Zombies 1,2,3,4 OC x OC,Wyatt...

By CASSIDYHorowitz

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Ethan Zambi he is the twin brother of Eliza he is smart like his twin and he one of zeds best friends Briann... More

Ethan zambi
Brianna Buchanan
Arianna Wells
Wes Barkowitz
Ava Necrodopolis
A- iden
Zombies One:
Addison meets Zed, Brianna meets Ethan,Arianna talks with Brianna and Addie,
Cheer tryouts,football tryouts,Fired up, Arianna sneaks into the woods part 2
Addison goes to zombie Town,, Addison meets Ava,Arianna talks to her Dad
Welcome to the Seabrook cheer rally,zombies in the cafeteria,Gazar nady GarzaneG

My Year,First day of school,meet the principal and the janitor,Arianna goes into

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By CASSIDYHorowitz

Third person pov
Zed- bold Addison - ittaclic

Welcome to Seabrook We're a perfectly planned community

Lawn motor

We all have perfect homes

Perfect clothes

The perfect life

Yep everything is perfect

Children laughing

Until it wasn't

Who would have thought that in accident

Involving lime soda would set off the apocalypse?


And when contaminated green haze Blue West People were not happy

Because it turned them into...




That's right zombies

News anchor: There is bedlam in Seabrook monsters are attacking


Brian eating....



Dark and glory times But we built a big barrier to protect us from the zombie hordes

See that last Seabrook could finally

Get back to our perfect lives

Well a lot has changed

Since they built the barrier 50 years ago

Science found a much better way to deal with zombies

And you know what happened to those

Old brain eating monsters?

Well they still have to live on their side of the barrier

But now they're awesome

Third person pov
A teenage boy names that was in his room

He smiles and says I'm Zed and yeah I'm a zombie

He moves away from the window and he smiles and says Zombies have to wear government issued coveralls

He opens his closet and shows his coveralls as he smiles and says But we make e'm look cool

He puts the coveralls back in the closet and closes the door and says and we also have a curfew and For a long time we were forced to stay in zombieTown But we've come a long way since the outbreak

He shows his Z-Band and says thanks to the z band

He moves to sit down on the chair as he shows his Z-Band and says This puppy delivers a dose of soothing electromagnetic pulses that keeps us from eating brains Now zombies can live happy lives and have a handsome yet humble kids

He moves to his shelf and picks up a football and says So things are changing today is the first day we can attend human high school and I get to tryout for the football team

Zed can now be seen weightlifting and biking as he says Go Seabrook Oh yeah


A girl yells and says ZED YOU BETTER NOT Be using your gym equipment in your room

zed rolls his eyes as he falls down to the floor

Thrid person pov
On the other side of Seabrook

Addison was in her room at her house as she looks in front of the mirror and she smiles and says Give me an F give me an I give me an R S T it's the first day of freshman year for me me me

Arianna yells from her bedroom across the hall and says ADDIE I'M TRYING TO SLEEP

Addison yells and says Sorry

Addison giggles


She turns around and says Oh Hi I'm Addison and that was my sister Arianna anyway I have crushed cheer summer After cheer summer of cheer camp

She looks at herself then smiles as she turns her head back and says But today's my shot at making the Seabrook cheer squad you make Cheer and you fit in

She goes to her bathroom and says And why Wouldn't I fit in? I'm a totally normal teen Well except for this

She touches her hair

She moves her wig aside to show some of her white hair as she says Except for this born with it doctors can't explain it they think it's some rare genetic thing I can't dye it nothing sticks I've tried everything in some places this hair might be odd In like a cool way but not at Seabrook People here hate anything that's different and If anyone outside my family found out I wore a wig I would never be allowed to cheer so I've worn a wig for as long as I can remember and my sister has different white hair color than mine

Third person pov
Zed slides down the ladder as he was holding a football and he walks into the kitchen as he hears chattering

He saw his twin sister Ava eating breakfast as fast as she can His little sister Zoe as he says That's my twin sister Ava and my little sister Zoey she really wants a dog but well zombies aren't allowed to have pets Some people still think we'll eat them and Ava she's my twin and she's kinda nice in a rude twin sister way

Ava looks at zed as she cleans her face with a napkin and says Will you stop standing there and hurry up

Ava knew what zed was about to do as he got down on his knees and started barking


Zoey looks at Ava then at zed

Ava rolls her eyes with a smile on her face as Zoey says Come Zed Come

Zed walks to them like a dog as Ava shakes her head and smiles at Zoey


Ava rolls her eyes and says Oh god this is so cute to look away

Zed got close to Zoey and he started barking


Zoey smiles at him and says Good boy

Their dad looks at zed and says Hey son try this

Zed sits down on the chair as their dad says Brains in a can

Ava looks at Zed and says He already made me toast but I'm still hungry

Zoey pats her on the head as she sat down as their dad says It's made out of cauliflower

He puts it on a plate for both Zoey and Ava and says and some for you and some for you My little zombie angel and my big girl zombie

Zed looks at their dad as he eats and says It tastes like gym sneakers dad

Their dad looks at him and says I know how great is that?

As Zed eats his dad looks at him and says Listen zed I'm not sure about this whole football thing you know? It might be too much I mean you're a great kid it's just...

Ava looks at their dad then at zed and sighs and says I keep telling him that

Their dad looks at her then at zed as Zed was drinking his juice as their dad says You haven't spent a whole lot of time around humans

Ava looks at zed as she says And humans don't really like zombies

Their dad points to her nodding his head in agreement

Zed looks at her then at their dad and he smiles and says That's just cause they haven't met me yet


Zed looks at Zoey as Ava looks at her dad and says Yeah and they never will

Zed grabs the football from Zoey and he tosses it up in the air and he looks at Zoey and says Woof

They both high five and zed stands up and

Ava stands up and she grabs her back as she rolls her eyes at Zed as she walks out the door after him

Thrid person pov
Back on the other side of Seabrook at the Wells family house on the other side of the hallway of Addison room her sister Arianna was daydreaming as she was brushing her hair

The moon hangs heavy overhead, a pale watchful face gazing down at the ritual laid out at her feet

She kneels down washed in her gentle light her eyes on the moonlight sky as she stands up and counties running

Crickets scream and wail in the surrounding woods, but she barely pays them any mind as she knows something was behind her and she falls down

He places a pale hand on her knee rubbing a circle with his thumb as he bites at his lip

As she finishes brushing her hair she had to also wear a wig like Addison but her white hair was more well missy and Dale had told her she was adopted but they never told her the actual story of how she was found as she's getting ready for her first day of freshman year she changes her clothes and she grabs her bag and she heads downstairs

She smiles at Addison as the two girls both headed downstairs to have breakfast as their dad was on the phone their mom Missy looks at them with a smile on her face and says Cheer tryouts today

Addison smiles as she says I am way fired up

Missy walks over to Arianna and says Ariana why aren't you eating

Arianna looks at her and says I'm not really hungry at the moment

Missy hands Arianna a apple and says Eat it honey please you won't be able to cheer on a empty stomach

Arianna sighs and she nods her head and she sits down at the table with Addison and she starts eating as their mom looks at them and says Addison, Arianna you know Seabrook's won every Cheer championship since.. forever

Their dad Dale whispers as he was on the phone and says Forever

As Addison and Arianna were about to eat breakfast their mom Missy looks at them and says But the city council's having our zombies in our school we need to cheer more than ever

Their mom looks off to the side then at them and says As Mayor I beseech you make that team and win that Cheer championship

Addison looks at their mom slightly confused and says Beseech me?

Arianna looks at her as she eats and says And me?

Addison looks at their mom and says Really mom?

Their mom looks at them and says I get that I was um...

Their dad looks at her as he was now off the phone and says Yeah Missy that was a bit much

Missy looks at him then at her two daughters well one of them was adopted as she says A bit much I failed at that

Their dad then looks at Addison and Arianna as he puts a hand on Addison shoulder as he smiles and says Nothing gonna stop you Addison or you Arianna you have to make sure you keep your white hair a secret

Their mom ran their hands through their hair as she looks at Addison then at Arianna says As long as you keep that wig on and as long as you don't tell anyone

Their dad goes back to the phone call as he says Oh yes of course

Their dad walks away as he was on the phone as their mom says Honey

Their dad turns to their mom as he was still on the phone as he says It's on time

Their mom looks at him and says It's time

Their dad looks at their mom and says Oh

They put their hands in and their hands touch each other as they said Ready?

Addison and Arianna both clapped their hands and put their hands in as the two of them and their parents put their hands up in the air and said Go team Whooo

Arianna stands up grabs her bag and she sits back down

Missy looks at Arianna and says Something wrong Arianna?

Arianna looks at them and says When can you tell me the story of how you guys found me

Missy looks at her and says Soon honey I promise

Arianna sighs and she grabs her bag and she stands up and she follows Addison out the door

Third person pov
The two parents open the front door for their daughters

Addison smiles as she walks out the door and Arianna Sighs as she follows behind Addison

Some people who were riding bikes to school ride pass Addison and Arianna as they all said Hi

Back on the other side of zombie Town zed walks out the door holding a football

He smiles and a friend of his who was climbing out the window say Hey Zed

Zed smiles at him and waves to him and says What's up?

