his telescope when he spotted something moving. He attempted to get a better view, spotting Isu playing with Corno and using her airbending. "The Avatar's alive. We'd better send a messenger hawk to the Fire Lord."

He stumbled to his feet, getting the messenger hawk from its cage. The watchman attached a message with a black ribbon before letting it fly off.

The hawk flew through the sky, squawking when a raven hawk appeared behind it. The raven hawk watched the other before it dived down, spreading its talons and snatching at the messenger hawk. The raven hawk tied it up with the black ribbon, making it fall to the ground.

The hawk struggled, flapping its wings and trying to escape. The assassin stepped closer, looking over the messenger hawk as the raven hawk landed on his shoulder. He took the message, reading it.

He stared at it, burning it without a word or moment, the third eye tattoo appearing through the burning hole.


Night had come, and the team snuggled down as they slept. Well, not everyone, Toph shot up, her eyes open and confused. "Guys, you're all gonna think I'm crazy, but it feels like a metal man is coming."

Isu groaned, rolling over when she saw the light shining in her eyes. She sat up, frowning as she tried to spot what it was. Katara saw it first. The assassin is standing, moonlight bouncing off his metal hand.

Sokka grabbed his sword as Hachi and Zuko stood up. Everyone was ready to move when the assassin's fire lit up, and the explosions sparked, blowing up when Zuko had been.

Toph began to Earthbender, throwing rocks at the assassin, who exploded them each. A wave threw the group back as Isu spun the air, protecting Toph.

Katara jumped to her feet, running forward. She raised the water, creating a huge wave and pushing it at the assassin. The explosions met the water, causing a huge blast.

Zuko and Hachi grabbed the others as Iroh created a large mist, evaporating the water and letting them hide.


The group hid as the explosion echoed behind them.

"This is crazy! How can we beat a guy who blows things up with his mind?" Sokka looked between the members, a stressed look on his face.

"We can't. Jump on the bison. I'll try to distract him." Isu grinned, rushing off before anyone could stop her.

Hachi gave the others a look as Zuko smiled. "Get the bison. I'll bring her back in one piece."

Hachi still looked unsure, but he didn't get a choice as Katara began dragging him off.

Isu jumped out of the smoke, bending the air around her and dodging another blast from the assassin. She slid down to an area full of rock pillars and hid behind one.

The assassin followed Isu down, looking around when Zuko sent a blast of air at him, using the momentary distraction to hide himself. He waited, watching where the assassin went before shooting across the space, grabbing Isu as she covered his mouth, giving him an unimpressed look.

She created a small spin of air, pushing it around the smoke and causing the assassin to look in that direction.

She pointed at Zuko as they went the other way, not getting far enough when the assassin spotted them, firing another blast at them.

Zuko put up a wall, protecting them as Isu shot back, causing the other explosion to go off earlier. Isu grabbed Zuko, blasting them up and landing atop a pillar when he exploded beneath them.

They jumped across as the pillars blew up until Zuko slammed his feet down, moving the Earth to hit the assassin back.

The Earth exploded as the assassin stood up, firing another shot.

Isu grabbed Zuko, leaping in the air, and she used her airbending to propel herself. Zuko punched in front of them, disintegrating the pillar. Isu blasted the Earth, giving them a softer landing as they crashed into the ground.

The assassin moved forward to find them, looking through the rubble.

Isu and Zuko kept close to the ground, hiding behind the rock. Isu kept her eyes on the assassin as he inspected the rocks. She motioned to Zuko, who took a deep breath, dumping into the open and summoning the rocks to move, surrounding him in rock armour.

The assassin spun, firing another attack. The armour fell off as Isu swiped an attack, hitting the assassin back. She grabbed Zuko, slinging him over her shoulder as she blasted the ground, throwing herself in the air.

Katara stuck out her hand, barely catching the duo as she pulled them on Corno's back. The bison turned away, crying out as they barely avoided the explosions.

"I'm okay." Zuko sat up, groaning a little as Hachi smiled and held him.

"Well, that was random," Toph shouted from Pickle's back, where Sokka was holding the reins.

"I don't think so. I get the feeling he knows who we are." Katara left the others, taking Corno's reins.

Isu made a sound before collapsing, muttering something about sleep.

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