Anime: Start by Being a Despe...

Por u_2222

26.5K 1.6K 54

After transmigration or maybe reincarnation, Torajirou Shiro is adopted by a man known as the 'God of War.' D... Más

Chapter 1 - The Beginning of Everything!
Chapter 2 - Swordsman!
Chapter 3 - Immense Magical Power!
Chapter 4 - Choices!
Chapter 5 - The Interdimensional Gate!
Chapter 6 - Falling from the Sky into a New World - Did Something Go Wrong?
Chapter 7 - First Battle in Another World!
Chapter 8 - Falna!
Chapter 9 - Entering the Dungeon for the First Time!
Chapter 10 - Deeper Exploration
Chapter 11 - Executives of Loki Familia!
Chapter 12 - The First Update of Falna!
Chapter 13 - Collaborating with Loki!
Chapter 14 - Welcoming the New Member!
Chapter 15 - Riveria's Entrustment!
Chapter 16 - Lefiya's Problem!
Chapter 17 - Lefiya's Decision!
Chapter 18 - The Hostess of Fertility!
Chapter 19: The Sudden Accident!
Chapter 20 - Desire!
Chapter 21: The Dian Cecht Pharmacy!
Chapter 22: Commission from Amid!
Chapter 23: Fierce Battle with Goliath! (Combining Two Chapters)
Chapter 24: Rank Up!
Chapter 25 - 18th Floor!
Chapter 26: The Gods' Return!
Chapter 27: Finn's Wish!
Chapter 28: The Expedition Begins!
Chapter 29: Break Time on the Way!
Chapter 31: Application of Ability!
Chapter 32: Expedition That Was Forced to End!
Chapter 33: A Familiar Scene!
Chapter 34: Ais's Ability!
Chapter 35: Level 3!
Chapter 36: A New Commission!
Chapter 37: The Banquet!
Chapter 38: Drunk Ais!
Chapter 39: Conversation with Bell!
Chapter 40: Denatus is About to Begin!
Chapter 41: An Encounter at the Denatus!
Chapter 42: Conspiracy!
Chapter 43: The War Game Where Everything is at Stake!
Chapter 44: Chaos at the Festival!
Chapter 45: Battle with Ottar!
Chapter 46: Daily Life After the Battle!
Chapter 47: Grimoire!
Chapter 48: The Murder Case in Rivira Town! (Double Chapter)
Chapter 49: The Red-Haired Killer!
Chapter 50: The Times Have Changed!
Chapter 51: Udaeus!
Chapter 52: Spartoi!
Chapter 53: Udaeus Defeated!
Chapter 54: Riveria's Social Death!
Chapter 55: Bell's Grimoire!
Chapter 56: Ais's Past!
Chapter 57: The Scapegoat!
Chapter 58: The Mysterious Client's Commission!
Chapter 59: The Quarreling Duo!
Chapter 60: The Banshee!
Chapter 61: The Strange Wall!

Chapter 30: New Type of Monster!

338 26 3
Por u_2222

Chapter 30: New Type of Monster!

The bonfire was still burning, with the sound of wood fibers cracking and popping.

Shiro held a bowl of meat soup in his hands, feeling the warmth from the flames on the backs of his hands and hearing the occasional playful noises from Tiona, inexplicably feeling a sense of warmth.

Riveria, sitting beside him, seemed to enjoy the moment too.

She was staring at the bonfire, her lips slightly curved upwards, her arms hanging naturally, humming a song known only to the elves, gently swaying her head in tune with the melody.

Perhaps this was the lifestyle Riveria, who was always preoccupied with various concerns, desired.

When the mama elf noticed Shiro looking at her, she realized what she was doing and stiffened, attempting to assume her usual stern expression.

However, she didn't know where to place her hands, which made her look somewhat comical.

The elf princess, who typically disliked the excessive respect from other elves, was now clumsily attempting to maintain her dignity.

However, it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Seeing Riveria in such a rare and awkward posture, Shiro reminded himself a thousand times not to laugh, lest he be hit by the embarrassed elf princess.

But in the end, he couldn't help it.

"Pff, hahaha! Sorry!"

Shiro's laughter was the last straw, making Riveria's face turn red from the neck up, and she took a deep breath and closed her eyes in resignation.

When she opened them again, Shiro noticed a certain resolution in her eyes.

Riveria showed him a graceful smile he had never seen before, then she began to speak.

"—Harbinger of the end, the white snow. Blow with the wind before the twilight."

Wait! Why is Riveria starting to chant her magic now!

Hearing her chanting, Shiro suddenly jumped up from the ground.

