My mute girl

By nywritesss_

108K 2.4K 465

Samantha Evergreen and Paige Bueckers have known each other since they could remember. Paige made it her miss... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 15

4.2K 79 20
By nywritesss_

Another long chapter! also trigger warning there's mention of sexual assault and attempted rape! if you're not comfortable please don't read!

Nika POV

samantha.05 has posted!

samantha.05: uh hi...can we admire my girl in that 3rd picture? thanks...

liked by paige.05, olivia.nelson-o, christynn, and 25,000 others

view comments...

paige.05: fucking finally!
^nika.10: um rude...
^evina.w: it's not if everyone has been waiting for this shit to happen...
comment liked by paige.05

user6: ahhhh! omg they both look good asf! i'm so glad they're together!
^user8: that vanessa girl would look better with nika.
^vanessa.os: i agree, who likes masc lesbians these days.
^samantha.05: get out my comments rat
^nika.10: ahaha!

aaliyah.offical: i helped!
^aubrey.official: i did too!
^chrissy: me too!
^nika.10: thanks guys :) <3

user3: okay but the last picture is so relatable
^user5: no cause fr, that's me for sam i swear
^samantha.05: that's me for nika
^user5: omg hiii!

sam and i were just laying in her bed. it was about 10 in the morning. we didn't have anything to do today so we decided to stay in bed for awhile.

my head is on her chest and she hands her arm wrapped around my waist.

i look up at her and looks down at me. "i have a question..." she tilts her head signaling for me to continue.

i gulp scared she might get mad or shut down on me. "why'd you decide to go mute?" she raises her eyesbrows a little before sitting up.

she scratches her neck and sighs. "i was hoping you wouldn't ask that question so soon" i start picking at my nails scared.

she grabs my hands and i look up at her. "i'll tell you, it's a long story so prepare yourself" i nod and scoot closer still holding her hands.

"it started when i was in 5th grade."
she starts.

this is gonna be in sam's pov for the flashback by the way!

school had just ended and i was so ready to go home and take a nap. paige's dad was supposed to take her to her moms this weekend so paige left school after english.

i sighed sitting outside the school on the bench waiting for my mom. i'm greatful that my parents allowed me to have a phone. so i wasn't bored while waiting.

all of a sudden i hear a honk. i look up and i see my moms car. i smile and hop up skipping to the car.

i get in the back seat and see an unknown man in the front seat. "hi baby, how was school?" my mom turns back to ask me. i shot my gaze to her away from the man. "it was good! we got out tests back from math. i got a 96" i say showing her the paper.

she smiles at me grabbing the paper. "good job sweetie! i'm proud of you!" i smile wider happy i made her proud. i love hearing that my parents are proud of me because it makes me feel accomplished.

"right this is norman, he's a close friend of me and your father. i need to go back to work so he's gonna babysit you till we get off work" i furrow my eyebrows never hearing of this so called close friend.

"why can't uncle bob watch me? he's right next door" i say not wanting to stay alone with this random man. my mom shakes her head at me. "no baby, bob might have other things since paige isn't home this weekend i can't ask him to do that" i huff and lean back in my seat.

this norman guy is ugly. he has this weird haircut that i can't even explain. he's also a dirty blonde but it doesn't match him like at all. you can also tell it's dyed...ew.

he turns around and smiles at me. yea i most definitely don't like this guy. "don't worry sweetie, you and i are gonna have so much fun" i don't like the way he said made me uncomfortable so i just roll my eyes and look away.

we pull up to the house. i grab my bag and get out not saying bye. i have my own key so i unlock the door and walk in going to my room.

i put my things down and flop in my bed and begin to text paige. i was telling her about norman and how he creeps me out. she told me that i should trust my gut and tell my mom cause supposedly my gut is never wrong.

she also told me that she told her mom and she agreed. i didn't get the chance to respond because norman walked into my room. "hey, so i was thinking we could eat pizza tonight?" he walks and sits beside me.

i get up and scoot away. "uh yea, sounds cool" i shift uncomfortably from his stare. "you know you're about as gorgeous as your mom" ohhhhkay red flag on the play. no grown ass man should tell a 10 year old that.

"thanks, um could you possibly leave so i can shower...please?" it killed me to say please. he glanced down at my body. my body. like what a fucking weirdo. "yea sure, don't take too long." he reached out to touch me and i flitch moving farther away.

he pulls back and leaves. i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding. i shakily walk to my door peek out before shutting and locking it. i didn't trust this man and i most definitely wasn't gonna leave my door unlocked.

a couple of weeks have pasted and my mom is still having norman take care of me when needed. my dad tried to argue that he doesn't think he should do it ever time but only the times when paige is at her moms. he tried to say it would be better for me to be with bob and paige.

my mom shut that down quickly. she told him that he's overreacting and making norman out to be a bad guy or something.

she was wrong. she was so fucking wrong. he touches me. he began to touch me 2 days after meeting. he threatens to hurt me if i tell anyone.

i'm only 10 and have no idea what to do. paige can tell something is off but i won't tell her. i can't. she can't know i don't want her or myself to get hurt.

it was the weekend and i've been trying to stay in my room as much as i can. supposedly norman's house is having things done to it so my mom offered to let him crash in our guest bedroom till things are done.

the touching has gotten worse. he's began to force me out of my clothes. he allows me to keep my bra and panties on but everything else comes off.

he rubs himself through his boxers sometimes awhile he stares at my naked body. it's so disgusting and i've never felt so vulnerable in my life.

