Arms of The Angels || Book 2...

By kmnjihallelujah

33.6K 2.2K 372

I love you, even when you're only a hope. :3 Remember to separate fiction from reality ! This one is the seq... More



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By kmnjihallelujah

"Hanni, wait." Ryujin stopped the excited woman before they entered the ICU room.

"You got to understand something."

"W-what is it?" Hanni suddenly panicked.

"Ryujin, you said she's fine!"

"She is," Ryujin nodded eagerly.

"What I'm about to say is... don't give her a flying hug. Be gentle and be careful because it's just been five days. She's not strong enough and I certainly don't want to go back to the OR to fix the stiches."

"Oh." Hanni smiled in relief.

"Well, then I'd give you the flying hug." The woman jumped and squeezed Ryujin tightly.

"Thank you, Ryu. Thank you for saving Minji. I can never repay you for it."

"You're most welcome, Han. She's my best friend. Of course I'll do anything to help her." The general surgeon patted Hanni's back softly.

"Let's go."

Both women wore the gown and washed their hands using alcohol before they stepped into the cold space. Minji's room was at the end of the first row. They cautiously walked without making noise. Most patients were either sleeping or unfortunately still in coma, the nurses were all busy with their work. Some of them smiled and bowed a little when they passed by the doctor.

As they drew nearer, Yujin walked out from Minji's room with the biggest grin. She waved at Ryujin and Hanni delightedly then ran towards them.

"That dumbass- I mean Minji!" Yujin quickly covered her mouth and corrected her saying, "is finally awake!"

"I know. I was here!"

"Ready to see her, Han?"

"As ready as I'd ever be." Hanni nodded gratefully.

When the glass door slid open, Minji's eyes were still closed. Yujin had informed Hanni that the sedative effects of the drugs were still in Minji's system. She'd be drowsy most of the time until it's gone completely.

Hanni steadily approached Minji's side. There were no signs Minji was aware of her presence. Her shoulders rose up and down gently. Hanni smiled at the sight. She touched Minji's temple with her knuckles softly.

"Hey, Baby."

Minji stirred a bit, sensing the light brush. Gradually, she opened her eyes. She blinked a few times before a smile formed upon her lips.

"Am I in heaven?"

"God no," Hanni shook her head.

"You're on earth, Baby."

"Aren't you the angel?" Minji chuckled and grunted when the pain suddenly stabbed her stomach.

"You okay?!"

"Urg... too early for a laugh, I guess."

"Take it easy, Hon."

Hanni gently caressed Minji's abdomen, feeling the thick gauze dressing under Minji's gown. Deliberately, Minji lifted her heavy hand and placed it on her wife's.

"Did I sleep for too long?"

Hanni met Minji's mellow gaze. She could see the guilt and concern there. Hanni was grateful but this was also overwhelming. It felt surreal. Minji was awake. She had opened her yes, she held her hand, making a light joke, as if nothing bad happened. Should she wake up realising that it was just a dream, she'd be crazy for real.


She bit her lip. "It doesn't matter now, Minji. You're awake, y you're not leaving me and that's all I ask for."

The patient nodded understandingly. "How are you?”

"I've been better," her lips trembled. So she tightened her grip, assuring Hanni that she was not going anywhere.

"I'm here, Baby. I'll always be here."

"B- but you're almost..."

"Even a bullet can't stop me from being with you." Minji stated as a matter of fact.

"Literally speaking."

"Please just... don't say that word. I don't want to hear it."

"Okay," Minji replied softly.

"How are the triplets?"

"They're your parents. They miss you and I don't know how to explain this whole thing. I feel like I'm the worst mother. I never meant to neglect them," her voice cracked as a tear descended.

"I can't stop crying whenever I see them cause this... images of losing you and raising them alone by myself are too much for me to handle."

"We're going to grow old together, I prom-"

"Don't say things you can't keep." She wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"You said it before and I've died holding onto that. I'm selfish, I know, but Minji, I'd blame you, with every cell in my body, I'd blame you should you... should you move on without me."

Minji took a deep breath. She knew Hanni didn't mean that. She was emotional, upset and unquestionably not in her right mind. Just after the night she stated those comforting words of never leaving her wife behind no matter what, she metaphorically gone.

"Thank you for hanging in there. I'm sorry I made you wait too long."

"Tell me one possible way to not hold onto you." Hanni closed the distance between them, and leaned in.

"It's impossible, Minji. It is impossible when my soul relies on you.”


