Stowaway: A Star Wars Rebels...

By MultiverseEnthusiast

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Attempting to retreat from a losing battle, the Ghost Crew unknowingly jumps into a wormhole and crash lands... More

OC Datapad
Brace for Impact
Unidentified Fragmented Object
Detachment In Distress
Quick Recon
Immoral Compass
Sum of Their Parts
Under Pressure
Escape Plan
A Galaxy Far Far Away
A Noble Cause
Searching for Answers
Seasoned Veterans
The Bro Code
Friends Old and New
Search and Rescue
The Fights Get Harder
Newfound Wisdom
Creatures of the Beyond
Conflicting Perspectives
Within Reach
Home Away from Home
Part Two Sneak Peek
Reeling and Recovering
Brothers Divided - Part 1
Brothers Divided - Part 2
A Date With Darkness
In Enemy Territory
Military Exercise
Bridging the Gaps
Close Encounter
A Sign of Things to Come
Breaking Barriers - Part 1
Breaking Barriers - Part 2
Winds of Change
The Bigger Picture
Fading Fast - Part 1
Fading Fast - Part 2
Race Against Time
Going Home
Far From Home
Author's Note


329 8 3
By MultiverseEnthusiast

Narrator's POV:

Tiber Saxon, the successor to his late brother, Gar Saxon, played back the recording of Clan Wren's demise. His twisted smile grew wider and wider with each replay. An entire threat to the Empire was wiped out, all thanks to his genius. He forced his right-hand man, the captain of the Imperial Mandalorians, to be his witness. He wanted to make an example of those who opposed his rule. Saxon's demeanor suddenly shifted, however, as he saw an incoming transmission. It was from Grand Admiral Thrawn himself, who supervised the governor on the strategic side of this civil war. Saxon picked up the transmission, standing firm in front of the notorious officer. "Governor Saxon, I expect an update on the weapon's progress," Thrawn stated. "Indeed, sir. In this recording, you will see the first test trial of the weapon used against Clan Wren," Saxon said. The Grand Admiral turned his attention to the recording, which Saxon replayed once again. Clan Wren and the Empire re-engaged in battle. Many warriors against a squad of troopers, a couple transports, and a specialized walker. The walker charged up its weapon, emitting a current of electricity. The bolts seeked towards the Mandalorians, who froze in place and screamed in pain. Their bodies started glowing orange and black, until they disappeared, leaving only their burned armor behind. "As you can see, the Arc Generator's energy pulse is drawn to the beskar alloy in the Mandalorians' armor, superheating it, and vaporizing the target..." Saxon began. The recording shifted to the stormtrooper squad walking through the clouds of smoke, directly over where their enemies' bodies once stood. "...all the while doing no harm to our Imperial stormtroopers. The weapon is fully operational, as promised, Grand Admiral," Saxon said, finishing his explanation.

"Effective, yes, but you miss the true artistry of this weapon, Governor Saxon. It turns an armor legendary for its strength into a crippling weakness, and it strikes at the very heart of your people's tradition," Thrawn countered, vividly disappointed by the governor's method of dealing with the Mandalorian resistance. "You said the Emperor wanted this uprising dealt with quickly. This will end it," Saxon promised, doubling down on his commitment to quelling his rivals' actions. "You're different from your brother. How would Gar Saxon feel about you betraying your heritage?" Thrawn pressed. He knew virtually any people's culture like the back of his hand. Seeing this unfaithfulness made his dismay for the governor grow. "He no longer feels anything. I have evolved. Mandalore must evolve with me," Saxon answered, asserting his power over his people. "Once your people see their sense of security turned against them, do you believe they'll swear loyalty to the Empire?" Thrawn interrogated. The Empire was seen by many as a tyranny, and one of their ways of submitting its population was the illusion of peace. "A Mandalorian without armor is nothing more than a common soldier. Fear will compel them to join the Empire," Saxon responded. Thrawn pursed his lips, internally enraged at the governor's delusions. Even without donning the famed beskar armor, a Mandalorian was still a weapon to be feared. "We shall see," Thrawn said. "Of course, the weapon's range is far more limited than you promised. Or perhaps you thought I wouldn't notice?" "I only had pieces of the prototype. I've done everything I could," Saxon replied, frustrated at the lack of data he recovered while rebuilding the weapon. "You cannot make it work properly because you do not understand it. You need the weapon's creator. You need Sabine Wren," Thrawn commanded before ending the transmission. "Governor, I mean no disrespect, but what will stop the Empire from using the weapon on us as well?" the captain questioned. "Unquestioning loyalty, Captain. Now, find Sabine Wren," Saxon ordered. The Captain felt uneasy, knowing that the Arc Generator did not care for loyalty or sides. The Governor felt confident, knowing that Clan Wren's presumptive sole survivor would help the Empire conquer Mandalore. And the Grand Admiral felt determined to finish his task, making his final preparations before he lured Y/N L/N to his doom.

