Seven Minutes in Heaven [Larr...

By larrywanks

546K 21.3K 66.5K

What happens when you fall for your best friend? Louis is wondering. When Louis slowly develops feelings for... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Seven.

31.3K 1.3K 6.4K
By larrywanks

Louis' P.O.V.

My eyes fluttered open.

Harry was lying on me, resting his head on my chest.

He was curled up in a ball, like a frightened child.

Then again, he is a frightened child.

If he was awake he would kill me from down-sizing his masculinity. Ha, oh well.

His dark eyelashes rested gently on his cheek.

Curls spread across my bare chest.

I noticed that he kicked the duvet down to our feet.

He must freezing. My arms around his waist the only thing giving him warmth.

Calvin Klein boxers clinging to his waist perfectly. If only they would- Slow down there, Lou.

So much for ignoring him, huh?

I unwrapped myself from him. Instantly, I was missing his warmth. I covered him back up, and jumped down from the bunk.

Today, I face Heather. After throwing on my clothes, and fixed my hair, I decided to eat something.

The oven clock shone 11:30 in neon green.

What time am I meeting Heather?

Why is it so quiet?

My phone buzzed.

Twitter (1)

New Messages (1)

I checked the messages.

Niall: Hey zayn liam n me r in the hot tub when you and harry are done come join? :D

That boy has no grammar.

To Niall: Meeting Heather at Starbucks. Sorry bro.

Now moving on to Twitter....

Heather_Tommo01: Hey Louis. I'm so stupid. Um, we never set a time. Do you think we could meet there at 12?

I glanced at the clock again, 11:45.

Well, time flies.

Louis_Tomlinson: See you there!

Time to pick a disguise.

I put a jumper on and yanked the strings.

My phone went off.

Niall: Boo youre no fun.

I smiled at my phone.

I called Billy and he knocked on our door 5 minutes later.

"Hi Billy. Um, could you take me to Starbucks?"

"Sure. Let's go."

I climbed in his sleek car, and drummed my fingers on the dashboard.


I slid out of his car, thanking him.

My phone told me it was 11:59 so she should be here anytime.

Just then, she walked in, wearing tennis shoes, knee socks, and a football jersey.

Sure enough, it had a 01 on it.

"Tommo?" She asked.

Smart lass.

"Let's go." I took her hand and lead her out of Starbucks.

"So where is the field?"

"It's a 2 minute walk." She sighed.

"And your dad owns it?"

"Yeah," She laughed, "He owns the park. He also owns the cabins you are staying in."

"If he owns so much, why do you work?"

"College. I need to save up. My father isn't really concerned with me."


She laughed, "I don't mean it like that. Like he couldn't care less about my school. He expects me to take his place. He only wants my brother to succeed in school."

"You have a brother?"

The strolled up to a field. She walked straight to the shed.

"Yeah," She unlocked the door, "Tyler."

I accepted the ball she was holding out.

"What about you?" She asked.

"What about me?" I said slowly.

"Do you have siblings?"

I chuckled, "Four."

"Wow, what's that like?" She asked, amused.

"Well, they're all younger. Did I forget to mention they're all girls?" I chuckled.

She laughed, "Sounds fun."

"Ready to play?"

"Bring it on, big boy." She winked.

I kicked the ball full force towards her goal.

She stopped it, "Heck no." She easily kicked it into my goal.

"I was going easy on you."


"Well, you're a girl."

"You're a boy." She smirked.

"Okay. You want to play rough? Let's play rough."


"Okay. Fine. You win." I said flopping on my back in the middle of the field. Letting the rain refresh me.

"The score was?" She stood over me.

"You damn well know the score."

"Say it."

"Me: zero. Tommo Thompson: 56."

"That's sounds right." She said, satisfied.

I stood up, and patted her on the back.

"Damn you." I laughed.

I ran over to pick the ball up, when I slipped in mud.

Heather fell to the ground laughing, and my cheeks flushed.

One swift kick to the ball and it soared over to Heather, landing just to the right of her.

"Watch it Tomlinson." She snarled.


We walked over to bench, on the sidelines.

"Tell me about your sisters." She said, throwing her head back letting the rain cool her face.

"Well, the oldest is Lottie."


"Charlotte is her real name. Then you have Fizzy- Felicity, and then the twins."

"What are twins names?"

"Daisy and Phoebe." I smiled. I miss them so much.

"They sound beautiful. What about your parents?"

"My mum and dad divorced while I was with One Direction. Touring."

She must've noticed my attitude towards the subject, "What's your mom's name?"

"Johannah. Or Jay."

"She must be very beautiful." Heather mumbled.

"How come?"

She looked in my eyes, the rain separating us, "I don't know. You'd have to be stunning to have a stunning child." Her eyes shone brilliantly.

"But you've never seen my sisters. How do you know they're stunning?" I joked.

