Broken Family ( Niall Horan F...

By shannontracey

808 12 6

Shannon thought she had a perfect life school was fine her family was great than her mom died of cancer and h... More

Broken Family ( Niall Horan Fanfic)
-Chapter 1
--Chapter 2
--Chapter 4
--Chapter 5

--Chapter 3

106 2 4
By shannontracey

HOLY MAN!! I haven't updated in forever I'm sorry but I'm going to try to update every Friday and probably other random days when I get the time Thank you for reading!!.



I ran to the door cause Niall was now in the bathroom, I swung the door open to see a large man, He had a ear peice in he looked at me with shock not knowing who I was. He than grabbed me and pulled me into the hall. I didn't have a second to think so I just screamed.


Shannon's POV

"NIALL,NIALL", I screamed out the man just grabbed me and pulled me into the hall I was punching and kicking trying to get out of the mans grip but he was way bigger and stronger than me, I finally gave up I wasn't going to get out. I'm going to die.Tears stream down my face.

"Please Don't Hurt Me", I croaked out he didn't care, He started down the hall, Where is he taking me? He took two more steps until I heard a yell from down the hall. It was Liam. He ran over and grabbed me from the man.

"STOP, LET HER GO WHAT ARE YOU DOING", I closed my eyes to scared to open them than everything went black.

~~ Niall's POV

I heard a door slam, I ran out to the kitchen.

"SHANNON, SHANNON WHERE ARE YOU", I ran all over my apartment looking, She wouldn't leave? What if her Dad finds her? All these bad thoughts flowing threw my mind , What if I never see her again? I was cut off from my though from screaming and shouting coming from the hallway, I race to the door flinging it open to see Liam on the ground with Shannon in his arms, Not Moving.

"WHAT DID YOU DO", I screamed and ran over to Liam and lifeless Shannon.

"I'm sorry, I came to check on you and this girl came to the door I thought she was a intruder so I grabbed her", Paul said with shock still written on his face.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT PAUL!! LOOK YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF HER", I screeched pointing at Shannon who was tucked into a ball on Liam's lap, Saddness went across Paul's face.

"I'm sorry Niall I didn't know, Here let me Hel-".

"NO", I cut Paul off I know he's only trying to keep us safe but I just wanted him to leave.

"Please leave", He nodded his head and turned around and walked down towards the other boys room.

"Is She okay Liam". I sat down infront of him.

"Im not sure I think she's just in shock from this whole thing, I heard her screaming so I ran and saw her crying so I grabbed her now she's unconscious", Liam explained what happen poor Shannon she probably thought she was getting kidnapped.

"Here let me take her", Liam passed me Shannon as soon as she was in my arms she pushed her face into my jumper I tightened my grip on her and all three of us headed back to my apartment. I went and layed her down in my bed and covered her with my blanket and kissed her on the cheek, I than went into the kitchen where Liam was, I paced around nervously.

"Niall it's okay, She'll be fine Paul just scared her Paul's is scary to somebody that small", I stopped pacing and sat down in the chair next to Liam giving him a cold stare.

"You don't get it Liam", He doesn't understand what Shannon's been through, I went to walk away but Liam grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Please, Niall tell me what's wrong", I could tell Liam anything but could I trust him? What if Shannon gets mad and leaves?, I looked up to see Liam giving me puppy dog eyes, Why does he have to do that.

"Fine, I'll tell you but you have to promise me you won't tell anybody, Promise", He nodded his head we sat back down at the table.

"Umm, She- was- kinda- um Abused".

"WHAT!!", Liam screeched at me with wide eyes.


"Okay what I was saying, Her Dad abuse's her, She has Bruises and Scars everywhere that's why she gets so scared around us she thinks where gunna hurt her, Which I know none of you boys will hurt her, But Paul really scared her".

"Oh my I'm sorry Niall, Where is her dad", Wow I never thought of that before.

