Yours forever

By cummxmmy

3K 94 15

In which when Mitchell and Cam adopt Lily they also adopt her older half sister. And they bring her into a c... More



1.1K 29 8
By cummxmmy

XIMENA was sat on the plane on the fourth seat. On this plane there were four seats by the window. She was currently wearing light washed baggy straight leg jeans, a brown cami top, a flannel, brown converse, a couple rings, and two crystal necklaces. One of her new dads is sitting with her on the plane with her younger sister in his arms. Originally they were only going to adopt one of the girls but when they learned about Lily's older half-sister they knew they couldn't separate the girls. The two men knew it would be hard as the older of the two is thirteen but they knew it was worth it.

The girls mother left them at the adoption center each after they were born leaving a letter which is how they found out about Lily and Ximena being related and they also did a DNA test. Ximena had been making her on side money for years. As a child she sold bracelets, then when she was eleven she started selling scrunchies and chile covered candies, now she makes and sells lip gloss and hand made personalized flower bouquets. She usually makes around 2,000 dollars a week which she uses for her wants, needs and at the orphanage helping take care of Lily.

She was also already taking college classes online after school. By the time she finished middle school she should have her bachelor's degree and be taking her last class for her masters degree. You see Ximena is on scholarship taking college classes and it's working in her favor because she wants to be a surgeon she always has ever since she was a little girl. She always had a drive to prove people wrong and prove to herself that she could do anything she puts her mind to. She always felt a need to prove to her biological mother that she could do anything without her that she was worth something. That she was worthy of love. That she was worth it.

She loved her little sister so much even before she found out that letter telling her that they were related she felt an instant connection when she found the little girl in a basket wrapped up in blankets. When she found out who this little girl was to her she wanted to kill her mother. How dare she leave out a baby in the middle of the night on a snowy night in the middle of winter in January! Lily could have died! She was in nothing but a onesie and a blanket when she found her. Lily was turning a little purple and almost caught Hypothermia had Ximena not woken up at 4am because of a nightmare and gone outside. Lily would have been a goner had it not been for Ximena. The teenager is glad she had that nightmare because if she didn't then who knows what could've happened to Lily had she not found her sooner.

"Who's a good girl? Who's that? Who's that?" Mitchell the girls new dad spoke to Lily. Lily and Ximena were adopted two weeks ago and the gay couple had been in Vietnam for three weeks.

Ximena was currently coloring in a detailed sketch she made of a girl with long hair and features of both a skeleton and a moth and a couple flowers in her hair with alcohol markers -she had a paper protector behind the page. The dark haired mixed girl had always had a gift for art she was an incredible artist it was a shame it was only a hobby to her because if she wanted to she could become an artist.

"Oh, she's adorable. And the older one is gorgeous." An older woman told Mitchell.

"Oh, thank you." Said Mitchell.

"Hi, precious!" The older woman said to Lily puckering her lips. She blows her lips in attempt to make Lily smile. But it doesn't work and Lily looks like she's about to cry. She then looks at Ximena. "You look beautiful honey."

"Thank you ma'am but she doesn't like that trust me when I say this in a nice way but many people have tried that made her cry so be lucky she's not crying yet." Said Ximena not looking up. What can she say she may be sitting down but she pays attention to her surroundings.

The older woman is taken back but understands some babies just don't like it.

"Hello. Hi, hi! We just- we just adopted the two girls from Vietnam and... we're bringing them home for the first time, huh." Mitchell said in a small voice.

"Oh, she's an angel. You and your wife must be so thrilled." Said a man. "And you look at how beautiful you look you seem like a sweetheart."

"Actually......" Ximena trailed off as she saw her other father Cameron or Cam as he likes to be referred as came to them.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Daddy needed snacks. Hi." Cam says fumbling his way to his seat. The older woman and man look away uncontrollably making Ximena roll her eyes and mutter, "Homophobic asses," under her breath luckily nobody heard her well Mitchell did but he was fine with it. "So, what are we talking about?"

"You saw that, right? Everybody fawning over the girls, and then you walk on and suddenly it's all 'Oooh, SkyMall, I gotta buy a motorised tie rack.' Alright, you know, I'm- I'm gonna give a speech." Mitchell said.

"You should do it dad." Said Ximena.

The first time she called them dad was the other night and they nearly cried well Mitchell did. Cam on the other hand was full on crying out of happiness.

"No he shouldn't Mimi." Said Cam to his oldest daughter then looked to his boyfriend. "You are not giving a speech."

"Why?" Questioned both father and daughter.

"You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours." Said Cam and then Ximena formed an 'o' with her mouth in understanding and nodded her head at what Cam said in agreement.

"You're right, you're right. Okay, I'm sorry." Said  Mitchell.