A woman who was carrying a cart full of stuff waves to zed and says Hi

Zed smiles at her and waves and the friend who was climbing out the window and he points to the football and says Football

Zed throws to the football to one of his friends and that friend catches it

On the other side of the wall in Seabrook Addison smiles as she raises her hands and the sprinkles come and they spray Arianna as screams and says Eke Addie you know I hate getting wet

Addison turns around and says Oops sorry

Back on the other side of zombie Town zed sprays himself then he sprays his plant

Addison walks in front of some students who started dancing as she smiles and says I'm fired up

Arianna looks at Addison and says Tryouts today

Addison looks at her and smiles as the two girls walked down the street to the school and says I'm going to blow 'em away yeah

Arianna sighs as she follows Addison and the other students and she sighs sadly and says Dad says i can't go wrong no

They all dance down the street as Addison touched her head and she smiles at her sister and says As long as i keep this on oh

Arianna sighs and nods her head and she smiles and says Seabrook's been the best like forever

Addison smiles at her as she skips down the street while all the others are dancing and Arianna walks as Addison smiles at her and Arianna Sighs as Addison says Moms counting on me no pressure cheer's in my family genes

Arianna sighs sadly and says Come on lets do this thing

Back on the other side of zombie Town zed was in front of two of his friends as he smiles and says Now what up everybody

He walks past two zombies who are dancing as he says Let me set the scene

He smiles at one of them and says Fresh new start for your boy young z

He points and smiles as he walks away and says You saw pops for a dad he's cool

He smiles as he was now standing behind a stand of cauliflower brains as he says He's just a little stressed about my first day of school

Ava looks at zed as she follows him and says He always stressed with you

Zed looks at her then turns his head back to where he was looking and says That's my twin Ava she always has my back

Zed walks over to the stand with Ava following behind him and says They say be careful those humans can be mean

He throws to football he was holding to one of his friends who running to catch it as he says But i'm still going out for the football team

Ava looks at him as they walked through to zombies and says This might look rough but it's home sweet home

The two zombies blew mold and dust as Zed and Ava walked past them as Zed looks at her and their friends as he smiles and says Just a little bit of dust and a little bit of mold

Them and their friends huddle up together as Ava says But it ain't so bad on this side of tracks

Zed looks at her and their friends as he smiles and says We make it work with a little bit of swag

On the other side of the wall in Seabrook Addison smiles as she was now huddled up with some girls as she says On this side we can all keep winnin

Arianna sighs sadly and says If we just try to fit in

Everyone starts dancing as they smiled and said Watch it come together

Everyone counties dancing as they smiled and said Everyone dances Be the best one ever

Back on the other side of zombie Town

Everyone starts dancing as they smiled and said Because it's my time This is going to be my year Been waiting for this moment

Everyone counties dancing as they smiled and said Yeah i'm gonna own it You can watch me shine

On the other side of the wall in Seabrook everyone counties dancing as they smiled and said This is gonna be my year

Back on the other side of zombie Town

Everyone counties dancing as they smiled and said My year my year My my my year

On the other side of the wall in Seabrook everyone counties dancing and they started walking as they smiled and said My year My year My year My year

Missy and Dale both run to the spot and wave both girls goodbye

Back on the other side of zombie Town zed walks towards house and nocks on the door

He leans on the wall as the door opens as two kids walked out as Zed smiles at them and says Now let me introduce you to my friends Ethan and Eliza

Ethan looks at him then at the others and as he and Eliza out the door and down the street with Ava and zed following them as Ethan sighs sadly and says We'll never be accepted zombies need to rise up

Eliza looks at him as she walks down the street passing two zombies and says Fight the good fight stand for whats right

Ethan looks at her and Zed and then at the others who were dancing and says We get the worst jobs and a curfew at night

Eliza looks at him and zed and the others then gestures to her outfit and says They make us wear uniforms that all look the same

Ethan looks at zed and Eliza and the others and says Why's it just us being treated this way

Eliza looks at him and Zed and the others as she and Ethan both stand on a car as she smiles and says I say we stick it to their institution

Ethan looks at her then at zed and the others and says You want justice we need a revolution

Ava looks at Eliza as the other zombies were dancing around them and zed and Ethan and says Yeah you got a point but today's an improvement

Zed looks at Ethan and says Cause baby steps is still movement

Ava looks at their friend Bonzo and smiles and says Ay bonzo come and spit a verse

Bonzo appears as he was wearing a mask and holding a spray can and he takes off the mask and throws the spray can and he walks over to them and he was holding his trombone and says A zig zagg gwag gwad ziggy got gon

He walks past other zombies who were cheering him in as he says Ziggity got goat zag ziggy got zong

Eliza and Ava both smiled at each other then they and zed and Ethan were sitting on the car as they said He just dropped that in zombie

Ethan looks at them while zed looks out as they both had annoyed looks on their faces said Yeah all he said is he's hungry

Bonzo was now eating something off a stick someone was offering him

Zed and Eliza and Ethan and Bonzo and all the other zombies ran towards the school as Ava runs after them and says Zed Wait for me bye dad bye Zoey zed!!!

Their dad and Zoey who he was carrying both waved goodbye

Some zombies jumped out through a window as they and more zombies who jumped out were now running towards the school with zed and Bonzo and Ethan and Ava and the other zombies and they all stopped in front of the other side of the warehouse and started dancing

Back on the other side of the wall in Seabrook Addison and Arianna and the other students were now on the sand dancing as some other students danced and said Go go go go go go go

Some students make lines down the beach and two kids run towards them high-five them and flipping in next to Addison as she smiles at them and says My cuz bucky's the man

Arianna smiles at Brianna as she lands perfectly on and says And Brianna the Best

Both Bucky and Brianna smiled at Addison and Arianna both flipped over a sandcastle

Addison smiles at Bucky as he lands perfectly as she says Look at how perfect he lands

Arianna looks at Brianna as Brianna poses as Arianna says And how perfect she poses after she lands

Both Bucky and Brianna smiled at the girl who was sitting down next to the sandcastle

Addison smiles at Bucky and says Our very own cheer rock star

Arianna smiles at Brianna and says Our very cheer bestie

Both Bucky and Brianna Do jazz hands as students hold up posters for them to sign

Brianna and Bucky both look at the crowd and said No more autographs please stay where you are

Bucky smiles as he poses and says Another year and i only get better

Brianna snaps her fingers and Lacey and Stacey both appear on her left and her right as they do a super model pose as Brianna says Another cheer another varsity letter

Then Stacey and Lacey and Tracey and appear behind Bucky Brianna as they were holding pom poms as they said This year we just can't loose

Bucky smiles and points to himself and says Well i'm gonna win

Brianna smiles at the aceys and says You'all can come too

The two of them walked down the beach to the school with everyone following after them as everyone said My year My year

Back in zombieTown zed and Ethan and Bonzo and Eliza and Ava and all of the other zombie teenagers ran out of zombieTown towards the school as they said My year My year

The Seabrook students and the zombie Town students appear in front of a fence blocking them as they danced and smiled and said Watch it come together Be the best one ever Because it's my time This is gonna be my year

The two sides of students both looked at each other while dancing as all of them said Been waiting for this moment Yeah i'm gonna own it You can watch me shine This is gonna be my year My year My year My year My year My my my year My year My year

The bell rings and all the Seabrook students run inside as two teachers open the door for them

Zed and Addison smiled at each other as Addison says This is gonna be my year

She follows Arianna inside the school

Bucky looks at Bonzo and says Yeah yeah

He screams as Bonzo got close to the fence

A police woman appears and she looks at Bonzo and says Do we need to take a trip downtown?

Bucky Walks inside the school

Brianna looks at Ethan and smiles at him as she walks inside

Ethan looks at her then at zed and says Did a cheerleader just smile at me

Zed and Bonzo both look at him and nod their heads

Zed looks at Bonzo then at the officer and says No officer we're all good

Bonzo speaks in zombie

He gets to close to the officer and Ethan and Zed both stop him as Zed says No hey

Ethan looks at Bonzo and says She does not want a hug

Thrid person pov
Meanwhile inside the school Bucky and Brianna and the Aceys and Addison all walked into school as Bucky says Can't let those monsters change this town cuz

Brianna looks at him and says Give it a rest You said that this morning

Arianna looks at them and stops walking and says What about if werewolves come to school

The aceys and Bucky and Brianna and Addison turned around to her as Brianna laughs and says Yeah sure and Addison and aunt missy are aliens werewolves haven't been in Seabrook Since the settlers were still alive

They all turned around and countie walking up the stairs and both Bucky and Brianna signed a students poster as they said Ew

Addison looks at both Bucky and Brianna and says They're just going to school like us

Brianna and Bucky both look at each other with disgusted looks on their faces as they said Like us? People love me ok?

Arianna looks at the ground and sighs sadly and says Not all of them

Lacey nudged her in the shoulder and Arianna sighs sadly

Brianna and Bucky both do jazz hands as they said I got jazz hands

They all walked up the stairs as Bucky and Brianna said Those freaks are nothing like us

Brianna and Bucky both turned around to Addison and said They try to eat our grandfather

Addison looks at them and says It was just a small bite

Bucky and Brianna both looked at each other then at Addison and everyone behind her as they said Cheer tryouts today after school everybody

They both turned around and started walking and said Let's go mighty shrimp

Bree runs over to them and cheers and says Go bottom feeders

Bucky and Brianna and the Aceys and all of the students walked away and Arianna looks at Addison as she was being pulled away by Stacey as bree says But you know cause shrimp

Bree looks at the aceys and Arianna and all of the students as they walked away as she says They eat The- waste the ocean at the bottom? No? Woo go Seabrook

Arianna looks at Addison and says Sorry my first class is with the Aceys Love you sis

Bree looks at Addison and smiles at her as she says Hi I'm Bree and I've always been dreamed of being on the cheer slide because I really want to be a flyer tossed high in the sky

Arianna walks back over to them and Addison looks at her and says I thought you had class first with the Aceys

Arianna looks at her and says I did but you know Bucky was bothering me when he started talking so I left and came back here

Addison and Arianna both smiled at Bree as Addison says Nice to meet you I'm Addison

They shake hands as Addison smiles at Bree and says I love cheer too

Arianna shakes hands with Bree as she smiles at Bree as and says And I'm AriannaI love cheer as much as she does

Addison looks at Bree and smiles at her and says Did you know the creator of the wave

Arianna looks at Bree and smiles at her and as the two of them and Addison said Went to Seabrook?

