84th Floor: Light

By loveforloveandfood

439 72 2

Welcome to the residence of 84th floor. For now... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 12

6 2 0
By loveforloveandfood


I watched Kain stand next to his father in a matching black suit. They were shooting for Vogue USA. There was a whole ordeal happening. People running around. Flashes going off, light being changed. Wardrobes were being looked at for the next look.

Kain didnt speak to me after his father basically threatened him. I wonder what he was hiding. This family drama was becoming more and more of an issue and I was wondering when it would end? It seemed that Mr Kattan has stepped into his villain role that they portrayed him out to be.. he wasnt accepting it anymore I guess.

I watched Kain infront of the cameras and he was a natural. He didnt do much really funny enough, no crazy poses. I know my favourite was when he looked up and he was at a side angle, his perfect jaw line. His face was just angelic.

He looked a lot like his father, it was a sight to see. Kain didnt smile in his pictures even when they told him to smile, he didnt. I knew Kain had a history with getting into trouble. Thats all everyone spoke about with him. How he fought often and broke things.. his long history with girls etc but what demons was he hiding.

As the shoot ends Kain had changed and was in a foul mood. Even Katie who sat next to me, seemed worried.

"Nothing worse than family drama." She mumbled. "Thought this was going to go a whole different way."

"Yeah me too." I tell her as she chuckles. "Have you thought about you being put infront of the camera?" She asks.

"Does it pay me money?" I ask her and she chuckles. "Ofcourse. From this shoot alone, these two combined were paid $3 million."

"Yeah because theyre them and I am me." I say and she just chuckles. "Yeah, but youd make money." She says

"I don't think its for me.. I am too awkward. Barely take selfies." I say and she nods. "What are you doing at the moment?"

"Im in between jobs. I worked in a restaurant before." I tell her and she nods. "Well, if you would like to be a behind the scrnes kind of person, I could get you in for a job." She says and I look at her. "Really?"

"Yes, office based? We do a lot of client deals etc etc. We have about 120 clients signed to our agency. Kain's probably our number one money maker." She chuckles.

"It be a weird working for a company Kain's signed to." I tell her.

"I have another company as well where we manage musicians. I think maybe that would be something? You can start with adminstration and see what roles you might like."

"That sounds amazing." I tell her. She hands me her phone and I put my number in. "Thanks Katie."

"One day I will get you infront of the camera." She says smiling. Kain reappears in the original clothes he came with, a white tshirt and grey sweats.

"Im ready to bounce." He says to me. "Bye Kain." Katie says. "Professionalism is a good look on you." She teases him as she walks off.

I get up and follow Kain out who people seemed to watch and wonder what the drama was about as they quietly watched him. I didnt see Mr Kattan again.

Kain had his Mclaren out today and it was bright orange, attracted even more attention. Sometimes I looked at Kain and his friends and they seemed to really like the attention even though they complained about it. As the car was pulled to the front, Kain and I got in as people stopped and stared and watched the car.

Kain drives off in his own thoughts and I wasnt really sure what to say or do to make him feel better. I know we had plans to meet the rest for dinner.

"What was your dad talking about?" I ask him. Kain doesnt even look at me and continues driving.

"Kain?" I say again.

"Fuck him. What does it matter what that lying cheating scumbags got to say." He snaps at me. I wasnt sure why he was yelling at me now? I didnt do anything to him and it pissed me off.

"And you have been an honest faithful boyfriend right?" I ask him annoyed. "Youre being a fucking hypocrite and you know it."

"I didn't father a fucking child did I?"

"Who fucking knows the amount of girls you have slept with." I say.

"Oh and youre so angelic and a fucking virgin then?" He says.

"Atleast I dont have a history of cheating." I say and he looks at me.

"So why are you with me then? If you haven't forgiven me." He says. I didnt want to argue whilst he was driving a car that could go the speed of a fucking race car. He zooming past places and it was irritating me.

"Thats a good fucking question." I tell him pissed off. The truth was that I had forgiven him.. I just never forget and I know he has the capacity to keep doing so..

Kain had pulled up at the restaurant and I get out the car as someone takes his car to park it. I ignore him and walk over to the restaurant doors pissed off with him and his stinky attitude.

Kain seemed to be smoking a cigarette outside as I get seated. The rest wasnt here yet it seemed. I wasnt in the mood anymore for dinner, maybe the drinks. I just wanted to take this dress I was wearing off and the heels, get this make up off and tie my hair into a bun.

Kain sits down next to me and I ignore him and his foul mood. He orders us drinks and I scroll through my phone and look at job rejection after job rejection. Maybe I should take the job Katie offered me.

I look up from my phone hearing Rosie and Julian appear at the table. They could sense the tension I guess between Kain and I as they approached with caution almost.

"Hello friends." Rosie says kissing my cheek and then Kain's.

"Whats up with the mood?" Julian says as he sat down. I sit up straight and look at Kain who just ignored the question.

