The Alaskan Prince | Azur Lane


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Azur Lane, the name of the strongest naval alliance in the world! An alliance who's sole existence prevents t... Еще

The History Lesson
Chapter 1 | Introduction
Chapter 2 | Meeting New People
Chapter 3 | The Summer Breeze!!!
Chapter 4 | I'm Going Home
Chapter 6 | Do You Like Bunny's?
I'll Let You Decide
Chapter 7 | Too Many Bunnies!
Chapter 8 | Let Him Cook

Chapter 5 | Respect Goes Far

218 13 6

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---Late Day---

Opening my dorm door, twisting the key, locking the door, before pulling it out, shutting it behind me I walk with this sense of annoyance into the bathroom, tossing my wet swim trunks and muscle shirt into the hanger inside the shower to dry. Then flopping atop my bed all cock eyed across it, groaning into the pillow. I hear my phone go off three or four times. "God damn it... Don't tell me..." I lift my face up and bring my phone out my pocket to my face. My social media account was getting blown up. Opening Juustagram. I go to messages, finding exactly what I feared and expected. "It's a damn good thing I didn't give them my number. Or I'd-" Mid-sentence closing the app and setting the WHOLE APP to silenced for the next 12 hours. After which I'll return to giving notifications. Then returning to the app as I continued my sentence. "Have to pull the battery out!" Of course, not thinking or considering that Nelson had my number. Then Enterprise, who had all but already acquired my number and social months ago. But I can put up with Enty, and Nelson I can just ignore. Reading the first, and oldest message of today's contact name/account name before I opened the message.

"Von_Bismarck_II_Real ✔" With a checkmark next to her account name. Ensuring those who observed her account that she was the! REAL One, if the word REAL didn't already push that message enough. I then open it. Of which it read as follows, I read it in my head. "Hey, sorry if I came off a bit strong. Hopefully I didn't run you off! I also wanted to tell you that I enjoyed getting to meet and hangout with you today! I'm hopeful we'll have the chance to do it again sometime? Hope to hear back from you soon! Or whenever you get a chance to respond!" I shoot back a text that was simply a lie, I felt it was better to make a believable white lie and make things seem innocent then be blunt and say they annoyed me to death. "Did I? Sorry! I saw my Grandpa and Grandma and ran over to greet them, when I turned around you guys were gone! I'm not sure what happened there? I enjoyed hanging out with everyone today! Hopefully we'll get another chance to hangout! Tell Eugen I said hello!" Wording it as friendly as I could. INSTANTLY! I can't even make it up!

Her little profile picture bubble that shows what messages have been read moved down to my message, showing she was immediately reading it. So, she likely was just staring at the phone, waiting for a response. On to the next profile and message. "The_Black_Dragon_62 ✔" Opening the message, I can see our previous messages from about a week or two ago! New Jersey and I knew each other! But had only met once in person BEFORE now. That being briefly at basic training! Before getting sent to different locations to continue said training. Later her brother gave her my Juustagram. So... Do what you will with that information. I glance up at the last conversation we had about a week ago, before her new message. "...-You're the kind of person who makes girls cry. So! You'd better feel bad about it!" Jersey texted. "If you're not willing to commit! Then just stay away from relationships. That's a motto some Commanders and ships just don't seem to follow." I responded.

"Right!? I can't stand that stuff. I mean, it takes a special kind of... Excuse my language, a special kind of asshole to get with a woman and immediately cheat on her with her sister!!!" "And you know that doesn't just ruin the relationship; it ruins their siblingship too! They're never going to get along or respect each other again!" "Exactly! Anyway! The commanders calling for all able hands, guess sirens are sighted near Malta! I'll be happy when they transfer me from this place! I mean I need the experience! But I can't get any time to myself out here! It's every waking minute you know?" "I understand that! Well! Be safe Big J! Tell Wisconsin and Hornet I said hello!" "Will do! Hey! Tell Iowa I'm alive! Lol! Talk to you later cutie!" I notably don't respond to her subtle flirt at the end of that previous conversation. Nor respond at all. Now looking down at her recently sent message! Aka Todays.

"I honestly didn't recognize you there for a little while! I hadn't seen you in a while! I knew you'd look different after basic! But you're like! Jacked now! No wonder a crowd formed around you! Haha! Right, umm, Sorry about. You know. Trying to hog you from the other girls. Guess I had a little moment there. Lol. Hopefully it wasn't me who ran you off! If it is I can compensate you with some Hibachi Express! I know you talk about Sakura food all the time! Totally not trying to get a date out of it or anything. *Wink Emoji*" I lay my phone screen flat atop the bed, and rest my head atop the pillow. "Damn it Big J. You know Hibachi is my weakness..." I complain with my eyes closed, and a look of confliction. I WANNA KNOW WHERE THE HIBACHI PLACE IS ON ISLAND NOW!!! I didn't even KNOW THERE WAS ONE HERE!!!!

