Wanted by Demons AU

By LizardsDen

5K 105 38

Huge and I mean HUGE differences from the other story this one is mine the opening is a bit similar, but the... More

Yanderes part 2
In the woods
Meeting the Hazbins
True Intentions

Drop the Bomb

594 12 4
By LizardsDen

(Lucas's POV)

I tried praying that night, I wasn't very good at it, my uncle was never really the religious type.

I guess it wasn't heard because when I woke up, I was still in Alastra's room. When I turned over I saw that she was holding me tightly in her sleep. I looked past her and out the window, the red sunlight streaming into the room.

Yep, I was still in hell.

Part of me wanted to just try and make a run for it, but I knew that would be stupid, I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I didn't have a way back home. When I turned back over, it caused Alastra to stir a little.

Suddenly, Alastra's eyes fluttered open, and she looked down at me with a soft smile.

Alastra: Good morning, my little fawn~

I couldn't help but return her smile, despite the strange feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Lucas: Good morning, Al...

She covered my mouth with her hand, and looked at me with this sort of glare that sent shivers down my spine.

Alastra: Darling, I may love you, but don't think I won't punish you if you refer to me as anything less than Mommy. Understand?

I felt a knot forming in my stomach. I nodded slowly, not wanting to upset her further.

Alastra's smile softened, and she removed her hand from my mouth, but her eyes still held a hint of warning.

Alastra: Now would you like to try that again.

Lucas: (timidly) G-Good morning, Mommy.

She smiled in satisfaction, and she hugged me to her chest so she could rest her head on mine.

Alastra: That's my good little deer~

(Alastra's POV)

As I rested my head on his I caught a whiff of his scent, and it reminded me that he probably hadn't been bathed sense I found him in the woods, he actually still had a tiny bit of dirt on his face.

Alastra: Darling, I think you might need a bath today.

I saw him blush at my suggestion.

Lucas: (flustered) W-what?!

I didn't answer, I just got up and went to leave the room, but before I left I turned to him.

Alastra: Remember, Darling, don't leave that spot until I come to get you~

(Lucas POV)

I glanced around the room, feeling trapped and uncertain about what the future held for me. Alastra seemed so caring and protective, but her possessiveness was starting to make me uncomfortable.

I decided to get up and explore the room a bit more, hoping to distract myself from my worries. As I looked around, I couldn't help but notice how lavish and extravagant everything was, especially considering we were in hell. Wasn't this place meant to make people suffer.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching the door, and my heart started to race. I instantly got back to the spot I was in right before Alastra came in.

Alastra: Okay, darling, the water's ready~

I scooted back from my spot on the bed, worried about where this was going. Alastra sighed before just scooping me up out of the bed, and carrying me into the bathroom.

(Alastra's POV)

I could sense Lucas's nervousness as I carried him into the bathroom, but I tried to reassure him with a gentle smile. Once inside, I set him down on the floor next to the bathtub. I managed to get his clothes of, with a bit of a struggle, but I wouldn't punish him this time, because he had that adorable little blush on his face the entire time.

Alastra: Alright, sweetheart, let's get you cleaned up~

I gently lowered him into the water and started to scrub the dirt of of his face which was hard because he kept trying to turn his face away, and I could tell he was trying to hide his blushing from me.

Alastra: It's alright, sweetie. Just hold still so I can get everything, we don't want everyone to see you still covered in dirt. Actually, that reminds me, I talked to them last night and I agreed to let them watch you today.

I could see a flicker of panic in his expression.

Lucas: W-what? They're going to watch me?

I nodded reassuringly, reaching out to gently cup his cheek.

Alastra: Yes, darling. They just want to make you feel welcome and help you adjust to your new home. It'll be fine, I promise.

(Lucas's POV)

That's why I was so nervous, I didn't want this to be my new home, but I didn't want to go home either, I was so confused. Alastra was the first person to actually be kind to me, but now, she kidnapped me. What does anyone do in a situation like that.

Lucas: B-but I- they...

She pat my head which made me tense up.

Alastra: Oh, sweetheart, I know this is all overwhelming for you. But trust me, you'll come to see that this is where you truly belong. You're safe here with me, and I'll do everything in my power to make sure you're part of a family, our family~

I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. Eventually, she took me out of the bath I thought she was gonna dry me, but instead she swaddled me up in a towel.

