Never Forget [book one]

By HoraaanHuggs

1.8M 29.2K 5.9K

{Complete/being edited} - Niall Horan & Rosaline Kendall have been bestfriends for as long as they can rememb... More

Before You Read ♡
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Turdy-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine: Epilogue.
Author's Note.

Chapter Forty-Five

19.8K 304 88
By HoraaanHuggs

Chapter Forty-Five~

Rosaline's POV:

July, 17th. (2 of 2)

"Happy birthday, Baby." Niall told me for the second time, pecking the corner of my mouth.

Already I was having the best birthday.

I didn't remember putting my clothes back on last night, but we were clothed again. I'd honestly say that was the best experience of my life... Yet.

"Thank you." I smiled, hugging him before getting up to going to take a shower.

I think I'm a hoe... Sex twice in less than one week with two different people.

The thought made me cry, but Niall couldn't hear old the noise the water made as it came from the faucet, hitting the tub floor. It'd show in my eyes that I was crying, but then again I could say it was soap-if asked.

"Rosie. Come down stairs when you're done." Niall yelled to me from the other side of the bathroom door.

"Kay." I yelled back, stopping the shower to get out.

I dressed into some sweats and a random shirt knowing all too well that I was gonna be asked... No... Demanded, to change.

Like told, I went down stairs.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled at me.

This wasn't expected, I swear I almost faint. I really expected to see Niall eating, and no one else in the house. But instead it was totally different.

"Thank you." I covered my face, giggling.

When I said everyone, that included: Liam, Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn, Addison, and some stranger who was probably one of the other guy's girlfriend.

There was no cake... But there was a full breakfast. My apetite had still been in it's strange state of refusal to food. But I'd eat for them.

Eating wasn't really a problem, I just chose not to, I don't know why. My weight was the same though.

Niall pulled me down into the seat next to him, and handed me a couple envelopes.

"What's this for?" A rhetorical question. It was my birthday. But I meant whom were they from.

He shrugged digging in, as well as everyone else did.

Each envelope had a name who they were from. One envelope was from mum and dad, One from Maura, Anonymous, Everyone, and Nana.

The anonymous one was mailed to the house, Addressed to me, with no return address. I was afraid to read that one, so I skipped it.

Nana's enveloped looked like it was years old that said: "Rosaline's 18th Birthday" in calligraphy. I'd read it later if it were a letter, because I'd probably break down into tears infront of everyone.

Mum and Dad's was money, a card, a drawing from Sophia, and a car key that had a note attached to it: "It's back in London. x"

They were out planning Nana's funeral as mentioned in the birthday/apology letter. It was fine anyways... I'd spent the day with Niall and that's all that mattered.

Maura sent me money and a card.

And lastly there was a card with everyone's names signed it. And one name that stood out was the one that said: Perrie.

That must have been the blonde sat before me, between Louis and Zayn.

I laughed, "Thank you again, everyone." Then sarcastically squealed. "And now I officially have five out of five signatures from One Direction!"

Everyone laughed, telling me you're welcome.

"Hurry up and eat Rose, so you can change your clothes. Because as my best friend, yo' ass is not going out dressed like, 'Who did that and why.'"

I took a bite out of a pancake and instantly I was full. Niall finished the rest of my food, then I went to change into some decent clothes.

"Do we have any plans?" I was stood infront of the full body mirror, back in my room.

"Yes we do." Niall said, slipping his arms around my waist while I put my hair into a high bun.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, not a bit surprised, but not wanting to do anything extravagant.


"As in?" I turned facing him, and putting my arms around his neck.

Niall shrugged. "Go see the city, or something. Then you owe me a real dinner."

"What do you mean real dinner?"

"Our first date was a night full of misunderstandings, and bull-"

"I forgive you." I said, though he'd apologize before and I forgave him before, I believe.

"Last night was amazing," Our noses touched, and his pancake and bacon breath entered my ajar mouth.

I must agree. It was truly amazing. The best I ever had, but technically not my only. And that still got to me a lot, but I wouldn't dare cry about it in from of Niall, because I might crack, and confess my rapist.

But I'm gonna unveil it one way or another. Just not now, or anytime soon.

I was gonna agree with him, until we were interrupted.

"You guys ready?" It was Zayn.