Y/N's POV:

I couldn't bring myself to words. All I could do was look around me. The distraught expressions of my friends, the ominous shadows cast by the smoke, and the ghosts of Clan Wren in their final resting place. Sabine was inconsolable to the point where her cries became inaudible. She picked up a piece of armor, which instantly faded away, causing her to shed more tears. Bo-Katan and I approached the hysteric Sabine, wondering how we would recover from this devastating sight. "There were rumors the Empire was working on a weapon to neutralize Mandalorian armor. That it had even been tested on our people. But I...I didn't believe it," Bo-Katan said, breaking the silence. "Not the Empire. Me. This is all my fault," Sabine replied angrily. "Sabine, you can't blame yourself for this," I objected, knowing that she didn't press the kill switch. "You tried everything to-" "Everything my father said was true, Y/N. This is my work!" Sabine yelled back. "I created the weapon that did this. Because of me, Mandalorians are going to die! Because of me, the Empire is going to turn my world into a graveyard! My family is gone! My mother and brother are-" "Sabine!" a voice called out, breaking off Sabine's vent. All of us turned towards the smoking, upended transport. A few figures emerged from the smoke. Against all odds, a few of Clan Wren's warriors had survived the encounter with the weapon. Sabine ran straight to her family, embracing them. Upon a closer look, I saw Ursa, Tristan, and the pilot from earlier trudging towards us. "I thought I lost you," I heard Sabine say, relieved that her blood family was still alive. "We were caught at the edge of the weapon's range. Thanks to your warning, we made it out," Ursa responded. "The others weren't so lucky," Tristan stated. "We're Mandalorians. We don't die that easy," the pilot chimed in. Chopper started beeping frantically, interrupting the sentimental moment. "Chopper just scanned something," Kanan alerted. "Survivors?" Alrich wondered. Rau scanned the fast-approaching objects in the air. "No. The Empire is coming back to finish the job," he said. All of us armed ourselves, looking at the incoming army in concern.

"Get down!" I shouted as the Empire unleashed a barrage of blaster fire on us. The hurt Mandalorians dropped to the ground as I stepped up and fired back, protecting them. "Get back! We'll cover you!" Ezra ordered, assisting me in the defense of our allies. These were no ordinary foes, however. They were Mandalorians who served the Empire, traitors to their homeworld. They easily dodged my shots, which frustrated me. But not so much as Sabine. She screamed in rage, ignited the Darksaber, and charged at an Imperial. She hurled him against a transport before raining blows upon him relentlessly. Sabine was troubling to deal with on her worst days, but what I was witnessing now was unlike her. She needed help quickly, but it would sadly have to wait. All of us were caught in our own little skirmishes against the highly skilled warriors. "Ezra, get the Wrens to safety!" Kanan urged. "Follow me!" he said, leading the survivors to the bikes. Then I heard a blast, followed by some metal clattering. I briefly glanced to see both bikes destroyed and our friends slowly getting up. Now there's truly no escape. I fired at an Imperial, catching him off guard with a well-placed shot that sent him crashing to the ground. I ran to help Kanan deal with the Mandalorians harassing him. We both saw Sabine recklessly pushing forward, cursing out the Empire for unearthing a dark chapter of her past. "Go get her, Kanan! I'll focus on them here!" I said, emphasizing the fact that Sabine wasn't mentally right. Facing two Mandalorians was a near-suicidal prospect, but I had to draw the attention off Sabine. Remembering my first encounter against the Imperials, I attempted the same strategy of moving erratically and firing shots, forcing them to constantly change direction and make predictive shots to hit me. This turned them away, but I didn't think about their counterattack. I dropped down, covering myself in hopes that I wouldn't get hit.