Bree smiles at her and grabs Addison hands and says Yes! This is so amazing I can't wait to tryout for the cheer squad

The three girls walked away

Third person pov
Meanwhile on the other side school on the zombie side the security guard lady opens the door and she looks at zed and Ava and Eliza and Ethan and Bonzo and says Ok let's go

Zed looks at Ethan and Bonzo and Ava and Eliza as the other zombies walked into the school as he says Come on you guys we're in a real school no more classes in a dingy basement

Bonzo looks at zed and started speaking in zombie

They all walked inside and They were all now in the basement with the principal and the janitor who is now a teacher and Eliza and Ava both looked at zed and Ethan and pointed their heads to the principal and the janitor who was now a teacher as both girls said You were saying?

Zed looks at them then at principal while Bonzo had his mouth open and Ethan looks at him and says Bonzo no

Principal Lee looks at them and the other zombie teenagers and smiles at them and says I'm principal Lee

Thrid person pov
Zed and Ethan and Bonzo and Eliza and Ava and the other zombie teenagers were now in a basement and Ava and Eliza both look at zed and said You were saying?

Principal looks at all the zombie teenagers as a zombie janitor who was now a teacher standing behind her as she smiles at them says I'm principal Lee We are thrilled to be forced to have...

Some students walk down to sit at their seats as principal Lee shoes squeal as she says You here..Do not leave the basement...

She walks through the path of zombie students and says Have a great year

Zed looks at her and says Principal Lee?

She looks at zed and says Okay

Ava facepalms and says Here we go

Zed looks at principal Lee and says I was just wondering...

Zed looks at up the celling then at principal Lee and smiles and says Now do I tryout for the football team?

Ethan gets high fives zed as he smiles at her and says Zed if your joining the football team then I'm joining it with you

Ava looks at principal Lee and says And the fashion club you have to see my designs I can show you?

Eliza looks at principal Lee and says and the computer coding club?

Bonzo started speaking in zombie

Zed looks at him as Ethan says Right music class

Zed looks at principal Lee and says Bonzo's an artist he's classically trained

Bonzo plays the tuba and sings as he smiles and says Ahh ahh ahhhhhh

Principal Lee shudders and says Oh yeah Ok zip it Let me ask you this Did any of these include leaving the basement?

Bonzo and zed and Eliza and Ethan and Ava all looked at each other as Zed says Well...

Ethan looks at her and says Yeah I guess

Principal Lee looks at them and says Then I guess you don't So no tryouts for you I'm sorry I don't mean it Have a great day

She starts walking towards the door as Zed looks at her says That's just an expression

She walks out the door but not before she says Excuse me

The janitor who is now a teacher looks at everyone and says Okay let's do some grammar or something

Eliza looks at him and says This is supposed to be chemistry

The janitor who was now a teacher looks at her and says Look 45 minutes ago I was a Jenner kid so bear with me here

Zed and Ethan slowly look at both Eliza and Bonzo and Ava as the two of them walked slowly towards the door as they heard Eliza voice as she looking at Ava as she says So How's the fashion designing going?

Thrid person pov
Later that day Arianna had gym class and she was running through the woods since she had asked the gym teacher if that was okay and the gym teacher agreed as long as she was back for her next class

Arianna runs through the woods and she takes a deep breath and says Every night I lie in bed

Arianna walks over to Zoey and says Hey Zoe

Zoey looks at her and says Anna guess what

Arianna looks at her and says What?

Wyatt Can't believe the girl was standing in front of him The girl he met in the woods weeks ago the girl he kissed

Arianna looks at him and says Hi I haven't seen you around before

Wyatt looks at her and says I'm uhhh new to this part of town

Arianna smiles and she smiles at Zoey then walks away

She stops running and walks over to a tree and says The brightest colors fill my head

Arianna turns around and she looks at Wyatt and she smiles at him and Wyatt smiles at her and she smiles at him and says I pretty sure I can sense that you are following me and you have the book upside down

Wyatt looks at her then at the book as she helps him flip the book rightsideup and she smiles at him and says For a clumsy and a very mysterious werewolf your cute

Arianna sighs sadly at the ground and she counties running and says A million dreams are keeping me awake

Arianna was walking through zombie town and she saw zed and Bonzo and Eliza and Ethan and Ava and the werewolves and she walks over to Willa and Wyatt and wynter and Wes and says Hey guys

The werewolves all look at her and smiled at her as Wyatt says Hey

Arianna smiles at them and she walks towards the cafe the wolves were at earlier

Arianna smiles and says I think of what the world could be

Arianna grabs her water bottle and she hands it to wynter and wynter takes it and drinks some water as Arianna says So you guys are looking for the moonstone

Wynter looks at her and nods her head as Wyatt walks over to her and says Yeah how'd you know?

Arianna looks at him and says Well I can show you

She grabs Wyatt hand and pulls him over to her bag as she opens it and she grabs something out of it not knowing Wyatt had wrapped his arms around her waist as she grabs the book that was in her bag and says I'm actually not related to Addison and Bucky and Brianna by blood I was found on the doorstep of mine and Addison parents when I was a baby and I had a journal right next to me in a basket

Wyatt looks at her as she opens the journal to the page of the moonstone and says I spoke with Willa earlier and I showed her were my dad and we'll your best friends and...

Arianna smiles and says A vision of the one I see

Wyatt looks at Arianna and kisses her and pulls her into the kiss and Arianna kisses him back wrapping her arms around his shoulders and Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Ariana

Arianna looks at him and says Yeah?

Wyatt pulls a ring out of his pocket and says This isn't a engagement ring It's a promise ring and the reason why I'm giving it to you because I want to ask you well uh something

Arianna looks at him and says What?

Wyatt looks at her and says Will you be my girlfriends?

Arianna looks at him and says Of course

Wyatt pulls her close to him and kisses her and she kisses him back

She sighs sadly and says A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Arianna cries and Wyatt rubs her back and ran his fingers through her hair and says Sh I know I miss her to shh I know I know shh

She sighs sadly and says A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

She had to find out who that boy was that was appearing in her daydreams and in her dreams but who was he Was he a zombie or was a human

Ariana knew she had her phone on her and it goes off as she takes it out of her pocket and she saw texts from Bucky and Brianna and Stacey and Lacey and Tracey, Addison and also Bree Who she gave her number to a few hours ago before she had gym class

She saw the first text messages were from Brianna and Bucky

Brianna cuz of the year 😘😘

Where are you The zombie alert just went on I heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track and run through the woods Please come back to school and please be safe oh and also I'm with Addison right now I was with Bucky and the Aceys a couple of minutes ago

She saw the next was from Bucky

Bucky the great🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️


She saw the next was from Tracey

Tracey the Smart Acey🤳🏻🤳🏻🤳🏻

Hey girl just wanted to let you know I told Brianna about that you didn't want to run on the track so you decide to run through the woods and now the zombie alert went off so yeah hurry back

She saw the next was from Lacey

Lacey the dum and pretty acey 💄💄💄

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Brianna and Bucky who heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track at school which is okay because I heard from Brianna that you like to run through the woods so anyway please hurry back because like the zombie like alert like went off so please hurry back

She saw the next was from Stacey

Stacey the gorgeous Acey💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Lacey who heard from Brianna and Bucky that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead because I heard from Brianna that the woods is your quiet place So please hurry back the zombie alarm went off and nobody can find Addison and Brianna

She saw the next was from Bree who she had given her number to a few hours ago before gym class

Bree brilliant🌹🌹🌹

Hey Brianna so I just overheard the aceys and Bucky and Brianna talking and I heard them say that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead and I also heard from them that the woods is your quiet place so so so please please hurry back The zombie alert went off and I can't find Addison anywhere Please help when you come back finding Addison and Brianna

And finally Addison Cuz as usual everyone always cared about Addison More than they care about her Well the people who cared about her were Bucky and Brianna and her and Addison parents But mostly it was their dad and their mom

Addison the Not biological twin🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️

Ari Where the heck are you The zombie alert went off and I don't know where you are so I'm walking towards a closet with Brianna and we walked into the closet So when you get back when the zombie alert ever turns off please come and find us

Arianna sighs and she knew that The only reason she was running through the woods was because She was standing next to this football player who was makin so very very uncomfortable So she asked to coach of the football team who was also the gym teacher if she could run through the woods and he agreed

Arianna sighs sadly and she decided to text the Aceys and Bucky and Brianna and Bree and Addison back

First she texted Brianna back

Brianna cuz of the year 😘😘, Ariana cuz of the woods 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Where are you The zombie alert just went on I heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track and run through the woods Please come back to school and please be safe oh and also I'm with Addison right now I was with Bucky and the Aceys a couple of minutes ago

I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Then she texted Tracey back

Tracey the Smart Acey🤳🏻🤳🏻🤳🏻, Arianna the woods fairy 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey girl just wanted to let you know I told Brianna about that you didn't want to run on the track so you decide to run through the woods and now the zombie alert went off so yeah hurry back

I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Then she texted Bucky back

Bucky the great🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️, Arianna the woods monster 🐺🐺🐺🐺


