A Glimpse of Necessity (Elite...

By AltairNeedsCoffee

293 134 7

After a long brawl in the city of Yin, the Grandmaster, Ruminasu, along with the entire city has fallen. With... More

[Announcement] Official Poster!
[Ch 2, Act 1] Rendezvous.
[Ch 2, Act 2] Together, forever.
[Ch 2, Act 3] 'Til the end.
[Ch 2, Act 4] Head off Shoulders.
[Ch 2, Act 5] Sumiko and Inzagi
[Ch 2, Act 6] The uprising.
[Ch 2, Act 7] The delusion.
[Ch 2, Act 8] The meetup.
[Ch 2, Act 9] The recruit.
[Ch 2, Act 10] Ryoria.
[Ch 2, Act 12] Under dog.
[Ch 2, Act 13] The monsters.

[Ch 2, Act 11] Top Dog.

19 8 0
By AltairNeedsCoffee

As the two rode around the city, they began to ask a bunch of locals, where the Daruma gang is. The locals mostly shook their heads, as they were threatened by the forces of Daruma. However, one stood out

"T-The Daruma gang?! B-But, they're one of the deadliest gangs of all Ryoria... You two expect to meddle with them, they'll expect to go home with your heads... Especially, you, woman... The daruma will tear your clothes off and do things to you without your will." - The man nervously said as Aster got nervous, gripping onto Inzagi

"Sir, we don't care, we just want to know where they a-" - Inzagi gets cut off as he sees a familiar looking man, behind the person he's speaking with.

"Oi, who is this bitch bothering you?" - the man said, as the local runs away. The man chuckles as him and his partner walk towards Inzagi, holding a metal pipe

"Yo, who's you?" - The man asked as Inzagi glared at him

"Yeah, how much for the bike? And the whore?" - The other man chuckled as he looked at the bike and Aster. Aster held onto Inzagi, out of fear.

"Speak to us, cunt. You wanna know where the Daruma is, right?" - The man smiled as he kicked the wheel of Inzagi's bike.

Inzagi gets triggered as he swiftly punches the man down, knocking his fake golden teeth out.

"OH, YOU MOTHERFU-" - Inzagi swiftly charges at the other man and heavily punches him all over, pinning him down on the ground

"Where is your main base." - Inzagi asked as he continued to land heavy punches on the member

"I'LL NEVER TELL YOU" - The member replied as Inzagi punched through the member's blocking arms.

Inzagi grabs the man by the hair and bashes his head onto the ground, rubbing dirt on his face.

"Still not talking?" - Inzagi gripped onto the man's hair extremely tight as the man groaned in pain

"ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT, IT'S AT THE RIGHT OF THE MAIN COLOSSEUM." - The man hastily said as Inzagi lets go of him and smiles

"Thank you, kindly. You can go now." - Inzagi smiled as the man stood up

"R-Really?" - the man asked hesitantly

"Nah-" - Inzagi punches the man so hard on the jaw that his jaw dislocates from his skull.

The man bled, while he was knocked out, as Inzagi got on the bike once again and began to drive to the main colosseum

"Hey, Aster, mind helping me out with my fights, later? The sense of bringing you here kind of loses its point, when you just watch." - Inzagi said, as Aster nods

"Alright... I'll try my best..." - Aster replied as the two continue to ride towards the main colosseum

Finally, the two arrive, and they stumble upon a man with a black cloak

"Who goes there.." - The man asked as blades began to slip out from his sleeves.

"Hey, you know where the Daruma base is?" - Inzagi asked as the man charges at Inzagi

"Sir Rupert..?" - Inzagi recognizes Rupert instantly as he charges at him.

"Oh, what- OH, HEY, you're that dude from the meeting. Fancy seeing you here. Let me guess, you're on a mission to take out Daruma?" - Rupert asked as he shook Inzagi's hand

"Pfft, yeah, do you know where they could be? A member I beat up said the base would be on the right of the main colosseum-" - Inzagi asked as Rupert nodded

"Yeah, it's just inside that convenience store, there's a stairway down, where the cashier is standing. Good luck, mate" - Rupert implied as he pats Inzagi's shoulder.

Inzagi nods, as the two get off the bike, the bike immediately turns into a blade once again, attaching itself onto Inzagi's back.

"Welp, Rizette and I and the two Shitori sisters are trying to find the jet lady. I'll catch you two later, mates." - Rupert nods at the two as the two wave goodbye at Rupert.

Rupert turns into a shadow and swiftly explores the city, in his shadow form.

"Welp, guess it's here." - Inzagi and Aster walk to the cashier of the convenience store near the colosseum.

Without hesitation, Inzagi punches the store cashier down and finds the trapdoor, leading to the stairway, just like what Rupert said.

"Guess this is it." - Inzagi and Aster go down, as the motorcycle blade begins to glow, to give light, while they walk down the stairs.