"Oi, I'm not sure but I think Shannon's scared that he's going to come after us because we're helping her, But that doesn't bug me The worst thing was tha- tha- that she-".

"SHE WHAT!", Liam cut me off I looked at him.

"I walked into her trying to commit suicide", The whole apartment went silent Liam's eyes were wide, I turned to him and shook him.

"She is really scared Liam we need to help her, Please", I kept shaking him.

"Okay, Niall we'll try come on the other boys will be here soon".

~~~ Later That Night

Liam and I we're now doing a twitcam singing and eating. Zayn and Louis were on the other couch watching a movie, Everything was normal and quiet until Harry walked into the room butt naked.

"Dear God Harry put some clothes on", I was covering my eyes he ran out to the hall.

"Poor people out there", Liam added I bursts out laughing. After we finished laughing we answered some questions from the fan's.


"I WANT YOU INSIDE ME", Woah there.

"IS NIAM REAL", Haha Totally 'I Love You Leyum' I Grabbed Liam's face and kissed Him on the cheek.

Liam and I we're laughing from the questions, Than a question really caught my eye.

"WHERE'S IS SHANNON", Woah how did they find out it's been a day, I just looked at Liam than went to the next question.


It was now really late and Harry, Louis, Zayn and Liam we're all sleeping, Liam still had his labtop on his lap I moved it and went to my room, Than I remembered Shannon was in there I slipped my shoes off and put them in my closet, I was about to leave when I heard a quiet, Weak voice.

"Niall", I turned around to see Shannon sitting up staring at me.

"Yes love"

"Can you please stay I'm cold", I smiled at myself than walked to my bed and got under the covers, When I got comfy Shannon wrapped her legs around mine, I pulled her closer she hugged me and we both fell asleep in eachothers arm's.

~~Next Morning

Shannon's POV

I woke up earlier than Niall cause he went to bed late so I quietly got up and went to the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I walked over to the sink with my small bag of clothes and set it down i heard a bang and looked down to see my white iPhone on the floor, Oh man I totally forgot about my phone I picked it up and checked it I had 50 missed calls and 100 twitter notification, Holy shit I checked who called me and they were all from my Father, I deleted them all and than checked my Twitter mentions:

"Are you dating Niall"

"Who are you"

"Don't touch Harry"

"You and Niall would be a cute couple OMG IM DONE!!!"

I laughed when I read these, Some were hate too but I just ignored them I set my phone down and went to the shower and turned it on I stripped off Nialls clothes he gave me yesterday and jumped in letting the hot water run down my face, I used Niall's shampoo it was called "Leperchaun Locks", I started laughing at the name I squirt some of the shampoo in my hand and scrubbed it in my long brown hair, I finished up in the shower and stepped out covering myself and my hair in a towel I went to my bag and grabbed my last outfit I had, It was Blue washed out denim jeans and a Black "Pink" Victoria Secret hoodie I pulled those on and grabbed my favorite Black converses , I slipped them on , Than un-wrapped my hair to let it air-dry, I applied a little mascara and brushed out my hair so it was wavy I cleaned up my towels and went back out to where Niall was sleeping I went to his dresser where there was hundreds of Beanies and snap-backs, I grabbed a plain blue beanie and put it on than snuck out of the room Before Niall woke up I went to the kitchen and got some coffee and started making egg for boys and myself they were almost done so I went to get plate but when i turned around I saw the man from yesterday standing in the door way , I panicked and ran over to the couch where the boys were sleeping.

"Its okay sweetheart I'm not going to hurt you, I'm so sorry about yesterday", He had a pleading look on his face.

"I'm Paul, The boys bodyguard I promise I wont let anything happen to you or The Boys", He held out his hand for me to shake it, I put my small hands in his and shook it he gave me a small smile.

"Thank you Paul, I'm Shannon nice to meet you", I still had a firm grip on the couch were Liam was , I pulled my hand away from Paul and walked back into the kitchen.

