Refusing to Please, She Becom...

بواسطة PangXiongMaoMao

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[MACHINE TRANSLATED NOVEL] Alternative Title: 拒刷好感后作精花钱爆红 Author: 芝奈 Cheng Zhaozhao found herself transmigra... المزيد

Chapter 1- Take the path of the plot, leaving the plot with nowhere to go
Chapter 2- Whose bodyguard is this?
Chapter 3- Can I come have a meal?
Chapter 4- Hot search
Chapter 5- Pretending to be cool in front of my sister Zhao?
Chapter 6- The soup dumplings leave something to be desired
Chapter 7- Get an invitation
Chapter 8- Can you do this...?
Chapter 9- Play around with her aesthetic point of view
Chapter 10- live together
Chapter 11- Resist the show!
Chapter 12- How fun this is
Chapter 13- Xiong Jing
Chapter 14- Dome Aurora
Chapter 15- Have you been on the international stage?
Chapter 16- fashion festival
Now it's hard to think whether it's beautiful enough to leave the circle.
Chapter 18- rollover
Chapter 19- You are you and I am me
Chapter 20- travel team
Chapter 21- Is this how you torture me?
Chapter 22- Gaogao marketing account
Chapter 23- Sharing the goodies that cost 7 million to decorate the room
Cheng Zhaozhao should change his profession to be a grass planting blogger.
Chapter 25- Do you know Mu Xuanlong
Chapter 26- Slap in the face TV series
Chapter 27- horse riding
Chapter 28- catch the sea
Chapter 29- That island is mine
Chapter 30- Desinger- Cheng Zhaozhao
Chapter 31- It's all her brother's waste!
Chapter 32- Li Yan withdraws from the circle
Chapter 33- save them
Chapter 35- Xie E speaks
Chapter 36- death penalty
Chapter 37- Mountain special
Chapter 38- Live broadcast to build a primary school
Chapter 39- magazine shoot
Chapter 40- Wen Huizhi and Zhang Wei
Chapter 41- This is how the Internet works
Chapter 42- New Years Eve
Chapter 43- what does it feel like
Chapter 44- Pull and step
Chapter 45- The door look suddenly rang
Chapter 46- Won't do it again
Chapter 47- Dating show observer
Chapter 48- body shaming
Chapter 49- until reaching the top

Chapter 34- All evidence has been handed over to the police

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بواسطة PangXiongMaoMao

The housekeeper works very efficiently. After breakfast, he brought a new computer that was installed.
Cheng Zhaozhao sat in the garden and inserted the USB flash drive.
No scary pictures or viruses appeared as she expected. Inside the USB drive was a table file.
Cheng Zhaozhao clicked on the file, and there was no text in it that mocked her for being fooled so easily.
In the table file, there is a list, which is divided into three small worksheets.
[ List sent]
[ List to be sent]
[ Excluded]
Intuition made Cheng Zhaozhao feel that it was not simple.
The list was started in June this year. It not only records the names, but also the occupations and identity backgrounds of these people.
Cheng Zhaozhao looked at them one by one.
  Name: Hu Die (actor)
  Notes: Wants to be famous, simple personality , no background
  Name: Zheng Jiaojiao (Internet celebrity)
  Notes: no background
  Name: Yun Ningning (student)
  Notes: L has taken a fancy to her, amateur No background
  Name: Zhang Ruru (high school student)
  Notes: People from a small area, no background
At a glance, they were all the names of girls, and Cheng Zhaozhao deduced from some clues that these girls were not old. Most are in their twenties, and there are even underage students.
But in this table, why do we need to count the backgrounds of the girls?
After contacting the note Zhang Xue wrote to her, Cheng Zhaozhao subconsciously came to a conclusion.
Because they have no background, even if something happens to these girls, if the other party is powerful, they can easily suppress the matter.
The weather today is obviously very good. The winter sun is very warm, and it will be very comfortable when it shines on your body.
But as Cheng Zhaozhao scrolled down and looked at the words on the form, a little cold sweat began to break out on his back, and goosebumps appeared on his arms.
She scrolled down the entire form. The form was initially recorded once a day, but later moved to every two days; and the girls' notes also changed from "no background" to " with background, can handle it."
Inside, Cheng Zhaozhao saw many familiar names. She had been in this world for many days, and she was quite familiar with the characters who had been trending in recent days.
For example, Xie E.
Cheng Zhaozhao frowned, and after reading the "List that has been sent", she clicked on the "List to be sent" next to it.
On the first line, three words were written:
Cheng Zhaozhao.
And that row of tables was painted bright red.
Cheng Zhaozhao was horrified to see it.
  Name: Cheng Zhaozhao (female star)
  Notes: It's not easy to get it done, and the background can't be checked, but L asked her by name, so it's worth trying.
The second one was also known to Cheng Zhaozhao.
Ren Li, as mentioned above, Ren Li is shy and has a soft personality and dare not resist. It suits L's taste and is worth trying.
Cheng Zhaozhao saw the names of Qin Qin and Li Yan in the worksheet called [Exclusion] again. The reasons for the exclusion of these two people were without exception: they have wealthy backgrounds and are very troublesome.
After reading this watch, Cheng Zhaozhao simply wanted to respect the dedication of this watchmaker.
Even a pimp works so hard.
After returning home last night, out of curiosity, she searched for various information about this "Master Lu" on her mobile phone, and she actually found it.
This person's name is Lu Zhiqun, and he has a very good reputation for his acting skills. He is a "veteran actor" in the eyes of netizens. He plays a very important role in the industry. In terms of resources and stars he has worked with, they are all top-notch.
This means that the forces behind him are intricately connected.
For such a big boss to be so close to a second-generation rich man like Seo Ren, he must have some inside story.
Thinking of the scene at the closing banquet yesterday, Xu Renxuanmei's look, Lu Zhiqun's malicious eyes.
Qi Rong frantically gestured for her to leave. The aloof Xie E was uncharacteristically cold. Zhang Xue, even though he was seriously injured, wanted to send her the list. The codename "L" on the list was the first letter of "Lu" ...
What else don't you understand?
Cheng Zhaozhao leaned on the stool.
It goes without saying that Lu Zhiqun's power is undeniable. Against such a person, the chance of winning is really very small.
But if she ignores this list, let alone her conscience, if she ignores it, she and the people around her are at risk of suffering.
So she couldn't care less about this matter.
She opened WeChat and found Xie E's WeChat ID in the "Xia Ru Yue" crew group.
Cheng Zhaozhao did not know the other victims, and was not sure that they would come forward to testify, except Xie E.
Cheng Zhaozhao spent a few days with her on the set. Although she was aloof, she had a good heart and would bring food to stray puppies outside the set every day.
Will she agree to help herself?
You have to try it anyway. As long as you can gather the victims and rely on public opinion to attack Lu Zhiqun, you may be able to form a breakthrough.
Just when Cheng Zhaozhao decided to join Xie E's friends and have a good chat with her, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck.
A dagger was pressed against her artery.
Cheng Zhaozhao held the phone tightly and glanced around, only to see that at some point, all the servants of the Cheng family had been sent away.
When the man holding the dagger spoke, it was a young male voice. His voice was like a cold sword tempered with ice:
" Where is the USB flash drive?"

