power rangers cosmic fury

By shifa2298

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This is a fanfiction written by me how cosmic fury could take place. More

Episode 1 : 'The journey begins'
Episode 2 : new foe
Episode 3: true love
Episode 4: Zayto's Past part : 1
Episode 5 : Zayto's Past part 2
Episode 6 : ' Amigo '
Episode 7 : ' Unforgettable '
Episode 8 : 'The rise of the dead '
Episode 9 : 'The dilemma '
Episode 10 ' Unexpected guest '
Episode 11 ' Lie '
a Lil update!
Episode 12 : 'Life pt: 1 '
Episode 13 :- ' Life pt: 2 '
Episode 14 : ' Shake - up '
Episode 15 : Mystery : part 1
Episode 16 : Mystery : part 2
Episode 18 :- What now ?

Episode 17 : Surprise

626 7 10
By shifa2298

Yes I am back finally thankyou for being patient, love you all I will update more now . Please stay like this love you .

I hope you will enjoy reading it ❤️❤️

Amelia got out of the basement. She had already realised what had happened in the palace but couldn't wait to help them so she decided to hide behind a wall and look for some support but everything around her was a mess . Every one was running from here to there and their were many guards standing around the main gate .

But she realised that as she is out of the palace her morpher must be activated without wasting even a second she called solon .

“ Solon , can you hear me ? ”

“Yes , my child , are you ok ? ”

“I am fine but the rest are stuck inside”

“Yeah I know that, it's all in the news , thankfully nobody knows you are power rangers. And also there is help coming your way ”

“ Thankyou Solon ”

As Amelia ended the call , someone gently patted her back , she turned around and it was Mick , she was so happy to see him .

“ Don't worry Jones come with me I have got some help ”

“ You are a life saver Mick ”

She followed him and they were then standing in front of a royal carriage .

Amelia asked with a faint voice

“ Where is help ? ”

He replied “ This is help ”

From the carriage same out the Queen of Lion Galaxy , Queen Viera .

She came down from the carriage and greeted Amelia.

“ I am Queen Viera of the Lion Galaxy , I am here to help you let's go inside ”

She just started moving along with her ministers and bodyguards behind.

Amelia was confused and asked Mick if she was of any help . Mick reassured her and said she is the only one who can help “ I have told her everything let's go now ”

They followed Queen Viera .

[ Inside the palace]

“ Javi just stay like this please I am sure help is near , just keep your eyes open ” Reine said with tears in her eyes .

Ollie “ We have to do something we can't stay like this ! ”

Zayto “ Don't worry help is here , we will be out soon , everything will be fine just trust me ”

Viera along with Amelia and Mick entered the Palace. They came across the royal family , Amelia was standing still but Queen was ready for the rescue.

She commanded “ Stop Everything ”

The Royal family came towards her and greeted her .

Queen Nisha “ My highness , they are here to steal the Moon stone and you are supporting her ? ”

She replied “ No they aren't here to steal anything , they are not here for the moon stone . They are here to take something that belongs to them , the Z - waves which belong to the morphin grid ”

Prince Neva stepped in “ Those Z - Waves belongs to the power rangers , are they the power rangers ? ”

She replied “ Yes they are and standing beside me is Amelia Jones the Red ranger and the leader of the team of power rangers cosmic fury ”

Artemis bowed towards the Queen then towards Amelia. “ We apologise to you human , we mistook this as thinking that you were here to steal the moon stone ”

Amelia still not being able to process what was happening replied “ No it's not needed , it was just some misunderstanding and also we should have talked about it to you rather then thinking of stealing it . It was just because of that stupid letter and btw I am a Rafkonian but some of my teammates are human .

Queen Nisha cut her in between “ You are Rafkonian? It's been so long since I have seen a Rafkonian  ? ”

Amelia replied “ Yes I am a Rafkonian and some of my friends are too can you please ask them to come now ? ”

“ Sure ” Artemis replied .

Amelia called onto them and they came out of the hiding spot , they came down and Amelia was happy to see everyone fine except for Javi as he was growling in pain .

Queen Nisha came towards him and said “ Wait let me help you ” . She went towards the moon stone and joined her hands towards it and said a plea .

The moon stone with it's power was able to heal Javi and he was back to normal.

Izzy “ You good? ” “ Better than ever” he replied giving her a hug .

Zayto “ Thankyou so much for everything . And understanding us ” he said bowing towards the Royal family.

Amelia added “ Yes Thankyou and also thanks to you Queen Viera, this wouldn't be possible without you ”

Queen Viera “ I had promised to be helpful to Power rangers whenever they needed and also to the Rafkonians and you are both , so how couldn't I help you ?  also remember when in need The Lion Galaxy is always there to help you , ok ”

Everyone thanked her .

Before leaving Artemis asked Amelia “ Do you know anything about the Royal family? ” Amelia replied in negative and assured her that she would also look out for them once the battle with Lord Zedd is over .

They all left with the Z - Waves .

[ On Spaceship ]

Solon was waiting for them eagerly . They all came and Solon ran towards them and hugged them .

“ I was worried what would happen to my kids, but now seeing you I am fine ” she said whacking her tail .

Ollie “ I think first we should keep the Z- Waves at a safe place ”

Javi “ You are right ”

Zayto “ Wait Amelia can you please hand over the Z- Waves to Solon . Solon please keep them hidden and safe , once we find that guy who told us about them then only we will get them out ”

Amelia handed them over to Solon .

Solon “ Sure child ”

Aiyon “ Now I am hungry can we eat something first ? ”

They all shared a giggle.

Solon “ Sure kid but first go change. I will get all the food ready ”

Fern “ Thanks Solon ”

Saying that the rangers started to move in their own room's direction.

( After dinner )

Everyone did their dinner and were heading towards their room

Javi came into Reine 's room . He knocked this time .

“ May I come in ? ”

“ Sure ”

“ Well you did look absolutely beautiful in that purple gown ” he said in a low yet firm voice .

“ ohh thanks Javi ! , but nothing close to your beauty ” she said with a smirk. 

“ I actually came to check on you , because you were so scared to see those different aliens in the palace ”

“ That's so sweet of you but I am fine now , also you were there with me so I was assured ”

“ yeah ! I'll always be there ”

Silence filled the room . As they looked at each other with love in their eyes, which they always portrayed with their actions but couldn't say it with their words because of the situation they were in .

But the silence broke with a loud voice coming from the main room .

They both gasped and headed towards the main room and were surprised to see a special someone standing over there . ....

To be continued.

I hope you enjoyed reading it

LOL I am sure I will post more often now because I am free now a little see you soon

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