A Pair of Silver Wings ✈︎ Maj...

Par major-mads

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╰┈➤ Masters of the Air ✈︎ Major John "Bucky" Egan In which flight nurses Ruth Morgan and Hope Armstrong's l... Plus

Characters and Introductions
Airmen of the 100th Bomb Group
1. Welcome to Thorpe Abbotts
3. Listen to Your Heart
4. Bars, Bike Rides, and Bittersweet Goodbyes
5. The Dangerous Sky
6. One Helluva Party
7. Lucky 25
8. Airman Down!
9. The Anatomy of Courage
Interlude 1: The Letter
10. The Soliloquy
11. The Wire
Interlude 2: Ghost of You

2. The Dance

1.3K 34 57
Par major-mads

Thursday, July 15th: AAF Grove, Berkshire

The pitter-patter of rain echoed on the tin roof of the building, and Ruth sighed to herself as she watched a few nurses dash through the torrential downpour to different areas of the base. The North Carolinian was in the infirmary when the first drops had fallen, signaling the typical British weather was quickly approaching. By the time she finished her tasks, the tapping of rain on the tin roof was the only sound filling the air. Ruth looked at her watch and groaned. She was supposed to meet Hope in their hut at 18:00 hours. It was 17:55.

She opened the door and stared out into the muddy pasture between her and the hut. With a deep breath, she took off, raising a hand to her forehead to prevent the rain from getting into her eyes. Ruth's feet splashed against the muddy English soil as she ran to her nissen hut, her blonde hair plastered to her forehead by the time she got there.

Ruth barged through the door into the relative warmth of the hut. Hope sat on her bed in the corner, reading a letter. She didn't see Ruth's sopping-wet figure until the blonde reached her footlocker at the end of her bed, which was beside hers, and began drying off.

"Who's the letter from?" she asked, pulling on a pair of dry pants, a sweater, and some socks. Her footlocker closed with a thud and she plopped down on her creaky mattress, drying the ends of her hair with a towel.

Hope didn't look up from the page but held up an unopened letter. "You got one, too. You should open it."

"Not right now," Ruth sighed. "Right now, I need a nap."

Glancing at her with a raised eyebrow, Hope grinned. "It's from a certain Major."

In an instant, the woman was on her feet, snatching the letter from her friend. "If you'll excuse me," she said calmly as she excused herself for a moment. The other nurse could see it took all of Ruth's effort to keep from exploding with happiness. She had been patiently waiting for Johnny's letter and was starting to wonder if he was going to send one at all. Chuckling at her antics, Hope returned her attention to her own letter.

A wide smile grew on Ruth's face as she began to read the letter.


I've spent the past hour trying to figure out the perfect letter to write you, but I've given up. I managed to follow your request of not getting shot down, and I hope you've done the same.

The past week has been filled with constant training sorties for us, and I have a feeling we are getting ready for something big in the next few months. When I'm up there, I wonder if you're up there, too. I picture you over Italy or France, calming your patients with your breathtaking smile that I have imagined many times since our meeting.

I would love to see that smile again next weekend at the officer's club dance here on base. Buck is inviting Hope and has taken care of arrangements for both of you to stay with the Red Cross girls if you're able. I might have to go AWOL and fly to Berkshire to see you if I do not get a response to this. I might just do it anyway.

Until next time, I'll try not to get shot down so I can get the response to this letter, and I hope you do the same.

Your Hotshot,

Johnny Egan

Her signature blush adorned her cheeks and she covered her mouth with her hand, excitement running through her. They were going to a dance! They hadn't been to a dance in years!! Busting out of the bathroom, she ran to Hope's bed, jumping up and down like an excitable child.

"We're going to a dance!!" Ruth cried, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree. Hope chuckled and watched on as the blonde's jumping slowly came to an end, the situation dawning on her. Ruth's voice dropped to a whisper and her eyes widened. "We're going to a dance."

Hope knew what was coming, and stood off her bed, grabbing onto her friend's upper arms gently. "You're going to be fine, Ruth."

"I don't know, Hope. You know I don't like huge crowds," she replied.

The dark-haired nurse sighed. "Do you want to see Bucky? Yes or no?"

"Yes," Ruth nodded within a split second. "Very much."

A satisfied grin worked its way onto Hope's lips as she spoke. "There's your answer."

She pulled Ruth into a tight hug, her own excitement showing through. "What are we going to wear?"

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

Saturday, July 17th: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich


You sure are one for flattery, Johnny, but as I'm writing this, I can't stop myself from smiling like a child. You're lucky you're cute, because otherwise, I might find you a little forward...but don't worry, it's not a bad thing. I'm very glad to hear that you're still up there flying. Luckily, Hope and I haven't had to go on many runs the past few days with the terrible weather, so we've been keeping busy on the base. As the days went by, I was beginning to wonder if you were going to write me. I'm so glad you did.

Hope and I would love to attend the dance next Saturday. I'm not usually one for big parties, so you should feel special knowing that I wouldn't go to such a dance with just anybody. I've also heard that you're one for dancing, so maybe you could teach me some of your moves? I do expect you to be on your best behavior, Major, just as you promised me before...on Buck's "boy scout honor."

I have thought of you often in the past week, and every time I hear the roar of a Fort flying over Berkshire, my mind goes back to that day in the infirmary and the moment we shared. I would very much like to get to know more about you: where you're from, where you got that ridiculous jacket...among other things. I can't wait to talk more when we see each other again.

Until Saturday,

Ruth Morgan

P.S. Don't worry, I promise Frank won't be there to keep interrupting our...conversations.

"I told ya she liked me," John grinned as he lay on his bed, holding the letter above him. "Told ya, Buck."

Gale rolled his eyes, looking over at his friend from his bed, which sat across the aisle of the officer's hut. "I never said she didn't."

Sitting up against the wall, Bucky pointed at him. "I've got to show her my singing skills at the dance."

The hut instantly broke out in complaints, each man having already heard the Major's singing voice. "Please, Bucky," Curt called out. "Spare the girl some embarrassment. She's already going as your date. That's enough right there."

