Atlantean Doctrine Book 6 - T...

By MiraCarleen

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Rue, a marine biologist, has just made the discovery of a lifetime! He found a mermaid's egg in the wreckage... More

The Egg
They Do Not Exist!
No Victory Without First Suffering
The Calling Of The Sea
The Leave-Taking
The Cascadia Kingdom
Princess Myra & The Search For Atlantis
Remembering The Amiri's
I Just Do Not Belong Anywhere
The Mermaid's Cove
Between The Land And The Sea
Fading Away
Everything Has Fallen Apart
Two World Colliding
The Therian's

A Plea To Fate

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By MiraCarleen


I stand, sleepy, on the rocky shore of my favorite place to escape from the horrors of the 3rd dimension, to cast my mind into the ocean and swim with the fish. I have always been connected to the sea, and now the sea was calling me back home.

I looked for life on land and found only pain, I looked for love and found only regret. My heart and soul were held captive by the ocean's call.

With the stars starting to fade high above and the first rays of light shining in the east, I look to the harbor as hundreds of Cascadian's have come to welcome me into their pod. Even a few have traveled from Atlantis to join in this rare experience...hoping that it might be a prelude to what was to come.

The cool morning breeze blows through my silvery blonde hair as the Atlantean device continues to elevate my energy so that I can make the journey.

Queen Sedna swims into the shallows to be with her daughter, this was the first time I have really looked at her and even with the fish-aspect and tail...I could see that she was gorgeous like her daughter!

Her blonde hair with its light brown highlights was tied back with kelp as her bright blue eyes sparkled like her daughters. Her gills upon her neck were covered in enchanted water so that she could be here on the surface.

For the queen, this will be the first time in well over twelve thousand years that she has touched the greenery on the Surface world. Her face, arms, chest and back were all covered in flesh, except for the areas where the skin meets the fins or the scales. Her full bosom was covered in a scaly coat of shimmering blue scales that matched the shimmering scales at her hips, down to the tip of her long muscular tail.

Even her gills were as pale blue as were her lips...contesting that all mermaids require less oxygen to breathe, as compared to humans. On her wrists were two small fins, something that was new for her as they had only developed in the last thousand years or so, a sign that she and her people were becoming more like Oceanid's.

Her long lacy caudal fin wasn't the only fin as her dorsal fin was hidden from sight, from time to time.


"Good morning, is nearly time." Queen Sedna says as I bow my head as I still think it is proper, considering Nercel and Othla were also bowing to her. She smiles, giggling. "There is no need to bow to me, my child! You are now a princess of Cascadia! And the wife to my beloved daughter, Myra." I just smiled, actually not certain what to say, so I said nothing.

I felt a rush of energy surge through me as I looked down at my bracelet and saw only five minutes left as the bracelet flashed to warn me that the protective shield was almost up.

I turned and looked over at River who was crying. I walked over to him, embracing him in a warm hug as we both held onto one another for a long minute. I then looked up at his charming blue eyes, gently wiping a tear away from his soft face, as no tears would now flow from my own silvery-blue eyes.

"Take care of yourself, mom. I know that one day, we will see one another again." I say as he smiles and cries as he speaks, caressing my silky-smooth face.

"I will always love you too, my daughter! No matter where or when you are! As a human of the land, or as a mermaid from Atlantis! You take care of and treat Myra like a queen, every day! And listen and do whatever Queen Sedna tells you."

She gently pushes me away as I turn back to Myra, Sedna and her two other daughters: Syreni and Sequana. I glance down at my time...two minutes were all the time that I had left. I took a deep breath, glancing over at Othla and Nercel who just lower their heads to avert their gaze.

"Thank the both of you for being there for me! All this could not have happened if it wasn't for you. And if you see the lady who drives the bus, please say thank you to her for me." I asked as they both nodded lightly.

"You are very welcome my dear." I heard a voice as I looked up on the highest dune to see the lady that has driven me here for over five years straight, smiling down at me. I just smiled as I looked at her with sincere sincerity.

"I don't even know your name..." I say ashamed.

"Kayla Welch." she replies as I just smile.

"I will remember your name and kindness." I gently spoke. I then felt a sudden surge of energy cascade down to the ground as the shield that had stopped time, had dissolved.