ive been sitting in my bed scared i'll run into him if i leave. all of a sudden i hear my mom yell my name. i sigh and get up walking downstairs. "yes mom?" i see multiple suitcases by the door.

i see both my mom and dad along with norman by the door as well. "okay baby, your dad and i have a business trip to go on for a couple of days. so we're gonna leave norman to babysit you till we're back." my heart drops.

multiple days alone with him. only me and him alone in the house. "u-uh mom why can i stay with paige?" she rolls her eyes. "sweetie, we've gon over this. i don't want to be a burden to bob okay? plus don't you like norman? he's a good guy!" she points at him.

he looks over at me smiling. i feel my eyes water. "momma please" if that's one thing anyone knew about me is that i knew call my mom momma unless i really want something.

she clenched her jaw. "no samantha. norman is watching you and that's it got it?" i sigh in defeat and nod my head.

she signs and comes over to hug me. "i love you sweetie. okay? i'll see you in 3 days" she kissed my cheek and walks to the door. my dad comes over and hugs me too.

"if anything and i mean anything happens while we're gone go to bob and paige. promise me?" he whispers in my ear. "i promise" he smiles sadly at me before kissing my forehead and walking out the door.

norman and i go to the door and wave them off. i watch as they drive down the street disappearing on a left turn. all of a sudden i feel hands on my shoulders making me tense.

"we're gonna have so much fun" he pulls me in and shuts and locks the front door. "to your room" i shake my head no.

he grabs my hair making me yelp in pain. "room. now." i whimper feeling my eyes sting with tears. he lets me go and i scurry to my room.

i make it there and start hyperventilating scared of what he's gonna do next. he makes it up here and closes my blinds. "clothes off. now" i sniffle and stay still.

"don't make me do it myself sam, you  know what happen last time i did"  of course i do, i still have the bruise from when he threw me to the ground.

i slowly take off my clothes. i look up and see his shirt and pants off. for the first ever time he removes his boxers.

i feel myself gag at the sight. i don't think i like men anymore. he comes closer and i move away. "go over there" he points to the middle of my room. i quickly move away from him and go there.

he sits down on my bed. "now turn around back to me and touch your toes" what the heck? i do as he says scared of what he might do.

i hear him groan. i peek down and see him touching himself. he's staring at me while touching himself. "come closer" i slightly scoot back. "mm fuck you're so hot baby" i feel tears run down my face.

i feel so disgusted in myself for allowing him to take advantage of me like this. all of a sudden i'm i feel my panties get jerked down. i quickly stand up. "come back here samantha" i shake my head and begin to sob.

"now!" he yells making me flinch. i still don't move and he gets up and grabs my arm. "when u say come here you come here" i start sobbing louder.

he reached his hand down and started to touch me. i thrashed around in his arms trying to get away. "get off me! get off!" i scream at him. he pulls me closer and lifts up one of my legs.

"hush sweetie, it'll feel good. don't worry" he says and tries to align himself to my entrance. my eyes widen at his actions.

i know about the birds and the bees and i know that i don't want this. i head butt him and kick his stomach. i grab my shorts and dip out the room.

i quickly run down the stairs. i hear him yelling for me to come back. but i don't listen. i immediately bolt out the front door and over to paige's house. i ring the doorbell like 5 times and began to bag on the door.

i kept looking back to make sure norman wasn't coming out the house. "i'm coming jeez quit bang- sam? what the heck where's your shirt?!" paige says opening the door and dragging me in.

at this point i was hysterical. sobbing, shaking, snot running down my nose the whole sha-bang. "dad!" she yells her eyes not leaving mine. "sam, sam you gotta tell me what happen." she says.

i hear her dad come in. "what going-what the hell sam!" he says coming over. "what happen honey, tell me what happened!" i snuggle and shake my head. "he touched me and h-he tried to rape me" i cry out making his eyes widen.

"amy! amy come here!" i hear more foot steps and she appears. "omg sam!" she comes over to hug me. "stay here, call the cops and her parents" she nods and pulls away to make the calls.

he runs out the house and i drop in paige's arms. she catches me before i fall to the ground. "i'm so sorry sam, im so sorry" she begins to cry holding me.

"and uh yea.. a few hours after he was arrested, uncle b got a call saying my parents died in a car crash while rushing to get back to me" she says. she has tears running down her face and so do i.

"after that i just shut down. going mute was like a coping mechanism for me. and i uh just kept with it. i couldn't believe that i was almost raped and lost my parents all in the same day." i sniffle and lean in to hug her.

she hugs me back and shakily releases a breath. "no one knows the full story other than paige and now you. i've felt ashamed about the situation thinking i would be judged for what happened to me." i shake my head feeling more tears pout from my eyes.

"no sammy, if you were then the people who judge you aren't human beings. what happened to you shouldn't happen to anymore" she nods and looks down.

i lift her face and kiss away her tears. "i'm glad you opened up to me sam. i promise to keep your secret okay? i'm always going to be here for you no matter what" i tell her meaning every word.

she sniffles and nods her head. i lean in to give her a peck before laying f us down. i place her on my chest and rub my fingers through her hair.

"sleep baby, you're okay. i'm here" i tell her.

her breathing begins to evens out.

i can't believe she went through something like that. and yet she always tries to see the good in people unless she's given a reason not to.

she's too precious for this world and i'm gonna do everything to make sure she okay.

okay sooo i almost cried while making this chapter. i hope if anyone ever goes through something similar that you reach out to someone you trust.

i'm always here too! i'm all ears, so if anyone wants to confide in me that's okay! i'm also sorry if i made anyone uncomfortable with this chapter. but have a good day/evening/night! much love <3

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