"It's so dark that it's beginning to make me feel skeptical." - Inzagi said as they walked down

"A-Aren't we supposed to be skeptical? We are about to go into the main base of a gang.." - Aster replied

"Fair enough." - Inzagi smiles as he pulls Rizette's blade out

Eventually, they reached the deep bottom of the room, and they could barely see the light of the door above. Soon, the lights opened, showing the two that they were both surrounded by people in Red, indicating that these were associated with members of Daruma.

"That's funny, were you guys actually waiting this whole time, when we were walking down the stairs? Fucking cliché and hilarious, honestly. But, I'm not here to waste my time on measly men, trying to act like they're tough shit." - Inzagi said as he chuckled.

Aster tries to use her chain reaction towards the members, but her green light soon explodes, causing a failure in casting in the spell, due to the lack of confidence.

The members chuckle at Aster's failure at casting the spell, as a man in a crimson jacket walks through the members of the Daruma gang

"Calm down, everyone, maybe he just wants to talk." - The man in crimson red smiled as he offers Inzagi his hand

"Ah, finally, a man that finally understands communicati-" - Inzagi gets cut off, as he held the hand of the man in Crimson Red. Immediately, the man pulls Inzagi by the hand and punches him extremely hard, knocking Inzagi down.

Inzagi gets up quickly and spits, with his saliva being mixed by his own blood.

"Oh, shit, a tough one. Back up, everyone, I'm about to take this man down, and bring his girl to cum town." - The man chuckled maniacally as the crowd cheered

"Before you do that, mind if I get your name?" - Inzagi smiled as he asked

"Oh, yeah, sure, it's Fujio" - Fujio smiled back and answered

"Oh, shit, that's a nice name" - Inzagi replied as he swiftly kicked Fujio on the side of his neck. However, Fujio managed to block his kick

"This is gonna be awesome." - Inzagi said as his blood began to boil.

Inzagi backs up, as he dodges the fists of Fujio, soon knocking Fujio back, with a hard blowing kick on the stomach. Fujio groaned and charged at Inzagi again, attempting to hit him. However, Inzagi had the upperhand, in terms of reflexes.

Soon, Inzagi catches Fujio's left hand and twists it, making Fujio's body bend down to adjust to his arm, this left Fujio completely vulnerable from the right. Inzagi sees this vulnerability and takes advantage of it, kicking Fujio on the right side of his torso, extremely hard.

Inzagi lets go of Fujio's hand as Fujio held the side of his torso, in extreme aching pain.

Inzagi charges at Fujio, swiftly dodging the attempted attack of Fujio, then locking Fujio's neck into his arms. Inzagi walked around, chuckling, as Inzagi held Fujio's head in his arms tightly, showing the gang that their best fighter is incapable of beating him.

The crowd boos at Inzagi as they begin throwing pebbles at him. Inzagi chuckles as he lets go of Fujio's head. However, Fujio got dizzy from the head lock, causing his vision to go woozy.

Inzagi stretches his fist back, with perfect position, charging an extremely strong punch. Inzagi releases his fists, and lands his punch on Fujio's abdomen, making his liver vibrate from the inside, his lungs being abruptly pumped. Along with the pain on the right side of his torso, Fujio kneels down and falls, in front of everyone. The crowd stayed silent, slowly backing up from Inzagi, out of fear.

"I want you all to listen to me, and listen well. You're all gonna disband this little gang of yours and not only stop your tyranny over the clerks of this town, but also live a life of peace and tranquility. If I ever see one of you, try any meddling shit ever again. You're all gonna be found and will wish that I've just resorted to burning you all down, in this basement." - Inzagi stated as the members nod

"Now, show me where your vault is. You guys must have a bank where you keep all the money you steal and the taxes you evade." - Inzagi said as the members looked down and said nothing

Inzagi takes out Rizette's blade and attempts to whip it and successfully does it, causing a small "psh" sound, with the clanks of the shards of the blades.

The members fall from fear, as the trap door from above opens. Inzagi looks at the trapdoor and sees a silhouette of some sorts.

The members smile in joy, as they hear the opening of the trapdoor, as if they were being encouraged by someone. Inzagi, out of intimidation, whips a random member down, with the blade, as Inzagi's Sclera began to turn black.

The members charged at Inzagi. But, Inzagi and Aster began to fight side by side, attempting to hold back the gang. Inzagi began to bleed black fluid from his mouth, his sclera turning entirely black, with his orange pupil.

Inzagi roared as he swung the whip blade, cutting both Aster and every gang member on the torso.

Inzagi was in a state of rampage, so he didn't care about the situation of Aster. Inzagi drops the blade and began to scratch and bite the members down, tearing their flesh off with his teeth like an animal.

Inzagi continued to jump around on the members of the gang, making all of their blood gush out from the sides of their neck, as they all scream and squirm from the pain. Meanwhile, Aster was speechless, as she wept, bled and held her stomach, listening to the ubiquitous screams.

Inzagi looks at Aster, walking to her. Aster was confused about what Inzagi was going to do, so she swiftly ran up the stairs, as Inzagi growled and chased her in the dark.

