AZUR LANE: Reincarnated as JS...

By poom36yu1

23.9K 722 226

After dying because of the useless goddess she offers me the opportunity to start my life again in another wo... More

ESCAPE? [16]
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HOLE [23]
A WALK [26]
NUKE! [32]


326 16 8
By poom36yu1


This morning, after leaving my room, while I was going down the stairs, out of nowhere I come across a scene that I didn't expect to see and hear. I could see that Belfas is very upset and she was dragging Enterprise to another place which I am not familiar with, and all the girls present were very surprised by what was happening.

Enterprise: Huh? What's wrong Belfast? Why are you upset?

Belfast ignores Enterprise and continues walking while pulling her.

Javelin: Huh? Huh? What happened?

Unicorn: This is the first time I've seen Belfast so upset. What could have happened?

Ayanami: I was surprised to see this. Is that normal?

Javelin: Of course not, that only happens between destroyers and light cruisers.

St. Louis: Don't tell me she's done it again. 

Honolulu: I don't know what you're talking about.


Without anyone knowing, near the base in Azur Lane, Purifier yawns as she prepares to launch an offensive against the Azur Lane base.

Purifier: Well, it's time for the party.

The Siren begins to levitate towards the base in Pearl Harbor.


We are in the dining room, we serve ourselves food and sit at a table very close to where Enterprise is.

It seemed like Enterprise had returned to her rebellious phase and she didn't want to eat.

Sandy: (whispering) What's wrong? What's wrong?

Hamman: (whispering) A lovers' quarrel?

Belfast: Enterprise, come...

Enterprise: I said no...

Belfast: Come...

Me: (Ohohoho, it seems like this situation is getting hotter...)

Enterprise: (Resigning) Fine...

Enterprise starts eating, beginning with the yogurt.

Belfast: If you had proper food and weren't so preoccupied with negative thoughts, you wouldn't have fainted in the hallway. You were lucky that Langley found you lying cold on the floor, otherwise you wouldn't be here anymore.

Enterprise: You're exaggerating, I only had a fever and I wasn't cold.

Belfast: It was a double entendre, you should be careful with your health.

Enterprise: I understand now, so calm down.

Me: It seemed like Enterprise has nutritional problems.

Javelin: Oh my God, I was already scared. 

Ayanami: Don't worry, I have already prepared a panic backpack in case of any natural disaster. 

Me: Yes, the Japanese are very superstitious.

Me: It was a beast. 

An explosion shakes the entire place, fortunately the explosion was far away so we weren't injured.

Enterprise: What was that!?

Me: Quick! Damage report! 

Upon my shout, the girls who were listening to the fight between Enterprise and Belfast, left the dining room for the reports.

Me: (Sigh) Why now...


Cleveland runs to the port and when she arrives, she is in shock because she doesn't see any enemy ships, she doesn't see any enemy planes.

Cleveland: Where is the enemy?

Montpelier: Is the Sakura Empire attacking us now? What are the patrols doing at this moment?

Columbia: No, the enemy is...

Meanwhile, in the R&D laboratories, there are more explosions.

Helena: [The enemy is not coming from the ocean! The enemy has infiltrated the base and is attacking from within!]

An explosion almost hits Helena, and then Purifier comes out at high speeds and flies towards the sea to escape.

Helena: [The enemy is a damn high-ranking Siren!]

The R&D laboratory is completely destroyed, and the emergency girls quickly head towards the laboratories for rescue.

On the other hand, Hornet runs towards the laboratories and there she finds Northampton lying on the ground, very injured.

Hornet: (Worried) Northampton!

Northampton: I'm sorry... I couldn't stop the enemy.

Sandy: (Crying) They severely damaged my beloved ship again!

Northampton: Belfast and some of the girls are chasing the enemy... but the enemy is very powerful.

Hornet: I know, who would have thought a high-class siren would come alone?

Northampton: Come on, go, help the girls in repelling the enemy.

Hornet: But...

Northampton: An enemy fleet is now approaching, we must repel them before this base loses its function completely.