"Oh Shit", I forgot about the eggs on the stove, I took the frying pan off the burner and turned it off.

"Heey Paul would you like to stay for some burnt breakfast", He laughed.

"No, I have to do some work Thank you", He than walked out the door, The slam startled me and woke up Liam good job Paul.

"Uggh", Liam looked over to me.

"Good Morning, Liam would you like some eggs", I placed a plate full of eggs on the counter.

"Yes please", He got up and sat down at the counter and ate his breakfast.

Not long after that the rest of the boys woke up, I handed them each a plate of eggs and toast, I got a whole bunch of kisses on the cheek and "Thank you's", I smiled these boys are the sweetest.

"Where's Niall", Zayn asked.

"He was sleeping the last time I saw him".

"NOT ANYMORE, LET'S GO WAKE OUR LEPERCHAUN UP", Louis yelled, We all quietly crept down the hall to his room I opened it to see him fast asleep. All of us ran to his bed and started jumping up and down.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP, NIALLER, WAKE UP", We all screamed I fell to the ground laughing when Niall fell out of bed.

"Holy Shit guys you scared me", We now were all on the ground laughing.

"WELL IM UP NOW, NO THANKS TOO YOU GUYS", Niall stomped out of the room acting mad and into the kitchen where he spelt eggs . We all ran after him, The boys went and watched TV and I went to sit with Niall.

"So do you still wanna come with me to get the rest of my stuff", I was kinda hoping he'd say No.

"Yes, Your not going alone", Damn I knew it, I looked up to see Niall with a hug smile on his face my heart melted he had the best smile ever, It always made me smile.

"Where are you going", Liam asked all the boys were now in the kitchen.

"I need to get the rest of my stuff from my house and Niall won't let me go alone".

"Of coarse you're not going alone, We'll all go it will be safer".

"No, If my dads there he will hurt you he's dangerous, I'm not putting all of you in danger, NO".

"Shannon, Shut up we'll help you sneak in and out fast", Liam smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Fine, Thank you".

"Anything for you", All the boys agreed to help, I don't deserve to have such sweet friends. Niall finished his breakfast than went and changed.

"Okay now how are we gunna sneak out without the press or Paul seeing us", Niall asked.

"We can sneak out the back door, Harry and I did it once Paul never knew", Louis told us.

"Awesome let's go", We made our way to the back door all the boys had hoodies and sunglasses on so nobody recognized them we all piled into Louis's car and drove off, I gave the directions to my house he parked a little down the road so my Father wouldn't see us, We all walked to my driveway to see my Dad was gone.

"Perfect, He's not here you boys stay here I'll go grab my stuff and if you see a car drive in throw a Rock at my window to signal me", I pointed at the small window on the second floor of the house.

"I'm going to come with you it will make it faster", Niall stepped forward.

"Okay, Let's go I don't know how much longer my Dad will be gone", We raced up the path I grabbed the hidden key that was in the flower pot and unlocked the door and ran up to my room, I opened my door to see my room trashed there were holes in the wall's all my clothes were everywhere.

"Holy man, Looks like a tornado came threw here", I laughed than went over to my bed and grabbed my luggage bag from underneath it.

"Come on lets hurry", I start shoving all my clothes into my bag, I grabbed all my shoes and threw them in, Then I gasp when I saw it.

"What's Wrong", Niall asked.

"My Guitair, How could he", I walked over to it, The neck of it was snapped.

"NO", Tears started running down my face.

"It's okay, I'll buy you a new one", He wiped my tears away.

"You don't understand, That was the last thing I had of my Mom's and now it's gone", I was crying into Niall's shoulder when we heard a rock hit the window I walked over to see Liam yelling to get out, I looked in the driveway and saw my drunk father walking towards the house.


Okay thank you for reading


I'll try to update soon if not I will definely Friday have a awesome week <3

- Shannon

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