Nightfall of the Wolf: Lucia'...

By typhomarangsparl1

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chronicles Lucia's epic adventure, filled with thrilling battles, heartfelt reunions, and the pursuit of a dr... More

About the oc

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By typhomarangsparl1

Name: Vice Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" D Monkey

Nickname(marines and pirates): Queen of the New World, The Nightmare of the Sea

Nickname (Sabo): "Little Flame Guardian"

Nickname (Ace): "Fiery Wolf Aunt"

nickname (garp): My little wolf pup (though she's far from little now)

nickname(sengoku): Lucia-chan (like a doting uncle)

Age: 17

Physical Description:

Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp is a striking figure with a powerful presence. She has long black hair that reaches her lower back, adding to her fierce and mysterious aura. Her most distinctive feature is her eyes: her left eye is a deep purple, while her right eye is a piercing ice blue, giving her a unique and captivating gaze.

Standing at an impressive height of 6'1" (185 cm), Admiral Lucia possesses a fit and muscular build, a testament to her rigorous combat training. Her physique reflects her dedication to physical conditioning and her ability to hold her own in battles.

In terms of attire, Lucia is often seen wearing her signature outfit. She sports a black swimwear-style top that exposes her back, proudly displaying her tattoo of a wolf pack. Additionally, she has a chest tattoo of two phoenixes, symbolizing resilience and rebirth. She pairs her top with white jeans, which are tucked into dark blue combat boots. Her choice of clothing combines style with functionality, allowing her freedom of movement in combat situations.

Adorning her ears are gold hoop earrings, a precious gift from Luffy, a testament to their close bond. On the right side of her head, she wears a hairpiece shaped like icicles, bestowed upon her by Aokiji, further enhancing her unique appearance.

Devil Fruit: Wolf Wolf Fruit

Lucia possesses the Wolf Wolf Fruit, a Devil Fruit that grants her wolf-like characteristics. As a result, she has enhanced senses, agility, and speed. Her devil fruit powers enable her to exhibit traits similar to that of a wolf, giving her an edge in combat situations. Her heightened senses allow her to detect enemies from afar and react swiftly, while her enhanced agility and speed make her an incredibly nimble and elusive opponent.


Admiral Lucia wields formidable equipment that complements her combat prowess and enhances her appearance as a high-ranking Marine officer.

She wears a ceremonial marine coat gifted to her by Sengoku, the former Fleet Admiral. The coat is predominantly white with gold trimming, signifying her status and authority. It proudly displays her rank insignia on the shoulders, symbolizing her position as an Admiral. The coat is also lined with fur, providing warmth during colder climates or harsh environments.

Strapped to her back is her trusty weapon, Moonfang. Moonfang is a large single-edged sword with a fearsome reputation. The blade is made of night black steel, which is not only visually striking but also exceptionally sharp. It features a crescent moon-shaped guard, adding to its unique design. Moonfang is known for its destructive power and precision, making it a formidable weapon in Lucia's hands.


Combat Prowess: Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp is a masterful fighter, proficient in various combat styles. She has honed her skills in Rokushiki, a special martial arts form practiced by high-ranking Marines, which grants her incredible speed, agility, and strength. Her wolf-like abilities further enhance her combat prowess, allowing her to strike swiftly and powerfully.

Haki: Lucia has mastery over Haki, a powerful form of spiritual energy. She possesses all three types of Haki: Observation Haki, which grants her heightened perception and the ability to predict her opponents' movements; Armament Haki, which allows her to imbue her attacks with a powerful force and defend against formidable blows; and Conqueror's Haki, a rare ability that enables her to exert her willpower over others, potentially incapacitating weaker opponents or rallying allies.

Swordplay: Admiral Lucia is a skilled swordswoman, wielding Moonfang with remarkable precision and finesse. Her extensive training and expertise in swordplay allow her to execute swift and devastating strikes, effectively combining her physical abilities with her weapon.

Navigation and Tactician: Lucia's years spent at sea with the Marines have granted her extensive knowledge of the treacherous Grand Line and New World territories. She excels as a navigator, possessing a deep understanding of the sea and the challenges it presents. Additionally, she is a brilliant tactician, capable of formulating strategic plans and effectively leading her subordinates into battles.

Unwavering Loyalty and Iron Will: Lucia's commitment to Justice is unwavering, and her loyalty to the Marine organization is absolute. She upholds the principles of righteousness and order, dedicating herself to protect innocent lives and maintain peace. Her iron will enables her to endure the most challenging situations, inspiring respect from her subordinates and instilling fear in her enemies. 

crush: Aokiji, Akainu, Kizaru

Golden Retriever Puppy OC:

Name: Shiro

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shiro, the loyal companion of Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp, is an adorable Golden Retriever puppy with a soft, golden coat that shimmers under the sunlight. His expressive eyes are a warm and gentle brown, radiating kindness and loyalty. Despite his young age, Shiro possesses an innate charm that captivates those around him.

Marine Jacket: Shiro proudly wears a miniature Marine jacket, tailored to fit his small frame. The jacket is a smaller version of the traditional Marine coat, complete with the recognizable white color and gold trimming. It features a small Marine insignia on the back, symbolizing his affiliation with the Marine organization. The jacket serves as a symbol of his dedication to supporting Admiral Lucia in her mission.

Personality: Shiro is a spirited and courageous puppy, embodying the characteristics of his wolf ancestors. He is fiercely loyal to Lucia and displays unwavering devotion to her cause. Despite his youthful exuberance, Shiro possesses a calm and gentle demeanor, making him a comforting presence amidst the chaos of battle. He has an intuitive understanding of his surroundings, often alerting Lucia to potential threats or hidden dangers.

