A Glimpse of Necessity (Elite...

By AltairNeedsCoffee

293 134 7

After a long brawl in the city of Yin, the Grandmaster, Ruminasu, along with the entire city has fallen. With... More

[Announcement] Official Poster!
[Ch 2, Act 1] Rendezvous.
[Ch 2, Act 2] Together, forever.
[Ch 2, Act 3] 'Til the end.
[Ch 2, Act 4] Head off Shoulders.
[Ch 2, Act 5] Sumiko and Inzagi
[Ch 2, Act 6] The uprising.
[Ch 2, Act 7] The delusion.
[Ch 2, Act 8] The meetup.
[Ch 2, Act 9] The recruit.
[Ch 2, Act 11] Top Dog.
[Ch 2, Act 12] Under dog.
[Ch 2, Act 13] The monsters.

[Ch 2, Act 10] Ryoria.

16 9 0
By AltairNeedsCoffee

The two finally arrive at the city, as the motorcycle turns into a blade, attaching itself to Inzagi's back

"W-Woah..." — Inzagi and Aster both were in awe of the technology.

"It looks so... Dark, here..." — Inzagi said, as the two walked around

"Well, I think they use their power for that colosseum over there... This kingdom is said to be a kingdom of the special military and mafia." — Aster said as qthey both looked around

"I see, well, it's been a long trip. Wanna get something to eat?" — Inzagi asked as Aster shakes her head

"I-I forgot to bring my wallet.." — Aster shyly stated

"Nonsense, I'll treat you, come on. Order anything you like, trust me." — Inzagi said as Aster smiled and walked with him, to a nearby ramen shop

"Ooo, I've never had ramen before..." — Aster said, as Inzagi smiled, both sitting down.

The two ordered their food and began to wait. While waiting, the chef was rather aggressive with his co-workers. The two stayed silent as they waited for their order

"Sit down, you two, yer food will be ready in a minute." — The chef said in a serious tone as the two sat down.

"So, where are we headed, after eating?" — Aster asked, as Inzagi looked at her

"We're going to find the gang and apprehend them." — Inzagi answered.

Aster nods as the food arrives. The two bow to the bowl of noodles, before digging into their meal.

Aster blushes from the explosion of flavor of the noodles, as she began to slurp the noodles at immense speed.

As the two enjoy numerous bowls of ramen, the chef speaks with them

"So, why are you privileged ones here?" — The chef asked

"Ah, well, we're here for a mission, to take down the gang named Daruma-" — Inzagi answered as the chef brings out his cleaver.

"Oh? I happen to be a member. You're in our territory, pipsqueak." — The chef punches Inzagi on the face, as Aster runs away and hides from outside of the shop.

Aster panicked as she got taken away  by two men, by surprise.

"I-INZAGI!" — Aster screamed out for Inzagi's help

"She's a slim one~ the boss will have fun with her~" — The man said, as the two walked away with Aster

The scream of Aster awakened the flame inside Inzagi, as Inzagi swiftly gets up and brings his blade out.

"You ain't saving your little cum dumpster." — The chef swings his cleaver at Inzagi, but Inzagi swiftly dodges the swing, dropping down and kicking the chef extremely hard on the jaw.

Inzagi takes every bowl they ate from and smashes all of them onto the chef's head, knocking the chef out.

Inzagi swiftly runs out from the restaurant, seeing Aster get taken away, in the distance

"Son of a bitch." — Inzagi presses the button of the key, turning his back blade into a motorcycle once again.

Inzagi swiftly hops on the bike, ordering the AI to move quickly, to try and snag Aster. The bike automatically drives quickly towards Aster. After a few seconds, Inzagi catches up and jumps from the vehicle, as the motorcycle turns into a blade, flying into the hand of Inzagi. Inzagi swings the blade and cuts the throat of the two men carrying Aster.

The two men gargled in their own blood, unable to scream for help. The blade once again turned into a motorcycle as the two quickly hopped onto it, but were immediately surrounded by Daruma members.

The bike drifts around, to create a smoke with its tires, blinding the members. Eventually, they began to move again and ran over a member at high speed.

"BRING US THE WOMAN BACK!" — A member of Daruma screamed, as two vans filled with daruma members began to follow Inzagi and Aster

The bike quickly drove out of the gates of Ryoria, to avoid further destruction, but the vans still continued to follow them.

"Ah, great we're on clear ground, now! Get me close to them, and protect Aster!" — Inzagi ordered the AI, as the motorcycle got closer to the Van.

Without hesitation, Inzagi jumps onto the roof of the van and kicks down a gang member who was clinging from the side of the van.

The other van gets close to Inzagi's van, as a man with a machete stood on top of the other van.

The man with the machete jumps onto the same van with Inzagi on it, as they both fought with their blades, while trying to keep their balance.

Inzagi thinks of a plan as they clash swords. Eventually, the man swings his machete at Inzagi, but Inzagi ducks and dodges the swing, soon penetrating the roof with his blade, as the blade punctures a huge wound into the driver of the van.

The driver of the van they were on was now dead, so the van began to get unstable. Inzagi swiftly cuts the man and pushes him off, jumping onto the other van, as the previous van crashes and injures every gang member inside it.

