Old Hopes & New Boots (Kelsea...

By UnnervedXD

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Y/N L/N is a 26 year old, small-time country musician from Tennessee, who's just trying to make it big doing... More

Obsession with Music
Crash Into me
At War With Myself
Risk Takin'
Mystery Woman and Record Labels?
Dive Bar Romance
The Fair and Fallin' Hearts
Mornin' Afters
Deals and Divorces?!
Dates and Secrets
Layin' It All Out
First Ex/ First Single
Who to Trust...

Anger, Hurt, and Deceit

37 2 6
By UnnervedXD

The feelings I'm currently feeling are hard to describe. I mean how are you supposed to feel when you're pretty sure your best friend is seeing your psycho ex? Like what am I supposed to do in this situation... Did they leak the footage... Are they planning my downfall... It makes no sense. Chance and I have been friends way before Steph and I were even a thing... I wonder what's changed...

Kelsea is back out doing big country star shit, like touring with Kenny Chesney and award shows. So I've just been sitting and thinking about this shitty and fucked up situation, I've managed to get myself into. "Hey honey," my mom says from my office, breaking me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, ma? What's up?", I say, leaning in the doorway of the office. "Did you touch the security system at all?" She asks, looking up from the monitor. "Nah ma, why?" I said, my voice laced with curiosity. "Weird cause someone tampered with the system..", she stated, staring at me.

"The only person that was in the house without me was..." I stopped talking, realizing who tampered with the security system... "Who was it sweetheart?", my mom asks. "It was Chance, I knew that bastard wasn't tired!", I said, slamming my hand on the desk. "Woah! What's gotten into you... Are you and Chance having a lovers quarrel?", she asks, trying to ease my anger. "No Mom, it's not a lovers' quarrel, that bastard and that psycho bitch, are plotting against me!" I exclaimed, voice laced with anger. I knew my mom wouldn't be too happy with my language, but they both deserve to be called way fucking worse. "Y/N Y/MN, you watch your mouth! Where's this coming from?", she says, leading us out to the living room.

"After the hospital, you know I have to deal with paparazzi, the vultures of the entertainment world. Well when Kels and I were getting into the truck after the hospital, one of those annoying pricks, asked if I knew that Chance was spotted with my "mistress", talking about Steph. All of this is because of that stupid fucking video!" I explained, anger and sarcasm lacing my voice. "I'm not gonna yell at you for the swearin' but, why didn't you ask him about it in the car ride here?" she asked. "He left before I got my nose reset, which by the way, fucking hurt. If I could describe the pain, it would be up there with kicking a trailer hitch," I said, laughing at my pain.

I reached up to itch my nose... wrong choice, instant pain. "Ow! I can't even itch it! This is bullshit! I should break his nose!" I yelped. "What are you gonna do about the whole Chance and Steph thing?" my mom asked, worried about how I'm gonna react if I see him or them together. "To be honest ma, I have no clue... I can't even put how I feel into words let alone actions. The anger I have is still there, I don't think that will fully disappear. I feel hurt because he's supposed to be my best friend, who knows firsthand what I went through with Steph," I paused to calm down, feeling the anger rise. "I think what's hurting you the most kiddo, is the stratagem, you know the scheming and planning behind your back," she said, hugging me and rubbing my back. "It's just a fucked situation, I just don't know how to handle it at this moment. I just don't wanna snap at him. But at the same time, I want to snap him in two." I say, leaning into the hug.

"Hey Ma?" I ask, enjoying the comfort of my mom's hug. "Yeah, kiddo?" she said. "Can we have a movie night like we used to when I was in school?" I ask. "Of course we can, what do you wanna watch?" she asked. "You can pick, as long as it's something of this century," I said, pulling apart from the hug so she couldn't hit me. "You little shit! Imma get you back just wait!" she yelled at me. "Sure you are mama, sure you are," I said laughing. "Imma go put on some sweats mama, pick a movie and I'll get the snacks when I'm done," I yelled, heading up the stairs to change.

* Small Time Skip *

Before coming downstairs, I quickly checked my phone. I had posted to Instagram, just thanking Kelsea for being here, and to tease the release of our song together, and my first single. Which is wild to me still. I'm actually doing this music thing, plus I got my dream girl. Could it get any better?!

The post had blown up, with fans liking and trying to put hints together, it was cute, watching them try to figure it out. I texted Kels and told her to be safe and have fun tonight, considering she was in Charleston, South Carolina. She's currently touring with Kenny Chesney, which is amazing! I couldn't be more proud of her. She's finally finished her divorce, or so the tabloids say. We have yet to have that conversation, she's just been busy.

"Y/N!" my mom yells, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Coming! Sorry got distracted!" I said, running down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen, threw popcorn in the microwave, and grabbed a bunch of snacks, and some sodas. "Ma! You want anything specific?" I hollered from the kitchen. "No, I'm okay with whatever you pick kiddo," she said.

