A Pair of Silver Wings ✈︎ Maj...

By major-mads

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╰┈➤ Masters of the Air ✈︎ Major John "Bucky" Egan In which flight nurses Ruth Morgan and Hope Armstrong's l... More

Characters and Introductions
Airmen of the 100th Bomb Group
1. Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts
2. The Dance
3. Listen to Your Heart
4. Bars, Bike Rides, and Bittersweet Goodbyes
5. The Dangerous Sky
7. Lucky 25
8. Airman Down!
9. The Anatomy of Courage
Interlude 1: The Letter
10. The Soliloquy
11. The Wire
Interlude 2: Ghost of You

6. One Helluva Party

988 22 5
By major-mads

Wednesday, September 8th: AAF Grove, Berkshire: 2200 HRS

Ruth's boots thudded against the cement floor of the girls' hut as she paced up and down the center aisle. The blonde held a slip of paper, endlessly pouring over the list on it.

"Streamers, check. Distracting John duty, check. Cha-"

"Ruth," Hope groaned. "Go to bed. You've looked over that list a million times."

Her steps halted and she turned to her friend with a sigh. "I just want his party to be perfect."

"I know you do, but you have nothing to worry about. Tatty and Helen are getting everything taken care of until we can get up there tomorrow. Please go to sleep, Rue." Hope rolled over on her small cot, turning away from her pacing friend.

"Fine," Ruth relented, tossing the list onto her nightstand before sliding beneath her covers. She rolled over to face Hope, her lips pursed in thought. "Do you think-"

"Go to sleep."

Her mind wouldn't shut off as she continued to worry about the party. "But what-"

"Ruth! Just shut up and sleep." Hope didn't even open her eyes to scold her this time, and she pulled the covers up over her head.

"Okay," she sighed quietly, turning onto her back, her mind still racing over all the events for the following day. She only hoped that everything would go according to plan. 

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

The Next Day: Sep. 9th: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich: 1500 HRS: 3 PM

The previous night was filled with restless sleep for Ruth, and her nervousness battled excitement in her chest when Frank discreetly pulled up behind the Red Cross hut.

"I'm not your personal chauffeur, you know," he sassed, turning off the engine. "I don't like wasting my day passes to take you two up here."

Hope rolled her eyes as she got out of the car. "But you still do it each time we ask, don't you?"

Frank mumbled some choice words under his breath, helping the girls unload their bags from the trunk of the car. "I only do this so I know you get here safely. With your navigation skills and Ruth's nerves, who the hell knows where you'd end up."

Hope just glared at him with narrowed eyes. She wasn't that bad of a navigator but they missed one turn once and he'd given her hell for it ever since.

Helen and Tatty hurried down the steps to greet them, both quickly embracing the girls. The four had become good friends over their multiple visits to Thorpe Abbotts and their reunions always resulted in a big hug.

"You two ready for tonight?" Tatty asked, hurrying Ruth and Hope inside.

"You betcha, Ruth's been driving me up the wall planning the damn thing. I've been waiting for her to have a nervous breakdown over it." Hope smiled fondly at Ruth who just continued to chew her lip anxiously.

The blonde sighed. "I just want everything to be perfect...it has to be."

"And it will be Ruth," Helen placed an arm around Ruth's shoulder. "Don't worry, everything is in hand."

"The boys are on a mission and won't be back until around four this afternoon. I've got Cleven and Armstrong on diversion duty to keep John as far away from the Officers' Club as possible," Tatty informed them, bundling a box of bunting underneath her arm. "We've got our work cut out ladies, but I think we can pull this off."

The first order of business was to get the decorations up.

The women carefully draped colorful streamers from every surface possible, and by the time they were through, the bland dance hall and bar were vibrant with color. Ruth removed the wrinkled list from her pocket, checking off the "decorate club" box from her to-do's.

"Alright. What do we have left?" Tatty asked, walking over to Ruth.

The nurse glanced down at her list with a hum, then suddenly her eyes widened and she gasped, throwing a hand over her mouth. "The banner! I can't believe I forgot! It's in the car, I'll be right back."

She left the club in a tizzy, the door closing behind her with a slam. Hope, Tatty, and Helen all shared a worried glance as the loud sound echoed through the hall.

"You're right, Hope. She's too wound up about this," Helen said as she picked up the box of leftover decorations.

A sigh left Hope's lips. "She wants John to have the best birthday possible. He means so much to her."

"I think the feeling's mutual," Tatty chuckled, thinking back to when the pair rumbled up to her hut the week before. "I've never seen John wrapped around a woman's finger before, but Ruth's done it. I didn't think it was possible."

Smiling softly, Hope twisted the engagement ring around her finger and thought about how much their lives changed in such a short time. "Yep. She's something else, alright."

"And I've never seen Gale as happy, either," Helen added with a smirk.

Hope ducked her head blushing as she glanced down at the engagement ring adorning her finger, "I know things may seem rushed, but when you know, you know. I couldn't imagine loving anyone else."

Tatty groaned in the background about how sickeningly in love they were, causing the two girls to laugh.

"Well, I'm very happy for you, Hope, and looking at that ring, your man has taste."

Hope chuckled, "Actually..."

The back door swung open, and Ruth rushed in holding a folded-up sheet. The woman's curls were disheveled and her cheeks were bright red as she leaned against the door, out of breath. "They-," she panted, her chest heaving. "They're back."

"Rue, you alright?" Hope asked, concern etching her face. "Why do you look like you just ran a marathon?"

"Because I was getting out of the car and then I saw John on a truck, so I dove back into the back seat and wait-," she held up a hand to them, pausing to breathe heavily. "Waited for him to go into a building and then I bolted."

Tatty's eyes flicked down to her watch quickly. "They're right on time, then. It's already 16:30."

