The Red Ghoul

Par kurenohikari

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Standing behind the monster, as this one laughed maniacally and planned the bombing of Gotham's Children Hosp... Plus

ARC I: Part V


53 1 0
Par kurenohikari

A/N: I am so sorry for the late update! I had an issue with my wi-fi and I could not update this story. As such I am giving you all a double update this week. I hope you enjoy it!


As Bruce, Jason, and Tim lounged around the breakfast table in the cozy warmth of Wayne Manor, the smell of a mouthwatering English breakfast wafted through the air, teasing their senses, and putting smiles on their faces. Alfred, the ever-graceful butler, glided around the kitchen, dishing out hearty portions of breakfast goodness onto their plates.

Bruce's plate was a feast for the eyes and the stomach, piled high with crispy bacon, juicy sausages, perfectly cooked eggs, and a hefty serving of black pudding. On the side, there were baked beans, plump tomatoes, and earthy mushrooms, all topped off with a slice of golden toast and some fried bread. With each sip of his hot coffee, Bruce couldn't help but grin with contentment, relishing the simple pleasures of a satisfying meal.

Next to him, Jason opted for a more refined choice, reaching for a cup of fragrant Earl Grey tea to complement his breakfast spread. His plate mirrored Bruce's, after a moment of appreciation for Alfred's culinary skills, Jason dove into his meal, savoring every bite and sip, the warmth of the tea soothing his soul.

Meanwhile, Tim eyed his plate with a mix of hesitation and longing, knowing he had to face the challenge of finishing it. Unlike Bruce and Jason, Tim struggled with his appetite and tended to eat sparingly. The sight of the full plate before him filled him with a sense of trepidation, but he knew he couldn't disappoint Alfred, who had put so much effort into preparing the meal.

Tim's journey to healing and self-discovery had been a real rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists, and turns. For the longest time, he'd been carrying around this heavy load of baggage from his past, all the stuff his biological parents put him through. It was like this big, dark cloud hanging over him, but he never really talked about it. Instead, he put on this front like everything was okay, like he had it all together.

But as time went on, the cracks started to show. Tim found himself getting sucked deeper into this dark hole, and it was getting harder and harder to climb out. Thankfully, he had his family, especially Dick, who was always there to lend a helping hand and push him in the right direction. Dinah and Harley had tried to help, bless 'em, but their approaches just didn't click with Tim. Then surprisingly came Dr. Beth Chapel, aka Dr. Mid-Nite, who often provided medical and psychological support to the Justice Society of America, and something just clicked. She had this way about her, this warmth and understanding that made Tim feel safe and seen.

In their sessions together, Tim opened up about things he'd never even told his closest friends. He realized that a lot of his issues with food and self-worth came from his messed-up childhood, from feeling unloved and unwanted. But Dr. Chapel helped him see that he wasn't defined by his past, that he had the power to rewrite his story and create a brighter future for himself. So, there he was, sitting at the breakfast table with his family, feeling grateful for how far he'd come.

Taking a deep breath, Tim picked up his fork and began to eat, albeit slowly at first. Each bite felt like a small victory, and with each mouthful, he felt a sense of accomplishment. Despite his initial reluctance, he couldn't deny the comforting taste of the food, and soon he found himself starting to enjoy the meal. With gentle encouragement from Alfred, Tim continued to eat, his pace gradually picking up as he became more accustomed to the flavors. By the time he finished his breakfast, he felt a sense of pride in himself for overcoming his apprehension.

Jason then decided to break the comfortable silence and leaned back in his chair, his brow furrowing in thought as he glanced around the table. "So, where's everyone else?" he asked, his curiosity piqued.

Tim paused, taking a gulp from his second cup of coffee before answering. "Steph's pulling double duty today. She's helping out at the clinic with Dr. Thompkins before heading to her classes at Gotham University."

"Cass is probably in her element, dancing up a storm at the Gotham Ballet Theater," Tim continued, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "She's been putting in extra hours lately, preparing for her upcoming performances."

As Tim finished, Jason's lips curled into a knowing smile. "And Dick?" he prompted, already anticipating the answer.

Tim's eyes lit up with mischief as he replied, "Oh, Dick got invited to hang out with the Titans today. They're probably off saving the world or something."

