The Color Of You

Bởi Stuieee

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Falling in love is never easy, but what if your heart pulls you towards the two people you should never fall... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1 (Prologue)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 20

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Bởi Stuieee

You had thought that it would be easy to find a balance in your life, to not become completely consumed by your feelings for Natasha and Wanda. But instead, it seemed though you became incapable of finding joy in anything that didn't involve them. Your intense yearning to be with them overshadowed every other aspect of your life.

The days leading up to seeing them again dragged on torturously slow. Each hour was agony, and it bothered you how everything had turned into a dull shade of grey without their presence. When did the change happen, and how had you missed the transformation occurring? You shook your head as you looked inside your wardrobe with a sinking feeling; nothing felt good enough. The yearning for their appraisal compounded the already sinking feeling of seeing them. Your mind felt split in two, one fighting this change, a creeping embarrassment at how you let yourself go when it comes to them. The other part was cheering you on, willingly adding saucy and very distracting slideshows of the passionate night that you shared. Your body burned for them while your mind was at war, and you wondered which side would win in the end.

The beeping of your phone declared the winner as you floated over, the butterflies in your stomach taking flight. You were almost vibrating by the point you got your phone unlocked, and the message from Natasha only added to the feeling as it declared that they were waiting outside.

You sprinted over to the wardrobe and ripped out the dress you had worn on the night everything had turned south with James; deciding that this was the time to create a new and hopefully better memory with this dress. Caressing the hem to ensure it had no wrinkles, you turned to the mirror to make sure your hair looked good before gathering your things and leaving.

A sleek black car was parked outside the curb as you exited your building, and when it opened, you noticed Natasha waving for you to get in with a teasing smile. You wasted no time as you rushed over, and she laughed as she ushered you in. Wanda's ring-clad fingers wrapped around your wrist as she pulled you towards her over the black leather seats, and when you were close enough she kissed you deeply. Her fingers curled around the back of your neck, and you sighed against her pillowy lips, sinking into the softness of her body. She was so gentle as her lips slowly slid over yours, and her breath was hot against your lips each time she parted only to lean in again and kiss you once more.

"Sharing is caring," Natasha chuckled, guiding your chin towards her lips as you eagerly indulged in the taste of her kiss.

Your toes curled in pleasure as the intensity of the kiss deepened, relishing in the soft sounds emanating from her throat. Desperate to feel her closer, you tangled your fingers in her hair, urging her on. She responded eagerly, her tongue slipping inside your mouth and you shivered in pleasure. Lost in the intoxicating sweetness of her lips, you surrendered to the moment, feeling as though you could happily drown in her embrace.

Your tumultuous and guilt-ridden thoughts drifted away with each glide of her pillowy lips, leaving you to wonder how you would ever survive without the comforting embrace and soft kisses that made your stomach flutter and your heart race.

As she pulled back from the kiss, you leaned gratefully against the arm she had wrapped around you, still catching your breath. Natasha seemed to recover quickly, her lips trailing to your throat amidst whispers from Wanda about how much they had missed you. Reluctantly released from her hold, you fell back against Wanda, and you sent Natasha a playful pout.

Natasha's eyes sparkled with amusement, prompting an even deeper pout from you.

"Did you want more?" she teased.

"Yes," you grumbled.

Feeling Wanda's chuckle against your back, your disappointment turned to embarrassment as she drew you closer.

"Trust me, if we weren't heading to the club, nothing would stop us," Wanda winked, her smirk softening. "Have you missed us?" she asked, tilting your head with a gentle finger to nuzzle your cheek.

"So, so much," you admitted without hesitation, planting kisses on her neck before nibbling tenderly.

"None of that," Wanda scolded playfully, adjusting your position and kissing each knuckle of your hand.

"We've created a monster," Natasha smirked, tickling your side, causing you to squirm and swat her hand away. She growled in mock threat, and you couldn't help but laugh. Feeling Wanda's embrace tighten, you relaxed, meeting her warm gaze as she caressed your hair.

Resting against Wanda, you observed the changing scenery outside the window as the car made its way to the undisclosed location of the club. Wanda occupied herself by humming along to the radio and playing with your hair. Occasionally, her rings would snag on a few strands, making you wince. However, you couldn't deny the pleasure you felt as she cooed and kissed the top of your head, apologizing for any discomfort. It only made you lean in closer to her soft embrace.

Natasha playful mood had slipped away the moment she picked up her phone, her annoyance palpable as she grumbled to whoever was on the other line. Lately, she had been under a lot of stress, her days consumed by damage control as her upcoming event had been pushed forward due to some of her art pieces being damaged by activists at a big art gallery in Paris. While you were all for saving the environment, you couldn't understand how damaging art would further their cause. Natasha had been livid when she received news that three of her paintings had been damaged, and currently, they were working tirelessly to salvage the pieces. The unhelpful artist's incessant calls only added to the chaos, leaving Natasha visibly frazzled.

Carefully, you extracted yourself from Wanda's embrace. She attempted to pull you back, but when you shook your head, she reluctantly let you go, her brows furrowing in concern. Natasha had just finished her phone call and was now furiously typing away. Sensing an opportunity, you nestled into her side, resting your head on her shoulder.

"Nat," you whispered softly, hoping to catch her attention.

