TIME TO BE ALIVE || Jackson...

By itssjustb

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Ivy Sloan is the younger sister of the medical prodigy, Mark Sloan. Ivy has always been top of her class, str... More



957 34 3
By itssjustb

Season 9 Episode 23 - Readiness is All
Season 9 Episode 24 - Perfect Storm

Love. It's when two people love each other so much that they'll do anything for the other. Love. It's a drug. Once you fall in love, you become addicted. Love. It's a powerful thing.

Ivy's parents didn't actually love each other. But they stayed married, until her mom died. The only person who ever loved her growing up with Mark. And now Mark was dead.

Ivy had a few relationships in her late high school years and a few in college, but none of them lasted past the honeymoon phase.

To be loved unconditionally is a gift. But it's a gift that can be returned at any point in time.

Max loved Ivy. Truly loved her. He didn't use her, or abuse her, he just loved her unconditionally. No strings, no catch. Just love.

"Ivy Margaret Sloan. I have loved you since you bumped into me at the grocery store. And I want to continue to love you till my very last breath. I admire everything you do. Your smile, your laugh, your kindness, all of it. You make me so much happier than I've ever been. Nobody could ever live up to you, and nobody ever will." He opened the box in his hand. "Ivy Margaret Sloan, will you marry me?"

Ivy stood frozen. She looked at the ring and then back at Max, before a smile appeared on her face as tears began to stream down her face.



Ivy walked into work as any other day, only this morning, she had a new accessory on her finger. A shining diamond shape sparkling ring that glistened in sunlight.

She greeted her co-workers on her way into work,  some noticing her ring, and headed up to the attendings lounge. When she entered, Cristina was looking at her phone as Jackson was filling up his coffee.

"Have you seen this? There's a big storm coming." Cristina informed, reading a news article on her phone. Ivy hung up her jacket and grabbed a clean pair of scrubs. "Heavy rain...potential hazards." Cristina read off of the article.

"Lots of traumas I guess." Jackson sighed, taking a sip of his coffee.

Before Ivy could comment, April came rushing in, a huge smile on his face. "Is it true?" She asked.

The three turned to look at her, "Is what true?" Jackson countered.

"Are you engaged Ivy?" April clarified, the words running off of her tongue. Ivy smiled, and held out her hand, April gasping in awe. "Oh my goodness! It's beautiful, congratulations!" She beamed.

Cristina walked towards the two, "Let me see." Cristina inspecting the diamond as if she was an expert. "Okay I guess it'll work." Cristina smiled and hugged her friend. "Congrats, Ives."

"Thanks, Yang." Ivy smiled, reciprocating the hug. Before any of them could ask more questions, they all got a page.

"Hunt wants everyone in the lobby." April spoke aloud. She turned back to Ivy, "After, I want all the details." She smiled and her and Alex exited the room.

Ivy quietly giggled as she watched her friends walk away, turning around to see that it was only her and Jackson left. Her smiled slowly faded.

"When?" He shortly asked, his coffee cup now sitting on the counter as his arms were crossed over his chest.

"Last night." Ivy quietly spoke. "I was gonna tell you privately but..." She trailed off, not knowing what else to say.

"Congrats, Ivy." He nodded, the two just staring for what felt like an eternity. "Uh, we should go down to lobby." He grabbed his white coat

Ivy nodded, looking anywhere but at him. "R-right. I'll be there in a second."

Jackson didn't respond, he just nodded. There was another silent moment, before he cleared his throat and left the lounge.


After changing into her scrubs, Ivy made her way to the crowded lobby. Owen stood on the stairs, talking to a nurse, then clasped his hands together and cleared his throat.

"This storm will bring in a lot of casualties. We're gonna need to make room for them, so let's discharge all patients that can be. Post-op and long-term patients are gonna be transferred to Seattle Pres further inland. We're gonna bring in supplementals, water, food, meds, lighting. Uh, we're gonna be checking and refueling the backup generators. As for you surgeons, push, postpone, or cancel all elective procedures until after this storm..." Owen addressed the hospital. "Save all surgeries for traumas. Nurses, please check that all tablets are charged and ready to go. But most importantly, we're gonna need to print hard copies of all computerized patient charts in case of a power loss."

"All of them?" Jackson asked from the cluster of employees. "Do we have time to—"

"I'll do that." Bailey's voice spoke, everyone turning to look at her.

"Bailey, it's good to have you back. I'll put you on the O.R. rotation." Owen opened his notebook.

"Uh, I mean I'll do the charts." Bailey clarified, walking away.

Owen paused, nodding, but was quick to get back on track. "Folks, they're saying that this is going to be a bad one, but we have three days to prepare. So let's do it and be ready when the storm hits. Thank you." Owen dismissed them by walking down the stairs and out of the room.

The employees dispersed and went to apply the changes that needed to be made.


After catching up with her patients, Ivy was filling out some charts and transport paperwork when Alex grabbed her arm.