Finally, the microwave beeped, letting me know the popcorn was done. I opened the bag, instantly filling the air with the smell of butter and salt, and poured the popcorn into a bowl. With all the snacks and drinks, I walked into the living room and sat them on the table. "So whatcha pick mama?" I asked. "We are gonna watch The Titanic," she said, while snuggled up under the blanket. "You want Leonardo DiCaprio to draw you like one of his French girls?" I said, laughing as she started the movie. "Shush Y/N!" she said slapping my shoulder.

As we were watching the movie, I heard a car door slam. "Who the hell is here at 10:30 at night..." I said under my breath. I got up and walked to the window and saw two people trying to sneak into my garage. I grabbed the crowbar by my front door and a flashlight and opened the front door. I shined the flashlight on the 2 people, only to see the two people I'd been dreading to see all day. "What the fuck are you doing on my property!" I yelled, startling them. "Uhhh... Nothing!" Steph said. "Chance? Got something to say?" I said leaning against their vehicle. "I thought I left my keys here and didn't wanna bother you..." He said avoiding eye contact.

"Listen 'cause imma only say this once, I don't care if y'all are together, I don't care if you are fuck buddies, I genuinely don't care. But when you are threatening my career, with petty fucking games, we have a problem. So I'm gonna give you one chance to get into your vehicle and leave my property. You leave and never fucking come back. Just leave me and my family alone. As far as I'm concerned you're dead to me Chance, enjoy my sloppy seconds." I said calmly, stepping away from the vehicle they came in. "Oh also, give me the footage you got off my security system," I said staring Chance down, with my hand out.

Chance took a step forward toward the car and reached into his pocket, handing me a USB Drive. "Steph, get in the car!" He yelled at her. I gripped him up, "You watch the way you talk to her. We may not be together anymore, but you will treat her with respect in my presence. Understand?" I said lowly. He swallowed hard and nodded his head. I shoved him away from me and he flew into the car. "Seriously, you're gonna be dramatic now?" I said laughing.

"Fuck you Y/N, that's why I whooped your ass and broke your nose!" He said as I was walking into my house. I spun around on my heels, "What was that?" I asked. "What did you say?" I asked as I stepped closer to the car that he was leaning against. "I don't think I heard you properly, what did you say?" I said as I grabbed him by his shirt again. "You're mad because I whooped your ass," He said looking into my eyes. This man must have lost his mind, "You ain't whoop shit, pretty boy. I scared you and you punched me in the nose, you stupid fuck," I said. "You couldn't fight your way out of a brown paper bag, Chance," I said, calmly. "You're lucky, I'm not kicking the dog shit out of you right now," I said as I let go of his shirt. "Have a good night you two, you're made for each other. Bunch of lowlife scum," I said walking into my house.

By the time they had left, the movie was over and my mom was passed out on the couch. I quietly cleaned up the snacks and threw the trash away, trying not to wake Mama up. Once I finished cleaning up, I walked back into the living room and picked my mom up, without waking her, and carried her to her room. I laid her in her bed and covered her up, so she wouldn't be cold.

I walked to my room and laid in bed, wondering if I could've handled that situation. But before I could get lost in my thoughts, my phone started ringing. I looked at my phone to see it was Kels Facetiming me. I answered the phone:

Bold- Kels

Italics- Y/N

Well hello there darlin'. How was the show?

It was amazing! The crowd was so lively! I love this part of my job! But I hate being away from you... You look like a bruised banana... Hows the nose

It's okay darlin'. You'll be back home soon enough. You ain't missin' much besides me and Mama dukes legendary movie nights. The nose is okay, a little sore but nothing I can't handle. I said laughing.

Stop! I wanna have a movie night when I get back home. Plus I have a song I wanna run by you too.

That beautiful brain of yours never stops coming up with songs, does it? You never cease to amaze me.

Stop! She says blushing and hiding her face

I can't wait for you to come home... I need cuddles.

Me too handsome. You look tired...

I am. I just handled the whole Chance situation. I told them to leave and to leave me alone. Chance said some slick shit about how he whooped my ass and that's why my nose is broken... I want nothing to do with either of them. And I got the USB that he had of security footage from me and Steph's argument. They left without any issues, but let's see if they listen.

Damn babe, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. I'm always gonna be here for you.

Thank you, sweetheart. At least there are no new news articles out. "Kelsea Ballerini Abuses New Boyfriend, Leaves Him With A Broken Nose" would be pretty funny. I said laughing.

Ha Ha... Very funny. "New Singer with a Shiner" has a ring to it. Maybe they should run that. She said laughing.

Imma fall asleep shortly here darlin'. I'm glad your show was amazing. You probably looked as gorgeous as ever. I love you. Sleep tight.

Goodnight handsome. I'll send you pictures of my outfits tomorrow. I love you too. I'll see you when I get home.









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