Buck tried to withhold a laugh but failed, earning him a glare from John. "Laugh it up, Buck. You're just gonna have to watch Ruth and I have fun while you sit in the corner with Hope. Does she know you don't like to have fun?"

"Wait. My sister Hope?" Hugh piped up from the corner.

"Oh, two can play at that game, Bucky," Gale scoffed, choosing to ignore Hugh. "I'm gonna be the one sitting your crazy ass down when you start to act up. I can't let you scare Ruth off before she gets the chance to know you."

Narrowing his eyes playfully, Egan nodded and put down the letter. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, Buck."

"Now wait a minute," Hugh interrupted, his brows furrowed as he pointed to the two majors. "You two are taking Hope and Ruth to the Officers' Club dance?"

"Yes," they both responded at the same time.

Hugh ran a hand down his face with a sigh. "Great. You four are not leaving my sight."

"Come on, Charlie," Bucky laughed. "We're not that bad."

His eyes widened as he turned toward the Major. "Oh really? Tell that to the bar owner in Greenland."

Groaning, Johnny sunk back down in his bed and tried to keep that rowdy night from his head.

He'd never live that one down!

After a while, he began counting out the days until he could see Ruth again. Maybe Buck was right...maybe he would be too much and scare her off. Anxiety crept into the back of his mind, a feeling that didn't often come to the major when it came to the opposite sex.

He'd always been so sure of himself, so why was this becoming an issue now?

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

Saturday, July 31st, 1600 HRS: AAF Grove, Berkshire

The terrible weather, which seemed to be the norm in England, finally cleared up a few days before, and the girls were beyond excited to see the sun again, as well as their new friends at Thorpe Abbotts. Ruth sat on her bed, clasping the dark red wedges that matched the lipstick she decided to wear that night. It was hard choosing her outfit, but with Hope's help, she decided on a royal blue dress with short sleeves. Her light blonde hair contrasted against the blue, making her eyes even more striking than usual.

Hearing a car rumble up outside their hut, Ruth peered out the window, her heart jumping when she realized it was the car Buck had sent.

"Hope!" she hollered at the woman who stood before the mirror. "The cars here!"

When the nurses stepped out of the hut, they saw Frank leaning against the building, a cigarette hanging from his lips. "Now ladies, I want you to be safe tonight. Be smart and don't do anything stupid, alright?" Frank gave them yet another pep talk, adopting the worried older brother character.

"Frank, we'll be fine," Hope reassured him, patting him lightly on the shoulder. "You've met the boys, they're good, honest men."

With a fake salute to the captain, Ruth got into the car, her pulled-back curls bobbing as she got situated for the long drive. Three hours was a long time, but it surely would fly by as they anxiously waited to see the guys. She unconsciously began bouncing her knees nervously at the thought of seeing Johnny again, but also being in what she suspected would be a large crowd.

Hope opened the door and slipped in, but Ruth noticed Frank throw something at her in her peripheral vision as they started going forward. "What did he give you?" Ruth asked, staring out her window at the base as it passed by.

"Oh, it's nothing," Hope replied, quickly shoving the mystery items into her purse, her cheeks blushing bright red.

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

1915 HRS: Thorpe Abbotts AAF Base, Norwich:

Gale and Bucky sat on their beds, finally sitting down after pacing up and down for the last hour as they listed all the reasons why the girls might not show.

"You two are being ridiculous, these girls aren't like other women. They wouldn't tell you they're coming and then not show," Hugh reassured them after Curt had begun grumbling about the state of the floor in the officer's hut.

"There won't be any floor left if you two don't stop your damn pacing." Bucky just glared at Biddick, but Gale was inclined to agree with him.

"Curt's probably right, you know," Buck fell backward onto his bed with a loud huff. The back of his dress uniform jacket would probably be creased when he stood up, but for the moment, he just wanted to lie down and try to calm his nervous heartbeat. John continued his pacing, and eventually, Hugh and Curtis gave up and left the hut, moaning under their breaths about the Major's ridiculous behavior.

It felt as though they had been waiting for hours when the car's dipped headlights finally appeared outside their window. Both men jumped off their beds in a frenzied panic, straightened up each other's uniforms, and checked their hair in the mirror before dashing outside.

"Move it, Buck," Johnny tried pushing past his friend, but Gale stuck his arm out to stop him.

"Calm down, John. Alright, we don't want to run at them and scare them off." Both men took a deep breath before casually stepping out of the wooden door as if they were going for a casual evening stroll and hadn't been pacing for hours.

"Why hello ladies," Bucky yelled, trudging through the mud to the car. The windows were down, and they could see the girls conversing inside. "Don't you both look stunning."

Ruth was on the side closest to him, and a smile instantly grew on his face when she looked his way. He ran a hand through his hair and leaned his elbows against the open window frame, taking in Ruth's appearance.

'WOW,' he thought. 'I can't screw this up."

Ruth grinned up at him, her dimples making an appearance. "Hello there, Major."

"Ms. Morgan," he greeted before stepping back and opening the door for her. Offering her a hand, John helped Ruth out of the car, her soft and delicate touch giving him goosebumps. He raised her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckles softly. Heat rushed to her ears at the action, and she cursed her pale complexion that showed blushes so easily.

"Such a flirt," she rolled her eyes, giggling at the way his mustache tickled her hand.

"Well ladies, your chariot awaits," John motioned to the Willys jeep that was parked beside the Nissen hut.

"We have to go in that?" Hope asked, her eyes shooting from the jeep to Gale, and back again before trailing down to her pale blue dress that was most certainly going to be filthy by the end of the drive.

"It could be worse, I could have made us ride the bikes," Bucky laughed, throwing his arm over Ruth's shoulder as he led her toward the jeep. "I'll have to take you on a bike ride sometime. Buck here isn't as talented of a rider as me, so you're lucky. See, he hasn't ridden in the pitch black all the way from Dickleburgh in the pouring rain half-drunk, so... " He trailed off, grimacing as he realized he probably shouldn't have revealed that tidbit of information.

John looked down at her expectantly, ready for her to look disappointed, but when she grinned, his worry faded away. Ruth raised her eyebrows, an incredulous look on her face as she peered up at him. "That sounds like a fun story," she joked, relishing the warmth from his body pressed against hers. His easy-going humor seemed to quell her growing anxiety as they got closer to the dance.

