𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || C...

By Jay_Hansley2069

32.3K 785 572

-𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥 || CAIROCC After the disgraceful Man exited a 18 year old high school student's lif... More

Chapter {1}.
Chapter {2}.
Chapter {3}.
Chapter {4}.
Chapter {5}.
Chapter {6}.
Chapter {7}.
Chapter {8}.
Chapter {9}.
Chapter {10}.
Chapter {11}.
Chapter {13}.
Chapter {14}.
Chapter {15}.
Chapter {16}.
Chapter {17}.
Chapter {18}.
Chapter {19}.
Chapter {20}.
Chapter {21}.
Chapter {22}.
Chapter {23}.
Chapter {24}.
Chapter {25}.
Chapter {26}.
Chapter {27}.
Chapter {28}.
Chapter {29}.

Chapter {12}.

1.1K 28 42
By Jay_Hansley2069

CC's Point Of View:


-"Come on, woman! Open the door already, will ya?"

The sleepy Latina opened the door, -"What the hell do you want now, Carbon?"

-"Uh, Obvious reason. I went back to get my stuffs...I came here to stay?"

-"Sta-, Oh right. Come in".

I went in and threw my bags on the couch, sitting on it like it had always belonged to me. She sat down beside me, still sleepy.

I thought of mocking this girl, because I loved to..
-"Woah, someone's still sleepy. Didn't you sleep well last night after I left?"

-"I did, but woke from a nightmare, had three cigarettes, drank coffee, wrote shit and then went to sleep. 5 minutes hasn't even gone by, and your here".

She yawned cutely, and I smiled silly looking at the girl. Though it hurt me much, hearing the woman take three cigarettes, She Didn't Listen To Me...

Talk about Sleeping Beauty, I was already sitting beside one. Despite sleeping in such a mess, she still was able to stay like the Goddess she was, not a single thing changing in her...

-"...You're So Beautiful, Woman", I whispered, never realizing it was loud enough for Cairo to hear. 

-"What's that?" She asked confused.

-"Uh...Nothing, just saying that you look like garbage, when you wake up", I winked.

Instead of rolling her eyes in annoyance, she smirked and spoke in the hottest way possible, standing up slowly.  

-"You're So In Love With Me, CC Walker...It's Pathetic". She let out a sharp grin, Cairo looked like she was trying to have some kind of impact over me, and surely it was working. 

I gulped at her rather seductive tone. 

The hell just happened right now!?
I mean, did she accept my confession or something...?

-"Enough foreplay, I going to take a shower. So do what you want".

-"Oh, okay. Mind if I join?" I teased again, thinking that victory is mine now. 

And damn, how wrong I was...
Yet I did have a pre-victory...
Cairo was slightly blushing.

She smirked again, and then made her way towards me. Standing right in the middle of my parted legs, she pulled up my chin softly to look at the lady. 

She spoke, having too much fun with her seductive tone, having effects over me...

-"I Will Never Mind, If You Join Me, Showering Walker..."

I just stared at those eyes, and wondered how much she can witness through my soul with those irises. She smiled, yet dirtily and left for her bath. 

While I sat there, processing the moment that we had, seconds ago...

Cairo's Point Of View:

"Left alone under the water 
That was chosen by the Killer
To suffocate the Dear Prey..."

"Will this get any Better?
Taking a regular Bath, 
Walking in that regular Path,
leading to the Suspecter, 
Who is lingering over the fact
Of you killing someone
you never met..."

"Unbelievably, NPC
You wonder... 
Do you ever stop to notice...
The unseen Evidence...
That was all along,
right under your feet..."

-Cairo Sweet.

(I Know It's Lame as fuck)...

I thought while bathing...

The water washed down my body, feeling the cold wetness all over myself. It created a feeling of comfort, shiver, nervousness all over me, crashing like the disturbing breeze. The wet strands of my hair, glued to my face. I put my hand over the hanger, to find not a single towel hanging. 

I must have forgotten it, right after I kept on pissing Walker off...
Should I literally get out naked?
...Or maybe I should just call for CC to hand me the towel.

I slightly opened the door, and shouted like I never did before. -"CC!!!"

No response...

-"CC!!!!!" I screamed my lungs out. Waking the half-asleep player.

-"Paradise filled with Soccer balls, Woman What the hell do you want!?" She groaned.

-"Thank God, you're awake! Now hand me the towel beside you, I forgot to bring it with me".

I kept on taking glimpse and from the slightly separated Door, watching CC groan for a couple of second before standing up in exhaustion and making her way clumsily towards the bathroom. 

I directed her my hand, to throw the towel. She did and stood there like a sleeping horse. I wrapped the towel as tightly as I could and slowly opened the door, thinking of taking CC's dizziness as an advantage. 

But, as usual the luck was never my side...

The floor being a bit slippery, I slipped and was about to fall and hit my butt hard. But then Walker took hold off me, even though she was half asleep, standing. 