She hummed in response, her gaze still fixed on her phone. Not wanting to add to her stress, you patiently waited until she tilted her head toward you, her ocean-colored eyes meeting yours.

"Hi," you whispered, noticing a slight twitch of her lip. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, don't worry about me, darling. There's nothing I can't handle," she reassured, her hand gently caressing your cheek. But you couldn't muster a smile.

"I want to help. Tell me how I can," you insisted, emphasizing your eagerness to assist her.

Natasha shifted, wrapping her arm around you once more, pulling you close. She nuzzled her nose against the crown of your head, inhaling deeply before releasing a soft sigh.

"This helps," she murmured against your scalp, and you closed your eyes, wishing you could alleviate all her burdens, even though you doubted your efforts were enough.

You jolted awake when the driver hit the brakes hard, letting out a surprised shriek. Natasha's voice rose in anger as she addressed the driver, while Wanda leaned over, assuring you that everything was fine. Though Wanda likely interpreted your flustered state as fear, it was more accurately a mix of surprise and embarrassment. Groggily looking around, you tried to regain your bearings.

It didn't seem like you had been asleep for long, as the city still surrounded you.

"Are we there yet?" you asked, your voice tinged with curiosity.

Wanda glanced up, peering out the front window before letting out a pleased hum. "Yes, very soon."

It was another 20 minutes before the car came to a stop outside what appeared to be an old hotel. You turned to Wanda, who surprised you with a soft peck on the cheek.

"Welcome to The Scarlett Mist," Wanda breathed, her eyes crinkling beautifully as her lips curled into a devious smile.

"Where all your depraved fantasies come true," Natasha chuckled darkly, causing you to whip your head around to look at her, almost getting a crick in your neck.

She raised her hands, waving them slowly as laughter bubbled from her lips. "I'm just teasing you, Ducky."

You responded by playfully slapping her arm, while Wanda chimed in, "Well, it's not entirely untrue."

Observing their soft banter, you couldn't help but revel in how the stress lines on Natasha's face smoothed out, replaced by that radiant smile. Their playful exchange, though teasing, brought genuine smiles to both their faces.

As you stepped out of the car, Natasha kept a comforting hand on your lower back, gently guiding you inside. It was a completely new experience to have a doorman open the door for you, treating you as if you were someone important. The sensation of being ushered inside with such care was unfamiliar and somewhat alien, yet undeniably welcoming.

You looked around in awe, trying to absorb every detail. The interior was nothing like you had imagined—sleek and modern, with white marble floors and walls covered with captivating art. However, as you approached a particular painting, you felt your cheeks flush; it depicted a rather graphic scene of a woman suspended in ropes. Despite the provocative nature of the painting, the woman's serene expression intrigued you.

"Do you like it?" Natasha inquired.

You nodded, feeling a warmth spread across your cheeks as you lowered your gaze.

"Thank you, dear," Wanda said softly, gently tugging on a strand of your hair.

"Is it one of yours?" you asked, alternating your gaze between Wanda and the painting.

With a soft smile, Wanda confirmed with a nod and hum.

You barely had time to appreciate the art further as Natasha briskly led you through the entrance hall toward a grand staircase. Despite trying to maintain composure, her long strides forced you to hustle to keep up.

The pace was so brisk that you had little opportunity to survey your surroundings. Despite exchanging pleasantries with those she passed, there was no time to take in the environment. Abruptly, she halted in a cozy room with inviting couches, leaving you breathless. Wanda shot Natasha a glare before guiding you to a plush couch and swiftly returning with a glass of cold water. As you gulped it down, you couldn't deny the comfort of the couch and the relief of the water trickling down your parched throat.

Upon opening your eyes, you were met with a warm smile from Pepper, seated across from you.

"Hi there, cutie," Pepper greeted cheerfully.

"Hey Pepper," you replied with a smile, drawing closer. Only then did you notice Wanda still beside you, her arm wrapping around you.

"Pepper, how's the renovation going?" Wanda interjected, interrupting whatever Pepper was about to say. Pepper glanced at you, and Wanda pulled you closer as Pepper offered a polite smile.

"Good—" Pepper began, but the atmosphere shifted when Natasha cursed loudly, and raised voices erupted from outside the room. Wanda released you but placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder as she rose from her seat.

"Wait here, sweetie. I'm just going to see what's going on," she reassured you, brushing her fingers over your cheek before glancing at the door. "There's nothing to worry about," she added quietly, kissing the crown of your head.

Pepper offered you a kind smile before following Wanda out, leaving you alone in the empty room. Your gaze remained fixed on the door, tension mounting as you hoped to catch any sound from outside. The urge to approach the door and eavesdrop grew stronger by the minute. However, you remembered Wanda's instructions to wait and didn't want to disappoint her. So, you stayed put and waited.

It felt like hours before the door finally opened, and Wanda and the others returned. Glancing at your phone, you realized it had only been close to 20 minutes since they left.

"Everything's okay," Wanda reassured you gently as she sat down. "You were so good for staying put," she added, lifting your hand to kiss your knuckles softly before turning her attention to Natasha.

You were surprised to recognize many of the others who settled on the couches. Agatha strode inside with confidence, shooting you a grin and a nod as Wanda curled her fingers around your thigh and squeezed it softly. Val slouched into one of the armchairs, whistling and waggling her eyebrows when you met her gaze. Feeling flustered, you looked away shyly, unsure why these women had such an effect on you.

