
By Youtzin_Osoro-emoshi

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770 44 21
By Youtzin_Osoro-emoshi

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        ⃢                                        𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄    

In life, there comes a moment when you must rise to the occasion.

It may not be a choice you desire, but rather a necessity that beckons you forward.

Sometimes, you are called to step up not because you want to, but because you simply must...

A young man with hair like freshly spilled blood, his face exuding a divinity, and eyes resembling the rich hue of red earth, gazed upon the once illustrious entertainment industry with a heart heavy with questions. "What has transpired...?" he whispered softly.

"Much has transpired..." a strong elder man replied beside him, his benign smile masking the fury he carried within. "Young Master, White Star Co. showed no mercy, and this is the result," Ron Molran lamented as he guided the fragile yet beautiful young man.

As he glanced at his phone, the young man was confronted with a series of scandals that had led to the downfall of Molran Entertainment. The departure of all its artists foretold the inevitable fate of the company, destined to be lost to the annals of time and remembered only as a blemish on the industry.

Under his breath, the young man whispered, "Crazy bastard." Cale was acquainted with the Head of the faltering company, someone who had cared for him when his father was preoccupied with the family business. "Ron, where is Vicross?" he inquired, his gaze scanning the all-too-believable scandals that had plagued the company.

"He is currently exploring alternate means to salvage our situation," Ron responded with composure. "Unfortunately, the rapid pace of events may force us to consider shutting down the company," he lamented. Cale gazed at him, a momentary furrow appearing on his brow before disappearing just as swiftly, too fleeting for the average observer to catch, or perhaps only discernible to those attuned to the extraordinary.

Cale and Ron strolled along gracefully, eventually finding themselves settled in the opulent confines of the main office. Cale's gaze was fixed on the magnificent white tower that stood tall and proud in the distance.

As he took a sip of lemon tea, his demeanor was calm, but underneath the surface, he was unraveling. "Thank you for the tea," Cale uttered softly, his eyes meeting Ron's briefly before he swiftly drained the cup in one gulp.

Ron gathered the empty cup, his gaze knowing as he regarded his young master. Cale was a vision of beauty, a mesmerizing sight that could rival the most exquisite of creatures. His crimson locks stood out vividly against his translucent complexion, his slender form emanating a quiet strength that belied his fragile appearance.

"Would you care for more, Young Master?" Ron inquired, a soft chuckle escaping him as he noted the subtle shift in Cale's otherwise impassive expression.

Cale stared at the glass of lemon tea in front of him, feeling a sense of resignation wash over him. He took a hesitant sip, the tartness almost causing him to recoil, but he swallowed it down, unwilling to offend Ron, who had kindly prepared the drink. As he struggled with the sour taste, Ron's unexpected question caught him off guard.

"Young Master, have you ever contemplated a career as an idol?" Ron's soft laughter floated through the air, contrasting with Cale's internal conflict. Shaking his head in disbelief, Cale couldn't help but scoff at the idea. "What a preposterous suggestion," he muttered, his words muffled by the unpleasant liquid in his mouth. Ron's chuckle only intensified, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"But Young Master, your mere presence commands attention and admiration," Ron persisted, his tone gentle yet persuasive. Cale was torn, unsure if Ron was joking or genuinely trying to recruit him. The thought of the responsibilities that came with being an idol—maintaining reputation, embodying beauty and talent—overwhelmed him. Cale knew that path was not meant for him.

Ron's smile remained benign as he chose not to press further, a gesture that Cale silently appreciated, as discussing such matters was not on his agenda. Taking a bite of the delectable snacks laid out before him, Cale's thoughts briefly drifted to someone from his past as he delicately held a cookie in his hand.

"In truth, I recall someone," he mused softly, his voice laced with wistfulness, "whose radiance rivaled that of the sun. Perhaps he would be more suited for the path you suggest." A faint grin brushed across his features.

Cale's thoughts then meandered to another individual, his allure as captivating as the undulating ocean, with a voice that could stir hearts with its beauty. Ron remained a silent listener as Cale reflected on these extraordinary beings, each possessing a magnetic charm and talent that could render even the most captivating of creatures ordinary in their presence.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, its crimson light filtered through the window, enveloping Cale in a radiant halo of red. His flowing blood-red hair swayed gently with each movement, framing his face in a vivid cascade of color. Beneath his sweeping lashes, his eyes, a captivating hue of reddish-brown, sparkled with a blend of wisdom and mystery far beyond his years, lending an alluring depth to his youthful countenance.

With a deliberate gesture, Cale set his cup down, fixing Ron with a serious gaze. "I will never be an idol," he uttered, the weight of his words underscored by the intensity of his expression.

