What They Didn't Know (OHSHC...

By _ThePsychopath_

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15 year old Alva was accepted to Ouran High School as an honor student at Ouran. Her two closest friends, As... More

Her Eyes...
Maybe in another life
My Dream
New Friend.
I'll Join....
Holy Shit!!

The Dance Prt 1

170 8 7
By _ThePsychopath_

Ok, so I'm gonna start with the second episode of the series, so if I messed up on the times just roll with it. That is all!

(Alva's POV)

I sat at my desk, Alexis's head on my shoulder. I had suggested that we study in the classroom after class was over so that we could keep up our grades. It ended up with me studying and finishing my homework and Alexis was daydreaming while lying her head on my shoulder.

Today was our first day of hosting and I was slightly nervous.

Mainly because I don't have any experience with stuff like this and I cannot strike up a conversation. I also know that Alexis feels the same way, since we both have these problems.

Suddenly I heard chimes ring throughout the school, signaling that me and Alexis were late for hosting.

"What!?!" Alexis bolted up and looked around in a frantic manner.

I sighed and stood up from my chair. "That was the bell, we're late for hosting." With that, I began jogging out the room and towards the stairs.

After a bit of eye rubbing, stumbling and almost tripping, Alexis caught up to me when I reached the stairs.

"You're slow you know that." I told her in an emotionless voice.

"I'm not slow! I'm just allergic to physical activity." She said in a matter-of-fact tone.

I simply rolled my eyes and started pushing her up the stairs.

"Hey Alva-san and Alexis-san." I heard Haruhi greet from behind me. I turned and did the salute hand movement.

"Hi Haru-chan!!" Alexis greeted while smiling and waving to Haruhi. Haruhi returned the gesture.

"I'm guessing you guys were studying too?" She asked while walking up the stairs to where we were.

"Yup." Alexis said in a cute manner while nodding. I simply stayed silent while continuing to walk up the red stairs.

"Speaking of which, we should probably hurry." Haruhi quickly said before jogging again. I immediately jogged in a slightly quicker manner. Alexis quickly caught up after realizing what we were doing.

After about 10 minutes of jogging up stairs and down hallways, we finally reached 'Music Room 3'.

I pushed the door open to reveal...........a tropical paradise?

There were toucans, parrots, snakes, and iguanas. The room was also filled to the brim with palm trees and other tropical plants, the red tropical flower filling in all empty spaces. The tables were definitely made of palm wood (A/N, I actually don't know what wood the tables are made of, I'm just guessing). It was really...........against our current weather.

"Welcome!" I look ahead of me and see all the hosts in tropical attire. Alexis and Haruhi sweat-dropped while I just look at them with a blank expression. Then a random toucan landed on Haruhi's head.

"Oh, its just you three. You're late." The twins said in sinc

"If I'm not mistaken, its early April." I said as Haruhi took out her mini-calendar.

"Yea...." Haruhi said she looked at it with a blank expression

"Fearing the chill and curling yourself up in a kotatsu in nonsense!! What do you think we have this flawless air conditioning for?" Tamaki said while waving his little fan dramatically.

"To use it for something reasonable...." I heard Alexis mumble under her breath. She was standing next to me, on my left. Haruhi was crouched down, still reviewing her mini-calenderwith a annoyed and confused aura surrounding her.

"Is there something of the club's policies you wish to criticize? O'Haruhi-kun who owes us an eight million yen debt?" Kyoya questioned, saying it more as a statement.

Well he's gonna be a pain. I just know it

Tamaki did another dramatic fan movement. "A good man nor woman," He eyed me, Alexis and Elyssa when her said that last part. "should not bundle themselves up. Even if its early spring when the world is freezing. At the club we want to receive those freezing kittens, with a warm tropical paradise aura! Yes, today this place is the ULTIMATE PARADISE!!! A hot, hot everlasting summer!" He had put his arm around, now-standing, Haruhi.

"Actually I feel cold in many ways...." Haruhi said whilst keeping her annoyed aura.

"Now, get your costumes on! Its almost time for hosting to begin!!!" Tamaki shouted while revealing three tropical dresses.

"No." Me and Haruhi said at the exact same time. Alexis tilted her head, then shook it, signaling she was on our side.