As you finally regained your composure, you noticed Maria and Sif had joined the gathering, exchanging greetings with Natasha, who leaned casually against the couch you occupied. The situation, once tense, now felt oddly pleasant. Wanda's hand had shifted from your leg as Natasha settled in beside you, drawing you closer. You couldn't help but blush when Wanda leaned over and gently brushed your hair away from your face.

"So, is this official now?" Val's drawl broke the moment, her hand gesturing towards you.

Expecting Natasha or Wanda to respond, you looked between them, only to find them turning their attention to you. Confusion creased your brow. Why were they silent? Did they not want to confirm your relationship?

"What do you say, my little duckling? Are we official?" Natasha nudged you gently, and you were surprised how she brought the spotlight onto you.

Feeling the weight of everyone's attention, you swallowed nervously, a sense of vulnerability washing over you. The feeling was similar to what a deer might feel, caught in a room full of wolves.

Gathering your courage with shaking breath, you turned to Val forcing your voice to stay steady.

"Yes, we are official."

A mix of reactions followed, some cooed, some grinned, but to your relief, there was no sign of disapproval.

That was until.

"I bet Yelena is thrilled," Pepper muttered into her glass, her words piercing the air, causing you to stiffen in Natasha's embrace.

Pepper seemed taken aback, her widened eyes betraying unintended volume. You felt a pang of unease curling in your stomach and your first thought was that, she wasn't wrong. Could you truly call it official when your relationship remained hidden? Was it only official behind closed doors?

"What did you just say?" Natasha's tone turned dark, her gaze locking onto Pepper.

Pepper had adopted an indifferent expression as Natasha's challenge was laid out on the table. Pepper shot you a quick glance before she leaned back in the chair to meet Natasha's gaze head-on.

"You heard me," Pepper's voice held a cold edge, her eyes briefly flickering over to you again before returning to Natasha, ready to land a cutting blow, "but I doubt Yelena knows her best friend is being fucked by the both of you."

You sat in shock. Whatever you had anticipated Pepper saying, it sure as hell wasn't that.

You felt Wanda stiffen next to you before she made a move to push off the couch. But before she had chance, Natasha's hand clamped down on Wanda's leg, halting her movement. You couldn't decipher Natasha's intentions from her fierce glare, and you didn't dared to guess what would come next.

"Pepper, Pepper," Natasha chuckled darkly, and you swallowed hard as the tension escalated. "What a vivid imagination you must have, but who says we're fucking her, hmm?" Natasha's voice was laced with indifferent mockery as she ran her fingers through your hair.

"Oh, please," Pepper huffed, rolling her eyes. "It's so glaringly obvious, it's practically written all over your faces."

"It begs to differ if you're truly concerned about Yelena or if you're simply jealous that Y/N is with us and not you," Natasha shot back, leaning back with a cocky smirk.

You felt uncomfortable witnessing the verbal sparring, seeing Pepper's hurt flicker behind a facade of indifference as she rolled her eyes.

"My point is, you had options, yet you chose Y/N, who happens to be Yelena's best friend. Frankly, it seems rather self-centered of both of you to pursue a relationship with Y/N, knowing full well the potential complications it could bring with Yelena," Pepper said calmly, furrowing her brows as she leaned in closer.

Your mind swirled with guilt. Pepper was wrong to call Natasha and Wanda selfish; they hadn't coerced or manipulated you. Ultimately, the responsibility rested on your shoulders. You feared how your decisions would impact your friendship with Yelena. But still, you had no desire to end it with Natasha and Wanda. Steeling yourself, you knew that if you wanted to commit to these women, you had to stand up for them.

"It was me," you interrupted.

The room fell silent, and you stiffened, realizing you'd interrupted their conversation. All eyes turned to you, but you refused to let Natasha and Wanda shoulder the blame for your actions.

Nervously, you licked your lips before meeting Pepper's gaze head-on.

"It was me who asked for this. If there's anyone to blame in the end, I'm more than willing to accept it. But I can't ignore how I feel about them, and I didn't think I needed to justify our relationship to you," you stated firmly, gathering your courage. "They didn't coerce or deceive me into anything. If anyone in this room is acting selfishly, it's me."

You had to force yourself to not fidget when you were done, and it felt like your skin was burning beneath their eyes. However, feeling Wanda kiss your temple made your sinking heart soar, and you shot her a small smile before meeting Pepper's gaze once more.

Keeping eye contact with Pepper was daunting, and you desperately wished she would not push this issue further. Sure, your words had come out pitchy and desperate, but you doubted you would ever be able to master Natasha's calm demeanor when being openly criticized.

Pepper sighed and shook her head, her brows furrowing as she looked at you again. "You're too young to grasp the consequences of this relationship."

"I'm not a child, and I know what I'm doing," you defended, furrowing your brows.

"Pepper, that's enough. You're really starting to get on my nerves," Wanda warned with a scowl.

Pepper nodded towards Wanda before her gaze softened as she reached out for you. Perhaps it was her concerned gaze that prompted you to approach her. Feeling Wanda's fingers curl around your wrist gave you the confidence to see this through. You wanted to show you were strong enough to face their friends' judgment. You turned to Wanda and patted her hand with a smile, telling her quietly, "it's okay."