"What?!" Ruth blurted as a wave of panic coursed through her. "Everyone will be here in an hour and we still haven't gotten the banner up!"

Hope put a hand on her shoulder. "Rue."

"And I still need to get-"


Finally, her worry-filled sky-blue eyes snapped to her friend's. "What?"

"You need to calm down," Hope said gently but firmly. "Everything looks perfect. Johnny's going to love it."

Just as the night before, Ruth's mind refused to turn it down a notch, and she sighed. "We still need to hang the happy birthday banner, Hope."

"We'll do that and then we're done, alright?" Hope asked, squeezing her shoulder comfortably before looking at the two other women. "You two good to hang up the banner? I've got to get her all dolled up."

Ruth opened her mouth to object but Hope shot her a glare, sending the blonde's gaze to the floor. She couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety that gnawed at her insides. She knew she was being irrational, but the pressure to make everything flawless was overwhelming.

Helen nodded with a small smile, taking the banner from Ruth. "That sounds like a plan. You two go get ready in our hut! We'll see you in a bit!"

The dark-haired nurse practically dragged Ruth from the officer's club to the Red Cross hut where they quickly got ready. Hope helped re-curl the falling waves in her best friend's golden hair, and from the way she chewed on her bottom lip, Hope knew she was thinking about her Major.

"Do you think he'll like it?" she asked quietly.

"Rue, you could have one measly streamer hanging from the ceiling and he'd love it just the same. He's gonna be more excited to see you than anything."

"I hope so."

Hope smiled at Ruth reassuringly in the mirror, "I know so."

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

John groaned, stepping out of the interrogation hut. He hated interrogation. As if it wasn't bad enough experiencing everything the first time, you then had to relive it. He stretched his aching arms above his head, all he wanted was a shower and a drink.

It was his birthday after all.

Gale and Hugh soon appeared from the hut after him, also stretched out their aching muscles, and the three made their way across to the shower block.

"You got any plans for tonight, Bucky?" Hugh asked, a smirk plastered across his face and Gale elbowed him warningly. He couldn't have Hugh giving the game away, not after all Ruth's hard work.

"I don't know, Sparky. I was just going to shower and then head over to the club for a drink. You boys in?"

Gale and Hugh glanced at each other, a silent question passing between the pilots.

"Sure thing, Bucky," Gale responded first, throwing his arm over his friend's shoulder, "Can't have you celebrating alone now, can I?"

"Good, because I plan for this to be a night we remember," he thought for a moment, rubbing his hand over his mustache, "Or more like a night we don't remember. But don't worry, I won't go too off the rails," He cackled, strolling ahead of them.

Hugh turned to Gale, his eyes wide as he hissed, "How the hell are we supposed to keep him out of the club?"

Gale shrugged his shoulders, seemingly very calm about the whole situation, "We'll find a way."

"Hey," Bucky called out, stopping with his hands on his hips as he waited for them to catch up.

The pair shared a wary glance, panicking at the possibility of his overhearing them.

Ruth would kill them if he found out.

They reached him, and John pursed his lips in thought, "You got a letter from Hope today or yesterday?"

Buck and Hugh nearly sighed in relief at the question. The cat wasn't out of the bag yet!

"Yeah," Gale replied, "Got one yesterday. Why?"

Johnny nodded once, his gaze falling to the dirt beneath their feet. "Nothing."

Hugh cocked an eyebrow at the man's sudden change in demeanor. "What is it?"

"I guess I thought Ruth would've sent me a letter for my birthday, that's all," he shrugged.

Trying to keep a sly grin off his face, Buck threw an arm over his shoulder and got the trio moving toward the shower block again. "The night is still young, Bucky. There's still time for a letter to get here."

"Yeah, you never know," Hugh added with a smirk, ignoring the sharp glare Buck gave him as he walked past the duo. He then checked his watch.

17:00...One hour til' showtime.

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

"Hey Buck, what was this 'way' you have planned to keep Johnny-boy from the club? Because now might be a good time to know about it," Hugh hissed, yanking his underwear onto his still-wet body as he continued to fight his clothes on in his haste.

"I didn't say I had anything planned. I said 'we' would find a way, so if you've got any ideas, Charlie, now would be a really good time to share them," Gale spoke in a hushed whisper, gazing back down the hut to check the water was still flowing in Bucky's cubicle.

Hugh threw his hands in the air, "Well I don't know, do I? I think half the time John just wants to punch me in the face."

Gale hummed, "Maybe that's what we should do then."

Hugh glared at him through the hole of his shirt, pulling it violently over his head before he responded, "Gee, thanks Gale, maybe I should tell my sister that her future husband is a brute and he got me duffed up."

"I think Hope would be inclined to agree with me..."

"What's Hope agreeing to now? She already agreed to marry you, Buck, what more can she agree to?" John asked, wandering up to them with just his towel draped precariously around his waist.

"Bucky!" Both men called out, their voices a little higher than they would have liked. John cocked an eyebrow at them and Gale stared wide-eyed at Hugh, waiting for their next move.

"So Bucky, we've got a nice birthday treat for you planned..." Hugh began, hoping that Gale wasn't about to tackle him to the ground. "We thought it would be nice to head back to the hut, crack open a bottle of my old Vat 69, and make a night of it. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like you don't know me very well at all, My Dear Sparky," John rested his hand on Hugh's shoulder, and within a split second Hugh folded.

"It was Gale's idea."

Gale glared harshly at Hugh before meeting John's gaze with a simple nod.

John sighed, "Buck, I get that you're not a big drinker, and that's fine, why don't you go write a letter to Hope or something while Sparky and I head down to the club to have ourselves some fun?"

