Percy Jackson, Grandson of Vo...

By Magizen

414K 10.1K 7.9K

Names hold power. In the world of gods, the name Perseus Jackson is a respected name, a name that has the res... More

Tours End, Camps farewell...and wizards?
Finding Perseus Jackson
Paint wars and Moldyshorts
Pigs disease, blue cookies, and a jailbreak
Making enemies with the wrong family
Gringotts Goblins
Meeting Remus Lupin
The horror called...SHOPPING!!!
More shopping, when will it end?!!!!!
Gaining Titles
Percy chats with Charlie and Bill
Sortie the Sorting Hat
Learning the Cure
Studying time is...time skipped!!!
Officially at Hogwarts
Nightmare, Trickery, and Professor Binns
Percy creates a Miracle during Potions
Nico loses it...literally
Harry has a what?!
Celebrity Status
Ideas and Astronomy
Percy scolds the gods
3 Months Later
"Then pursue me"
Unknown Number and Visitors
Seeking Answers
The scars of war are never light
A little bit of fun
New teachers
Co-teachers, Storms, and a Lion
What do you mean you didn't awaken?!
Visiting Ava Evans
-Extra- The Moon and her Lion

A brother...

950 29 23
By Magizen

 (Ava Evans)

Playing with a lock of her hair, Ava stares out her window, observing the night sky. "A brother..." She murmurs, recalling the events of the morning.

Catching up with the trio of demigods, very nice, it was good to be filled in on the events pertaining to the immortal world via hushed exchanges in latin. Also good to be able to secretly snap some pictures of Percy for her personal collection. Ava's positive he noticed, but eh, he didn't say anything, so she'll take it as his consent. Finding out she has a long lost brother, not so nice, okay, that's not true, it's absolutely amazing, but...

Shaking her head, Ava ruffles her long blond hair, her blue eyes glaring at the sky. "Dad, is this some sort of sick gift?"

Stalking back into her room, she grabs her suitcase, roughly yanking it along behind her, huffing in annoyance when it catches on the door frame. "You okay?"

She didn't scream, if anyone asks, she really didn't scream. Whipping her head around, her fist flies out, easily caught by a warm hand. Recognizing those sea green eyes staring back at her, she calms, her heart which had been violently jumping in her chest slows. "You jerk! Don't do that again!"

Percy smiles slightly, raising his hands in surrender. "Sorry, I just wanted to talk to you without the others around."

Ava figured the others referred to the ragtag bunch that were with her brother. "Oh? Let me guess, you want to see how upset I am about you freaking throwing a brother on me! Percy, for gods sake would you iris message me at least before you do something like that! You know for a fact I don't want to deal with this right now!"

Catching her breath, Ava realizes she just screamed at Percy, the boy she's been secretly fangirling over for months. Oops.

Percy's eyes lower, the smile dropping from his face. "Sorry, I didn't realize...I was insensitive."

"Did you think that this would make me feel better?" Ava treks on, she's already yelled at him, might as well keep going, right? Better to let out all the frustration she gathered from the morning exchange that she had kept pent up then to keep it all hidden. 

"No, maybe, I just..." Percy weakly tries to defend himself, but Ava doesn't give him the chance.

"Hey, who cares that your brothers dead, we'll just give you another one, so just stop feeling sad. Is that what all of you are thinking? I hate the gods, I hate their games, I hate this!" Ava breaks into tears, Percy wrapping her in a warm embrace, his hands drawing soothing circles on her back.

"He's not a replacement for Julius!" Ava cries harder, she misses him, her brother in all but blood. A son of Mars, he was one of the best strategists, but in the end, the final war claimed his life, and the life of everyone she knew from Camp Jupiter. "I should've been there."

"There was nothing you could've done." Percy sadly says, eyes closing, wondering why life has to be so cruel. Even the descendants couldn't escape their fate, very few had survived, only due to luck at that. "If you were there, you'd just be another body to bury" and that might just have been the saddest truth of all.

(Harry Potter)

Harry felt like the world looks even prettier tonight as he gazes at the lake, the water glistening in the moonlight. Having returned to Hogwarts after meeting his sister, he still couldn't believe how wonderful it had been. She hadn't seemed as excited as he is to find out they're related, but she did seem to quietly accept that fact, and he had even gotten her number. Now he could contact her whenever he wants!