Will you clam the shrimp down I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run chill Bucky

Then she texted Lacey back

Lacey the dum and pretty acey 💄💄💄, Arianna the woods goddess 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Brianna and Bucky who heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track at school which is okay because I heard from Brianna that you like to run through the woods so anyway please hurry back because like the zombie like alert like went off so please hurry back

Hey Lacey so I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Then she texted Bree back

Bree brilliant🌹🌹🌹, Arianna the woods princess 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey Brianna so I just overheard the aceys and Bucky and Brianna talking and I heard them say that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead and I also heard from them that the woods is your quiet place so so so please please hurry back The zombie alert went off and I can't find Addison anywhere Please help when you come back finding Addison and Brianna

Bree okay one girl text slowly and not fast if you are freaking out and two I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Then she Stacey texted

Stacey the gorgeous Acey💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾, Arianna the woods queen 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Lacey who heard from Brianna and Bucky that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead because I heard from Brianna that the woods is your quiet place So please hurry back the zombie alarm went off and nobody can find Addison and Brianna

Stacey gossip time I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

And finally she texted Addison back

Addison the Not biological twin🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️, Arianna the twin who was found when Addie was not b

Ari Where the heck are you The zombie alert went off and I don't know where you are so I'm walking towards a closet with Brianna and we walked into the closet So when you get back when the zombie alert ever turns off please come and find us

Okay Addie I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down mom and Dad already know this and they told all the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

She puts her phone back in her fit belt that she was wearing while she groans angrily and says Why can't they all just realize the woods is my happy place both mom and Dad know that

She sighs as she counties to run through the woods and says I wasn't born into the I don't even know why my hairs whiter than Addison

She counties running and says Insecure in my skin

She signs sadly running her hands through her hair as she says Everyone in Seabrook thinks like I'm not perfect

She looks up at the sky and says I'm like Addison little puppet sister on a string

She sighs sadly and says One day I'll show them that I'll break away and learn to fly

Arianna walks over to stand next to zed as he looks at his dad All the zombies and all the cheerleaders and all the werewolves including Zedd and Ethan and Ava and Addison and Bree and Bonzo and Zed and ava's dad Addison and Ariana's dad who was smiling at her includin Wyatt and Willa as Wes and wynter looked at her confused

One of the werewolf said She's the great alpha

Arianna looks at the sky and says If they want the shy girl me back they all gotta let me shine for one day

She sighs sadly and says But it looks like all the attention is not on me today

She groans in annoyance as she counties running and says Cause Addison is getting all the attention thought what about me

Arianna walks in front of zed and Addison and the Ethan and Ava and the football team as she says Principal Lee If they are welcome into our school they are welcome into our school so everyone stop making a fuss

Wyatt looks at Arianna

Arianna sighs sadly and says What about me

She counties running as she says But today it's Addison she always gets the attention of everyone in town that's so right now

She sighs sadly and says But what about me

Wyatt looks at Arianna as he ran his hands through her hair

Arianna smiles and she howls loudly and says Awoooohoohooh

Arianna stops running and she looks at around the woods to see if anyone from town or zombieTown was following her or heard her as she says Oh my gosh I can't believe that howl just came out of me right now that was the most awesome

She freaks out as she puts her hand on her head and says I just can't even believe that howl had just came out of me

She smiles and jumps up and down and says I can't wait to tell my mom and my dad I hope Addison doesn't ruin

She smiles and says Here I am right this is me in the woods my favorite place

She smiles and she starts running through the woods and says And I felt stronger and a little bit weird as I had just howled like a werewolf thought I'd just know that I've seen one werewolf just before mom and dad found me He had the same hair as me the same eyes as me and he looked like me

She smiles and says I'm so shocked?

She thinks for a moment as she looks at the ground and says I hope mom and dad don't get very mad at me then start paying more attention to ya Addison!

As She continues running she sighs sadly and says That I know Addison has always been there for me when were kids but now I feel like she is missing out on how I do so feel about all the things she makes me do with her

She smiles and says Cause I found out just now that I can now Awoooohoohooh

She sighs sadly and says But Addison she's always gotten the attention

Arianna smiles at the sky and says That's gonna be over one day I hope

She sighs sadly and says She always but what me when can people finally notice me

She got the urge to howl again and she howls and says Awoooohoohooh

She counties to run and she smiles and says I can't believe that just came out of me what does even mean and why did do it although I'm glad nobody in town or in zombieTown heard me just do it

She smiles and says I can't believe this is so incredibly amazing cause I just can't believe I just howled

She counties to run and she sighs sadly and says But as soon as I get back to the school all the attention from everyone at school goes back to being Addison or Bree or on Bucky and Brianna and the Aceys

She sighs sadly and says It's like I'm always going to be ancient history even when I graduate

She counties running as she groans and says Cause the attention from everyone at school and in town and sometimes mom and dad will always be on Addison

She groans even more as she counties running and says So all the attention from everyone at school and in town will always be on Bucky and Brianna

She growls and says The attention from everyone at school and in town will always be on The aceys

The attention from everyone at school and in town will even always be on the zombies

Arianna growls and says What about me

She counties running and she howls loudly and says Yeah Awoooohoohooh

She sighs sadly at the sky and says When is it my turn to have some attention all on me

She smiles and says That's gonna happen very soon I hope it so just does happen ya very very soon

Arianna walks over to stand next to zed as he looks at his dad All the zombies and all the cheerleaders and all the werewolves including Zedd and Ethan and Ava and Addison and Bree and Bonzo and Zed and ava's dad Addison and Ariana's dad who was smiling at her includin Wyatt and Willa as Wes and wynter looked at her confused

One of the werewolves said She's the great alpha

Arianna sighs sadly and says But for now all the attention from everyone In town and everyone in school is on Addison and the zombies and Bucky and Brianna and aceys

She sighs sadly at the sky and says When can Addison and Bucky and Brianna let any
of the attention they are now getting just for once be on me

She sighs sadly as tears fall from her eyes as she says But they all just keep looking at Addison and Brianna and Bucky and the aceys and the zombies

She howls and she smiles and says Omg I can't just believe that happened again but for when can the attention be on

Arianna sighs sadly as she looks at the sky and the clouds that were all in the sky and says So w-h-a-t-a-b-o-u-t-m-e

She sighs sadly at the trees all around her and says So w-h-a-t-a-b-o-u-t-m-e

She smiles and says Omg I can't believe I just howled again and I'm glad no is in the woods looking and just staring at me and mom and dad can't wait to hear what I just said

Arianna smiles and says I just can't believe a werewolf howl came out of me cause I'm glad nobody from town or even yeah well zombieTown even heard me

She smiles and jumps up and down and says Oh my gosh this is so very awesome it is so amazing I can't believe that I had just howled

She counties running and says But I just know just as I get back to school all the attention won't even be on me

Arianna smiles and she howls loudly and says Awoooohoohooh

Arianna realizes what she just did for the one last time or she hoes she'll do it again sooner or later and she continues running as she quietly says Did I just howl for one last time Oh I hope I have all again but now I have to focus on starting to run just right before anyone isn't around and they just saw that and they heard that

She sighs as she counties running But little did she know someone did hear that Howl of hers

Arianna was by the bunch bowl getting a drink as she tears up and Wyatt walks over leaving his sister and wes and he walks over to Arianna and holds out his hand and he smiles at her and says May I have this dance great alpha?

Arianna looks at him and nods her head and she takes her hand in his and he pulls her over to the dance floor

She eased into his embrace, shoulders slacking as she let her head fall against his shoulder

One of his hands idly rubbed her back as he swayed with her as he says Arianna

Arianna didn't hear him she lifts her head up from his shoulder and she looks at his moonstone necklace and he cups her cheek and she looks at him as he says Look at me okay it'll get easier just look at where we are right now

He reassured her pointing his head to the pack and zombies and humans all around them including zed and Bonzo and Eliza and Ethan and Ava and Willa and Wynter and Wes and the pack and Bree and Addison and Brianna and the Aceys and Bucky

Arianna looks at him then she looks down at the ground and she steps away and turns around and she starts crying and says We lost the moonstone cuz of me you and the pack should've picked Addie I think I should go home

Wyatt runs over to stand in front of her
as he looks over at all the zombies and the pack and the humans all getting ya along

Wyatt looks at her and says Arianna bae

Arianna looks at him as she had tears in her eyes then she looks at floor below on the quiet gym floor as Wyatt steps closer to her and cupped her cheeks as he wipes her tears away if he believed what he was about to say might cheer her up

Wyatt looks at Arianna and wipes her tears away and says I didn't even want to chose Addison and neither did Willa

Arianna looks him and says But we and the moonstone once we can't even find another moonstone or if it is even still anywhere in town

Wyatt takes her hands in his and smiled at her and says We'll be okay whether we find it or not It's gonna be okay I ya promise It'll all be okay If you trust me I can prove it to you

Wyatt had always been in love with Arianna ever since they met

Things were now full of bullshit or it's just cause they lost the moonstone

Wyatt's confidence made Arianna the girl she was truly ment two be

As they countie dancing Arianna looks at Wyatt as he chuckles and he smiles at her and says Are you thinking about something?

