Azula: Dragon Tales

Bởi Acelilman

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Not long after the disappearance of Ursa, Azula, struggling with new responsibilities and stress, lashes out... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1. Meeting a Dragon
Feeding a Dragon
Bonding with a Dragon
Drawing with a Dragon
Falling with a Dragon
Singing with a Dragon
Flying with a Dragon
The Secret Keeper
Of Lightning and Uncle's
The Master Bender
The Law

Agni Kai

158 12 4
Bởi Acelilman

Azula looked around the palace with open confusion, perplexed by the odd behavior being exhibited.

She had just returned from an ordinary, and rather boring, day of school. She had been making plans to go to her room to change into more appropriate clothes to practice her bending, lightning in particular, but as she entered the palace grounds those thoughts left her head abruptly.

She saw servants scurrying about with an odd haste, which heavily contrasted with their eerie silence. It was clear to the princess that they were preparing for something, something big. She knew there was no major event scheduled, and even if she was somehow wrong, the clear rush only solidified her thoughts.

Something had happened while she was gone today, and she felt a sinking feeling settle in her stomach as she once more took in the grim atmosphere.

Without hesitation, she focused on the bond between her and Sora, 'Are you alright!?' It was unlikely that something had happened to the dragon without Azula being aware, but she had to be sure.

She sighed in relief at the reassurance she received from her other half, but she was still just as in the dark as before. She needed information quickly.

"You," She said while pointing at a young man, causing him to halt. He bowed nervously and was shuffling, clearly intent on getting back to work but not wanting to be insolent. Hopefully, he will be quick with his answer. "What is going on?"

The young man blinked blankly for a moment before his eyes widened with the realization that she had missed the announcement. "I-its an Agni Kai, Princess!" He said urgently, his words slightly meshing together in his haste. "P-prince Zuko will be fighting at noon tomorrow!"

It took a second for Azula to process the hurried speech, her eyes narrowing when they finally dawned on her. She bit back the urge to curse and straightened her spine, looking at the servant fiercely. "Who is his opponent?"

"I-I don't know princess! We were only told to prepare immediately..." The youthful man trailed off as he quivered under her gaze, but she was already marching off. Her mind was whirling with thoughts, but she doubted any of the other servants around her would be more helpful. She fiddled with her necklace as she started on a path to a more reliable source of information.

The young bending master entered the ex-generals room with nary a knock, striding forward with determined steps. She spotted her uncle's hunched form on the bed, the old man oblivious to her entrance. She cleared her throat to gain his attention, causing Iroh to jump in surprise.

He turned towards her with an uncharacteristically irritated look which faded once he realized who had entered. "Oh, Azula... shouldn't you be at school?" He murmured softly, his eyes not quite focused. Now that his back was turned, she easily saw the puffiness around them.

"School ended over an hour ago," Azula said with a pointed look towards the clock in the man's room. He followed her gaze and gave a small, choked chuckle as he saw the time.

"Forgive me, niece, it seems I lost track of time..."

His apology was clearly false, his mind was still not committed to the conversation. Azula bit back the urge to growl, momentarily surprised at how draconic the action was before she shook her head. She needed answers and she would get them now.

"What happened to Zuko, Uncle?" She said irritably, cutting straight to the point. Her uncle's current state was worrying and the pit in her stomach was growing the longer she went unanswered. "Why is he having an Agni Kai?"

Iroh's eyes dimmed at her words, which briefly caused an unpleasantness in her chest before she swiftly pushed it aside. She could worry about his well-being when she had all of the details.

Her uncle sighed and moved so that he was facing her completely, focusing his attention on her for the first time since the conversation started. "I suppose I will start from the beginning. You remember how I mentioned your brother wanting to attend a war meeting right? Well..."

Azula sat patiently as Iroh told the whole story. Her eyes narrowed when he talked about her brother interrupting a general. She felt like cursing at his blatant stupidity and short-sightedness, even if she agreed with his point. Using soldiers as fodder, aside from immoral, was foolish for many different reasons. Still though, interrupting a meeting was something even she would not get away with, and Zuzu had never held their father's favor.

