In The Mind of Depression

By pickle_juice120

46 8 0

A "book" full of poems, from a depressed child. These poems are just sincere words and do not (and will not)... More

The way life works
My scars
Hands and reasons
Heart bones
Slits on my wrists
Everything at once
The person next to me.
In its grip
The Rhyme Scheme of a Sad Person.

Kill me please

2 0 0
By pickle_juice120

I can't wait to die.An understatement,I want to die now.I can't take this anymore.I can't take the pain,the loneliness,the misunderstanding.The pain I feel as I drawon my wrist,and my fingers,and my handswith sharp objects until I bleed.The loneliness I feel as my friends talkand ignore my existence.I love them,but they don't listen.Only talk.Their words sometimes aren't wordsto me.They are sometimes unintelligible sounds,like animals.Like the screeching cries of animalsas they die.The misunderstanding of not only my parents,but of my friends andmy only sister.I tried asking for help but I was called,"Bitch",by the person I trusted the most.She didn't even try to understand.She pitied everyone,helped everyone,but me?Why didn't you help me?I died every time I told you something,and you stayed quiet.As you shared with me about your "friend"that had depression and wanted to kill himself.He tried to overdose.You cried.I told you, no, I sobbed to you about bringing the scissors to my wristand ending it all.You guilt-tripped me, saying others had it worse.I couldn't do it when you did that. I tried to kill myself.You didn't care.I talk to you,Youdon't care.

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