Inzagi, as he stood on the van, gets down and holds onto the sliding door of the van, soon kicking the right windshield of the front seat. At high speed, Inzagi opens the door of the van and gets inside it, stabbing the driver of the van on the throat.

The driver gargled in his own blood, as he tried to press on his neck, to try and hold in his blood, but he fails and eventually dies.

Seven gang members from the backseat try to hit Inzagi from behind, but Inzagi swiftly takes the steering wheel of the van and began to take sharp turns with it, causing the gang members to be knocked all over, not being able to move properly.

Eventually, Inzagi jumps out from the van, as they were headed to the walls of Ryoria.

The van crashes and injures the passengers, as Inzagi rolled around on the ground, after jumping off the van.

"Damn, I'm good.." — Inzagi said as he breathes heavily, wiping the blood off his mouth, from the heavy drop

The gang members from the backseats of both vans go out and walk towards Inzagi.

Inzagi stretches his neck and cracks his knuckles, as he pulls his blade out, prepared to face off against the 14 gang members

The gang members charge Inzagi, with their blades and blunt weapons up, as Inzagi deeply focuses.

Two members with blades attempt come from the left and attempts to cut Inzagi. But, Inzagi dodges the swing and returns the swing, by slashing the two on their throats.

a man with chains approach Inzagi, as he swiftly wrapped his chain around the blade of Inzagi. Suddenly, a gang member jumps and kicks the blade, as it was tied up, shattering Inzagi's blade.

The man with chains wrap his chains around his fist and charge at Inzagi, along with the other man.

Inzagi kicks the man with chains and dodges the other man's hits, as he swiftly grabbed him by the shirt and headbutts him, soon stomping on their heads.

Three men from different sides approach Inzagi, while screaming. Inzagi throws his shattered blade through the skull of the member  behind him, soon running to him, as the other two chases him.

Inzagi swiftly grabs the shattered blade from the skull of the dead member and throws it through the skull of the other guy.

The third man panicked and tried to grab the shattered blade, but Inzagi kicks the man on his neck, extremely hard, as the man crouched to try and get the blade. The man suffocated, from the impact on his neck.

Suddenly, a man runs from behind and stabs Inzagi from behind. Inzagi screams in pain, as he grabbed the man and knocks him down, splitting the man's throat open, with his own blade.

Inzagi throws the blade at another gang member and only five were left.

The five split up and surround Inzagi, charging at him in sync. Inzagi catches the hands of every member who threw a punch at him. Soon, he retaliates by taking the hits of the members, but returning the hits to other members.

Inzagi manages to knock down one member as he kicks one down so hard that it shatters the rib cage of the member, leaving him paralyzed in pain

The three remaining men try to hit him, but Inzagi swiftly dodges their attacks. Eventually, Inzagi raises his elbow, to block a member's fist. The member screamed in pain, as his fingers were numbed in pain. Soon, Inzagi kicks the two away and punches the screaming man so hard that two of his teeth fall off.

The last two men took turns in fighting Inzagi. The first man swings at Inzagi, but Inzagi ducks and lands a hard blow on the liver area of the man, making his liver vibrate from the inside of his body.

The first man coughed out blood, as a crater with the shape of a fist was left on his torso. The man lost the spark in his eyes, as he kneeled and fainted.

The last man standing charged at Inzagi, as Inzagi karate chops the man on the side of his neck, leaving him lightheaded. Quickly, the motorcycle arrives, as Aster raises the rear of the bike. The bike went full speed, making his rear wheel spin extraordinarily fast. Inzagi quickly grabs the last man by the hair and sticks the man's face on the back wheel of the bike, using the wheel to scrape the man's face off.

The man screamed for a moment, before his face was skinned off by burns from the friction with the wheel.

Aster lets go of the bike as Inzagi kneels and breathes heavily, continuously bleeding from the stab on his back.

Aster panics and tries to find a way to help Inzagi.

"Miss Aster, perhaps you should use your magic to heal Inzagi." — The AI of the bike implied

"I-I don't know how.." — Aster replied

"Non sense, we believe in you. You should believe in yourself for once and do something great with that confidence." — The AI replied as Aster nods

Aster shows Inzagi the palms of her hand

"For all that is right, to conquer true might. Give me wings to take flight, lend me your fight to spread the light..." — Aster smiled lightly as she focused on her spell.

Eventually, a green light began to glow in front of the hands of Aster. The light began to release rays, that went through the wound of Inzagi, soon making the wound close without pain.

Inzagi smiles, as he was completely impressed by Aster's success.

"I-I actually did it... I casted a healing spell..." — Aster smiled and looked at the palm of her hands.

"Congratulations, Aster, you've finally gained confidence." — Inzagi chuckles as he shook the hand of Aster.

Aster smiles brightly and hugs Inzagi tightly. Inzagi hesitantly hugs back and smiles

"You did amazing." — Inzagi said as he lets go of the hug and held Aster's shoulders.

"Thank you, to the two of you... You truly are what made me better.." — Aster smiled as she teared up, from so much joy.