Shiro's playful nature brings moments of joy and levity to the crew, lifting their spirits during challenging times. He is curious and adventurous, always eager to explore new environments and engage with new friends. His presence is a source of comfort and companionship for Lucia, providing her with unwavering support and unconditional love.

In battle, Shiro proves to be more than just a cute face. He demonstrates remarkable intelligence and bravery, assisting Lucia in various ways. Whether it's using his keen senses to detect enemies or distracting foes with his playful antics, Shiro's presence enhances Lucia's abilities and adds an element of surprise to their strategies.

Shiro's unwavering loyalty and affection for Lucia and the Marine cause make him an invaluable member of the crew. His bond with Lucia goes beyond that of a pet and an owner; they share a deep connection built on trust, understanding, and a shared sense of duty. Together, Lucia and Shiro embody the indomitable spirit of Justice and the unbreakable bond between a Marine and her loyal companion.

Wolf Puppy OC:

Name: Luna

Gender: Female

Appearance: Luna, the fierce and loyal wolf puppy, is a magnificent sight to behold. With a sleek coat of silver-gray fur that shimmers under the moonlight, she embodies the spirit of the night. Her piercing amber eyes radiate intelligence and determination, showcasing her unwavering loyalty to Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp.

Marine Jacket: Luna proudly wears a miniature Marine jacket, tailored to fit her small frame. The jacket mirrors Admiral Lucia's own attire, featuring a white base with gold trimming. Embroidered on the back is a small Marine insignia, symbolizing her affiliation with the Marine organization. The jacket serves as a testament to Luna's commitment to fighting alongside Lucia against pirates and upholding justice.

Personality: Luna possesses a calm and observant nature, always alert to her surroundings. She is fiercely protective of Lucia and her crew, willing to put herself in harm's way to defend them. Despite her young age, Luna possesses a wisdom and maturity beyond her years, making her an invaluable companion and asset in battles against pirates.

Luna's loyalty to Lucia knows no bounds, and she often anticipates her every move, acting as a true partner in combat. Her heightened senses allow her to detect enemy presence and potential threats, giving Lucia an advantage in dangerous situations. Luna's intuition and sharp instincts make her an exceptional fighter, maneuvering swiftly and striking with precision.

While Luna is a formidable warrior, she also possesses a gentle and playful side. She enjoys spending downtime with the crew, bringing moments of joy and warmth to their lives. Luna's playful antics and affectionate nature serve as a source of comfort and companionship during the crew's arduous journeys.

In the face of adversity, Luna remains steadfast and brave. She embodies the indomitable spirit of a wolf, never backing down in the face of danger. Luna's unwavering loyalty to Lucia and the Marine cause makes her an esteemed member of the crew, and her bond with Lucia is one of mutual trust, love, and respect.

Together, Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp and Luna, the steadfast wolf puppy, forge a formidable duo, united by their shared purpose and unwavering commitment to justice. Their combined strength and determination instill fear in the hearts of pirates and inspire hope in the hearts of those seeking a safer world.

Name: Kaito "Silverstorm" Hayashi

Role: Rival turned Ally, Member of the Straw Hat Pirates

Appearance: Kaito is a tall and athletic young man with a wild mane of silver hair that cascades down to his shoulders. His intense blue eyes hold a spark of mischief and determination. He has a lean and agile build, honed through his travels and battles alongside the Straw Hat Pirates. Kaito's attire consists of a sleeveless navy blue vest with golden trimmings, paired with loose black pants and sturdy brown boots. He often wears a silver pendant around his neck, a keepsake from his past.

Personality: Kaito is a free-spirited and adventurous individual, always seeking new challenges and thrills. He possesses a mischievous and playful nature, often engaging in friendly banter and pranks with the Straw Hat crew. Kaito has a strong sense of justice and a fierce loyalty to his friends, willing to put his life on the line to protect them. He shares a deep bond with Luffy, considering him both a rival and a dear friend.

Background: Kaito hails from a distant island where he trained in swordsmanship under a legendary master. Seeking to test his skills against formidable opponents, he ventured into the Grand Line, where he crossed paths with the Straw Hat Pirates. Initially, Kaito clashed with Luffy, driven by his competitive spirit. However, as they fought side by side against a common enemy, Kaito witnessed Luffy's unwavering determination and admirable qualities, leading him to abandon his rivalry and join the Straw Hat crew.

Fighting Style: Kaito is a master swordsman, wielding a unique katana named Stormbringer. The blade possesses a silver sheen and is said to have been imbued with the power of lightning. Kaito's swift and precise swordplay, combined with his agility and reflexes, make him a formidable opponent in battle. He can channel his Haki into his sword, enhancing its cutting power and allowing him to strike with lightning-fast speed.


Lightning Blade Technique: Kaito's mastery of swordsmanship and his connection to Stormbringer enable him to execute lightning-fast strikes. He can channel his Haki into his blade, imbuing it with electrical energy, and deliver devastating slashes that can cleave through even the toughest defenses.

Observation Haki: Through intense training, Kaito has developed proficient Observation Haki. This ability grants him heightened perception, allowing him to sense and dodge attacks with exceptional precision. It also enables him to anticipate his opponents' moves, giving him a tactical advantage in combat.

Agile Acrobat: Kaito possesses remarkable agility and acrobatic skills, capable of performing incredible feats of dexterity. He can swiftly maneuver around opponents, evading attacks and launching counterattacks from unexpected angles.

Stormstep: Kaito has mastered a unique technique called Stormstep, which allows him to move at incredible speed, leaving afterimages in his wake. This technique enables him to close the distance between himself and his opponents swiftly, launching a barrage of lightning-quick strikes.

Name: Vice Admiral Renji Shimizu

Age: 31

Physical Description:

Vice Admiral Renji Shimizu is a tall and imposing figure, standing at 6'3" (190 cm) with a well-built physique. He has short, neatly trimmed black hair and sharp, piercing brown eyes that exude a sense of intensity and determination. Renji's clean-shaven face bears a few faint scars, reminiscent of battles fought in the line of duty.