"Ehhh, I don't know about fun," he smirked, opening the jeep door for her. "I looked like a wet dog by the time I got back. Could've given Meatball a run for his money."

"Meatball?" Ruth asked, watching him round the front of the jeep to his side.

"Meatball's a husky DeMarco picked on the way over. He's kinda like the 100th's mascot. The dog's-"

"That damn dog is pure wolf and nothing but trouble. The damn thing howled like a banshee in the Fort on the way here," Buck interrupted as he and Hope got into the backseat of the jeep.

Settling into the driver's seat, John threw an arm over Ruth once again. "Come on, Buck," he groaned, looking back at the Major in the rearview mirror. "He's adorable."

"Not when he jumps on your bed soaking wet at 3 am," Buck grimaced, meeting Hope's sympathetic gaze.

"This Meatball seems like a character," Ruth beamed, thinking of her chocolate lab back home. "I'd like to meet him."

Johnny raised his eyebrows, tilting his head down toward her. "I think that can be arranged." He then turned over the ignition and brought the jeep to a rumble. "You dodos ready?" he asked the group, a mischievous smile on his lips.

Taking a deep breath, Gale made eye contact with his friend. "Bucky, please don't kill-"

Before he could finish, the jeep was flying forward, its tires spraying mud behind them as they took off. John laughed loudly and tightened his grip on Ruth's shoulder, pulling her closer against him. Her curled hair flew behind her wildly, and her eyes widened as they passed other airmen on much slower bikes.

"You're crazy!" she cried, shaking her head at his antics to which he just cackled.

'This man will be the death of me!' she thought. 'But at least I'll die having fun...'

The jeep jostled around in the mud as they rode, and after hitting a bump that send Ruth's butt off the seat, she wrapped her arms around John's waist tightly, grinning from ear to ear despite her pounding heart. As soon as she latched onto him, Bucky let off the gas slightly, slowing down to a normal speed. He wore a proud smirk but didn't take his eyes off of the road.

There was something about moving so fast that was so freeing, and Ruth closed her eyes, feeling the wind against her face. The cool air seemed to combat the heat that always appeared on her face in the Major's presence. She hadn't seen this side of him in the infirmary, but she quickly took a liking to it, admiring his ability to ease her nerves with his playful personality. His spunky confidence brought out Ruth's own, which was something Hope had been trying to do for as long as she'd known the blonde. Perhaps that was exactly what she needed to break out of the shell she'd spent so long in.

"Whatcha think?" he asked, glancing down at her.

"Think about what? Your driving?"

"Well, yeah," Johnny nodded, watching the road. "Or anything."

Admiring his side profile, Ruth sighed playfully. "Right now I'm thinking that if this is you being on your best behavior, I don't know if I'll survive you acting out."

"Ahhh don't worry Babe, I'll make sure to get you out of the danger zone when that happens."

The woman's eyes widened as she raised a brow at his comment, and his confident expression wavered as he backtracked slightly. Ruth would be lying if her heart didn't jump at the term of endearment.

"Babe Ruth...you know, like the baseball player."

"I know who Babe Ruth is," she giggled quietly. "My family are Braves fans, so I've constantly heard about him for the past eight years."

"Ruth, Ruth, Ruth," he groaned, tutting loudly as he shook his head. "Why'd you have to say that? Things were going so well."

She instantly recognized his teasing and dramatically brought a hand to cover her mouth. "Oh no, please don't tell me you're a Yankees fan."

"Bingo, Ruthie."

Unwrapping her arms from his waist, she pulled back with fake disgust, a smile threatening to curl her lips. "I don't know if this is a good idea then," Ruth stated, scooting away from him slightly.

"Not so fast, slugger," Johnny laughed, his hand sliding down from her shoulder to her waist to pull her closer again. Ruth quietly gasped at the sudden contact and hoped he didn't hear it.

"Maybe I can make an exception for ya...or I could always convert you."

Scoffing, Ruth sat up straight, settling into his side again. "And just how do you intend on doing that, hotshot?"

The jeep rumbled to a stop in front of a large building, the sound of music and laughter already reaching their ears. Placing the car in park, Bucky turned toward her, his signature raised eyebrow grin adorning his lips. "I have my ways," he winked.

His eyes gazed into hers, and Ruth felt like she was back in the middle of a North Carolina summer as the heat became too much. She ducked her head, her short curls falling into her face. John chuckled and grabbed her hand gently, helping her out of the jeep.

Alarm bells went off in his mind for the second time that afternoon. 'Too much, John. Too much. Dial it back with the flirting. She said she wants to get to know you better, idiot! Go slow for once!'

Once she was situated, he offered his arm. "Shall we?"

Still quite flustered, she nodded, sparing a glance over at Hope who was in the same position with Buck. Ruth took a deep breath and put on the bravest face she could muster, reaching up for her necklace. Bucky seemed to sense her discomfort and squeezed her arm gently.

"You alright?" He asked, his concerned expression varying greatly from the flirtatious one moments before. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Ruth."

"No, you haven't," she quietly replied. "I'm just nervous. I don't norm-"

"Normally come to things with big crowds," he finished for her, moving to stand in front of her. "I remember your letter. Don't be nervous, alright? I've got you."

Nodding once, she took another deep breath, her anxious mind slowing with John's calming reassurance. "Alright, let's do this."

"Attagirl," he said gently, tucking a stray curl behind her ear before offering his arm again. As they walked toward the doors, he spoke up. "You look beautiful, by the way."

"Thank you. You look pretty handsome yourself."

Gale and Hope walked up beside them, and Hope reached out and squeezed her friend's hand with a nod. Sometimes she just needed a little extra push in situations like these. Seeing the interaction, Bucky's heart warmed in his chest at the realization that the girls' friendship was much like his and Buck's.

"You hear that, Buck?" John remarked, raising an eyebrow at the man. "She thinks I'm handsome."

Gale rolled his eyes, reaching for the door when John flung them both open. "Whatever, John."

