Black Dragon of Destruction

By HattoriHeiji121

10.1K 300 76

Season 2. More

Prologue 18
Prologue 19
Prologue 20
Prologue 21
Prologue 22
Prologue 23
Prologue 24
Prologue 25
Prologue 26
Rias's Peerage
Sona's Peerage
Prologue 28
Prologue 29
Prologue 30
Prologue 31
Prologue 32
Prologue 33
Prologue 34
Prologue 35
Addition (Bonus)

Prologue 27

478 14 7
By HattoriHeiji121

Later that night, Issei had a box of his Evil Pieces on the table after had pour magic power and blood onto which caused every pieces Mutated as the color changed from Red to Black. Grayfia and the others who were presented in the room, shocked but not as much since they knew how powerful he was. Rias and Sona also included as he called them for a reason. He put his hand on his chest and began extracting the pawn pieces out of his body then he implanted the King piece into him.

Issei: "Sona, if I remember correctly. You still have one Knight piece left right?"

He asked. Sona nodded.

Sona: "That's right but what it has to do with me being here?"

She replied with curiosity in mind.

Issei: "I'll explain but first..."

He paused as he looks at Grayfia and the other 4 then continued.

Issei: "... Grayfia Lucifuge, Lucy Lucifuge, Minami Kisaki, Murayama Kaori and Katase Yui. Would you like to join my peerage? Not as servants but as family, I will provide any necessities you needed and even helping you to start a business. I want to ask you and hear your honest answer. I don't want to force you joining me against your will."

Grayfia nodded without a second thought since she is his first mate, she would want to be with him forever.

Grayfia: "I'm in, Ise-kun."

She said excitingly. He smiles then looks at the other girls.

Issei: "How about you guys?"

He asked. Lucy looks at him and replied.

Lucy: "Same here, I'm in. Plus be with you is what I wanted."

He nodded and said.

Issei: "I understand you 3 want to cherish your humanity, that's why I'm asking you this. The two of you have been involved into supernatural world for months except Minami since she got here for three days."

Upon hearing that, the trio looks down. They love Issei so much and wanted to be with him but being devils? They did not see this coming. Katase looks at him and said.

Katase: "Can we think about it first? This is too much for us to take in."

He nodded with a smile.

Issei: "Sure, take as much time you needed."

He then looks at the Lucifuge siblings, taking out Queen and Rook pieces as it's resonating with them.

Issei: "Grayfia, step forward."

The Queen piece floats in front of Grayfia as she does what he says.

Issei: "In the name of Hyodo Ise, I call upon you, Grayfia Lucifuge as my queen. May you serve me side by side, protecting our family from the enemy. Rejoice in your new life."

The piece absorbed into Grayfia as it glows, when it died down, there stood Grayfia with 7 set of Dragon wings and 4 set of Devil wings sprouted from her back. Rias and the others were shocked even Grayfia had the same expression. Issei on the other hand, whistling.

Issei: "Nice. 14 Dragon's and 8 Devil's wings. Well Grayfia was known as the Strongest Queen for a reason but now, she's far more powerful. Not even Serafall or the other Maous can defeat her despite working together."

Grayfia looks at her hands as she clenches them into a fist. She was amazed of how powerful she has become.

Grayfia: "This is amazing... the power is surging within me."

She said with excitement.

Lucy: "I can't believe this... if Queen piece was this powerful then I can't imagine about the King piece..."

She shuttered nervously. Hearing those words, Grayfia looks at her mate.

Grayfia: "Now that she mention it... can you show us your wings, Ise-kun?"

She asked. Rias and the others looking at him.

Issei: "Sure thing."

He replied nonchalantly as 12 set of Dragon's and 8 set of Devil's wings sprouted from his back. He whistling.

Issei: "I have another 2 set of Dragon's and a set of Devil's wings. 40 wings in total and by the looks of it, I can obtain more if I increase my power. Now Lucy, it's your turn."

The Rook piece floats in front of Lucy as she step forward.

Issei: "By the name of Hyodo Ise, I call upon you, Lucy Lucifuge as my Rook. May your fists protect our family and bring down our enemy. Rejoice in your new life."

It absorbed into her as it's glowing, once it died down. 5 set of Dragon's and 3 set of Devil's wings sprouted from her back. Lucy feels the power surge inside of her.

Issei: "You have 16 wings, Grayfia has 22. With months of hard training, you'll have more wings."

He smiles at them then turns to Sona.

Issei: "Say hi to your new Knight."

He snapped his fingers and a woman came out from the magic circle as it appeared in the air.

???: "Hello Ise. It seems the time almost come isn't it?"

She said. Issei nodded as he knew what she saying.

Issei: "That's right. Your revenge will be served eventually, be patience Asuna."

He responded and continued.

Issei: "Sona, meet your new Knight, Yuuki Asuna. Asuna, you're in her care now."

Asuna looks at Sona and said.

Asuna: "So you're the one who Ise told me about? It's a pleasure to meet you, Sona Sitri."

She had her hand out for handshake. Sona returns the gesture and responds.

Sona: "It's nice to meet you too, Asuna-san."

She then looks at him and asked.

Sona: "May I go now? I have a lot of things to get done."

Issei: "Sure. Asuna, go with her. Oh please make sure you prepare a place for her, it's your job."

He replied. With that, both Sona and Asuna teleported away. Rias looks at her former pawn.

Rias: "So why am I here?"

She asked. Issei taps his lap as to tell her to sit here. She nodded with a blush on her face, goes sitting on his lap. He wraps his arm around her waist.

Issei: "I know you like me but answer me with honesty. Do you like me, Hyodo Ise, a sadist dragon/devil or Sekiryuutei? I can see through lies."

She inhaled deeply for few minutes then answered.

Rias: "At first, I like you because you are Sekiryuutei but after spending time with you for months, that fake feelings is gone. I see you for who you are, it doesn't matter you are Sekiryuutei or not. I don't care about that anymore. You opened my eyes when we first met. My father and brother never once mad at me no matter how bad I've done. Despite my heinous crime, you accepted to be my servant and even helping me to get stronger so I can be free from that arranged marriage. I can't thank you enough for everything you done for me. I will become the woman you admire, no matter how long it takes. That selfish Rias Gremory is no more, she's dead."

Upon hearing those words, he didn't find any deceitful or fake in her words. He smiles softly at her. Grayfia and Lucy can't believe that Rias has changed. Nevertheless all girls are happy for her.

Issei: "I will see how further our relationship can go. Although let me say this: No one is number one. I treat all my girlfriends on equal terms. I love them on the same amount, no more or less. Therefore, fighting between you girls over me isn't allowed."

He said sternly then he kisses her lips passionately. Rias recopricated as she closes her eyes, a tear stream down her face as she was so happy that he accepted her confession. After few minutes, he broke the kiss slowly, leaving the connected saliva.

Issei: "You and Grayfia will come with me tomorrow."

He said. Rias raise her eyebrow in confusion.

Rias: "Sure but where will we be going?"

She asked then Grayfia chimed in.

Grayfia: "Yeah Ise-kun. I wonder the same thing."

Issei: "We'll be going to Europe to get Rias and mine new families. They waiting for the right moment. It's time they come and live here."

He replied. Rias understand the meaning of it, she will be getting new servants. She took the pawn pieces and keeps them into her pocket.

Rias: "Thank you Ise."

She smiles at him.

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