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By fireflwr

4.4K 249 64

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308 25 10
By fireflwr


🌙 ──────〔༄〕 ────── 💖

Yiseul woke up a lot lighter after her time with Felix during the night in their dreamscape. Like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, and whatever had been coiling in her gut and weighing down her chest, seemed to have faded.

Felix was right, they weren't replacing Jamie, and he would want her to be happy. She was betraying him, he would always be her first mate, the sire of her pups, father to her children. He would always have a special place in her heart. It just turns out, due to fate, that she had so much more room in her heart, and so much more love to give in this life.

And the scenting, even if inside a dreamscape, had been a refreshing relief. Sure, she couldn't smell the citrusy soft scent of Clementine and Vanilla from Felix on her body, but it had certainly comforted her in her dreams. And that may have transferred to at the very least a calming refreshment to her mind. She woke up as if she had the best sleep she's ever had, and was ready to take on whatever the day wanted to throw at her.

So when Jeongin texted her, not only with his outfit of the day, but also informing her of having a fairly free day in the next day (other than a vocal lesson in the morning), asking if they could see each other, Yiseul readily agreed, happily looking forward to their little date, even anxiously awaiting it as she felt a spark of excitement she hadn't felt in a while. One she was perfectly content about.

And then she'd gotten texts from Changbin, Chan, and Felix.

She opened Felix's first.

Felix: Hey 👋😊
Felix: Innie finally gave me your number!
Felix: Having a nice morning?

Yiseul: Hi Felix ☺️
Yiseul: I'm having a wonderful morning.
Yiseul: Thank you for comforting me last night. I feel as if a weight has been lifted.

Felix: :) So glad I can help. You deserve to be happy, and I know I didn't know Jamie, but I'm sure he would want you to be happy and loved as well.

Yiseul: no, you're right. he'd be sad if I was sad, and i never wanted him to see me sad.

They continued to chat for a few more minutes, him telling her what he had planned that day, and she'd told him what she was up to, as well as her date with Jeongin to see each other again. He immediately texted that he wished he could come, but hoped they had fun.

Felix: Maybe when my schedule clears up we can have our own date :) Felix: Especially since I'm the only one who hasn't met you in person yet. TT w TT

Yiseul couldn't help the laugh that bubbled out of her lips. He was such a cute and loveable guy, she felt just interacting with him, even over text, made her feel so happy. His bright personality was so contagious.

Yiseul: I await the time it clears up, then :)

After she checked the others, and other than Changbin's good morning message, he hadn't sent her anything since the day they met. He'd sent her a message the evening after they'd met telling her it was his number, as well as saying he was so happy to have met her and that he looked forward to getting to know her (such a sweetie, these boys!).

Then there was Chan's.

Chan: Hi :) Good morning!
Chan: I just got your number from Binnie
Chan: Hope you're having a good morning
Chan: I know this may be fast, but I was wondering if you had time today? I'd really like to see you again

Yiseul: Hi, I have the day free, until I have to pick up the pups from their daycare.

Yiseul thought for a moment, before curiosity seemed to overtake her.

Yiseul: Changbin mentioned that you guys were working on a song, and were really busy recently. Are you sure you have time?

Chan: You're not wrong. We are really busy, and we're still working on the song, but… I was wondering, and you could totally say no, I would understand, but would you be interested in coming down to my studio? You could even bring some of your own work stuff with you, if you need to

Yiseul was surprised, but she definitely wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. She could almost hear her friends screaming in her mind about this.

Yiseul: I would love to.

Chan: Great! Shall I send you the address? Or would you rather Changbin pick you up? He hasn't made it into the studio yet because he likes to work out in the mornings

She didn't have time to reply, because she got a message from Changbin.

Changbin: I'm on my way to pick you up. Chan texted, saying you're joining us today :D I'm so excited to see you! I hope you don't mind.

Yiseul laughed, before texting both boys.

Yiseul [to Chan]: Looks like my decisions been made for me. Changbin is on his way to pick me up.

