š“š‡š„ š†š‹š€šƒš„š‘ š†šˆš‘š‹...

By lcwritesss

9.7K 219 333

šš‡š€š’š„ šŽšš„. š¢š§ š°š”š¢šœš”.. šŒš€šƒš„š‹š˜š wakes up in the box like everybody else in the glade the... More



420 8 11
By lcwritesss

୨⎯chapter seven, pranks.⎯୧
⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

𝐀 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐀𝐓 in a ball in the corner of a small dark room. she was sat on a cold concrete floor, there was only a small bed in the corner of the room next to a vent. she was crying, she had bruises covering her face and dried blood all over her.

suddenly the vent door swung open and a group of four boys crawled out it, their hearts broke at the sight of the girl in the corner. the tall boy with short hair rushed over to the girl. and placed his hand on her arm, the girl flinched and lifted her head.

"mads? what did they do to you?" he spoke in a soothing tone. concern written over his face as he observed the bruised girl.

the girl tried to speak but she couldn't through her tears. "they" she gasped for air. "they got angry because i wouldn't do what they said" the girl finally spoke out.

"what?" the blonde boy spoke out in barley over a whisper. "who did?"

"t-the doctors, i saw thomas with them." the girl sobbed out again, the sight of the boys saddened face appearing in her mind again.

"thomas?" the boys whispered out in surprise.

"yes, he was with them i saw him." a few tears slid down her face. "they made him watch."

"it's going to be okay mads."

⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅

𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐘𝐍 𝐒𝐔𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 the strange dream, she kept having them and she couldn't figure out if they were real or not. the same name kept coming up and she became curious of who it was, the name sounded so familiar too her. madelyn lifted her heavy head from her pillow and glanced out the slightly blurry window and saw the sun beginning to rise, knowing she wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, madelyn slowly pushed herself out of bed. she grabbed a stray hoodie that was placed on the desk and pulled it over her head and made her way out into the hallway quietly, trying not to wake the sleeping boys. she wandered out into the morning breeze, goosebumps ran down her legs from the drastic change in temperature, she spotted a figure sat at the bottom of a tree looking deep in thought. she noticed his blonde hair and realised it was newt, a small smile tugged on her lips as she began to start walking over to him.

"what are you doing awake?" madelyn questioned the boy as she approached from behind him, causing him to jump not realising she was there.

newt sighed in relief when he noticed it was madelyn. "couldn't sleep, what are you doing awake?" he replied quietly as he looked up to her squinting slightly. his hair was blowing in the morning breeze and the sun beams reflected perfectly on his features.

madelyn observed him for a few seconds before speaking again. "i had a weird dream, couldn't get back to sleep afterwards." she plopped herself next to the boy leaning her back against the tree, their knees touching slightly.

"do you want to talk about it?" newt asked in a soothing tone, watching her intently with a concerned expression.

"it's alright, i'll get over it." she shrugged her feelings away. she didn't want to be a burden to everyone, no matter how she was feeling.

the pair stared out into the glade. "so, how was training with gally yesterday?" newt finally spoke after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

madelyn let out a deep sigh. "tiring and painful." she groaned slightly as she lifted up her top to show the bruise that formed on her stomach. "but i learned some things so it was useful, you better not try anything because i can kick your ass now." a playful smile tugged on her lips.

newt let out a small chuckle. "oh really, can you now?" he challenged her, raising his eyebrow as she puffed out her chest and nodded confidently.

"gally told me my room would be finished today, so you can finally have your bed back." madelyn reminded the boy, she felt bad he had been sleeping in an uncomfortable hammock when she had been in his bed.

newt let out a sigh of relief. "thank god, i was starting to feel like eighty years old with my back hurting." he groaned.

madelyn burst out laughing at the dramatic boy, the sound of her laugh echoed in newts ears, it sounded so perfect to him. everything about her was so perfect to him. madelyn shuffled down from her position at the bottom of the tree and lay herself down on the dewy grass, she stared up at the sky admiring the beautiful sunrise. newt noticed what she was doing so did the same and placed himself beside her, admiring the beautiful view.