He came for the USB flash drive.

So... he is from Lu Zhiqun?
Cheng Zhaozhao tried to calm down and understood that now was not the time for a head-on confrontation with him. If this person could bypass the Cheng family's security system and get into her side, he must have some skills.
She handed over the USB flash drive.
The man took the USB flash drive, closed her computer, held it in his arms, put away the dagger, and prepared to leave.
It didn't look like he meant to hurt himself.
After Cheng Zhaozhao let him go, he saw the person coming clearly. He was in his early twenties, tall and tall, and his back seemed to be indifferent.
She shouted: "You are not very old, why do you want to help Lu Zhiqun do such a harmful thing?"
Cheng Zhaozhao thought that the man would ignore it, but to his surprise, he stopped and turned his head: "I never do anything harmful to human nature. thing."
Then he ran away and disappeared without a trace.
Only then did Cheng Zhaozhao realize that her arms had lost strength and her whole body was weak. She sat on a chair and drank water, and it took a while before she recovered.
The USB flash drive was taken away. Is the clue just cut off?
She fumbled for something from her bag and looked at the palm of her hand.
There was an identical USB flash drive lying there!
In the morning, although she didn' t believe Zhang Xue, she also knew that things were not simple, so she asked the housekeeper to buy a USB flash drive of the same style.
What I just handed over to that person was just a fake USB flash drive.
And her last question was actually to test the man.
The man's answer was equivalent to acknowledging that he was Lu Zhiqun's person.
Lu Zhiqun and Xu Ren have already discovered her, and maybe even Zhang Xue is in trouble.
She had to, she had to act quickly.
Cheng Zhaozhao quickly contacted Xie E on WeChat, but the other party only replied to her with three words.
[ Meet and say. ]
In the evening, Cheng Zhaozhao appeared at the door of Xie E's house.
Xie E lived alone. When she opened the door to Cheng Zhaozhao, she had a very indifferent look on her face.
" Come in," she said.
After entering the house, not long after Cheng Zhaozhao sat down, and just as he was about to chat with her, Xie E said,
" I won't care about that matter."
Cheng Zhaozhao squeezed the handle of the tea cup.
It's understandable that the victim doesn't want to come forward. She can't force others, right?
Xie E lit a cigarette, blew out a puff of smoke, and said:
" Just give up, it's impossible for anyone to stand up and identify Lu Zhiqun."
The girls Xu Ren gave to Lu Zhiqun were all screened. They had no background, or their backgrounds were not strong enough. , who dares to offend a boss of that level?
Of course Cheng Zhaozhao also knew the danger:
" Thank you, but I won't give up."
" If I sit idly by and ignore it, the next victim may be the people around me, or even myself."
" Let them go, they will just The bottom line will slowly be lost and more and more girls will be victimized. If the situation worsens and they are unscrupulous and cause death, it is not impossible. Do we have to wait until then?"