His standard Marine uniform consists of a crisp white double-breasted coat adorned with golden shoulder epaulets, signifying his high rank. The coat features the Marine emblem and his Vice Admiral insignia, displaying his authority and status. Renji pairs his coat with black trousers and polished black boots, maintaining a disciplined and professional appearance.


Renji is a stern and disciplined individual, driven by a strong sense of justice and duty. He firmly believes in upholding the law and maintaining order, dedicating himself to the Marine organization and its mission. Renji is known for his unwavering loyalty and adherence to regulations, earning him the respect of his subordinates and colleagues.

As a Marine, Renji holds a deep-rooted distrust for pirates and those who threaten the peace. He sees them as criminals who must be brought to justice, often displaying a cold and unforgiving attitude towards them. This perspective puts him at odds with Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp, as he views her devil fruit powers and unconventional methods as dangerous and unpredictable.


Renji Shimizu comes from a lineage of notable Marines, with a long-standing family history of serving the World Government. He has dedicated his life to upholding justice and following in the footsteps of his esteemed ancestors. Renji's training and experiences in the Marine organization have molded him into a capable and respected Vice Admiral.


Combat Expertise: Renji is a highly skilled combatant, trained extensively in various martial arts and combat techniques. His proficiency in Rokushiki grants him exceptional physical abilities, including superhuman speed, agility, and strength. Renji's disciplined training and combat experience make him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

Haki Mastery: Renji possesses a proficient command over Haki, bolstering his combat capabilities. He has honed his Observation Haki, allowing him to anticipate and dodge attacks with precision. Additionally, his Armament Haki enables him to imbue his strikes with a powerful defensive and offensive force, effectively countering opponents' attacks.

Tactical Brilliance: Renji is a strategic thinker and a meticulous planner. His keen intellect and analytical skills enable him to assess complex situations swiftly and devise effective strategies on the battlefield. Renji's ability to adapt to changing circumstances and exploit his opponents' weaknesses make him a formidable tactician.

Expert Swordsman: Renji is a skilled swordsman, specializing in the use of a katana. He wields his blade with calculated precision, delivering swift and accurate strikes. Renji's swordsmanship, combined with his physical capabilities and Haki, allows him to engage in formidable duels and hold his ground against powerful adversaries.

Rivalry with Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp:

Renji and Lucia have a long-standing rivalry within the Marine organization. Renji's traditional and strict adherence to regulations clashes with Lucia's unorthodox methods and devil fruit powers. He views her as a potential liability, believing that her abilities could spiral out of control and pose a threat to the Marines.

Their rivalry is fueled by their opposing ideologies and approaches to justice. While Renji represents the disciplined and structured side of the Marines, Lucia embodies a more unpredictable and individualistic approach. Their conflicting viewpoints often lead to heated debates and clashes during discussions regarding mission strategies and the handling of pirate threats.

Despite their differences, Renji recognizes Lucia's combat prowess and respects her dedication to protecting innocent lives. Deep down, he acknowledges her strength and contribution to the Marine organization, even if he disagrees with her methods. Through their rivalry, they push each other to become stronger, constantly testing their skills and convictions on the battlefield.

Name: Captain Isabella "Stormbreaker" Garp

Age: 45

Physical Description:

Captain Isabella Garp is a formidable woman with a strong and imposing presence. She bears a striking resemblance to her daughter, Admiral Lucia Garp, particularly in her eyes. Isabella has the same captivating gaze, with a left eye of deep purple and a right eye of piercing ice blue. However, her eyes hold a hint of sadness and weariness, reflecting the hardships she has faced throughout her life.

Standing at 5'10" (178 cm), Isabella possesses a toned and muscular physique, a testament to her past as a Marine. Her shoulder-length black hair is streaked with silver, a sign of her age and the experiences she has endured. She carries herself with a commanding air, exuding confidence and authority.

Isabella's attire reflects her pirate lifestyle. She wears a dark blue leather jacket adorned with silver buckles and intricate designs, symbolizing her rebellious nature. Underneath, she sports a black sleeveless top that allows for ease of movement during combat. She pairs it with black pants and knee-high boots, suitable for traversing various terrains and climates.

Devil Fruit: Tempest Tempest Fruit

Captain Isabella possesses the Tempest Tempest Fruit, a Logia-type Devil Fruit that grants her control over the element of storms. She can generate and manipulate powerful gusts of wind, summon lightning bolts, and create torrential rainstorms. Her ability to control the weather gives her a significant advantage in battles, enabling her to create chaotic and unpredictable conditions for her enemies.

Relationship with Admiral Lucia Garp:

Isabella and Lucia's relationship is strained, marked by conflicting ideologies and life choices. Isabella's decision to leave the Marines and become a pirate was a source of disappointment and resentment for Lucia, who is deeply committed to upholding justice and order within the Marine organization.

Isabella's departure from the Marines was driven by her disillusionment with the system and her belief that true justice could not be achieved within its confines. She felt restricted by the rigid rules and regulations and found herself at odds with some of the corrupt higher-ups. As a pirate, she sought a greater freedom to pursue her own sense of justice, even if it meant being labeled a criminal.

Despite their differences, Isabella still cares for Lucia deeply, though she struggles to express it. She recognizes her daughter's strength and determination, acknowledging that Lucia has become a formidable Marine officer. However, Isabella's pirate lifestyle and her clashes with the Marines make it difficult for them to bridge the gap between them.

Isabella's eye color serves as a constant reminder of her strained relationship with Lucia. It is a visual representation of their shared traits and lineage, a connection that neither can fully escape. Though Isabella may not show it openly, the color of their eyes serves as a bittersweet reminder of the bond they once had and the rift that now separates them.