"its beautiful." madelyn breathed out completely focused and in awe of the colourful sky.

newt turned his head to face the girl beside him, he breathed in as he watched her. "yeah, it really is."

"what the shuck are you two doing?" minho's usual smirk appeared above them blocking their view of the sunrise, he stared down at them with his brows raised in amusement. "you two look ridiculous."

"thanks minho." madelyn smiled sarcastically as she planted her elbows in the ground lifting the top part of her body. "we couldn't sleep so we came out here, what are you doing?"

minho gave the girl a deadpan look, he couldn't believe how stupid she was sometimes."what does it look like i'm doing?" he sassed pulling on the straps of his runners pack around his shoulders. that was when it occurred to madelyn she had tried all the other jobs except running, she sat up fully and turned to minho.

"when can i try running?" she asked minho innocently, as she looked up at him through her lashes. she was quite curious about the strange job.

newt shot up from his seat, turning to face the girl his mouth slightly agape. "sorry what? you want to try out running?" newt spluttered his brows screwed up in concern.

"no one tries running, you have to be selected. only the fastest and the fittest, so, obviously not you." minho replied as he looked the girl up and down in a teasing way.

"oh come on minho! at least let me try, imagine being the only girl stuck in here with a bunch of boys , you would want to leave to." she wined, pouting her lips making her look like a little kid having a tantrum.

minho threw his hands in the air in surrender as he considered the girls words. "it's not up to me it's up to alby, i could ask him if you really want? but no promises!"

"yes!" madelyn blurted out eagerly, excitement rising inside her.

"no." newt spoke sternly at the same time.

"what? why not?" madelyn questioned newt as she snapped her head round to him, scowling at him in annoyance.

"it's dangerous madelyn." newt spoke calmly as he watched her pleading face.

"but minho gets to go out there! is it because i'm a girl? are you sexist newt?" madelyn questioned him playfully, her eyebrows raised daring him to respond.

newt let out a little cough. "no, no i'm not madelyn. i am just responsible and i don't think you going into the maze is a good idea."

madelyn let out a deep sigh of defeat, she wasn't in the mood to argue with him so decided she would try again another day. "alright fine." she muttered, her face filled with disappointment.

minho glanced at his watch, his eyes widening. "you slintheads have made me late!" his voice trailed of as he began to run over to the maze door that were now opening. "i'll see you later!"

"bye, minho!" madelyn called out to him as he neared the doors.

"come on maddy, let's go get breakfast, everyones waking up now." newt spoke already forgetting about the small disagreement with the girl. he stood up and offered a hand out to her sending her a slightly wonky smile. madelyn grabbed his hand as he gently pulled her up, her touch sent a weird feeling through him, something he never felt before she arrived. an almost nervous feeling.

madelyn brushed the dirt off her pants before the two of them made their way over to the homestead where everyone was now sat eating outside. chatter and laughter echoed through the glade, a smile crawled up onto madelyn's face. she enjoyed seeing the boys be happy, if they were happy she was happy. even though she couldn't stand some of them she was beginning to find comfort in some of the people around her.

once they received their breakfast from frypan they sat themselves down at their usual table, newt sat opposite madelyn. "when will i find out what job i get?" madelyn asked the boy as she observed her food, she didn't have much of an appetite in the mornings.

newt shoved a slice of bacon in his mouth. "today, we have a gathering with the keepers to discuss it." he replied through a mouthful of food, slightly muffling his voice.

madelyn's face screwed up. "newt don't do that, that's disgusting." she groaned in disgust at the boy before bringing a small spoonful to her mouth. as madelyn's eyes scanned the glade she noticed a small boy looking lost as he glanced around for somewhere to sit. "chuck! come sit here!" madelyn waved over to the boy whose face lit up once he spotted her.

chuck bounded over, a full plate in his hands. "hey maddy! hey newt!" chuck squeaked as he placed himself down beside the girl, slamming his plate on the table causing it to wobble. newt flashed him a small smile in return, he thought the boy was a handful.