The sweet sound of 5 Ella Fitzgerald flowed out the doors into the night, leaving Bucky instantly itching for a dance and a drink. The band was on a break and congregated around the bar, some of them even with their instruments in hand. He led the group through the crowd of aviators and their dates to the dance hall, which was not yet full. Most of the couples were at the bar getting a drink to loosen up after a hard week. The 100th flew six missions in the past six days, so needless to say, the men needed a break. Before they could get too far, Buck called out to the group.

"Come on, I want to introduce you to the Red Cross girls you'll be staying with tonight. They're a nice group, I promise," Gale reassured Hope and Ruth, leading them towards a small group of women who were chatting in the corner. Johnny squeezed Ruth's arm, reassuring her as they followed him.

"Good evening Ladies, this is Hope and Ruth," Gale introduced them, motioning for Hope and Ruth to step forward. A chorus of 'Good evening, Buck' followed from the smiling women, and Hope couldn't help the pang of jealousy blooming in her chest as they smiled widely at her date.

"Hello," Hope thrust her hand forward, and several of the women shook it in return. Ruth was a little more reserved, giving the ladies a wave and a smile from her position between John and Hope.

"It's lovely to meet you two." One of the women spoke up, her dark curls bouncing on her shoulders and her kind eyes gleaming. "I'm Helen, and this is Tatty," she gestured to the shorter woman beside her.

Tatty grinned and raised an eyebrow at Ruth. "You keep a close eye on this one, Ruth," she chuckled. "The Major's known to start trouble."

Ruth peered up at him cheekily, her lip quirking into a smirk. "He's said he's gonna be on his best behavior."

As John opened his mouth to respond, Buck smacked his chest. "I'm gonna make sure of that, don't worry."

The small group broke out into snickers, and Johnny knocked Gale on the back as he playfully glared at him, the women continuing their conversation while they ribbed each other. The Red Cross girls were warm and friendly, making Hope and Ruth feel instantly safe and included among them. The duo shared a glance and knew they were going to get along well with these ladies.

"Sorry girls, but I'm gonna be stealing Ruthie from you now," Bucky interrupted, leaning down toward the group with raised brows before pulling her away from the group. She waved goodbye and followed him through the crowd, her dark blue dress swishing with each step.

"You want a drink?" he asked her, leaning down so she could hear him over the music.

She furrowed her brows, turning her ear toward him. "What?"

"I said, do you want a drink?"

Still unable to hear him, she shook her head. "What?"

Motioning for her to come closer, he leaned down again, his lips lightly brushing her ear as he spoke loudly. "Do you want a drink?"

"Sure," she hollered back, her stomach swirling.

Pulling back slightly, their faces remained inches apart. Ruth's eyes involuntarily darted up to his lips when she felt his warm breath fan across her face. John seemed to do the same but then reminded himself of his usual problem...moving too fast, and stood back up.

Still holding his hand, Ruth walked beside John to the bar. To her dismay, the area was the most crowded place in the hall, and anxiety began to eat away at her. Before she could even reach up and start her usual anxious habit, a gentle hand slid down to the small of her back, guiding her through the crowd. The touch sent a jolt through her, a bolt of electricity that seemed constant around Johnny.

When they reached the bar, his hand remained on her back as he ordered. "One pint for me, and..."

"A whisky shot please," Ruth finished for him, trying to remain composed with his hand placement driving her crazy.

The bartender nodded and began pouring the drinks, but Bucky added something else to the order. "Make that two shots."

He leaned against the bar and finally removed his hand, watching Ruth as she seemed to deflate. She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss the warmth of his touch, and when she looked up, she met his adoring stare.

"So," he began, a smile gracing his face. "Now's the time to start asking those questions you mentioned in your letter, nurse Morgan."

"Alright. Where are you from?"

"Good ole Manitowoc, Wisconsin," he replied. "You?"

"Charlotte, North Carolina."

John raised his eyebrows with a toothy grin. "Ahhh I knew I heard an accent. I've got myself a southern belle. Ruthie, I don't know how anyone could ever not like you."

Rolling her eyes playfully, Ruth chuckled under her breath, "Tell that to my students."

"Students? You're a teacher?" he asked, his eyes widening.

"Yep. Junior High."

"All I'm saying," Bucky started, pointing between the two of them. "-Is that if my junior high school teacher looked like you, I'd have been hanging off her every word."

Ruth's cheeks flushed with a soft, rosy hue as she listened to John's compliment, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. Her eyes shifted slightly downward, a bashful smile playing on her lips.

"Would you look at that," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that matched the growing affection in his gaze. "You blush, and suddenly you've gone from beautiful to downright adorable. I didn't think that was possible."

Ruth's blush deepened at his words, and she playfully nudged his shoulder, a mixture of embarrassment and delight dancing in her eyes. She couldn't help but laugh, the melodic sound filling the air between them.

"You're full of it, you know that?" she quipped, her playful tone matching the twinkle in her eye.

Bucky's grin persisted and he responded with an easygoing shrug. "Just calling it like I see it, Ruthie. Can't help it if the truth makes you blush."

Before she could respond, the bartender slid a foamy pint and two neat shots in front of them. She was partially grateful for the interruption because she felt as if she was going to melt under Johnny's attractive gaze. No man had ever had this effect on Ruth before. Every time John looked at her, she felt like they were the only ones in the room. His playful yet sincere eyes swept away the noise of the crowded dance hall. Despite being in a room filled with people, Ruth's usual anxiety seemed to fall away when they were together. The reassuring pressure of his hand in hers and the kindness in his smile acted against the overwhelming feelings that normally accompanied her at such gatherings.

John thanked the bartender and caught Ruth's eyes, offering an excited grin. "To those of us up in the air," he proposed, raising his shot glass with a nod.

Ruth hesitated for a moment but then lifted her shot glass with a small smile. "And to those of us stuck on the ground," she added, clinking her glass against Johnny's.

They downed the shots in unison, the burn of the whiskey warming them from the inside. Bucky set his glass down with practiced ease, but Ruth didn't quite have the same reaction. She winced, her eyes widening as she took a breath to compose herself, the aftertaste leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

"Strong stuff, huh?" John remarked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Ruth chuckled nervously, "You could say that. I'm not much of a drinker."

