Minnie the Maid

By aishaa2204

23.9K 98 14

Samuel and Jennifer inherit a country house, with newfound wealth they abandon their mundane jobs to pursue p... More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Final Part

Part 2

5.1K 15 2
By aishaa2204

Samuel read the business card again - focussing on the line that read 'Couples Counsellor.'

Jennifer explained their relationship to Andrea, "I started the change when I was 36, that was two years ago, and almost immediately I lost all interest in sex. It is like nature flicked a switch to the off position inside my head. Samuel still has needs though, I really enjoy masturbating him to meet those needs. I always thought that was enough to satisfy him until recently."

Samuel wished the ground would open beneath him, Jennifer continued explaining, not only, his interest in the maids uniforms but the arousal it created in him. "I am okay with that, I mean okay with Samuel wearing them and stuff, but secretly masturbating really hurts...I want to be a part of that still."

Andrea's pencil paused, she looked up. "How would you feel about including Jennifer while you are in Minnie mode Samuel?"

When Jennifer had initially suggested talking to a councillor Samuel was set against it. Now, nearing the end of the session, he realised it had been worthwhile. "I would like that very much."

Andrea suggested Jennifer supervise Samuel dressing and keep close watch while he is in character to save any 'unwanted events' as she put it. "Try spending a few days as Minnie followed by some as Samuel then have a 'what next' chat. Let me know if I can help further."

Now that everything was out in the open Jennifer actually enjoyed helping Minnie dress. She discreetly smiled while watching Minnie confidently fasten his bra and scoop his little man-titties into the bra cups that had been designed with much larger occupants in mind. "We need to get you some sort of control panty to keep that trouser snake under control," Jennifer said lightheartedly as she buttoned up the back of Minnie's dress, "and this underwear is so tatty I wonder it wasn't all thrown out years ago. I mean it would have been old fashioned even in 1950s'. By then it was all corselettes, girdles. bullet bras, and suchlike."

Jennifer ordered 'tea for two' while following Minnie downstairs from the maids quarters to kitchen. "We need to shop for some period style underwear and a wig," Jennifer said as they sat drinking tea.

Samuel replied he was not trying to be a woman.

Jennifer hid the real reasons behind her suggesting the wig. Samuels' male pattern baldness arrived when he was still in his twenties, now at 37 he was more head than hair. In the cold light of day, as they sat drinking tea, the reality of where they were headed finally hit her - and seeing Samuels head atop a maids body was too much for even one whole day let alone for the few days Andrea had suggested.

Instead of coming right out with it and saying 'Samuel needs to be Samuel and Minnie needs to be Minnie' Jennifer replied teasingly, "Of course you are not," with a smile and a cheek kiss. "I was thinking if a courier, our window cleaner or someone else accidentally sees Minnie with Samuels head...well...you know how vicious country gossip is."

That was enough to change his mind "okay, but we should wait and see if Minnie visits regularly, we do not want to waste money."

They both laughed at the ridiculousness of his 'waste money' comment that really was a rollover comment from a poorer time.

Finishing her tea Jennifer left the Minnie/Samuel portmanteau, Minuel, playing computer games on his laptop.

"I will be back for my lunch at midday Minnie." Jennifer spent her time alone not on charity business but researching Samuels' maid fetish including reading some online man-maid centred fiction that occupied so much of his aimless alone time. Initially Jennifer was a little surprised initially by how common the subservient maid fantasy was then a little disgusted by some of the tasks writers imagined a maid was 'forced' to undertake. Examining Samuels online reading history she was thankful to find his interests clearly lay in what was termed 'petticoating' and 'maid play' within a loving relationship. By lunchtime she had gleaned enough ideas from her research that would make shopping fun for her while humiliating Samuel at the same time.

Over lunch and inspired by Andreas' advice they set some additional ground rules that, to Jennifers surprise, included separating Minnie days from masturbating days at Samuels suggestion. He proudly asserted he had remained celibate since Jennifer left.