'Times up!'

I turned slowly back to Sedna and Myra who were beaconing me to come to the water as I felt the energy of the ocean overwhelm me...its song was like an etherical chorus which neither spoke words, not musical notes could express its deeper meaning in human consciousness.

I find myself walking down the rocks and stepping into the chilly water as I just keep my eyes on Myra, using her smile to keep me from freaking out or collapsing out of fear.

Sedna and the others push themselves out of the swallows and into deep water as the water's level slowly creeps up my body until it was chest deep. I floated with Myra, who was smiling as she brushes my hair back and presents me with another vial.

It was the same foul substance as I remember just how gross it had tasted last time...but this time I thankfully do not have to drink it. She opens the vial as she begins casting a spell as the fluid mixes with the ocean water and she gently flicks the fine mist all over my body, causing it to absorb into my skin.

"Are you ready?" she asks me as I nod, my fear finally gone.

Mermaids from the Cascadia Kingdom surround me as I watch my beloved work her craft. Five years it has taken to finally agree to a promise I made when I was just a 14-year-old transgender girl.

With a swish of her hands, the water pushes me back to shore as she was ready to begin the spell.

"Jess, I need you to remove all of your will no longer have any use for them." I slowly stand up as I look at my skin as the flesh seemed to be glowing in shifting hues of blues and greens, like someone had painted the aurora borealis all over me.

I remove my jeans and panties as I look at all their tails, seeing no need to wear pants if I was going to grow a tail too. The top half was a different story as I can still feel Joshua's hands groping my breasts, breasts that should have never grown on the body of a man. Even with the morning's first twilight, it did not mean that someone might not find us here...and I could not bear being hurt once again as my bruises still stung.

To all the mermaids who saw my wounds inflicted by 'man', their hearts burned with vengeance as no one dare beats one of their sisters!

"And the shirt, too." Myra softly said as I shook my head, trembling.

"I...I can't!" I was embarrassed that she would see all of the deep tissue bruising and pudgy swelling from my two broken ribs where he jabbed his elbow into my chest. I was terrified that Myra would think of me as being ugly!

"Sweetheart" River said as he walked over "you are just as beautiful; with skin, scales, bruises or femininity. I do not love you only for your body, or gender! I love 'you' for who you are. You are my miracle child!"

"There is nothing to be ashamed of, Jess," Myra says as she smiles, devilish. "And besides, you never complained about me being nude...well, after the first year of course!"

I smiled; so much for common decency! Slowly, I took off my shirt and then my bra. The air was cool on my glowing skin to the point where I could feel goosebumps rising. I couldn't see Myra's expression, but I was thankful that she did not say anything about my swollen breasts. The only two things I kept on my body were my crystal necklace that Myra had given me for my birthday, and the Atlantean device upon my right wrist that wasn't going anywhere as it was implanted inside of me.

I contemplated leaving my clothes to the mercy of the ocean, but I did not want to start off making a bad impression, so I walked to River who tried to avert his eyes as I handed them to him.

I giggled at how our roles have been reversed! I was now the girl, and he was now the boy. Yet we both shared the wisdom and memory of Atlantis, bonded to the empire upon our right wrists.

I felt a terrible deep longing for the ocean swell inside of me as I turned away from River, turning back to the harbor, looking at the many faces watching. I was shivering, exposed to the cold as the spell was also working its magic over me.

"Does this spell increase body temperature? I might die of hypothermia!" as my teeth chattered as Myra smiles, warming my heart with her warm expressions.

"The ocean always feels cold the first time in, but you will adjust, my love." she insisted, yet I was terrified of the unknown "Jess, I know it's scary, but I need you to relax, breathe and imagine your body becoming numb to the cold of the water. The spell only works if we both work together as one."

I did as Myra had told me. I closed my eyes and imagined my body falling into a deep sleep; first my legs, then my waist...all the way up to my head. Imagining a blanket of warmth protecting me from the bitter chill of the open water.

"I don't like the cold!" I shivered, now understanding why Myra had left Greys Harbor in the winter when the ocean was colder.

"Just listen to my voice Jess, try to relax. Let me be your warmth!"

