🅃🅁🄸🄽🄺🄴🅃 🄱🄾🅇 || Y!ᴰˢ...

By Nebula_Echo

3.9K 76 56

>REQUESTS CLOSED< Yandere dsmp x reader •Oneshots/Headcanons/Imagines (Doing it out of boredom, so don't expe... More

𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 (1)
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐢𝐟𝐭
𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞
𝘾𝙝𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 [𝙃𝘾'𝙨]
𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐬
A/N Quick update

𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞

361 9 1
By Nebula_Echo

Yandere Crimeboys X teen! Angel! Reader

Requested: povs_master

Cw: Violence, death, forced platonic affection

A/N: I am so sorry if this turned out a bit too weird. I dont know what I smoked when I wrote this angsty piece lmao. But I hope you still like it!


Whether you wanted it or not-the world was changing drastically around you.

Was the past really better? Were the people close to you happier and healthier? Was life truly good back then and just got ruined by the endless series of unfortunate events, or were you just blind? Too foolish and naive to see all the red flags earlier? More important-could you have stopped it? Could you have changed it, were you to recognize it sooner?

A part of you believed that there was still a good ending to this story. A stupid, hopeful part of you thought that staying here was the right choice. But you couldn't. The stone walls of the cold ravine threatened to suffocate you very soon, and you saw the eyes of your friends getting drained from sanity.

Pogtopia and the occupation of L'Manberg changed Tommy and Wilbur. You knew that, and it hurt.

The two brothers have been your friends for the longest time. Your intelligence, humor, kindness - how could they not adore you? Tommy had another friend to run around and cause chaos and Wilbur felt protective over you immediately, wanting you to grow up happy, despite the absence of parental figures. To both, it was clear, that you were like a younger sibling to them. Family by choice and not blood.

Sometimes they put in a bit too much effort into being there for you. But it was always meant well, and you were never mad at it. Especially during the first war, you stuck to one another like glued together. Everyone had lasting problems from the traumatizing event, but you liked to believe that it only strengthened your bond.

Oh, if you only knew how little you knew about how deep and twisted your thesis would turn out to be...

Back to the current time, being together with Wilbur feels like being tied to a ticking bomb. It's a constant rollercoaster of emotions that are being thrown at you, together with the responsibility of keeping his paranoia under control.

Tommy tried to cling onto sanity and help you be the voice of reason here, but the former leader was clearly rubbing off on him. Tommy was showing clear signs of severe anxiety and like always you felt the need to make him feel better.

That's who you were- [Name], the Altruist. Always making sure everyone was okay, trying to keep the balance in the life, while slowly destroying yourself.

In the eyes of many, you were just the pure young hero. Only slowly growing up to be an adult,  still a child who should be enjoying a peaceful life and not risking their life for their friends or their country.

Well, for once in your life, you had a similar opinion. You were not a helpless child, you refused to be such. But you deserved to live in peace and this life- it could not give you this peace anymore. There was no light at the end of the tunnel.

That's why you made sure to behave like an angel towards the two brothers for the past weeks. You didn't even stutter a word about leaving Pogtopia, not once did you leave the side of any of the two. Your words were an endless broken record of:

" Of course I would never betray you, of course I am happy here with you, of course I love you..."

-and so on.

All of this careful walking on eggshells led up to the paranoid pair forgetting to lock the door to your room. This night, when you convinced them to relax and go to sleep early, instead of worrying about Manberg's existence or yourself, was your chance.

Your bag  was filled with only the most important stuff. This wasn't a quick trip. This wasn't even a goodbye, as much as it hurt. This was an escape. You were fleeing from this place.

What was the point in enduring the days in captivity as they got worse with time and no one saw hope for L'Manberg? Either it would be blown up by TNT or you would get it back.

So what if you did? You couldn't expect it to go back to normal, once it happened. No matter how much Tommy talked about winning the war and sugarcoated Wilbur getting back in power, it would never erase the damage that was done.

Something was very wrong with your friends, and you failed to help them. It was too late.


Feeling the fresh air above the surface, was the first time when you allowed yourself to breathe through. The echo in the ravine was horrendous, and you couldn't allow yourself to take the risk of making any sound.

Your heart was hammering in your chest. This was it. You felt the guilt nagging at you for leaving them. Abandoning them, betraying your friends.

But you were right. You couldn't back down and return to the suffocating hugs, the mad rambling about brotherly love and the threats about no one being on your side beside them.

Hearing a twig snap under your feet, pushed you to run, triggering a primal instinct of being a prey. Just who would get you first? The Manberg allies? The two lovesick brothers? Or maybe your own attachment to your previous life and the fear of making a grave mistake right now?

Running like this was a nightmare. You stumbled over your own feet all the time. They had hidden your shoes at some point, but you managed to steal Wilbur's old pair. The empty space, which your smaller feet didn't fit, was stuffed with old bandages. Not that it helped too much now. 

You felt sick. Head dizzy, legs numb- everything was working against you. 

Where were you running? You didn't know and it caused panic. 

Where would you even run to? You had no idea who was still on your side! 

It's like Wilbur's words were actually turning out to be true...


No. No, the forest was silent.

Too silent. So much, in fact, that you clearly heard their rushed steps running on the rustling forest ground.

No. NO! This couldn't be happening! 

"[Name], come back! Don't you dare run! Please, come back!" 

"[Name]! It's no safe for you to be out in the woods by yourself...! Come on out, we just want to talk!" 

Even within the distance, in pitch dark, you saw and recognized their faces. Oh, the gentle, caring faces of them...they were so worried...they only wanted you to come back home...

You ran. And they did too.