Arianna looks at him and she thought of the words that were coming into her mind as she says Did you always believe in me

Wyatt looks at her and says Would I say I did always believe even if I actually did this

He believed in her capabilities and that if he worked hard enough to help her come out of her shell she could have anything his heart desired

He kissed her and she kisses him back and they both broke away from the kiss as Wyatt says I wanted to do that for a very long time

When they first met Wyatt had glanced at her and it was a just a small glace or a close look

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him as she looks down at his tuxedo then back up at him he was looking very very handsome as he was inside a suit that was comically just his size figuratively and literally both in style and ava did a amazing job

But as Arianna looked at Wyatt for too long she learned the love he has for her and only her is true on this very very ya beautiful night

There was a fire that burned inside of Wyatt that not many other pack had and that was what pushed him to the top

That and his kindness and his careness and his love for anyone would be for the Arianna he felt spirit and desire to rise above him as he wanted to be with her

His pack might have told lies but as he's staring at her in her gold dress his eyes did not look away for even a second

When Wyatt and his pack first came to town

Arianna was the one who showed them around school

She was the only one to be able to deal with Willa's brutal attitude and she was somewhat had started a friendship with honesty both wes and wynter and the entire wolf pack

She didn't even betray them when they knew she kept her promise instead of Addison

The time she let Wyatt and wynter and Wes and some of the pack Cheer with her and Addison and Brianna and Bree and the Aceys and Bucky and Bonzo and Ava

Wyatt could have said everything he wanted to say in one breath just only because he spoke from the heart

He meant what he said and he never hesitated

Even if any of the pack or Willa or Wes or wynter did not like what Wyatt had to say at least he was never afraid to say it and lay it all on the line

Wyatt's raw honesty impressed Arianna to come out of her shell and she had ya wondered how someone like him got to where they were if they spoke like that but that calmness reality was just it no one else had the confidence of someone like Wyatt

No one else lingered in her mind like the tattoo kisses he adorned her skin with as if it were fine jewelry It pleased her to know that he was one of a kind, full of heart in all ways not just one, and as authentic as they come

Arianna tilted her head and kissed the underside of his jaw angling her lower body till her hips connected with his which he acknowledged with a soft grunt as he whispers breathing against her bare skin damp with sweat and glistening in the light as he smiles at her and says It's been very difficult not seeing much of you in that dress I know you are the great alpha now but...I love you

Arianna rested her chin on his shoulder and he squeezed her with fervor even though the humidity made his skin sticky and though he'd not been feeling like this for long he felt like he needed a cold shower to cleanse the sweat off him

The breeze had died down now he felt stifled and annoyed because of it but he didn't care

He needed to feel her close to him no matter what it took from him to get there

Arianna deserved that love that much was owed but he didn't have to go buy her love

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles at him and says I love you too

Her confirmation made his heart swell with relief to know that she felt it too the loss of connection was almost too much for him and her knew Wyatt yah would personally see to it that he wants spend more time with her away from the headaches of Willa and Wes, wynter and tension of the pack he wanted to be her alpha male

There were things he could grudgingly pass off to Manny if he needed to time allotted could be better spent just ya elsewhere he reasoned and Arianna ya was much more important to him than to risk losing her amid all else he had achieved

She made it all worth it as cliché as it sounded

He needed someone as beautiful and as kind as her right ya by his side how else could he have made it to prawn to well be with her so quickly?

He was emboldened by her beauty in her presence and made whole again after so long of not knowing what that was supposed to feel like

He spun her into his arms and she smiles as he wraps his arms around her waist

Arianna smiles at Wyatt and he smiles at her she places her head on his chest and he smiles at her and kisses her and she kisses him back their bodies moved to the music together as they both had broke away from the

Arianna spun out of Wyatt's arms and he wraps his arms around her waist

In the time the two were having now Wyatt wanted to have it forever

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says What are you smiling about?

Wyatt's smiles as he knew the lights on the ceiling were lighten up her skin

Wyatt looks at her and says Well I'm just imagining you being pregnant with our child right now while you are in a very sexy white dress

Arianna looks at him as her cheeks turn pink

Wyatt smiles at her

As Wes was standing with Willa looking at a certain computer tech zombie and Willa was having fun with wynter and ava the two of them could see all of Wyatt now and the way his eyes shined like stars in the sky as he is always with Arianna

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles at him and says Really?

Wyatt looks at her and nods his head and pulls her close to him and cups her cheek and says I'm also imagining you in a sexy wedding dress

Wyatt pulls Arianna close to him and says So great alpha I have a question to ask you?

Arianna looks at him and says What is it?

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her and says If Willa is your second in command and wynter is your omega and Wes is your beata what does that make me?

Arianna smiles as Wyatt spun her into his arms and dips her and she looks at him as he looks at her and smiles at him and places her hand on his cheek as he kisses her and she kisses him back she looks at him with a smile on her face as he brings her back up on her own two feet as she kisses him and he kisses her back as she says How about the alpha male?

Her eyes gravitated to his highlighted in the light of the room

Wyatt kissed her and she kisses him back and they both broke away from the kiss as Wyatt looks at her and he smiles at her and says I'd like the idea

Arianna looks at him and she smiles at him and he smiles at her

When the pack first came two Seabrook high Wyatt had his eyes locked only on Arianna so many times when he was ya around her all he ever did was imagine what her and his son or daughter might look like one day

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Do you wanna know something

Arianna looks at him and nods her head and he smiles at her and says When I saw you that day when me and the pack the first came to Seabrook high my eyes weren't on Addison like the rest of the packs eyes were they were on you

The forced exhale of breath from him told her he was in love with as he smiles at her and says I imagined what our kids would look like that day

Wyatt liked that Arianna paid attention to him and Willa and Wes and wynter and the rest do the pack when nobody else in town would

the good memories he wants to have with her were now in his head

The song that was playing was nearing its end as Arianna had let herself get swept up in the feel of Wyatt's body pressing into hers and in the finality of that moment

Arianna realized she could just ask ya Wyatt for the world and he would not have rested until he found a way to give it to her only what more could she need when her entire world was now staring straight into her eyes from only mere inches away

Arianna sighs as she catches her breath and sighs and she knew she was wearing her fit belt so she opens and takes out her water bottle and starts drinking her water and as she finishes drinking it

She hears her phone go off and she takes a it out of her and she puts her water bottle back in her fit belt and takes out her phone

She saw that she had two messages

One message was from Brianna who had replied back to her message

Brianna cuz of the year 😘😘, Ariana cuz of the woods 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Where are you The zombie alert just went on I heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track and run through the woods Please come back to school and please be safe oh and also I'm with Addison right now I was with Bucky and the Aceys a couple of minutes ago

I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Okay please come back safe without any scratches or bruises or cuts on you

One message was from Stacey

Stacey the gorgeous Acey💅🏾💅🏾💅🏾, Arianna the woods queen 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Lacey who heard from Brianna and Bucky that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead because I heard from Brianna that the woods is your quiet place So please hurry back the zombie alarm went off and nobody can find Addison and Brianna

Stacey gossip time I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Good to hear I'll let Bucky know

Arianna puts her phone back in her pocket and she starts to think about more about the guy she saw in her dreams when she goes to bed and in her day dreams was?

Wyatt smiled at Arianna as she was in her room her and Addison parents were out and so was Addison and he knew her window was unlocked since he had snuck up to her room when he and Wes and wynter and some of the pack had joined Cheer practice

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says Wyatt hi

Arianna knew the front door was locked

Addison was out with Bree and Brianna and Eliza and zed

Wyatt looks at Arianna and walks over to her and says Your parents or Addison aren't home are they?

Arianna looks at him and as she was sitting on her bed doing her calculus homework and says No

Wyatt walked over to her bed and he had reached over to grabs her calculus homework and puts it on the bed table beside her bed and Arianna looks at him and says Aren't you you supposed to be at the wolf cave

Wyatt thinks for a second as he takes off his shirt and smirks at her and she squeals as he runs towards the bed and jumps onto it landing softly above her

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her and says Hmm hang out with the pack and get annoyed by Willa and Wynter and Wes and the rest of the pack our hang out with a hot and sexy cheerleader in her bedroom I pick the second option

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her house and says Is zed still mad at me and the pack?

Arianna looks at him and says Please for the love of god he will get over well ya eventually

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her and says That's good

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him and says Why is that good?

Wyatt looks at her and says Well if he is not in your sisters room and she isn't home and neither is your parents they can't see me do this

He takes off her shirt as he got under the covers and rolls himself ontop of her throwing her shirt to the floor as she shrieks and giggles

Arianna giggles and wraps her arms around his shoulders

Wyatt looks at her and says What?

Arianna looks at him and says Those fangs of yours

Wyatt smiles at her and says Yeah?

Arianna kisses him and he kisses her back and they break away from the kiss

Wyatt looks at her as she ran her hands down his bare chest and looks at him as he smiles at her as he looks at her and says For you I would do anything

Arianna looks at him and says Don't look at me like that

Wyatt smirks at her as he decided to play innocent, his chin resting on his palm as he says Like what?

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him and says Like you're going to devour me

Wyatt didn't need to have to open up to her to ya know the way he was looking at her

His scent screamed it for him

Wyatt looks at her and says I'd love to devour you

They both kept their eyes and as well as your lips shut in an attempt to remain stoic and Arianna had yah to hide her blushing cheeks from the guy top of her

But this did not go unnoticed by Wyatt Oh how he loved to push at her buttons as

Sure she was peacefully luring herself to a well deserved nap on the bed she had in her room two shared but Wyatt had other things in mind...a lot of things that involved her

Here he was right ontop of her and you'd rather sleep than spend some quality time with him

Wyatt drew an invisible line with his fingers on her thigh as he says I thought we couldspend time together

Ariana smiles as she looks at him slightly confused and says On a bed?

She could picture the grin on his face as she said that

Her tone was far from innocent and though the two of them were usually up to divulge in each others neediness a

Wyatt smiles at her and says God I'm so glad I have you in my life

Arianna smiles at him and he smiles at her

Wyatt looks at her and says I know you are a cheerleader but you are starting to turn me on

Arianna looks at him and says Reall?