I nodded, feeling compelled to sit down in the shallows of the cove as I then laid down on the rocks with my eyes closed, listening to the waves crash against the ground. I listened to Myra whisper something, though I could not decipher it. The words sounded like another language. Maybe it was ancient Atlantean, or a mermaid language that I have never heard? Yet, the more that I listened to them singing, the more I could start to understand them.

These were instructions to my mind, body, and soul:

Malartóidh mé mo scamhóga le haghaidh gills ionas gur féidir liom análú sa dá shaol.

With the words spoken, I felt an irritation along the sides of my neck and face; but I was too numb to scratch at it or even care. My hair tickling along this area also did not help, either.

Myra brushes away my hair as she traces the irritation with her wet webbed finger. I could feel her trace the ridges on my neck that weren't there once before.

She then cupped a handful of water and poured it over my neck as I felt the water slip inside of me, inside of my newly forming gills as the sensation was quite alien!

A cold chill then went through me as it just occurred to me that I was indeed changing, yet I wasn't even close to being done as River watched from above with wide eyes at the sight of gills growing on my neck and face.

The words continue to slip from Myra's lips as she continues to use water to form the delivery mechanism to her magic. I could feel the tingling energy run through my body as the chill from the water started to dissipate.

Soon, the tingling went down to my thighs, knees, calves and feet as I squeezed my eyes shut as I knew what was coming next.

B'fhearr liom mo chosa a cheangal le chéile, agus d'fhéadfainn malairt a mhalartú le haghaidh snámha. Le haghaidh eireaball éisc álainn a bhaineann leis an bhfarraige.

Myra's words commanded as she softly spoke in English, saying.

" be one with the abide by the sea as a child of the ocean..."

"To be one with the abide by the sea as a child of the ocean..." I muttered back in Atlantean as the mermaids watching, smiled as the spell was working. I was completely under its thrall.

I could feel my thighs touching together, but I did not feel my skin rubbing upon my thighs. It felt rougher now.

I opened my eyes as I tried looking down and I could see a bluish glow surrounding my legs. Like a cocoon of water that Myra had first cast to give me the sensation of swimming as a mermaid.

I panicked, trying to move them, but some force was preventing me from doing so. I then realized that I had reached the point of no return. My heart raced, but instead of fear, I was excited! I was becoming the very creature that I admired and loved and dedicated my life to.

Through the glow, I saw my legs slowly merging together into one giant gelatinous mass. I could feel the scales covering my legs as it wasn't altogether painful, but it certainly itched like madness! Then with both tissue and muscle, they both began fusing together, much to my horror.

At first, it felt like my two limbs were connected by a thin thread. But the more that they fused, the less that I could feel two separate limbs. It was as if they were melting into each another, becoming a united appendage.

As if to compensate, I could feel the numbness consuming the area where feet used to be. No longer could I feel toes or bones. Instead, I felt something flexible and flimsy floating amongst the tailfin!

But it wasn't just the physical changes to my body, I could feel new thoughts arrive into my brain. A new muscle memory was telling me how to swim with this tail. Bend here, twist there. Kick like this. Increase pressure, decrease speed. I hadn't even tried it and I was already excited to swim with my lover.

Slowly, any evidence of legs was completely washed away as a thin layer of oils and mucus coated my scales as my breasts began to gain a special coating of scales that wrapped under my arms and V-ed up towards my neck, connecting at the base of my neck where my gills had ended.

My spine pushed out new bones as the flesh thickened and bony rays extended out and formed webbing the shimmered like a rainbow of colors. The tingling sensation ended as Myra smiled as she checked me over.

"Now my beautiful mermaid sister, you are free!" as the glow faded and the whispering faded along with it.

I could feel the water wash over my blue-grey scales as I smiled and giggled as I wiggled my caudal fin with glee. The water hydrated my scales and refreshed me as I felt alive. I looked around, seeing the sky, the trees, and earth all looking so different now...all shimmering with waves of magic and energy.

"Everything looks so...vivid!" I comment as Myra smiles.

"Welcome to your mermaidhood, Jess!" she declared with a smile.

I touched my own tail with my curious hands. I was expecting skin, but instead, I felt fish scales. At first, I thought it was all but a dream that I would awaken from, but as it sank in, I cried and wrapped my arms around Myra, wailing.

"Thank you!"