I felt something slice through my skin, shock seizing my body. I looked down to see a laser burn right on my shin. I breathed in and out, trying not to panic as I struggled to get up. I glanced up to see the Mandalorians with their blasters trained on me. That's not really good. I rolled to my side, narrowly dodging the shots. I fired back with my back on the ground, but my inability to aim well caused my blast to go wide. "Help!" I shouted desperately. Kanan used the Force to push a Mandalorian away, causing another Imperial to refocus on the Jedi. I used this window to stand up and land shots on both of our threats, knocking them out. Sabine, still enraged, was firing relentlessly at the Empire's troops. "Sabine! We have to leave now!" Kanan urged, pulling her away. "Right," she replied curtly. I moved away from the action as quickly as my injured leg would allow, but the Mandalorians regrouped and stopped our escape. With our backs against each other, we fought valiantly against the aerial force. "They cut us off!" Ezra said angrily. Then we heard a familiar scream. TIE Fighters were closing in fast. The Imperials stopped their assault, giving the ships the chance to finish us off. Just as all hope seemed lost, one TIE got shot down, throwing the Mandalorians in disarray. I looked up to see a ship similar to my own flying in to assist us. They cleared the area before descending to our location. "Get on!" Bo-Katan urged. I limped as the others ran. Kanan noticed I was falling behind. He returned and helped me onto the ship, just barely avoiding TIE fire. We quickly went up into the air, but I felt the ship jolt as we were hit. "Weapons are down! We're losing power!" Rau alerted. Sabine raced into the cockpit to fix any damage necessary. Would've been my specialty if I wasn't hurt. I saw Bo-Katan getting ready to leave the ship. "Wait! Where are you going? Rau said our weapons are down," Ezra wondered. "A Mandalorian with a jetpack is a weapon," Bo-Katan said, opening the ramp and flying out. Ezra followed her, presumably dealing with the TIEs. I grimaced in pain, sitting down to not put pressure on my injured leg. One of Clan Kryze's warriors noticed my discomfort. He reached into a nearby compartment and grabbed a first aid kit. He knelt down, put some ointment on the burn, and bandaged it up. "You'll be fine soon," he diagnosed. "Thank you," I said. A few minutes later, Bo-Katan and Ezra returned from outside, signaling they dealt with the fighters. Everyone eventually huddled in the back of the ship, slowly recovering from the brutal battle. Finally, a peaceful moment had arrived.

Or so I thought. Tristan approached Sabine, frowning at her. "You told us you destroyed it," he said, alluding to the weapon. "I did. The Empire must have rebuilt it, They-" Sabine was interrupted by Bo-Katan's growling furiously and pinning the younger Mandalorian against the wall, pressing a wrist-mounted knife against her throat. "You're a Mandalorian! Why would you build such an abomination? This is the weapon of a coward!" Bo-Katan yelled. I quickly stood up to pull them apart, but I was held back by Kanan. "Let her explain herself," he whispered to me. Just like with the Darksaber. "I was young. It was a challenge, and I was arrogant. But when I realized the Empire tested it and actually planned to use it, I sabotaged the prototype and destroyed the plans. I thought that was the end of it, I swear to you!" Sabine explained. Bo-Katan pushed her against the wall again, but she let go, choosing to stare at her in disapproval. It wouldn't be long before word of her atrocities spread throughout Mandalore. And if the weapon wasn't destroyed soon, this world would fall. "Okay, so this weapon only targets Mandalorian armor, right? So why not make your armor out of something different?" Ezra recommended. His idea was met with cold, icy stares from the Mandalorians on board. What exactly pissed them off? "Ezra, the armor I wear is over 500 years old. I reforged it to my liking, but the battles, the history, the blood, it all lives within it. And the same goes for every other Mandalorian," Sabine said. "This armor is part of our identity. It makes us Mandalorians who we are," Alrich spoke up. "And now it's going to make us dead," Bo-Katan argued, her gaze fixed on Sabine. She stalked her before going into the cockpit. I put a hand on Sabine's shoulder, attempting to console her. She was left with much to think about, but there was a path to redemption.

