Curiosity (Paimon reader X Pl...

Por khaneoshikki

5.8K 195 59

... "Y/n, starlight, please for your own good, don't follow Adam. he's going somewhere for the day..." "so it... Más

The Hazbin Hotel

Extermination Day!

3K 97 39
Por khaneoshikki

(before we begin, I have no idea what Paimons powers are, from what I know she can float and teleport, she will of course have all the standard abilities we've seen from angels, flight, invincibility to everything that isn't holy weaponry and of course, the power to Sprout wings. But aside from that, I don't really know what other abilities I should give her, please give me ideas on what abilities I should give her at the triangle down below↓)


... She was an angel unlike others... She had no former life on earth, nor what is she there at the beginning...

She came from a little ember of light... Without any memories, without a name, she found herself in the arms of one of the seraphim...

Ever since that day, she had been raised by the higher ups of heaven... Speaking of which...

We now see a certain person entering their house, finally out of any and all public watch. The man snaps his fingers as his outfit changes from battle armor with a LED mask, to something a lot more cozy.

(Fun fact: Adam did not teach Y/n how to read.)

"Y/n! I'm hooooome!" The angel said as he meet his way to his living room. He of course saw a sleeping little girl on the couch. Her hands stuck in a jar shaped container of cheese balls. "Hey n/n, wakey wakey!" He said as he shook the little girl awake.

The tiny angel simply murmured in her sleep as she rolled over. "Adam you Lucky son of a bitch, how are you such a good parent?" Adam said as he talked to himself. Just before snapping his fingers once more as a whole plate of chicken drumsticks, lathered in barbecue sauce, spawned in his hands.

For the first time in 6,000+ years, Adam felt like he was being a good father, perhaps the problem back then was that he expected his boys to work and do chores? Perhaps it was him being too hard on them? Nevertheless, he vowed that you would be a good dad, at least just this once...

As the angel was about to fall asleep, he remembered something very important... In 30 minutes extermination day was about to begin! Adam gave a hard sigh as he snapped his fingers and the chicken drumsticks disappeared. "Hey sweetie, dad's got to go to work, I know I just got home and all, but I have a very important job to do, Emily and Sera should be coming over to watch you while I'm gone, Stay safe!" The first man said as he snapped his fingers, which then changed his outfit, and dashed out the door.

It was then that his adopted daughter woke up from her nap.

"Hmmm? Where... Papa go?" The tiny angel said as she waddled her way to the door and left the house...

Meanwhile, on the other side of paradise, Adam was in front of hundreds of monochrome Angels, each wearing a different kind of mask.

Adam then cleared his throat as he started to speak. "As you all know, today is finally extermination day, remember, whoever kills the most sinners gets... I don't know... Like a thousand heaven bucks or something like that, let's Strike em Hard and Fast, I have a sleeping daughter I need to get back to... Anyway, ATTACK!!!" Adam said as his exorcists made their way through the portal to hell.

Unbeknownst to the first man, a certain tiny angel followed the exorcist army into hell...

In hell, a golden ring appeared in the sky, demons all over the place started to hide inside of shelters and buildings, trying their best to survive, doing whatever they could to survive...

And then the Big A himself arrived followed by his army of hundreds to possibly thousands of angels.

Adam then started to speak. "Hello Sinners! How are y'all doing this fine morning? If your answer was terrible, then you haven't seen anything yet!" He teased as he started to fire beams of concentrated and condensed light at every nearby sinner he saw.

Lute then yelled. "Charge!" As all of the Angels started to fly down in massacre every demon in their path. Adam then cackled out wickedly as he then decapitated a Loan shark sinner, who was trying to protect his son and wife, with his golden axe.

Lute then ripped off and nearby pig demons head with her bare hands as she then dismembered it's body and proceeded to do the same to about 15 other sinners.

A small group of angels then broke into one of the towers nearby the center of the pentagram, for 10 minutes, screams could be heard coming from inside the tower as all of the windows were covered in red from the inside.

Adam then started to air guitar as he then fired a massive blast of light at a entire block of the city, instantly vaporizing it and any sinners inside. He then fired a smaller more compact blast at a large Tower nearby, the blast destroyed the support systems at the bottom of the tower, sending it careening over and collapsing onto other towers, causing a domino effect with skyscrapers.