John wasn't sure why he ribbed Gale about writing letters to Hope. He wrote just as many letters to Ruth, if not more. With Gale though, it was the time he spent pouring over the letter, changing little bits, and then rewriting it until it was perfect. He'd sit in the corner for hours, his tongue stuck out the corner of his mouth as his pen flowed effortlessly across the page.

Gale sighed, "Okay, we'll head down to the club at 18:00, okay? Let's go back to the hut first so we can drop this back. Maybe I'll have some time to finish my letter to Hope too, and then we can go. Sound good?" Gale really hoped this sounded like a fair deal because if not, he was all out of options.

John thought for a moment before nodding, "You know, you drive a hard bargain, Buck. Good thing I like you."

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

18:00 HRS: 6 PM

Six o'clock rolled around quickly, and Gale found himself sighing with relief as the trio walked towards the Officers' Club. They'd managed to keep the secret and everything had gone to plan. He'd have to have a word with Hope regarding no surprises at their wedding...his heart couldn't take the suspense.

John was out in front with Hugh, bickering again about the Cardinals and the Yankees, an argument that Gale had heard so often he managed to tune the whole thing out now.

As they neared the club, Gale took the lead, winking at Hugh as he hurried passed to reach the door first. If John noticed anything suspicious, he hadn't let on, but from the way he'd been watching Gale's every move across the nissen hut earlier, he definitely knew something was up.

"Hey Buck, what are you in such a hurry for, they're not gonna run out of ginger beer," John called out, cackling loudly at his T-total friend. Gale ignored the comment. He'd grown used to them over the years.

"Very funny, Bucky. I thought you'd be the one in a rush to get here. You're the one who wanted a drink, after all," Gale retorted, appreciating Hugh's laughter.

"You two are like an old married couple! Forget Hope and Ruth. It's you two that sound like you live together," Hugh ducked as John went to smack the back of his head, but he was unable to avoid Gale's foot that he'd stuck out to the side and Hugh stumbled over it, recovering himself quickly.

"Good trip there, Sparky," John chortled, and Gale just smirked cheekily.

Hugh brushed down the front of his uniform, despite it never actually touching the ground. "You're lucky you're marrying my sister, Cleven."

As they reached the door to the club, it became obvious how unusually quiet it was. Normally by this time the band had struck up a familiar tune or there was loud laughter from inside. The silence was rather eerie, and John found himself growing uneasy.

What exactly was going on?

Gale's hand reached out to the door, swinging it back on its hinges and standing aside. "Happy birthday, Bucky."

John glanced up at his friend before looking back inside the club. Everything in the small entrance looked normal, but the silence and the suspense only grew.

Why was Gale being so cryptic?

Sparing his best friend one last wary look, Johnny stepped through the doors.


"What?!" A wide smile broke out on the Major's face, his eyes widening as he took in the hall...the lights, the decorations, his smiling friends.

'Happy Birthday John,' the banner read.

He opened his mouth to speak, but all the thoughts in his mind flew out the window when a familiar blonde rushed towards him, grinning from ear to ear.

"Happy birthday!" Ruth giggled, throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him down into a kiss. Surprised at her sudden forwardness, he froze for a moment before returning it, sliding his hands around her waist.

The sound of wolf whistles echoed around the club while Hope caught Gale's gaze from behind the pair. A lazy grin pulled at the corner of his lips at the sight of his fiancée, and he sent her a wink as she made her way over to him.

When Ruth and the birthday boy finally pulled away, he peered down at her with a smile so filled with joy that his eyes were almost squinted shut. Her cheeks flushed rosy, but not from embarrassment. John saw the way her eyes were in a daze but still sparkled up at him like the night sky.

He knew that look.

"Someone's had a few drinks, huh?" he grinned.

Looking over Ruth's shoulder, his eyes met Hope's and he tilted her head towards the woman in his arms with an amused brow. She simply shrugged, throwing a hand over her mouth when a laugh escaped her lips at the bright red lipstick stains that smeared on his mouth, some even up in his mustache.

"Happy birthday, hotshot," Ruth whispered as she kissed his cheek.

Another lipstick stain.

John's grip loosened on her waist, but Ruth's hands slid around his torso, keeping herself tight against him. Chuckling under his breath, he turned them toward Gale and Hugh. "So this is why you two were acting weird."

Buck saw the same lipstick stains on his face, and unlike his fiancée, made no effort to conceal his laugh. "You got a little something all over your face there, Johnny boy."

He quickly did his best to wipe away the red marks, but only smudged them against his skin, leaving splotches of pink on his chin and cheek. "I thought you were up to something, I just didn't know what."

"Well, your girl, here, was the mastermind behind this whole thing," Buck grinned, nodding towards Ruth. "Been planning it for weeks."

John's eyes narrowed playfully as he grinned down at her. "You sneaky woman."

"I'm surprised you didn't somehow feel her worrying from here in Thorpe Abbotts," Hope said from under Gale's arm. "She damn near drove me and Frank crazy."

"Oh, you're full of it!" Ruth cried, her eyes widening dramatically as she shot Hope a wide-mouthed smile. "Don't even get me started on you stressing about wedding planning!"

Above the women's heads, Gale and John shared an amused glance, neither having seen them go at it before.

"Who wouldn't be stressed about their wedding?"

"Well, I'm sorry for wanting Major Hot Stuff here to have the best birthday possible," Ruth said plainly, patting John's chest.

John was thankful he hadn't gotten a drink yet because it surely would've spewed from his lips all over Buck. "Major Hot Stuff?" he choked out as he attempted to compose himself, a toothless grin tugging at his lips. "Just how much did you drink, doll?"

"Not much," Ruth replied innocently and stepped impossibly closer to him before tripping into John's side, his hands instantly coming up to support her. She giggled happily and John couldn't help the amused smile that spread across his face.