"But Alva, Alexis, Haruhiiiii, you'd all look so cute!!!" Tamaki complained.

I simply shook my head and walked to where all the hosts were positioned to welcome the customers, or as Alexis likes to call them, Fangirls/Fanboys.

"Is everyone in place?" I heard Kyoya say from behind me.

The way we were positioned was, Tamaki in the front chair, Haruhi sitting on the ground to his right and Ash on the left, while holding up a cocky smile and peace sign. Honey was behind Ash, only being able to see from the bottom of his flower neckelace and up. Elyssa was next to Honey and in front of Takashi, doing a hand-on-hid pose. Takashi was at the end of the left side, next Hikaru, while holding a pineapple. Hikaru was behind Tamaki along with Kyoya, who stood to his right. Kyoya was also behind Tamaki's chair and in between the twins. Kaoru was at the end of the left side. Finally, me and Alexis were standing to the right of Tamaki, and due to our height you can clearly see the hosts behind us (Alva is 5.1 and Alexis is 5.0 while the twins are 5.9 and Kyoya is 5.11).

Suddenly the doors burst open and dozens of girls and boys flooded into the room.

"Welcome~" All the hosts but me sang. I did the salute hand gesture with a stoic expression.

"Also to our male guests," Kyoya put his hands together while putting on a fake smile. "we have two new hostesses, Alva Blackburn, our calm and protective host and Alexis Parker, our shy flirty host. They are a 2-in-1 request, so it'll be double the price." He then walked to the line of male hosts wanting to request me and Alexis.

I didn't think we'd get requested right away, and by more than 2 dozen people as well.

"C'mon, Kyoya said that our hosting area is that couch right there." Alexis pointed to couch that was only a couple feet away from Haruhi's area.

Alexis grabbed my hand and we both walked over to the couch. It was made of gold with red, plush cushioning. The gold was carved in a lovely manner that looked like ocean waves, going in separate directions beginning from the middle.

"What a lovely design." I said as I let my finger gently feel across its carvings. Alexis nodded in agreement and began admiring the design with me.

"Alva-san?" Haruhi asked as she leaned over the couches golden arm rest. I turned to face her.

"Hm." I hummed, signaling her to continue her question.

"Can you serve some of Tamaki's guests glasses while I clean off the used cups?" She slightly tilted her head while asking this.

"Sure, we won't get our requests for another 8 minutes." I said as I stood up. "I'll be back in a bit, ok?" I directed myself to Alexis. She nodded while giving me a reassuring smile.

I gave her an accepting nod and turned back to Haruhi.

"Ok, this way." She said as she began walking to Tamaki's table, me walking next to her.

While walking through the tropical themed room, I couldn't help but overhear some girls whispering about a ball or dance.

It probably isn't important, I'll just let it slide....

"This is such cruelty" Guess we're at Tamaki's table. I got the pitcher of whatever tropical drink they were having, and Haruhi got out the silver platter. "This skin as sleek as ivory....This ceremonial dress akin to the King of Bali's. But before my goddess, I can only succumb and am nothing but a loyal servant."

Haruhi picked up the empty glass and I refilled the three girls's drinks, as the girls were all in a trance of Tamaki's 'charms'. Honestly, I don't see the big deal about this guy, I mean he's just another human being, why is he treated like a king or a god. I never will understand these rich people.

"Ah, yes. Next wee is when our Ouran Host club's dance party will be taking place." I heard Tamaki say as me and Haruhi walked away.

Oh, so it was important

Haruhi turned around "Dance Party?" She asked no one in perticular.

"Hopefully it isn't mandatory." I told her in a stoic manner. Haruhi chuckled and nodded.

"What kind of things do you do at a Dance Party?" I heard someone ask from behind. She wasn't asking me but someone else.

I turn around and see the twins with two girls. One of them had long, wavy, light brown hair with a purple bow while the other had short, straight, dark brown hair.

"We book the entire central hall of the Central Building..." Hikaru starts. "And it'll just be the most fantastic thing ever." Kaoru finishes.