Myra wrapped a hand around me, and we stayed together for some time on the rocks, admiring the gift from the Fall of Atlantis. Then, she looked towards the rising sun, every minute that we linger longer only brought us closer to danger.

"Ready to go for a swim?" Myra asked me.

"Yes! The ocean feels so..." as I could not find a word to express my unconditional love for the ocean and my mermaid sisters. I turned back to look up at River, but I noticed a new wild look in his eyes as both Nercel and Othla were trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Jess, but he is still stuck in the 3rd dimension for right now. But both Nercel and Othla will help him evolve." as she offers her hand. I now understand why the mermaids are not exactly scared to be spotted. They only reveal themselves to those who they wish to see.

"I don't know how to this..." as I flapped my tail, far too scared to test it out in the deep ocean. I am still trying to get used to having a blue-grey tail for legs.

"It's not so hard." Myra bent her tail to show me. "Just pretend you are still using your knees." I tried to locate my knees...but they were missing, evolved out. I concentrated and felt as if my legs were hiding under all those scales and muscles.

Myra helped me into the deeper water as we swam around in the Cove. In the water, I winced at the cold salty water splashing on my face, but I could not bring myself to fully submerge myself. I knew I was now able to breathe underwater, but a part of me was still anxious to try it.

Despite Myra giving me some pointers, something in the back of my mind was telling me to do it or drown on the Surface -- which didn't really make much sense to me at the moment. Some of the uneasiness that I had once had now started to dissipate.

Soon, the sky was illuminated as the sun's light touched the water and all the mermaids and Atlantean's submerged and swam out to sea.

It was now time to leave.

I felt nervous. Even with the high tide, I have never tried to streamline with a tail before...especially without legs, I was at the mercy of the water. The incoming storm raised the surf as it was relentless as it required the mermaids to exert all their energy to swim beyond the rollers.

"I'll help you through." Myra held my hand as we drifted into the ocean. I held onto her hand as we swam as fast, as safely as possible, on the surface. "We just need to build up some speed...then, when I say kick, you kick as I have taught you, okay sweetheart?"


I honestly felt uncertain as I looked at the rolling breakers and beyond, a black was the fall season where on the Pacific Northwest Coast! I was still new with my appendages, however, feeling Myra's webbed hand in mine gave me some comfort that I wasn't alone in this adventure. If she was there, I would be just fine.

I took one last glance at the Cove and watched as River, Nercel, Othla, and Kayla all faded upon the shoreline. I thought about the wonderful life I had once with mom and Poe. Never again will I ever see them again; and by tomorrow, never shall I remember them.

I grabbed my necklace with my other hand, my webbed fingers rubbing against the rough surface of the crystal. Myra's swish of her tail created a wake that swallowed mine and I was learning to swim through natural hydrokinesis.

As first, things were slow as we swam into the sandy shallows of the harbor, from a depth of 7.9 feet to 14.8 feet, and then dropping off to 32.8 feet...then a maximum of 44 feet deep as the water rushed in from the south, flowing out to the west and rushed in from in north.

We were sailing at tremendous speed as I did not know if Myra was doing this or if I was slowing her down. We circled around at a good pace as we neared the North Jetty, my stomach starting to cramp from the nausea and something stirring inside. Then, on our fifth attempt, we darted towards the open ocean as Myra looked over at me.

"Do you trust me!" she asked as this was a weird time to ask that question.

"With my soul, heart, and life." I reply as she smiles, holding my hand tightly.

With a leap, I took my last breath as she dragged me under the rollers. Ahead, my eyes adjusted as if I were wearing goggles with specialized lens as I watched the rollers surging over us.

[Kick!] I heard Myra yell and I began kicking as hard as possible.

I felt my tail violently move in the water and before I knew it, my body was suddenly surrounded by a brisk breeze of pearly white bubbles coating my body just like bubble wrap.

The breath that I was holding onto had then escaped from my lips as I gasped, feeling the water rush into my lungs. I tried to cough, but the water kept filling my diaphragm. Desperately, I tried to breathe and suddenly felt relief. The first breath underwater surprised me more than I'd ever imagined!

Typically, it was Myra who had 'breathed' for me during our swims in the summer, using a shared-breathing enchantment to keep me from drowning. But this time, I was under my own enchantment!