" What's more, Lu Zhiqun already knows that I got the list. It's over, I can't get off the tiger."
Cheng Zhaozhao stood up, nodded to Xie E, turned around and planned to leave.
" Cheng Zhaozhao."
When he walked to the door, Xie E called out from behind.
Cheng Zhaozhao paused and turned around.
But he saw two lines of tears falling on Xie E's face.
" They have my naked. photo in their hands. What do you think. ..what can I do?"
Cheng Zhaozhao stood there blankly, wanting to say something.
But her throat seemed to be choked by something, and she couldn't open her mouth.
Xie E took a deep breath: "Go away, just pretend you never came to see me."
After leaving Xie E's residence, Cheng Zhaozhao returned home.
The image of Xie E crying kept reappearing in her mind, and when he said those words to her, there was an almost desperate helplessness in his eyes.
These two beasts.
Cheng Zhaozhao rubbed the sun hole. As soon as he entered the door, the housekeeper hurriedly greeted him: "Second Miss! The thief was really caught!"
After she was killed by the mysterious man in the morning, she immediately contacted Professionals with top-level security and trap layout were hired to reconstruct the villa to prevent Lu Zhiqun from sending people again.
Cheng Zhaozhao followed the housekeeper to the living room. There was a huge iron cage in the living room, with a man wearing a black jacket sitting inside.
Cheng Zhaozhao felt that the man's profile was familiar. After a closer look, wasn't this the man who came to grab the USB flash drive in the morning?
The man was caught, but he didn' t look panicked at all. He stared at Cheng Zhaozhao and said, "You are very smart."
It's not what he thought.
Cheng Zhaozhao was also sizing him up. He was young, with clear facial features and wheat-colored skin. He looked like a gangster boy in martial arts novels.
Cheng Zhaozhao said, "You don't need to tell me about this. Also know. "
The young man probably didn't expect her to be so confident. He smiled suddenly and said nonchalantly: "I am indeed the gangster Lu Zhiqun brought to deal with you, but I... . was deceived by him. "
The housekeeper brought a pink stool for Cheng Zhaozhao.
She sat on it and drank milk: "Tell me more about it."
"When I walk in the world, I follow the rules and follow the right path . And he said that you had stolen his trade secrets and asked me to get them back for him. "
Cheng Zhaozhao sneered.
It's really ridiculous.
The gangster said: "I have to say, your words made me suspicious, so I opened your computer and took a look. "
As for what I saw, of course it goes without saying.
The information conveyed by that list is so obvious that as long as you have normal intelligence, you can deduce what the so-called "trade secrets" are.
"I just came back to remind you that Lu Zhiqun's power is deep. It's unpredictable. Rich and famous people don't want anything to happen to him. As a little girl, you'd better not get involved in this matter." He said again.
Cheng Zhaozhao sighed: "My ears almost get calluses when I hear such words. "
The young man was stunned again. He just looked at her eyes for a long time and suddenly smiled, showing two tiger teeth.
" I hate people who lie to me and people who bully women the most in my life". He said, "Since you have made up your mind, I don't want to worry about it anymore. You can take this thing."

He raised his arm slightly and threw out something, which was the USB flash drive Cheng Zhaozhao gave him in the morning.
"It was empty when you gave it to me, but it's not now."
"There is what you need in this USB flash drive."
Cheng Zhaozhao picked up the U disk, returned to the room, and turned on the computer.
The U disk contained records of the nightclubs and hotels Lu Zhiqun frequented, and even the contact information of some of the victims.
Cheng Zhaozhao couldn' t help but feel excited.
The self-proclaimed gangster is right. She needs these things more than she needs them.
Cheng Zhaozhao spent more than a day contacting the victims one by one.
Some of them Knowing that there were many girls who had the same experience as her, they expressed their willingness to provide evidence to her; some expressed their willingness to testify anonymously.
And more people chose to decline.
Cheng Zhaozhao can understand.
There are many reasons for these girls to refuse, maybe because they don't want to His wounds were exposed. He might not want to believe her, a stranger, or he might be afraid of Lu Zhiqun's power.
Or it might be... I once had the hope of finding justice, but was unable to find help again and again, and I was completely disappointed.
But no matter Anyway, the evidence in hand was enough for Lu Zhiqun to drink a pot.
Cheng Zhaozhao collected all the evidence together and called the police.
After hesitating for a long time, she posted another Weibo post.
In her Weibo, Cheng Zhaozhao recounted his experience of almost being killed, and thus investigated the atrocious illegal activities Xu Ren and Lu Zhiqun had done in the past six months -
Xu Ren was a pimp, luring or forcing hundreds of girls to fall into Lu Zhiqun's clutches.
Cheng Zhaozhao emphasized [ All evidence has been handed over to the police], firstly to enhance credibility, and secondly to stabilize netizens and avoid the spread of rumors.
Lu Zhiqun dared to send people to snatch the USB flash drive, how could he guarantee that he would not murder her?
Anyway, she has been targeted by him, so it is better to make this matter public. Exposing her to the public view may further ensure her own safety.
Public opinion and the rule of law are two-pronged, but she does not believe that the huge power behind Lu Zhiqun is... You can still protect him!
This blog post was like a thunder, and it immediately detonated the entire Internet.

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