Lute then ripped out a bird demons spine, which she then used as a whip to then choke and rip off the head of a demon with a pillow for a head. "97!" Lute laughed out with a sadistic Joy as she then flew towards a demon child with a coffee mug for a head.

There was of course demons who tried to fight back, however all they were met with was failure and painful deaths...

Another exorcist then flew towards a demon with four spider legs and a anglerfish lure on its head, The exorcist chuckled with glee as she slowly and painfully ripped off the demons legs one by one and jabbed them right into the demons skull and ribs. "That's 46! Almost halfway to my high score of 122!" The exorcist chuckled out as she flew towards another crowd of screaming and coloring demons.

While the all the murder was happening,
Y/n gently made her way down into an alleyway, she then saw a building far away from the others, it had a large circle with a line in the middle on the front of the top. Curious like always, Y/n quickly teleported inside of the building, she then found a huge bed that was twice the size of hers, she even decided to sleep on the bed for a while as she was still tired from her food coma earlier...

Back outside, piles upon piles of bodies stood like mountains beneath the angels, who carelessly and joyfully slaughtered everyone in their path. Adam could be found sitting on one of the smaller piles as he pointed his hand towards a nearby building and exploded it with a large light blast. "Hahaha! Isn't this hilarious?! Look at them run! 'please spare me! I have a kid!' Fucking hilarious! Right lute?!" Adam said as he looked at his second in command, who was, covered in so much blood that her armor and outfit looked ruby red.

"Yes sir!" Lute cackled as she ripped a sinners genitals out with her bare hands and tore off their head with her bare hands. She then it's a little over to another streaming demon and prepared to massacre them without Mercy.

Adam could only laugh as he watched the scene play out, he spawned a large bucket of popcorn in his hands as he watched all of the Carnage unfold as if he were watching a movie.

Behind Adam, a single demon with the head of a snake and the ears of a cat prepared to strike, she prayed to Lucifer for protection as she slammed a 20 ft long, and five feet wide Cudgel down onto Adam.

She smiled, thinking that she had killed Adam... Until her very heart was held right in front of her face, the very next second...

the demon watched as Adam slowly, painfully and literally crushed her heart with his bare hands, before instantly eviscerating the rest of the demon with a large beam of light. "Holy fuck! Hey danger tits! Did you see that?! That was Fucking hilariously awesome!" Adam gloated as he proceeded to keep slaughtering every sinner in his path.

This went on for a whole day... Countless bodies piled up like mountains, rivers of blood covered the streets of hell, survivors cowering inside of Sewers, trash cans and whatever else they could find that wasn't destroyed or on fire...

At the end of it all, Adam could be seen with his guitar axe standing on top of the tallest mountain of bodies. The first man and leader of this partial genocide then yelled out to any survivors. "HAPPY NEW YEAR FUCKERS! SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!" he yelled as he played his guitar and opened a portal in the sky...

Back in heaven... Adam and his army finally returned.

Like always, Adam was exhausted, he had a fun extermination, now he was going to have a nice nap before waking up and making blueberry pancake and sausage corn dogs for Y/n like he did every year.

Then a small group of exorcists then walked up to Adam, the first man looked at the group in confusion, he remembered that there was usually one more member of this group, Abigail or Abs, he hoped she hadn't gotten too carried away and was still exterminating sinners. And then he heard some news from the group of angels which confused him and was a shock to hear.

"General, Abigail is... Dead..." The group of angels told Adam. But upon hearing such impossible news, Adam freaked out. "I'm sorry, did you just say that an angel was killed by a sinner?! Normally I'd play this as a joke, but seeing how Abigail is missing and you're acting like this is serious, I'll look into it, if I can't find her I'll have a drone look for her or her body in hell... But for now, At ease ladies! Now go enjoy a well-earned day of rest and relaxation!" Adam said as he flew back to his house.

What he found was somehow even worse than hearing an angel was possibly murdered by a sinner... He found Sera and Emily looking all around his house before then hearing Sera utter a sentence that shook Adam to his core...

"Y/n is missing!"

End of Chapter...

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