Plot Twist Magazine issue #1

By ShutUpAndWriteClub

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Welcome to the first edition of Plot Twist Magazine. In this month's issue you can find... What this magazine... More

Shut Up and Write News
Plotting Methods
Character Development
Cover Creations
How To Give Feedback
How To Take Feedback
10 Book Recommendations
Book Review - Things We Hide From The Light
Book Review - Verity
Book Review - Midnight
Book Review - The Elf Witch
Agony Author
Writer Spotlight
Community Spotlight

Short Story

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By ShutUpAndWriteClub

By -illusions-_

Dear Matthew,

I know it's weird receiving a letter from someone unknown, but please read through it. If you are reading this, it means I am dead.

My name is Emma, and I've watched you from afar for the longest time. You probably have no idea who I am, and that's okay. I never dared to approach you, let alone speak to you. We live in the same city, yet our worlds have never collided. I am writing this letter because there are things I need to say, things that have been weighing heavily on my heart.

You see, I've loved you for as long as I can remember. It's a love that blossomed silently, like a delicate flower in the shadows. You might be wondering how someone you don't know could feel this way, and it's a fair question. I've come to realize that love is not always logical or reciprocated.

I first noticed you at the coffee shop on Elm Street. You were sitting alone, engrossed in a book, sipping your coffee as if the world around you didn't exist. Your focus was so intense, your mind so absorbed in the words on those pages. I was captivated by the way your eyes danced across the sentences as if you were unraveling the mysteries of the universe with each word.

From that day forward, I visited that coffee shop more often than I care to admit. It became my sanctuary, the place where I could steal glances at you from a distance. I even started reading the books you seemed to enjoy, hoping that I could find a connection with you through the words you held so dear.

I know this might sound crazy, but I started to believe that our lives were intertwined in some cosmic way. I would see you at the bookstore, and I'd convince myself that fate had brought us together. I would catch glimpses of you on the subway, and my heart would race with the hope that our paths were meant to cross.

But reality has a way of crushing even the most beautiful dreams. I never mustered the courage to speak to you. Fear, self-doubt, and a million other insecurities held me back. What if you found my approach intrusive or creepy? What if I was just another face in the crowd, easily forgettable?

As the days turned into months and then years, my love for you only deepened. I watched you celebrate successes, witnessed your moments of vulnerability, and silently comforted you during times of sorrow. I felt like a silent guardian, a spectator in the grand theatre of your life.

I want you to know that my love for you was never possessive or demanding. It was a quiet, selfless love that wished for nothing more than your happiness. I celebrated your victories as if they were my own, and I cried for your losses as if they were etched into my own heart.

Now, you're probably wondering why I chose to write this letter, and why now. The truth is that life is unpredictable, and fate has a way of playing tricks on us. I am writing this because I don't want to leave this world without you knowing that someone out there loved you deeply, even if you never knew her name.

As I pen down these words, I find solace in the thought that my love for you, though unspoken, has been a source of positive energy in your life. I hope that in some way, the universe has allowed my silent affection to touch your soul.

In the end, I want you to live a life filled with joy, love, and passion. Chase your dreams, embrace the moments that take your breath away, and never let fear hold you back. Life is too short for regrets, and I hope you find the courage to pursue the things that truly make your heart sing.

As for me, my time in this world is ending. I want you to remember me not with sadness, but with the knowledge that somewhere, in the quiet corners of life, there was a girl who loved you without expecting anything in return.

With love,


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