He smirked at her and kissed her neck and she moaned as she giggled

He smirked and she moaned knowing how much the two wanted each other

Wyatt quickly put his hand on the back of her neck pulling her in for a kiss she immediately kissed back moving their mouths in sync

He pulled away and but her lip lightly

His other hand trailing up her thigh agonizingly slow

He looks at her and says You're the only girl i wanna be with I'll make sure you don't even spare a second glance at anyone other guy

he growled, his voice deeper than usual and once bright brown eyes turned almost black

Ariana moaned as he kissed her neck, his tongue swiping on her sensitive skin making her want him more and more

She whimpers wanting him more than ever.

Wyatt's hands slithered beneath the covers crawling their way under till he met his destination her thighs.

His hands felt the soft smooth skin of her leg testing the waters to see if he could proceed with his little idea to entertain himself

In about a couple of minutes he was able too and now he licked his lips at the sight of her

He could've waited 30 minutes but he knew once he pulled her into this she wasn't't going to stop him.

Head between her gorgeous thighs, Wyatt pressed his tongue against her nub knowing that the little bundle of nerves in it would warm her right up

Her legs twitched a little and he stopped but her steady breathing told him the coast was clear

He continued to lick and suck on her clit which made her wetter and yah he was surprised he got this far without anyone being home

But the more he ventured on pleasuring you, the more you were slowly being coaxed from your nap where you had been dreaming of your lover.

Arianna softly moans and says Wyatt

Her your eyes shut as her body came alive, the source of what going on at the moment coming from down south of her body

She was too lost at the warmth of his tongue lapping on her sensitive core

He smirked and continued tasting her before shamelessly slipping in a finger inside her causing her body to arch at the even more heightened sensation.

Her breathing was hot and also heavy as her eyes fluttered open to see a bump beneath the sheets where her legs would be

Where Wyatt was happily indulging himself

Arianna covered her mouth trying to stifle her wanton moans but the yeah pumping of his fingers along with the sucking and circling of his tongue on her clit was making it hard to do so

Her head spun as she squirmed and gripped the sheets at the pleasure her was receiving from her impatient lover.

And her response to his touch and his actions only encouraged him

If he kept going at this rate she'd come any second now

But that sweet release her were craving for never came

Arianna moans softly and says Wyatt

Before his name could even fully slip from her lips he had come up from ya underneath the covers and in one swift motion thrusted into her

The suddenness of it all catching her off guard and making her gasp

Wyatt watched her beautiful face contort in pleasure her lips were plump and parted her cheeks were flushed and her gorgeous eyes were filled with shameless desire

He pressed a kiss on her neck as she writhed beneath him nails digging into his back as her breath got caught in her throat at the sensation of being filled without warning.

His pace was agonisingly slow but deep. With every snap of his hip

Arianna whimpered for more but Wyatt was revelling in the feeling of her tight cunt around him

He whispered in her ear slamming into her causing her body to jolt at the yah feeling and the headboard of the bed to connect with the wall as he smiles at her and says Aren't you glad I'm here

Arianna moans softly and says Very

He pulled out and thrusted in deeply again

Arianna moans softly and says Oh god

She cried out and pulled him closer to you wanting him to move quicker.

"You don't seem very disturbed at all he grinned as you wrapped a leg around his waist, wanting to feel him deeper.

Arianna whimpered and says Wyatt

Why was he going so slow when he was the one who started this?

Didn't he want to get off?

Arianna moans softly and says Please...

Wyatt looks at her and says Please what?"

He wanted to hear her say it

He rarely ever teased her like this but seeing how a hot writhing mess she was at the breaking point of impatience and need he loved that sweet look on her face

Arianna moans softly and says Faster...

She bucked her hips upwards trying to give herself the release she desperately needed as Arianna moans softly and says Please...

He gently kissed her lips his very very domineering aura disappearing briefly as he did

He grinned cheekily and picked up his pace, eliciting another sweet moan of his name from her as he says If you say

Her nails dug deeper into his skin and pulled him closer as he mercilessly pounded into her driving her to the edge of ecstasy

His soft deep moans melded with Her light sweet ones as he kissed her very deeply his tongue dominating hers lost in her kiss he had muffled her cry of release as she came undone on his cock and he followed soon after giving her deep hard thrusts before coming inside of her The warmth of his seed spilling and filling her up

Wyatt collapsed beside her as the two of them panted trying to catch their breaths

Wyatt looks at Arianna and she looks at him and smiles at him and he smiles at her

His head and vision was hazy as Ariana inner thighs trembled from the high her were coming down from

Wyatt grinned, arm behind his head in a relaxed manner

Arianna sat up and straddled his waist, her hand pressing down on his chest to keep him still

She looked him dead in the eyes as she smiles

Arianna had swiftly lined him up at her dripping entrance and slid down, taking him in all the way

He instantly hardened once he was inside her warm cunt letting out deep groan at the tantalising sensation

She licked his jaw as she rolled her hips slowly giving him a taste of his own medicine

His hand now gripped the flesh of her hips as he hissed at the stimulation on his overly sensitive cock as she now demanded for round two

He was definitely not complaining

Arianna runs as she had started getting all the daydreams about the mysterious boy she will soon meet as the dreams are all in her head now

She saw that she had two messages

One message was from Lacey who had replied back to her message

Lacey the dum and pretty acey 💄💄💄, Arianna the woods goddess 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey Ariana so I just heard from Brianna and Bucky who heard from Tracey that you decided to not run on the track at school which is okay because I heard from Brianna that you like to run through the woods so anyway please hurry back because like the zombie like alert like went off so please hurry back

Hey Lacey so I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Okay please come back but take your time

The other message was from Tracey who had replied back to her message

Tracey the Smart Acey🤳🏻🤳🏻🤳🏻, Arianna the woods fairy 🐺🐺🐺🐺

Hey girl just wanted to let you know I told Brianna about that you didn't want to run on the track so you decide to run through the woods and now the zombie alert went off so yeah hurry back

I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Okay girl take your time enjoy the woods

Arianna runs as she had started getting all the daydreams about the mysterious boy she will soon meet as the dreams are all in her head now

Arianna walks through the hallway

She walks over to her locker and she leans on it with tears in her eyes she just had gotten in between an argument between zed and Addison

She tried to keep her gaze on her locker not letting it drift to the anyone else in the hallway

But that was to be more difficult than she anticipated

The wolves walked down the hallway as Willa started talking and scratched the lockers with her claws

Arianna opens her locker and the wolves stop walking as Willa says Hey Ariana?

Arianna looks at them as she smiles at them and says HI Is there anything I can do for you guys?

Wes looks at her and says No but me and Willa and some of the pack have uh Mr miyagi English class do you know uh where that is

Arianna smiles and says Down the hall first door on your right

Willa and Wes and some of the wolves nodded their heads and walked away

Wyatt looks at wynter and says Wynter why don't you take some of pack to our next class I'll meet you there

Wynter rolls her eyes as she and the rest of the pack who stayed walked away

Arianna leans on her locker after she closes it and Wyatt leans in front of her and says Hi

Arianna smiles at him and says Hey

Wyatt looks at her and says So uh I was uh wondering would you happen to uh know any good places in town?

Arianna looks at him and says Are you trying to ask me out on a date?

A soft blush claimed his cheeks as he smiles at her and says Maybe

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him and says I would love to any I know the best place in town

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him

Wyatt smiles at her and walks away and Arianna smiles at him and she walks to class with Wyatt

He looks at her and smiles at her and says So...

Her heart warmed at his response and she smiled and says Yeah

Arianna looks at him and says The Foryo place is the best come on

She grabs his hand and pulls him towards the door and the two of them run to zombie Town

Arianna go to the froyo shop and order a scoop of froyo and Arianna pays for both her and Wyatt

The two of them sat down at table and started talking about how lame Bucky is

Arianna scooted closer to Wyatt as he leaned down hovering above her

Biting her lip nervously she inched closer

Her eyes fluttering closed as she had pressed her lips to his

Wyatt wasn't expecting anything, since he was liking this already but he had to know what it would feel like

The second her lips touched his Wyatt couldn't look away

Arianna pulled back and sat up staring back in shock

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles at him

He smiles at her as he watches her stand up and walked to the door and he stands up and follows her

Arianna turns her head to Wyatt as he walks closer to her and he wraps his arms around her waist and she leans her head on his chest and he smiles at her and she smiles up at him as he kisses her and she kisses him back

The two of them broke away from the kiss as Arianna walks out of the froyo shop and Wyatt follows and they both headed into the woods

Arianna smiles at the sky as she walks over to a tree and Wyatt walks over to her and thinks what is she doing to me

Wyatt wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close to him and he smiles at her and she smiles at her

Wyatt kisses her neck and she moans

He takes off her shirt and she takes off his and he lifts her up into his arms as he kisses her neck as one hand hand to rest it on his cheek

He leaned in and captured her lips

As she got more and more of the day dreams about the guy she was trying to figure out who he was and what he is Was he a zombie? Or Was he a werewolf? Or was he a vampire? or an alien?