His eyebrows raised in surprise. "Really? You handled it better than most first-timers I've seen."

Shrugging, her lips quirked into a shy smile. "It's a special occasion, after all. But I did forget how much I don't like the taste of whiskey."

"Well," Bucky said, "It's a good thing I can drink enough for the both of us, so you don't have to worry about that."

"Oh really?" Ruth teased, mirroring his position of leaning against the bar.

He cackled and nodded down at her, gesturing to the men around the room. "Without a doubt. I can outdrink any of these children."

"Children?" With an eyebrow raised, she tilted her head toward him with a smirk. "Just how old are you, Major?"

"Ahh, just the ripe old age of 27."

"Goodness gracious," she exclaimed, holding up a hand to cover her mouth. "You are an old man!"

He took a sip of his beer to hide his smile, but Ruth could see his grin from behind the glass. "Yeah, yeah, slugger. Keep laughing. Just wait 'til your knees start to hurt when it rains."

"Well, I'm not too far behind you, Grandpa. I'm the ripe age of 24, myself."

"Oh, I thought I-" Johnny began, but was interrupted by a thick New York accent and a hand clamping down on his shoulder. "Bucky! Is this the famous Ruth I've heard so much about?

Turning toward the clearly drunk newcomer, Ruth politely smiled.

The man stared at her for a moment, blinking slowly before suddenly bursting out into a wide grin, shaking John roughly. "She's even prettier than you said, Major!"

"Curt, come on," John groaned, leaning his elbow against the bar as he shook his head. "You can't give away my secrets like that."

Ruth laughed loudly, a symptom of the alcohol already running through her. "No, Curt. Please tell me more."

"Yes ma'am," he replied, moving to stand beside her. Just as he was about to lean against the bar, Johnny grabbed him and gently flung the man in the direction he came.

"Get outta here!" he yelled after him.

Curtis grinned, looking back at the pair as he walked to his table with Hugh and a few girls. "It looks like you're the big spoon now, Ruth! I'm being replaced! Bucky, how could you??"

Ruth's confused gaze met John's, and he simply groaned again, running a hand down his face. If she didn't know better, she'd have thought she saw pink dusting his nose and cheeks.

"Do I even want to know?" she asked, trying to withhold another laugh.

He raised his eyebrows at her, sticking out his lips slightly. "Uhhh, just don't worry about it."

The conversation continued to flow effortlessly as the minutes ticked by, and the more Ruth learned about the man across from her, the more she found herself drawn to him. There was no doubt he was attractive...she knew that from the first time she laid eyes on him...but his charming and confident personality seemed to captivate her even more as she got to know him. They were almost polar opposites, yet their personalities worked so well somehow. As Buck Cleven would say, "They're one of life's great mysteries."

John quickly finished his first pint and ordered a second, his foot tapping along to the music under the bar-top. He had to fight the urge to grab Ruth's hand and drag her onto the dance floor that very second, but he showed some rarely practiced self-restraint.

He was going to ask first.

Johnny bowed dramatically, causing a dark curl to fall onto his forehead as he held out a hand for her. "May I have this dance, Ms. Morgan?"

"I would love to, Major Egan," she beamed, taking his hand. As he began to lead her onto the dance floor, he goofily shimmied his shoulders to the beat, and Ruth just smiled and shook her head, her heart beating in anticipation. The alcohol must have suddenly started working on the man because she could see his already extroverted personality becoming more flamboyant by the minute.

Around his tall frame, Ruth got a glance at the packed room and hesitated for a moment. After being alone with John, she almost forgot they were at a crowded dance. The closer they got to the dance floor, the more Ruth felt the familiar tightening in her chest. The lively atmosphere that had been so inviting before now seemed daunting. She stopped walking for a moment, her hand tugging on John's, and he turned back at her, squeezing her hand gently.

"You okay?"

She tried to brush it off with a forced smile. "Yeah, just need to use the restroom. Be right back."

But he saw through the facade and gently touched her arm, pulling her closer. "You sure? We can go back-"

Nodding, she gave him a reassuring smile. "Positive. I'll be back in a jiffy."

As she made her way through the crowd towards the restroom, Ruth couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on her. The weight of those imagined gazes pressed down on her shoulders, and when she pushed through the door to the restrooms, she took a deep breath and leaned against the wall with closed eyes.

"You alright there, Ruth?"

The blonde's eyes flew open to see one of the Red Cross girls from earlier exiting a stall and start washing her hands.

"Uh, yeah," Ruth sighed, walking over to her. "There's just a lot going on out there. It's Helen, right?"

The woman nodded, her dark hair falling over her shoulders. "I know what you mean."

"This isn't usually my scene, but Johnny invited me and-"

"The Major's a good man," Helen interrupted as she turned the water off and dried her hands on the hand towel. "Rambunctious? Yes. But a good man, nonetheless."

Ruth's face turned to the floor, and her lips curved into a bashful grin. "He's something else, for sure."

Placing her hands on Ruth's upper arms, Helen spoke softly. "Look Ruth, Tatty used to be anxious, too. Every time she started to clam up, I always told her to look around. Everyone here is too caught up in having a good time to notice anyone else. With the jobs they do, they live every day to the fullest, and John's no exception."

Ruth absorbed Helen's words and found some comfort in the advice.

'Everyone is too caught up in having a good time to notice you,' she repeated in her mind.

As the realization began to seep into her, she offered Helen a grateful smile. "Thanks. I appreciate it. Really."

With a reassuring pat on Ruth's shoulder, Helen opened the bathroom door. "No problem. Now, go on and have a good time. Life's too short not to."

As Ruth watched Helen leave, her thoughts lingered on the mention of the dangerous jobs most of the men faced. It struck a cord within her, and she felt her heart lurch at the idea of something happening to Johnny, or the thought something could happen to her, too. With C-47s not being marked for medical evacuation, the girls' plane was under constant threat of attack when in the air. The fact that each of their lives was fragile and unpredictable flooded her mind as she stood there in the hall's bathroom, the loud music seeping from under the door.