Wanda furrowed her brow as her eyes shifted from you to Pepper before letting you go. Wanda's warning glare directed at Pepper made you shiver, and you were impressed Pepper didn't falter; her hand stayed steady in the air as she invited you over. You straightened up and walked over to Pepper, wanting to be taken seriously, you tried hard not to shake as Pepper's hand grasped you and gently pulled you closer. You sat down on the low table facing her with a small smile. This was Natasha and Wanda's friend, and you knew friends had spats sometimes. You had several with Yelena, and you had no desire to be the wedge between them. So you met Pepper's eyes head-on, shielding your insecurities and hurt, willing to listen to the older woman.

Pepper's fingers traced softly over your knuckles, and memories of your time together flooded your mind. Though you didn't know her well, you were certain Pepper wasn't a cruel person.

"To be young and in love," Pepper spoke softly, catching you off guard. She chuckled softly before continuing, "I know my words hurt today, and believe me when I say that was never my intention. But Yelena is your best friend, and I'm worried what will happen when this all comes out in the light."

You frowned, acknowledging the truth in her words. You were aware of the potential for hurt, and Natasha and Wanda had also expressed concerns about Yelena.

"I know that, but some hurts are worth it," you replied earnestly.

Pepper closed her eyes briefly before meeting your gaze again. "All I'm trying to say is that you are still young." You were ready to defend yourself again with a scowl, but Pepper placed her fingers against your lips with a gentle smile. "I'm not saying you're a child, but you are young, so let me just finish. Okay?"

You nodded with thinned lips, swallowing your defense and storing it for later use if needed.

"It's common to become blinded by love, sacrificing everything just to cling to that euphoric feeling. What I'm trying to tell you is that without prior experience, you might not fully understand that while love can create something incredibly beautiful, it also possesses the potential to cause great harm." Pepper gently squeezed your hand and briefly glanced over your shoulder before returning her gaze to you. Her expression softened as she lowered her head to meet your eyes more directly. "Please believe me when I say that all of this comes from a place of concern. I genuinely want happiness for all of you."

You shook your head, feeling a twist in your stomach at her words. However, her gentle hold on your hands and the soothing motion of her fingers helped to calm the turmoil inside you. When Pepper pulled you closer, you met her eyes.

"Can you forgive me for my outburst?" she asked, tilting her head.

Still stung by her words, you turned to glance back at Natasha and Wanda, finding them where you had left them. The tension had melted off Natasha's face, and she was looking at you with a furrowed brow, while Wanda looked like she would sprint over if you gave her the word.

Turning back to Pepper, you absentmindedly played with her fingers as you pondered. You could not lie to yourself, and the hurt simmered in your stomach. But nothing Pepper had said was new; she was adept at packaging your own worries into neatly wrapped words. You had not expected this scenario when you went to the club, but when you tried to put yourself in Pepper's shoes, imagining if Yelena were you, you realized you would have harbored the same concern.

"I don't think I'm the one who deserves an apology," you whispered, looking up at Pepper.

She offered you a small smile and nodded. "You do deserve an apology for my crass words, but you're also correct. I'll make sure to apologize to them as well."

"Then yes, I accept your apology," you whispered back, feeling assured in your decision to forgive her.

Pepper patted your hand kindly before releasing you, and you moved back to where Natasha and Wanda were sitting. As soon as you were within reach, Wanda took the hand Pepper had just held and guided you into her arms. You melted into her embrace willingly, feeling the soothing vibrations of Wanda's voice as she spoke to Pepper.

It was evident that Wanda was unhappy, and to your surprise, Natasha was the one who diffused the tension. While they accepted Pepper's apology, Wanda's grip on you remained firm.

Noticing your distress, Natasha leaned in with a solemn smile. "Don't worry, my sweet little duckling. I promised you I would make sure it all turns out okay," she assured you. "Do you trust me?" she asked, her nose rubbing against yours.

You nodded with a smile before taking her hand, caressing her fingers, "do you promise?" you whispered.

"Always," she replied instantly, gently caressing your cheek.

You leaned back against Wanda once more, seeking comfort as you tried to calm the turmoil in your stomach. Wanda nuzzled your neck, whispering soothing words that gradually helped you relax. After taking some calming breaths, you found yourself able to enjoy the small chatter going on around you. Glancing over at Pepper, who was engaged in conversation with Val, you felt a twinge of happiness seeing her return to her usual self, despite the lingering hurt. You couldn't deny the validity of her accusations, but for now, you focused on being present in the moment.

Gradually, you managed to join in a discussion about one of the new professors at campus with Agatha, feeling the tension slowly dissipate from your body.

"So, Gamora will start the session in 10 minutes. Will you join?" Maria asked, interrupted the ongoing discussion and you looked between her and Wanda.

"Yes, we will be there," Wanda answered, caressing your back with her palm.

Wanda scratched your scalp gently and guided your head back. "An old friend of ours is in town and doing a shibari session. Are you up to join us?" she asked, gaining your attention.

"Sure," you shrugged, and Wanda nodded as she gently moved you away from her.

"What's shibari?" you asked as Wanda took your hand, walking after the rest of the women, leaving the room.