"She may have had a little too much for her," Hope interjected, "To calm the nerves, you see." Hope found the whole thing rather amusing in all honesty. Ruth had been so uptight ever since she'd started the party planning that it was nice to see her relaxing again.

Gale smiled fondly, watching as John guided Ruth to a table, settling her down in the corner.

"Shall we?" He offered Hope her arm and she gladly accepted, letting her fiancée lead her to the table where she seated herself between Gale and Hugh, opposite Ruth and John.

The rest of the men soon followed suit, all crowding around the table to find a seat. Harry Crosby perched next to Hugh, greeting Hope as he took his seat. DeMarco sat on the other side of Gale, and Meatball found his way to nestle his head into Hope's lap.

"Hey Meatball, who's a good boy," Hope scratched behind the dog's ear and he flopped against her, whining and grunting as she hit the right spot. Gale watched the interaction adoringly.

How did he manage to find a girl so perfect?

"So Buck, tell me about this wedding you're planning then. First I heard about it was from Croz this morning," DeMarco asked, leaning across so he could eye Gale and Hope suspiciously.

Harry looked sheepishly at Hope but she just smiled, he'd been in the infirmary when she'd dropped off supplies earlier and he'd noticed the ring.

"Couldn't keep one secret, could ya, Croz," Hugh jested, grabbing Harry and ruffling his hair affectionately. Harry protested, smacking Hugh's hands away and the pair began to squabble like children.

"Yep, it's official. I popped the question and she said yes," Gale replied, wrapping his arm around Hope's shoulder, "She's the only one for me."

He smiled down at Hope and she reached up, pressing her lips to his, followed by a few low whistles and cheers from their fellow crew members, while Hugh merely made gagging noises.

"I'm happy for you, Buck. I really am," John raised his glass, nodding towards his friend. "I would've paid to see this one's reaction," he chuckled, motioning to Ruth who was grinning beside him, tucked under his arm. She smiled fondly, thinking back on the day she found out her best friend was engaged to one of the loveliest men she'd ever met.

Hope perched on the edge of the bed, her sore leg giving her some grief. She'd been on her feet most of the day, sorting things out around the base and she was paying for it now. Blood seeped through the fresh bandages and she winced, peeling the fabric away from the wound.

"I told you not to do too much," Ruth scolded, sitting down on her bed opposite Hope, "But you never listen."

Hope just glared at her. Ruth was right, but she wasn't about to admit that.

"What would Gale say if he saw you hurrying all over base today? You know he'd be saying the same thing as me, Hope. We care about you, so please just take it easy," Ruth pleaded, reaching over to squeeze her friend's shoulder. Her eyes trailed down to the wound on Hope's thigh and she noticed the gold ring that adorned her finger.

"WHAT IS THAT?" She screeched a little too loudly, grabbing Hope's left hand and holding it up to her face. "THAT'S A RING! A ENGAGEMENT RING!"

Hope chuckled at her friend's enthusiasm, pulling her hand back and admiring the ring herself, "Gale popped the question in the infirmary while he was patching me up yesterday, and I said yes."

Ruth looked at her dumbfounded before she smacked Hope's arm, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?"

"There was a lot going on yesterday, it sort of slipped my mind," Hope admitted, feeling guilty that she hadn't told her best friend.

"Slipped your mind? You mean to tell me that your engagement just 'slipped your mind?' Hope Armstrong, I am your best friend and you didn't tell me first!" Ruth looked utterly betrayed as Hope moved to sit beside her.

"I'm so sorry, Rue, I should have told you. Everything was just so emotional yesterday and it all happened so quickly. Then we had to leave the base and things have been just as crazy here, but that's no excuse. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"It's okay. At least I knew before Johnny," she chuckled, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Just wait 'til he finds out!"

Hope cringed slightly and Ruth's smile faltered. "I did know before John, right?"


"That sneaky piece of shit!"

The guilt that swirled within Hope's stomach dissipated as Ruth's curse echoed through the hut. She didn't swear much, so when she did on occasion, Hope could never keep a smile from her lips. "I don't think he wanted to spoil the surprise."

"Yeah, yeah," Ruth playfully frowned, waving her hand in the air. "He's a doggone traitor."

But the frown didn't last long and quickly changed into a wide smile as she threw herself onto Hope, trying to avoid her injured leg, her eyes shining with unshed tears. "I'm so happy for you, Hope. Gale is a great guy, and I know you two are going to have a long and happy life together."

Hope smiled, "Thanks Rue, it means a lot."

"I guess my question now is..." Ruth took a deep breath, "Can I be your maid of honor?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

Hope smiled, thinking back to the conversation she had with Ruth after her engagement. There was no way on Earth she could walk down the aisle without Ruth by her side, and Hugh of course. She glanced at her brother who was trying to loudly explain something irrelevant to Jack across the table.

The room was buzzing with life, laughter, and cheers of excitement filled the room as Tatty brought over the chocolate cake and laid it before John, a few candles stuck into the icing.

Everyone around the table erupted into a chorus...

"Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday to you,

Happy birthday dear Bucky,

Happy birthday to you!"

Hoots, hollers, and laughter followed as John leaned forward with a beaming smile, extinguishing the candles in one breath. He fell back into his chair, laughing wildly. Ruth snuggled back in under his arm and he pulled her close, pressing his lips to her hairline.

"You're too good to me, slugger," he murmured against her skin.

Ruth looked delightedly back at him, "You deserve it. Happy birthday.."

He craned his neck to look down at her, trying to engrain the moment into his mind before he leaned in and captured her lips in his. It was short and sweet but conveyed all the gratitude and affection John felt for the nurse.

Although he may not have said it out loud, she meant everything to him.