"Ozai told Zuko he must fight an Agni Kai to repent for the disrespect he exhibited. Zuko accepted of course. He will fight tomorrow at noon for all to bear witness." Iroh concluded wearily, once again looking at a point that seemed impossibly far away. His eyes shined with concern, but Azula felt confused.

"Why are you so concerned? You said he interrupted Wei Cheng, did you not?" Cheng was one of her father's oldest generals, having served under Azulon for many years. While not as successful as her at bending, surely Zuzu could take on a fossil like him, regardless of the general's bending prowess. "He will be fine, uncle."

Iroh blinked after a moment before he looked back at her, his eyes brightening slightly. He gave a watery chuckle as he stood, pulling Azula into a hug. She froze for a moment but allowed him his comfort. She had never seen the usually joyful man shaken like he was now and found she didn't care much for it.

"Perhaps you are right Azula," He said after a few more seconds, pulling back as he wiped any lingering wetness from his face. "Maybe I am merely overreacting." He did not look completely convinced that was the case, but he looked much less dour. She would take that as a win. "Zuko is strong. He will be alright."

Azula nodded her agreement, though, like her uncle, felt like they were missing something. The pit in her stomach had lessened slightly, but an unpleasant sensation lingered. She tried to ignore it as she conversed with Iroh a little longer, but she was unsuccessful despite Sora's helpful reassurance.

She bid goodbye to her uncle shortly after and walked through the palace absently walking towards her room as she was lost in her thoughts as the troublesome feelings persisted. If those closest couldn't help her set aside her worry then maybe it was time to talk to the source of the problem.

With that thought in mind, she slightly altered her course, heading towards a room not far from her own.

Line Break

Zuko breathed heavily as he finished another rep, the fire fading from the room as he did so.

He had been at this for hours now, working tirelessly on his bending. Though it had started as a way to ensure he was as prepared as he could be, at some point, it had become the most efficient way to release the pent-up frustrations he was feeling towards today's events.

He huffed as his thoughts traveled backward, prior to when he had entered the meeting at his uncle's side. The young prince had been ecstatic at the time, feeling like a true grown-up for the first time in his life. He had easily ignored the unamused looks he had received from the generals who clearly didn't think him worthy to be present. He had thought he would show them up, that he would prove himself to them as well as his father.

He scoffed at himself derisively, a scowl etched across his face. So much for that.

The war general, Wei or something, he had not bothered to remember in his anger, had suggested using trainees as bait. Suggesting that their own people be slaughtered for the success of the operation. He had been overcome with anger when he had heard. He was the Prince of the Fire Nation! He couldn't let his people be killed like that, so he had talked back, so assured of himself.

His father had not agreed.

He had been called disrespectful and had brought 'dishonor' to himself and to the Fire Lord. At the time Zuko had barely registered the words, his heart still pounding with raw emotion, but the hurt had set in shortly after. All his plans and daydreams of pleasing his father, for once in his life, vanished before his eyes. To his dad, he was more of a failure than ever.

"Rahhhgh," He yelled at the thought, releasing an uncontrolled burst of flames at the wall, flowing through yet another kata. The flames dispersed rapidly after their release, with no efforts on his part to sustain them. He finished quickly, his panting, caused by the physical exertion and his current turmoil being the only sounds in the room.

He took a second to center himself, ready to flow into yet another set when he heard footsteps echoing through the room. He whirled around quickly, ready to tell off whoever decided to interrupt him. "I asked to be left al... one?" He trailed off as he registered who had entered.

His little sister was striding towards him, her brow arched at him as he stared at her blankly. She was still dressed in her school uniform, indicating she had yet to take the time to change out of the clothes as she usually did.

"Is that any way to greet your baby sister Zuzu," She asked teasingly as his silence prolonged itself, her hand moving to rest on her hip as she stopped within proper talking distance. "That seems awfully rude, even for you."

The familiar smirk on her face shook Zuko out of his stupor, but he still found himself staring at the girl in shock. "What are you doing here?" Their interactions had been few and far between for over a year now. Why would she change that now?

He watched her closely, noting that while her smirk did not change her eyes seemed to almost... shift slightly. They looked more real in a way, but he couldn't be sure if he was seeing things or not. The prince dismissed the thought not a second later as he remembered who it was he was talking about. He couldn't allow himself to relax, to forget what he had learned early on.