Aunt: Vice Admiral Olivia "Stone Heart" Stokes

Physical Appearance: Olivia "Stone Heart" Stokes is a former Vice Admiral in the Marines, known for her cold and uncompromising demeanor. She stands at an imposing height of 6'2" (188 cm), with a muscular build that reflects years of rigorous training. Her shoulder-length gray hair is often tied back in a severe ponytail, accentuating her sharp features and steely gaze.

Olivia's face is etched with deep lines, a testament to her life of hardship and the many battles she has endured. Her piercing blue eyes, often narrowed in scrutiny, seem to bore into those she deems unworthy. Her thin lips are frequently set in a tight, disapproving line, conveying her disdain for weakness or insubordination.

Despite her retirement, Olivia still dresses in a manner befitting a high-ranking Marine officer. She wears a crisp, white button-down shirt with the Marines' emblem emblazoned on the left sleeve, paired with black trousers and polished combat boots. A long, gray trench coat completes her ensemble, giving her an authoritative and imposing presence.

Personality: Olivia "Stone Heart" Stokes is a woman of unwavering principles and unyielding determination. Her dedication to the Marines' code of justice is unparalleled, and she views any deviation from the established rules as a betrayal. She is known for her cold and calculating demeanor, rarely showing emotion or empathy, earning her the nickname "Stone Heart."

Olivia believes in strict adherence to the chain of command and expects absolute obedience from her subordinates. She has little tolerance for insubordination or disrespect and is quick to discipline those who fail to meet her exacting standards. Her silent hatred towards Lucia stems from her belief that the young Admiral has strayed from the righteous path, compromising the values that Olivia holds dear.

Despite her formidable presence, Olivia rarely raises her voice or shows outward displays of anger. Instead, she conveys her displeasure through icy glares and cutting remarks, designed to instill fear and respect in those around her. Her silent hatred towards Lucia is palpable, as she views the young Admiral's actions as a betrayal of the Marine's code of conduct.

Uncle: Rear Admiral Nathaniel "Shark Fist" Grayson

Physical Appearance: Nathaniel "Shark Fist" Grayson is a retired Rear Admiral in the Marines, known for his brash and outspoken nature. Standing at 6'4" (193 cm), he cuts an intimidating figure with his broad shoulders and muscular frame. His bald head and weathered features give him a rugged and battle-hardened appearance.

Nathaniel's face is marked by a prominent scar that runs diagonally across his right cheek, a testament to his many confrontations on the high seas. His deep-set brown eyes seem to hold a perpetual glint of defiance and disregard for authority, reflecting his rebellious spirit.

Despite his retirement, Nathaniel still favors a casual yet militant style of dress. He often wears a sleeveless white tank top, exposing his bulging biceps adorned with various Marine tattoos. His attire is completed by loose-fitting cargo pants and worn combat boots, with a black bandana tied around his forehead, adding to his rugged appearance.

Personality: Nathaniel "Shark Fist" Grayson is a gruff and outspoken individual, known for his brash behavior and disregard for authority. Despite his years of service in the Marines, he has always been a rebellious spirit, challenging the established order and speaking his mind without filter.

Nathaniel harbors a deep resentment towards Lucia, stemming from his belief that she has betrayed the principles and traditions of the Marines. He is highly critical of her choices, often making derogatory remarks about her actions and questioning her loyalty to the organization.

Unlike his sister Olivia, Nathaniel is not one to hold back his opinions. He is prone to loud outbursts and heated arguments, openly voicing his disdain for Lucia's perceived lack of respect for the Marines' traditions. His brash nature and unwillingness to hold his tongue have often led to confrontations with those who disagree with his viewpoints.

Despite his rough exterior, Nathaniel still holds a deep respect for the Marine's code of justice, albeit in his own unconventional way. He believes that Lucia has strayed too far from the path they once walked, and his harsh words and criticisms are a reflection of his disappointment in her choices.

Grandmother: Rear Admiral Sophia "Sea Siren" Delmar

Physical Appearance: Sophia "Sea Siren" Delmar is a retired Rear Admiral in the Marines, known for her maternal nature and unwavering support for her granddaughter Lucia. At the age of 65, she stands at a modest height of 5'5" (165 cm), with a slender yet toned build that belies her years of service.

Sophia's face is adorned with laugh lines that crinkle around her warm, hazel eyes, a testament to her joyful disposition. Her auburn hair, streaked with silver strands, is often tied back in a loose bun, framing her gentle features. Despite her age, her skin retains a healthy glow, and her smile radiates a kindness that instantly puts others at ease.

In her retirement, Sophia favors comfortable yet stylish attire, often donning flowing sundresses in vibrant colors or loose-fitting blouses paired with casual slacks. She accessorizes with delicate jewelry, including a simple gold chain that holds a pendant shaped like a seashell, a memento from her time at sea.

Personality: Sophia "Sea Siren" Delmar is a nurturing and supportive grandmother, her love for Lucia knows no bounds. She takes immense pride in her granddaughter's achievements and is unwavering in her belief that Lucia is destined for greatness. Sophia's maternal instincts are strong, and she fiercely defends Lucia against any criticism or disapproval, especially from her husband, Admiral Delmar.

Despite her gentle demeanor, Sophia possesses an inner strength and resilience forged by her years of service in the Marines. She understands the sacrifices and challenges that come with a life dedicated to justice and is deeply respectful of Lucia's choices.

Sophia's unwavering support for Lucia stems from her belief that every individual should have the freedom to pursue their passions and live life on their own terms. She encourages Lucia to embrace her unique talents and abilities, offering sage advice and a listening ear whenever needed.

