
By _illusion_arts_20

892 106 163

an alternative version of adopting a demon during the portal where Adora ends up in She-Ra Illusion's world More

Do I know you?
The sea gate 1/3
The sea gate 2/3
the sea gate 3/3
corrupted nightmare
system failure 1/2
system failure 2/2
save her
More memes
concerned Echo
in the shadows of mystacor 1/3
in the shadows of mystacor 2/3
in the shadows of mystacor 3/3
an:velocity ref + og Illusion with She-Ra Illusion
I need you
fic art
princess prom 1/2
illusion ref
illusion updated ref
owl house au
night dreams
no princess left behind
Something's wrong
battle of Bright moon 1/2
battle of Bright moon 2/2
some art
Claw marks

Princess Prom 2/2

20 2 12
By _illusion_arts_20

An:next chapter yay! Working on some velocatradora stuff and illusion Pokémon au:)

Next chapter will feature some of Og Illusion.

No Pov:

"...I."Illusion stuttered in fear.

Adora bows before the princess.

"Revered hostess, you can't let them in. They're from the Horde."Adora said remembering what happened before"disaster could happen"

"Revered hostess, Princess Scorpia was invited as per the rules of this ball. Rules which I personally have the upmost respect for.*Catra smirked back.

"You do not!"Adora hissed as Illusion shaked slightly seeing Catra.

"Miss Adora. The rules state clearly that all princesses and their chosen guests are welcome."Frosta said.

"They're up to something. I can feel it. They could hurt--"Adora said before getting cut off.

"That's enough! You look at me and see a child, but I have worked too hard to gain respect only to throw it away just because you feel they are up to something. For centuries the All-Princess Ball has been neutral ground. I will not dishonor that legacy. Scorpia is a princess. Princesses get plus ones. They stay."Frosta said as Adora scowled.

A guard grabs her and Glimmer and removes them,Adora returned to Illusion and pulled her Away from Catra.

" Really, little star? I'm shocked. We're not breaking any rules. Didn't your new friends read the invite?"catra said looking at Illusion.

"I know you're plotting something. From now until the second the ball ends, I'll be watching. Wherever the two of you go, I go."Adora hissed looking at Catra while making sure Illusion was safe.

"Suit yourself. Have fun with following us!"Catra smirks.

"Glimmer, you get Scorpia, I'll take Catra."Adoda said.

Glimmer groaned while Illusion put a hand on Glimmer's shoulder.

"Don't worry Glim, I'll handle this,you enjoy the ball,Parties are not my thing "Illusion smiled.

"Are you sure?"Glimmer asked.

Illusion nodded and sighed as she watched Adora rummaging through rubbish.

Something was troubling her yet she wast telling her about it.

Illusion  stands at the buffet as Scorpia gorges on food.

"Mm. Mm. Wow, that is good. Oh what is-- I don't even know what's in this. What? Sir? Garcon? What's in this?"Scorpia said.

Illusion saw Glimmer and Bow and walked over to them.

Scorpia was just looking at food,it should be fine.

"Bow! Glim!Wait up!"Illusion smiled walking over "

"Illusion!hi"Bow smiled.

"There's something I need to tell you. I know things between us have been weird all night. So, I just wanted to say.."Glimmer said starting to apologise.

"It's all right. I accept your--"Bow said.

" I forgive you."Glimmer said and Illusion Groaned.

"You forgive me? Glimmer, I'm allowed to hang out with other people."Bow said.

"B-b-but don't you see? That's how it starts! Then suddenly everyone has new friends and nobody needs me anymore. And then, I'm all alone."Glimmer said.

"What are you talking about? You have me, Illusion plus Adora and everyone who joined the Rebellion."Bow said.

Illusion watched the two,she didn't want them to stop being friends,she had a friend when she wasn't training in the horde,her name was Tia but one day she just disappeared and when Illusion saw her again she ran away.

It made her upset and she didn't want that to Happen to Glimmer and Bow.

"That's what I'm talking about. It used to be the two of us. And now, everything's changing. I don't want you to leave me behind."Glimmer said.

"No one is leaving you behind. I wanted to hang out with you and Adora and Perfuma tonight. But you're the one who keeps acting weird and leaving. I know change is scary, Glimmer. But that doesn't mean you get to take it out on me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I am going to go get my cummerbund because it is freezing in here!"bow replied.

"I'll go get your Cummerbund Bow, you two enjoy the party"Illusion smiled.

Bow smiled back and ruffled Illusion's hair.

"Thanks Illusion"Bow said"I'll go find Perfuma"

Glimmer frowns as Illusion leaved,the sword camouflaged against her suit.

Illusion heads out,she then spotted scorpia holding something red. She sets it on the wall and hurries off. Illusion steps closer and spots smoke wafting from the gem.

"Is that a--"Illusion gasps"Oh no! Princess Scorpia is planting heat bombs! We have to stop her!"

Illusion yelped as someone grabbed her.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Let--"Illusion looked up to see Adora.

Her eyes went wide as Adora looked at her slightly sad.

"I'm sorry Little star"Adora said as she knocked Illusion out.

Illusion hung limply in Adora's arms as she carried her to the ship


Adora follows the other version of Catra. The lights dim.

