โœฎ แ—ดแ—ฐO แ—ทOY โœฎ //Johnnie Guilber...

By 3M0_B01_

11.4K 171 280

You are Y/N, a young adult who's turning 23. And what's the best way to celebrate that? Going to a party full... More

|Chapter One|
|Chapter Two|
|Chapter Three|
|Chapter Five|
|Chapter Six|
|Chapter Seven|
|Chapter Eight|
|Chapter Nine|
|Chapter Ten|
|Chapter Eleven|
|Chapter Twelve|
|Chapter Thirteen|
|Chapter Fourteen|
A/N + Another story!

|Chapter Four|

930 13 11
By 3M0_B01_

"Y/N!!! Come on, get up!!" Tara yells from the other room "We have to go in like... Ten minutes!!"

I'd been living with Tara for a month now and we had decided I'd just stay with her to make things easier, so she wanted to get me stuff for my room.

I was finishing up getting ready as Tara walked in. "You take longer than I do!" I laugh at her annoyed face and she just shakes her head, trying to hide a smile. "I'm almost done! I promise." "You better be." She says jokingly as she closes my door behind her.

I stop for a second, looking down at my hands. Everything was still so hard to process. I hadn't talked to Brandon since I left, and Tara helped me block his number. I felt like I should be happier, but instead I just felt empty. It didn't make sense.

I shake the thoughts from my head, and head out with Tara.

"Oh. My. God!!!! This is so cute. We should totally get it!!" Tara says drawing out the 'O', she holds up a bright pink strawberry print bedding set. I take one look at it, and then give her an exasperated look. She just stares at me "What? They're cute!" she holds them up to me, and I can't help but laugh softly.

"They are cute, they're just not exactly... My style, yknow?" She puts them back, looking up at me with a smile "Lemme guess, something more 'edge-y'?" She laughs to herself and I nudge her. "No! I'm just one for simplicity."

I settle on some plain black sheets for now and white pillow cases, and Tara seems disappointed in my bland choice.

However I do let her convince me to get a cloud print comforter, and with that she forgives my poor taste.

Tara practically drags me throughout the entire store, trying to convince me to buy every little thing she picks up. I laugh a little everytime she gets distracted, she's like a dog.

We pay for everything, and by we I mean Tara does despite me begging her not to, and we bring everything out to the car. We throw a few jokes back and forth, laughing hysterically as we get in the car.

Tara makes me feel like a different person, but in a good way. She makes me feel like myself, and like it's ok to just be sometimes. She's very quickly become my best friend, and I can't thank her enough for everything.

Tara is helping me set stuff up in my room, and Jake came by to help with the heavier stuff. And of course Johnnie tagged along to help with whatever he could.

Tara is helping me hang up some fairy lights, and Johnnie is judging us the entire time. "Fairy lights are so basic." He says as he hangs up a drawing of mine. I crumple up a piece of paper and throw it at him, hitting him in the side of the head. "Ohhh!!!Head shot!" Jake yells as he walks in with drinks.

I hop down from the chair I was using as a stool, and grab the drink Jake hands to me. "I really appreciate the help you guys." Johnnie rubs my arm and gives me a small smile "Anytime."

We clink our glasses and I down my drink, scrunching my face at the bitter taste.

We finally finish the room, and I'm honestly really happy with it. It feels like home. These people feel like home. I can't help but smile at that thought.

Tara nudges me with her elbow, snapping me out of my thoughts. "You're smiling." She tilts her head slightly to the side, a big smile on her face.

I shrug "So?" She nudges me again, giving me a side hug "You haven't smiled like this in awhile, just makes me happy to see." I wrap my arm around her shoulder, realizing she's right. I haven't really smiled much since I moved in with her.

We had finally finished my room, and now we were all exhausted. Jake is stretched out over the loveseat, Tara is on the floor, Johnnie is leaned over the couch, and I'm sprawled out on the couch.

"I'm going to bed, you guys... Do whatever" Tara waves goodnight as she heads to her room.

I notice Johnnie had been staring at me for a few minutes now, and I turn to look up at him. He smiles softly at, tilting his head to the side. "What's up?" I question him "You're just really pretty." He covers his mouth and turns away "Oh my God that was so cringe, I'm sorry." he laughs it off.

My cheeks heat up at his comment, and I laugh nervously. Jake gags and stands up "Gross. I'm gonna get a drink." He leaves me and Johnnie alone.

I sit there nervously playing with my hands, and an awkward silence falls over us. Johnnie anxiously fidgets with his rings, clearing his throat.

"Thank you... By the way. I think you're pretty too. Er- handsome, I mean." I laugh nervously, bringing my knees to my chest. He laughs too, and things begin to feel less awkward.

We were both awkward, and didn't really know how to talk to people. Made it even more difficult when we wanted to talk to each other. However Johnnie was somewhat better at talking than I was, and seemed ok with being awkward.

"Have I ever mentioned I really like your style?" Johnnie adds, tapping my shoulder. I smile up at him "No, not really. You do?" He nodds, resting his chin in his other hand. "You look nice."

Jake walks in, clearing his throat to get our attention. "Sorry to ruin your special moment love birds, but it's time to head out." Jake teases "Mama bear needs her sleep." He adds with a southern accent.

I say goodnight to them as they head out, and I head to my room. I open my window to let some air in, and I lean on the window sill staring up at the sky for a moment.

I hear my phone buzz and I hop onto my bed, grabbing it from my bedside table. I open it to see messages from Johnnie.

Johnnie: Heyy

Johnnie: Was wondering if you might wanna hang out sometime? I realize we don't hang out much, and we rarely talk. I figured it could be fun???

Johnnie: Or yknow, could be a complete disaster

I giggle to myself, sending a response and laying my phone face down. I slip into some pajamas and crawl into bed. I hug my stuffed bear close to my chest, and my thoughts wander to Johnnie.

My thoughts wander to his hands, his eyes, his smile, his hair. I bury my face in my bear, my cheeks feel like they're on fire and my heart is racing.

I lay there for awhile, just thinking about everything that's happened. I'm happy to be where I am, and I'm happy to be surrounded by better people.

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