Jason chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Figures," he remarked, his tone playful. "That's where Roy disappeared to this morning, then. Should've guessed."

Bruce watched the interaction with a warm smile, a sense of contentment settling over him. As he looked at Jason, alive and vibrant, sitting at the table with them, Bruce couldn't help but marvel at the miracle of their reunion. Some days he could still not believe that he had his son back.

"And what about Lian, Billy, and Damian?" Bruce leaned forward, his gaze shifting to Jason as he asked, his tone tinged with curiosity.

"Lian's at Fawcett Preparatory School, attending to her classes," Jason answered, a hint of pride evident in his voice. "Billy and Damian are over at Nanda Parbat Academy for Magic, probably causing mischief as usual."

Bruce let out a soft sigh, a mixture of disbelief and amusement coloring his tone. "It's still hard to believe that Nanda Parbat, of all places, has turned into a school for magical children," he remarked, shaking his head incredulously.

Tim chuckled, a wry smile playing on his lips as he leaned back in his chair. "Yeah, who would've thought that the same headquarters that once trained the deadliest assassins in the world would now be a haven for magical education," he quipped, his tone filled with irony.

Jason joined in the laughter, and even Alfred couldn't help but crack a smile at the absurdity of it all, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he observed the playful banter unfolding around the table.

Alfred, ever the attentive butler, turned his gaze to Jason, his eyebrows raised in polite curiosity. "And what are your plans for the day, Master Jason?" he inquired, his tone gentle but inquisitive.

Jason's lips curled into a sly smirk, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as he leaned back in his chair. "Well, while Bruce and Tim are off handling business at Wayne Enterprises," he began, nodding in their direction, "I'll be heading over to Nanda Parbat Academy of Magic, I was invited to give a guest lecture to the older kids."

Bruce nodded in confirmation, a hint of pride shining in his eyes at the mention of Tim's decision to join the family business. It had been an easy choice for Tim to make, opting to forgo college in favor of diving straight into the world of Wayne Enterprises. It was not like Gotham University could teach him anything more than Bruce and Lucius would.

"What exactly will be the topic?" Bruce inquired, his brow furrowing slightly.

Jason's smirk widened, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he leaned forward, his voice tinged with amusement. "Oh, just a little class on sacrificial magic," he replied casually, as if discussing the weather.

The mention of sacrificial magic sent a shiver down Tim's spine, his mind flashing back to the dark and dangerous world of magic that he had only recently begun to explore. Even Bruce wore a frown on his lips, it had gotten a while to get used to the fact that three of his sons were magic now. And the fact that their areas of expertise were necromancy of all things still did not sit well with him. Luckily, he had learned to keep his mouth shut about these things and did not make any unsavory comments, that might as well break the fragile bond he had been rebuilding with Jason.

Putting down his empty cup of tea, Jason stood up and turned to his grandfather. "Thanks for breakfast Alfie, it was delicious."

"You are most welcome, Master Jason," Alfred sent a look at Jason that spelt exasperation, making his grandson chuckle. Jason knew what he was doing and loved the chaos he was sowing.

"I better get going, I have a meeting with Madame Xanadu," Jason said, before apparating away.

Tim sighed, shaking his head. "I will never get used to that."

"Neither will I," Bruce agreed with a wry smile.


The Magizoology class went quiet as they all stared at Damian, who was covered in magical creatures from head to toe. There were Murtlaps, Salamanders, Fire Crabs, and even a Bowtruckles—like he had his own mini-zoo right there in front of them.

Everyone's eyes widened as they tried to take it all in. Some leaned closer, totally fascinated by the weird and wonderful creatures, while others just stood there, mouths hanging open in shock. And you know what? Boys and girls alike couldn't tear their eyes away from Damian. There was something about him with all those creatures crawling around that was just... mesmerizing.

Even Damian himself seemed to be getting into it, flashing a rare smile as he interacted with his magical entourage. His laughter filled the room, making everyone smile along with him. He was in his element, surrounded by all that magic. For a moment, the whole classroom felt like something out of a fairy tale, with all those creatures adding their own special kind of magic to the air. And right in the middle of it all was Damian, soaking up the attention and loving every minute of it.