"Brothers and sisters look alike..." She whispered.

I noticed the closeness of our faces. I cleared my throat.

"Tell me about your family." I quickly said.

"My dad chooses my brother over me. My brother wants to do great things," She rolled her eyes, "My mom past away two months ago because of a car crash-"

"I'm sorry."

She laughed, "Don't be she was a bitch. She didn't want me. I was a failed abortion. She never wanted me. I lived in the attic until she died. She wanted to put me up for adoption, but the agency had no room. My dad wanted to keep me, so he persuaded her. I don't see why he wanted me. It's pretty clear he likes my brother more."

"What do you want to do for a living?"

"I love sports, school, music, drama, and baking." She smiled.

"Baking? Harry does too." I said. Stop you are here with her to help you stop thinking about him.

She laughed.

"I've never heard you sing."

"That's because you met me yesterday." She pushed me lightly.

I smiled.

"Okay, so I know about your family.... Are you in a relationship?" She asked.

"No, my last girlfriend broke up with me."

"Boo. Why?"

"She thought I liked someone else." I said. Unsure of myself.

"Oh." She looked down.

"Are you in a relationship?"

She looked hesitant, "Do you promise not to judge?"

"I promise."

I linked my pinky around hers.

"My girlfriend broke up with me, three days before my mom died."

WHOA. SHE LIKES GIRLS. I was not expecting that...

"My crush asked me out the next day. His name is Dakota. He was in the car that crashed into my mom."


"Yes. Most people judge me for being Bi."

I said that out loud. GO LOU!

"I don't mind." I smiled warmly.

"Tell me who do you like?" She asked suddenly.

"N-no one." I stuttered.

"Tell me about him." She pushed.

"Him? There's no one."

"Please!" She stood up, "I don't know Curly's real name, but I saw you avoiding eye contact."

"Heather, I don't like Harry!"

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't he's my best friend!"

"Oh yeah?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah!" I mimicked her actions, "I'll prove it!"

I cupped her face and kissed her.

After about 5 seconds I pulled back.

She looked straight in my eyes, "You know you felt nothing. Just because you kiss someone doesn't prove anything," She walked away from me. Then stopped and turned around, "What is so wrong about liking someone of the same sex? If I do it, why can't you? But you know what? Forget it. Pretend like you don't like him. Pretend like he doesn't exist. Pretend like you aren't killing yourself inside." She pushed a loose strand of her wet, curly hair behind her ear, "But, you know that he's not going to be available for long. Hell, I'd tap that."

Jealousy flew through me.

"See!" She exclaimed, "You're jealous! No feelings my ass. Message me when you decide you'll do something about you love life. Before he has a barbie clinging to him."

She stomped away.

"Heather, wait." I took off for her.

"What?" She said.

"H-he's straight though." I looked at the ground.

"What was his reaction when you said you were hanging out with me?"

I shook my head, "He got all mad, saying I'd rather spend time with you, than talk to him. He got really mad-"

"Jealous." She corrected.

"You think so?" I asked, making eye contact,

"Definitely." She smiled brightly.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning soared across the sky.

Heather gripped my hand and we ran to a local shop.

"This is the park giftshop," She told me taking a hidden key from behind a fern.

When the door was unlocked she flipped on the lights.

"Take a shirt and change." She pointed to the bathroom.

I took a t-shirt and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom was small and cramped.

I swiftly took off the clingy material of my wet jersey.

The shirt was way to large, but at least it was dry and comfortable.

"Heather," I said exiting the bathroom to find her completely dry, "I need an original nickname for you."

"I hate nicknames." She scrunched her nose.

"Tommo Thompson?"

"That's different. It's for a sport."

"Well, I called my driver/tour guide/babysitter Billy to pick us up."

"Babysitter? Aren't you like 20?" She laughed.

"Yeah 20. Sadly."

"You're weird."

"You're judgemental."

She stuck her tongue out at me.

I reached and flicked her forehead.

"You're an ass." She snorted.

"I'm calling you Sunray"

"Ew. Isn't that this deadly fish?"

"That's a stingray..." I laughed.

"I hate the ocean and beach."

"Fine, I'm calling you Sunshine. It's ironic."

"Then why don't I call you Casanova." She crossed her arms.


"Usually, casanova's have blue eyes, and think they're perfect, and hot."

"Well, my eyes are blue, I'm perfect," I flipped my nonexistant hair, "so I'm ugly?"

"Oh yes," She rolled her eyes, "Medusa's prettier."

"How would you know? You can't look at her." I said.

"That means she never seen you. She's lucky." She laughed.

I pouted.

"Sorry, I'm just joking." She went all serious.

I smiled, "Oh, I know."

"Well, I'm still going to call you Casanova."

A honk from outside startled me.

"Or should I call you Louis the brave?" She winked.

I rolled my eyes, and ran out to Billy.