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         ⃞                                    𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐔𝐌    

The atmosphere in the arena was alive with the intertwining echoes of chatter and whispers, creating a mesmerizing swirl of sound. Excitement radiated from the crowd, comprised of people spanning generations, each one eager to witness the spectacle about to unfold.

As the first day of the highly anticipated Scalesent concert dawned, the stadium became a hub of activity. The air was charged with a palpable energy, causing eyes to sparkle and smiles to stretch across faces. The attendees, a diverse mix of individuals, reveled in the honor of being spectators at this momentous event.

Amidst the throng of people, a man skillfully concealed his identity. Sporting a cap and a face mask, he blended seamlessly into the sea of excited concert-goers. Clutched tightly in his hands was a high-spec camera, its lens capturing the essence of the bustling crowd. His eyes flitted to and fro, taking in the magnitude of the moment. "They're truly famous," he whispered softly, overwhelmed by the star power that surrounded him.

The man's journey to this pivotal moment had not been without obstacles. Spending countless hours glued to his computer screen, he almost missed out on the opportunity to secure a ticket.

However, his agile fingers danced across the keyboard, snatching success from the jaws of disappointment. In a matter of seconds, he managed to purchase his coveted ticket, mere moments before they were snatched up by other eager fans.

With a sweatdrop forming on his forehead, he couldn't help but think about the exorbitant price he had paid for the ticket. If it weren't for his unwavering belief in the market value of his photographs, thanks to Dorce's extravagant spending habits on their beloved idols, he would never have willingly parted with such a hefty sum of money.

Nevertheless, he held onto hope that his investment would ultimately prove worthwhile. The potential demand for his pictures appeared to be promising, which somewhat justified the exorbitant price he had paid. Despite his optimism, a lingering sense of being deceived couldn't help but creep in. "Though I can't shake the feeling of being scammed," he murmur to himself.

After what felt like an eternity surrounded by things that would forever alter his perspective, the long-awaited concert finally began. Dorces erupted in a euphoric roar, brandishing their D-Aegis and swaying to the rhythm. The stadium transformed into a breathtaking spectacle of radiant white light, intertwined with hints of scarlet. As the sea of white gradually morphed into a deep crimson, the entire venue was enveloped in a mesmerizing shade of red.

Overwhelmed, yet captivated, the man found himself immersed in the chaos of the concert. Dorces chanted and sang with fervor, their bright smiles lighting up the atmosphere.

The stage burst into life as six figures emerged, their presence demanding attention. A soft and ethereal glow enveloped the scene as the lights dimmed, setting the mood for what was about to unfold. A haunting melody filled the air, blending seamlessly with the hushed anticipation of the audience. The dancers moved with grace and precision, their movements a captivating display of harmony.

Among the group, a young man with intricately styled blood-red hair stood out. His pale, almost translucent skin seemed to glow under the soft lights. As he began to sing, his voice was mesmerizing, casting a spell over all who listened. ❝It all started with founding himself into the unknown,​❞ his voice rang out, filling the space with its enchanting tones. ❝Seeking solace, searching for a home to call his own,​❞ he continued, his words weaving a story of longing and discovery.

The man with the hidden camera couldn't tear his eyes away from the performance. As he captured each moment through his lens, he felt a deep connection to the beauty unfolding before him. The young man with the red hair sang with passion and emotion, his voice carrying the audience on a journey of emotion and wonder. This was a performance that would stay with him forever, a memory etched in his heart and soul.

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    𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄                                                   ⃟         

⦅ Osoroshi ʕ 。>‿‿<。 ʔ ⦆
Mutz! So, I recently quietly published a book that had been sitting in my drafts for quite some time. I almost forgot about it until I decided to check through all the corners of my drafts. Although I don't have any plans to continue writing more for this book...

⦅ Loko (ಠಿ_ಠ ) ⦆
Then why did you publish it in the first place? *Sigh* Let me provide a quick introduction. This book is a crossover of Trash/Louth of the Count's Family with Debut or Die. The author, represented by the bear here, mentioned earlier that updates may be limited, so don't put too much expectations.

⦅ Osoroshi ʕ ᗒᗩᗕ ʔ ⦆
... Why are you making it sound like it's going to be disappointing? Readers, don't expect a lot of chapters, but Loko, please don't discourage them from giving it a chance!

⦅ Loko ( ̄ー ̄; ) ⦆
Sorry about that. Just keep in mind not to expect too much, and give it a shot. That's all for now. Bayyoh!

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   𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐓                                         ⃟       

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