Inzagi chuckles and pats Aster, as the AI honks the horn of the bike, indicating his welcoming.

"Now, the fight isn't over. Those were just the Daruma's goons. We've yet to destroy those fuckers completely." — Inzagi said, as he hops on the bike and closes his fist. Aster follows, the bike eventually driving back inside the gates of Ryoria.

As they were driving, they came across Rizette walking by the streets of Ryoria

"L-Lady Rizette?!" — Inzagi stops the bike and immediately notices Rizette

"Woah, holy shit, Inzagi?" — Rizette was surprised to see Inzagi in such a place

"Oh shit, who's the girl? Also, is that Ruru's bike?" — Rizette asked as Inzagi giggled nervously

"A-Ah, this is Aster, she's a sorceress, she's my companion for the mission I took. Also, yeah, Sumiko told me I can have the bike, since Lady Ruru doesn't use it much." — Inzagi replied as he smiled nervously, Rizette raising her eyebrow.

"Come here, for a sec" — Rizette requested, as Aster was confused, Inzagi coming to Rizette

Rizette quickly grabs Inzagi, huddled with him and turns around, sucker punching Inzagi. Inzagi groaned silently, as Rizette glared at him

"You using my girl Sumiko for money, to impress other women?" — Rizette asked in a serious tone.

"A-Agh, damn, I knew you were gonna get that idea... N-No, I love Sumiko much more... She's just a companion I wanted to bring along to expand her powers.." — Inzagi answered as Rizette raised her eyebrow

"Why not bring Sumiko over then? Also, why a fucking girl, of the two fucking genders?" — Rizette asked, as she closed her fist

"I figured that I would take the job alone... But, Lady Hecate did give me this diamond looking thing she called a communicator.... Apparently, if I scream Lady Hecate's name, the communicator will open a portal for her and Sumiko. Lady Hecate's words, not mine. Also, I brought her in, because the AI of the bike suggested I should." — Inzagi answered as Rizette sighed in relief

"Well, what's your job?" — Rizette asked

"Ah, I'm here to take out the Daruma gang. So far, I've killed like twenty plus of their men?" — Inzagi answered.

"Daruma eh? Want me to help you? Let's take out those sons of bitches" — Rizette offered as Inzagi shakes his head

"No thank you, Lady Rizette, Aster and I will be taking this al—" — Inzagi gets cut off as Rizette sucker punches Inzagi again, slightly denting his armor

"W-What was that for?!" — Inzagi asked, in a whispery tone

"You don't want to bring me along, because you don't want anyone to catch you making out with another woman, then tell Sumiko." — Rizette said as he glared at Inzagi's soul

"W-What?! No! Look, I just think we low ranks need to do this quest alone, for experience!" — Inzagi replied as Rizette was still skeptical

"Alright, then. But, if I ever catch you doing some shit with that woman? May the world have mercy on you." — Rizette said

"Well, we did hug—" — Inzagi gets cut off once again, as Rizette knees Inzagi on the abdomen, soon knocking him down, lightly stomping on him

Rizette inhales deeply and finally stops, as Inzagi gets up and groans in pain. Rizette crosses her arms as he glared at Inzagi, with disappointment

"You fucking low ranks are all the same, yeah? Get along with some elites and begin to fuck with women, as if you own the world and shit" — Rizette scolded Inzagi, as Inzagi continuously bows, apologizing.

"Explain yourself, because trust me- if Ruru or Haruna finds out about this, you're fucking dead meat, man" — Rizette added as she raised her eyebrow at Inzagi, waiting for his explanation

"Finally, a chance to explain... Look, she needed it. I didn't want to do it either, lady Rizette. But, it was a matter of impacting someone's life with that one decision. I love Sumiko, okay? I promise I don't have eyes for anyone else." — Inzagi explained as Rizette smiled, soon snorting then chuckling

"Alright, then, I'll remember that, Inzagi Rier. Future husband of my dear Sumiko." — Rizette teases as she chuckled continuously, Inzagi beginning to turn red.

"Where's your blade, by the way?" — Rizette asked as she looked at Inzagi's empty scabbard

"Ah, I was in a brawl with a twenty ish daruma members outside the walls, and two dudes shattered it." — Inzagi answered as Rizette nods slowly

"Give me a second." — Rizette said, as her left bracelet began to spin, transforming into the shattered blade whip.

Rizette puts the shards of the blade back together and hands it to Inzagi.

"Here, no matter how much they break it, it will always come back. Make sure not to lose it, it's cursed with the darkest magic." — Rizette casually said, as Inzagi grabs the blade, bowing to Rizette, indiciating appreciation.

"Alright, you two, go back to your adventure. Just scream out my name, if you need help." — Rizette walked away as she waved

Inzagi nods, as he felt the power in Rizette's blade, possessing a strong heap of vengeance

"What was Lady Rizette talking to you about?" — Aster asked, in a confused manner

"Ah, it's nothing. Just, some currency type stuff." — Inzagi gets on the bike as Aster nods

"Ah, I see." — Aster smiled

"Alright, let's head to our journey." — Inzagi taps on the accelerate button of the bike, as they begin to drive around the city once again.

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