Ruth glanced over at Hope as she pushed her chair away from the table, brushing the creases from her dress. Gale's hand that had been resting on her thigh moved quickly, clutching her hand.

"Where are you going?" Gale glanced up at her, his long lashes casting shadows beneath his eyes.

"Don't worry," Hope bent over, pressing her lips to his cheek, "I won't be long."

Gale released her hand reluctantly, his eyes following her across the hall as she disappeared behind the band. He was confused about what she was up to, her sideways glances between the stage and back all evening gave him an uneasy feeling in his stomach.

John was laughing loudly at something Benny had said when her familiar voice came over the microphone.

"Could I have everyone's attention please," Hope spoke softly but firmly into the microphone, causing everyone in the room to turn. "Thank you." Hope looked a little nervous, her hands clasped in front of her.

She wasn't used to public speaking, having never really been a fan of big crowds ever since she went to a baseball game with Hugh. It was probably one of the main reasons why she made a good nurse, the one-on-one contact with another person was something that came so naturally to her.

She cleared her throat, trying to avoid all the eyes that were suddenly on her and concentrate on the one pair of eyes that truly mattered to her. Gale's.

"Like me, you are all here to celebrate a certain Major's birthday. I'm sure all of you have many stories you could tell about Bucky." The room erupted into a small chorus to 'to rights' and 'hell yeah we do'.

"So what can I say about Major John Egan? I've only known him for two months and he sure does love to rock the boat. He's quite the character," a few mumbled agreements followed.

"He's a damn good pilot and a good friend. I couldn't think of anyone more suited for Ruth," Hope pointed towards her friend. "I would also like to thank the very lovely Ruth Morgan for putting this whole evening together for us."

Several cheers erupted around the table, and for once, Ruth's cheeks didn't flush. She held her head high as John reached out and brushed her curls away, kissing her temple with a chuckle, obviously noticing the change from her usual behavior.

"Thank you again, doll," he mumbled, a soft smile on his lips, but before Ruth could speak up, Hope began talking over the microphone once more.

"So without further ado, this one's for you, John," Hope moved across the stage and placed the record down onto the gramophone.

The disk turned for a few seconds until the smooth trumpet began to play, Hope tapped her foot along to the beat, waiting for her time to start.

"Blue skies, smiling at me

Nothing but blue skies do I see"

Hope's voice flowed effortlessly into the microphone, playing through the horn, filling the long hall with life.

"Blue days, all of them gone

Nothing but blue skies from now on"

Hope's eyes met Gale's, as he beamed at her from the audience, a wide smile gracing his handsome face and his blue eyes sparkled in awe. She'd never felt so enamored in her life than she did at that moment under Gale's gaze, and the lyrics flowed easily.

"Blue days, all of them gone

Nothing but blue skies from now on"

Ruth and John swayed beside each other from their cozy spot at the table. His arm draped over her shoulder as he spoke quietly to her.

"You're an adorable drunk, you know that?"

Her high-pitched giggles filled the air around them as she beamed up at him. "I'm not drunk."

"Maybe not yet, but you're sure tipsy," he chuckled, sipping his second pint of the night. "I'm starting to think I'm a bad influence."

"You? Never! It's not like you got blackout drunk and pulled a Narwhal tusk off-"

Before Ruth could finish her sentence, John's hand quickly covered her mouth, his eyes widening in mock horror. "Aaaand that's it for you, Ruthie. Speaking privileges revoked."

"Hey!" She protested into his palm, trying to pry his hand away.

"Are you ready to be nice, now? You can't be mean to the birthday boy. It's against the rules."

Ruth rolled her eyes, her words muffled against his hand. "And who came up with these rules?"

"Yours truly."

Just as she started to snark back at him, the song came to an end and the crowd burst into a round of applause as Hope made her way from the stage to Gale's side.

Eyeing her skeptically, Bucky slowly removed his hand from her mouth and tilted his face down towards her. "You gonna behave?"

Before she could stop herself, Ruth's mouth spat the first thought that ran through her inebriated mind. "Only if you want me to."

The blonde's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as soon as the words left her lips, and she threw a hand over her mouth, her eyes widening in horror. Johnny's eyebrows shot up in surprise, amusement and disbelief painting his features as he peered down at her.

"That did not just come out of my mouth," she blurted. "Please tell me I didn't say that."

Bucky's lips twitched with suppressed laughter as he nodded slowly, teasing her. "Oh, you definitely did."

Groaning, she buried her still reddening face into her hands. "I can't believe I just said that. I'm never drinking again."

John decided that he rather liked tipsy Ruth...but not as much as his darling, sober, Ruth. This Ruth was more carefree, the almost ever-present flicker of concern in her eyes gone as she simply enjoyed what happened around her.

The woman's heart was so big, and John knew that was why she felt everything so deeply...because she loved so deeply.

Hope settled back down beside Gale, and his arm instinctively wrapped around her shoulders, pulling her into his side one more.

"That was beautiful," Gale mumbled, pressing his lips to her temple.

Hope smiled up at him, "Thank you," she chuckled, "Just wait until it's your birthday, Major. I have a whole lot up my sleeve."

Gale hummed in amusement, kissing her temple again, "I look forward to it."

"Hey, hey," John butted in, snapping his fingers at them over the table. "You two keep that for your alone time. We've got a cake to eat, and I'm gonna hurl like Croz here if you keep talking like that."

"Oh, come on!" Harry sighed, dragging a tired hand down his face. "I'm never gonna live that down."

Ruth remembered Hope telling her of the poor navigator's airsickness, and she was relieved that her own bout of projectile vomiting stopped in the early stages of her training at Bowman Field. The rumble of John's chest against her broke her from her thoughts.

"But thank you, Hope. You almost sounded as good as me up there."