Professor Dhruv Ram stood in front of his students, his eyes wide with disbelief as he watched the chaos unfold before him. This was supposed to be a simple introduction to Magizoology, a chance for the students to get acquainted with the magical creatures they would be studying. But Damian had managed to turn it into something straight out of a fairy tale.

As the creatures swarmed around Damian, Professor Dhruv Ram couldn't help but feel a pang of concern. Was Damian in danger? But as he watched the boy interact with the creatures, a smile spreading across his face, the professor realized that Damian was in complete control. It was like he was some kind of magical Pied Piper, effortlessly drawing the creatures to him with his presence alone.

With a resigned shake of his head, Professor Dhruv Ram decided to let the situation play out. After all, who was he to stand in the way of such a magical moment? And if Damian was anything like his older brother William Head, then this was probably just the beginning of the chaos.

As the class continued to watch in awe, Professor Dhruv Ram couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It seemed that Damian had inherited more than just his brother's knack for stirring up trouble—he had also inherited his charm and charisma, turning even the most mundane of situations into something truly extraordinary.

Sakura and Akane exchanged amused glances, their eyes twinkling with shared amusement as they observed the spectacle unfolding before them. As two of Damian's closest friends in the class, they were all too familiar with his affinity for magical creatures and his uncanny ability to attract them without even trying.

With a soft chuckle, Sakura shook her head, her lips quirking up in a playful smile. "Well, looks like Damian's done it again," she remarked, her tone laced with affectionate amusement. "He's like a magnet for magical creatures."

Akane nodded in agreement, her laughter bubbling up as she watched the other students react to Damian's impromptu menagerie. "You'd think they've never seen a boy surrounded by magical creatures before," she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "But I guess Damian has that effect on people."

The two girls shared a knowing smile, they had spent countless hours exploring the school grounds with him, often accompanied by a parade of magical creatures drawn to Damian's presence like moths to a flame.

But what truly amused Sakura and Akane was the reaction of their classmates. The way they giggled and sighed, their eyes filled with a mixture of awe and longing—it was as if Damian had cast some kind of enchantment over them, weaving a spell of fascination and desire. As they watched the scene unfold, Sakura and Akane couldn't help but laugh, enjoying the sight of their classmates falling under Damian's spell.

"Mr. Head, do you know what are the magical creatures in your persona? If you do, would you be kind enough to enlighten your classmates?" Sakura and Akane quickly composed themselves as Professor Dhruv Ram cleared his throat, his interruption drawing the attention of the entire class. They turned their gaze to Damian, waiting to see how he would respond to the professor's inquiry.

Damian, despite the weight of the magical creatures perched upon him, managed to straighten up with an air of composure that belied his age. With a respectful nod towards Professor Dhruv Ram, he acknowledged the request with a sense of duty.

"Certainly, Professor," Damian replied, his voice steady despite the chaos unfolding around him. "I would be happy to provide some insight into the magical creatures gracing my presence today."

With a gentle touch, Damian lifted the Bowtruckle from its perch, cradling the small creature in his hands as he presented it to his classmates. Their eyes widened with fascination as they leaned closer, eager to learn from Damian's impromptu lesson.

"The Bowtruckle," Damian began, his voice carrying a quiet reverence for the creature he held. "A peaceful and shy being, the Bowtruckle resides within trees and sustains itself by feeding on insects." As he spoke, Damian's words painted a vivid picture of the Bowtruckle's nature, capturing the attention of his classmates with his knowledge and eloquence.

"But do not be deceived by its timid demeanor," Damian continued, his tone taking on a note of warning. "When faced with a threat to its home, the Bowtruckle is fiercely protective, willing to defend its territory with remarkable ferocity." As he spoke of the creature's defensive capabilities, Damian's classmates listened with rapt attention, captivated by the tales of the Bowtruckle's bravery.

"To appease a Bowtruckle and ensure the safety of its tree," Damian explained, "one must offer it a gift of woodlice, a gesture of goodwill that allows witches and wizards to harvest wand-wood without fear of retaliation." His words were met with nods of understanding from his classmates, who hung on his every word, eager to absorb the knowledge he had to impart.

As Damian concluded his lesson on the Bowtruckle, a sense of admiration filled the classroom, his classmates marveling at his expertise and his ability to convey complex information with such clarity and precision. For Sakura and Akane, who knew Damian well, it was a moment of pride, watching their friend shine as he shared his passion for magical creatures with the rest of the class.

