The Land of the Lost

بواسطة Ski4Life_73

240 33 10

In the realm of Oryn, Princess Odette bears the weight of her lineage, pressured to uphold her parents' legac... المزيد

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Odette
Character List
Chapter 2 - Louis
Chapter 3 - Odette
Chapter 4 -Louis
Chapter 5 - Odette
Chapter 7 - Odette
Chapter 8 - Louis
Chapter 9 - Queen Lucille
Chapter 10 - Odette
Chapter 11 - Louis
Chapter 12 - Odette
Chapter 13 - Louis
Chapter 14 - Eliana
Chapter 15 - Odette
Chapter 16 - Louis
Chapter 17 - Eliana
Chapter 18 - Odette
Chapter 19 - George
Chapter 20 - Louis
Chapter 21 - Odette
Chapter 22 - Louis
Chapter 23 - Odette
Chapter 24 - Louis
Chapter 25 - Odette
Chapter 26 - Odette
Chapter 28 - Louis
Chapter 28 - Eliana
Chapter 29 - Louis
Chapter 30 - Odette
Author's Note

Chapter 6 - Louis

11 2 0
بواسطة Ski4Life_73

As Odette and I continued deeper into the forest, a chill breeze enveloped us, sending shivers down my spine. Time seemed to slow as we continued onward, the sun descending toward the horizon, casting a warm glow over the canopy above.

Despite our long journey, the forest remained largely serene, interrupted only by the occasional scampering of woodland creatures.

In a clearing nestled within the embrace of towering trees, we established a small campsite. With some of our personal items and a handful of blankets taken from the palace, we created makeshift beds and started a small fire, its flickering flames casting dancing shadows upon the forest floor.

Odette was sitting on her bed, appearing lost in thought.

"What's bothering you, Odette," I asked softly, the warmth of the firelight casting a gentle glow upon her face.

She glanced up, startled from her train of thought, before offering a small smile. "Just thinking about the responsibility that comes with being a royal," she confessed, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness.

Nodding in understanding, I settled beside her, the crackling fire providing a comforting backdrop to our conversation. "It must be quite the burden to bear," I remarked sympathetically, my gaze drifting toward the flickering flames.

A lull fell over us as we sat in silence, the crackling fire serving as our sole source of illumination. The tranquility of the forest enveloped us, its quietude offering an escape from the demands of the outside world.

After a moment, Odette turned to me, her expression softened by the flickering firelight. "Tell me about your family, if you don't mind."

As Odette and I sat around the crackling fire, enveloped in the peaceful ambience of the forest, she leaned forward with genuine curiosity, prompting me to share more about my family.

With a smile, I began recounting memories of my childhood in Pellionia, where my parents and I had lived alongside my spirited younger sister, Eliana. The image of our tiny home nestled among rolling hills and sun-kissed meadows flickered in my mind, we were some of the lucky people who got to live in a safer part of the kingdom.

Then I spoke of my father's sudden passing, his sudden illness that none of us could figure out, left behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. It was a difficult time for my family, full of grief, especially for my mother. But, that time period made me realize she is a lot stronger than I always thought, and it was her idea to relocate to Oryn.

As Odette listened intently, her expression softened with empathy, the crackling flames casting dancing shadows across her face. With a gentle nod, she urged me to continue, her genuine interest serving as comfort.

Turning the conversation toward Eliana, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my spirited younger sister. "Her name is Eliana, but we call her Eli for short," I explained, a fond chuckle escaping my lips. "She's fifteen, but you'd think she's been blessed with the wisdom of the ages. She's a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure."

A shared moment of laughter bridged the gap between us, seeming to end the awkwardness between us that has stuck since we first met at the palace. With a playful glint in her eyes, Odette leaned in closer, intrigued by Eliana's apparent admiration for her.

A smile tugged at the corners of Odette's lips as she absorbed the revelation. "Well, it's always humbling to have a fan," she remarked, her voice tinged with amusement. "I never realized a princess could have fans."

The conversation flowed effortlessly between us. With each passing moment, the awkwardness between us seemed to melt away, and it felt as if we were slowly developing a friendship that seemed to overtop the boundaries of rank and status between us.

As the final embers of the fire began to fade into the night, I passed a portion of beans to Odette. With a contented sigh, we savored the warmth of the fire and the comfort of each other's company, while trying to enjoy what food we have.

With a suppressed chuckle, I posed the lighthearted question that had been on my sister's mind for days. "Well, there is one very important question my sister wants to know. How do you manage to keep your hair so impeccably perfect?" I asked.

Odette, already settling into a more comfortable position on her makeshift bed, responded with a tired but amused smile. "Ah, the age-old secret," she replied, her voice tinged with humor. "I wash it, I brush it, then I let it dry, and then I brush it again." Her words were interrupted by a soft yawn, the extent of our journey beginning to catch up with her.

As the crackling flames of our campfire gradually dwindled, casting elongated shadows across the forest floor, I noticed Odette was already peacefully sleeping. With a gentle touch, I adjusted the blanket draped over her, ensuring she was shielded from the chill of the night.

Once satisfied that Odette was comfortably settled, I set about the task of extinguishing the fire, its warm glow fading into embers. The forest around us seemed to sigh in contentment as darkness crept in, the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl serving as the only sounds in the tranquil night.

I gathered our belongings, stowing them away in preparation for the night ahead. Each item was carefully packed, its placement a showing my routine born of countless nights spent beneath the stars.

Finally, as the forest embraced us in its nocturnal embrace, I settled onto my makeshift bed, the memories of my family dancing at the edges of my consciousness. With a soft sigh, I allowed myself to succumb to the gentle pull of sleep, my thoughts drifting homeward as the night enveloped me in its comforting embrace.

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