Helen was right. Life was too short for unnecessary worries, especially at a time when every moment could be your last.

After checking her lipstick in the mirror and smoothing down her dress, Ruth started toward the door but quickly pulled away when it opened, revealing a smirking Helen. "I think you'll want to see this."

With a confused brow raised, she followed the Red Cross worker out the door. When she arrived back in the main dance hall, her eyes widened at the sight before her. There was Bucky in front of the band, singing loudly, or rather attempting to sing, animatedly into the microphone.

An uptempo version of "It Had to Be You" filled the air, and to her surprise, Hope was on the other microphone, singing along with him. Glancing over at where she'd last seen Gale, Ruth found him completely mesmerized by Hope, their gazes locked. While she wasn't as animated as John, Hope smiled, belting out the beloved song. The difference between her and Bucky was that she could actually sing. Ruth watched on in amazement, and some slight embarrassment, but it was pushed deep down when she thought of Helen's words.

"Some others I've seen,

Might never be mean,

Might never be cross, or try to be boss,

But they wouldn't do."

He playfully exaggerated his movements, using animated hand gestures to emphasize the lyrics. His shoulders moved to the rhythm, and he swayed in time with the music, embracing the upbeat spirit of the song. In the middle of a high note, he picked up the mic, practically yelling into it as he threw his head back, all while maintaining an infectious grin that made her own appear. She shook her head as she laughed at him. When he spotted her in the doorway, a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes, and he stuck a hand out toward her as the duo continued to sing.

"For nobody else gave me a thrill,

With all of your faults, I love you still,

It had to be you,

Wonderful you,

It had to be you!"

In that moment, everything else blurred away. The lively dance hall, the chatter, the music...it all faded into the background. It was just Ruth and John, caught in their own little world. She shook her head, trying to seem unimpressed, but failed miserably when a wink from the man made her lose any composure she had left. She didn't notice Hope stepping back from the mic, letting the Major finish the song by himself.

"Baby, It had to be you,

Wonderful you,"

As the last note approached, Johnny couldn't resist a grand finale. He extended his arms wide, sweeping them through the air in a grand gesture. The men were used to Bucky's antics at that point, so they were prepared, but everyone else's eyes were on him expectantly.

"IT HAD TO BE YOUUU!" he belted out, his voice overpowering the music, causing a mix of groans and laughter to ripple through the crowd.

Ruth couldn't help but burst into giggles once more, her attempts to appear unimpressed completely shattered by his performance. As the final notes of the song faded away, the room erupted in applause and cheers, most of them just glad Johnny was getting off the stage. He motioned to Hope and she took an elaborate bow, swishing her dress to the side and blowing a kiss to Gale, who caught it and held it against his chest. John then took a theatrical step back from the microphone, raised one arm high in the air, and with a dramatic flare, bowed deeply to the crowd. Hope took this as her sign to escape, scurrying off the stage and into the arms of her awaiting Major.

From where she stood towards the back of the dance floor, Ruth could see John's tall figure maneuvering through the crowd toward her. When he appeared through the mass of dancers, their eyes met again, and Ruth tilted her head at him. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could get a word out, he was before her.

In a sudden burst of energy, John effortlessly lifted her off the ground by her waist and spun her around. Ruth was caught off guard, letting out a surprised and excited gasp as he twirled her, his rambunctious laughter echoing around the hall. Her arms instinctively circled his neck, and as he gently set her down, she felt the warmth of a blush creeping up on her cheeks. Their eyes locked, and Bucky's grey-blue eyes, still brimming with mischievous joy, peered down at her with more adoration than the woman had ever seen in her life.

His hands squeezed her waist lightly. "Whatcha think? I'm good, right?"

"That was...something," Ruth answered, her voice rising in pitch as grinned up at him, her arms still around his neck. She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but he really did sound like a donkey up there...a cute donkey.

"Don't worry," he quipped, shaking his head at her. "I know I'm no good, but I'm loud. And hell, if you commit with enough enthusiasm, it really don't matter."

She let out a relieved sigh and leaned her forehead against his chest. "Thank goodness. I didn't have the heart to tell you."

John chuckled, the sound vibrating through his chest as she relished in the feeling. Leaning back, she found herself looking up at him, their eyes meeting again. They stood there for a moment as Artie Shaw's Star Dust played softly in the background, the couples around them starting to sway slowly. Breaking the quiet spell, John moved one hand from her waist and held it out to her.

"May I finally have this dance?" he asked quietly, a gentle smile adorning his lips.

Ruth placed her hand in John's. "Absolutely," she replied softly, her other hand finding its place on his shoulder, her fingers lightly tracing the silver wings pinned on his uniform.

John's hand on her side found a comfortable place at the small of her back, and he delicately intertwined their fingers, holding their hands out beside them. There was a few inches between their bodies, and Ruth could feel his warmth through the space between them.

The first notes of the chorus echoed through the room, casting a spell over the dimly lit dance hall. He led her with a tender sway, and John subtly used his hand on her back to pull her flush against him. The soft press of his fingertips against the small of her back, the feeling of his thumb rubbing her hand as he held it, and the way their bodies melded seamlessly sent a shiver down Ruth's spine.

His voice broke through the music. "This alright?" he asked, his eyes searching hers for confirmation.

"More than alright," she nodded in response with a soft smile playing on her lips.

"You're a natural," John murmured, his voice a low, soothing rumble.

Ruth chuckled, her dimples making an appearance. "I guess I can follow a lead."

Bucky's eyes locked onto hers and he twirled her gracefully, the movement seemingly effortless. He guided her back and their bodies connected again. "Well, you're making me look good out here," he teased, the corners of his eyes creasing as he smiled down at her.

They continued to sway, getting lost in the music and each other's embrace as they both relished in the moment. The feeling of Ruth in his arms was like nothing John had ever experienced, and he began to compare her to every girl he'd ever been with in his mind.

He came to a quick conclusion: With the other women, he was just with them for a good time, but Ruth...she was already someone he could see himself with for the long haul.

"You know, I've danced with a lot of girls," Johnny confessed, his tone softening. "But you're different.