"Well, that's an insult," Bill Veal scoffed, pulling up a chair to the table.

The table exploded in laughter and nods of agreement and Ruth nodded, snickering to herself as Johnny's face screwed up in playful confusion. "I thought you liked my singing?"

"Oh, I do," she smiled and patted his cheek gently. "But I never said you were Frank Sinatra, hon."

"Well, in that case, I guess I'll have to impress you with my dance moves."

John stood to his feet, pulling Ruth with him by her hand. "See you, boys."

He tugged her behind him to the dance floor where a few other couples were already dancing their hearts out to the upbeat tune of Glenn Miller's 'A String of Pearls.' With a wide grin, John spun Ruth around the dance floor, watching her face light up as they got lost in the moment. With every spin, dip, and kiss, their laughter filled the room, and even though Ruth stumbled a few times, Bucky's firm grip kept her steady, his smile never faltering.

They became aware of the Armstrong siblings' presence on the dance floor when a few "sorry's" filled the air, and John cackled as he watched Hugh spin his sister into other couples, earning a few cross glares.

"Good thing you don't fly like you dance, Sparky," Bucky called, "You'd take out the whole 8th Air Force with those skills!"

Hugh spun around, ready to defend his honor, but Hope quickly swung him away from Ruth and John with a small smile.

A few more fast-paced songs passed until the tempo slowed and the couple began to sway gently back and forth. Their faces shone with the lightest shimmer of sweat as they breathlessly smiled at each other. Bridging the gap between them, Ruth pulled John down by his neck and pressed another kiss against his lips. She could taste whiskey and a hint of mint lingering from his signature chewing gum.

"Can we go somewhere quiet?" she panted softly.

A smirk made its way onto his reddened face. "Yeah," John nodded before leading them through dancing couples to the back door.

The cool September night soothed the heat of their cheeks as they pushed through the entrance, the sounds of Glenn Miller muffling as the door closed behind them.

Squeezing her hand once, Bucky pulled her away from the building. "I've got the perfect place in mind."

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

19:00 HRS: 7 PM: Mugwump Hardstand

"Up here?" Ruth giggled, pointing at the tall wing above her head. "I can't even reach the thing."

Johnny's lips curled into a grin as he widened his stance and got low, lacing his fingers together. "Come on, I'll give you a boost."

After staring at him with narrowed eyes for a few moments, Ruth sighed and lifted one foot into his hands, bracing herself against his shoulders. "You better not drop me, Major."

"I won't. You're light as a feather, doll," he laughed, raising his eyebrows. "If anything, you'd be the one to make yourself fall, Miss Clutz."

Ruth smacked his shoulder playfully with a roll of her eyes. "Oh, shut up."

Counting to three, he easily hoisted her up to the wing and handed her the small brown parcel she'd placed on the ground. Ruth sat at the edge of the wing, her feet dangling below her as she fixed the twine bow tied around John's gift. She couldn't deny the pang of anxiety that ran through her at the sobering thought of actually giving him the present.

'What if he doesn't like it?' she thought.

She was pulled from her thoughts when John's warm thigh pressed against hers. "You know, nobody's ever done something like this for me."

"A surprise party?"

"No," he said quietly, staring out at the English countryside. "Just made me feel special, I guess...so, thank you, Ruth. This is the best birthday I've had in a while."

Ruth leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing contently as he slid his hand to her waist. "You deserve it. I know things have been rough lately."

"Yeah," he mumbled absentmindedly.

"How was the mission?"

He sucked his teeth and took a deep breath. "Mine got scrubbed over target, but Buck's dropped. No casualties."

"You split up? That's not normal, is it?"

"Doesn't happen much, but Buck being up there without me...I hate it. I know I shouldn't worry and that he can take care of himself, but I feel better when I can watch his back, you know?"

Ruth sat up off his shoulder and turned to face him, tucking her leg beneath her. "He's your best friend, John. It's okay to worry about him."

"I know," he nodded with pursed lips. "I just used to think we were invincible, and then..."

'Then Curt,' Ruth thought, her heart clenching as she heard a twinge of pain in his voice. 'Then they lost so many.'

Neither spoke for a few moments, the sounds of the party in the distance hanging in the air.

"Curt and I, we uh, used to come up here," John said quietly, his mind flashing back to the night he'd asked his friend to punch him...begged him to make him feel something. "He liked you a lot. Told me I seemed happier since we met."

Gently laying a hand on his thigh, Ruth waited for him to continue.

Bucky's mournful gaze softened as his eyes drifted from the countryside down to her moonlit face. "I am, you know," he admitted, running the back of his hand against the soft skin of her cheek. "Happier. Tonight especially, doll."

"You make me happier, too, John. That's all I wanted for tonight. For you to have a good time and enjoy yourself."

"Trust me, I did...I am."

He then tilted her chin up to him and kissed her softly, sighing against her lips as they pulled apart, foreheads resting against the others.

"I have something for you," Ruth whispered, her heart skipping a beat in anticipation as she grabbed it off the wing beside her. "It's not much, alright? Don't get your hopes up."

She held the small brown package between them with a nervous smile, watching John's eyes brighten and a toothless grin tug on his lips. "Oh, Ruthie, you didn't have to."

Ruth shrugged before excitedly shoving it into his hand. "I wanted to. Now open it!"

With a chuckle, he took it from her and removed the twine, followed by the paper, revealing a book.

"The Odor of Violets," John read aloud, a line growing between his brows. "A mystery novel."

Panic surged through the blonde at his reaction, or lack thereof, and she found herself rambling as she reached to take it back. "I'm sorry, this was a terrible gift. I-I can take it back if you don't like it. It's set in New York and has action, so I thought you'd maybe-"

Before she could finish her sentence, John cut her off with another kiss, his lips pressing firmly against hers. When they parted, he held her gaze with a soft intensity that sent goosebumps across her body. "Ruthie," he murmured lowly, a soft smile painting his features. "I love it. It's the best gift I've ever gotten. Thank you."