Yiseul [to Changbin]: Thank you, Binnie. I don't mind. I look forward to seeing you, too! Here's my address. [address link]

Chan: LOL Ok, glad he's on his way! I would have offered, but I'm already at the studio. Text me when you get here, I'll meet you in the lobby or something :)

Changbin: Be there in half an hour :)

Yiseul was left, then, with the realisation that she needed to get ready. She'd been in her pyjamas, mostly, when she'd dropped her pups off, but this wasn't cute at all! And she will be meeting two of her soulmates today!

Quickly face timing her friends, Noémie and Rowan, Yiseul was fast to get ready (after they'd had a mini freak out session screaming and squealing about her going on little dates to meet her various new soulmates), doing a light layer of makeup, just to look a little more presentable, and then got into a pretty, but comfortable outfit with the helpful feedback from Noémie (once she'd stopped screaming and squealing in excitement) and Rowan (who had made Yiseul promise to later give them the play-by-play of her time with her soulmates, and a reassurance if she needed they could pick up and watch her pups this afternoon, not that Yiseul thought she'd need them to). She even had time to pack her bag of her laptop and some of her work things.

It was at times like this that Yiseul was glad that she'd become a writer, as it allowed her to work remotely and at home for the most part. Especially now that the time spent in the pandemic had allowed her publisher to allow there to be Zoom meetings over her works with her editors and all that she needed to talk to to coordinate the publishing of her work.

Another notification dinging from her phone let her know Changbin had texted that he'd arrived, and Yiseul was quick to grab her things and make her way out of the house. She met Changbin outside of her house, in his car. It was a nice car.

Yiseul smiled, getting into the passenger seat. All at once she could smell his scent overwhelmingly in the car, but she inhaled softly, enjoying the way his scent wrapped around her like a calming blanket. She felt as if it gave her courage and confidence to face him.

Once she'd shut the door, she turned to him, "Good morning, Binnie," She greeted sweetly, and was happy to see a bit of redness creep up his neck to his face and ears. Along with a soft pleasant sweetening of his scent, letting her know that he was very much happy to see her.

"Good morning," He smiled a little shyly, then. "You have a really nice house," he said, then, not quite breaking the slight awkwardness.

Yiseul giggled, nodding, "Thanks, Jamie and I bought it together when we moved here." She smiled softly, the somberness of mentioning Jamie countered only with the contentment she felt being in the presence of one of her soulmates. She reached over to kiss him on the cheek, before moving back in her seat, happy to see his stunned expression. "It's nice to see you, again, Soulmate."

He grinned at her, laughing that adorable laugh of his, before he instructed her to buckle up, before he moved away from the curb and down the street, now on their way to the studio.

"Where's the pups?" Changbin asked curiously, his free arm laying to rest comfortably and casually on the centre console, to which Yiseul eagerly laced their fingers together as she reached out to hold his hand.

Yiseul had decided then and there that she would no longer be held back by the fear of this new development in her life. She would be doing her best to embrace the change, and weather the uncertainty with more bravery than she had been before. 

They smiled at each other for a second, before his eyes were back on the road.

The soulmate bond between them certainly made things easier for Yiseul to embrace and push herself to be more affectionate and out there. She hadn't realized it until she'd woken up from her dreamscape with Felix that she'd become such a shell of herself in the past near two years since she'd lost Jamie, or maybe it was even before when they'd gotten the diagnosis. 

So this wasn't just about accepting her soulmates into her life, but also regaining herself. Not allowing herself to wallow in her grief any longer, to relearn to love herself and take care of herself. She would still be focusing on the care of her children, they were her whole world, but that did not mean she was allowed to let herself be ignored, either. 

"At daycare." Yiseul informed him with a chirp of happiness when he squeezed their fingers together gently. "I'll have to pick them up later in the afternoon."

"I'll take you," he offered, "I'd love to see them again. And I can drop you all off at your home afterwards."

Yiseul smiled, "Thank you, but, won't you have to stay at the studio?"