Ruth's eyebrows lifted in curiosity, expecting a cocky pickup line. "Oh, really? What's different?"

"You're steadier," he explained sweetly as his eyes searched hers. "I like it."

What he didn't say floated in his mind. 'I want to be a better man for you,' he thought. 'A man worthy of you.'

The blonde's heart skipped a beat, and a blush painted her cheeks. Ruth couldn't help but smile at his words. It was then that she realized...Johnny wasn't just different for her. She was different for him, too.

Neither one spoke, allowing the soft music to permeate the air between them. A few moments later, John leaned down and gently rested his cheek against her temple, his eyes fluttering shut. Ruth's heart thumped loudly in her ears as she again felt the warmth of his breath on her face. She inhaled the light scent of his cologne mixed with whiskey and a subtle hint of cordite, her rapid heartbeat slowing at the somehow comforting aroma. It was so uniquely John, and it quickly encapsulated her senses. Sighing in contentment, Ruth leaned into his embrace, her face finding its place in the crook of his neck, nestled against the curve of his shoulder.

They stayed like that for the next few songs until a familiar voice boomed over the music.

"Did you two know about this?!"

Glaring at the man over Ruth's shoulder, Johhny decided to ignore the outburst, but when she pulled back from him slightly, he had to acknowledge it.

"What are ya talking about, Charlie?" John asked, his voice tinged with irritation.

Hugh's face was bright red as he angrily pointed at Johnny. "Did you know?"

Bucky's arm remained secure around Ruth's waist as she turned toward Hugh. The couple shared a confused glance before moving their gazes back to the pilot.

"Know what?" John repeated.

Hugh stepped toward Ruth and held something up to her face, and she felt Johnny tense behind her as the man waved a small packet before her eyes. "About these!"

When he recognized what they were, a smirk broke out on the Major's face. "Ahh, Charlie," he chuckled. "Did it not work out with the redhead at the table with you and Curt?"

Ruth raised a brow in confusion, but when she took a closer look, she realized he held up a packet of condoms. In his other hand, he white-knuckled Hope's bag.

"I got these from in here," Hugh scoffed, holding up the bag before turning around and storming toward the door, yelling for his sister.

Eyes widening, Ruth's face flushed with heat at the behavior the packets suggested as she peered up at Johnny. "We should probably follow him," she said quickly.

"Ruthie," he groaned dramatically, throwing his head back. "Do we have to? What if I want to keep dancing?"

She smacked his chest lightly. "He's gonna kill Buck, John."

"Buck?" Johnny asked with furrowed brows. "What's Buck got to do with condoms?"

The woman blinked at him for a second. "That was Hope's purse."

As the predicament dawned on him, his eyes grew as big as saucers. "Shit."

Grabbing her hand, he pulled her along as they bolted through the hall after Hugh. They reached him at the same moment he burst through one of the side doors.

"Hope? Is that you?" Hugh bellowed, seeing two figures tangled together in the shadows.

The pair quickly separated, and the dim light from the door illuminated them, revealing Buck and Hope, the latter donning a dress jacket over her dress. Gale's hair was a complete mess, the sandy blonde strands falling over his forehead as his hand rested on her hip.

Ruth grimaced at the sight, and John pursed his lips, his mustache raising slightly.

"Sparky, what's got you in such a tizz?" Gale laughed, instantly regretted it when several condom packets went flying towards his face.

"Don't you Sparky me, Asshole!" He hissed at Gale before turning towards Hope. "What the hell are you doing with these, Hope? Did he give them to you?" Hugh demanded, his fist clenched at his side as Hope gathered up the packets and shoved them deep into her coat pocket. Her face was on fire and she couldn't bear to turn to see Gale's expression.

"So that's what Frank gave you," Ruth muttered under her breath from beside Johnny, whose expression morphed into one of amusement. Buck was always so straight-laced, and John found it humorous to see his friend in such a situation. Despite this, he was ready to step in at any moment to break up anything before it got out of hand.

"I wasn't going to use them. They aren't even really mine! Frank made us take them to be safe, but Hugh, I swear it's not what it looks like," Hope pleaded, removing herself from Gale's side to go to her brother. "Hugh, I swear, I just shoved them in my bag on the way."

Hope stopped for a moment, eyeing her brother suspiciously.

"Hang on. Why are you going through my bag?" She snapped, snatching the small leather purse from his hands.

"You always carry first aid stuff with you and I cut my finger on some broken glass," he admitted sheepishly, holding up his bloodied finger. Sighing, Hope took hold of her brother's hand and assessed the damage.

"I do have some stuff in my bag," she sighed again. "Go inside and wash your hands. I'll be back in a few minutes."

Watching her brother sheepishly retreat, Hope's gaze moved to Ruth's. The blonde sent her a raised brow, but Hope just rolled her eyes and shook her head. Ruth grinned at the realization she wasn't the one with the rosy hue on her cheeks for once. From above her, John smirked and winked at Gale, who shot an 'I can't deal with you right now' glare back at him. Taking that as their queue to leave, he tugged Ruth over to the door and held it open as she walked through. He gave the couple one last glance before shutting the door behind him.

The moment the door clicked shut behind them, Ruth and John looked at each other, their lips quirking up as they tried to keep their composure. He was the one to break first, his loud belly laugh echoing through the hallway, soon followed by Ruth's giggles. They both had tears glistening in their eyes when the laughter died down, allowing them to hear the music in the distance.

"I'm never gonna let him forget that," Bucky sighed, reaching up and wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

Ruth couldn't get the laughter out of her system and kept chuckling. "Poor Hope looked mortified. Do I look like that all the time? Like a deer in headlights?"

"Oh Ruth," he sighed with a grin, softly releasing her hand to grasp her upper arms gently. "Don't worry. You're the cutest deer in headlights I've seen."

Narrowing her eyes at him, she tilted her head slightly. "I think that was a compliment?"

"It was."

John's grip slid down her arms to her hands, where he began to pull her back toward the main dance hall the music was streaming from. With every backward step he took, Johnny shifted his shoulders to the beat while bending his knees, lowering with every step. Ruth rolled her eyes at his antics but slowly gave in and began dancing with him as they made their way to the hall once more.