She looked worried,soon the horde plan would start.

She looked around and spotted bow.

He would have been taken by now.

She searched the crowd and couldn't see Illusion.

Her heart began to race.

" It is my solemn duty as hostess to now announce, it is time for the first dance of the Ball."Frosta said.

The Crowd cheers as Adora is pushed onto the dance floor and spotlights shine down. Adora stands under a spotlight, and the other Catra extends her hand. Adora grimaces, then presses her hand to Catra's.

" I don't know about you, but I am having a blast."Catra smirked"even though your an imposter I've had fun teasing you "

"Whatever it is you're planning, it won't work."Adora hissed.

"You sure?"Catra smirked.

Adora twirls to Glimmer.

" I got into a fight with Bow and he won't wanna be friends with me anymore and I don't know" where Scorpia is!"Glimmer cried"He went back over to Perfuma"

"What? Glimmer don't--"Adora said but Glimmer was gone but Perfuma was there.

"Have you seen Illusion? Illusion went to get Bow's cummerbund, but that was a while ago, right about the same time that Horde princess left."Perfuma said.

Adora's eyes went wide with worry,that doesn't mean what she thought it meant.

"Wait, do you mean Scorpia?"Adora asked but Perfuma was gone and Glimmer was back.

"Glimmer, when did you last see Illusion?""Adora asked.

" A while ago. Isn't she with Bow and Perfuma?"Glimmer replied.

"No. Perfuma says she's been gone this entire time."Adora said nervously.

Catra returns.

"Maybe my plan won't work. But then again, maybe it already has."Catra smirks.

She dips Adora as Adora glared at her.

" Say, where's your friend, Illusion?"Catra smirked.

Adora pushes Catra and knocks her to the ground.

"What did you do to her!?"Adora yelled,All thoughts going through her head was what happened to her illusion before.

"Nothing permanent."Catra smirked and laughed.

She hoists Catra by her suit jacket.

" Tell me what you did with her right--"Adora snarled.

Adora is trapped in ice and Frosta glares.

"Revered hostess, she's got--"Adora grunts

"Princess Ball is a ceremony of unity. Violence is strictly forbidden."Frosta said glaring.

"You don't understand."Adora said.

"I understand perfectly. As hostess, in accordance with the rules set down over the centuries, I hereby revoke your invitation. You are to leave my kingdom and never, ever--"Frosta said before being interrupted by an explosion.

Adora's eye's Widened in fear,she had to go after Illusion and keep Bow and Glimmer safe.

Heat bombs explode on the walls and guests scatter.

"Remain calm! Stop!"Frosta yelled but she was escorted away by guards.

Glimmer Ran to Adora.

" Glimmer get Bow and Perfuma out of here and Go wait by the entrance"Adora said looking at Glimmer as She freed herself.


"Go!"Adora yelled as she ran towards where Catra would be.

" Catra. What did you do?"Adora snarled seeing Catra.

" I did nothing. Adora,Scorpia, Lonnie and Kyle on the other hand were very busy. It was fun distracting you though."Catra smirked"but I'm guessing you already knew that"

"This isn't a game! People are gonna get hurt!"Adora said.

" It's never been a game to me. I'm after something bigger, and no one is going to stop me."Catra smirked as she ran.

Adora chases Catra down a hallway and they reach a dead end.

"Ha. Trapped."Adora smirked

"You wish"

Catra hops on a floating chunk of ice and rises. Adora fixes her with a steely glare and leaps on another chunk of ice. They ascend to an icy cliff and Catra hurls Adora to the ground.

Adora lunges and Catra steps out of the way. She kicks Adora in the back and stands on the edge of the cliff as the castle comes back together.

Adora leaps and Catra ducks out of the way. She attacks Adora with her elbow and Adora moves aside. Catra flies of the edge, wide-eyed. Adora grabs her. The castle jostles them. They fall off the side and plummet through the air.

Adora removes her hair pin and sticks it through the ice. She grabs Catra's hand. They dangle from the side.

Adora grunts as she dangles and holds onto Catra.

It may not be her Catra but it's a version of her.

" Hang on! I can get us out of this!"Adora said.

She knew catra would fall regardless but she would try.

"Oh, Adora. I don't want you to."Catra smirked.

Catra lets go.

While Adora watched with wide eyes.

Moments later, a Horde ship appears in the clouds. Catra smirked while Adora held a passed out Illusion,Catra had the sword while Adora smirked holding illusion.

"See you later, princess."Catra smirked.

They fly away as Adora dangles from the icy cliff.

Adora sobbed.

Had she changed to much and got Illusion caught instead.

Tears fell down her cheek.

Even now in a completely different world she didn't save her illusion.


Adora looked to see Glimmer and Bow.

Bow threw down some rope and they both pulled Adora up.

When Adora got to soild ground she began to hiccup and cry.

"They took her,they took Illusion"Adora cried while Glimmer and Bow looked shocked,upset and angry.

The three embraced eachother as Adora sobbed.


Catra walked over to where Adora was sitting.

Illusion was still passed out in her arms.

"I think I hit her to hard"Adora said holding illusion.

"She'll be fine Adora"Catra smiled nuzzling her.

"Our little star is coming home to us"

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