Her phone goes off again

She saw that she had One message was from Bucky who had replied back to her message

Bucky the great🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️🤸🏻‍♂️, Arianna the woods monster 🐺🐺🐺🐺


Will you clam the shrimp down I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run chill Bucky

Okay okay

Arianna sighs why couldn't everyone just worry about Addison right now

Her phone goes off again she had one message from Bree who replied back to her message

Hey Arianna so I just overheard the aceys and Bucky and Brianna talking and I heard them say that you decided not to run on the track at school so you decide to run through the woods instead and I also heard from them that the woods is your quiet place so so so please please hurry back The zombie alert went off and I can't find Addison anywhere Please help when you come back finding Addison and Brianna

Bree okay one girl text slowly and not fast if you are freaking out and two I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down my parents already noticed the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Okay see you soon

Arianna takes a deep breath as she counties running

Wyatt walks away from his best friend and sister and he walks over to Arianna who was sitting down at a table reading a book and he sits down on the chair next to her and grabs her and pulls her chair closer to his and he picks her up and places her on his lap wrapping his arms around her waist as he places his chin on her shoulder and he kisses her neck as he grabs the book from her hands and she looks at him and he looks at her and says Now why aren't you over there with Addison and Brianna and ava?

Arianna looks at him as she grabs the book and opens it to the page she was on before and says Look at this

Wyatt looks at her then at the book as he says What?

Arianna showed him the chapter of her dads journal she was reading and says Isn't this amazing It says here that on the day of My biological dad had got married to my biological mom

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her as he stands up and holds out his hand

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him as she takes her hand in his hand stands up

He smiles at her and they ran towards the town and says Can you the two of us after our first year of college starting our duties as alpha and alpha mae

Arianna smiles at Wyatt and looks at him as he says And we can plan our wedding day

Wyatt kisses her and she kisses him back as he says Then I promise you I'll take care of you

Arianna looks at Wyatt as he looks at her as he stands in front of her getting down on his knees as he says So please let me be the alpha wolf of your dreams

Wyatt stands up and says I'll be the best alpha male for you

He smiles at her and says Willa can say she can say I've lost my mind

He smiles at her and says I don't care I don't care if Wes calls me crazy

Wyatt looks at her and says We can have a future we create cause every night I lie in bed the brightest colors fill my head

Arianna smiles at him and says A million dreams are keeping me awake I think of what the world could be a vision of the one I see

Wyatt smiles at her and says A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Arianna smiles at him and leans her head on his shoulder and says Oh a yah million dreams for the world we're yah gonna make

Arianna smiles at Wyatt as Wyatt looks at her and says There's a house I can build Every room inside is filled with things from far away special things I compile each one there to make you smile on a rainy day

Wyatt stands up and pulls her up and he looks at her and says They can say they can say it all sounds crazy

Wyatt smiles at her and kisses her neck and says They can say they can say yah we've lost our minds

Wyatt looks at her and says See I don't care I don't care if they call us crazy

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him as he places his hand on her stomach and cupped his forehead with hers as he says Run away to a future we make

Wyatt looks at her and says Cause every night I lie in bed next to you

Arianna smiles at him and says I think of what our future can be

Wyatt looks at her and says A vision of the future for you and me

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him and says The brightest future of you fills my head

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her house and says A million dreams are keeping me awake

Arianna smiles at Wyatt as he looks at her and says A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Wyatt looks at her and says Oh a million dreams for the world we're gonna make

Arianna looks at Wyatt as she stands up and places her hand on her stomach as she says However big however small

Wyatt looks at her as he stands up and says Let me be part of it all

Arianna smiles at him and says Share your dreams with me

Wyatt smiles and says We may be right we may be wrong but I wanna bring you along to the world I see

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her and says To the world we close our eyes to see

Arianna smiles at her and says We close our eyes to see

Wyatt smiles at her and looks at her and says Every night I lie in bed

Arianna smiles and says The future of ours fill my head

Wyatt looks at her and says A million dreams are keeping me awake

Arianna looks at Wyatt as he spun her into his arms and says I think of what the world could be

Wyatt looks at her as and says A vision of the one I see

Arianna smiles at him and says A million dreams is all it's gonna take

Wyatt looks at her and says A million dreams for the world we're gonna make

Arianna smiles at him and says For the world we're gonna make

It Couldn't be a werewolf They haven't been around since the settlers were still around

Her phone dings again it was probably Addison

Addison the Not biological twin🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️, Arianna the twin who was found when Addie was not b

Ari Where the heck are you The zombie alert went off and I don't know where you are so I'm walking towards a closet with Brianna and we walked into the closet So when you get back when the zombie alert ever turns off please come and find us

Okay Addie I just needed to calm down and I like running through the woods while I'm calming down mom and Dad already know this and they told all the teachers and the principal about this so I'll be back when the zombie alert is over and when I finish my run

Okay please come back soon

Arianna rolls her eyes and she puts her phone away

Laying in the big wolf cave bed Wyatt finds himself on his side facing his sleeping girlfriend sleep evading him

The sheets pooled around her waist, skin still shining from their love making, and his love bites decorate the skin along her neck and shoulder

Reaching one hand out he runs his fingers through her hair to move it from her face, smiling as she snuggles into his palm subconsciously

Rolling away from her he carefully climbs out of the bed and walks to the sliding door facing the rest of the pack

Pulling the door open and stepping out into the cave he closes his eyes to take in the sounds and smells of the air

Reaching his hands into the air, his fingertips just graze the bottom of the awning as he leisurely stretches every muscle of his typically tense body with a satisfied groan in the cool sea breeze.

The Moonstone

Saving the pack

The empty night sky spanning over ocean for as far as he can see, not wolf can stop him

The sound of his girlfriend yawing pulls him back from his thoughts a pair of arms wrapping around his midsection before he can turn to look

Arianna smiles presses slow, deliberate kisses up his spine sending a shiver up in their wake as she says This was a nice sight to wake up to

Wyatt looks at her and says Is that so?

Arianna smiles her fingertips trace the muscles they find and says Mhm, this nude beautiful almost ethereal looking wolf standing in front of the door just basking in the moonlight in all his glory

He chuckles at that and relaxes into her embrace his ears pricking at words he hears her mumbling into his back and says Hmm

He can feel her smile against the skin on his back as she says And he was so good in bed last night

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her and says Is that so?

Her nails gently scrapping across his stomach

With a smile on his face he laughs as her hand strays down his bare thigh as he smiles and says Would you like to give me a demonstration my lovey girlfriend

Arianna smiles as she whispers as she says I'd love to

She lightly nips at the skin on his back and digs her nails into his thighs

Her fingertips brush across his hip bone and pelvis then slowly down his shaft before reaching her destination.

Her finger runs slowly over the tip, collecting the pre-cum there and swirling it around the head agonizingly slow.

A hiss escapes him, and he lets his head fall back and his eyes drift shut at the sensation as he says Going to torture me tonight huh?"

Arianna smiles and says Impatient boy I could just stop if you'd rather?"

Wyatt growls and says I'll be good

She chuckles behind him drifting her fingers up his hardening length

Wrapping her hand around his shaft Arianna starts leisurely stroking him as his hips slowly buck in rhythm with her hand

Her free hand continues to explore his front, tracing around his abdominal muscles before trailing up toward his chest.

A short gasp leaves his mouth as her fingers stroke a deliberate circle on the nipple she reaches

Increasing the speed of her hand on his shaft, she falls into a steady rhythm with the song that his hips quickly meet up with

With each pull down, his hips send her wrist back up and her thumb brushes the lightest of touches on the underside of the head.

She can feel him building up an almost silent pant leaves his mouth and his hips fall out of tempo with the music

Her hand on his chest drifts up to his mouth, tapping his bottom lip with a fingertip

His mouth opens compliantly and he lazily swirls his tongue around the fingers she slips into his mouth.

Pulling her hand back, she quickly drops it down to interlock her fingers with her opposite hand and increases her speed.

Wyatt whispers as he leans back and says Fuck

His own hands desperately grabbing for her thighs behind him

Pushing herself further into his back she runs slow open-mouthed kisses up his spine as she says You should watch ya you're missing the show with your eyes closed

Finally cracking his eyes open Wyatt glances down at her hands fast at work on his shaft and groans as he says Just like that sweetheart

Feeling his body start to tremble against her own she grips a bit tighter and sucks sharply on the skin on his shoulder blade

His eyes squeeze shut and he loses himself in his finish

His eyes drifting back open as he comes down from his high he glances down at her hands still loosely on him coated in his cum and her promise ring gazing in the moonlight

Pulling her hands back Arianna takes a step away from the sorcerer as he grabs onto the door frame next to them

Turning towards Arianna he gives her a tired chuckle as she sucks her fingers clean with a wink

He grabs ahold of her waist and pulling her into his body

Arianna laughs as she rest her cheek against his chest as she lazily draping her arms around his waist and says A wolf being tamed by his girlfriend

Wyatt smiles at her and says Let's enjoy the peace and anonymity while it lasts

Arianna ran her fingers down his chest and kisses him and he kisses her back

He threads his fingers through her hair,

Arianna returns his grins and slides her hands down his back to grip his butt as she says That's so hot

Wyatt teases her brushing his lips against hers as she says And you Wyatt looking extra handsome when the full moonlight hits your eyes they just light up in the best way

Turning his face away as a blush works its way across his cheeks he mumbles and says You can't just hit me out of nowhere with something like that."

Arianna smiles at him before lightly tugging at his bottom lip with her teeth

He slides his hands down to squeeze her butt

She winks and presses a hungry kiss to his lips and says About we start round two

Wyatt smiles at her and says Gladly

Arianna thinks to herself Maybe it is a werewolf or maybe it's another creature like a vampire or an alien or a mermaid

As she takes a deep breath and then she turns around and runs back towards the school

Arianna walks into the woods looking around for Wyatt until she stumbles and falls towards a hill but two very strong familiar arms grabbed her waist and pull her back up and she looks at the person and says Wyatt?!