"you're very cheery for a early morning chuck." madelyn stated as she let out a small giggle at the enthusiastic boy, he always seemed to be full of energy.

chuck ignored the girl's statement and an innocent smile tugged on his lips. "i started carving something for you."

"that's great, thanks chuck, can i see?" madelyn replied, curious to see what he was making for her.

chuck quickly shook his head, his hair bouncing on his head. "no, it's a surprise!" he beamed at her.

madelyn nodded her head. "oh okay, i get it." she sent him a small wink before turning back to newt who had been silently observing their conversation. "so, what am i supposed to do all day before the gathering?"

newt finished his mouthful before speaking this time. "you don't have to work, so anything you want."

madelyn considered his words and shrugged. "sounds good to me."

newt finished off his breakfast, placing his plate on the table. "i gotta go, see you later guys." he flashed a quick smile at the two before striding away to a group of boys. madelyn's eyes lingered on the boy for a few seconds before she heard a giggle erupt from beside her.

she quickly snapped her head away from newt and turned to chuck with her eyebrows raised. "what's so funny?"

"you like newt!" chuck teased, a playful smile on his lips.

madelyn's cheeks grew slightly red at the accusation. "i do not!"

"whatever you say madelyn." chuck replied in a non convinced tone.

"so what do you want to do today chuckie? got me all to yourself, make the most of it." madelyn joked as she ruffled the irritated boy's hair.

chuck scoffed and pushed her hand away. "i have an idea, come on let me show you." he stood up, madelyn followed.

chuck began to run behind the homestead. "chuck why are we running?" madelyn whisper-yelled in confusion as they arrived in the shadows from behind the homestead.

"shh, be quiet." he whispered with a finger over his lips, he then pointed over to the outhouse which gally was entering.

"come on, stay low." chuck waved his hand motioning for the girl to follow him as they emerged from behind the homestead.

the pair quietly ran behind the outhouse crouching down slightly to stay out of view. chuck had an excited expression on his face but madelyn was still confused on what they were doing. just as she was about to ask chuck began to vigorously shake the outhouse causing gally to yell out.

"what the shuck! whos doing that stop it!" the boy yelled as he fell around inside, all sorts of noises could be heard as things toppled to the ground. madelyn and chuck fell to the ground in hysterics, not being able to control their laughter, but quickly stopped once an angry figure appeared above them. the pair swiftly jumped up and brushed off their clothes attempting to act like nothing had happened.

madelyn pretend she hadn't noticed gally. "oh, hi gally!" she smiled innocently at the boy as she batted her eyelashes hoping he wouldn't yell at her.

gally's angry expression slowly formed into a smirk as something went off in his head. madelyn noticed he was planning something so slowly started to back away with her arm out in front of chuck defending him.

"we were just leav-" madelyn's excuse was quickly cut off by gally lifting her up and flinging her over his shoulder. "gally what the fuck! chuck help!" madelyn yelled as she flung her arms around in attempt to get out of the strong builders grip. gally began to strid across the glade, the girls yells echoing throughout it catching everyone's attention.

chuck tried running after the pair in an attempt to help madelyn but gally was too fast so he gave madelyn a small look of apology before coming to a stop, giving up helping her.

madelyn let out a dramatic gasp as she watched chuck come to a halt. "you traitor!" she bellowed out to him earning an innocent smile from chuck in return.

after what felt like ages, gally finally placed the girl back down on her own two feet. madelyn gave him an unimpressed look but she couldn't help a small smile crawling onto her lips as she looked up at the boy in front of her. gally cleared his throat grabbing her attention. "what?"

a grin formed on gally's lips as he looked down at the flustered girl. "you really need to learn how to defend yourself maddy, anyone could just pick you up and take you away."

madelyn huffed in annoyance as she rolled her eyes. "ha ha. very funny gally."

suddenly a deep voice belonging to alby echoed across the glade. "keepers! gathering!" all the keepers immediately left their positions and began to make their way over to the gathering hall. madelyn followed behind gally with anticipation filling her, though it was hard to keep up with his long legs.

gally noticed madelyn following behind him and slowed his pace. "your not allowed in the gathering maddy."