Guess the luck wasn't that unfair, after all. CC saving my butt, my towel not falling...
Yeah, pretty sure the luck was 50% on my side...

I opened my eyes, to find myself in the most embarrassing situation, possible. CC's hand over my waist, my body half having zero balance. Our Body Touching...

Both our faces, was bursting with the hotness of red and I knew that if I don't make the move fast, this will get more and more worse than it already is. 

To protect both our dignities, I adjusted my posture, whispering a Thank You with that embarrassment present in my tone. I Felt Weak...

She scratched her neck from behind and spoke, the stuttering in her voice -"Uh...N-No, Problem. It's just an accident..."

-"Would have been one, if I smacked my butt with the ground" I added.

-"Right...", Her face was still hot tempered and so was mine, but slightly less. 

-"Um...Let's pretend that never happened, okay Carbon?"

-"...Sure Woman...", She answered.

I hummed in agreement, and went to get some clothes for myself. Regretting and determining myself to NOT forget to bring my clothes and towel in shower, from the next time. 
Especially with CC around...


CC's Point Of View:

-"Come on! Why wouldn't that thing move his shitty hands?"

The older one complained, almost breaking the controller. I laughed historically at her lose. Then clearing the tears from laughing off, I interlaced her fingers in mine, adjusting myself behind her small body. Her hand over mine. 

-"Okay woman, so you got to do is press this button and then he will surely listen to you command, see?"

I showed her the move and she looked unimpressed, rather annoyed and slightly blushing...?

-"Sure, like all games are meant to be like that huh?" She spoke.

I smiled at her irritation and before I could realize, I pressed a smooch over her cheeks.

Both of us, stared at each other the moment, I moved away. I cursed my lips, and my reflex actions. It was so wrong...

-"...Cairo! Oh soccer, I so so so sorr-"

I felt her index finger over my mouth, -"...I-It's okay. I guess I can go for cheek smooches..."

Damn, Cairo fucking Sweet just said that!?
TO ME!???!...
Is this Paradise...!?

The Latina still between my legs, her back facing my font. My hands on each side. I didn't dare to put my hands over her waist, not after what happened, but something in me really made me ask for permission...

-"...Uh, would you mind if I hug you from behind? Unless if you're uncomfortable, I'm totally okay with that and we can just-"

She nodded her head, and I knew that speaking another word with change her choice. I nervously and carefully pulled Cairo more close to me, Colliding Our Body...Again

Surprisingly her hand stayed above mine, and she seemed to be playing with my rubber bracelets. She looked so...Cute.

The strand of hair coming in the way of her eyes, covering it and hiding it from my sight. I slowly moved it away and that made Cairo turned her head gently, Our Lips Inches Apart...

Both of us stared at each one's eyes, and slowly our eyes travelled down the lips. Her breath over mine.

Butterflies in my stomach, from the slight touch and small caress over my arms...

 I gulped at that unbreakable tension, her mouth somewhat open...

-"...Cairo/CC...", PHONE RINGING.

 Cairo moved away, immediately after hearing that bullshit ringing...

I cursed at that stupid thing...

-"I think you should pick up the call, CC..." she spoke, looking humiliated.

-"No...That can wait longer..." Silencing the phone, I gently cupped her face, and locked our eyes, puzzling every thoughts and words in mind. Only the repetition of her previous touch happening...

I Need Her, Right Here And Right Now...

-"Can I...?" Hoarsely the words came out.  

Her nod was barely understandable, but I took the risks...

I pressed my lips against her, those soft and tenderly touch was everything to drive me crazy. The moment felt So Special...
So Magical...
So Unreal...

Her hands still over my other arm, slowly travelling down to my hand, leaving exciting goosebumps over my skin. Instantly, interlacing our fingers, we reciprocated our kiss a bit further, me trying hard not to make her uncomfortable...

Cairo softly pulled away, and it only made the tension worse, making want her lips collide with mine even more...Her Lips Became The Addicting Drug For My Brain...

We didn't speak, instead she turned around and pressed her back over my font, closing her eyes. We never talked about our fingers interlocked, those small ones closely blocked with my ones. 

Then suddenly my phone rang again, and this felt so irritating that I wanted to throw that shit out off the window, but I cursed to myself and opened my open.

Only to find A Picture Of Mine...With Cairo. A Picture Taken Now...

It came from an unknown number, and there a was text saying "Both Of You Will Regret This..."

I gulped and closed the phone, feeling my thoughts darken by this. Immediately forgetting the moment that I had with Cairo. The lady was asleep in my arms. Tomorrow, Riley will come...

Maybe show this to her, and track the number down...

CC didn't want Cairo to stress out, so she put her phone in her pocket, pressed a smooch over her forehead, moving a little strand from her eyes, weakly whispering -"Good Night..."

CC will show this to Cairo, tomorrow with Riley...


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