So... I cave in! And I do so quick as I respond. Raising my phone again and typing. Treating my text the same as I did Bismarck. Innocent lies to preserve the heart and feelings of those around me. I don't want to go and hurt everyone's feelings. "Right... Totally... Now Big J, you know damn well you didn't run me off! *Tongue out wink face emoji* I just spotted Grandma and Grandpa up the beach and ran up to greet them! When I turned around, everyone was gone?! I was worried I ran everyone off myself! Lol. Hell I almost didn't recognize you either in where I hadn't seen you in so long! I didn't know you decided to grow out your hair! You look good with your hair grown out, though I think It'd look nice with your hair down rather than a ponytail! AN HOW DARE you tempt me with Hibachi!!! That's my only weakness and you know it!!!" Noticeably she's not staring at the phone right now! As not only is her account say offline. It doesn't move her profile bubble down to the message! Meaning she didn't yet read it!

I back out and look at the next account to message me. I don't recognize the account, or who it might be via the name. "Don't-Smoke-That-Za-Za-Zara" I comment as I glance at the red head in the profile picture. "Damn, that's a cringy name" The other account being. "Marko-Pola31" I visually cringe at the word play, having an idea of who that one was based on the blue/purple haired woman in the profile picture. "Ouch... That's worse than the feeling of cutting Styrofoam... Why would you do that to yourself Pola... HAHA" I found it to be a funny kind of cringy in the end. At that moment, receiving a private text via the phone, not apps. From Hornet. "Hey Alaska, based on what I've heard from sis, I'm going to assume!!! She and a few girls gave you a bit of a hard time today! I think she's a bit worried that she scared you off. You should probably shoot her a text real quick so she doesn't worry too much." I tap on the notification as I read it. Responding.

"Damn! You heard about that!? Haha, well yeah, they gave me one hell of a time. I didn't get to relax at all! Lol. You could just sort of tell they were dragging me around to score brownie points over the other! I had to get up out of there when they started arguing! Thought they were gonna start slinging shells and Dauntless's at one another!" I jokeingly explain to Hornet, someone I trust with information and vents, and honesty like this. We're pretty close friends, not best friends, but close friends. She's likely the ONLY girl that I've ACTUALLY TOLD! That I'm not interested in dating. Not like... I'm not interested in her, but like anyone in general. So, she's kind of understanding to the struggles! Ya know?

"WELL! Who scored the most points!?! Yeah! I heard about that! She's really pissed with the Iron Blood! But especially Black Dragon! I think she sees her as her only REAL competition if that makes sense?" "Damn! An she already felt indifferent of her too, didn't she? Oh, and she most definitely earned the most points! If I was actually LOOKING for someone right now! She'd have had me! I mean I don't wanna go to deep into detail, but lets just say! She was very... VERY touchy touchy clingy clingy!" "REALLY?! I can't imagine what made her act like that! Especially in public! She must have been omega jealous of em then! Anyway! Yeah! After the admiral started showing more interested in Black Dragn then Enty and then she ended up TURNING DOWN Enty's crush when he asked her out!! In her own eyes Big J is now trying to quote. 'Steal another one from me' in her own words! Not mine! *Nervous happy face Emoji* Truth be told she's upset that she or the others ran you off today." Hornet responds. I sigh. "Shit. Well, I'll try my best to dial her back. Don't tell her you texted me, or that I texted you before her! Lol!" "Oh! Don't worry I won't! Good luck! An thanks!" "NP"

Opening my contacts list, I open up private messages with Enterprise. Who was labeled in my contact as flagship lady... Because back when I added her, I didn't actually know her name... On the screen, seeing, and reading a section of our previous texts. "-Yeah, I overheard command making mention that Guam would be done soon!" She texted, I responded. "My sister? Really?" "Yep!" "What about Hawaii? How's construction going on her? Or do you know." "Hawaii's having... How should I describe it. Complications in her construction. The workers went on strike a few months back, and her constructions been delayed and set back a few months. Unfortunately! I think USS Constellation will get finished before her."

"Who's that? I didn't know we had any ships named Constellation." "Oh! She's a battlecruiser of the Lexington class that had her construction cancelled halfway through! Her sisters were converted to carriers as you already know, but she was too far along to be converted into carrier. Commands decided to recontinue her construction, granted with some changes in power plant! Now that they've seen Battlecruisers and their uses in a real-life application." "So, there's going to be a battlecruiser who's older than me! But also launched LONG after me! In the ranks... What do I call her mom!? Or daughter!?" "Technically Lexington is your mom... Being the nation's first Battlecruiser class... Though she was not one at launch! She is still the first of her class! SOOO, I'd say Constellation is more so your aunt! More so than Mother or daughter... But that's just my look on things!" "Hold on! If we're basing things by that logic! Ranger is your mother!?" "Of course she is silly! *Laughing emoji* Have you never heard me talk to Ranger?" "Of course I haven't!!! I've never met the woman E!!! smh" "Oh! Right, *Nervous smiley face emoji* I forgot about that! I'll have to introduce you to her sometime!"