"Honey, honey, look at that baby with those cream puffs." Said a lady snobbish. "And girl with the sushi."

"Well that lasted long." Ximena said sarcastically as her dad looked mad at the woman. "That definitely set him off."

"Okay, excuse me." Mitchell said standing up. "Excuse me, but this baby would've grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us cream puffs. And this beautiful girl next to me I now call my daughter has spent thirteen years of her life in an overcrowded orphanage. you know what? No, to all of you who judge-"

"Mitchell..." Cam trails off.

"-hear this: love knows no race, creed-"

"Dad..." Ximena said trying to get Mitchell's attention.

"-or gender. And shame on you, you small-minded, ignorant few-" he was cut off by his boyfriend and daughter's yell.



"What?!" Mitchell asked.

Cameron motioned to the cream puffs in Lily's hands and Ximena eating sushi. "She's got the cream puffs. And Mimi is eating sushi."


"Well that's embarrassing for you dad." Said Ximena.

"...We would like to pay for everyone's headsets." Said Cameron


"This doesn't worry you? Lily barely slept on the plane and she's still wide awake." Said Mitchell as they walked into their house with a half asleep Ximena piggy back riding on Cam's back sleeping. "And I'm surprised Mimi is sleeping I would have thought she would have been up I mean she's a teenager."

"Oh, stop worrying." Cameron told his red haired boyfriend.

"But Cam, that... that orphanage, it was all women; maybe she just, she can't fall asleep unless she feels a woman's shape?" Mitchell told his boyfriend.

"Well, I guess that's possible." Cam said.

"So here." Mitchell hands Lily to his boyfriend who takes her into his arms.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Cam questions his boyfriend.

Mitchell and Cameron were walking to Lily's room. "Count to three: one, tw-"

Cameron cut off his boyfriend and opens the door to Lily's room, "Three!"

Ximena stirred in her sleep making Mitchell shush his boyfriend as they entered the room. "Okay. Oh Cam. This is beautiful."

"Oh my god, do you love it?" Cameron asks as Ximena starts stirring more in her sleep.

"Yes. I..." He trails off after he sees the painting of them in the wall above Lily's crib. "What the hell is that?"

"I had Andre do it while we were gone." Cam explains.

"Is that us... with wings?" He asked.

"We're floating above her, always there to protect her." Cam said.

"Okay, well, that's reassuring, right, Lily? Yes, we tore you and your sister away from everything you know, but don't worry – things are normal here. Your fathers are floating fairies." Mitchell said then turned to his boyfriend. "No, can you call Andre? Have him paint something a little less... gay? By the way, we need to stop having friends with names like Andre."

"Red-headed daddy is angry daddy." Cam told Lily.

"No, I'm not." Mitchell denies.

"Yes, you are. Even Pepper pointed it out on the way home from the airport." Cam told his boyfriend.

"Okay, that's another one: Pepper. Yeah." Mitchell told Cam.

Ximena got off Cam's back rubbing her eyes and yawning. "What's going on?"

"We're in Lily's new room." Cam explained and Ximena nodded and looked around the room and when she saw the wall she looked back at her two dads. "What in the world is that?"

"See she gets it." Mitchell said. "Don't worry I'm having Cam call a friend of his to paint something else."

"Good because frankly that's creepy." Shrugged Ximena.

"Okay, what's up?" Cam asks his boyfriend.

"Alright, look, I... I n- I never told my family we were adopting a baby or a teenager." Said Mitchell.

"I know." Said Cam.

"What's wrong with dad's family papa?" Ximena asked.

"They're a bit judgmental." Cam explained to his teen daughter who nodded in understanding and then looked at Mitchell. "Yeah, and I don't blame you. I know your family: you tell them, they say something judgmental-"


"You get mad-"

"I know, and then something that's supposed to be nothing but joyful suddenly turns into this huge fight." Mitchell said.

"And who wants a big, emotional scene like that?" Questioned Cam.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm so... I'm so relieved you understand." Said Mitchell.

"...I invited them over for dinner tonight." Cam said.

"Well that took a turn." Ximena said.


"I had to. This would've gone on forever. You're an avoider." Said Cam.

"No, no, no, no. Cam, I'm calling them right now; I'm cancelling." Said Mitchell.

"Dad don't." Said Ximena. "You have to do it whether you like it or not because what will happen if they see us in public. What will happen if they see you with a baby and a teenage girl?"

Mitchell stayed silent.

"She has a point Mitchell. You're not canceling. You're telling your family you adopted a teenager and a baby tonight. And you do have avoidance issues; even Langina said so." Said Cam.

"Are you... are you really not hearing these names?" Asked Mitchell.

"Moving on Mimi would you like to see your room?" Asked Cam.

"Yes please." Said Ximena softly moving her brunette curls a little.

"Come on." Mitchell said as they walked to another room.