"Thanks man. It suddenly started thundering. Could you take Heather home too?"

"Yeah," Billy sighed.

Heather locked the door and walked over.

"Hello, I'm Heather Thompson." She held her hand out for Billy.

"Daughter of Richard Thompson?"

She nodded.

I slid in the car next to her.


Billy pulled into the entrance of the cabins. He drove past the one I'm staying in. He drove all the way to the end of the road...

Where a mansion stood.

"HOW IN THE FUCK DID I NOT SEE THIS BEFORE?" I asked in astonishment.

"It's my father's manor. It's big." Heather sighed.

"Well, bye Sunshine." I smiled.

"Bye Casanova." She winked and walked away.

Billy raised an eyebrow.

I waved him off.


"Where were you? It's been 7 hours since you last communicated." Liam scolded.

"Sorry, mum. Liam do you realize I am 20? I can handle myself."

"I'm allowed to worry." He said.

I looked at the others, "I was just playing football with Heather. Then it started raining." I said innocently.

"Well, you could have told us you were okay." Zayn spoke up.

Niall nodded.

Harry continued to look at the floor.

"Harry?" I pleaded. Needing help.

He looked at me with sad eyes, before storming downstairs.

Maybe I should sleep in the guest room tonight.

"What's his problem?"

"He woke up, and you were gone. You didn't text or call him. You didn't reassure us that you were okay when it started storming."

"Whatever." I walked into the guest bedroom.

I had to think.

Heather helped you figure out everything.

Now admit it.

I love Harry Styles.

Now, I need a plan to see if he loves me too.

Maybe I should ask Heather for help.

Not tomorrow. Because the boys are being so annoying.

The day after. Meet up with her.


Now, why did Harry react that way?

All I did was not text or call him.

He should stop being so clingy.

His eyes were so sad though.


I rolled over.

I shut my eyes. Sleep.

That's what I need.

"Louis guess what!" Harry said.

I looked up from my cup of tea, "What's up Haz?"

"I met someone."

I choked on my tea, "What?" I asked coughing.

"Well, yeah. While you were hanging with Heather I met a girl."

I blinked back tears, "That's great Harry. I'm happy for you."

"Good. Her name is Lucy. She has blue eyes, and brown-orange hair... Like yours."

My world is crumbling. "She sounds pretty."

"She is. And she's loud, funny, and has a killer smile. She's almost exactly like you. You'll get along great." Harry smiled.

I tried to smile, blink, and breathe. I couldn't do it all. I stopped smiling. I wasn't happy.

"Lou? Are you okay? You're paled, and you look sick." Harry reached across the breakfast bar to touch my hand.

I snapped it back, "I'm just so happy for you."

"Louis? Are you okay? Look at me." He demanded.

I stood up, and looked in his eyes. Then, my power betrayed me, and a tear slipped from my eye.

I quickly wiped it, and went out the front door.

I'm done. I thought I was doing the right thing. I thought he would be mine.

I walked into the garden near the gazebo. I sat in the middle of a patch of flowers on a stone.

Tears streaming down my face.

He's gone.

He can never be mine.

My life is over.

"Louis get up."

My eyes snapped open.

I regestered Liam.

"What's wrong?" Niall said rushing in.

"Niall." I chocked.

He came towards me, "What happened?"

"He was crying in his sleep. I just got him to wake up." Liam shrugged.

Niall sat down next to me, "What's wrong Lou?"

I just put my head on his shoulder and sobbed.

"Liam, can you step out?" Niall asked, rubbing my back.

Liam nodded and shut the door behind him.

"Let it out." Niall sighed.

I sobbed on his shoulder, drenching his shirt.

When I could breathe I sat up, "Harry-"

"I don't care!" Boomed from outside. It was Harry.

Many shushes.

"I'm going back to sleep." Harry mumbled.

"Go in there! He's your best friend." Liam calmly said.

"Go talk to that girl."

I stood up and opened the door a crack.

"Harry, please. He's crying his eyes out." Liam tried.

Harry's face softened. Then became rigid, "Who cares." With that he walked away.

I opened the door all the way and looked at Liam.

He shrugged, "C'mon Lou. Let's get you some water."

I took Liam's hand.

The feeling of Harry's eyes watching me followed me to the kitchen.

I chose to ignore it.

If I'm a waste of his time, he's a waste of mine.

"Tell me everything." Liam said setting a glass of water in front of me.

I looked up and made eye contact with Harry.

He rolled his eyes, and shut the door.

"Well...." I started.



wow this is longer than I expected.

Clearing this up. Everytime I said football I mean soccer. When I say soccer I mean football.

When it was Heather talking - since she's from the U.S. - I used soccer.

When it was Louis speaking - since he's from the UK - I used football.

Sorry if I'm confusing.

okay, vote and comment.

Love youuuuuu.

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