After endless nagging and constant lecturing from the cardio surgeon, Yujin finally agreed to transfer Minji to the ward as she also felt that her condition was good enough. It never occurred to her before, but staying in the ICU was indeed a spine-chilling experience.

Minji was still weak and sleepy all the time. However, she never misses the chance to video call her children whenever she's awake. This was the only way she could lessen the longing. They were not allowed to be in her room and Ryujin had sternly forbidden her to do extreme moves, including standing or walking.

Hanni and Minji's parents took turns to look after her. Every now and then, the lawyer had to go back home to take some clothes and other necessities. Not to mention, she had three children who needed her attention as well.

Minji had asked Hanni to stay at home and accompany the triplets. She had reassured her wife that she was fine and she had nothing to worry about.

"I almost lost you, Minji. Ive spent days by myself in our room, thinking for the best yet the worse never leave me alone. I'm not going home without you."

Thousands of regrets would never erase the horrible memory from Hanni's brain. A mountain of promises wouldn't be able to remove her fear. She could've gone and everything was over for her. It was an easy exit. But it'd be contrary to Hanni. The one who got left behind was always the one to suffer, to bear the great burden.

This was the way Hanni coped up with the terrible situation. She had to be close to Minji to be sure that this was real, that she wouldn't wake up some day, finding this was all just a dream.


"Dada, where are we going?"

Minji stole a glance through the rear

view. "We're going to Dada's office family gathering. There's going to be a lot of food there. Aorta, Artery, and Venous will like it."

"Hon, can you not bump so much? I'm trying to fix my make up here."

"What more do you want to fix? Your face is already perfect as it is."

"Sweet talker." Hanni couldn't hide the smile.

"You love it," Minji stated as a matter of fact.

"Aorta, Artery, Venous?"

"Hm?" The three answered simultaneously.

"Are you guys excited?!"

"Yes, Dada!"

"Artery is hungry already. Artery will eat a lot."

"Venous wants noodles, Dada. Many noodles." The youngest loved that particular food, any type of it. Every time they went out to eat, she'd ask for noodles in exchange for rice.

"Aah, Dada doesn't know if they order noodles." Minji spoke under her breath.

"But, they usually have various flavors of ice cream!"

"Hon, we can't let them eat sweets too much."

"Mommy, it's Saturday! It's ice cream day!" Aorta reached out from his chair to his Mom.

"We can eat ice cream on Saturday, Mommy!"

"Yes, we can, sweet heart. Just not too much. Aorta, Artery, and Venous will get toothache. Does Aorta want to go see the dentist again?"

That statement set Aorta back. The memory of his last visit to the tooth doctor was terrifying. Those tools had frightened the three of them. Being the oldest, Aorta got the first turn. His Mommy held him tightly, no matter how hard he tried to close his mouth, the doctor still managed to get inside.

"Mommy, Artery never wants to go back there. Artery is scared." The second born frowned deeply as he felt uneasy.

"Venous will not eat ice cream, Mommy." She mumbled broken-heartedly.

"What a bad mother." Minji side-eyed her wife, earning an obvious disapproval from her.

"Try to take them to the dentist and we'll have the talk."

Innocently, Minji took Hanni's hand and kissed her palm.

"I love you."

"You're still coming with me in six months."

"Yes, Baby.”

Minji pulled the car to the main lobby. She gave the key to the valet after the triplets were all out.

The three were wearing the same model outfits. Except, Venous was in a skirt. Hanni paid great attention to the way the five of them dressed. As always, Aorta, Artery, and Venous successfully snatched everyone's attention.

They were cute, adorable and in their best  behavior.

The main event, which was also the moment they had been waiting for, came shortly after speeches from the director of the hospital and the chief of surgery. All attending doctors were given the opportunity to take the dishes first.

Minji had Aorta with her while Hanni helped Artery and Venous to choose the meal they desired. As expected, they picked several different foods. Their big appetite was not something that bothered Minji and Hanni. They moved a lot, so they needed the energy.

The triplets ate in silence. They were all concentrating on chewing, swallowing and enjoying the tasty meals.

Minji just got back to her seat with a tray of dim sum. Venous, who was sitting beside her, was looking at the steamy dim sum in interest.

"Dada, can Venous have one of those?"

"Venous wants this?" The little girl nodded eagerly. "Dada will give it to Venous for three kisses."

The youngest immediately reached out to Minji's face and kissed her lips three times.