Grandfather: Fleet Admiral Ethan "Iron Fist" Delmar (Retired)

Physical Appearance: Ethan "Iron Fist" Delmar is a former Fleet Admiral in the Marines, renowned for his strict adherence to tradition and his unwavering belief in the superiority of male authority. At the age of 68, he stands at an imposing height of 6'2" (188 cm), with a broad-shouldered frame that still carries the remnants of his once formidable physique.

Ethan's face is weathered and stern, his deep-set eyes holding a perpetual look of disapproval. His receding silver hair is neatly trimmed, and his mustache is meticulously groomed, adding to his authoritative appearance. His posture is ramrod straight, a testament to his military background and his unyielding demeanor.

Despite his retirement, Ethan still dresses in a manner befitting his former rank, favoring crisp button-down shirts and well-pressed trousers. He often wears a navy blue blazer adorned with the Marine's emblem, a reminder of his prestigious career and the principles he upheld.

Personality: Ethan "Iron Fist" Delmar is a curmudgeonly and traditionalist figure, with a deep-rooted belief in the superiority of male authority and the rigid hierarchy of the Marines. His disapproval of Lucia's choices stems from his conviction that a woman's place is in the home, not on the battlefield or in a position of leadership.

Ethan is highly critical of Lucia, often making derogatory remarks about her decision to pursue a career as an Admiral. He believes that she has brought dishonor to the family name by defying societal norms and challenging the established order.

Despite his wife Sophia's attempts to reason with him, Ethan remains stubbornly set in his ways, refusing to acknowledge Lucia's achievements or the changing times. His narrow-minded views and outspoken nature have created a rift within the family, as he continuously belittles Lucia's choices and questions her capability to lead.

Ethan's attitude towards Lucia is a reflection of his deeply ingrained beliefs about gender roles and the importance of maintaining traditional values within the Marines. He sees Lucia's rise to power as a threat to the established order and a direct challenge to his own ideals, fueling his disdain and harsh criticism.

Grandfather OC:

Name: Vice Admiral Takeshi "Ironheart" Kurogane

Age: 75

Physical Description:

Vice Admiral Takeshi Kurogane is an elderly man with a stern and weathered appearance. He has a bald head, with only a few remaining tufts of gray hair on the sides. His face is lined with deep wrinkles, a testament to the years of service and experiences he has endured.

Standing at 5'10" (178 cm), Takeshi has a slightly hunched posture, reflecting the toll of his age on his physique. Despite his advanced years, he maintains a relatively fit and sturdy frame, a remnant of his time as a Marine officer.

In terms of attire, Takeshi prefers to wear traditional marine uniform, even in his retirement. He dons a well-worn white coat adorned with golden epaulets, showcasing his previous rank as a Vice Admiral. The coat has faded over time, but it still carries the weight of authority and experience. Underneath the coat, he wears a simple white shirt and black pants, reflecting his no-nonsense approach to life.


Vice Admiral Takeshi Kurogane is a strict and traditional man who values discipline and adherence to regulations. He is a firm believer in the World Government's authority and the importance of upholding the law. His personality is characterized by a no-nonsense attitude and a lack of tolerance for those who deviate from established rules and procedures.

Takeshi holds traditional views on gender roles and believes that women should conform to societal expectations, particularly in regards to domestic responsibilities. He disapproves of Lucia's career choice as a Marine officer, viewing it as a deviation from what he perceives as her "proper" role within the family.

He is vocal in expressing his disapproval and often belittles Lucia's accomplishments, criticizing her for not conforming to his expectations. Takeshi's words are laced with condescension and disregard, making it clear that he does not see her as a worthy Marine or a respectable family member.

Grandmother OC:

Name: Hiroko Kurogane

Age: 72

Physical Description:

Hiroko Kurogane is an elegant and graceful woman with a warm and caring presence. She has silver hair that falls gracefully past her shoulders, complementing her kind and compassionate nature. Her gentle smile and bright eyes exude warmth and understanding.

Standing at 5'6" (167 cm), Hiroko possesses a slender frame and a gentle demeanor. Her posture is upright, reflecting her elegance and poise, even in her advanced age.

In terms of attire, Hiroko prefers to wear flowing pastel-colored dresses that emphasize her feminine grace. She adorns herself with delicate jewelry, including a necklace with a wolf pendant, symbolizing her support and love for Lucia.


Hiroko Kurogane is a loving and nurturing individual who supports Lucia unconditionally. She is the embodiment of compassion and understanding, offering solace and encouragement to her granddaughter in the face of adversity. Hiroko recognizes Lucia's strength and determination, and she believes in her potential as a Marine officer.

Despite the strained family dynamic, Hiroko remains a beacon of support for Lucia, providing a safe and loving space where she can find solace. She often acts as a mediator between Lucia and Takeshi, attempting to bridge the gap and foster understanding between them.

Hiroko's personality is characterized by her caring nature and unwavering belief in the power of love and acceptance. She actively counters Takeshi's negativity by showering Lucia with affection and praise, reminding her of her worth and potential.

In the presence of her husband, Hiroko maintains a respectful and dutiful demeanor, but her love for Lucia shines through her actions and gestures. She serves as a reminder to Lucia that not all family members share Takeshi's views, and that she is valued and cherished by those who truly understand her.

Friend Group:

Childhood Friend OC (Pirate):

Name: Captain Isabella "Sable" Cruz

Appearance: Isabella is a vivacious and spirited pirate captain with a fiery mane of red hair that falls in wild waves around her shoulders. She stands at an average height of 5'7" (170 cm) and has a lean and toned physique. Isabella's emerald green eyes gleam with mischief and adventure, reflecting her free-spirited nature. She adorns her ears with multiple gold hoop earrings, each one representing a significant achievement in her pirate career.