He had a smug look, as if he'd heard the whole thing.

Niall gave him some sort of look, then Zayn scurried off laughing to himself, his laugh echoed in the corridor.

A tad later, I was blind folded, and we'd went to god knows where. But we'd walked there with everyone else, but we lost some people on the way.

"Rose, I'm going to go geeet your present." And I suppose Addi dragged along Harry.

"Louis! Get back here." Liam said, and I supposed he went to go get Louis but never returned because we never heard his voice.

"Me and Perrie are going to erm... Split up and join the rest of the party?" That was Zayn.

Though I was blind folded I knew we were the only ones walking. Just Niall and I.

"What party?"

"It isn't a party. He's just trying to speak in codes." Thank god.

Both of his hands were intertwined with either of mine from behind. My back against his chest, as we walked, and his back sort of arched to put his chin on my left shoulder.

Niall would whisper things every now and then in my ear, and kiss my cheek.

"Are we there?" I asked for the 69th time, while pulling both of Niall's arms around my abdomen.

He kissed my neck, "One more block. Stop being a pessimist."

I laughed. "Must I wear the blind fold?"

"Nuh uh, but It'll make me happyyyyy."

Then I was willing to keep the blind folds on for a whole entire block.

I almost tripped over air, but luckily Niall's arm were around me. He laughed. "Clumsy."

Funny. And about 5minutes later, I could hear screaming of kids, music, laughter, chattering, and different types of noises of fun from a distant...

I don't know why, but I was already smiling big. Excited.

The smell of popcorn filled my nose, and in a way I knew exactly where we were.

"This is only one of some gifts. I just thought we'd go down memory lane."

I stopped in my tracks when I could hear it all right in front of us, and turned around to Niall, at least I think so.


I could tell he shrugged, as he reached behind my head to removed the cloth, and pulled me along.

The Street Fair.

It'd looked much prettier at night, what with all the colorful lights and all, but I don't think we were staying that long. I suppose Niall had something else planned, and I hope and pray to god that it's nothing expensive and out of the ordinary.

I covered my mouth with one hand, giggling as I looked around. Niall's eyes watched me happily and satisfied.

My face was like a child's... Excited.

I wasn't embarrassed, because for one, there were people of all ages here all our age as well.

In my dreams Niall wouldn't get noticed as Niall Horan from One Direction, we'd just have fun like old times, but apparently that wasn't going to happen.

"Niall! Can I have you autograph?!" I swear it was like rain on my parade. It happened atleast 30times today. In line for the carrousel, at the cotton candy stand, the hot dog stand, the game booths, when throwing trash away, in line for the ferris wheel, I mean, everywhere we turned there was a fan. And everytime it did occur, he sent me the most hurtful and sorrowful look, while I gave him a fake smile. But it was who he was.

There were over 1,000 at this street fair. We bumped into Zayn, and the blonde girl, once, and Liam and Louis, twice. But not once did we bump into Harry and Addi. Either they were still "getting my present," or it was just that big of a fair.

Once it hit 3pm, Niall was dragging me out of the street fair.

It might have been a little bad, what with all the fans disrupting the fun, but in the end, it was great to spend time with Niall.

"I'm full." I burped.

Niall scrunched up his face, "Ew."

Which made me shrug. Not a 'Sorry' Shrug, but a 'Too bad' one.

"Where to now?"

His arm was wrapped around my shoulders, while mine was wrapped around his waist, my hand shoved in his jacket pocket, clutching my phone. And yes, I had no pockets.


"You don't know?"

"Well... There was originally two things planned. The Fair, and Dinner... But erm... I couldn't stay there any longer." He sighed.

Good, because I couldn't stay there any longer either. I sighed too, then prodded his stomach with my loose hand. "Don't beat yourself up. I had fun. Thank you."

"Why can't I ever go out without being noticed."

"Because you're Niall fucking Horan!" I said laughing, sounding almost like Addi's pep talk, with the profanity.

His frown turned upside down for a second, then frowned again.

"But sometimes I don't want to be Niall fucking Horan. I just want to be Niall."

"You are Niall."

But I got what he meant. But at least he was somebody. I'm just Rosaline. Rosaline that corndog.

At this point, I just wanted to go somewhere quiet, and just talk to Niall.

Not Niall Horan from One Direction. But just Niall.