"Dont mind him, he is a childish spoiled brat." I say still reeling.

"What? You just realized?" Roman says as he sat down next to to Rosie followed in shortly by Kai who sits next to me.

"Apparently so." Kain says as he throws his drink back.

"What are you guys arguing about?" Kai asks. "We just came from his job where he just had a Vogue shoot with his dad."

"Thats crazy." Roman says as he looks at Kain. "Which he then blackmailed Kain basically into doing when he realized his dad was there."

"What?" Roman asks confused.

"He is upset because I said whats the difference? You cheated and lied." I shrug.

"Why do I fucking care about what hes got to say? I do not give a fuck." Kain says. "And if youre so obsessed why dont you go fuck him instead since he is single right now." Kain snaps at me. Sometimes he talked to me like I was just trash.

"Youre so fucking disrespectful." I say getting up knocking over my drink missing his lap just about. Kain grabs my arm pulling me back on my seat. "And I am the child ish one?" He says. "Get off me." I tell him. "Get the fuck off me." I was getting so angry there were now tears

"Guys..." Roman says. I push Kain off me but he didnt budge as his eyes stood angry. "Just let go Kain." Julian says as Roman got up. I could punch Kain in the face right now, and I have been raised in a flight or fight mode. I go for it and just hit him in the face a few times before Roman grabbed my waist and pulled me off Kain who blocked my hits now.

"Fuck." Kain says as he wipes his mouth seeing blood follow the back of his hand. "Youre such a fucking bitch." He yells at me.

"Youre a bitch." I tell him trying to push Roman off of me. "Fucking asshole."

"Lets fucking go." Roman says as he know pushed me away from the table.

Roman's car is pulled upfront as I stood outside, I cut my finger on the broken glass on the table. Roman was standing next to me as if any second I was going to run back and continue assaulting his brother.

I get in Roman's White Audi and have instant regret as I see my blood smeared on his white seats.

"Youre bleeding." Roman says

"Sorry." I say but he hands me a paper towel which I press on my finger. "Fuck your brother, I do not like being grabbed. Hes so fucking disrespectful." I say leaning my head back against the headrest.

"Well you know Kain, he has a thing for pissing off his crazy girlfriends." Roman jokes making me roll my eyes.

Fuck, when I fight Kain I usually storm off to my own apartment but I have returned the keys and left my home behind to move in with my asshole boyfriend. Roman drops me off at the penthouse and I tell him I am fine. I get out the dress and shower and get into bed. I didnt need this craziness right now.

5am, I wake up and see Kain hasnt returned home. He was out often till early mornings so I wasnt shocked or surprised. I check my phone and do not see any messages or any calls. I check social media, it was pretty easy to find out what Kain and his friends were up to. Rosie literally put everything on social media. I look at her story and Julian and Kain were doing shots with her. Random people around.

I roll my eyes and ignore it as I go back to sleep. The next morning, I wake up and see Kain still hasnt returned. It was like 10am. I get up and get myself ready for the day... I grab my phone and call Kain. He doesnt answer my call so I call Roman.

"Yooo." Roman says mumbling half asleep.

"Hey. Have you seen Kain?"

"No, I left them in the club around 3am." He says.

"Okay." I say hanging up as he sounded like he was about to go back to sleep. Fuck him I guess, if he didnt want to go home he can fuck off. 

At two in the afternoon as I was getting ready to go hang out with Hannah at her place for her usual wine and reality tv show catch up, I watch Kain stroll into the apartment as I heard the ding from the door opening. I did the laces of my airforces as I picked up my phone. I had put on grey sweats and a white cropped tshirt. I brush out my freshly straightened hair and ignore Kain walking into the bedroom. 

"Hey." Kain says as he stood at the door looking at me. I ignore him and put the brush down as I walk past him out the room. I did not want to argue or fight. Kain sighs following me out the room and down the stairs.

"Stop." I say stopping at the bottom of the stairs. He tries to find my eyes but I had no energy on me so I ignore him and turn around to the door.

"Zara..." He says. "Stop, look I am sorry I was an asshole last night."

"And then an asshole that goes missing and does not return home all night." I tell him opening the door.

"Stop. Zara." He says pulling me back shutting the door.

"Move out of my way Kain." I tell him. "I didnt think youd want me home?" He says as he blocked the door.

"So where were you?"

"At Kai's." He says. "Sure..." I say looking at him now to see if I could tell if he was lying or not. His lip was busted and I saw I left scratches on him.

"Im sorry for being an ass..." He says. "Honestly... I am... my dad pissed me off and I was having a bad day. Sorry okay?" He asks pulling me in. He kisses my lips and I let him, melting into his stupid self. "Where you going? Ill take you."

"Hannah. You look still drunk... no thanks." I say and he chuckles. "Okay take my car?"

"Which one?" I ask and he smiles. "You choose." He says

"Not the orange Mclaren."