I limped into the cockpit and sat down in the seat behind the ship's pilot, directly across from Bo-Katan. Even though I needed to let my injury heal, I felt that what I had to say was of far greater importance. "My Lady," I addressed the Mandalorian. "You need something?" she replied, still a little tense. "I don't truly understand how you feel. But I've seen her pull through way worse than this," I said, hoping to ease the tension. Bo-Katan curled her lips and stared at me. "What her weapon did and can do could destroy Mandalore. I'm not willing to let the Empire continue killing our people," she said bluntly. "I know you aren't. But Sabine is strong. She's been challenged like this before when she had to face her family. Now all she's thinking about is how to make it up to everyone," I explained, trying to convey Sabine's thoughts. We all saw the remains of Clan Wren not too long ago. Sabine was affected the hardest out of everyone. She wants to redeem herself, and she'll do whatever it takes. I know Bo-Katan can see that. "I don't disagree, but there's no denying that she made a mistake and that it has punished her," Bo-Katan argued. "I only wish you could have seen her before now. I've had to put up with her flare-ups forever, especially when she first trained with the Darksaber. I know how bad she wants this," I countered. Bo-Katan was a sensible person. There's a reason she is well respected by many Mandalorians. Something of this magnitude never sits right with anyone, but if there was anyone to find the middle ground, it was her. "I believe you. It won't be easy to convince the other clans to follow Sabine, but it's only right to assist her to the end," Bo-Katan accepted, proving my theory correct. "We're coming up on the camp. Let's go." I stood up, still feeling a little pain. Leaving the cockpit, I braced myself for what lay ahead, uncertain but hopeful of Mandalore's future.

The ship landed and the ramp opened, revealing a few Mandalorians coming to greet us. Sabine exited first as Ezra and I flanked her. "Sabine Wren!" one of them shouted as the welcoming party raised their blasters at her. Ezra and I drew our weapons in defense of our friend, creating a tense standoff. "We know you built that weapon!" "You betrayed us all!" "You're a traitor to Mandalore!" The accusations flew from the crowd, each one aiming to break Sabine's spirit. "Lower your weapons! Sabine did everything she could to stop this from happening. You must believe us," Alrich intervened. "Any attack on my daughter is an attack on Clan Wren," Ursa threatened. Everyone was poised to attack, but no one dared to shoot first. Silence shrouded the scene, begging to be broken. "No," Sabine announced, throwing her helmet on the ground. "What are you doing?" I questioned. "It's time to take responsibility for my actions," Sabine declared, her voice steady with resolve. "It's true. I designed the weapon as a student at the Imperial Academy. The Empire is using my prototype, but it's only functioning at a fraction of its capacity. At full power, it will destroy armies. So you've got a choice to make. We can fight each other, or we can destroy this weapon once and for all." The Mandalorians seemed skeptical of Sabine's message, keeping their blasters raised. It would take someone persuasive to back her up. "I understand your anger. In many ways, I feel the same. But Sabine is right. Now is not the time to be divisive. She knows the most about this weapon and how to destroy it. We need her," Bo-Katan added. She scanned the space to see how her people would respond. Sure enough, her words resonated with them, and they lowered their weapons, welcoming us into their camp. "It's time for you to prove your loyalty. Not just to your family, but to all of Mandalore," I heard Bo-Katan say to Sabine. She was completely right. Sabine had made many mistakes, but she worked her ass off to rectify them. And I knew she was capable of stepping up to the challenge again. We walked into the biggest tent, ready to end this destructive chapter.