"Shibari is a Japanese form of bondage," Wanda answered with a smile.

You weren't completely lost; you had done some research on your own since Natasha and Wanda had mentioned BDSM. But you would never admit to them that you had closed your laptop so hard it almost broke after starting a porn video. You shivered, still hearing the screams in your mind. But you were 99.9% sure Natasha and Wanda weren't planning on hurting you. Their gentle introductions reassured you, despite your initial intimidation.

You shivered at the memory of what you had seen in your researched, returning to the presence as you entered a new room filled with couches and armchairs, all facing a stage at the front. Wanda's tug on your hand brought you back to the present, and you quickly sat down next to her and Natasha, managing only a wobbly smile. Wanda's concerned gaze swept over your face, causing you to quickly look away.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Wanda's voice held genuine concern.

"Yes, it's fine, I'm fine, everything's fine," you rambled nervously, releasing a giggle that caught Natasha's attention.

"What's going on?" Natasha leaned in, curious.

"I think our little duckling is nervous," Wanda cooed.

"Is that so?" Natasha's amusement was evident.

"No, she's lying," you huffed, crossing your arms defensively.

Wanda's hand was swift as she grasped your chin and turned your face towards her.

"Let's try that again," Wanda's tone was calm, yet her eyes held a hint of firmness as she held you close, staring you down.

Struggling to form coherent words, you spluttered out incoherent sounds. Wanda tutted quietly, maintaining her hold.

"I don't take kindly to being accused of being a liar. So, I will give you a chance to correct yourself," Wanda's grip on your chin was firm but not painful.

Unable to see Natasha from this angle, you gave up and met Wanda's eyes again, shivering at her raised eyebrow.

Wanda leaned in, murmuring against your cheek, "She won't save you from this, little one."

Realizing there was no way out, you admitted to your false accusation. "I'm sorry for calling you a liar."

Wanda's hold softened, and she leaned in to peck your lips. "That's my good girl," her praise felt warm and exciting as you shivered, and you groaned as her pillowy lips covered yours in a searing kiss. Her lips moved sensually over yours, eliciting a satisfied sigh from you. As you attempted to get closer, your hand accidentally landed on her breast. Wanda chuckled into the kiss, guiding your hand with hers to squeeze her breast. You squirmed, aware of the strangers surrounding you, but Wanda's firm grip kept you anchored. Feeling her nipple against your palm, fogged up your mind and you succumbed to the sensations.

Unfortunately it ended far too quickly, and with a pat on your cheek, Wanda released your lips with a pleased smile. Removing your hand from her breast, she kissed the tips of your fingers with a mischievous smirk. Your breathing was erratic as she released your hand and turned her attention to the stage at the front.

Your brain still felt foggy as the lights dimmed, and it was only when Wanda nudged you that you shifted your attention to the stage. A tall black woman entered with another shorter woman, and you observed their interaction with interest. Wanda leaned in closer, and still sensitive, you shivered when her auburn hair tickled your skin. She gently explained that the submissive is Gamora's long-term partner, Mantis, and they have been doing these sessions for many years. You nodded along and felt better knowing that the chance of Gamora letting Mantis get hurt was slim, considering their relationship. So you leaned back and watched as Gamora guided Mantis into position at the center of the stage.Your gaze followed their movements attentively as they touched, while Gamora explained each movement with authority. Yet, when her focus shifted to Mantis, her voice softened, guiding her gently. Intrigued, you leaned in closer, captivated by the Gamora's commanding yet soothing presence. Her gentle voice felt like a siren's song, drawing you in.

As the binding began, it seemed complex, and you winced a few times as she tightened the ropes. Yet, the girl displayed no discomfort, smiling up at Gamora with a dopey grin. You couldn't help but gasp as Mantis was raised into a complicated binding; you found an odd beauty in it despite its apparent discomfort. Yet, Mantis seemed to revel in it.

Your attention stayed fixed on Gamora's every move, her soft words to Mantis, and the gentle caress of her hands over the tight ropes. Wetting your lips nervously, you watched as she stepped off the stage, leaving Mantis suspended, prompting a worried glance at Natasha, who was already looking back at you.

"Is she just going to leave her like that?" you asked, concern evident in your voice.

Natasha's smile widened, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "No, she's just getting some things. Don't worry," she reassured you quietly.

"Okay, good," you breathed, turning back to the stage, Natasha's hand intertwining with yours, offering a comforting squeeze. You smiled shyly, relishing the openness of her affection, yet secretly hoping others would notice too, confirming it wasn't just your imagination.

"Pay attention," Natasha murmured against your ear, redirecting your focus to the stage where Gamora stood behind Mantis.

Struggling to see, you craned your neck, only to be playfully nudged by Wanda, her laughter soft. You swatted at her playfully in return and she narrowed her eyes with a smile before redirected your head with a teasing pinch to your cheek, urging you to pay attention.

Returning your focus to the stage, your playful mood shifted to horror and your jaw dropped at the sight of the leather whip in Gamora's hand. You turned to Natasha, urgently tugging her hand.

"Nat!" you whispered, seeking her attention.

"What's wrong?" Natasha asked, concern coloring her voice as she assessed your expression.

"Is she going to whip her?" you asked, aghast, gesturing toward the stage.

"Yes," Natasha replied gently.