They opened the door and it was a beautiful ivory colored room with a queen sized bed with a gorgeous white bed frame a clover green comforter. Beautiful white curtains. There were fairy lights around the room, a couple vinyl's on the wall. As well as there was a desk for her school work, and a couple paintings. A book shelf. A vanity just incase. Vines on the wall. And a piano.

She smiled a huge smile on her lips. "This is beautiful thank you so much."

"It's not a problem." Mitchell said.

"How did you know I liked to play the piano?" Ximena asked.

"We asked what types of things you liked to do before we adopted you." Cam explained.


Ximena was now wearing a pair of baggy shorts, an ivory tank top and, a pastel green, pink, and blue knit cardigan. She saw sat on her bed putting on her mint colored high top converse.

She walked out to see her papa and dad talking, "I still can't believe you did this to me."

"Would you get in the spirit of things? It's a celebration." Cam said and the doorbell rings.

"Oh god."

"Dad just talk to them I'm going to go back to my room just tell me when you're ready." She kissed both her father's cheeks and went back to her room.

"Okay. I'm gonna go get Lily ready. And I want you to just come straight out with it." Cam told Mitchell.


"Okay? You can do this." Cam opens his arms. "Sports guy chest bump."


"Sports guy chest bump." He said.


Cameron bumps Mitchell. "Do it."

"Alright, okay."


"Sorry." Mitchell said and takes a deep breath and opens the door as Cam disappears to go and get Lily ready. "Hey!"

The family greets him and Mitchell takes the wine from Phil. "How are you? Thank you Phil."

"Oh, don't thank us. Open it; dad is coming right behind." Claire told her brother and the doorbell ring again.

"We're here! Coming in!" Jay said.

"Don't worry, dad. Nothing gay going on here. May I take your multi-coloured coat and bejewelled cap?" Mitchell told his father.


"Hey, Jay." Phil greeted his father-in-law.

"Gloria, hi. How are you? Hi dad." Claire asked her stepmother who is around the same age as her.

"Oh, thank you. Feel."

"Phil. That's how she says "Phil". Not "feel". "Phil"." Claire says after Phil started to feel Gloria.


"So how was your trip?" Jay asked his son.

"was good. It was good, actually, but, um, about that... I... I have something that I need to tell you guys. Um... uh, we didn't just go to Vietnam for pleasure. We, uh... kinda have some big news." Mitchell said.

"Oh god, if Cam comes out here with boobs, I'm leaving." Jay said jokingly.


"I hope he didn't embarrass you, mom." Hayley said sassily.

"Oh, don't mind her. Hayley had her first boy over today and... Phil shot him." Claire told her brother.

"...Anyway. Um... so about a year ago, Cam and I started feeling this longing, you know, for something more like, uh... maybe a baby? Or a child?" Mitchell told his family.

"Oooh, that's a bad idea." Jay told his son.

"What do you mean "bad idea"?"

"Well, kids need a mother. I mean, if you two guys are bored, get a dog." Jay informs Mitchell.

"We're not bored, dad."

"I support you, Mitchell, even though you're not my son." Gloria told her stepson.

"I-I-I think what dad is trying to say is that Mitchell, you're a little uptight, kids bring chaos and you don't handle it well." Claire told her brother.

"Oh, uh, that's not what dad is saying; that's what you're saying and it's insulting in a whole different way." He said.

"Okay people, let's all chillax." Said Phil trying to ease the tension.

"Hey, where's uncle Cameron?" Alex said noticing Cam wasn't in the room.

"Final- thank you. Thank you. Someone who's not insulting me notices he's not here." Mitchell said.

"Aaah, so that's the big announcement, huh? You two broke up. Well, a baby or kid wasn't gonna help that anyway. And you know, let me tell you: you're a lot better off because he was a bit of a drama queen." Said Jay.

"Okay, no, no, no, stop! You come into my house and you insult me and my boyfriend who, by the way, is not that dramatic and-" Mitchell is cut off by piano music.

"Is that uncle Cam? I didn't know he played the piano." Hayley said.

"That's not him."

"What are you-"

They then heard a beautiful voice start singing. They were all enchanted by the voice. "In the quiet of the night
Two hearts beating in sync, so right
Through ups and downs, side by side
Sisterly love, a bond that won't hide"

Alex and Hayley looked at each other. Gloria looked at Mitchell, "Who is that singing Mitchell?"

"You'll see in a moment just listen."

The song continues, "Harmony of sisters, pure and true
In the melody of love, we find strength anew
Hand in hand, we face the storm
United in song, our love transforms

Words unspoken, yet understood
In the symphony of sisterhood
A harmony that never fades
In the music of love, our bond cascades"

Something about the song was just so enchanting to the family. The voice was beautiful.