That was the end of our last conversation via text. Texting her now! I type out. "Hey E! What happened? I went to go greet my grandpa and grandma! An turned around to find you gone! Was a bit nervous to ask but. I hope I didn't scare you off or upset you! If I did, feel free to give me a firm round house kick to the face if you see me! lol" I receive yet another notification, this time from Jersey. "Texas and Nevada were there!? I never noticed!!! Damn! I could have said hello too! LOL! And I know that's your Weakness! You're always eating it when we're on the phone!!! So! Is it safe to assume we're going for Hibachi tonight?" I tap on the notification, though there's no sound or vibration of the phone to announce said notification! Opening the message, the app, and returning her text almost immediately! "Hell yeah! Do you want to meet near the dorms? Or the docks?" Immediately, her profile picture moves down to the message, showing she's reading it. Then responds, around the exact same time my phone notifies me E is typing. "How about in front the dorms in section C? I'll be paying this time btw! So don't you dare try to pay for our food, Or I'll kick your butt! Hows... 7PM sound?" I respond, rather quickly myself. "Well... To be honest I spend all my money on collectors' cards and that food at the concession stand earlier! So that works for me!!! I'll see you at 7! Btw! You should probably put something warm on! Pretty sure it's going to be getting cold tonight! Can't go getting sick!" After I send said message, receiving one from Vestal.

"Hey! I took it upon myself to perform a quick check list of maintenance on your ship that I see hadn't been yet! In dock! I hope you don't mind! But figured I'd ask first before I started! I found a defect in your forward turrets right breach! Curious if you want me to go ahead and work that out before it becomes a problem in the next battle! Get back with me as soon as you can! Thanks!" As I tapped on the message and began to respond! E sends a text. So, I quickly respond to Vestal. "Vestal! It's supposed to be your day off!!! Do you ever relax!? Please, take a day to rest this week! Lol! An thank you for the maintenance! I haven't had a chance to catch up on any with how often they ship me out and around! An yes! I'd appreciate it greatly! If you could ensure that problem is ironed out! I've actually noticed it a few weeks ago in combat that it has a tendency of miss firing! Or just not firing at all!"

Then going to read E's message. "What!? No, you didn't upset me at all! And even if I was! You know dang well I wouldn't take that offer if I was Alaska! xD I honestly thought I was the one who scared! YOU off or upset you! I guess I just didn't hear you when you went to greet them! Umm...Speaking of upset. Sorry about how I acted today. I think I may have made you a bit uncomfortable being all... You know?" Responding. I take a guess. "Touchy touchy?" "Yeah... I hope I didn't make you too terribly uncomfortable today?" "Naaaa, I was just a bit startled by it. Didn't expect it! Ya know? Definitely not complaining though! *Laughing Emoji*" "LOL. I'll keep that in mind for the future then! *Wink Emoji*" "Oh behave E!" I text, rolling my eyes, turning over atop my back on my bed, holding my phone way above my face as I continued to text. "So, what happened earlier? You guys seemed a bit. How do I word it. Annoyed with each other? Not sure how to word it." Putting her on the spot, her purposely, because E's usually not scared to be honest. Course I knew what was happening. I just wanted to see how she'd skirt around it. Or how she'd dive headfirst into it. She noticeably takes longer to respond to that. But does eventually answer. "If I'm being honest. Just a bunch of girls fighting over a cute boy's attention." I respond rather boldly honest.

"That wasn't the part I was asking about silly! I could see that from a mile away! *Laughing with tears emoji* I meant there at the end! You guys look like you were about to go to blows!" She's once again noticeably delayed in response. "Oh! That part. . . I blame Nelson! There was no excuse for the way she talked to you and ordered you around! I think that just changed the atmosphere and put everyone in a bad mood! An it just escalated our little moment to a boiling point. If that makes sense?" "You know! Imma sound like an ass for this. But you'd have earned some brownie points if you'd sent her flying! Not gonna lie! Was routing for it!!! Kidding kidding! Don't do that!!! *Laughing Emoji*" "Right~ So keep a dauntless on hand next time! Noted!" "NOOOO! XD Don't do that!" "I won't! I won't! Command would stricken me if I hurt an allied vessel over something so trivial!" With that, the end of our conversation, and a knocking at my door.