Azula always lies.

His face became firm with resolve, even as she opened her mouth to respond. "I had heard about what happened and wanted to come see how you..." The smirk diminished the slightest amount as she gazed around the room, her eyebrows rising as she took in the scorch marks. "Were doing. Not so well evidently."

He grits his teeth at her remark but takes a moment to breathe deeply. He had already gotten into enough trouble to do an emotional outburst today, and he would not let his little sister goad him. "I'm fine," he turned his back to her as he saw doubt flash across her face, his nostrils flaring in anger. "You should leave. I need to be prepared."

He was preparing himself for another firebending form, one of the more advanced ones he knew when he paused. The room was silent, which it should not have been if his sister was leaving as he had asked. The teen turned slightly, his aggravation growing when he saw Azula standing where she had been with her hand still casually resting on her hip. She looked utterly relaxed, with no intention of exiting the room as he had asked.

"What?" She asked, that insufferable smirk still etched across her face. He huffed to himself, suddenly questioning why her absence had been bothering him lately. He had clearly forgotten how annoying she was.

"I said get out." He responded gruffly, his scowl deepening when she only laughed, walking towards him once more.

"After I went through the trouble of finding you? Surely you don't think I'll leave that easily, Zuzu?" She smiled innocently, which he did not buy for a moment.

"Why look for me?" He huffed, not having the patience for her games after the trying day he had had. He was angry, and confused, and so tired. "What do you want from me?" There had to be a reason she was here, and giving in may be the easiest way to get her to leave.

She froze for a moment for a moment, the question giving her pause as she considered it, but in his current state, he was oblivious to her reaction. He took the small silence as a chance to gather himself, the ache in his chest from his prior exertion fading slightly as he did so.

After a few seconds his sister seemed to gather herself, looking him up and down as she responded, "I wanted to make sure that you were ready." Her words were so quiet he almost thought he had misheard. He opened his mouth to say something, but she continued before he could. "After all, it would be rather embarrassing if my brother got tossed around by some old man."

He scoffed at her words. Of course, it came back to her image, apparently even his proximity would bring her down. (Had he not been so tired, he may have realized how skewed that logic was. They had always competed. His failure would only make her shine brighter.)

"You don't have to worry about that." He said confidently, his pride not allowing that blow to go so easily. "I've gotten a lot better since you last saw me." He had kept his vow. He had worked hard these past few months, determined to bridge the widening gap between them.

He may not be a master, but he would be damned if he lost to some old geezer who would willingly sacrifice the lives of their own people.

Azula smiled at him, her expression amused at his words. "Oh? How about you show me how much 'better' you are?" Her request held a challenge to it that sparked determination in the young prince.

If there was one way to ensure Zuko would do something, it was to insinuate that he couldn't.

Zuko huffed but nodded, moving to the center of the room. He took a moment to settle on a form before he chose the advanced set he had been working on for the past couple of weeks. He had been struggling with it, but he would do it now. He would show Azula his improvements. Show her that he was still worthy of competition.

He would not be left behind (again).

With a burst of flame, powered by his raging emotions, he exploded into the movements that had become familiar to him. Every kick resulted in a powerful wave of fire, stronger than he would normally manage, but he ignored that in favor of focusing on finishing.

He launched himself into a high kick but stumbled under the force of the fire he had released, his control lapsing for a moment. The prince quickly righted himself and performed the last move- a double-fisted punch that blasted a large wave of fire at the wall, the stone becoming slightly scorched under the powerful impact.

He was glaring at the wall straight ahead of him, his mind replaying the stumble repeatedly. He had failed on that part before, but he had been getting better! Why did he have to fail now!? His glower deepened as he braced himself for the mocking he was sure would come, though after a few moments of silence, he felt his confusion grow.

Zuko willed himself to turn and face his sister, his guard still up for any possible barb that he may receive. He found her easily, though the look on her face only increased his bafflement. She looked like she was considering something, though he noticed quickly that she was not staring at him. Following her gaze, he looked at the wall that had received the brunt of his final attack.

His sister hummed as she moved towards the wall, observing the blackened stone more closely. "You were right," She said calmly, though Zuko still found himself shaken at the sudden... compliment? "You are stronger than before." She smiled appreciatively as she ran her hand over the still-hot stone.