Wyatt looks at her and says Hey careful

Arianna didn't notice her arms were wrapped around his shoulders and he looks at her and she looks at him as he pulls her close to him as she says Hi

Wyatt looks at her and says Hey

He pulls her even more close to him and kisses her and she kisses him back as they both broke away from the kiss the two heard a howl

Wyatt looks at her and says Arianna

Arianna looks at him and says Yeah

Wyatt looks at her and says Listen I just wanna say I'm sorry about earlier today at school

Arianna looks at him and says Wyatt you don't need to apologize

He grabs his hand and says Yes I do

Arianna looks at him slightly confused and says Wyatt your scaring me

Wyatt looks at her and pulls her close to him and says Arianna I'm in love with you

Arianna looks at Wyatt and he pulls her close to him and kisses her as he says I never liked Addison I know she's with zed

Arianna looks at him slightly confused as he says I've always liked you

Wyatt looks at her and smiles at her

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says So...

Wyatt looks at her and says Yeah

Arianna looks at him and says Can I show you something

Wyatt looks at her and nods his head

Arianna takes something out of her bag and she turns around and Wyatt walks closer to her wrapping his arms around waist as he say No way

He notices the wolf claw Marks on the journal and says It can't be

Arianna looks at him and says What?

Wyatt looks at her and says These are the pack wolf markings

Arianna looks at him and says Really?

Wyatt looks at her and nods his head and touches the wolf markings

He looks at her and says I need to go

Arianna touched his cheek and sighs sadly and says Please be careful

Arianna has tears in her eyes and Wyatt kisses her

He hands her back the journal and then he heads to the wolf cave

He walks in ignoring Wes and Willa and Wynter and the rest of the pack as Wes says He's not going to see the elders Is he?

He hears Willa voice as she says It looks like he is but I wonder why?

He ignores them as he heads into the area where the elders were

He sighs and says Dad

Both Wyatt and Willa father Winston lykensen turns around and says Wyatt what have I told you...

Wyatt looks at him and says Dad did a old friend of yours have a journal

Both Wyatt and Willa father Winston lykensen looks at him and says Wait did it have three claw marks

Wyatt looks at him and says Yea it did

Both Wyatt and Willa father Winston lykensen walks away and says Bring it to me tonight and I'll tell you everything you need to know

Wyatt looks at him and nods his head

Meanwhile Both Wyatt and Willa father Winston lykensen sighs sadly as he had remembered the past of his best friend their packs Great alpha

Willa walks over to him and says Are you okay?

Both Wyatt and Willa father Winston lykensen looks at her and says What's the girl you told me about that Wyatt can't stop making googly eyes at?

Willa looks at him and says Arianna

Her and Wyatt father Winston lykensen looks at her and says What did you say?

Willa looks at him and says Arianna

Both Her and Wyatt's father Winston lykensen looks at her and says Willa I need you to do me a favor

Willa looks at him and nods her head

Both Her and Wyatt's father Winston lykensen looks at her and says When you bring those girls to the cave bring the Ariana girl to me

Willa looks at him and nods her head and walks away

Meanwhile Wyatt was in the woods leaning on tree

He was thinking about Arianna and his future

He visions himself and Ariana in the woods

Her wearing a white dress and him wearing his usual attire as the two of them were in a field of flowers

Wyatt looks at Arianna as he spun her into his arms and she laughs and smiles at him and says Easy you'll wake up the pack

Wyatt looks at her and says I know but I can't stop staring at you ever since we finished are first year of college and you told me you were pregnant I can't stay far away from you

Ariana leans her head on his chest and says Your were really eager when vena and the aliens came

Wyatt looks at her and says I had too ya find a way to stop you stop being so ya jumpy

Arianna giggles and Wyatt kisses her neck and she moans and says Wyatt

Wyatt looks at her and says Come on we are the great alpha and alpha male who are about to become parents the only ones who know are Bree and Bucky and Wynter and Wes and Eliza, Bonzo and A-Spen and A-Li and A-lan, A-sher and A-strid and A-Spen and my dad and your parents and the Aceys plus we ya didn't even tell Willa and Addison and zed and Ethan and Brianna

Little did she know it was a werewolf well a werewolf boy who was named Wyatt was the one who had been appearing in her dreams as he was hiding behind a tree watching her

Wyatt sighs and says You know I want you

Wyatt looks at Arianna and smiles at her

Wyatt sighs sadly and says It's not a secret I try to hide you know you want me so yah don't keep sayin' our hands are tied

Wyatt looks at Arianna as she walks down the aisle with Missy and Dale

Wyatt smiles and says Some of claim it's not in the cards and fate is now pulling you towards and in my reach cause you're here in my heart so who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?

Wyatt smiles at Arianna and pulls her close to him

Wyatt sighs sadly and says What if we create our future say you were made to be mine nothin could keep us apart you'd be the one I was meant to find

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Hey

Arianna looks at him and smiles at him and says Hi

Wyatt smiles and says It's up to you and it's up to me no one can say what we get to be

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles at him

Wyatt smiles and says So why don't we make our future maybe it could be ours tonight

Wyatt looks at Arianna and smiles at her pulling her close to him as he's wearing a tuxedo and she's wearing a white dress and a Vail with all their friends and family surrounding them as Wyatt kisses her and she kisses him back

Wyatt smiles and says Ah oh

Arianna was running back towards school as she says They think it's easy she gets all the attention but what about me but I can feel when I howl

Arianna looks at Addison and Brianna and says All you both care about are those zombies but what about me!!!!

Wyatt sighs sadly as he was leaning on a tree and says When I howl

Arianna looks at zed and Ethan and Bonzo and Eliza and Ava and says Hey guys

Arianna sighs sadly and says I know I'm who I am but maybe one day everyone in town will see who I am ment to be

Wyatt looks at zed and Addison and Brianna and Bucky and Brianna and Eliza and Ethan and Bonzo and Ava and Zoe and Zed and their dad and Willa and Wes and wynter and Addison and Bree and the Aceys and Addison and Arianna parents

Wyatt looks at the sky and says But when I'm with I feel this thing called true love

Arianna smiles at Wyatt as she was reading a book

Arianna smiles and says I can't wait to have our future

Arianna smiles at Wyatt as he looks at her and says So After our first year of college I say we come back to Seabrook and...

Ariana smiles and says I'll have it when I'm with you

Wyatt was faceTimin with Willa and Addison and Brianna and Ethan and Zed as he says Guys guys guys clam down

Wyatt looks at the sky and says Everyone won't keep us apart

Wyatt and Arianna as they were sitting in the wolf cave in their room since the two and their friends met the aliens the two of them decided as alpha and alpha male room together in the alpha room so they turned Wyatt's old room into a nursery

Arianna smiles and says And I'm the one you were meant to find

Arianna looks at Wyatt and Willa and Wes and wynter and Addison and zed and Ethan and Bonzo and Bucky and the aliens and Bree and the Aceys and she smiles

Wyatt smiles and says The one you were meant to find

Wyatt looks at Willa as she yells in her omega voice and says YOU DID WHAT!!

Arianna sighs sadly and says It's our true love

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Soo

Wyatt smiles and says It's our true love yeah

Arianna looks at Wyatt and rolls her eyes with a smile on her face

Arianna sighs sadly and says When yeah everyone cares about Addie more than me

Arianna smiles at wyatt and says Hey

Wyatt smiles and says And how can we start our future

Wyatt smiles at Arianna as she was serving the wolf pups Pizza

Arianna sighs and she smiles Say that the world can be ours tonight

Arianna was at her locker and Wyatt walks over to her as she closes her locker and he and wraps his arms around her waist from behind and she turns around and Wyatt kisses her and she kisses him back wrapping her arms around his shoulders

Arianna smiles and says All I want is to be with you

Wyatt looks at Arianna as he wraps his arm around her waist as he looks at zed

Wyatt looks at the sky and says All I want is to hold with you

Wyatt smiles at Arianna as he was walking through the hallway with Wes

Arianna smiles and says So I'll wait for you

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says Wyatt look at me

Wyatt smiles and says It feels impossible

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles

Arianna smiles and says It's impossible

Wyatt at Arianna and says Hey beautiful

Wyatt smiles and says Is it impossible?

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says Easy

Arianna and says Say that it's possible

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Come on

Wyatt smiles and says We can create our future

Arianna looks at Wyatt as he pins her to the wall and kisses her neck

Arianna smiles and says Say you were ment to be mine

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Arianna

Wyatt smiles at the sky and says And nothin or anyone could keep us apart

Wyatt and Arianna are dancing together with their friends

Arianna smiles and says Cause you are the one I was meant to find

Wyatt looks at Arianna and says Hey it's okay

Arianna looks at him and then at the others and runs off crying and Wyatt ran after and says Arianna wait

Wyatt sighs and says It's up to you and it's up to me

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says Uh is he okay?

Arianna sighs sadly and says No one could say what our future is

Wyatt glances at Arianna as he was talking with zed

Wyatt smiles and says And why don't we create our future

Arianna smiles at Wyatt and hugs him

Wyatt looks at the sky and says Makin it to be ours

Arianna looks at Wyatt and says I saw that

Arianna smiles and says Ah oh yeah

Arianna looks at Wyatt and smiles at him

Wyatt smiles and says Ah oh yeah

Arianna smiles as she runs back to school

The end , to be continued

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When Zed and Addison are dealing with Werewolves joining Seabrook, A certain wolf has a thing with one of the most mysterious normal human.. or is sh...
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(Y/N) is Addison's twin sister. She's also a werewolf but never found her pack. She does believe tho that she is the great alpha of her pack she just...