Changbin smirked at her, "If it's for you, I'd leave the studio in a heartbeat."

Now it was Yiseul's turn to be bashful, looking down as she felt a smile rise to her lips, her face reddening. Her own scent came out in pleased waves, sweet apple blossoms ripening in the car and mixing with his rich sandalwood.

. . .

Arriving at the studio, Yiseul followed Changbin through confusing hallways before they came to a specific door. "Here we are," Changbin smiled excitedly, turning to glance at her, before he opened the door, holding it out for her to enter.

She smiled at him in thanks, before moving through the doorway. She was immediately hit with the overpowering scent of Alphas. Changbin's sandalwood. Chan's eucalyptus. A few others, mostly faint, and another scent she didn't recognize. But this one was much stronger than the other faint ones she had come across. It was as strong as Chan's and Changbin's scents. It was a sweet, slightly tart, succulent scent of Cherries, she thinks, as she takes it all in.

And then she sees two males in rolling chairs, working together with headsets in, both plugged into a sound system that was obviously playing music for themâ€" most likely something they were working on.

As soon as Changbin and Yiseul had entered and closed the door, however, both males stop at the new scent, Yiseul's soft apple blossom scent, and turn to them. Chan is the first to get up, meanwhile the second male sits in his seat, unmoving.

"Good morning," Chan smiles widely, coming closer to Yiseul and Changbin.

"Good morning," Yiseul greets, allowing herself to come closer to him and place a chaste kiss to his cheek. "I hope you don't mind, but we stopped at a cafe first. I got some coffees and a caffeine-free drink for you," Yiseul helped Changbin hand out the drinks. When she placed the iced tea for Chan, she smiled at him, "Binnie told me." 

"Thanks, Yiseul, you didn't have to." 

Yiseul shook her head with a sweet smile, "It's no bother. Oh!" She clapped her hands together as her eyes widened, it was a really cute sight. "I just remembered, we also got some treats, in case any of you were hungry or were in need of a blood sugar boost!" 

Yiseul turned around and picked up the paper bag she'd placed on the couch and unpacked the contents onto the coffee table in front of the couch. "Binnie told me that you guys would probably eat whatver, but I wanted to make sure it's to your liking." 

She'd set down some muffins (oh, dear lord, was that coffee cake?) and a slice of cheesecake. 

Yiseul then turned to Han, who'd been rather quiet up until this point. Unnoticed to the other two males in the room, he'd been staring at Yiseul this whole time, unable to move his eyes away from the soulmate of his hyungs, sunshine twin, and maknae. 

Yiseul's sweet smile filled Jisung's chest with warmth as she made eye contact with him, and he could feel his breath hitch in his lungs as she addressed him, "You do like cheesecake, right? I hope I didn't get that bit wrong." 

And everything in Jisung's mind went blank, fuzzy, freezing and in need of a systems reboot. 

Because those very words had been tattooed along one of his ribs underneath his chest for so long he'd almost nearly forgotten about it (especially since meeting Minho), but the words, those he had never forgotten about. He just never expected to hear it from the woman who was the soulmate to many of his members. 

Meanwhile, Yiseul had frowned at the way the boy seemingly shut down in front of her, while Chan and Changbin watched, confused. That is, until a dawning look seemed to take over Changbin's features. He glanced over to Chan, and then leaned over, whispering, "Wait, weren't those words Hannie's..." 

Chan's eyes widened comically, as he let out a breathy curse, disrupting the quiet in the room and also seemingly bringing Jisung back into reality. 

"I love cheesecake! Wow, you have a really pretty scent! Apples are great!" Jisung blurted out and rambled a bit in his nervousness, before blinking the fogginess away a bit, "Fuck, I think I'm dreaming or something..." Jisung muttered, dazed, as Yiseul's eyes widened in turn, her breath hitching as she let out a gasp. She took a stumbling step back as she tried to grab at something to steady her. 


🌙 ──────〔༄〕 ────── 💖

So, thoughts? Feelings?
Don't be shy to comment feedback!
Hope you all enjoy!

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