Feeling all the more excited, Harry lies down, looking up at the sky. He had always wanted a family, dreamt of it, and it would seem God had heard his prayer. 'I have a sister, a sister who's alive. A sister...'

(Nico D'Angelo)

Nico sat atop Hogwarts roof, blankly watching the moon. A headache has been bothering him, so he figured fresh air would help, but even being outside amidst the quiet of night time hasn't alleviated any of the pressure. "This sucks."

Massaging his forehead, Nico huffs, wondering if this is some curse from a god or goddess he had angered. If so, they better cut it out soon or he'd be having some serious thoughts about finding them and hacking them up with his blade. They can't die that easily, so it's all good, just a bit of retribution for his suffering.

Still, he settled his intent for blood, it's been awhile since he's felt like this, like...a mortal. 'When's the last time I've had a headache?'

A spark flickers beside him, and suddenly Jason is sitting beside him, the faintest smell of ozone filling the air. "What Sparky?"

"Don't be like that Deathbreath, I just wanted to check on you." Nico almost got whiplash from how fast he turned to stare at Jason.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Nico asks, holding up three fingers.

Jason gives Nico a glare in return, lying down and staring up at the night sky. "Three, now chill."

"Jason Grace, you do not just ask me how I'm doing and then tell me to chill." Nico states, eyes intently watching Jason. "Did you turn all of my clothes pink again, or burn all of my cards, or-"

"Shut up Nico, I saw you grimacing earlier and I've been feeling a bit under the weather, so I wanted to see if we both are sick." Jason unhappily says.

"Wait, you feel under the weather?" Nico says, surprise taking over his mind.

"Well duh, have you not seen me sneezing all day?" Jason sasses back, getting a look from Nico.

"I thought that was just to annoy the irritating trio." Nico says.

"No, oh, but that's a good point, they did look annoyed, good job me." Jason says, getting a light punch to the stomach from Nico. "Ow, hey, be nice!"

"I've had a headache all day." Nico confesses, lying down, head on Jason's chest, who lightly protests, but doesn't shove him off. "It's annoying."

"My throat has been hurting, sneezing a lot, I keep getting dizzy. Also, thinking about it, Percy's probably getting sick, he's been spacing out a lot more than usual." Jason supplies, Nico humming in thought.

"You know, I haven't gotten sick since we shed our mortality." Jason quietly adds, Nico sighing in agreement.

"Something's wrong."


"This sucks"

(Percy Jackson)

"You're going to give him a chance?" Percy asks in surprise. After the last few hours of Ava venting and eating a lot of ice cream, Percy hadn't expected Ava to just up and say she'd give Harry a chance.

"Well yeah, I mean, I hate this, all of it, but he's blood. I won't just turn my back on him because he reminds me of Julius. Gods I miss him." Ava sighs, putting her hair in a ponytail. For just crying her eyes out and getting Snot all over Percy's shirt, she still looks drop-dead gorgeous.

"Oh, but for not giving me a heads up, I want you to sing me a song, no three songs, yes! Oh, and I get to record them, now where did I put my phone?" Ava begins wildly looking around in her suitcase, the two sitting in a quiet park, Percy hiding their presence with his powers, keeping things peaceful. Two celebrities showing up together in a tiny park would definitely look bad.

Percy smiles a tad, wincing at an ache in his back. Seeing Ava perk up made his mind slightly settle. 'I'm glad it's all working out. Harry might be a jerk, but I can tell he really values Ava and Ava needs someone right now, no matter how much she tries to hide it.'

"Found it! Alright, now, aah! It's out of batteries, no!" Ava turns around, tears welling in her eyes, opening her mouth to complain, when she notices Percy's eyes drooping. "Go back Percy, those two are probably missing you, just come sing for me soon."

"Sure." Percy says, truly feeling tired. Rising, he brings Ava into a hug. "Thank you for giving him a chance."

"Huh?" Before Ava could say anything else, Percy was gone, reappearing at Hogwarts in their dorm room. Noting the absence of Nico and Jason, Percy lightly frowns, 'Where did they wander off to?'

He wasn't sure why his tiredness seems to have increased from vapor traveling back, but his mind is too sleepy to dwell on it. Curling up on his bed, he swiftly falls asleep. 'It's been so long since I've grown tired like this.'

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