Relief flooded her system and a radiant smile spread across her face as she scanned his for any sign of dishonesty. "You're not just saying that?"

"Course not. You could've gotten me a damn pack of gum and I'd love it."

Ruth's heart swelled at his words, her doubts vanishing like wisps of smoke in the night as his eyes traced the delicate curves of her face illuminated by the soft glow of the moon. His eyes flickered to her lips before closing the gap between them, kissing her gently with his hand cradling her jaw. Their movements were slow, each brush of their lips bringing warmth to her already rosy cheeks.

As they pulled back, John's face hovered just inches from Ruth's, his breath mingling with hers in the cool night air. His grey eyes were full of longing and desire as he gazed into her baby blues shining with anticipation. Their close proximity sent shivers down her spine, and she couldn't help but grasp his tie and tug him into another kiss, her heart racing with a feeling she'd never experienced before.

Immediately reciprocating the action, Johnny gripped her waist, and with a soft sigh, she leaned into him. The kiss deepened as he eased her onto the cool metal surface of the wing. With his hands braced against the wing on either side of her body, John hovered over Ruth, his eyes not leaving hers as their lips continued to meet. Their embrace grew slightly more intense, fueled by the growing passion between them, and Ruth's mind went fuzzy as she tangled her fingers in his curls and tugged him closer, reveling in the sensation of his lips and body against hers.

His lips trailed from hers down to her jaw, placing delicate kisses along it until a giggle bubbled up from her. John's face hovered directly over hers with a toothy grin. "What?" he asked breathlessly.

Ruth beamed up at him, her eyes shining with joy as she ran her thumb over his mustache. "It tickles."


She nodded, biting her bottom lip to contain her smile. "Yeah."

"Well, in that case..." John grinned, peppering kisses all over her face and making sure to excessively brush his upper lip across her skin.

Ruth's giggles filled the air and with each one, John's heart skipped a beat in his chest. He decided her laugh was his favorite sound in the world, and that he wouldn't be upset if he heard it for the rest of his days.

"Hey!" Ruth exclaimed, mischief flashing in her eyes as she brought a finger to point at her lips. "You're missing your target, Major."

Bucky's brows raised and crinkled his forehead. "We can't have that, now, can we?"

Once more, their lips met, but it was gentler than before, a kiss of pure adoration. John groaned softly against her lips, his open-mouthed sighs barely above the gentle English breeze as she played with the hair on the nape of his neck.

He was like putty beneath her touch and he knew it.

Fighting every instinct inside him, John pulled away from her, pressing a soft peck on her cheek before rolling onto his back and staring at the moonlit clouds above them. Ruth followed suit, nestling into his side as he wrapped his arm around her, the other propped behind his head.

"Thank you," John rasped as he squeezed her hip lightly. "For everything. Not just for tonight, either."

Ruth lifted her head to get a better look at his face. His brows furrowed and he pursed his lips in thought staring into the sky. Resting her hands on his chest, she propped her chin atop them, studying his features. "You don't have to thank me. You never have to thank me, John. I-"

The words that came to her mind hit her like a punch in the gut...I love you.

In all of her 24 years, Ruth Morgan never felt strongly about anyone to even think the words, but with John, her Bucky, her hotshot, the words almost spilled from her lips involuntarily.

She loved him. She knew that, but a little voice in the back of her mind screamed at her to wait. That it was too soon.

"I-I'm here for you," she finished instead, her stomach swirling with regret as soon as the words left her lips.

Johnny's gaze softened as he looked at her. "I know you are. And that means more than you'll ever know, doll."

He brought a hand up to gently cup her cheek, his touch warm against her skin. Ruth's heart fluttered at his touch and her breath caught in her throat as she met his gaze. The moment stretched between them, neither able to tear their eyes away from the ones across from them.

"I'm here, too," he nodded. "Whenever you need me."

Ruth's lips formed into a bashful grin and she laid her head back down on his chest, her fingers tracing lazy circles on his shirt.

"You know," she sighed, allowing the steady beat of his heart to calm her racing one. "I never imagined I'd find myself here, lying on the wing of a B-17 with someone like you."

John chuckled, the sound vibrating beneath her cheek. "Someone like me? So you're sayin' you imagined being here with some other chump?"

"You know what I mean," Ruth groaned, playfully swatting his arm as her laughter hung in the air.

He grinned at her, his eyes sparkling in the dim light. "Yeah, I do. And I gotta say, I'm glad it's me up here with you, too."

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

20:10 HRS: 8:10 PM

The couple spent a while longer talking into the quiet night until the music in the distance stopped playing, and they knew it was time to return to their huts. They walked hand in hand to the Red Cross hut where the women were waiting inside excitedly for their last two occupants to arrive.

Stopping at the door, Ruth chewed at her lip and turned to face John, sliding her arms around his shoulders. "Goodnight, handsome. Happy birthday," she whispered.

"Night," he replied and kissed her softly. As Bucky pulled away, his eyes flicked to the window and he chuckled under his breath. "Tell Tatty that she needs to get her hut in line."

Ruth followed his eyes to the window to see Tatty, Helen, and another Red Cross girl watching them through a crack in the curtains. Realizing they'd been caught, the curtains flew shut and their hushed laughter leaked from under the door.

A blush made its way to her face as she reached for the door handle, sparing John one more glance to which he just shot her a wink. Ruth closed the door behind her, and then the hut came alive, each of the women swarming her with questions. To her relief, Tatty shooed them all away and brought her over to the blonde's bed for the night.