Sakura raised her hand eagerly, her eyes bright with curiosity. "Yes, Sakura-san?" Professor Dhruv Ram prompted, gesturing for her to speak.

Sakura cleared her throat before posing her question. "Damian, you mentioned that a Bowtruckle serves as a guardian for its home tree. Can you elaborate on how they protect their territory?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine interest.

Damian nodded, acknowledging Sakura's question with a thoughtful expression. "Certainly," he replied, his gaze shifting to the group of Bowtruckles still perched on his shoulders. "Bowtruckles are fiercely protective of their home trees, especially those with wood suitable for wand-making, like the Wiggentree."

"As guardians, they display remarkable loyalty and bravery," Damian continued, his admiration for the creatures evident in his tone. "When their territory is threatened, Bowtruckles will not hesitate to defend it, using their sharp fingers as weapons to deter intruders."

Another student, a curious girl named Lily, couldn't contain her excitement as she waved her hand frantically in the air. "Um, Damian, could you tell us more about where Bowtruckles can be found? Are they only native to certain regions, or do they roam freely across the wizarding world?"

Damian nodded, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he considered Lily's question. "Bowtruckles are primarily found in western England, southern Germany, and certain Scandinavian forests," he explained, his voice steady and confident. "These regions provide the ideal habitat for Bowtruckles, offering ample trees for them to inhabit and protect."

With the Bowtruckles safely back on his shoulder, Damian turned his attention to the next magical creature on his list—the Murtlap. As he held the creature delicately in his hands, he couldn't help but marvel at its unique appearance—a curious blend of rat-like features combined with the striking growth on its back, resembling a sea anemone.

"The Murtlap," Damian began, his voice carrying a hint of fascination as he addressed his classmates. "This magical marine beast is commonly found along the coastal areas of Britain, making its home among the rocky shores and sandy beaches."

He paused for a moment, allowing his classmates to absorb the information before continuing. "Murtlaps have a rather peculiar diet," he explained, a hint of amusement in his tone. "Their favored prey includes crustaceans, but they have been known to target the feet of any human unfortunate enough to step on them."

A ripple of laughter spread through the classroom at the thought of unsuspecting individuals falling victim to Murtlap's mischievous antics. Damian couldn't help but smile at the reaction, pleased to see his classmates engaging in the lesson.

"But despite their mischievous nature, Murtlaps possess certain magical properties that can be quite useful," Damian continued, his expression turning more serious as he delved into the creature's magical properties. "The growth on the Murtlap's back, when pickled and consumed, can enhance one's resistance to jinxes—an invaluable trait for any witch or wizard."

He paused, allowing the significance of his words to sink in before adding, "However, it's important to exercise caution when consuming Murtlap essence, as excessive consumption may result in the unsightly growth of purple ear hair."

Damian then shifted his focus to the Fire Dwelling Salamander, as he addressed his classmates. "The Fire Dwelling Salamander, is a truly remarkable creature, born from the flames themselves."

"Salamanders are unique in that they are born out of salamander fires, and their existence is intricately tied to the flames that give them life. But despite their close association with fire, Salamanders possess remarkable abilities," Damian explained. "If fed on pepper, they can survive outside of their flames for up to six hours—an astonishing feat of magical resilience."

"The color of a Salamander's scales is a reflection of the heat of its birthing fire, ranging from vibrant reds to scorching oranges. And when provoked, a Salamander can produce flames of its own, making it a formidable creature indeed." Damian took a pepper from his pocket and fed it to the Salamander in his hand, who munched on it with enthusiasm, making the students laugh and coo.

"But perhaps most fascinating of all was the Salamander's blood—a substance with powerful regenerative and curative properties." Damian couldn't help but marvel at the thought of such a potent elixir, knowing that it held the key to unlocking countless magical possibilities.

Damian passed the Salamanders to the professor who returned them back to their flaming home, and then moved to explain the Fire Crab. "The Fire Crab," Damian began, his voice filled with reverence as he held the attention of his classmates. "Despite its name, the Fire Crab bears little resemblance to its crustacean counterparts. Instead, it resembles a majestic tortoise adorned with a shell that gleams like precious jewels."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "In its native Fiji, efforts have been made to protect the Fire Crab from both Muggles and unscrupulous wizards who seek to exploit its valuable shell for their own gain."

