Only you- Rangi & Kyoshi

By remote_ghost

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As they continue their travels and visit the Northern Water Tribe Rangi and Kyoshi finally start to have time... More

Rangshi Playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 32

380 15 3
By remote_ghost

The group met everyday for the next week on. Each time going through what may happen, what possible path was best. If they should reclaim the towns now or after. Or go after the portal first. The only thing that seemed clear is that there wasn't a sure answer. Not one that they couldn't think of anyways.

"Did you see the message from the fire lord?" Wong said as he held up the scroll with the royal seal. Kyoshi just groaned as she let her head thud on the table.

"I already have to shut down a portal, now you're telling me I still have to be a diplomat too" She mumbled, still face down on the table.

"Well the towns that are being overrun are all just in the fire nation so far, so it makes sense that he's heard something" Rangi chimed in as she took the scroll form Wong.

"I really don't like that guy" Kyoshi commented as she picked her head up from the table. "Too bad you can't just kill him, '' Kirima jokes, earning a death glare from Rangi.

"Kidding" Kirima shot her an innocent smile in response. "You can't kill without cause, and I don't think just not liking a guy counts." Rangi replied.

"Okay well didn't you like almost beat that girl Koulin half to death, because you just 'didn't like her' too" Kirima added air quoting the last part.

"Not the point"

Kyoshi smiled at the sight of Rangi and Kirima squabbling, it was always entertaining for one. But it also reminded her of when they first joined the group, Kirima and Rangi still bicker the same.

That afternoon Kyoshi decided it would be best if she went off to meet with the fire lord and just get it over with.

"Just make sure you talk to the right fire lord." Rangi commented as they made their way to the palace. Kyoshi tried to shoot Rangi a look as they were walking. "I know what he looks like... now. I just hope we aren't meeting on a balcony. Be a shame if someone starting throwing tables off it again"

"That was one time," Rangi said, immediately defending herself. Kyoshi found herself only laughing as they found themselves at the front gates.

They were led into the depth of the palace, passing by one luxurious room after the next. When they finally reached a council room that was way too big for a simple meeting.

"Ah Avatar Kyoshi, how lovely of you to finally come to discuss this new little disease that is spreading through my nation" He spoke as if she knew that it was her fault. He doesn't know anything for sure, he's just bitter as always. Kyoshi thought to herself.

It was then that the firelord caught sight of Rangi. "I wasn't aware that you would bring a guest."

"It's her job, where I go she follows"

He raised his eyebrows at the statement, "You really need a bodyguard here? This is a confidential meeting."

"Never can be too careful, besides you have your guards so I don't really see a difference" Kyoshi responded calmly as she took a seat, gesturing to the men posted around the room.

"Do you not trust my men?"

Kyoshi looked over to Rangi hoping she was hearing this too. "Lieutenant Rangi is fire nation trained, graduated among your highest ranks, I see her just as important and capable as any number of your men. So she stays." Kyoshi shot back.

She'll be the first to admit that she was not the fire lord's biggest fan, but she was trying to be open minded. Because in the end it was his people who were suffering, considering that asking if Rangi's presence was necessary was not a great start to keeping Kyoshi's respect.

"Fine, so about these towns" He began taking a seat at the head of the table.

Over the meeting they discussed the towns that were now under the control of the balanced nation. The fire lord found that name just as stupid as Kyoshi did.

"So what's there to be done"

"In all honesty I don't know," Kyohsi admitted. "How were you planning on dealing with this?" She pressed, maybe he could give her a hint.

"I've lost more men than I'd like to admit to trying to regain control" He explained.

Kyoshi felt her whole body stiffen. "We could always take a good number but there was always one or two that just wouldn't go down."

She immediately recognized that those were probably people who had fused with a spirit, like Yun.

"I see, so you have yet to be successful?" Kyohsi asked glancing over to the meeting scribe, then back to Rangi who had taken her seat beside her.

"Well, no... but we haven't set any solid plan in place yet so it's all been scrambled." He explained quickly.

The whole meeting it felt like they were dancing around the topic of the reason why this group was so different, so suddenly powerful. It was the spirits. But neither party seemed to want to bring it up first.

Eventually it felt ridiculous, so much so that it started to piss Kyoshi off.

"Can we just be honest here for a minute?" She asked suddenly.

"I don't think we've been sharing lies now have we?"

That response just pissed her off more. "Then we've only been sharing half of what's there to tell." She replied.

"So, let's be honest then. What do you know about the spirits and how they are taking over your towns" Kyoshi said, taking a breath.

He looked dumbfounded by the bluntness of the question, but started to reply nonetheless. "I know that those special ones are the reason I can't get any of my town back."

"So you know about how the groups power is based on pairing members to spirits to enhance their power."

"Yes, reports have started coming in," the fire lord claimed now looking directly at Kyoshi.

"Do you want to know how to start taking back the towns?"

"I think right now I'm more interested in what you are planning on Avatar"

"I plan on taking the problem out by its root. But even after that's dealt with, the people who have overrun your towns will simply not retreat, so there will still be work to be done." Kyoshi explained.