Suddenly, Hikaru stands up and lifts up Kaoru's chin, making him look directly at him. "But I really wanted to spend it alone with you, Kaoru." I wonder why these girls are so into twincest. "Don't say that Hikaru... Honestly, I too." The girls were fangirling at this. Honestly, can't they tell its an act?

While watching that act, Haruhi and I had walked over to where all the glasses and pitchers were kept. Kyoya was standing in front of it, writing in his Death-Note.

"It seems like our customers are more highly strung than usual." Haruhi stated while still looking at the twins. I took the platter with the glass from Haruhi and walked behind the counter, carefully placing down the pitcher and platter on its surface.

"Exposing a certain amount of skin is well received." He answered, not looking up from his writing. I walked back to the front of the counter and stood next to Haruhi. I glanced at Kyoya, then returned my gaze to the twins.

"You planned this tropical project, Kyoya-Senpai?" Haruhi asked.

"I don't have the power to make that decision. The operations of this club are entirely decided upon by the King. Tamaki." Kyoya said as he put down his pen. "But, I guess it paid off nonchantily leaving a photo collection of Bali on his desk." He smiled as he pushed up his glasses.

Haruhi turned away from Kyoya and sweat-dropped, as I put my chin between my thumb and forefinger.

So he's the real brains behind this club...... I may have to be careful around him.

"Ta-da!!" I heard a voice, that immediately knew was Honey, yell from behind me. I turned to see Honey standing with his arms spread and with a giant smile on his face. His guests fangirled at this.

He continued on about the flowers and then Takashi walked over. I shrugged and walked back to my couch with Alexis, 3 minutes before we were scheduled to have our guests. Haruhi already had hers so i decided to listen to pass the time.

"Haruhi-kun," That broke Haruhi's trance from Honey and Takashi. "Your not going to wear any tropical clothing?" The one with short, light brown hair and grey eyes asked. "I want to see." The girl next to her with long, dark brown hair with little buns in the back, and light brown eyes stated. The final girl with short, black hair with a blue bow in the back and grey eyes stayed quiet.

"Nah, I... I think it's more natural to wear early spring clothing in early spring." Haruhi answered as she put up her hands.

"Haruhi-kun want to treasure his sense of the seasons, huh?" The short brown haired girl stated while daydreaming about something, most likely having to do with Haruhi.

"Then, it would be so wonderful to see blooming cherry blossoms at the dance party." The long dark brown haired girl said next, also daydreaming.

"A couple dancing amongst the cherry blossoms...How dreamy."The girl with short black hair finished, joining the other two girls in daydreaming. I rolled my eyes, then looked back, since our guest still aren't here.

"Is that so?" Haruhi asked in a happier tone. "That's so cute of you all to have dreams." She tilted her head to the side, smiling. The fangirls were all left admiring how cute 'he' looked.

I was about to turn round and ask Alexis if the guests were almost here, till something back at Haruhi's table caught my attention. I was looking away but I was intently listening to the conversation.

"Kasugasaki Kanako, from class 2-B"The voice said from behind me.

Kasugasaki.....where have I heard that name before?

"You're much cuter than rumors give credit." The voice named 'Kanako' said. "I have decided. I will make you my next favorite." I then heard a faint sound of shock, which obviously came from Tamaki, in the background.

Before I could turn and see who Haruhi was talking to, 3 boys sat at the table across from Alexis and I.

"H-Hi, I'm A-A-Alexis Parker..... It's nice to meet you." Alexis greeted. They all went all soft and 'awww'ed at her cuteness. "A-And this is Alva B-Blackburn." I nodded and looked at who I was gonna have to spend at least 25 minutes with.

" Pleasure to make your acquaintance." I say.

"What are you into?" One of the 3 males blurted out, though it was mostly directed to Alexis.

"I-I-I'm into reading and writing....." She mumbled, while slightly trying to hide behind me. The guys eyes widened and kept looking at the scene in anticipation.

"Is something wrong?" I ask Alexis.

"I-I'm just nervous, you know I've never done something like this before...." She got out, since she was nuzzling her face deeper into my shoulder.

"Don't worry, you're doing fine." I reassured her as I put my arm protectively on her shoulder.

"That's sooo cute!!~" The boys cooed in sinc.

I shake my head, while Alexis winks and playfully sticks her tongue out at the males, which made them burst into fanboying.