"Harmony of sisters, pure and true
In the melody of love, we find strength anew
Hand in hand, we face the storm
United in song, our love transforms

Through melody and rhythm, we shine
In the harmony of sisters divine
A timeless tune that will never end
Our love, a song that forever bends

Harmony of sisters, pure and true
In the melody of love, we find strength anew
Hand in hand, we face the storm
United in song, our love transforms"

The family was all curious who was this singing. Something about this song was so beautiful so majestic and so meaningful all at once.

"So let the music play on
In the embrace of sisterly dawn
Our symphony of love will never cease
The harmony of sisters, a masterpiece"

As the piano music died down Cam came into Ximena's room, "Mimi come on they're here. Let's go meet them."

"What if they don't like me?" Ximena asked her dad.

"They'll be crazy if they don't like a girl like you Mimi. You're so sweet, talented, smart and beautiful. Never let anyone tell you otherwise." Cam told his daughter who hugged him tightly. "Thank you papa."

"Of course Mimi now get on my back." She did as told and giggled as her dad started playing a song to Lion King.

As this was going on Mitchell was being bombarded with songs, "Mitchell who was that singing?"

"Well- you see-" The Circle of Life starts playing as the lights were dimmed. "Oh god." Cameron enters the room carrying Lily with Ximena on his back. He holds them up as spotlight shines on them. "The adopted two girls they're biologically sisters and we couldn't separate them. The baby is Lily. And I'll let you introduce yourself honey go ahead."

Ximena hops off Cameron's back and shyly spoke, "Hello I'm Ximena but call me Mimi."

"Isn't it exciting?" Cameron asks the family.

"Just turn it off." Mitchell told his boyfriend.

"I can't turn it off; it's who I am." Cam informs his boyfriend. "I meant the music."

"Oh, yes, the music." Cameron turns off the music. "Come say hi to Lily and Mimi!"

The family is fawning over Lily and the adults are fawning over Ximena, Jay is standing from afar. "You're so beautiful Mimi! How old are you? You're so pretty!"

Ximena smiles softly at Gloria her lightly melanated skin was glowing, "I'm 13."

"You're only thirteen?!" Asked Hayley in shock. "I would have thought you were sixteen by how pretty you are and how you seem to hold yourself."

"Well I lived in an orphanage my entire life until two weeks ago when dad and papa adopted me. We kind of have to fend for yourself so we grow up fast than we want to." Ximena explained softly to her new cousin.

"Lily. Isn't that gonna be hard for her to say?" Phil questioned.

"Um, excuse me. Okay, I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea, but, uh... what do I know? I mean, it's not like I wrote the book on fatherhood. I've been trying all my life to get it right; I'm still screwing up. Right, Manny?" Jay told his family.

"I wrote a song about it in the car." Manny told his stepfather.

"Of course you did. Uh... anyway, I'm happy for you and, uh, you should know that, uh, I'm not here to spit in your face; I'm here to blow at your back." The family all look confused except for Ximena who understands the saying. "It's supposed to sound better in Spanish."

"Voy hacer la vri en tu espalda no la que escupa en la frente." Gloria and Ximena said at the same time.

"Ah, that's beautiful." Mitchell said.

"You know Spanish?" Asked Gloria.

"I'm mixed I'm part Vietnamese part Argentinian and part Nigerian." Ximena explained. "My biological mother left a letter explaining how I'm mixed when she left me at the adoption center and I learned everything I could about my culture and heritage."

"Oh that's wonderful." Gloria told her new step-granddaughter.

"If you're mixed then does that mean lily is too?" Asked Manny.

"No actually." Mitchell said.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alex.

"Me and Lily are technically half sisters. We share the same biological mom but different biological dads my father was half Nigerian half Argentinian and my mother was Vietnamese. Lily's dad was also Vietnamese meaning she is fully Vietnamese." Ximena explained.

"Anyhow, Mitch..." Jay trailed off.

"No, dad, it's..." Mitch said taking Lily in his hand a wrapping an arm around Ximena. "Do you both want to meet grandpa?"

Ximena nodded softly, "Are you kidding? They're one of us now. Let me see your little podstickers. Hey! You're both cuties, aren't you? Ah."

Ximena smiled at her new grandfather as he ruffled her hair making her huff. She is trying to fix her curls making her family chuckle at their father's antics and Mimi trying to fix her hair.

The family spent the rest of the night together getting to know Ximena and everything. Everyone was amazed how at such a young age she was able to be an entrepreneur. She was so young and yet she knew how to make money for herself and provide for her and her sister.


How did you guys like it?

Daily check up: Are you feeling okay?

QOTD: If you use body mist do you like bath and body works, bodycology, Victoria Secret or the body shop better?

AOTD: I personally can't decide I like them all they all have good and bad things about them.

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