Rangi turned to study Kyoshi's features; she wasn't lying. In fact she looked dead serious. So she had made up her mind after all. All the talks and discussions they had about weighing the options. She already knew what she was going to do first. She would take out the man who started it all and make him pay. And deal with the rest later.

"I will send support to help the towns" He stated, starting to jot things down on a scroll.

"Good, I will send you our updated list so you don't miss anyone." Kyoshi said, taking the firebenders pinky with her own under the table.

"What are we to do then?" He asked, almost in a demanding tone. Probably just mad that Kyoshi seemed to have the information to take on the task that he had inevitably failed.

"It's pointless to go in with a hundred men. You need a smaller group of higher skill. Otherwise you're wasting your time and men." She explained that she started to rise from her chair.

"Now as lovely as this has been I have other matters to attend to, but I will have that list sent over a long with any updates." Kyoshi explained before taking a slight bow to bid farewell.

"Very well then, we will be awaiting your letters" The fire lord had rose from his chair as well to see them off.

Kyoshi felt like she couldn't get out of that pace fast enough. Two hours she had spent in that room, with the fire lord staring into her soul. Although they eventually discussed the reasoning for the group, and why the selected people seemed so much stronger, she had failed to tell him how it started. But ultimately found that it would be a waste of time, it would only create more trouble for herself. Plus it would definitely mean a longer meeting.

"Let's just go home," Kyoshi said shortly as they pushed through the front gates.

Rangi noticed that as they walked Kyoshi pace and steps seemed to become more and more angry the further they walked. She wanted to ask, but felt like it probably wasn't best to do that in the middle of a bustling fire nation street.

As they approached the front door Kyoshi pushed them open without a second thought, and trudged into the house.

"Someone's moody" Kirima called as they rounded a corner, to not so surprisingly find her in the kitchen.

"I don't want to talk about it" Kyoshi grumbled as he pushed through.

"Fine,  want to blow off a bit of steam?" Kirma suggested as she began to follow them, keeping pace with Rangi.

"There is no steam to blow off, I'm fine." Kyoshi said defensively as they headed out back into the yard.

"Rigghhhtttt" the water benders words stretched slowly, which internally did not help with Kyoshi's mood.

"Okay fine I give what do you want to do, do you want to go close a portal, fight with a power hungry spirit man, or perhaps go and fend off all his little henchmen who are taking over the fucking nation right from under us!" Kyoshi snapped. 

"I was gonna suggest sparing" She offered calmly.

Kyoshi took a breath, she hated how wound up meetings got her, she just never felt like they ever went quite right, and this last one didn't feel any different.


Kirima looked over to Rangi who just shrugged. "Meetings are really aren't our thing around here"

Kirima only chuckled, "clearly"

The group went out into a court year, one that was clear enough to fight without any interception.

"Okay the only rule is you can only use water bending it's only fair" the water bender explained.

Kyoshi shrugged. "Fine by me" She claimed, taking a fighting stance.

With a nod Kirima strikes first, taking some water from a pond and launching it towards Kyoshi. Ducking below the splash, Kyoshi tried to grab the water she could from Kirima's attack and shot it back at her, separating the glob into more water droplets, freezing them as they flew like little ice bullets.

"Picked up some new tricks" Kirima commented with a smirk as she pulled the dew from the grass to create a watery shield.

After Kyoshi's icy bullets had all fallen she took the water from her shield creating a whip going for Kyoshi's left foot, wrapping around her boot and nearly taking her off balance.

Kirima just laughed, "better watch your step" as she recoiled while debating where she should aim the water arm next.

But Kyoshi only smiled, focusing her attention to the ground. As Kirmia went to take a step towards Kyoshi the avatar had pulled what dew she could off the grass to create an icy patch for Kirima to slip on.

And slip on it she did, causing as she fell. "Kyoshi you cheater!" Kirima yelled from the ground.

"Am not! You started it with your water whip," Kyoshi yelled back, defending herself.

"Fine if that's how you want to play" Kirima had moved the body of water around the back of Kyoshi, as she went to turn to see what Kirima was plotting the water bender had let the water splash in her face.

"Kirima!" She yelled looking back at the water bender who was still on the ground, only now laughing her ass off.

"Wow, the all mighty avatar, dumbfounded by a little trick like that" Kirima continued to laugh. "And her all knowing water bending master that slipped on ice" Kyoshi shot back.

There was a moment of silence before they both started laughing again. Most of the accumulated stress draining more as the minutes passed.

It was then that Rangi had ventured out closer to the lawn where they had been sparing. "Are you too done with your little water fight?"

"Rude" Kirima scuffed. "And to think of all I've done to help" She continued on resting her hand over her forehead dramatically.

Rangi only rolled her eyes, but before she could say anything she was splashed in the face with a small orb of water. The culprit was easily detected as Kyoshi fell back on the grass laughing.

"Kyoshi " Rangi called in a warning tone. But it seemed like the avatar didn't even hear her.