"But she hasn't done anything wrong. Why is she getting punished?"

Natasha's demeanor softened, and she pulled you into her embrace, her tone soothing. "My little duckling," she cooed softly, "Mantis isn't being punished. Everything on stage is consensual, and Mantis is aware and willing. She wants this."

You frowned, looking towards the stage. "Who would consent to getting hurt?"

"A certain degree of pain brings pleasure, and vice versa," Natasha explained. "But a good dominant knows how to not harm her submissive. And they've discussed safe words for communication during the scene."

Listening to Natasha, you watched as Gamora dragged the whip across Mantis' body, alternating between addressing the audience and her submissive.

"Shouldn't 'stop' be enough to make her stop?" you asked, still puzzled.

Natasha nodded. "Yes, but safe words provide clearer communication and control during the scene."

You nodded, trying to comprehend Natasha's explanation as Gamora stepped back, the whip cracking against Mantis's skin. Flinching at each loud snap, you held your breath, expecting a scream but instead hearing Mantis's gasps and moans.

"She likes this," you murmured quietly to Natasha.

Natasha hummed softly, and you leaned against her, taking in the scene. Despite Mantis's apparent enjoyment, you found Gamora's serious demeanor terrifying as she wielded the whip.

"Does this scare you, sweetie?" Wanda's concerned voice interrupted your thoughts.

"Yes," you admitted, deciding honesty was the best policy.

Natasha caught your attention, offering a reassuring smile. "How about this: would you be scared if it were me or Wanda in Gamora's place?"

Your gaze returned to the stage as the whip cracked again. You hesitated, not liking the idea of Natasha and Wanda in that role with Mantis.

"Is that what you want? To do this with Mantis?" you asked, sidestepping the question.

Natasha shook her head gently. "No, darling, we only want to play with you. So, answer my question: if you imagine yourself in Mantis's place with me and Wanda handling you?"

Blushing furiously under their gaze, you admitted, "No, the thought of you and Wanda in Gamora's place doesn't scare me."

Natasha's kiss on your head reassured you, and you tried to focus on that image for the rest of the scene, breathing heavily by the time it ended. Wanda's cheeky smile and question about enjoying the session broke the tension, and with some gentle prodding from them, you admitted your enjoyment, albeit with embarrassment.

Afterwards, Natasha and Wanda greeted Gamora and Mantis onstage, introducing you. Though kind, Gamora and Mantis didn't linger, disappearing backstage.

Wanda leaned in close, brushing your hair aside. "What do you say about seeing our room, sweetie?"

You nodded eagerly, returning her smile as her fingers intertwined with yours, leading you out of the room.

As you strolled through the corridors, Wanda released your hand to recount the club's history. It didn't bother you; you were accustomed to her expressive gestures when she talked about something she was passionate about. Absorbing every detail she shared, you were intrigued to learn about the club they co-owned and why they started it. Passing by other women who greeted Wanda warmly, you mirrored her friendly demeanor, not wanting to seem rude. The women you met were kind, though you noticed a few flirting with you. However, their demeanor changed noticeably when Wanda curled her arm around your waist. Their surprise was evident, and without explanation, they quickly excused themselves while Wanda laughed playfully.

Continuing the tour, Wanda paused at various rooms, allowing you to peek inside, though some made your cheeks flush. She tactfully ignored your embarrassment, offering only encouraging smiles as you looked around. Answering all your questions, she gently coaxed you to open up about your curiosities. You did inquire about the different outfits, ranging from latex to kitten ears and tails. Wanda patiently explained the various dynamics, illustrating how each outfit represented different roles and preferences. Watching a girl dressed as a cat crawl on all fours after a latex-clad woman, your mind drifted back to Carol and Kitty. However, Wanda assured you that such dynamics weren't necessarily extreme; rather, they were tailored to suit the needs and desires of all involved. With each exposure, you began to grasp this new world you were being introduced to, gaining a deeper understanding of its intricacies.

Ascending another set of stairs, your excitement grew as Wanda stopped at the end of a long hallway and punched in a code on the touchpad. With a beep and a click, the doors opened, revealing a spacious room. A cozy kitchen area and a table greeted you to the right, while couches faced the wall in the middle of the room, with another couch by the window.

Leading you further into the room, Wanda opened a door to a bright and airy bedroom. The four-poster bed caught your eye, and you noticed Natasha caressing what appeared to be a crease on the red cover. Turning around at the sound of your entry, Natasha's smile melted your heart once again.

Encouraged by Wanda's gentle pressure on your lower back, you approached Natasha, who eagerly pulled you into a soft kiss. Her fingers felt cool and comforting against your warm skin as they caressed your cheek. Though you tried to deepen the kiss, she hummed sweetly before parting, leaving small, pillowy pecks against your lips.

"Did you have fun?" she asked, her gaze shifting between you and Wanda.

"Yes, Wanda showed me around on our way here," you shared, letting your eyes wander around the room.

"That's good. Did Wanda give you a tour of our small apartment here?" Natasha asked, her tone light.

"Yes, I saw the living room, and now this," you answered with a smile.

Natasha exchanged a glance with Wanda before meeting your eyes again. "Oh honey, then we have the best room left," she said with a wink, leading you out of the bedroom towards the door opposite.