"You like the Mercedes." He says as he walks to the kitchen were he pulled the wall open where he had all keys nice hung. "From now on, use this car for when youre going out and shit. Stop ubering places."

"Is that your sorry?" I ask and he just looks at me. "If you stay home, I will show you how sorry I am?" He says as he pulls me in. He holds me for ansecond as he ran his fingers through my hair. All I thought about sometimes was kissing him and his lips on mine.

"Sorry... got to go." I say sighing. "Youre gonna have to try harder than that asshole." I say pushing him off as I leave watching him flip me off. Well fuck you too.

I end up chilling with Hannah who gives me the down low of the gossip at work. My phone starts ringing as Hannah opens the bottle of wine. It was an uknown number it seemed making me uneasy.


"Hi is that Zara Hamilton?"


"Hi, I am calling from NYC Hospital, I have you listed here as one of the emergency contacts for Zade Hamilton." My heart stopped, I was sure of it. I sit up instantly

"Yeah thats my brother..."

"Well, Mr Hamilton is currently here.. due to a stabbing." She says. "What? Is he okay?"

"Do you want to come down and talk to the doctor?"

"Yes I will be there soon." I say panicking.

"Whats wrong?" Hannah asks.

"Well Zade's been stabbed?" I say. "Hes in the hospital..."

"Oh God... is he ok?"

"No idea..." I say a little dizzy. "Come lets go find out."

Things went by in a blur as we got to the hospital. I could tell breathe almost worried about Zade. I rushed into the hospital with Hannah finding a doctor who could answer me whats going on. I had tears just flowing down my face blurring my vision almost.

"Hi. Im the doctor looking after your brother."

"Is he okay?" I ask panicked.

"Hes in a critical state... currently in a coma so his body can heal him better. "What happened?"

"His girlfriend has been arrested for assaulting him. She stabbed a knife in his chest. Hes been out of surgery now for 12 hours." He says. "You can go in to see him.. however, this will be a long recovery for him if he does survive."

"Thanks." Hannah says to him as she held my hand. "It will be okay..." She says as she hugs me.

We go into the room to see him and the sight of Julian hooked on a machine made me fall to my knees. It hurt probably more than watching him in handcuffs being dragged away.

As awful as he has been, thats my brother... the only family Ive got and the only one I share DNA with on this planet.

I pull myself together and walk over to him. He had a machine hooked on his mouth, a tube running out his throat. He had no shirt on and the bandage was all over his chest. Millions of machines beeping as they were attached to him.

"Zade... wake up please... its me Zara." I say to him in between my sobs. "I forgive you, I promise... but I need you to wake up again... Im struggling to do this thing called life without you... please wake up." I plop down on the chair and cry and cry until I feel like the tears ran out and my chest was about to explode. Hannah held my hand and sat with me throughout the whole night. We fell asleep on each other sat next to Zade.

"Hi girls." A nurse says waking us up. I get off of Hannah who opens her eyes.  "Im Whitney, the nurse thats been taking care of your brother." 

"Im Zara, his sister." I tell her and she nods. "You look alike I can tell."

"How is he?"

"Stable. But not much change." She says and I just nod. "What time is it?"

"Its 9am. You two should go home, eat." She says. "Im here to take care of your brother." She was so nice and it made me want to cry all over.

I needed to take Hannah home then I would come back. I didn't need anything but to be by my brother.

Hannah makes me eat something and I try to stay alert and upbeat but it was hard. I just kept thinking the worst. I shower and she gives me sweats and a top to wear. I do not tell her Im going back because shed come with me and she didn't deserve to be sat in a hospital day in day out.

I get back to the hospital and sit next to Zade again. I pull my feet up on the chair and just sink into myself. Time was ticking by slowly as I was filled with anxiety, pain and sadness. Grief that was kick started early...

I fell asleep in the thoughts of my childhood with my brother promising to come get me. It was a warm day when they moved me and Zade turned 18, he told me not to worry. Were forever connected and he'll save me from anywhere.

"Zara..." I hear a familiar voice waking me up. Kain was stood infront of me as I opened my eyes. I sit up and he looks at me confused. The sight of him made me burst into tears. He grabs me and sits next to me as he hugs me tight digging his face into my neck. "Im here..." He says.

I look at Kain as he lets go of me, his green eyes concerned. "Why didn't you call me?" He asks. "Your phone is off... I had to track you down."

"I forgot I don't know..." I say

"What happened to him?"

"Veronica stabbed him." I say. "Fuck..." He mumbled.

"It will be okay." He says and I just nod. He sat next to me and held my hand for a while.

"Im really grateful for you." He says to me as he kissed my hand he was holding.

Kain tried to get me to come home but I couldn't. I slept on the chair and Kain stayed with me. Held me all night, probably didnt sleep himself.

I stayed the whole week, going home to shower and change before I returned to Zade. Kain would be here often, sometimes had to leave for work but he stayed with me. Tried to get me to come home.. I became friends with nurses and doctors and the hospital became my new home.

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