We wasted no time planning our attack. Tristan uploaded some data into Chopper, who projected numerous holograms of a Star Destroyer. "Saxon has worked hard to keep the weapon a secret, so he likely has it aboard his Imperial Star Destroyer, outside of Sundari. Needless to say, it will be very well guarded," Alrich began. "Once we get inside that ship we'll need two teams. One to find the weapon, and one to wipe out every shred of data on it from the Imperial computer systems," Sabine devised. "This weapon, is there any way it can be turned against the Empire?" Rau inquired. "I have studied stormtrooper armor, and while the thought has crossed my mind, that... that isn't our mission. We have to destroy it," Sabine said hesitantly before refocusing on the objective. "I'll lead the attack team," Ursa announced. "With respect, Countess, you can barely hold a blaster," Rau replied, making note of her still being visibly hurt. "I'm just as good with my other hand," Ursa countered. "Yes, Mother, but we'll need you for tactical support," Sabine declared. "So be it," Ursa resigned. "I'll get you to the weapon," Bo-Katan volunteered. "Ezra and I will take Chopper to the data core," Kanan said. "Alright, let's go over our infiltration path," Sabine continued. Bo_Katan placed a hand on my shoulder, slightly pushing me away from the briefing. She had something to say to me, so I followed her and Rau just out of earshot of our friends. "I'm surprised to see you so swayed by Sabine Wren. You seem to be as impressed with her as I am," Rau said to Bo-Katan. "After her speech, I thought about this young warrior's words," Bo-Katan responded, alluding to my earlier conversation with her. "She's faced her past before and will continue doing so in honor of her family. She's a courageous leader. She reminds me of the best of who we were and could inspire us to become more than what we have been of late. I will not allow her efforts to be wasted." I nodded at this realization. "We just have to do our part as well. As long as Sabine knows she's not alone and that she has something to work for, she'll do it," I said, highlighting her persistence. The rest of our attack team rejoined us, signaling that it was time to go. Bo-Katan walked away for a moment and handed jetpacks to me and Kanan so we could make the journey. "You ever use one of these before?" she asked. "No, but in this case I'm a fast learner," I quipped. We took off into the darkness of the night, determined to end this weapon's terror once and for all.

After struggling with my jetpack initially, I eventually managed to fly somewhat smoothly. I did lag behind for almost the entire flight, but I was keeping up with our team. We flew into the hangar of Saxon's Star Destroyer, just hanging off the edge to not alert any troopers on guard. As a couple stormtroopers passed by, we moved stealthily behind a few ships. Sabine did some scouting as the rest of us did our best to stay hidden. "Hey!" a TIE pilot shouted, exposing our position. Bo-Katan and Sabine quickly knocked him out to regain our cover. "Hold it right there!" a stormtrooper called out, shooting at us. Everyone drew their weapons and fired back, sparking a battle in the hangar. Stormtrooper after stormtrooper flooded in, and two walkers dispatched themselves into the fray. "Those will complicate things," Rau observed, noting their imposing presence. The bigger cannons were threatening enough to cause the Mandalorians to focus on them instead of the troops. "Hold them off! Bo-Katan and I will get to the weapon!" Sabine said loudly. I shot down both troopers blocking their path, enabling them to make their run. Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper pushed deeper into the Star Destroyer to execute their plan. I ducked behind a stack of crates to evade the Empire's fire. Then I heard an explosion. I looked up to see the walkers shaken up a bit, but they ultimately stood tall and kept shooting. "I'll take care of the ground troops. Keep those walkers from looking down!" I advised. I darted closer to a blast door, thankful my limp was almost gone, and found a squad of stormtroopers running in to reinforce their side. I waited for them to position themselves, then I launched my surprise attack, taking out most of them. I ducked back behind the crates to avoid the return fire. The walkers kept their fire on the Mandalorians, and one almost stepped on two of our warriors. They flew up and got out of the way, elevating their height to keep the cannons away from us. One of them launched a rocket at the cockpit, but the walker ate the missile, almost completely unscathed. I crept back further behind cover to find a better angle, but something else caught my glance. I looked up and saw a flashing blue light from a room. Then I realized what was going on. The weapon was activated. And Sabine is up there. This isn't good at all.

Sabine's POV:

I was writhing in pain. I was screaming in agony. My joints hurt. I couldn't think straight. The only thing I could see was Governor Saxon's sinister smile and his vengeful eyes. With every bolt of lightning that pierced through my armor, I felt myself getting closer to rejoining my clan in the afterlife. That burning feeling was unbearable. I wanted to black out, to cease feeling the torture of my own monster. As I was about to succumb to my fate, the weapon turned off. I gasped for air, my body trembling as I slowly recovered from the bolts. "Are you impressed by how well your weapon works?" Saxon taunted. Two stormtroopers emerged from his office, aiming their blasters at Bo-Katan. "I believe you can do better. Help me increase the weapon's range, or she dies," he threatened. "Stop! I'll do what you want," I begged, unable to fathom letting Mandalore's rightful ruler perish. "Sabine, don't!" Bo-Katan pleaded. I stood up, hands in the air, and slowly approached the weapon. "You're doing the right thing, Sabine," Saxon said. I pressed some buttons, increasing the range of the weapon. "This weapon of yours, it can unite the houses. It can bring peace." "As long as our people are on their knees before you and your Emperor," I said facetiously, pressing some buttons on my gauntlets. "Mandalore must adapt to survive. Would you rather we destroy ourselves in a fight that cannot be won?" Saxon replied. I finished the sequence by increasing the power level and stood up with my hands raised. "At least we'd die free, as true Mandalorians," I said. "It's done. The weapon is at full power now, but I'm begging you, don't use it." "I'll take that into consideration," Saxon responded. He pressed a button on his gauntlet almost immediately after. And that was his biggest mistake. The weapon was drawn to his armor, electrocuting him with a vengeance. I looked at the weapon and smiled. I couldn't believe it. My trick actually worked.