There was a collective gasp of surprise from the class as Damian revealed the creature's unique defense mechanism. "When threatened, the Fire Crab has a rather... unconventional means of defense," he explained, a hint of amusement in his voice. "It can shoot flames from its rear end—a formidable deterrent against would-be attackers."

The students exchanged incredulous glances, some stifling giggles at the thought of such a spectacle. But amidst the laughter, there was a newfound appreciation for the ingenuity of magical creatures and their ability to adapt to their surroundings.

After Damian's explanation, Professor Dhruv Ram posed a question, desiring to quiz how deep Damian's knowledge went. "Mr. Head, could you elaborate on the process of obtaining a license to own a Fire Crab as a pet?"

Damian nodded, his expression thoughtful as he considered the question. "Of course, Professor," he replied, his voice clear and confident. "To obtain a license for a Fire Crab, one must demonstrate a thorough understanding of the creature's needs and behavior, as well as a commitment to its well-being."

He continued, his tone becoming more animated as he delved into the intricacies of Fire Crab ownership. "Additionally, prospective owners must undergo a rigorous screening process to ensure they are capable of providing a suitable environment for the creature. This includes proper housing, diet, and safety measures to prevent accidents or injuries."

Akane, emboldened by Damian's expertise, raised her hand, a question burning on her lips. "Are there any specific precautions one should take when caring for a Fire Crab with a jeweled shell?" she asked, her eyes bright with curiosity.

Damian smiled, pleased by her engagement in the discussion. "Ah, an excellent question," he replied, his gaze sweeping across the room. "Fire Crabs with jeweled shells require extra care and attention due to the precious nature of their adornments. Owners must ensure the jewels are kept clean and free from damage, as any scratches or blemishes could affect the Crab's health."

He went on to explain the various variants of Fire Crabs, each distinguished by the type of jewels adorning their shells. "Variants with rubies, sapphires, and emeralds are among the most coveted," he explained, his voice tinged with excitement. "Each jewel imparts unique properties to the Crab, which must be taken into consideration when caring for them."

"You might as well take my position as Professor of Magizoology. I do not know why you even take this class, you already know everything I have to teach you!" Professor Dhruv Ram shook his head in amusement.

The playful banter between Professor Dhruv Ram and Damian elicited laughter from the students, breaking the tension that had lingered in the air. Damian's cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and pride at the professor's teasing remark, his pride evident in the twinkle of his eyes and the proud tilt of his chin.

"Perhaps I should consider it, Professor," Damian replied, his voice laced with amusement. "But where would be the challenge in that?"

The students erupted into applause, their appreciation for Damian's impromptu lesson evident in their enthusiastic response. As Damian bowed in acknowledgment of his classmates' gratitude, a sense of satisfaction washed over him, maybe this was the reason why his akhi decided to become a professor.


Seo-joon and Billy sat side by side in the dimly lit auditorium of the Nanda Parbat Academy for Magic, their excitement palpable as they eagerly awaited Red Ghoul's arrival. The anticipation hung heavy in the air, mingling with the soft murmur of conversation that filled the room. As they glanced around the crowded auditorium, they could sense the anticipation building among their fellow students, each one eager to learn from the infamous Red Ghoul himself. It wasn't every day that a renowned practitioner of soul necromancy graced their classroom with his presence, and the opportunity was not lost on them.

Suddenly, the room fell silent as the doors at the back swung open, and Red Ghoul made his grand entrance. Dressed in full regalia, he cut an imposing figure as he strode confidently down the aisle. As Red Ghoul took his place at the front of the room, the auditorium erupted into whispers and murmurs, the students eager to soak up every word of wisdom he had to offer.

Seo-joon's heart pounded in his chest as he watched the enigmatic figure, his eyes wide with anticipation. He had heard stories of Red Ghoul's legendary prowess and his command of the All-Sword, and the chance to learn from such a master was an opportunity he couldn't pass up. Beside him, Billy shifted in his seat, his excitement barely contained as he waited for the lesson to begin. He had been taught magic by his older brother since the moment he had met him. But this was different, Billy could not tell anyone Red Ghoul was his brother. It made him a little but nervous, but at the same time it excited him.