Hornet, upon seeing the sea, she can see that out of nowhere hundreds of enemy ships of all kinds appeared, aircraft carriers, battleships, cruisers, and destroyers.

Hornet: Tch, those bitches, they don't let us rest for a damn day.

Hornet gets up and runs towards the port to help with the defense. Enterprise and the rest have already joined the defense and are doing everything they can to keep the enemy out of the bay where the base is located.

Izumo is also helping in any way she can. She may be a light aircraft carrier from a future world, but technological advantage has its limits when facing an overwhelmingly numerical enemy like the sirens.

Izumo: Fire the grenade launcher.

In that moment, the grenade launchers are fired towards some enemy ships. Since the enemy ships are somewhat close, the projectiles hit several ships. The damage wasn't significant, but it was enough to disable the carriers that were hit.

Meanwhile in the ocean, Purifier is flying low over the sea while laughing like a maniac, with Belfast's fleet chasing after her several meters behind.

Norfolk: She's very fast!

Sheffy: The enemy has stolen the black mental cube, we can't let her escape.

Edinburgh: It's impossible! She's too fast!

Belfast: You're wrong, I have a chance.

Belfast fires her cannons, and Puri turns around and sees the projectiles flying towards her.

The crazy one is covered in fire and smoke, Edinburgh and Norfolk celebrate because the enemy is covered in smoke, but Belfast and Sheffield don't celebrate anything.

At that moment, the girls are surprised that the enemy is unharmed.

Puri: (Excited) What's happening? Do they want to play?

Several portals open and more sirens ships appear, Edinburgh and Norfolk are terrified by what they see, on the other hand, Belfast and Sheffield are only worried.

Puri: It's the eve of the big day! This is a carnival!

Returning to the Azur Lane base, the situation was not good, but thanks to the intervention of the Peruvian ships, the damage to the base was minimized. Many of the Azur Lane girls joined the battle to repel the enemies.

Cleveland: Are there enemy carriers here too?

Several planes flew over Cleveland, Cleveland tried to shoot down the enemy planes, but the enemy planes were brought down by the Hornet planes.

Cleveland: Thank you for the assistance!

Hornet: You're welcome! I won't allow any enemy to harm this base!

Izumo: A standard aircraft carrier joins the battle, Thank you Hornet! Your power will be welcomed!

Hornet: Thank you for covering us while we prepare!

The Peruvian and American planes fired at the enemy planes, managing to shoot down several enemy aircraft.

On the other side, the destroyers Javelin, Laffey, and Ayanami team up to destroy the enemy. Javelin acts as bait while Laffey and Ayanami eliminate the enemy.

Javelin jumps over the ship while firing a burst from her cannon, while Ayanami and Laffey launch their torpedoes at the ship, managing to destroy the enemy vessel. At that moment, an enemy plane approaches to shoot at Javelin. Since Javelin cannot levitate, she cannot escape the enemy plane's sight, and her cannons won't turn in time.

But don't worry, a yellow arrow pierces the plane and it explodes, the plane was shot down by Enterprise.

Enterprise: Hornet! I'll go after Belfast! I leave this place in your charge!

Hornet: (sigh) Oh sister, alright!

Enterprise is heading towards Belfast, who is fighting. Meanwhile, on Belfast's side, the situation is worse because they are at a numerical disadvantage. The enemy ships are mercilessly bombarding, and although the kansen have managed to sink several enemy ships, there are still many left.

Edinburgh: (avoiding enemy attacks) I'm going to die! I'm dying! WOOOHOOOHOOOO!

Puri: Come on... How am I supposed to enjoy all of this?

Meanwhile, Belfast is preparing for an offensive, but then some Dauntless planes appear to bomb the enemy ships, and in doing so, many of the enemy ships are sunk, surprising everyone.

Puri: (shocked) What's happening?

As the girls turn around, they can see Enterprise arriving very badass to enforce her law.

Enterprise: siren!

Puri: (Excited)Enterprise!

Both girls attack each other seeking mutual annihilation.

To be continued

I got new loptop so I can work everywhere :)

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