"what! why not it's about me?" she whined, giving him a pleading look.

"rules are rules mads." he said, nodding at the girl apologetically whilst making his way through the wooden door into the hall.

madelyn stood still for a few seconds pondering on what to do, until an idea came across her and she ran off to find chuck. after looking in many places she thought he would be, she finally found him sitting under a tree carving a wooden figure, once he noticed her approaching he quickly shoved it into his pocket. madelyn grabbed his arm pulling him up and dragged him with her in the direction of the gathering hall without any explanation.

"shh, be quiet so we can listen in." madelyn explained to the boy who had begun to open his mouth to question what they were doing. they arrived at the back of the hall, it was quite dark as the trees blocked the sun rays. the pair crouched down and strained their ears to listen to the boys' ongoing conversation inside.

"we are here to discuss our new greenie, madelyns, job." alby announced as he paced in front of the boys. "i will ask you keepers how she managed with your job and we will decide from there, winston you first."

"i don't think madelyn being a silicer is a good idea, she threw a bucket at a pig." winston spoke as he tried to hold back a laugh.

alby nodded in agreement. "alright, definitely not a slicer then. zart?"

"she was quite good at it and she seemed to enjoy herself but i dont think its a good idea, seeing as what happened with the boys." zart explained.

"agreed, we can't have that happening. frypan?"

"I think madelyn would do well as a cook, all the boys liked her food and she seemed to know what she was doing." frypan defended, wanting the girl to join him in the kitchens.

alby considered his words before nodding. "yes, she was a good cook. clint and jeff what about you?"

"she didn't really do much, didn't seem very interested in it unless it involved helping newt." clint spoke as jeff hummed in agreement.

alby let out a small chuckle as newt's face grew red. "alright, maybe not then. gally what do you think, was she any good at building?"

"to be honest, no. she isn't good with a hammer." gally replied honestly, referring to when she hit her hand.

madelyn was shook out of her eavesdropping by chuck shaking her small figure vigorously, his eyes were wide and a panicked expression sat on his face. "maddy someones coming! we have to go!" he whisper-shouted worried they would be caught, he was quite afraid of the older boys.

the girl nodded in reply and the pair jumped up and slowly creeped out from behind the hall and wondered innocently back towards the homestead and sat down on one of the tables. madelyn couldn't sit still as anticipation filled her, she was too impatient.

after what felt like hours of waiting and complaining to chuck, the group of boys finally emerged from the secluded gathering hall. madelyn immediately jumped up from her seat, her face lit up in excitement and she sprinted over, anxious to hear what job she was selected for.

madelyn bounded up to newt who was in the midst of conversation with alby she grabbed his arm and started to shake it like an excited little kid. "what job did i get? is it a good one?" she eagerly said to the taken aback boy.

newt glanced to alby who had an amused look on his face before he nodded and began to walk away, newt turned back to the girl chuckling at her excitement and placed his hand on her lower back starting to lead her back to the homestead. "we decided," he started as they walked. "as you weren't the best at any of the jobs, to make you a sort of third-in-command. you have a good effect on the boys, they listen to you, so it should be useful."

a wide smile formed on madelyn's lips as she looked up to the boy. "that's great, thanks newt." she was happy with their choice, she was finally able to take some order around here.

newt flashed a smile at her, filled with genuine happiness for the girl. "now, come on gally said your room is finished." he spoke as they entered the homestead, the lighting instantly dimming as they entered the enclosed space.

a new door was now placed right beside newts room, madelyn slowly opened the door a loud creaking sound echoed. she peered inside, it was almost identical to the other keepers' rooms except it had an extra fluffy blanket on her bed, which she was grateful for as she was always so cold at nights.

newt wandered into the room, his eyes scanning it. "need any help moving your stuff?" madelyn nodded gratefully as they headed to his room to get her things. newt picked up her pile of clothes as she grabbed the box with the rest of her belongings in. she didn't have much but it was better than nothing.

it only took a few minutes to put everything away in place, madelyn and newt backed up as they looked around the room admiring their organisation. "it looks good." newt nodded as he glanced at the girl for her reaction.