His guards also were affected by the weapon, paralyzed from the excruciating amounts of pain they were suffering. I peered out towards the hangar to see the weapon reaching over, stunning the troopers and immobilizing the walkers. I looked back at the distraught Governor, anger etched on my face. I stood over his incapacitated self. His biggest dream turned into his worst nightmare. "This isn't enough power to kill you. Just to make you suffer. How does it feel?" I mocked. "Sabine, stop!" Bo-Katan said. "Mandalore must be free!" I responded. "At what cost?" Bo-Katan questioned. "To beat the Empire, this is the only way," I replied, fully intent on bringing the Empire down with the same brutality they inflicted upon my clan. "It's not our way. It's their way. You came here to make things right," Bo-Katan said. "Will the future of Mandalore be one of honor or cowardice? Hope or fear? The choice is yours." I looked back at the Governor, who seemed to be begging for mercy. Mandalorians and honor were one and the same. It stood at the very core of our people's values. I know what I have to do. I looked at my own abhorrent creation one last time and ignited the Darksaber. "For Mandalore," I stated. "For Mandalore," Bo-Katan repeated. I slashed at the weapon, shutting it down for good. It started crackling, causing a chain reaction that would eventually implode on itself. I saw someone coming up the platform towards us. Bo-Katan and I raised our weapons at the person, which ended up being Ezra. "Woah! Hey! No, it's just me," Ezra said. I contacted Kanan on my comlink. "Kanan, the power core has been breached," I reported. "The data's wiped, but the stormtroopers are recovering quickly and heading this way," Kanan alerted. "Don't worry about them because this entire place is about to blow," I said. "We should probably go then," he replied. Bo-Katan and I joined Ezra on the platform and we descended down to the hangar. Everyone eventually regrouped, running past the stormtroopers who were slowly getting up. We activated our jetpacks and flew as fast as we could from the Star Destroyer. The massive ship suffered explosion after explosion, and I heard the fireball crash into the ground, officially scoring a victory for my people.

After a long night's sleep, I woke up to debrief the mission with Bo-Katan and my mother. Word spread around the camp about our significant victory, heavily increasing our morale. As I exited the tent, I was greeted by the sight of every Mandalorian who was part of this resistance. All of them crowded around Bo-Katan's ship, anticipating her emergence from her ship. I entered the ship and went into the cockpit, where my mother and Bo-Katan were waiting for me. "The news of Tiber Saxon's demise has spread across our people. Many more Mandalorians are willing to join our forces," my mother reported. Our rival clan was in a panic, having to fill a power vacuum for the second time in just a few months. "Even with this victory, our fight is far from over. The Empire will come back and send everything they have to crush us," Bo-Katan said bluntly. They had more than enough assets to replace the fading Imperial regime on Mandalore, unfortunately. Their overwhelming force was a prospect we'd have to face eventually. And I'm not sure if I'm ready for that. "That is why you should lead us, my Lady," I proposed, reaffirming my belief in her leadership. "Sabine, you had the courage to make a difficult decision. Even while being handcuffed by revenge, you came around and did what was right. You didn't forget our ways. And I respect that," Bo-Katan complimented. "But without your guidance, I think I would have acted out of anger. You have the wisdom of a ruler," I said, returning the kindness. I signaled her to follow me outside. "There's no one I trust to wield the Darksaber more than you. And I am not alone," I stated. I opened the ramp to reveal to Bo-Katan the numerous Mandalorian clans and freedom fighters standing before her, with big smiles on their faces.