"Seems like someone had a good night," she smiled, chuckling as she pointed to Ruth's mouth.

Ruth wiped her hand around her lips and her eyes widened when her fingers came back bright pink. "I'm gonna kill him," she blurted loudly, unable to keep a grin off her face as she quickly wiped the victory red smudges from her lips. "I don't care if he's the birthday boy or not."

"Take a swing for me when you do, alright?"

Patting the nurse on her shoulder, Tatty left her to get ready for bed while the rest of them did the same. Ruth shook her head and snuggled under her blankets as her mind replayed the day. She didn't worry about Hope, for she knew she was probably off somewhere with Buck, doing what lovers do in the night.

They were getting married, after all. They loved each other.

Staring off at the wall in front of her, Ruth's lips tugged into a small grin at her 'almost' confession to John.

Before long, the door creaked open, and in walked Hope, her long dark hair sopping wet as a barely perceivable blush dusted her cheeks. Ruth raised an amused eyebrow at her friend, her eyes scanning the woman suspiciously as she approached their bunks. Staying silent for a few moments, Ruth's excitement and curiosity bubbled from within her and she tugged Hope to sit down beside her.

"Tell me everything!"

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

20:55 HRS: 8:55 PM

John sighed and sunk into his bunk, leaning against the wall as he reached for his new book. He smiled down at the cover at the thought of Ruth...her excitement to give it to him, her worried rambles when she thought he didn't like it. He flipped open the cover and was met with her familiar neat cursive handwriting.

'A teacher's handwriting,' he always thought.

My Hotshot,

Happy 28th birthday! I hope your day has been as amazing as you are, old man! I know this isn't much of a present, but when I saw it, you immediately came to my mind and I knew I had to buy it. Not that you aren't constantly on my mind, but...you get what I'm saying. You'd think as an English teacher, I'd be able to string together some eloquent words to make this sound good, but when it comes to you, hon, my mind gets fuzzy and I can't ever think straight. Anyway, I know how much you love Guys and Dolls, and I think you'll like this one, too.

I adore you, John, and I hope you'll think of me each time you open this book.

Happy Birthday, honey.

Affectionately yours,

Ruth Morgan

Warmth filled his body as he read the words for a second, a third, and a fourth time. Just like her letters, Bucky could hear her sweet voice reading her words. With a soft sigh, John grasped the cross around his neck as he leaned his head back onto the wall, his eyes fluttering shut. Ruth's smiling face appeared in his mind, and he almost felt her soft lips against his.

It took him nearly twenty minutes of scrubbing to get the last remnants of her lipstick from his face once, but every second was all worth it.

Bucky's eyes opened as Gale strolled into the hut, his towel resting over his shoulder and his hair still dripping from his shower.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hugh asked, cocking his head to the right. "I was about to send out a search party to save you from my sister."

Gale snorted, "I didn't need any saving...the 'future Mrs Cleven' and I had a fine evening."

Hugh rolled his eyes, "Oh gosh, you know what that means."

Before Hugh could continue, Harding poked his head in the door with Major Bowman behind him.

"Evening Gentlemen. Everyone alright?" A chorus of 'Yes Sir' followed, and Harding nodded.

"Good. Glad you all had a good time. I just wanted to remind you all that the rule of 'no women in the huts' still stands. That goes for you too, Cleven." He pointed at Gale suspiciously, eyeing him up and down before returning his attention to the rest of the men. "Have a good night, Gents."

The door slammed shut and the room was left in silence, all the men looking at Gale, who was still standing in the center of the room in utter disbelief when John spoke up from his spot on his bed, placing 'The Odor of Violets' onto his nightstand.

"Buck, you sly dog," he chuckled, pointing at his best friend with his brows raised. "You finally got some action!!"

A few moments later, the door opened again and it was Red's face that appeared in the doorway. "And Egan," the man sighed, fighting a smirk from appearing on his lips. "Next time you decide to give your girl a plane tour, make sure there's no ground crewman in the cockpit, alright? Night, boys."

The second the door closed, the hut erupted into laughter with John's being the loudest, his cackles echoing off the thin metal walls. "No one tells Ruth! She'll never wanna be seen with me again!"

Gale released a grateful sigh, thankful that the attention was no longer on him. John was used to that kind of spotlight, but Buck was not.

"Sounds like you're the one who got some action, Bucky," DeMarco yelled from across the room.

"No action over here," John shrugged, settling back down onto his cot and grabbing his book.

Bill scoffed on his cot beside Johnny's. "I don't believe that for one second. You two were all over each other."

"And you disappeared pretty early," Bubbles added with a smirk.

"What? I swear! Is it that unbelievable?"

A chorus of 'yeahs' filled the hut at the question, and Bucky shook his head with a shrug, finding his place in the book. "Believe what you want, boys, but nothing happened."

They continued to argue, but he just blocked them out, smiling to himself as he thought of the party and his evening spent with Ruth. John's eyes drifted over to Gale across the room, who was seemingly doing the same thing, a small grin on his face that only appeared in Hope's presence or at the thought of the nurse.

Feeling eyes on him, Buck's gaze roamed around the room until it met Johnny's over his book. The older man sent him a questioning eyebrow and when Gale shrugged with a smirk, he knew all he needed to know. And when Gale sent him the same look, Bucky simply winked and went back to his book. Buck knew he was telling the truth.

It seemed the women in their lives brought out the other side of them...Hope brought out boldness in Gale, and Ruth brought out the loving and calmer John that Buck knew him to be.

The rest of the hut was still in disbelief at the atypical behavior of their friends, but Hugh just grinned from his position on his cot...he knew exactly why they both acted that way:

They were in love.

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ 

A/N: THEY'RE IN LOOOOOOVE!!! I absolutely loved writing this chapter!! Let me know what y'all think!!

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