"yeah i like it. at least you can have yours back now, thanks for that by the way." madelyn agreed feeling a bit guilty he had been sleeping in an uncomfortable hammock whilst she had been in his bed.

newt shook his head. "it's alright, don't worry about it. i'm gonna go get some dinner, you coming?" he spoke as he turned to the door.

"i'll be down in a minute." madelyn informed the boy who nodded and walked out the door, closing it softly behind him.

madelyn grabbed her hoodie from her pile of clothes and threw it on, she pulled her shorts on before tying her knotted hair into a messy bun. she made her way down the stairs and out of the homestead into the crisp evening air. she noticed everyone already sat down eating through mumbles of chatter. she wandered over to a table where minho, gally, alby and newt were sat.

"hey, guys." she mumbled as she plopped herself down beside newt, catching his attention.

"hey, here i saved you some food." newt said as he pushed a plate of stew towards her.

"thanks." madelyn said through a small grateful smile.

"so, how's our new third-in-command feeling?" minho asked her with a proud smile, he was happy the girl was starting to find her place in the glade.

"i'm doing pretty good, thanks minho. how was running today?" madelyn asked the boy, still feeling slightly curious about the job.

he pursed his lips. "same as usual." he spoke in a bored tone before returning to his on going conversation with alby.

"gally?" madelyn spoke to the boy sat in front of her, grabbing his attention. "when am i getting my next lesson?"

gally thought for a second. "if i have time, tomorrow." he answered through a mouthful of food.

after a few minutes of listening to the boys' conversations madelyn got up, going to have a shower, she always felt disgusting after a day in the glade. "night guys." she spoke, beginning to walk in the direction of the bathroom.

all the boy's attention turned to the girl who was walking away. "night maddy!" they all called after her in unison.

madelyn smiled to herself as she made her way through the glade. despite the exhaustion and the confusion that ran through her, she was starting to accept her surroundings.

she opened the door of the dimly lit bathroom and turned the handle of the shower, waiting for it to warm up a little, which it never seemed to do. she undressed and carefully stepped in, flinching slightly at the drastic temperature change. she began to wash her hair and body as she watched the murky water drain away. after she felt decently clean she jumped out of the shower and began to dry herself, leaving her hair to air dry. she threw her clothes back on and walked out the bathroom once again.

to her surprise, newt was stood leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "oh hey, guard dog." madelyn giggled as she raised her eyebrows at the startled boy.

he took his gaze off the glade and turned to the girl with a slight smirk pulling on his lips. "hey, be grateful i'm looking out for you."

"i am grateful, thank you newt." madelyn spoke truthfully as she reached her arms out wrapping them around the lean boys torso. slightly stunned, newt froze for a second before he slowly wrapped his arms around the girls back, relaxing into the embrace. madelyn couldn't remember if she had ever hugged anyone before, but she knew this one would top them all. she had become quite comfortable with the blonde boy, unlike with the others she felt like she could trust him.

the pair pulled away from the embrace, a comfortable silence lingering between them as they stared at each other. newt had a slight pink tinge on his cheeks as madelyn smiled up at him, taking in his features, his bruises on his face were starting to fade.

"come on, i'll walk you to your room." newt spoke down to the girl in just above a whisper as he placed his hand gently on her back.

madelyn nodded as he led her away back to the homestead, they walked in a comfortable silence as they admired the glade which was now silent except from their footsteps. it was now completely dark, only a few dim torches lighting their path.

the pair finally arrived outside madelyn's new room, she turned the handle and made her way inside before turning back to face newt who stood at the doorway. "night newt." she spoke quietly up at him.

"night, madelyn."

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