Most of the couples had cleared out from the bar area in the few minutes they were dealing with Hugh, and they found a seat at a table in the corner.

"Where'd everyone go?" she asked, looking around at all the empty seats.

John checked his watch and groaned. "It's 10:30. They're gonna kick us out at 11."

"So, hotshot," Ruth stood to her feet, extending a hand to him. "What do ya say we do some more dancing 'til then?"

A smirk grew on his face as his eyes rose from her hand to her flushed cheeks. "I thought you'd never ask."

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪

Just as Johnny predicted, the pair were kicked off the dance floor at 11 pm on the dot. Ruth's cheeks ached from her constant smiles and laughter of the night, but she didn't mind.

Her heels clicked on the concrete as they walked hand in hand to the Red Cross hut. The normally abysmal English weather had remained clear for the rest of the night, and the stars shone down on them, illuminating their path. John swung their hands between them, his gaze lowering to admire the curve of her nose and lips.

"Did you have a good time tonight?"

"I had an amazing time," she replied softly, squeezing his hand. A gust of wind sent a chill through her, and she shivered involuntarily. Without a word, John released her hand and pulled her into his side, rubbing his hand up and down her arm gently.


His body heat instantly warmed her up as she nuzzled into his side, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Yeah," she whispered, feeling his fingers drawing shapes on her arm.

As they rounded the corner of the Red Cross hut, John's heart sank into his stomach. He didn't want the night to end and he hoped Ruth felt the same. He realized that if they were to have an actual chance of making it work, he would have to do something different.

He would have to be vulnerable.

Stopping in front of the door, Bucky released her from his side and held her hands delicately between them. Taking a deep breath, his soft voice broke the stillness of the night. "I meant what I said earlier, ya know...when we were dancing."

Ruth's breath hitched in her throat at his words, and she looked up at him. The soft glow of the moon illuminated the sincerity in his gaze as he continued. "You're different."

"Thank you," she murmured, Ruth's blonde hair covering her reddened face as her gaze fell to their shoes. "Nobody's ever said anything like that to me."

With her words, his brows furrowed and his eyes flicked to her left hand, his expression becoming more serious. "Ruth, can I ask you an honest question?" he said softly.

She nodded slowly, unsure of what he was going to say next.

Gently reaching up and running his hand over her cheek, he pushed the hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear. "You're gorgeous, smart, funny, and have a good career...you're a perfect example of what guys want...so why isn't there a ring on your finger?"

The question completely caught her off guard, and Bucky's touch stole her breath away. "I-uh," she stuttered, her gaze falling to the floor again. "I'm not sure. There have been guys, but they just never...worked out."

"They must've been total dodos, because I know any smart guy wouldn't let you get away. I've known you for a little over a week and I can already see that."

Ruth took a moment to collect her thoughts before meeting his blue eyes once more. "Maybe it was just bad timing in the past," she admitted, her voice sincere. "Or maybe I just wasn't what they were looking for."

Their eyes locked, and the air seemed to shift around them. John's thumb grazed lightly over her cheekbone, his eyes never leaving hers. "Ruth," he said earnestly. "I can't speak for those other guys, but I won't let you slip away. Not if I have anything to say about it."

Bucky's words lingered in the air of the cool English night as they stood silently, each of their hearts beating rapidly in their chests.

"Good," Ruth finally spoke, her voice lowered to a whisper.

The woman's breath caught as Johnny leaned in slowly and gently moved his hand to cup her jaw. His touch was both tender and confident, and Ruth's eyes remained locked with his, captivated by the fondness that radiated from them.

For the second time that night, she felt his warm breath fan across her face, the scent of whiskey filling her senses again. Their noses nestled together for a brief moment and Ruth couldn't help but giggle against his lips at the way his mustache tickled her face.

John's grin matched Ruth's as he murmured in reply, his lips brushing hers. "What's so funny?"

"Tickles," she answered, her eyes fluttering closed at the sensation.

Without another word, Johnny carefully tilted her face toward him and connected their lips softly, his free hand moving to the small of her back. The feeling of his lips on hers was sweeter than she'd imagined, and Ruth moved her hand to rest on his chest.

Just when she thought he was going to deepen the kiss, he pulled back slightly, their eyes meeting once more. A bashful smile appeared on Ruth's face as he held her in his arms.

"I didn't mean to make you so ticklish," John teased, a playful glint in his eyes.

She chuckled, her fingers reaching up and brushing over his thin mustache. "I think I like it," Ruth confessed, a blush tinting her cheeks.

He raised his eyebrows at her. "You think?"

"Okay, I like it a lot," she nodded, her head still spinning from the kiss.

"That's what I thought," Bucky remarked, glancing down at his watch. His excitement deflated and he sighed when he saw the time was 11:45, a soft grin forming on his lips. "Well, I guess it's that time."

Their hands slowly released their grip, and Johnny took a step closer. In the soft moonlight, he cupped her cheek. "Goodnight, Ruthie," he whispered, his breath a gentle caress against her forehead. With that, he leaned in and pressed a sweet, lingering kiss to her forehead.

Ruth closed her eyes, savoring the soft touch. "Goodnight, John," she replied.

He gave her one last lingering look before turning to leave, a smug smile playing on his lips. As he strolled off into the night, the cool breeze helped to calm the raging heat she felt. Ruth turned toward the door, her fingers grazing her lips as she remembered the softness of his mouth and his subtle taste of whiskey. As she shut the door quietly behind her, she smiled to herself, the blonde's heart fluttering with the sweet aftertaste of their goodnight kiss.

The very second the door closed, Johnny punched the air, shouting enthusiastically before letting out his signature loud cackle.

The Major had a really good feeling about the nurse. Perhaps she was what he needed to truly feel again without the buzz of alcohol or one-night stands that left him longing for something more. He did know one thing for sure:

'Shit, I'm in trouble," he chuckled under his breath, shaking his head as he made his way back to his hut. He relished in the memory of her smooth skin beneath his touch and her adorable grins throughout the night. "Ruth, Ruth, Ruth...what have you done to me?"

✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ ✪ ✈︎ 

A/N: Thanks for reading!! :)

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