Zuko found himself at a loss, his mind failing to comprehend her words. While his flames had been stronger than normal he knew that she could produce better, especially after the color change her fire had gone through. That knowledge, along with his stumble, gave her ample ammunition to work with.

So why was she complimenting him?

He remained silent, not knowing how to respond to her odd words. This whole situation was just... weird. Zuko would almost prefer an insult, he would know how to react to that at least.

Humming to herself once more and nodding, he watched as she began moving towards the door, his mind finally beginning to work as he registered where she was heading. "Wait!" He yelled frantically, shocking both occupants in the room.

Azula stopped and turned, her eyebrow raised at his shout in curiosity. "You spend all that time trying to get rid of me just to hold me back when I try to? You should make up your mind Zuzu."

Her smirk had returned, though the prince noticed it was amused rather than biting as he had assumed earlier. Had it been like that this whole time and he had just not noticed? This interaction just kept throwing him off.

He was shaken out of his thoughts when he heard the girl click her tongue impatiently, her expression growing more irritated. "Well, Zuzu? I would prefer to get to dinner before it gets cold."

The prince understood her message, but he found himself at a loss. He wasn't really sure why he had called her back. Her words had just been so... unexpected that he felt he had to say something. Though now that the moment had passed, he couldn't find the words to express his thoughts.

Fumbling for a moment, he went for the first thing on his mind. "What were you doing last night?" He asked hurriedly, glad that he had something to fall back on. Besides, he had been curious about her actions. "I saw you go to the kitchens and you never came out."

He saw her tense for a moment though the calm smile that appeared on her face made him doubt that. Had he imagined her flinch? He knew she was a great liar but still...

"Well now, I wouldn't have expected that," She said dramatically, looking at her brother with wide eyes. "Stalking your little sister? I expected better from you Zuzu."

Zuko felt himself flush at her words, but he pushed on, not allowing her to deflect his words. "I wasn't stalking you! I heard you passing my room so I decided to... follow you..." He trailed off as his own eyes widened, the red spreading across his face. That sounded better in his head...

Azula's laughter only increased the embarrassment he felt at his slip-up. "Following someone secretly late at night to watch them? That's so much better, Dumdum." The heavy sarcasm in her voice was not lost on the Prince who swiftly turned away, trying to hide his increasingly red skin.

"Shut up!" He winced at the voice crack, lamenting that it had to happen at the worst time. "Just get out!" What was he thinking calling out to his sister? That was so stupid.

He was too busy berating himself to realize he had not received an answer to his original question.

His sister's laughter faded, and he heard her footsteps approaching the door. His face had cooled down enough that he decided to risk a look back. She opened the door but seemed to hesitate to leave. He was about to tell her to leave once more until he noticed the look on her face.

It was softer like he had thought he imagined earlier, and he noticed something in her expression, but he couldn't find a way to describe it. No word fit the image of his sister.

"Hey," She called, causing him to cease his observations, "...Don't screw up tomorrow." She quickly left, before he had the time to respond.

Zuko stared at the door for a long moment, his mind going over the first real interaction he'd had with his sister in... too long. It had been surprisingly pleasant for them, her irritating comments aside.

He didn't know what to make of it. It had almost felt like how things were before their endless competitions began. When they had just been siblings who would play, fight, and on rare occasions comfort each other. That had been so long ago he had almost forgotten those memories.

He stood there, frozen in thought for several minutes before he sighed, making his way out and heading towards his room to freshen up. His sister had distracted him from his previous turmoil, but now that she was gone he felt it returning, though curiously it didn't feel as heavy now.

Today had been rough for the most part, but for once... his sister wasn't part of that. He could even say she had been one of the better parts of the day, though he would not admit that to anyone. Ever.

'Still though,' He thought to himself as he removed his clothing, drawing a bath for himself. 'Maybe I should try talking to her once this is all over.'

For a while now he had thought she had been ignoring him, but maybe they had been ignoring each other. If he had wanted to, he could have made more of an effort, but he hadn't. He had let his mind come to conclusions that were, possibly, false. He had let that guide his actions, which had only caused a further divide.