Before Kyoshi knew what was going on as she laid in the grass laughing she was now being rolled directly into the shallow pond.

Her laughter halted as she looked up at Rangi who looked proud of her decision. But before she let the fire bender bask in her glory for too long she pulled Rangi's foot, landing her in the shallow pond as well.

It was now Kirima who was laughing when the two were fully submerged in pond water, the turtle ducks have already feld the pond in search of a new place to rest.

"Don't even try, I learned my lesson from topknot, I'm not standing near that edge." Kirima warned crossing her arms.

Kyoshi only grinned as she pulled some of the water to form a whip like Kirima had done earlier to drag the water bender in as well.

They start fighting in the water, trying to stand to splash more water on one another. Kirima then seemed to remember that she did have water bending, using it to her full advantage tpo splash Rangi in the face. "Kirima!"

She really didn't know what to expect from the fire bender, she knew she wouldn't wield any flames. But she didn't expect Rangi to simply shove her backwards.

The group suddenly heard someone clear their throat behind them. Hei Ran had probably seen the initial sparring match and decided to see what was going on. Probably wasn't expecting to see the group in one of her turtle duck ponds.

"Spirits it's like I have small children running around the grounds" She sighed.

"Sorry" Kyoshi mumbled as she made her way out of the water followed by the other two.

Hei Ran simply smiled, "It's fine, though I do believe there are better swimming spots"

After they were all of the water they headed inside, Kyoshi and Kirima waking infront about something or the other while Rangi walked side by side with Hei Ran.

"I'm sorry if we caused a scene mother" Rangi apologized quietly.

"There's really nothing to apologize for, it makes me happy actually."

"What does?" Rangi asked eagerly, her mother was never okay with chaos. "Watching Kyoshi goof around like she has no care in the world. The poor girl barely had any childhood to cling to. I'm glad she still has the chance to still play like a child."

Rangi smiled at her mothers words, she hadn't really thought much about how Kyoshi wouldn't have had most of those experiences growing up.

"I'm glad there's still a playful child in you as well," Hei Ran added.

Rangi felt her face heat up with embarrassment. "I'm not a child"

"Oh I know, believe me." Hei Ran replied as she looked down to see where Rangi wore her new ring.

Rangi had told her mother about Kyoshi and her engagement the day after it happened. She seemed thrilled with the idea, claiming she was just waiting for one of them to finally ask. Their conversation was everything that Rangi could have hoped for.

"You know she asked for my blessing" Hei Ran said starting the conversation once more,

Rangi stopped in her tracks for a moment. "She asked you if she could marry me?" Now Rangi's face really was red.

"She did, she told me that my daughter was the love of her life and she would give up every ounce of herself to protect you no matter the cost, and would use every bit of her spirit to love you." She replied with a fond smile.

"What- what else did she say?" Rangi asked timidly.

"She also said that if you weren't ready then, that she would spend her whole life waiting. But I assured her that you would have definitely said yes."

"I don't know how I could have ever said no to her." Rangi admitted.

As they walked into the house, Kimima and Kyoshi had wandered off to find the rest of the group while Hei Ran and Rangi settled into a living room.

"Do you think dad would have been okay with me marrying Kyoshi?" Rangi asked suddenly.

Hei Ran took a second, she was clearly deliberating her response carefully. "I think he just would have wanted you to be happy"

"That just feels like what you're supposed to say" Rangi replied, crossing her arms. The truth was that her father had passed away when she was young, long before she ever met Kyoshi, or even ever considered dating. So the real truth of that answer will never actually be found. But her mother's reply just felt like what everyone is supposed to say.

Hei Ran just laughed, "I'll be honest when you were younger he used to joke that he doubted that you would ever get a boyfriend because of your temper. Plus your standards have always been so high, especially as a child. You were always so strong headed and would start fights with any boy who dared challenge you." She took a breath as she seemed to reminisce about her past memories.

"So I know he would have loved that you ended up engaged to the Avatar, I don't think he would have even questioned it" Hei Ran replied.

Rangi smiled at her mothers response, content with her words, when something else crossed her mind. "I never asked anyone for Kyoshi's hand" She mumbled sadly.

"I don't really think it matters that much, it's really just a formality. I reckon that even if I said no Kyoshi would still have asked you the same, don't you think?" Her mother asked.

"I guess, it's just..." Rangi paused for a moment.

"Nothing, I'm just gonna go find Kyoshi and change." Rangi replied, trying to shake the feeling from her brain. She wasn't sure why realizing that bothered her, but she would find a way to make it right. After we fix this spirit mess.

Okay y'all are hyping me UP in the comments. I seriously read and try to respond to each one. They are all so sweet, and sometimes hilarious. I think we have come to the conclusion that Rangi is definitely the one planning the wedding, which I totally agree with. Also I just love the idea of Kyoshi asking Hei Ran for Rangi's hand I think it's so sweet. I may have to write a more completed little flashback scene later, is that something y'all would be interested in? Just let know! Or if you have any other ideas, I love hearing your suggestions, hope you enjoyed and have a great day ❤️

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