"One more."

And she did.

"Thank you, sweet heart. Here you go." She fed Venous as the latter munched it deliciously.

"Does Venous like it?"

She nodded, "it's tasty."

"Dada! Artery wants one too!"

Minji sighed constantly. Ever since she became a mother, eating in peace was almost impossible. They always put the triplets first. Fortunately, Aorta, Artery, and Venous were getting better at using a fork and spoon. They only needed Minji or Hanni to assist them when they ate using the chopsticks.

"Let's exchange it for three kisses," Minji said.

Artery pouted his lips as Minji bent down.

"Dada, that's five kisses!" Artery laughed whole-heartedly.

"Dada cheated!"

"But Dada will give Artery this delicious dim sum."

He chewed it happily. Minji couldn't take his cuteness. He pinched Artery's cheek lovingly. She then turned to the other side, where Aorta sat. Hanni was blowing his hot meat as he waited patiently.

"Hey, buddy, want some of this?"

"What's that Dada?"

"Dim sum."

"Oh? Okay."

"Give Dada three kisses first."

After Hakau entered his mouth, Aorta furrowed her brows. "It's salty, Dada."

"Is it? Aorta doesn't like it?"

"Aorta likes meat more."

"Baby, here. It's not hot anymore." Hanni fed him.

"Hon, you want the last one?" Minji offered the last dim sum to her wife, smirking mischievously.

"Don't even try," Hanni warned playfully.

"Your bosses, colleagues, and residents are here."

"What? You're my wife, not some secret mistress. I have the right to kiss you whenever."

"Behave, Hon."

"Whatever." Minji shrugged and ate the last piece. Before she went back to her chair, she swiftly placed a kiss on Hanni's cheek. The latter shook her head at her wife's antics.

Nothing was out of ordinary. People were having the time of their lives. The band played soft music. Some danced with their partners, some were talking enthusiastically, many others were playing with their smartphones, however, this particular person decided to sneak behind her children's back to have more ice cream for herself.

But suddenly, the light went off. The room instantly turned dark. There were only dim illuminations from phones and tablets. Minji counted inwardly. It was unusual for a five star hotel to let lights off for more than thirty seconds. People were rushing around her. They were probably trying to fix whatever it was. She stood on her spot, unable to go back since she left her phone at the table.

"Mommy!" A familiar voice shrieked in fear.

"Venous!" Minji instinctively called out her daughter.

"Dada! Dada!" Another scream sent a chill of horror throughout her body.


Minji quickly ran to the source of voice. It was weird. People seemed to stop moving. The way was endless. She couldn't spot her family. Where the hell were they?

"Aorta! Hanni!" Minji shouted at the top of her lungs.

"Remember me, Kim Minji?"

That man. That creepy smile. That certain lunatic man stood at the stage.

"You're dead!"

"Apparently, I'm not." He grinned disturbingly.

"But they are." He flicked his finger as a spotlight shining on two figures of her wife and son, with a rope around their neck hanging lifelessly.

"W-what have you done?!"

Minji ran for her life. She didn't believe what she saw.

"The show is not over, yet, Kim Minji."

It happened too fast. Without warning, another spotlight showed her Venous and Artery struggling to release the tie.

"They're too noisy.”


Instantly, the two stopped moving. Blood was oozing from their heads.

"No!" Minji fell to the floor. It was over. Her life was over.

"No!" Even the excruciating wail would never bring her family back.

"Minji, look at me!"

"No!" She cried loudly.

"No! No! No!"

"Wake up! Minji, you're okay! Look at me!"

Her strength was impossible to resist. Hanni tried to hold Minji as tight as she could. She was trashing on the bed like an evil spirit had possessed her soul.


She violently pushed Hanni away as the latter fell to the ground. The side of her head hit the drawer.

"No!" Minji roughly took off the oxygen cannula and the IV line. Fresh blood flew from her vein.

The door abruptly opened as a male resident and a few nurses walked in.

"Mrs. Pham?"

"I'm okay. Just help her."

Hanni saw they injected something into Minji's body. Whatever it was, it made Minji gradually calmed down and went back to sleep. They fixed everything, including putting another IV line on Minji's other hand.

"I'm just outside, Mrs. Pham. Please press this button if anything." The resident bowed and left the room.

Hanni gritted her teeth. She touched her temple, it hurt. It'd probably become a bruise tomorrow. Luckily, it didn't make a cut.

"What were you dreaming about, Minji?”

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