Death hurts

By lovemymusix

2.5K 55 29

two twins and their friends dd, ddot and, notti love hanging and their life was going amazing and nothing was... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7

chapter 2

361 6 1
By lovemymusix

Welcome to death hurts chapter two

June 18th, 2023 🕊

Aliyah was sitting in alijahs room while he was playing the game, and she was lying on his bed on FaceTime with Imani and Jaclyn. " But I was thinking maybe later today the group could hang out, you know, because it's been a week and everyone was busy thay whole week." Aliyah said with her airpods in. Even tho everyone had their own thing to do notti and Aliyah still made time for each other that week. " yea of course I missed my babies." Jaclyn said.

" So Imani, who is this boy you're talking to?" Aliyah said. Imani started, smiling so hard. " it's dd, we wanted to keep things on the low for now because we wanted to wait to actually get together before telling people." Imani said. " ohhh, okk." Jaclyn and Aliyah said, hyping her up. So are we gonna hang out tonight onna block? " aliyah asked. " yea I'll text the group chat to ask," Imani said. " ok, love you pookies see you tonight." Jaclyn said. Aliyah and Imani said it back, and then they hung up.

Alijah, you wanna go onna block tonight? We are gonna ask tje groupchat since we haven't seen each other in a week." Aliyah explained. Alijah wasn't really listening, but he heard hangouts on the block, so he agreed. Aliyah left his room and went into her parents' room  to go hang out with them. The twins were really close with their parents. They never had a reason to hide anything from them. " Hey, Mama and Papa, can i hang in here and watch some TV with you guys?" She asked. " Of course, baby." Jaida said as aliyah cuddled into her arms. Hugs and affection were coping mechanisms for her. Whenever she felt some sort of way, physical touch would calm her down.

" You ok, Mama?" Theo asked. " yea I just missed hanging out with you guys," she said as the watched lilo and stitch, inside out, princess and the frog, and Moana. Those were her favorite movies.

Crackheads 🤪🫧

Mani bear 💋
Do you guys wanna hang out onna block tonight? we haven't hung out in a week.

Pookie butt💍 (Jaclyn)
Yup, I already was finna ask.

Liyah 💯
Yea, I miss my pookie butts and my husband.

My mann💕
You saw me yesterday, ma, but I'm down.

Ok, and that was yesterday. Today's a new day🤷‍♀️

Bsfff 👀 ( ddot)
I'm down fs

Big brother 🤓( dd)
Sure, I've been wanting to see someone.

Mani bear 💋

My mann💕

Twinn🤞🏼( alijah)
  You all blowing up my damn phone

Mute it then bitch
5 people laughed at this message


Aliyah and alijah just arrived on the block to see everyone already there. Aliyah ran to notti and hugged him. " I missed you," aliyah said, kissing him. " Mama, I saw you yesterday." Notti said laughing. " I dont care." Aliyah said, sitting in his lap and his hands  wrapping around her waist.  " You look so pretty, I love red in your hair it does something to me," he whispered in her ear, making her blush.

" Aye, why do I have this weird feeling in my stomach?" Alijah asked ddot. " I dont know. Maybe you forgot something." He suggested. He handed dd the blunt, and he couldn't shake this feeling. It was stuck in his gut. " alijah, you wanna make a tiktok with me and aliyah?" notti asked. Alijah accepted the invite to try to get his mind off of the feeling.

While they were filming this titok, everyone joined, and it became a big mess, but aliyah still posted it because it was memories and they had fun. Aliyah looked up and saw this guy walking across the street with a ski mask on, but she didn't think much of it. 10 minutes passed, and the guy was still there, so aliyah walked up to notti and alijah, who were talking to each other. " Guys, I have a bad feeling about that guy across the street. He's been standing there staring for the past 10 minutes straight." Aliyah told notti and alijah. Notti got the attention of dd and ddot. " Just go over by the girls, and we will keep an eye on him, ok?" Notti told her, giving her a kiss.

She nodded her head before walking away.  Five minutes passed, and the girls were laughing at having fun when she heard a yell. " YO GET DOWN OR RUNN,"  she heard ddot yell. That made everyone listen to him and get down when 5 gun shots went off.


After the fire. People started getting up.
" Is everyone ok?" Alijah asked. That's when Imani screamed. " ALIYAHH!" she yelled, running towards her.  That caught people's attention. Alijahs heart sunk when he heard his twins name being yelled. Aliyah was laying there with blood coming out of her side and abdomen. She was awake but she was losing blood. Jaclyn and Imani were crying. " call 911 right now please someone."  Jaclyn said trying to stop the blood.  Notti was trying to keep her awake while dd called 911 and alijah called his mom and dad while holding aliyahs hand.

" it's gonna be ok Mama, it's gonna be alright. Ok?  Stay awake for me please, please" notti said crying. She was starting to cough up blood. ddot was trying to help stop the blood and everyone was crying not knowing what to do. " it hurts, Ethan it hurts" aliyah said crying. " I know but the ambulance is on its way." Notti said. The sirens were coming closer while her eyes were starting to flutter. " no no no stay awake Mami is coming to the hospital stay awake"alijah said squeezing her hand.

The ambulance got there and put her on the stretcher. They drove away. dd had called Jay to come get them to bring them there. They had got to the hospital at the same time as jaida and Theo. " What happened to my baby." Jaida said on the verge of tears. " we don't know this guy started shooting and hit her twice." Notti explained. " Where is my child at." Theo said to the receptionist at the front desk. "Sir Who are you looking for?" She asked. " aliyah carter." She started typing. "She is in surgery you have to wait." She said then looking away.

They sat in the waiting room for hours. Everyone's minds racing, thinking the worst. The nurse finally came out and called for aliyah. " is she ok?" Jaida asked. The nurse put her head down. " I'm sorry, we tried everything we could but she didn't make it, the gunshots were too far deep." The nurse said.

Jaida broke down crying in theos arms. " my baby, she's gone." She said crying more then brought alijah into the hug trying her best to comfort her son. Notti was in pure shock. He was bawling his eyes out. Mama osama came into the hospital after hearing what happened.  Notti went to go hug his mom. " What's wrong baby, what happened?" She asked holding onto her son.

"She's gone." Notti said crying even harder. Imani and Jaclyn were hugging onto dd and ddot. Ddot and dd were crying and hugging onto the girls. Everyone was a mess and they didn't know how to cope with it. Aliyah was a bright soul and everyone loved her.

" Aliyah Jones Carter pronounced dead on June 18th,2023 at 9: 36 pm tonight"

I'm so sorry guys I hope you forgive me and I hope you like this chapter.

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