Red Ghoul's voice echoed through the hushed auditorium as he began his introduction, his words commanding the attention of every student in the room. "Sacrificial Magic," he began, his tone grave yet mesmerizing, "is an ancient and often misunderstood form of witchcraft, one that taps into the very essence of life itself to channel power from offerings." His words hung heavy in the air, each syllable laden with the weight of centuries of tradition and taboo.

Red Ghoul continued, his voice steady and unwavering as he delved into the nuances of the practice. "Depending on who or what is sacrificed," he explained, "the witch has the potential to not only gain mystical enhancements but also to become physically stronger."

It was a chilling revelation, one that sent shivers down Seo-joon's spine as he contemplated the implications. He glanced over at Billy, whose expression mirrored his own mixture of fascination and unease. Sacrificial magic was a dark and dangerous art, one that held both allure and peril in equal measure.

Red Ghoul's words rang in their ears as he elaborated on the intricacies of sacrificial rituals, detailing the types of offerings that were commonly used. "Seemingly," he remarked, "sacrificing a human who possesses no magical abilities would be of no benefit to a witch seeking to gain more power."

Red Ghoul's lecture on sacrificial magic had Seo-joon and Billy completely absorbed, their minds buzzing with questions and insights as they listened intently. As Red Ghoul continued to elucidate the complexities of the practice, Seo-joon couldn't resist raising his hand, eager to delve deeper into the subject.

"Um, excuse me, Red Ghoul, sir," Seo-joon began tentatively, his voice carrying a note of curiosity. "I was wondering, if a witch practicing sacrificial magic were to sacrifice a supernatural being, such as a vampire, a werewolf, or even another witch, would they be able to channel their supernatural abilities?"

Red Ghoul paused, considering the question for a moment before responding. "Indeed, Seo-joon," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "If a witch were to sacrifice a supernatural being, they would indeed be able to harness and channel their inherent abilities. This could include additional strength, speed, and even healing abilities, depending on the nature of the sacrifice."

"And what about the use of sacrificial magic in creating physical symbols for barrier spells or wards?" Billy interjected, his interest piqued by Red Ghoul's earlier discussion.

Red Ghoul turned to face Billy, a hint of appreciation in his eyes for the astute question. "Ah, an excellent inquiry, William," he remarked, his voice tinged with approval. "Sacrificial magic is highly sensitive in its formula when used to create physical symbols for protective spells. These symbols serve as barriers or wards, designed to safeguard the offerings used in sacrificial rituals."

He continued, his words flowing effortlessly as he elucidated the intricacies of the process. "However," he added, his tone growing more solemn, "if the ritual is disrupted by another magical component, such as a counter-spell or a conflicting enchantment, it can indeed halt the workings of the sacrificial magic and render the protective spell ineffective."

As Red Ghoul delved deeper into the darker aspects of sacrificial magic, a palpable sense of unease settled over the classroom. Seo-joon and Billy exchanged uneasy glances, their minds reeling with the implications of what they were learning.

"As tempting as it may be to harness the power of sacrificial magic," Red Ghoul continued, his voice tinged with solemnity, "it is imperative that you understand the grave consequences of dabbling in such dark and forbidden arts. This form of sorcery draws upon the very essence of life and death, tapping into energies that are beyond mortal comprehension."

Seo-joon shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his heart heavy with the weight of Red Ghoul's words. The allure of power was undeniable, but at what cost? The thought sent a shiver down his spine. Meanwhile, Billy's mind was racing with thoughts of the responsibility that came with wielding such power. The allure of forbidden knowledge was strong, but he knew better than to succumb to its temptations. The lessons of history were clear: those who dared to dabble in the dark arts often paid the ultimate price.

"As practitioners of magic," Red Ghoul continued, his voice ringing with conviction, "it is our responsibility to wield our gifts wisely and with caution. Sacrificial magic may offer a shortcut to power, but it comes at a steep price—one that we may not be willing to pay. The consequences of such actions can be dire, not only for the practitioner but for the world at large."

As Red Ghoul concluded his lecture, the classroom fellinto a heavy silence, the weight of his words hanging over them like a darkcloud. For Seo-joon and Billy, it was a sobering reminder of the dangers thatlurked within the realm of magic, a cautionary tale that would stay with themlong after the lesson had ended.

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