Personality: Isabella is known for her infectious laughter and boundless energy. She possesses a fearless and courageous spirit, always seeking new adventures and thrills on the open seas. Despite her pirate lifestyle, she has a kind heart and fiercely protects her crew, treating them like family. Isabella's cheerful and optimistic nature often brings joy to those around her, and she never misses an opportunity to lighten the mood with her playful banter.

Baker and Teacher:

Name: Amelia "Mia" Lawson

Appearance: Mia is a warm and nurturing individual, with gentle hazel eyes that exude kindness and compassion. She has long, wavy chestnut brown hair that she often ties back in a loose ponytail. Standing at 5'5" (165 cm), she has a soft and comforting presence. Mia is often seen wearing an apron, dusted with flour, as she spends most of her time in the bakery.

Personality: Mia is the epitome of patience and understanding. As a baker, she pours her heart and soul into creating delicious treats that bring joy to others. She is a natural teacher, always willing to lend a helping hand and share her baking expertise with others. Mia's calm and nurturing demeanor makes her a beloved figure in the community, and her friends often turn to her for advice and comfort.

Mother Figure:

Name: Grace Thompson

Appearance: Grace is a mature and elegant woman with silver-gray hair that cascades down her back in gentle waves. Her wise and warm brown eyes hold a depth of knowledge and understanding. She stands at 5'9" (175 cm), portraying an air of regality. Grace dresses in simple yet refined clothing, favoring long flowing skirts and blouses in earthy tones.

Personality: Grace is the embodiment of wisdom and grace. She exudes a calming presence and possesses a wealth of knowledge and life experience. As a mother figure, she is nurturing and compassionate, always ready to offer guidance and support to those around her. Grace's gentle nature and keen insights make her a trusted confidante, and her friends often seek her wisdom when faced with important decisions.

Football Player:

Name: Marcus "Tank" Johnson

Appearance: Marcus is a towering figure, standing at an impressive 6'4" (193 cm) with a solid and muscular build. He has short-cropped black hair and intense, determined brown eyes. Marcus's physique showcases his dedication to physical fitness and his prowess on the football field. He often wears his team's jersey and a determined expression that reflects his competitive spirit.

Personality: Marcus is a driven and disciplined individual both on and off the field. He possesses a strong sense of loyalty and camaraderie, valuing teamwork and fair play. Despite his imposing appearance, Marcus is a gentle giant with a heart of gold. He is known for his protective nature and willingness to stand up for his friends. Marcus's passion for football inspires those around him, and he encourages others to pursue their dreams with unwavering determination.

The friend group is a dynamic mix of personalities, each contributing their unique talents and perspectives. They share a deep bond forged through years of friendship, training, and lively gossip sessions. Whether facing the challenges of the sea or the trials of life, they support one another, offering unwavering loyalty and friendship.

Admiral Borsalino "Kizaru" D Gol (Deaged Version):

nickname: "The Flashing Void.

Bounty: 4,700,234,600 Berries

Age: 21

devil fruit: pika pika no mi


Deaged Kizaru possesses a striking appearance that demands attention. Her long, wild waves of black hair cascade around her face, framing her features with an air of mystery. Her piercing blue eyes, filled with wisdom beyond her years, seem to hold a hint of mischief. Standing tall at 6'3" (190 cm), she maintains her lanky frame, but there's a youthful vitality that radiates from her presence.


Deaged Kizaru retains her carefree and nonchalant demeanor, approaching life with a relaxed attitude. She maintains her dry sense of humor, often delivering witty remarks with a deadpan expression. However, there's a newfound sense of responsibility within her, recognizing the importance of her role as a pirate. She understands the gravity of her actions and the impact they have on others, lending her a more mature outlook.

Despite her laid-back nature, Kizaru possesses a sharp intellect and quick wit. She can assess situations swiftly and respond with lightning-fast reflexes. Her ability to remain calm and composed in high-pressure scenarios makes her an invaluable asset, capable of making split-second decisions that could turn the tide of battle.

Role in the Whitebeard Crew:

In the Whitebeard Crew, Deaged Kizaru serves as the First Mate, holding a position of great importance and responsibility. Her role involves overseeing the crew's operations, coordinating strategies, and providing guidance to the younger members. With her keen observational skills and ability to analyze situations, she assists Whitebeard in making tactical decisions during battles and acts as a trusted advisor.

Haki Abilities:

Observation Haki (Kenbunshoku Haki): Deaged Kizaru has honed her Observation Haki to a high level. She possesses exceptional awareness of her surroundings, allowing her to anticipate and dodge incoming attacks with incredible precision. Her keen senses and intuition enable her to read the intentions and emotions of others, providing valuable insights during battles and strategic discussions.

Armament Haki (Busoshoku Haki): Deaged Kizaru has also developed her Armament Haki to a formidable level. She can imbue her attacks with Haki, enhancing their strength and bypassing the defenses of Logia-type Devil Fruit users. Her mastery of Armament Haki grants her the ability to deliver powerful blows and defend against formidable opponents.

Conqueror's Haki (Haoshoku Haki): As a testament to her exceptional willpower and commanding presence, Deaged Kizaru possesses Conqueror's Haki. When unleashed, her Haki can overwhelm weaker-willed individuals, causing them to faint or lose consciousness. This ability serves as a display of her authority and can be used to assert dominance in critical situations.

uniform: (she has her fathers coat):

Admiral Kuzan "Aokiji"  (Deaged Version):

Age: 19

devil fruit: hie hie no mi

Physical Description:

Deaged Aokiji maintains his lean and tall stature, standing at 6'2" (188 cm). His dark blue hair retains its length, now styled in a more youthful and carefree manner. His eyes, a vibrant shade of blue, hold a sense of curiosity and wisdom beyond his years.


Deaged Aokiji still embodies his calm and composed nature. He possesses a thoughtful and analytical mind, always considering the consequences of his actions. Aokiji's relaxed demeanor and philosophical outlook on life make him a valuable source of guidance for the group. He is known for his ability to adapt to various situations and find unconventional solutions.