Your eyes widened as she opened the door. At first, you noticed another bed, then your eyes found a steel wheel against one wall and you looked at it with confusion before turning your attention to a scary looking wooden x-cross against the other wall. You suddenly realized your own inexperience as you took in the room, but your attention froze on the cage in the corner.

"Do you have a dog here?" you blurted out, staring at the cage.

Natasha snorted, while Wanda seemed on the verge of laughter. Confused, you frowned at them. "What?"

"No, darling. We don't have a dog here," Wanda answered with amusement. "It's for other things," she added ominously.

"Oookay," you said, trailing off as you ventured into the room.

You reached out and touched the x-cross, glancing back at them. Wanda had settled on the bed behind you, watching your every move, while Natasha leaned against the wall with crossed arms. You pointed at the cross. "So what's this for?"

"That is and Saint Andrew's cross, and it's used to restrain a person," Natasha explained, beckoning Wanda closer.

You looked at her with worry, then back at the x-cross with concern.

"Does the thought of being restrained scare you, little duckling?" Natasha leaned in, studying your face.

Twisting your fingers nervously, you admitted, "Yes," before quickly averting your eyes.

"Let me ask you this then, sweetie. Does the thought of us restraining you scare you?" Wanda's voice was soft as she caressed your hand, halting your nervous movement.

Turning her question over, you found no apprehension or fear at the thought of being restrained by them. You were nervous, yes, but not afraid.

"No, I can't say that it does. Not if it was either of you doing it," you answered with a small smile.

Wanda wrapped her arms around you, hugging you close. "That makes me very happy because I want you to know you are always safe with us."

Leaning back against her, you squeezed her arms and craned your neck to kiss her jaw.

"So, how does it work?" you asked, looking back at the x-cross.

"Well, we would lock you in safely against the cross and leave you open to anything we would like to do to you," Natasha said with a smirk. You reached up and caressed the leather cuffs.

"Does it hurt?" you asked, concerned.

"It shouldn't, but if it does start to hurt at any point, we would release you. We don't want you to be uncomfortable when you're with us," Natasha assured you.

"What would you get out of this?" you asked with curiosity, your gaze flickering between Natasha and Wanda.

Natasha smirked, her fingers tracing the wood of the cross. "It's something wildly arousing when another person is willing to give me all the control. To feel your vulnerability beneath my hands and know that you have willingly offered it to me on a silver platter."

Blushing at her candid response, you nodded, feeling an immediate reaction in your body. Seeking solace in Wanda's presence, you turned towards her.

Her eyes softened as she gently caressed your cheek. "I like caring for those close to my heart. My desire is to be handed the control to everything you are, even if it's only during scenes. I want you to be mine in all senses of the word. I want you to worship me as I will worship you."

Shuddering pleasantly in her embrace, warmth spreading through you, you felt an overwhelming urge to agree to anything they might ask.

"I want that too, all of it," you admitted breathlessly.

With a gentle push, Natasha pressed you further into Wanda's arms, capturing your lips in a searing kiss. Surrendering to her touch, you allowed her to control your movements, opening eagerly to her exploration.

When she finally released your lips, you leaned against Wanda with a dreamy smile, trying to gather your composure. As you regained your faculties, you traced the wooden cross beneath your fingers.

"It's okay to be curious, sweetie. This is your room as much as it is ours from now on. We wouldn't want you to be scared or uncomfortable in here," Wanda said softly, her hand caressing your stomach.

Feeling Wanda's warmth and the safety of their closeness bolstered your confidence, and you quietly asked if you could try it. Both Wanda and Natasha agreed, and they were gentle and careful as they explained everything to you, guiding you through the process.

"How does that feel?" Natasha asked gently as she caressed your arms.

You pulled on the restraints, feeling the soft leather against your wrists, finding it comfortable.

"Good," you answered with a shy smile, feeling their fond gazes upon you.

"Can you repeat your safe words and when to use them?" Natasha prodded gently, stepping back.

Licking your lips to calm your racing heart, you felt a bit exposed in front of them. Wanting to please them, you had absorbed every word during their explanation.

"During a scene, honesty is crucial, so we use the stoplight system," you began proudly. Natasha smiled fondly, while Wanda hid her smile behind her hand.

Encouraged, you continued with double the energy. "If you ask for my color, I'll say green if everything is okay and I'm good to continue. If the scene makes me uncomfortable, or if something starts to hurt physically or mentally, I'll say yellow, indicating I need to slow down and address what's wrong before continuing."

Taking a deep breath, you noticed Wanda's soft chuckle, and you looked at her shyly.

"No, no, darling. Continue, you're doing wonderfully," Wanda reassured you, while Natasha nodded with a proud smile.

"Um, yes, so... anyway, if I need to stop the scene, I'll call out red. Then the scene ends completely and transitions into aftercare," you finished, awaiting their response.

"That's our good girl," Wanda praised, leaning in to peck your mouth three times before caressing your cheek.

"Yes, very good, little duckling," Natasha added with a gentle smile.

You preened under their attention, but the cuffs reminded you of their presence, preventing you from leaning into Wanda. Frowning, you looked up at them.

Natasha laughed softly, taking Wanda's place. She kissed your cheek before moving down to your neck, blowing a raspberry that made you squirm. Your breathing quickened as her fingers trailed up your side, the anticipation heightening. But you squeaked as her fingers dug into your sides, tickling you.