Unaware how far Inzagi was, Aster continued to run up the huge flight of stairs, as the silhouette of a person was still there. The growling kept growing nearer, as they ran up the stairways.

Aster screamed in fear as she bled all over the stairs. However, when she reached the top, she sees a lady with pink and purple pupils. The lady closed the door and began fled.

Aster stayed silent in disbelief, as the fast footsteps on the stairs approached her. The room stayed silent for a second, before Aster screams, as Inzagi began to pull her down.

Aster swiftly kicks Inzagi down, making Inzagi roll down the flights of stairs. In the distance, the members were still screaming, behind the growls of Inzagi.

Aster swiftly climbed up the stairs once again, but the climbing of Inzagi was way faster, now, as if he was climbing on all fours. Aster tears up from fear as she completely opens up the door and runs, after she closes it. Inzagi busts through the door and chases Aster.

Eventually, Inzagi catches up with Aster as Aster screams for help. Slowly but surely, Inzagi's head leaned onto Aster's neck, as Aster felt the breath of Inzagi. Aster trembled, since she didn't know when to anticipate the bite.

Inzagi slowly but surely began to bite Aster, yet to plunge his teeth into her neck, making Aster feel a slow pain. Aster wanted to resist, but she was too frail and was afraid.

Immediately, 3 chains rose from the ground, 1 chain pulling Inzagi from the neck and the other 2 were pulling Inzagi from the wrists.

"Rupert! Get the lady to a safe area, I'll handle him!" - Rizette ordered as Rupert nods and carries Aster away, swiftly.

Inzagi tried to break away from the chains, but fails. Rizette walked towards Inzagi, filled with concern, despite knowing why he's behaving like this.

"Oh, fuck- I'm so sorry, Inzagi, I thought you could handle it..." - Rizette kneeled as she held Inzagi's head.

Slowly, Rizette began to absorb the darkness inside Inzagi's heart, as the darkness in Inzagi's sclera began to disappear.

"Are you okay?" - Rizette asked as Inzagi gasped for air

"I-I... What happened..?" - Inzagi asked as he looked down, being released from the chains.

"Ah, you must've used my blade and used it as a whip as well, right?" - Rizette asked back, as Inzagi nodded

"Well, you're not supposed to use the whip part, you're only supposed to use the complete blade part..." - Rizette adds as Inzagi was confused

"But, why?" - Inzagi was filled with confusion

"The blade part of my weapon is named Justice. The whip part is called Judgement. These two bring out certain auras, when one is activated. So, when you held my blade, you probably felt a rush of power, right?" - Rizette asked as Inzagi nodded

"Right. Well, that's the opposite for the whip... When you use the whip, only some are worthy to control the chaos that it holds... When you use it, you feel the souls of the people I've killed, using the whip. But, I guess you were overwhelmed and was taken away by the abyss..." - Rizette elaborated as Inzagi was confused.

"Why would I use such a cursed weapon? Well, because I'm the only one who stands worthy, to bear its souls. Because, simply, I don't give a shit about anyone's death. Why should I, am I right? They attacked me first." - Rizette sarcastically said as she chuckled.

"If you're wondering where Aster will be, she'll have to part ways from you, for now. Since, you kind of terrified her, so she won't be with you for like, a couple of therapy sessions." - Rizette said as Inzagi nodded

"I-I saw..." - Inzagi whispered

"You saw? Saw what?" - Rizette held Inzagi's chin up, her face filled with concern

"a woman... When Aster was about to leave the basement... The woman with purple and pink pupils closed the door on Aster and left her to be mauled by me.." - Inzagi stated as Rizette was shocked by this news.

"What did the lady look like, can you tell me more?" - Rizette asked for more information

"Her smile was ominous... She wore a helmet with a purple and white coat... That's all..." - Inzagi said as Rizette was still clueless on who it could be.

"Ah, I'll try to find her later." - Rizette reaches her hand out as her blade returns to her, calmly circling around her wrist, to turn into a bracelet.

"Oh, by the way, I got your reward from the guild office, they said you get 10,000 silver if you finish it" - Rizette gives Inzagi 50,000 silver, as a small tip.

"You did amazing, you should know that, for your first mission. Taking down a brutal gang? Shit, not bad at all, man." - Rizette fist bumps Inzagi and chuckles, as the two begin to walk away.

Meanwhile, back in the basement, Fujio remained alive. Fujio was soaked by the blood of his comrades. Fujio gets up but gets blasted onto the wall of the basement, as a lady walks towards him.

"Name, Fujio Kanzaki... Age, 17... Greatest fear, Losing... Greatest memory, first kiss... Physical Status, extremely low..." — The lady said, wearing her helmet, as Fujio's skin was burnt to a crisp

"W-Who are you..?" — Fujio asked, in a suffocated voice, as he held on for his life.

"I will make you better." — The lady smiled as she kneels.

Immediately, Fujio screams at the top of his lungs, as he cries for help, coughing, as he cried his lungs out, despite his throat being completely burnt as well.

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