Admiral Sakazuki "Akainu" edward (Deaged Version):

Age: 20

devil fruit: magu magu no mi

Physical Description:

Deaged Akainu maintains his imposing presence, standing at 6'4" (193 cm) with a sturdy and muscular build. His black hair remains intense, now styled in a shorter and more manageable manner. His eyes, filled with determination and intensity, reflect his unyielding spirit, despite their slightly youthful appearance.


Deaged Akainu still upholds his unwavering dedication to justice and order. He possesses a strong sense of righteousness and expects others to follow the rules. Akainu's fiery personality and strong convictions often lead to passionate debates within the group. However, he also exhibits a newfound sense of mentorship towards Lucia, guiding her in her journey and teaching her the importance of justice.

Name: Shadow

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shadow is a Doberman puppy with a sleek and muscular build, inheriting the elegance and strength of his breed. His coat is short and glossy, predominantly black in color with distinct rust-colored markings on his face, chest, and paws. His eyes are a piercing amber, exuding intelligence and intensity.

Personality: Shadow is a loyal and obedient companion, embodying the traits of a true Marine dog. He is disciplined, focused, and always alert, making him an excellent guard and companion for Admiral Lucia. Despite his young age, Shadow displays remarkable maturity and a strong sense of duty. He is fiercely protective of Lucia and the crew, ready to defend them at any cost.

Shadow possesses a keen intellect, quickly learning and understanding commands from Lucia. He is highly trainable and excels in tasks assigned to him, making him an invaluable asset during missions. Despite his seriousness, Shadow also has a playful and affectionate side, often enjoying moments of relaxation and bonding with Lucia and the crew.

Marine Jacket: Shadow proudly wears a miniature Marine jacket, scaled down to fit his size. The jacket is identical to the one worn by Admiral Lucia, featuring the same white color with gold trimming. It bears the Marine emblem on the shoulders, symbolizing Shadow's allegiance to the organization.

Collar and Leash: Shadow's collar is made of durable black leather, adorned with a small golden plate engraved with his name, "Shadow." The collar is lightweight and comfortable, allowing him freedom of movement during missions. Attached to the collar is a sturdy black leash, providing Admiral Lucia with control and guidance when necessary.

Items in Pockets: Shadow's Marine jacket has small pockets, which carry a few essential items for convenience during missions. These items include:

Small pouch of dog treats: Shadow's reward for completing tasks and training exercises.

Miniature Marine badge: A symbol of his affiliation with the Marines, though not functional like the official badges.

Foldable water bowl: Compact and lightweight, ensuring Shadow stays hydrated during missions.

Small roll of bandages: For minor injuries that may occur during combat or other dangerous situations.

Pocket-sized notepad and pencil: Used for communication and relaying messages if needed.

Shadow's presence not only adds to Admiral Lucia's imposing image but also serves as a reminder of her unwavering dedication and loyalty to the Marines. Together, they form a formidable team, ready to uphold justice and protect innocent lives.

Name: Marina "Midnight Dancer"

Nickname: Luna

Occupation: Pirate (Member of the Straw Hat crew)

Devil Fruit: Night Night Fruit

Appearance: Marina stands at an average height with a slender yet athletic build. She has long, wavy midnight blue hair that cascades down her back, reminiscent of the night sky. Her eyes are a mesmerizing shade of silver, reflecting the stars and exuding an aura of mystery. Marina often adorns herself in a black sleeveless top with a crescent moon emblem, matching black pants, and knee-high boots. She completes her look with a navy blue cloak that billows behind her, resembling the night sky.

Devil Fruit Ability: The Night Night Fruit grants Marina the ability to manipulate darkness and shadows. She can create and control shadows, using them for various purposes. She can envelop herself or others in shadows, granting them temporary invisibility or making them blend into dark surroundings. Marina can also solidify shadows into tangible constructs, such as weapons or defensive barriers, enhancing her combat abilities. Additionally, she can create illusions by manipulating shadows, deceiving enemies or creating distractions.

Personality: Marina is a spirited and adventurous individual, always seeking new experiences and challenges. She possesses a free-spirited nature, embracing the unpredictability of life on the sea. Her loyalty to her friends and crew is unwavering, and she values camaraderie and the bonds forged through shared adventures. Marina's devil fruit powers have instilled in her a sense of responsibility to protect her crew, utilizing her abilities to ensure their safety.

Relationship with Admiral Lucia: Marina and Admiral Lucia have a unique friendship that transcends their opposing positions as a pirate and a Marine. They share a deep mutual respect for each other's strength and determination. Despite their different paths, they have formed a bond of trust and understanding, recognizing the qualities that make each other formidable allies. Marina's presence in the Straw Hat crew serves as a reminder of their connection and the complex dynamics that exist within the world of pirates and Marines.

Interactions with the Straw Hat Crew: Marina quickly integrated into the Straw Hat crew, finding solace and a sense of belonging among Luffy and his friends. She often engages in lively banter with Usopp and Sanji, appreciating their adventurous spirits. Marina's devil fruit powers have proven valuable during battles, complementing the diverse abilities of the crew. Her illusions and shadow manipulation have aided in both stealthy operations and strategic confrontations, earning her the trust and respect of her crewmates.

Role in the Straw Hat Crew: Marina serves as a valuable asset to the Straw Hat crew, utilizing her devil fruit powers and her skills as a fighter to support her comrades. Her navigational abilities and knowledge of the sea contribute to the crew's successful journeys through treacherous waters. Marina's presence adds an element of mystery and intrigue to the crew, enhancing their reputation as a diverse and formidable group.

Together, Admiral Lucia and Marina navigate the complexities of their friendship, navigating the fine line between their opposing roles. Their bond serves as a testament to the potential for understanding and unity between pirates and Marines, transcending the boundaries imposed by their respective organizations.