[I... I can breathe?!] I said telepathically, then remembering [I am sorry, Myra! I forgot not to use telepathy!]

[It's okay, my love!] Myra smiled [You can talk all you like, now! You're a mermaid!]

I turned to her, even with her hair floating and twisting around, she was just as beautiful underwater as she was above it. She pointed to the gills exposed on my neck, smiling.

[It's a good perk, eh?] she asked.

I nodded, smiling while adjusting to the cold wet environment around me. By now, the sun was shining through the water as it got brighter and brighter. Myra tightened her grip around my hand, checking up on me.

[Are you afraid?] I nodded my head, answering truthfully.

[A little.] I look all around, mesmerized. [This feels like a dream!]

Her blue lips curled upwards in the kindest smile that I had ever seen.

[It is okay to be a little scared Jess; I will be here to help you adjust.] The moment those words slipped from Myra's lips; I could feel my fears evaporate. It was as if her smile was engulfing me, filling me with some type of mermaid magic. For the first time in my life, I wondered if I could actually sense her emotions the same way she could sense mine.

[Thanks.] I embraced her, once more kissing her on the lips.

Again, I could feel my body becoming warm in her embrace. Obviously, Myra likes the feeling too; we've both were living in our own wildest dreams!

With our tails powering our way through the ocean, we streamlined our arms forward and manipulated the water to travel at speeds of 370 miles per hour as we swam for the portal to take us home to warmer waters.

The Following Day

Somewhere between the portal and home...I fell asleep as the mermaids of Cascadia took turns in 'carrying' me home. It felt as if I had been swimming for days, underwater for a lifetime. My drifting thoughts went directly to Myra and my Queen, Queen Sedna.

My skin was hurting and my tail was was as if I had just woken from a nightmare as Myra was carrying me as I awakened in her arms, but still half-asleep.

[Myra...?] I said, weak as she looked down at me, softly.

[Shh...sleep, my love.] she says as the process of metamorphosis takes it out hard on the body.

When I woke up again, I was lying in a sticky bed of anemones as my tired eyes opened slowly, looking at the flowing walls of pastel blues, green, and purples flowing. Glowing plankton floats in the water as the sea creatures swim outside like seabirds.

I had the weirdest of dreams! I dreamt that I was from the Surface world! The very thought of being a Surface Dweller made me cringe!

My mind retaliates as I see brief glimpses of a world now long forgotten as I look around in the dwelling that I was now residing in.

[W—where am I?] I cried out in surprise as I heard voices so crystal clear underwater as two mermaids swam over to me as they came into view.

They were amazing and so graceful in their swimming techniques! Like the Western depiction, of which the Surface Dwellers like paint of us. One of the mermaids had long blonde hair and salmon-colored scales that shimmered violet in the light; while the other had silver hair with reddish-orange scales.

The mermaid with the reddish-orange scales swims over to my side, trying to comfort me, feeling my fright and confusion growing.

[You are back home in the Cascadian Kingdom, my Princess.]

[I'm...] as I push off the bed as I looked outside at the living towers of carbonate buildings rising off of the rocky seafloor. [...I'm actually here!] I gasp, finding this unreal. This was the home of my beloved lover, Myra.

[Yes, you are our Princess.] the silver haired mermaid says [Please, tell us what you would like to be called?]

[Jessica,] I say, fear swelling inside of me once again [please understand, I am not an actual mermaid, I got metamorphosized into one...why do I not remember anything of my past!?]

[Breathe, Princess Jessica, we know.] The mermaid interrupts me as she was preparing my wardrobe of large pieces of silvery armor. She swims over as she fits the armor over my scales as the blonde hair mermaid distracts me.

[We too were once Surface Dweller's, just like you, Princess. This is the way that the Cascadia Kingdom taking us unhappy duine from the Surface and giving us new lives here underwater. At first, we all give a plea to fate to spare us. But in time, you will find that this place is where we belong. This is our home.]

Her description sounds horrific as if we were being Shanghaied; not the reception that I had expected to receive on my first day in Atlantis. Why did they put these two mermaids in my care if they were unsatisfied Surface Dwellers? I thought of Myra, wondering... 'Why isn't she here?'