"Are you our happy girl?" Natasha teased against your lips, making you laugh and squirm against her fingers, trying to escape.

You wheezed out a yes, and you could hear Wanda's laughter nearby.

Natasha eased up and wiped your eyes where tears had formed in the corners.

"Color, sweetie?" she asked.

Trying to catch your breath, you met her eyes. "Green!"

Her smile turned into a grin as her fingers crawled over your body, making you jump and squirm uncontrollably.

They were relentless, switching between gentle tickling and ruthless force. By the time you sunk into a heady daze, they dosed you with praise and soft pet names, checking in with you from time to time, each time receiving a green.

"Our good, good girl," Wanda breathed against your lips, guiding them to meet hers in a searing kiss. You greedily leaned into it, relishing how she moaned as you opened your mouth without any resistance. She swept in, caressing your tongue so sensually it sent shivers down your spine.

"How are you feeling, little one?" Natasha asked softly when Wanda released your lips.

"Good, green," you panted with a smile.

She smiled widely. "You did so well, our little duckling," she praised, gently massaging your wrists before unlocking the cuffs.

Wanda kept you close as Natasha caressed the reddened skin, both of them being incredibly gentle with you.

"So, tell me, was that scary?" Natasha asked as Wanda guided you to sit on the bed.

Nothing about relinquishing control to them had scared you. There wasn't a moment when you wanted to escape, even if their tickling had been torturous. It had still been strangely pleasant. Your body tingled, and your skin felt sensitive beneath Wanda's caressing fingers.

"No, I liked it," you admitted.

Natasha smiled proudly, and Wanda squeezed your side carefully as Natasha went to the wardrobe to open it. With curiosity, you watched her, and when she peered at you over her shoulder, she beckoned you to join her. You got up on shaky legs and sidled up next to her.

Your eyes widened as they traveled over different types of leather whips and other instruments that looked like they were taken straight out of a horror book. Looking up at Natasha with apprehension, you awaited her next move.

"I want you to pick out five things, and if you have any questions before you pick something, you let me know," Natasha ordered gently.

Turning your attention back to the shelves, you felt overwhelmed by the array of intimidating items. However, you spotted a lonely feather on the side and picked it up with a smile, holding it up to Natasha.

"I see. Are you sure that's the one you want to pick?" she asked with a smirk.

Your smile faltered as you looked down at the soft feather, uncertain of her meaning. Yet, you made your decision and nodded. Natasha plucked it from your hand and placed it on a tray to the side, sending you proud smile. With some more confidence and giddiness by Natasha's approval, you moved on. You sifted through the shelves until you found rings that went over the tips of your fingers, creating metallic claws. They looked frightening, but compared to the other items, at least these were aesthetically pleasing.

Natasha's eyebrows lifted as you dropped the metallic claws into her hand, but she made no comment as she added them to the tray.

Peering inside the wardrobe again, you blushed at the assortment of penises in different sizes and colors. You shot Natasha a quick look, feeling embarrassed.

"Anything you're wondering about, little duckling?" Natasha gently prodded as she leaned in.

"Um... why do you have so many... of those?" you waved at the phallic objects.

Natasha chuckled, shooting you a wink. "Well, darling, even though we're women, we enjoy including them when we play. You see, we attach them to a harness, and by doing so, our hands are free to do other things while we use a strap-on to, for example, fill you up."

Your eyes widened, your body reacting before you could fully process her words. You felt a blush creeping up your neck.

"Oh..." was all you managed to say before hastily turning your attention back to the shelves.

Natasha embraced you from behind and dropped a tender kiss against your neck, "I'm proud of you for asking."

Her praise felt like a warm blanket and even if your cheeks were burning, you quickly picked up the most harmless-looking whip hanging inside and turned to Natasha who took it with a smile. Next, you found a soft strip of fabric and passed it over before searching for the last item. Taking an innocent-looking wand, you handed it to Natasha, but to your surprise, she frowned and shook her head before putting it back.

"Not that one, let's begin with these," she said, closing the wardrobe.

"Why?" you asked with surprise.

"Because that was an electrical wand, and it's our responsibility to establish boundaries from the beginning. We can revisit the wand in the future, but for now we will start with this," Natasha explained nodding down at the tray she was holding.

You released a soft 'oh' as she led you back to the bed where Wanda was waiting.

Taking the tray from Natasha, Wanda looked down, her eyes flickering up to you with soft purr she beckoned you closer.

"Listen to Natasha, sweetheart. We have your best interests at heart, and as she said, it's our responsibility to ensure you're safe and well taken care of," Wanda reassured you.

Nodding, you followed Wanda as she scooted up the bed, Natasha joining you both and rubbing your stomach, meeting your eyes.

"So, what we will do now is introduce you to the things you have chosen, starting with this," Natasha held up the black strip of fabric. "I will use this to blindfold you."

"Color?" Wanda asked as you bit your lip nervously.

"But then I won't see?" you asked instead of answering.

"No, you won't, but we would never harm you, my little duckling," Natasha said gently. "Do you trust us?" she asked softly.


Looking into Natasha's eyes as she brought the blindfold up, her encouraging smile was the last thing you saw before your world turned dark.

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