"Clan Vizsla is with you," one of the clan leaders pledged. "Clan Rook is with you." "Clan Eldar is with you." "Clan Kryze is with you." Multiple other clan leaders voiced their unconditional support for Bo-Katan's return to rule. This was what I wanted all along. "The Protectors are with you," Rau stated, determined to avenge his fallen brothers. "Clan Wren is with you," my mother said with the same sentiment. "Now I understand why the saber came to me. So I could pass it on to you," I said. Bo-Katan looked at me, then at the Darksaber. In stark contrast from the last time I tried to pass the ancient blade on, there seemed to be a newfound resolve. A fight worth fighting for. This was the path she wanted to take. "I accept this sword for my sister, for my clan, and for all of Mandalore," Bo-Katan said proudly. She took the Darksaber from my hands, raised it in the air, and ignited it. In a show of loyalty, every Mandalorian kneeled before their new leader, ushering in a new era. I looked at Ezra, Kanan, and Y/N, who smiled back at me, proud of the decision I made. Y/N's smile quickly faded, however, and I knew exactly why. I motioned for my family to walk over to the concerned rebel. To my intrigue, they also had a surprise of their own. "There's a saying in Mando'a that goes like this: 'Aliit ori'shya tal'din.' Family is more than blood," my mother began. "What does this mean?" Y/N questioned. "For your contributions and successes in the name of Clan Wren, we bestow you with the highest honor we can give. Y/N L/N, you are now a Wren," my mother announced happily. Y/N saluted his new family members. "Welcome to the family, brother," Tristan congratulated, slapping Y/N's hand down and pulling him into a celebratory hug. His expression slightly shifted to a small smile. "Thank you for giving me a chance and this honor. I shall wear the name with pride and integrity," he said. But then he quickly reverted back to his timid demeanor, walking away towards Ezra and Kanan. I had to speak to my family about Y/N's uneasiness, or I would never get this chance again.

"Mother, Father, may we have a moment?" I asked them. "You never have to ask that, Sabine," my father answered. Although my claim to my family was legitimate, I still felt a little tense having these heartfelt conversations. "It's about Y/N," I said. "What about him? He is quite the warrior, and from what I hear, a good partner for you," my mother replied. "His time here won't be much longer. Thrawn is planning an attack on his homeworld. From what he told me, they're defenseless against the Empire. He's going back to protect them," I explained, aching at the news I delivered. My family looked at me in surprise. Their gazes shifted to look at Y/N, who briefly glanced back at us in sorrow. "What a shame. He could have been a valuable asset to us," my mother said sadly. "Mother, he has to protect his own, just as we do," Tristan countered. "Cyar'ika, I understand your desire to keep him around. It's not just our people that are in danger," my father added. His plea finally got through to my mother, who sighed in resignation. "For the future of himself and his people, he has my blessings," she said. "Also, I have to finish what I started. The Rebellion is counting on me to continue doing my part to free everyone. And on a personal note, I want to say goodbye to Y/N," I replied. My family turned around and huddled, whispering to each other for a moment before facing me again. "Normally I wouldn't allow it. But the loyalty you have to your rebel friends matches our own. You may go, and I wish you the best of luck," my mother accepted. "Even if it was just for a short time, I am happy to have been reunited with you," my father said proudly. "Keep doing what you're doing. Contact us as soon as you can," Tristan told me. "Thanks for everything. I'll return soon," I responded. We hugged as a family one last time before I went over to Y/N. "Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded, understanding what would come next. "Let's go home," he said. I could hear the mixture of anxiety and determination in his voice. I knew that feeling all too well. Just as he helped me, I would help him. We met up with Ezra, Kanan, and Chopper outside the Gauntlet. We boarded the ship and flew away from the camp. We left Mandalore's atmosphere and jumped into hyperspace, restless at what lay ahead of us.

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89K 1.6K 36
After the Ghost crew got captured on a mission, the Empire won't put up with them anymore, so they are frozen in carbonite. Four years pass of being...
24.5K 220 29
Our beloved Ghost crew returns to rebel command after another successful mission. But, what will happen when a mysterious hooded figure and three Ven...
1.6K 7 23
꧁B̸o̸o̸k̸ 1꧂ Before encountering Lord Vader, yet after the inclusion of the rebellion, What if in between these events the ghost crew discovered a se...
45.7K 851 26
Here are a few one shots about the ghost crew. Hope you like it. Includes many pranks, family fluff, dark stories and even karaoke. So enjoy readin...