And I think he wanted the same.

I dropped my phone in his pocket, and dropped my arm to my side from around him, and he did the same.

We begin holding hand, swinging our intertwined fingers back and forth higher and higher.

"Can we talk?" I asked.

"Talk." He smiled.

"My stomach and thighs hurt a bit. Let's sit down first?"

The food caused a stomach ache, but the walking didn't cause my thighs aches.

We went to the vacant local park. No one was there since all the kids were at the fair.

I sat on the swing, swinging softly forward and back. Niall sat infront of me in the sand.

"So how does it feel to be 18?"

The same, I suppose. No difference.

I looked around to make sure there was no one around.

"Well... My virginity is gone. So I guess I feel a tad free."

Niall laughed, and looked down at the sand.

I was lying to him. It hurt me just as much as it would hurt if he knew the truth. It hurt more than my thighs did at the moment. Never did I think the pain would last 3days. Then again, maybe it did go away, and came back this morning.

"Do you love me?" Niall asked, though he knew the answer, by the way he beamed.

"More than sleeping? No." I lied.

Even though sleeping had to be one of the most beautiful things in life.

Niall took a pinch of sand, and tossed it at me. It landed in my lap.

I laughed, dusting the sand off my dress that came mid-thigh.

Just as he said: "You're mean," I brought one foot back, then kick sand at him.

I didn't mean to kick as much of sand that I did, it got all over his clothes, but luckily not his hair, mouth, or eyes- it was below his shoulder.

"Do you think we know what love is?" I asked, giggling, and observing the ends of my new white converse.

"To me. Love isn't what everyone thinks it is. Everyone loves differently. So in our instance we do know what love is."

I didn't get that, but I sat there trying to.

Minutes passed, as I thought, about his words and Niall thought about god knows what.

"Where'd the bruise on your hip come from."

I didn't notice a bruise on my hip.

"Addi." I answered quickly... Too quick.

I think I'd now left Niall on a verge of suspicions.

He scooted closer to me, making sand fall off of him. Niall grabbed my ankle pulling my right foot into his lap, then dug in his pocket to retrieve a Sharpie's Permanent Marker.

I knew exactly what he was doing, but I didn't try and stop him. It didn't bother me. I just sat and watched.

It was cute, like in the movie 'The Last Song,' Liam Hemsworth wrote on the little white part at the end of Miley Cyrus' Converse.

"Why do you have a marker in your pocket."

The black marker made a squeaky noise as he wrote.

"I forgot to give it back to one of the fans."

I giggled and he chuckled.

Oh, Niall.


Now both of my shoes were written on.

The right foot said:

'I love you. 7.17.2k12

And the other said:

'Niall & Rosie♡ Foreveeer'

I smiled looking down at them, and he watched me wearing a smile as well.

We then talked about nothing really the rest of the time at the park, we played on the slides, and jungle gym, and even took turns on the swing. It was very fun.

So what if it was childish?

We might not've been small children, but technically we were still kids ourselves, even though at 18 you're a legal adult. It's eight-teen. Not eight-ADULT.

Instantly I was ready to leave when out of nowhere, I saw James across the street staring at Niall and I, with bald up fist, and a hard expression.

"Niall." I interrupted him in the middle of a hearty laugh, tapping his arm, while still staring back at James. "L-let's go home now."

It had been getting late anyways.

Niall turned around in the swing, following my gaze. His smile frantically disappeared.

"You know him?"

"N-no, and Y-yes." I said tugging him along.

James just so happened to be standing at the end of street that lead to the fair, with a few blocks away led to my house.

To avoid crossing his path, we were to take the next street and go allllll the way around.

I preferred my thighs hurting like hell, over seeing Niall hurt by James.

They were both the same height now, when I could have sworn Niall was much shorter before- but James was buffer.


"Put this on." Addison said as I walked through the door.

Niall had went through to his house, and we'd be seeing each other in a bit.

"Kay." I didn't throw a tantrum this time. "One sec."

Then I threw myself on the couch, sighing loudly and relieved. My legs could finally rest. Thank god.

I glanced at Addi who had a 'What the fuck?' Face.

"Nevermind me. What's the bandage for?"

Then she smiled in remembrance, and jumped excitedly.

"Oh my GAWD!"