"I need your help." He told, not waiting for her to respond before dragging her into a lounge with Cristina, Meredith, Jo already there. But Jo had a hood up and her eye was bruised and a black eye was forming.

"Holy shit. Jo what happened?" Ivy asked, walking into the room with Alex closing the door behind her.

"Chest Peckwell." Alex muttered, standing next to Ivy. Ivy's mouth fell, as she looked back at the girl.

"Oh my god."Ivy said through her teeth, her eyes now filled with rage.

"I'm okay. It's okay." Jo protested, as Alex paced, hands above his head.

"It's not okay, Jo!" Alex quietly exclaimed, lowering his head.

"We were having a fight. He—he grabbed my arm. I fought him off. It just—just got ugly. He fell backwards and he hit his head on the fireplace, but he was still yelling when I left. He was fine. I swear." Jo explained.

"All right. You gotta go, go." Alex declared, not leaving room for protests.

Cristina spoke up from behind Alex, "Uh, no, she has to explain to them what happened."

"No, nobody does anything until we see how Peckwell is." Alex denied, looking back at Cristina. "Look, go home. Don't let anyone see you. You three don't say a word to anybody until we know exactly what's going on. Understand?"

Then, the door opened, and Stephanie walked in. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked upon seeing Jo's face.

"She's okay." Cristina interjected, stepping in front of Jo and Alex. "You never saw her. What?"

"I have Paul Dawson's C.T. Angie results." Stephanie informed, before being escorted out by Cristina.


Jo looked at Alex with a panicked expression, "Go." He sternly ordered, Jo leaving the room. Meredith followed closely behind.

"Don't do anything stupid." Meredith instructed, leaving the room.

Ivy sighed, rubbing her face her hands. "She's right, Alex. Don't do anything stupid." She repeated, rubbing his arm and exiting the room.

Closing the door behind her.


Ivy had been paged to med bay, only to see a musical ambush, April sitting in a chair, and dancers dancing all around the bay. Ivy smiled in shock as The Proclaimers song I'm Gonna Be echoed.

The doctors watched as Micheal and a group of dancers, along with a few paramedics, danced to the beat of the song.

"Who'd have thought Kepner would've found somebody as dorky as she is?" Alex laughed, watching the scene in front of him.

"He is like the male Kepner. What are the odds?" Meredith added, also laughing and smiling.

As the song ended, the growing group clapped as the dancers ended in their pose. Ivy smiled, only guessing what came next.

"Uh, April, I know that this seems crazy..." Micheal started, panting up and down out of breath.

"This is totally crazy." April nodded, giggling. "What?"

"And to some, sudden. But when I know something, I know it. When I first saw you standing in this doorway...I felt a shock. And, uh, and I thought...this is the most beautiful person that I've ever seen. And then I thought...yeah, well, no, I-I knew...that I was gonna fall in love with you." At this point, April was crying. "And I have never been so happy knowing anything in my entire life." One of Micheal's coworkers passed him a box. "April Kepner...I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me...if you'll let me. Will you marry me?" Micheal opened the box and revealed a gorgeous ring.

"Yes. Yes." April's voice broke as she answered, a wide smiled painted on her face. At her response, the dancers threw petals in the air.

Ivy smiled, clapping for the couple. But she couldn't help but look over her shoulder to see Jackson already looking at her. The two paused, but Ivy looked down and resumed clapping, her ring still on her finger.


In the E.R., Max had entered, still in his suit from work. He looked around for anyone who might be able to help him. Max walked up to Jackson, "Excuse me?" He spoke up and Jackson turned to look at him.

Outside, lighting struck and thunder rumbled. "Yes? May I help you?"

"Uh, my girlfr...fiancé works here and I just wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help." Mac explained.

"Who's your fiancé?"

"Ivy Sloan." Max told. Jackson felt himself freeze. He hadn't met Max in person yet, and didn't really care to.

"Uh, uh, yeah, she should be down here somewhere." Jackson nodded, stumbling on his words. "You can ask Chief Hunt to help." Jackson pointed to Owen who stood behind the nurse's desk.

"Thanks man." Max held out his hand for Jackson to shake. "Max Prescott."

"Jackson Avery." Jackson shook her hand, reluctantly.

Max nodded, smiling. "Jackson...Ivy has told me great things. Really nice to meet you, man." Max nodded, walking away.

Jackson watched him, and felt a surge of jealous surging through his veins.


The power had gonna out, Ivy was helping to move patients, while Max had been approved to help gather supplies. Some nurses had passed out flashlights to help everyone see.

As she was moving some saline and blood, Ivy saw a bus outside hit a car, and flip on its side, catching in flames.

The doctors wasted no time in running outside to help the people on the bus.


They had been able to get most of the people out, rushing them out in gurney's and wheelchairs. They had warming blankets to help the patients, bandages, everything they needed.

"We've got to get everyone away from this fire. All right, if you can walk, let's get you inside! This way! We're gonna need meds. Bailey, can you handle this?" Ivy heard Owen about as she helped a patient get away from the bus.

"Ivy!" Jackson called out. "Come here."