[If you don't mind me asking!] I say, as she bows her head to listen. [Why are you prisoners here?] I wonder. The silver hair mermaid sees her error as she corrects me.

[You misunderstand me, Princess! We are not prisoners! I'm sorry if I wasn't clear...since coming to Atlantis and being reborn Cascadian, life has been a blessing!]

[But you're assigned to me, and you do not seem happy here.] I comment as she looks up.

[Many apologies, my highness. We are just afraid of what you once were. Surface Dwellers are dangerous and unpredictable monsters. We thought that once you knew that we too were once from the Surface, you might come to despise us.] she says as the blonde mermaid explains.

[We advocated to be your handmaiden's, my princess. Selected personally by the honorable Princess Myra.] she explains as I see I have this all wrong.

Myra probably assigned people like them to ease me into Atlantean culture. I smiled, feeling my sharp teeth against my tongue as I knew that I once was a Surface Dweller, but now I remember nothing outside of these walls.

[Princess Myra asked us to show you some images from the Surface to gage your transfiguration.] as they show me a series of images of some type of transport on a road and a transport on long rails. Another image of a bird made of iron...all these things I should know!

[I'm sorry, I don't remember!] They then show an image of an older Surface Dweller as I look at her legs and cringe. Her eyes were a dusty blue and hair dark. [Again, I don't remember...who is she?]

[That was your mother.] the mermaid said as I asked for the image as I touched it, wishing this image would share the emotions that I would have felt for her.

[Is she a mermaid too?] I ask as they shake their heads.

[I'm afraid not.] as they take the picture back.

I then realized that I must have been fully converted into an Atlantean, if I was going to forget my own mother! My past life was stuck in the past as I felt my bruises and wondered how I got them. I hear a scuffle as Myra comes swimming fast down the hall as she comes to fetch me.

[Come Jess, we need your help!]


We swam to the entrance as Princess Saline and Princess Meara had brought a young mermaid in as she did not look good. Queen Sedna swims over as she looks down at the child and then looks over to her healers.

[Take her to the infirmary!] she orders as she looked over at the two Oceanids who were conducting business in Canada. [What happened?]

[She had accidentally injected herself with Mutagen and began changing!] Princess Saline said, letting the process happen, trying to make the Surface Dweller comfortable.

[Who hurt her?] Queen Sedna asked again.

[The Duine!] Princess Saline warned. [Ever since California...and even long before in Australia, growing unrest has spawned a hatred and fear on the Surface!]

There was a blaring alarm resounding under the ocean as I covered my eyes, cringing from the sound. A portal then opened and a massive ship appeared outside of the city, halting its forward progress, not to violate Cascadia waterspace.

[This is not good!] Myra whispers to me as we follow our Queen to the Poseidan warship as the Poseidan Elite Guard left the vessel with High Queen Oceamera and the Oceanid king and queen.

We all bow to the high queen of Poseida as she asks us not to bow as she was trying to knock away that old habit...I will learn that she would be the most progressive queen that Atlantis has ever seen, well beside her mother Queen Arimera.

[My Queen...we were not expecting you!] Sedna said. Oceamera, however, looked gravely concerned.

[Trouble is brewing between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans...and in the middle of it all is the Duine who have awakened and are transforming back into Atlanteans.] High Queen Oceamera looks around as the rest was top-secret. [Come, we need to talk in private regarding the movement of the Brotherhood!] we followed behind them, but Sedna stopped us from going any further

[Attend to the Surface Dweller, Myra, she will be frightened and need someone to comfort her.] Sedna says as we nod and both turn to go. [Not you!] She lays a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

[My Queen!] I asked her.

[Come, it is time that you now represent the Cascadia Kingdom as its Princess...I need a second pair of ears.]  I look back at Myra who was urging me to obey.

[Is this the new Cascadian?] High Queen Oceamera asks as Sedna nods. [It is nice to meet the next generation of assures the survival of our dying Empire.]

Not a good fortune, but I will do my best to live up to her standards. Entering the ship, I was amazed at the level of technology! Organic technology, crystal technology and nano technology all bonded together in perfect harmony!

To the observation deck where the other rulers of Atlantis waited, we took our place in the circle as we heard something that not only threatened our worlds! It threatens our very souls!

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