This is gonna be a long day........

~Timeskip to sunset~

I was sitting in a chair, in front of the table where the hosts except Tamaki were planning for the dance. Alexis was, yet again, leaning her head on my shoulder and daydreaming about some anime probably, while I was lost in my thoughts.

Why am I here again? I'm not attending the dance.....

Tamaki was in his emo corner, eating ramen. I'm guessing that it has something to do with Kanako. Elyssa was crouching down next to him, trying to be of help but failing.

Oh, now I remember her. She's the Kasugasaki daugther, engaged to the first son of the Suzushima trading company, Tohru Suzushima.

"My lord, stop eating commoners noodles and help out with the planning of the dance party." Hikaru yelled at Tamaki. This snapped me from my thoughts, and I looked up to see the twins halfway turned towards Tamaki.

"Is he so displeased with the fact that Miss Kasugano prefers Haruhi now?" Kaoru said in an annoyed tone. I looked at Kyoya for an explanation. He caught my gaze, then continued typing away at his computer.

"Her illness isn't something new." He said. I was still lost at what they meant.

"Illness?" Haruhi asked. Hikaru slid behind Kyoya's chair.

"The 'host-wandering' illness." He said, then Kaoru slid from behind him and stood next to him. "In other words, the 'switch guys every now and then' illness" Kaoru finished.

So she's been here for a while, why?

"Usually, regular customers decide on a host and designate them forever, but she has a habit of periodically changing her favorite." Kyoya spoke up again.

"Do you know why she does this?" I asked in a stoic tone. The twins shrugged, Honey and Takashi shook their heads, and Kyoya didn't bother answering since everyone else seemed to have answered for him.

"Just before this, Tama-Chan was her favorite." Honey said as he slid between Haruhi and Kyoya.

Haruhi sweat-dropped. "Ah, so it's just because his customer got snatched away." Haruhi said, annoyed. I glanced at Tamaki, who stood up and bolted over the table.

"NO! That's not how it is!!!" He yelled once he was across the table. I looked behind him and saw Elyssa dumbfounded and trying to comprehend what had just happened. I returned my attention to the raging Tamaki. "Alright, I can't stand it anymore! Haruhi, look like a woman already!" He pointed at her.

I stopped paying attention and walked to my hosting couch, which was now vacant.

"Hey Alva, Alexis, are you attending the dance party?" Ash asked Alexis and I as he walked over to us

"Yes" Alexis answered with a cute smile on her face

"No......" I answer him

"What?! Why not?!" He started over exaggerating as he looked at me.

"Because I don't want to." I responded dully.

The twins must've heard Ash because they walked over.

"What's wrong Ash?" They asked in unison.

"Alva says she's not attending the dance!!" He yelled/explained.

The rest of the hosts walked over, having heard Ash.

"What do you mean you're not going?!" Tamaki yelled, his face 6 inches from mine.

I pushed his face away. "I mean what I said, I'm not going." I answered, wiping Tamaki's tears off my hand.

"But why not Alva? It'll be fun!!~" Elyssa cooed. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going to a stupid dance, only to throw around more fake love. I also don't like being in rooms full of people." I answered.

I felt two people hook my arms and pull me up. Hikaru and Kaoru to be exact.

"Nope you're coming!!" They said, in a soldier tone.

"No I am not." I tried to pull out of their grip but failed.

"Please Alva!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!" Elyssa started begging. She was on her knees in front of me.

I felt someone pull me from the twins and hug me from behind. I immediately knew it was Alexis.

"Please Alva-Chan? I don't wanna go alone..." She whispered as she nuzzled into my back.

I sighed "Fine.... I'll go."

Everyone except me and Mori cheered.

I sighed and walked out of the room.


"Home." I answered dully.

"But you need a dress!" Honey yelled from the doorway.

I froze in place.

A..... Dress?

I immediately started running.

"After her!!!!" Alexis yelled.

Hey!!! I finally posted!!!! Sorry for the wait, I was kinda busy. Hope it was a good chapter and also on my other OHSHC book, I NEED QUESTIONS TO ASK THE HOSTS, SUUNA AND ALVA!!!!!!! So please do that and I'll see you soon, bye!!!!!

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