Ivy turned to a nurse, "Help them get inside please."

"I got one more. She's jammed between two seats. Help me get her out." Jackson informed as Ivy and Hunt climbed up the bus. "Smell that? There's gas everywhere." Jackson observed.

"I have a daughter. She's three." The victim lodged in told the doctors. "Have—have you seen her? Is she okay?"

"All right, I'm gonna have to wrap this arm to stop the bleeding." Jackson examined, observing her arm.

"With what?" Ivy looked around at their lack of supplies, "We gotta get her out."

"No, no, she's wearing pink high-tops. Her name is Evelyn. I call her Evie." The patient continued.

"Everyone's inside, Ma'am. I'm sure that she's there." Hunt comforted, recalling the patients they'd brought in.

"If we can move this thing even an inch, I think we can get her out of here." Jackson changed the subjects.

"Let's do it fast." Owen spoke, the three doctors bracing themselves to life the bus. Once they were ready, the three lifted the bus, all groaning in response. After lifting a little more, they were able to get her unlogged, pulling her out. "Good, it's moving. Pull her out, pull her out. We're gonna walk you out through the door."

"No, no, no, no, my leg, my leg. I can't." She protested, the doctor's minds running through different scenarios. Jackson looked up to see a window, and then back at Owen and Ivy, who nodded.

"Ma'am, I'm gonna need you to cover your eyes, all right?" Owen asked, him and Ivy bracing themselves and the patient as Jackson grabbed a bar.

"Ready? Here we go!"

Jackson used the bar to break the glass, glass shattering instantly. Ivy felt a few pieces slide down her back as she covered her head.

"Let's go."


After getting the female on a gurney, Callie, Hunt, Ivy and Jackson were getting her strapped in to be able to wheel her inside. The rain was still pouring down hard with the frequent crash of thunder and lightning bolt.

"Move fast. This thing's a ticking time bomb." Owen urged. "Come on. Come on. Come on."

"Almost there." Callie rushed. "Done."

"All right. Let's go."

The doctors wheeled the gurney back towards the rest of the doctors and patient. Only they failed to realize Jackson had stayed behind. Once they got her undercover, Ivy looked around, only to not see Jackson.

"Wait? Where's Jackson?" Ivy felt herself starting to panic.

"He was right behind us." Callie reminded, also looking for the missing doctor.

"Yeah, well, he's not anymore!" Ivy exclaimed, panicking filling her voice and facial expression. She ran back towards the bus, which flames into grew.

"Can you see him? Wait is that him behind the bus?" Callie asked, looking for any sign of him.

"Avery? Avery!"

"Jackson!" Ivy called out, now practically running to the bus, Max following quickly behind. She heard the repeated call for Jackson to come back, but he didn't. "Jackson! Jackson!"

Just then, the bus erupted into flames, and Max pulled Ivy back. Being pushed back by the explosion, Max and Ivy were now on the ground, but she was quick to stand up, still calling Jackson's name.

"Jackson! Jackson!" Ivy had tears streaming down her face, along with the rain. Her voice cracked as she called out for him. "No! No, no, no!"

As she continued pleading, Jackson emerged with a girl resting on his hip. He brought the little girl to the patient they had just saved as Ivy broke down in tears.

She just watched the person she loved die and come back to life.


Callie had taken Jackson back to get him patch up, him being partly covered in blood and his arm broken.

Ivy rushed towards the bed. "You idiot!" She cried, pushing his shoulders back repeatedly.

"Sloan!" Callie called out trying to get her off of him.

"You could've died! You could've died! You idiot!" Ivy continued, tears still streaming down her face.

"Sloan! Sloan!" Callie pulled Ivy off of Jackson. "Sloan! Take a walk. Now." Callie sternly ordered. Ivy looked briefly back at Jackson, who looked confused, and then walked away.

Max stood back, having seen the whole encounter.


After cooling down, Ivy went back to where Jackson was, and opened the closed curtain. Jackson's arm was bandaged, and his scrub top had been removed.

"Don't." Jackson denied as Ivy closed the curtain. "Whatever it is that's bugging you, just keep it to yourself, all right?"

"I love you." Ivy blurted, panting. "I love you Jackson. And I-I-I want you. I love you." Ivy cried, her face going to her hands.

"Ivy..." Jackson whispered.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the shit I've done. I've ignored you, I've made it awkward between us. I know, and I'm so sorry." Ivy rambled, her voice breaking every few seconds.

"And you're getting married." Jackson reminded, trying to keep himself calm. If it weren't for his arm, and whether he'd admit it or not, he'd kiss her right then and there without a care in the world who saw.

"When that's bus exploded, I thought you...I thought you died, Jackson. And that feeling, that feeling when I thought I lost you made me realize how much I love you." Ivy's voice was just barely above a whisper.

"You're getting married." Jackson repeated, looking at the distraught girl in front of him.

Ivy paused, collecting herself, before she looked Jackson dead in the eye and said, "Unless you give me a reason not to."

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