But Riveria paid no attention to him; her indifferent eyes showed neither sadness nor joy, only a kind of pity for someone about to die.

Seeing Riveria unresponsive, Shiro hurriedly started to run.

It was better to distance himself from the embarrassed elf princess now, or else he might accidentally endanger his life.


Once everyone had finished their tasks, Finn, sitting on a small box, cleared his throat and said, "Thank you, everyone. Thanks to your help, we were able to reach the 50th floor without any losses. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all."

"Now, let's confirm the plan for what comes next."

"We are about to head to the 59th floor, an area that our Familia has never explored before..." Finn paused before continuing.

"However, before we proceed, we first need to complete the adventure commission from the Dian Cecht Familia," Finn declared, setting their next goal.

"Is it the mission to collect the Cadmus Spring Water?" Tione asked, and upon Finn's nod, Tiona, sitting next to her, began to complain.

"That super troublesome Cadmus Spring Water... Why does our familia have to take on such annoying tasks?"

Cadmus Spring Water is a rare item found on the 51st floor, used for making high-quality healing potions.

Many potion-related familias desire this item but due to a lack of capable combatants, they have to request stronger familias like Loki Familia to undertake the task.

Responding to Tiona's question, Riveria, while dragging Shiro by one hand, quickly answered, "It's because familias like ours also need to maintain a network of good relationships and allies. Plus, the reward offered is reasonable; there's no reason to refuse."

After everyone had their say, Finn told everyone about the arrangement.

The amount of Cadmus Spring Water is limited at each location.

For a more efficient collection method, this time they will be divided into two groups, one led by Finn, including Gareth, Bete, and Raul, and the other led by Ais, including Tiona, Tione, and Lefiya.

Riveria was responsible for guarding the base to prevent any unexpected incidents, as well as for recovering some of the magic reserve expended during the battle on the 49th floor.

Although Shiro wanted to accompany them, the guardian of the Cadmus Spring was a powerful dragon with a potential strength of level 6.

For safety reasons, he ultimately chose to stay at the base.

After Ais and the others left, Shiro stood alone at a high place, enjoying the rare scenery nearby.

Suddenly, he felt a strong premonition of danger.

His skill [Intuition] was alerting him that something bad was about to happen.

So, he rushed to the entrance of the 51st floor.

Summoning his weapon, Shiro looked toward the cave entrance.

There, densely packed monsters were crawling towards him.

Their bodies were predominantly yellow-green, with bloated, soft green skin adorned with colorful patterns.

They had numerous short legs on their lower bodies, while their upper bodies bulged, featuring flat organs lacking thickness that protruded deeply on both sides, with frontal crevices resembling fingers.

Upon seeing Shiro, the worm-like monsters spurted a large amount of purple liquid from what appeared to be their mouths.

The alarm in his heart blared, and he quickly dodged the attack.

The purple liquid hit the ground, sizzling and creating a hole.

Immediately afterward, a worm-like monster burst out of the hole, followed by countless others.

After stabbing the monster with his sword, he heard Riveria's stern voice behind him.

"What's going on? Is this a new type of monster?"

"Riveria, hurry up and organize a defense!! The monsters below are about to come up!!"

After yelling at the elf princess, Shiro pulled his sword out of the worm-like monster, and liquid from the monster's wound sprayed out, melting the ground.

Suddenly, a large hole broke through the west side wall, and more worm-like monsters slowly crawled out, covering the entire ceiling.

"Wow, are these bug-like monsters? So disgusting!"

"I've never seen this kind of monster before."

The familia members who heard the commotion and came to investigate began to voice their complaints.

"Stop chatting. Front liners, form up a defense; archers, move to the back; and mages with enough magic reserves, start chanting your spells. Keep them in front of the defenses."

With Finn absent, Riveria temporarily took over the command.


A dwarf charged out with his shield, shouting.

"Wait! Their blood is corrosive!"

Shiro stretched out his hand to stop the other party, but it was too late.

The acid-like liquid easily melted the dwarf's shield and clothes and began to corrode his skin.

Before the next strike could fall, Shiro quickly stepped forward and kicked the dwarf back to the group, and a black-haired girl rushed to sprinkle a healing potion on the dwarf's wound.

More adventurers came from the base, and several level 3 or higher adventurers moved to the front to block the monsters, while those below level 3 were running around with potions to treat the wounded.

"This is troublesome."

There were too many monsters in front of them, and they possessed the ability to corrode weapons and equipment.

If they engaged these monsters for too long, all the weapons carried by the familia members would be corroded.

Therefore, they needed to employ long-range tactics to quickly resolve the situation.


Read More With Pictures (10+ Chapters In Advance):


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