Bully OC: Commander Victor "Ironclaw" Vane

Commander Victor "Ironclaw" Vane is an original character who bullied Admiral Lucia "Night Wolf" Garp since their childhood. Victor, now a high-ranking Marine officer, holds a deep resentment towards Lucia and refuses to acknowledge her capabilities as a Marine.

Physical Description:

Victor stands slightly taller than Lucia, at 6'2" (188 cm), with a sturdy and muscular build. His hair is jet black and styled in a slicked-back manner, while his piercing green eyes exude a sense of arrogance and superiority. Victor's appearance is often adorned with scars, a testament to his ruthless nature and confrontations with powerful adversaries.


Victor embodies a cruel and domineering personality, using his authority and strength to belittle and undermine Lucia at every opportunity. He is arrogant and hot-tempered, often resorting to physical intimidation and verbal abuse to assert his dominance. Victor believes in a strict hierarchy within the Marines and views Lucia as an unworthy and weak member of their organization.

Despite his bullying tendencies, Victor is a competent Marine officer, admired by some for his combat skills and tactical prowess. However, his disdain for Lucia blinds him to her true potential and prevents him from recognizing her accomplishments.


Victor and Lucia grew up in the same Marine training facility, where Victor took pleasure in tormenting Lucia due to her unique appearance and her close relationship with Monkey D. Luffy, the future Pirate King. He constantly undermined her abilities, spreading false rumors and belittling her in front of their peers.

Over the years, Lucia endured Victor's bullying, silently vowing to prove herself as a capable Marine and earn the respect she deserved. Her determination and unwavering resolve fueled her training and growth, enabling her to surpass the limitations imposed by Victor's constant harassment.

Present-Day Dynamic:

Despite their shared history, Lucia refuses to let Victor's bullying deter her from her path as a Marine. She sees him as a reminder of her past struggles and a constant source of motivation to prove him wrong. While Lucia maintains a professional demeanor in Victor's presence, she harbors a deep-seated desire to surpass him and earn the recognition she deserves.

Victor, on the other hand, remains blind to Lucia's growth and accomplishments, dismissing her as a mere annoyance. He sees her as a stain on the Marine's reputation and actively works to undermine her authority whenever possible. However, deep down, Victor is aware of Lucia's potential and fears the day she may surpass him, challenging his own position within the organization.

Their ongoing rivalry serves as a driving force for both characters, creating an intense dynamic within the Marine ranks. As Lucia continues to flourish and assert her abilities, she strives to prove Victor wrong and earn the respect she rightfully deserves.

Name: Captain Leopold "Ironclaw" Thornwood

Age: 18

Physical Description:

Captain Leopold Thornwood is a tall and sturdy individual, standing at 6'3" (190 cm) with a well-built physique. He has short, messy brown hair and piercing green eyes that reflect his mischievous nature. Leopold's face often bears a confident smirk, adding to his charismatic and playful demeanor.

Leopold's attire consists of a black leather jacket adorned with various pirate symbols and a red bandana wrapped around his head. He wears dark brown pants tucked into knee-high boots, giving him a rugged and adventurous appearance. Around his neck, he wears a pendant resembling a wolf's fang, a symbol of his connection to Lucia and his admiration for her.


Leopold is known for his quick wit, sharp tongue, and mischievous personality. He possesses a charismatic charm that allows him to win people over effortlessly, even in the midst of heated arguments. He is fiercely independent and has a strong sense of adventure, often seeking excitement and thrill in his pirate exploits.

Despite his playful nature, Leopold is a skilled and cunning strategist. He utilizes his intelligence and creativity to outwit opponents, making him a formidable adversary. However, beneath his confident and carefree façade, he harbors deep admiration and affection for Lucia, which he keeps hidden due to their conflicting allegiances.


Swordsmanship: Leopold is a talented swordsman, wielding a slender, curved cutlass named Shadowfang. He has honed his skills through years of practice and possesses swift and precise swordplay. His agility and dexterity make him a formidable opponent in close-quarters combat.

Acrobatics: Leopold's nimble movements and acrobatic skills allow him to navigate the battlefield with grace. He can perform agile maneuvers, such as flips and spins, to evade attacks and outmaneuver his opponents. His flexibility and quick reflexes make him a difficult target to hit.

Intelligence and Strategy: Leopold's sharp intellect and strategic thinking enable him to analyze situations quickly and adapt to changing circumstances. He can devise complex plans and exploit his opponents' weaknesses, making him a valuable asset during battles and skirmishes.

Charismatic Influence: Leopold possesses a natural charm and persuasive demeanor that allows him to rally allies and sway others to his side. His ability to inspire loyalty and motivate his crew makes him an effective leader.

Relationship with Lucia:

Leopold and Lucia have a complex relationship that stems from their shared past. Leopold was once a childhood bully to Lucia, often teasing her and doubting her potential as a Marine. However, as they grew older, Leopold began to recognize Lucia's unwavering dedication and exceptional abilities, gradually developing respect and admiration for her.

Despite their opposing allegiances as a Marine and a pirate, Leopold's feelings for Lucia have evolved into a secret crush. He finds himself drawn to her strength, determination, and unwavering loyalty to justice. However, Leopold struggles with his conflicting emotions and the knowledge that Lucia sees him as an enemy.

Their encounters are often filled with heated arguments and playful banter, concealing the underlying tension and unspoken feelings between them. Leopold continues to challenge Lucia's beliefs, pushing her to prove herself as a worthy Marine and earning her respect, all while wrestling with his own conflicting loyalties.

Their complicated relationship adds an intriguing dynamic to their interactions, as they navigate their respective paths while secretly yearning for a connection that transcends their conflicting roles.

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