Wrecker Love

By Ninjakiiten40

6.9K 259 61

You have been on team Prime for quite sometime, even though you don't experience and battles, you have seemed... More

Prologue/Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:

Chapter 5:

706 27 4
By Ninjakiiten40

Things at the base were usual. They scouted energon mines and beat the scrap out of some cons. Wheeljack stayed close to you now and lets just say everyone was starting to notice.

"Hey, Y/N. Can I ask you something?" Arcee asked with caution.

"Is something wrong?" You asked

"I've...Everyone has been noticing that you and Jackie have been inseparable lately... Something going on that you wanna inform us about?" She crossed her arms and raised a brow.

Your heart started beating fast but you remained calm. "Uh....no...." Looking away she laughed.

"You're a terrible liar you know that?" She knelt down beside you. "Listen, Y/N, if there is something with you two I'm sure everyone here would accept that. If you need anything I'm just a com away." Arcee walked out of the room leaving you alone to think.

You took a deep breathe before going to the couch and grabbing your phone. You called Wheeljack.

"Jackie...Hey..Where are you?"

"Heading back to see your pretty face. Something wrong?" He asked.

"Uh no..no just...I don't know." You were lost for words.

"How about me and you go grab something to eat and we hang out watching the stars?"

"Sounds awesome!" You hung up and ran to your berthroom and decided to put on some makeup and a casual outfit. Who knows what could happen out there. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be a great time. Or so you thought.

-The Nemesis-

"Lord Megatron." Shockwave approach Megatron.

"What seems to be the problem, Shockwave?" He turned towards him.

"The human they call Y/N has been spotted at a local diner in Jasper, Nevada." He pointed a digit to the diner on the screen. "No Autobots are near her location, though that may change in time." Shockwave stated.

"Hmm. I suppose this..'girl'..Will be of good use." Megatron approached Starscream "Bring her to me or don't come back alive! Do you hear me!" Megatron yelled.

"Yes, Lord Megatron." He turned on his heal and walked out and started heading towards the lab.

"Soundwave! Prepare a ground bridge and have the examination table prepared for our 'guest'." He smirked. Soundwave nodded.


Y/N got out her cellphone and called Wheeljack. "Uh, yeah, hey, where the frag are you? What happened to 'be there in 20'." He laughed.

"Hey, don't get snippy with me, Sunshine! Don't worry I'll be there soon I just had to kick some tailpipe along the way! Anyways see you soon." He ended the com.

"So much for goodbyes." you walked outside the diner near the back where you could sit and have a overview of the town of Jasper. It may not be the best and brightest but at least it was a place you could call home. You smiled at the thought of how you came to be here. To be with the Autobots. To be with them as a family. There were also bad thing like feeling like a liability to them. You felt like you always got in the way of them but.. A frown swept across your face. "A useless piece of scrap." You said.

As you sat on the ledge you noticed a green light forming behind you. You knew it was a ground bridge and didn't look back.....

Everything went black.

-Aboard the Nemesis-

You heard the slightest whisper rushing around you. Pain was the only thing you felt making you feel uneasy. Barely opening your eye you looked around the room. Empty. You were strapped down....Your eyes stopped dead looking at a horrific amount of blood on the floor beside you. You tensed up only to feel pain on your right shoulder. You look at your arm......It was gone. They had removed your right arm. Tears started forming and you couldn't help it. "No...no..no..no..." You whispered. You passed out.

"Knockout! How is the patient?" Asked Megatron.

"Still alive. The removal of the organics arm was a success. Lord Megatron..May I ask why you insisted on it?"

"We turn her into a weapon. We shall start with one piece at a time. Soon she will part cybertronian..part human." He laughed. "The Autobots won't be able to stop us!"

"So she'll be like Robo-Cop?" Knockout asked.

"What?" Said Megatron.

"A human film about....Nevermind" He walked out towards the lab.

"So the little organic is awake I see. Oh you should see the things we have planed for you!" He took a digit and tapped your head.

"What exactly do you plan on doing?"

"I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see!" He laughed. "Soon we'll be able to test synthetic energon on yourself and maybe even dark energon..."

You flinched at the sound of him say that. What were they planning on doing to you? So this was it...This is how your lights went out...After all those times you've been shot and almost blown up...this is it? "Scrap."

You jumped at Knockout speaking again. "Now, time to add your new arm!" He showed you a metal arm. It looked just like a human arm...but metal. You had chills just thinking about having that thing connected to you. It had a Decepticon insignia on the forearm and had a chrome feature to it.

"Get that thing away from me!" You hissed

"I'll give you a choice. If you resist I'll be sure to keep you awake during the procedure with all the pain. Or you can keep quiet and everything can go nice and easy. Your pick 'human'."

You remained silent as a white noise with blackness closing in consumed you.


Sorry this took so long I've been out traveling! I do not own any of these characters!

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