You suddenly get tackled from behind. You fall to the ground and the thorny twigs with the rocks cutting your skin. The breath gets knocked out of your lungs upon impact, and before you have enough air to scream, a hand shouts your mouth. Tommy pins you to the ground. His eyes show a mixture of anger and guilt. Your muffled screams and pleading hurt both his ears and heart.

"Tommy, don't. Don't you dare let them go-" The second shadowy figure runs up and kneels infront of you.

"Oh [Name]...you poor child - what did I tell you about sneaking out?" He speaks with a gentle voice. His hand starts out by carefully lifting your chin, but quickly switches to pulling your hair to hold your head in place. "What did I tell you! You ran and now you're injured! But worst of all, you lied to us!" 

"Tommy- what did I tell you! No one! Fucking no one is on our side!" He goes right into his mad rambling. "Even our poor and naive little sibling [Name] got brainwashed right under our nose by those dirty bastards!" 

"Wilbur- please! You are hurting them! They didn't mean it, right? Right, [Name]? Tell us you did not decide to leave us..." Tommy pleaded, but held you just as tight. He wasn't on your side. He was just as damaged enough to hurt you if needed. 

Tears filled your eyes at the sheer fear of what could happen next. You have never gotten so far.

Just how far could immense trauma and love for you, lead those two to the abyss?

"It's okay, shh...It's all good..." Your tears get wiped away. You can feel Tommy's shaking hand brush through your hair.

"We know you didn't mean it, dear...you are just a little confused. You have been working so hard to keep everything in track, keep us safe and happy..."

You found yourself weakly nodding to those words. Those warm, understanding words. You never wanted to leave your family. You were just tired. So fucking tired of ignoring how everything was going downhill.

"Everything will be alright, [Name]. Just relax and don't make it any more difficult for us, okay?" The oh-so gentle hand leaves you and your heart spikes up again. "Tommy, get the potion." 

Your breath freezes when you see the sparkling red liquid in the glass vial. You didn't know what it did, but you knew the president's potion-brewing masterful skills. If this landed on you, it was the end of freedom.

"Wilbur, no- We can just take them back, chain them up for a bit, but that's too much!" 

"This is the only way to get it through their thick scull! Now give me the fucking potion!

A second and last flood of energy hits you. You bite into the hand holding you in place, drawing blood. You throw off your best friend and get off the floor. 

You wrestle out of the restricting hold of your year-long mentor and run forth.

"NO! [Name], WATCH OUT!" You can't see the way in front of your eyes, as everything becomes blurry from your tears. But you know that the bitter end has come. It was time to pay the prize of freedom.

"[NAME]!" You run, but suddenly one of your feet never touches the ground. For a second, you are flying. As free as a creature with wings.

In the next second, you fall off a cliff and die as you descent into the dark abyss.


Death is cold, but so pleasantly familiar. It was like a big scoop of ice cream on a winter day. You get sick from it later, but the sweet taste stays forever, unable to compare to any other.

You stay in limbo for how long...? Months. Maybe centuries, maybe minutes? You couldn't count the time in a place where it didn't exist. 
The only thing that makes a difference in your snowy, cold hell, were the occasional hallucinations. Your enemies, your friends...

...your family. 
You swore you could make out glimpses of them sometimes. Through the howling blizzard, you sometimes caught glimpses of the life the people lived without you. Time flew by with light speed, there, on the other side.

 But your soul spends its existence laying in the snow, hoping to become one with the cold nature some day. But a higher being had other plans.

"My poor angel...", a woman's voice cooed, the warmth in the voice, pulsating through your body. "It is too soon for you to be here..."

She lifts you up into her palms. A whine escapes you. You wanted to stay here with her.

"I am sorry, [Name]. But you must return. Life won't be easy for an angel like you, but I will always be there for you. And once you overcome all the hardships, we will reunite in a better place." 


The world shifted.

Suddenly, you breathed again.

Your lungs existed once more with your liver, stomach and heart. Your eyes could open again and there was actually something to see for them again. The snow-white is peeled open, away from your eyes.

But those weren't snowflakes anymore, no...these were wings.

And behind thousands of fluffy down feathers, you saw faces, you would have never thought of seeing again. Tommy...Wilbur...your friends, your family.

"[Name]?" The voice buzzed in your ears. Living was something you would have to get used to.

"Shh..Tommy. Remember, they're more sensitive than ever."

"I do remember, you prick. I was dead too, you know?"

"You look so different..." You speak your first thoughts out loud, albeit a bit raspy.

"And you look just the same as before, dear..." Your wings twitch upon the touch. " Aside from the wings, of course." 

"We are sorry, [Name]. But we couldn't. We tried to live without you, but we clearly failed."

"But now that all of us got another chance of life, we wanted to start over, with you..." 

You look around. This is a completely new place. A nice and cozy wooden cabin, where only some of the decorations hinted at the two residents-the two brothers you had known and loved. Maybe a little bit too much, as well

You are lying on a sofa, blankets and satin pillows around you, ironically placed like a nest. Two majestic white wings protrude from your back. Your new, stitched together body formally glows.

It must be a sign of freedom and power but-

You try to sit up, only to fall back down. The wings are too big for your small and frail frame of a revived teenager, who hasn't aged a day since their death.

"You don't have to worry about that. You may be ours, and we may keep you with us forever now, but we will not use your nature against you, [Name]."

"We ask you to give us just another chance. Just one last chance to build a peaceful life, together. We might heal and stop being...fucked up, you know? We will be better.

"Well..." You sigh, leaning into their hold as they help you get up. Those wings may be your curse, but once you grew into them, they would become a blessing. And to shorten your waiting to this point, the universe played a game with you and your brothers. The game of love and madness.

"I think I will be worse. But sure thing. Let's play this twisted game." 

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