Secretly Jennifer still harboured hopes the novelty of playing maid would soon wear off. Not that she would admit that to Samuel or even Andrea if they saw her again. Minnie suggested moving his uniform to their bedroom.

"How will that look when the contract cleaners are here, it's obvious your uniform would not fit me Minnie." Jennifer was pleased at how malleable Minnie was. Choosing her words carefully to separate Minnie from Samuel the way Andrea suggested she continued "while the cleaners are here tomorrow Samuel and I will shop for you Minnie." Jennifer left Minnie playing games on his computer while she researched suitable shops in the city.

'Glorias Fashions' the sign above the shop declared even though only lingerie was displayed in the window. Jennifer judged Gloria to be 60something. "We emailed yesterday about 1950s' style underwear."

"Email you say...email? That would be Anita's department." Gloria smiled as her eyes closely examined Jennifer with the look of either an undertaker or a corsetière before taking a measuring tape from the counter "I will get your measurements then pass you over to Anita who will help you find the perfect style, fitting room is this way."

"Oh not for me..." Jennifer smiled at Samuel. "For my husband," she enunciated.

"Please do not embarrass me," Samuel whispered. Jennifer looked pleased as she explained, with an air of innocence, that the first step in becoming a maid always begins with well fitting foundations.

Gloria agreed as she began measuring Samuel, calling out sizes she added, "Please bring out a firm control suspender corselette Anita." After instructing Samuel to undress she tutted in disapproval, said boxers will not do, called out, "We'll need a panty girdle as well."

When the sounds of drawers opening and closing ceased Anita appeared and Jennifer wished she had a camera to record the look on Samuels face. If being measured by woman had been embarrassing, then being served by a young woman in her late teens was a hundred times worse. "Turn away, slip your boxers off and put this on" Anita said as she handed Samuel the panty girdle. Gloria had left to serve another customer leaving Anita to explain, to no-one in particular, how lucky they had been to happen upon Glorias Fashions. "We are the only shop in the city that still has stock of original vintage undies."

Jennifer struggled to keep a straight face as Samuel tugged the girdle up as far as his hips then declared it too small. "No it's not," standing behind him Anita grasped the sides, "wiggle...just need to get it over your bum...there, a perfect fit. Now get your wedding tackle settled and turn around...sweetie."

"Minnie," Jennifer reminded Anita.

"That is just so priceless," giggle escaped Anita as she handed Samuel a corselette. "Okay Minnie the maid step in and wiggle yourself in while pulling the sides at the same time. It will soon come to be second nature."

Samuel was thankful his cock was imprisioned within the panty girdle as it struggled with the girdle to harden. "You can relax your stomach muscles now, thats it, let your corselette do all the work," Anita said as she slipped the wide shoulder straps over his arms. "You'll need three of everything Minnie - one to wear, one in the wash and one in your lingerie drawer," Anita said how corselettes are the perfect foundation for both housework and crossdressers, "holds your forms in place all day... do you mind?" Without waiting for an answer she scooped his manboobs into the cups and adjusted the shoulder straps. She turned toward Jennifer. "A cup is the smallest size corselettes were made in which leaves a little space..." Anita slipped a couple of 'chicken fillets' in the cups, made a final adjustment to the shoulder straps. "That's better, a perfect fit."

"Put your trousers on," Jennifer suggested while Anita fetched the falsies.

"Minnie needs stockings first," Anita said.

Samuel looked in the mirror, pointed at his chest. "Do you have anything smaller, these are pantomime size."

Anita ignored the comment and bunched up a black stocking. "Point your toe."

"I can put my own stockings on," Samuel said in an attempt to gain a degree of control.

"Do as you are told Minnie," Jennifer ordered in a stern voice, but her eyes told a different story.