Alastra: See? You're my little baby~

I felt a blush of embarrassment at her words, but I didn't protest as Alastra wrapped me in the towel. She cradled me in her arms, holding me close as she carried me back into the bedroom.

Alastra: Let's get you dressed, my little fawn~

Her tone was gentle, but there was an underlying sense of authority that made it clear she expected compliance. I didn't dare to argue as she selected an outfit for me, dressing me as if I were a helpless child.

Once I was dressed, Alastra sat me down on the bed and began to brush my hair with delicate strokes. Despite her motherly actions, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me.

Lucas: M-Mommy... can I ask you something?

I hesitated, unsure if I should voice my concerns, but the words spilled out before I could stop them.

Alastra glanced at me.

Alastra: Of course, my dear. What's on your mind?

I swallowed nervously, gathering my courage to speak.

Lucas: Why won't you let me leave? I thought you were only bringing me here because my Uncle was out.

Her smile faltered for a moment, a flicker of something crossing her eyes before she composed herself.

Alastra: Oh, my sweet fawn. I brought you here because I saw how lost and alone you were in the woods. I couldn't bear to leave you there, vulnerable and unprotected. As for leaving... well, this is your home now. You belong with me, with us~

Just then a knock came from the bedroom door.

(Alastra's POV)

Now I knew sharing him was going to be difficult but can't a mother have a moment with her baby?
I got up to answer the door, and when I opened it I saw Charlie in the doorway.

Alastra: Good morning, Charlie. To what do I owe the pleasure?

She smiled and then looked over my shoulder to catch a glimpse at Lucas.

Charlie: Oh, the others sent me to ask you if he was ready for his day with us.

I smiled at Charlie, though internally, I felt a surge of apprehension at the thought of Lucas spending the day with them. But I couldn't let my concerns show.

Alastra: Of course, he's ready. We'll be out in just a moment.

Charlie's smile widened, and she nodded before stepping back to allow me to close the door. As I turned back to Lucas, I plastered a reassuring smile on my face, though my mind was... elsewhere.

Alastra: Darling, it's time to get ready for your day with the others. They're all excited to spend time with you~

Lucas looked up at me, a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, but he nodded nonetheless.

Lucas: (reluctantly) Okay, Mommy.

His words sent a surge of warmth through me, and I couldn't help but lean down to press another kiss to his forehead.

Alastra: That's my good little fawn~

I took his hand in mine, leading him out of the room and towards where the others were waiting. As we approached, I could see the anticipation written on their faces, and I forced a smile, though it felt strained.

Alastra: He's all yours for the day. Just remember to take good care of him.

They all looked a little nervous, while Charlie and Vaggie covered Lucas's eyes because I momentarily turned into my overlord form, I thanked them for that after I turned back.

Charlie: Don't worry, Alastra. He's in good hands.

I took another deep breath, and went back out to my room, casting one more glance at them all.

(Lucas's POV)

When Alastra left Charlie decided to pick me up and hold me on her hip.

Charlie: So, sweetie did you have a nice first night?

Why did everyone keep calling me "sweetie"?!

Anyways, I obviously didn't, but I wasn't really sure who trust at that moment

Lucas: I guess, but I do kinda miss home.

After I said that they all stopped and looked at me weirdly.

Lucas: What?

Angel: You miss your home? With your bas-(sees Charlie and Vaggie quickly cover Lucas's ears, Vaggie glaring at her as she does so) bad guy, of an uncle?

Lucas: No, it's not my uncle, it's just, I'm scared, this is hell. Isn't where all the bad people go?

Charlie: (admittedly) Well, yes, but they can't get you here.

That helped to calm me down a little, but then there was Alastra, but I wouldn't talk about it, not to them if they were her friends. I didn't know how much they knew about all of this, or if they were okay with it.

Lucas: Well, that actually helps, thanks, Charlie.

I walked away, and sat down on the couch, I couldn't really do much, but then I felt eyes on me, and I looked up to see Angel smiling at me.

Lucas: Uh, hi, Angel.

Angel: Hey, Lukey~

I raised an eyebrow at the nickname she had given me.

Lucas: Lukey?

Angel: Yeah, it's a nickname. Do you like it?

Lucas: Um, sure, it's fine.

I didn't really know how to respond. I wasn't used to people giving me nicknames, especially not ones like "Lukey."