I drop my phone atop my face by accident as a result of the startle of one at my door. "ow!" I complain as it bounced off my forehead, and off atop the bed. I rub my forehead, as I sat up. "Who is it?" I ask to whom is behind it! "Secretary Trieste with the Faial's Logistic company! Do you have a minute? I have some paperwork that I need you to fill out, in being your first time in Faial! It won't take long!" I sit up with a sigh. Reaching, unlocking, and opening the door, stepping aside as she walked in. Looking around at the room and its condition. Before writing down something. "Well! Well! Someone's well disciplined! The beds made, rooms smelling nice, clothes folded atop the dresser-" Opening a dresser as she reached it, going drawer to drawer. "All the clothes inside folded." Writing down more as she turned towards me. "So, I see your room has a bunk bed. Do you have a roommate who's out at this time?" "No ma'am" "Alright" Noting that down. Then looking me up and down at my outfit, a casual outfit. "I take it todays your day off?" "Affirmative" I uphold a professional standard with the woman. "Tell me, if you were called into battle right this moment. How long would you say it take to get prepared?"

"If the situation is desperate enough to call me from off duty to on duty! An out to sea! They need ships immediately! I wouldn't take the time to prepare myself into uniform. I'd be out to sea within the minutes. Loaded down fully or not." I answer honestly. Looking unto her paper as she wrote that down in a box. "Interesting... Very interesting. An how would you rate your experience so far in Faial? Did you struggle to find a place to dock? An have the local's given you any trouble?" "Given the horror stories I was fed before arrival. I find that it's been incredibly charming. It didn't take unreasonably long to dock. Maybe about 5 minutes tops. An the locals are all incredibly welcoming! I've yet to experience any bad from those local to here." "What about with other vessels of different nationalities? An do be honest." I ponder for a moment, she takes notice, raising her eyes from the paper onto me, but not lifting her head. She picked up on the hesitation! AN IMMEDIATELY wrote down that hesitation. So, I knew there'd be no use of lying. "Yes, I have" "Really? Without telling the names of the ships in question. Can I ask their nationality?" "Royal Navy" "Really!? That's rather startling!" Writing that down with great interest. "Right! Now have you filled out your logistics paperwork? Specifically, the paperwork that registers you as a vessel that should be looked after by the naval logistic experts on island for the duration of your stay?" "There's paperwork for that!? No ma'am, I was never made aware of this." I was surprised by that question. I'd not been made aware of it. "Okay, so more steps need to be taken towards informing new vessels." Writing down, and finishing, she moved aside her paperwork, a hand onto her hip. "Would you like to fill it out now? I'll happily walk you through it."

"I'd appreciate it!" walking around her towards the desk in the room, only one seat in front it, I pulled the chair over to the side, her following, I gestured to sit, whilst I stood near the desk. She walked to the desk, and instead turned around, and sat atop the desk, crossing her legs as she placed a set of papers and pen atop the center. "First, I'll need your name, Launch date- ship class, and-

---45 Minutes Later---

"Right! This should be all that I need! Thank you for being respectful and professional Alaska! You don't know how many that aren't that I've had to deal with. Men and Women alike." She states, walking towards the door, opening it for her, as I responded friendly and respectful in tone. "I can only imagine! All due respect, I couldn't do your job, I'd be pulling my hair out every day! I fear!" I joke around, her giggling at the fact! "No offense taken! And you're absolutely right, it's not so much as stressful as it is discomforting. Dealing with all sorts of people of varying attitudes and opinions. Anyways! Here's hoping we'll get a chance to fight side and side in battle! I wouldn't mind getting to know you a bit better." She spoke, facing me outside in the hallway as I stood in front the doorway. "I can give you my Juustagram or my number if you want to keep in touch?" That seemed to give her a gentle blush, she smirked a little, closing her eyes with a hand on the hip as she spoke. "Normally I feel like I'm getting hit on when a boy offers his number. But I feel that was more of a friendly gesture than anything else, wasn't it?" Just wanting to clarify, rather than guessing around what I was intending with that offer. "Correct" "Well, then I'll happily accept both. If it isn't any trouble?" "Not at all." Telling her both my Juustagram account name. Which was "The_Alaskan_Prince_CB-1 ✔" Then my number. Texting both with just Hello! In front me to make sure I hadn't made any errors, she confirms that both are me, before waving, and leaving. Closing the door as she left. I walk back into my room, glancing unto the alarm clock. It reads. 6:37PM. I need to take another shower, get some different clothes on before I head out to meet Big J! But nothing FANCY! It's not a date! Well to me it isn't. It's just friend hanging out to eat!

---End Of Chapter 5---

What did you do with the real GANGU!!!!!

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