"I wish I had someone like your Minnie," Anita said as she fastened the last suspender clip. "My boyfriend is such an alpha it would be me in the maid uniform..." She stepped back, looked at Jennifer. "What do you think?"

"Perfect, get dressed Minnie."

"I need to take all this off."

"No need to be shy." Anita smiled and said they have a lot of customers like Minnie.

"Can I at least take the falsies things out?"

Jennifer had had enough fun. "Sure."

Anita played up to the small audience that consisted of a couple of customers in the shop as she lay out the rest of his purchase on the counter. "Two suspender corselettes, two panty girdles, three packs of black seamed stockings." Her voice rose a decibel or two. "Plus the corselette and panty girdle you are wearing...that all comes to..."

"Please can we go home now," he whined as they walked toward their car thankful the weather was cool enough for a coat to be essential. Even hidden beneath a heavy coat Samuel was certain everyone was staring at his chest. The corselette made its presence known as it tugged and stretched in reaction to his every little movement.

"Minnie still needs a wig."

"It could wait, Minnie does not need one right now..."

The time for pussyfooting around was over, Jennifer needed to be clear "I do not want to see my husband wearing a maids uniform" Jennifer said loud enough for a passerby to guffaw. "At all times you will be either 100% Samuel or 100% Minnie. I struggle with the whole maid thing when you are a mixture of the two."

After Glorias Fashions the wig shop was an anticlimax 'man with receding hair puts on wig'.

In an effort to circumnavigate any plans Jennifer harboured to embarrass him further Samuel quickly singled out a mid blonde straight wig from the display that was a similar colour to his own hair. Ignoring his suggestion Jennifer asked, "Do you have a classic pageboy with bangs in black? Something that screams 1950s"

"I like the blonde one."

"You really want to look like my husband with long hair wearing a maid uniform after what I said earlier?" Jennifer said much to the sales associates amusement. "Something that looks natural, perhaps a real hair wig?"

Shopping complete, Samuel suggested they go home but Jennifer insisted they go to lunch. As they ate she outlined her idea; they needed a couple of days to have Minnie's uniforms dry cleaned to get rid of the musty smells. And it was her turn to host the bridge morning. "I've set time aside Monday to help you to become Minnie for the week. Then the weekend it will be all Samuel." Jennifer paused while the waiter poured coffees. "Followed by Monday morning 'debrief meeting with Andrea."

"Wow," Samuel exclaimed, "you really do have everything planned out."

Jennifer looked a little uncertain of herself. "I've, sort of, thrown myself into making the week a success for you...is it too much?"

Samuel thanked her, said he was overcome by how supportive Jennifer was, assured her he would repay her kindness in some way.

Collecting the maids uniforms from the dry cleaners opened up Samuel to a barrage of questioning.

"We wondered if you and Mrs Walters would employ staff once you settled in," dry cleaning man said by way of an opening gambit as he needlessly studied the claim ticket.

"Only one person to help, we use a cleaning company," Samuel said.

"Back in the day my wife was your uncles cook, part time, he employed two...no wait...three maids."

"The dry cleaning?" Samuel said with a rising infliction, he knew it was rude to cut the conversation off like that but he did not have a cover story of any sort.

Dry cleaning man returned with the uniforms. "I expect a cleaning company would cost more than having your own staff." He passed over the uniforms. "If you need a cook anytime I know Mave would love to help. Her name is Mavis really but everyone calls her Mave."

Samuel climbed the stairs to the maids quarters, his mind rushing ahead of him - with Jennifer away on a charity fundraiser and the contract cleaners busy in the main house no-one would know. He opened the door to Minnie's room then the closet door. Halfway to hanging up the uniforms he saw his new underwear waiting. His inner Minnie goaded him on - 'no one will know' - 'just try them on'. Inner Minnie was surprised at his ability to resist temptation. Samuel hung Minnie's freshly dry cleaned uniform in the closet and closed the door. Monday seemed a lifetime away...

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