Angel chuckled softly and ruffled my hair, making me flinch slightly.

Angel: Hey, if you're still a bit jumpy, I have something that might help. Just stay here.

I watched as Angel disappeared into another room, my curiosity piqued. What could she possibly have that would help me feel less jumpy? Moments later, she returned holding something behind her back.

Angel: Close your eyes~

I hesitantly, but eventually shut my eyes. After A few seconds I felt something crawl into my lap. I slowly opened my eyes to see some kinda piglet looking creature, it looked like a baby pig with horns and spikes, it was actually pretty cute. It snorted and started licking my face.

Angel: Sweetie, this little guy is Fat Nuggets, but I call him Nuggsy.

I giggled a little, and then Nuggsy settled himself on my lap so I started petting him.

Angel: Awwwww, you two look so cute~

I watched as she took out her phone and took a picture of us. I didn't see it that well but everyone was looking at me in adoration.

(Angel's POV)

Nuggsy and Lukey looked so cute together, I might have only brought him out to get a picture, but the two of them together were adorable. I didn't know what it was about Lucas, he was just so sweet, and all that shit about being mistreated... he didn't deserve that, definitely not him, good work, Al.

Let's just hope his uncle never finds him here. Not while he's with us. Never, if he's with me.

I didn't know if Alastra would share him with us all the time, but I really didn't care. He was good, him being here made me feel... better. I could've gotten lost in those innocent little eyes of his.

Then I looked at Lukey, he looked a lot calmer now and Nuggsy looked so cute cuddled up to him.

Angel: (Whispering while looking at the photo Of Lucas and Fat Nuggets) My babies~

Lucas: Hmm?

Shit, didn't mean for him to hear that.

Angel: Oh uh nothing, sweetie. (In her thoughts) Mama Angel's just happy to have you and so is your older brother~

(Narrator's POV)

Somewhere else in hell at a club there was a certain one eyed demon was trying to get hold of her best friend, who was supposed to be with her going clubbing. That demon was, of course, Cherri Bomb

Cherri: (dialing Angel's number) Come on, Angie, ya fucker, where in hell are ya? The party ain't the same here.

Pretty soon she finally picked up.

Angel: Hey, Cherri! Sorry, I was just... uh, busy.

Cherri: Busy? Busy doin' what, exactly? You ditchin' me for some other fun?

Angel hesitated for a moment, trying to come up with a plausible excuse.

Angel: Uh, no, of course not! Just... dealing with some stuff. You know how it is.

Cherri rolled her eye, not buying Angel's excuse for a second.

Cherri: Yeah, yeah, I know how it is. Well, hurry your ass up and get over here. The party's lackin' some real spark without ya.

Angel: I-uh... I can't.

Cherri: (confused) What? Why?

Angel: Um, it will be easier if I show you.

Cherri was confused until she got a notification a few seconds later, and when she clicked it she saw the picture that Angel had taken of Lucas, and her eye widened.

Cherri: (whispering) Is that a human?! Angel what the fuck?!

Angel: (sheepishly) Yeah... he kinda stumbled into our lives. It's a long story.

Cherri: (exasperated) Well, spill it, girl! What's going on?

Angel took a deep breath, preparing to explain the situation to her friend.

(One Incredibly long and complicated explanation later: imagine this in a French accent)

Cherri: So, Alastra just brought the kid to hell with her, and you and everyone else is watching him right now?

Angel: Yeah, pretty much. It's... actually great.

Cherri: Better for him, at least, his uncle sounds like a real dick.

Angel: Yup, but that's pretty much it. Sorry I can't go clubbin'.

Cherri thought for a moment, and after hearing the Lucas's story, and seeing his adorable little face, she was hooked.

Cherri: Well, what if I come over to hang out instead?

Angel: Nope, Alastra's really, REALLY, protective of him. We all had to promise several times that we wouldn't even let him out of our sight.

Cherri: Aww, come on, it'll be real quick, I promise. A few minutes.

Angel hesitated a little before answering.

Angel: Well, I mean, I guess a few minutes couldn't hurt, but you're double dead if something goes wrong.

Cherri chuckled.

Cherri: I'll be there soon.

Cherri hung up and then looked at the photo.

Cherri: (in her thoughts) What is this kid doing to me? That look on his his face, and that smile. No wonder Alastra brought him here, he's so cute.

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