Addison sat down next to me beaming.

She explain how when she kept making me write my name on her wrist, and how she said she was going to 'Get' my gift. She actually did go get 'my gift.'

She didn't have to say what exactly she did, because I think I knew where she was going with this.

My jaw dropped opened, "You didn't..."

She giggled, "Oh, but I did." Then winked as she ripped the bandage off. "Happy Birthday my bitch."

A real life... Tattoo?

I licked my finger, running it over her wrist multiple times.

"Ouch. It's new. Careful."

My saliva did not abstract any of the vibrant color. At all.

This was insane.

Did I mention it said my name? In my hand writing?!

"Oh my..." I said, dropping her arm.

It had a small red rose at the end of my name, with it's stem going through my name like a sword.

I mean, it was beautiful. But... To have a tattoo?

"You don't like it?"

"No, No. I do!" She got the wrong idea from my face. "But why?"

Then she smiled again. "Because you're my sister. And I never wanna lose you."

I would've cried tears of joy, but next thing I knew, I was being tackled into a bear hug.

It was nice to feel this love.

"Now put this damn dress on."

"Okay," I answered getting choked up, but giggling.

So, I put on the dress. It was very pretty, white, and went down to a third of my thigh.

It seemed almost like a wedding dress, but cut.

Addison did my make up, and flat ironed my curls.

I don't know if I ended up looking like myself in the end. Very beautiful. But I didn't believe it was me. And for once I felt beautiful.

"You look drop dead gorgeous."

Addison hip bumped me.

She let me slide on wearing my white converse, because they matched once again, and because they held a love message from Niall on them, andddd because she knows that I can barely walk on a flat surface, let alone an elevated one.

"Thank you." I mumbled, shyly.

I still had a slow apetite, but I was gonna force myself to eat as much as I could tonight, because it'd be unfair on Niall's behalf.

We went downstairs when the door bell rang. Either it was Niall being silly, and wanting it to be like in fairy tales, or I'd accidentally locked the door.

And it just so happened that the he was being silly. The door was unlocked.

His eyes widened when he saw me.

"You know you could have just come in?" I said.

He shrugged. Then said: "You look stunning... As usual."

I rolled my eyes, smiling sheepish and uttered out: "Thank you."

I clasped my hands together taking in his appearance.

I can't say I recall the last time Niall wore a tuxedo. In fact, I don't even think I've ever seen him wear one before.

No wait, he wore one to a family friend's wedding, I remember... I was 9 and he was 10. Niall was the ring bearer.

Anywho, His hair was it's normal way, and his shirt and tie were pink... Of all colors... Pink.

I liked it.

We just stood there sheepish, him outside the door frame, me inside.

"What're you waiting for?" Addison asked, pushing me outside the door.

I blushed whereas Niall chuckled when I merely knocked him over, because of Addi's push.

She gave me a, 'You'll thank me later' look, as I shot her daggers.

Niall took my hand leading me to a car, and opened the door for me to get in.

"Since when can you drive?" I ask after he went around to get in, as I put on my seatbelt. I was more shocked than intended.

"I can't." Niall chuckled, starting the car.

So, he begun driving with a smile on his face to god knows where. My eyes were wide with terror. He had reached over to put his seatbelt on while driving. He could have done that before he started driving, rather than letting both hands release the steering wheel, momentarily, putting our lives in jeopardy!

"Relaaaax." Niall joked, taking my hand with his loose one. Now, I was really scared. I could feel imaginary perspiration building up on my brow. "I can drive. I was kidding. I just don't exactly have a driver license."

That eased part of my anxiety, there was still worry there. "Then why don't you have one?"

He shrugged glancing back and fourth between the road and I. "I keep failing the written part of the driver's test thing." Niall's cute laugh sounded the car, making a smile twitch to my face. A wash of relief.

It was pretty much dark at this point, so I didn't pay much to the road as I stared out the window. My brain concentrated on the intimacy of Niall and I's hands. Palms touch, fingers entwine. The bases of our hands were so close that they shared a warmth. If I moved, our arms would move in sync. I felt complete. What more could I ask for, than being in the presence of Niall?



Tell me if the chapter was too short, so I can update within the next few hours o:

~Much Loveee. Xx

Oh & Happie Burfday to my Mummy! :D♥

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