our destined stars

By Nova51394

27 4 1

a girl named mili (18years old) far from home for studies in South Korea. one day accidently met an idol, who... More

ep-1 the fate
ep-2 the destined meet

ep-4 nostalgic moments

7 1 0
By Nova51394

( ̄3 ̄) avoiding the third person in this scene.. This is a sample for your understanding...

Recap:Then she knock the door...
Leon suggested mili that "u can press the button to ring bell...

Mili realize it after a second then press the bell

______________________♥♥(scene shift)

The bell rings ,the door opens by her aunt only..

Mili greet her aunt"annyeonghaseyo"
She replied delightment "nae, annyeong!!, long time no see... Mili smiles and said "nae, it's been a while I'll make sure to meet u frequently" '(*∩_∩*)′

Her aunt chuckled and she remind about some things to hand over to her as a gift. "her are some things for u and this is my dress which I used to wear when I was of ur age"her aunt said.

"ahh!! their is no to do it, chuckled "
Mili replied. Her aunt notice the tall man standing at behind him, while sliding down her spacks she asked her
"who that young man, is he boyfriend? It been a month and u didn't tell me about this" in teasing ,shy voice that was loud to be heared by Leon.

Mili tells while removing her misconception "an-anni, it not what u think actually I've met him yesterday and don't know him probably.. "

_____________________ (scene shift)

They both reached to ground floor finally ,while she see out was raining and it was time for his collage and she having important lecture to attend. She sighs

Leon said to mili "wait ". Mili have no option but to wait for him.

After a minute, he take his car front of gate where she was standing, she slowly slides his window and said "come in, let me give u a lift".

Mili get amazed and take a glance at her watch it passes time for her collage, she had no option left rather accept his offer. She immediately run inside the car while covering her head. While Leon starts to drive and give the tissue nepkin to wipe and she was get wet.

She thanked him starts to wipe. While she thinks about the scene of outside elevator, she was embarrassed and thankful about him. She said while breaking awkward silence "Thanku for helping and saving me at that situation.... And please do-don't tell this to anyone "while nervously playing with her fingers.

He nodded and while he take a glance on mili through the upper back view front mirror and smirked .

_____________________~♥~(scene shift)

They reached the outside collage gate and rain almost stops and sun shine brightest and butterflies flying in garden inside. Her collage was not less than beautiful.

Mili and Leon get off the car and she thanks him once again... When he see the collage building it remind of his old pass out collage dayz and club meet.

Leon murmured "Wah! It's been a very while, smirking ,it didn't changed a bit...
Mili after listening him"ne?!(confused) are u going to follow me? "
When one of his old teacher recognize
Him seeing him and asked to him"lee Leon...,m I pronounced it correct no. "
Leon~"ahh!!yes correct (smiled),Mr. Gong"
Mr. Gong~"how are u doin? And (whispers) heard about u getting famous (laughed) it's been a while"
Leon~yes sir! Feels fresh to visit here again. "

Mr. Gong take look at mili who was bit confused, he tell her about him that he was his ex-student and that he was quite brilliant in study.

Mili now slowly understands and get clear vision about him and immediately surprizinly stand in army position and greet Leon by bowing her head ,shouted "senior."

~~not full reference from this scene just a fixed scene of 🙇

Leon get embarrassed and all students passing from near sees both of them and starts to gossip. . .

He gulped and said "no! you don't have to do this ",notice other people watching them "didn't ur lecture is going on"
Mili realized that and she glance at time on wrist watch, immediately rushes toward his classroom ,but in hurry she said to her "um! Thank u once again... Leon... Oh! Mianhae senior" then she ran to her class...

Sorry!! 😅guzz for the delay but this to inform you that next part will be updated till 2 April, cuz, currently I'm out of town for my work... So until then share this series to your friends...
Lob u fans💜🤝

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