Now though, she had taken the first step. While she had been annoying for the most part, Zuko couldn't ignore her words of support (for her anyway). His sister had gone out of her way to encourage him. Why couldn't he do the same?

The prince pushed these thoughts away for the moment, shelving them for a better time. While he was sure he could take on the War general, he would need to focus. He would have to come back to this later.

Getting dressed, he prepared himself for dinner, his mind once more focused on the task ahead. Anything else could come after that. He would have plenty of time.

Line Break

Azula shifted impatiently as she stood next to her uncle, waiting for the Agni Kai to begin.

She had awoken earlier than normal, even before the Agni had made his daily rise, and had quickly gotten herself ready before deciding where to go. Her stomach felt like it was buzzing with energy and the thought of eating made her feel ill. Her brother was probably getting himself ready and wouldn't want to be bothered.

While she normally would not care if she agitated him, she would give him a pass today.

That left only a few places, but as she recalled the depressed state her uncle was in the previous day, her mind was made up. She made her way out filled with nervous energy, though she felt it temper slightly as Sora grumbled within her mind. Her early rise had caused the dragon to wake up, which she was none too happy about. Sora was all too eager to express her displeasure, giving Azula a rather amusing mental image of a pouting dragon.

She had gotten quite the silly companion.

Still, she bathed in the comfort her partner radiated, allowing her to compose herself like normal. Her uncle was no doubt in a bad state, and her expressing concern would not help. She could be strong for the two of them. She was used to crushing pressure.

She entered his room without a knock, a quick application of her resonance telling her that her uncle was already awake. She hoped he hadn't avoided sleep all night. "Uncle," She greeted easily, startling the man who dropped the tile he had been fiddling with.

A White Lotus tile. 'It's odd how attached to that piece he is.' The prodigy thought to herself absently as she watched the man hurriedly pick it up.

"Niece, you shocked me!" Her uncle responded with his usual cheerfulness, though it was quite forced. He seemed to have similar thoughts about appearing strong. "What brings you here so early?"

Azula decided not to comment on his less-than-convincing performance and moved towards a chair, taking it like she owned the place. Her uncle's smile became slightly less forced at her shamelessness, which she considered a success. "I was bored and thought that you could use some company."

Her uncle chuckled at her words but took a seat near her all the same, allowing an easy conversation to flow. Neither of them mentioned the elephant in the room, deciding to leave that alone until they had to face it. Sadly, that time came quickly.

They made their way together silently toward a usually deserted section of the palace grounds. This section of the palace was dedicated to Agni Kai, rare as the occasion was. As such, the only consistent attention it received was from servants tasked with maintaining the area.

Now it was occupied by flitting servants and the upper echelon of the Fire Nation invited to watch their crown prince fight for his honor.

The thought flitted through Azula's mind, a strange irritation flaring within her as she saw the various jovial faces standing around, acting as though this were merely entertainment and not a sanctioned fight where death was not uncommon.

She took a moment to breathe and calm herself, focusing back on her uncle whose disposition had dimmed considerably since their arrival. She set a hand on his shoulder, her face firm and determined. "He'll be fine uncle. Zuzu wouldn't lose so easily. I would never let him hear the end of it if he did."

Iroh smiled slightly at her words, amusement dancing across his stressed expression. "I suppose that is ample reason to succeed," he chuckled, his posture relaxing minutely. "You can be quite excessive with your criticisms."

Azula scoffed playfully, adopting an offended look. "I'm just doing what I was meant to. People should really try to be less disappointing."

Her uncle's laughter increased at her haughty tone, which caused Azula to smirk. 'And Ty Lee said I wasn't funny.' She felt thoroughly vindicated.

They waited for a few minutes longer, the conversation between them growing sparse as the Agni Kai grew closer. Azula felt her anticipation rising as she waited for something to happen when the voices around them grew more hushed.

She looked around, grateful that she was in the front row for the view it afforded her since she was one of the shortest people present (much to her ire). It took only a second for her to spot her brother making his way to the combat area. He wore only his trousers and a sash around his neck, his topknot standing tall and proud as he did.

He knelt with his back towards where his opponent would enter from, as was customary in an Agni Kai. He seemed to be monitoring his breathing, shutting out the audience around him completely.

The Agni Kai would begin soon.

While the members of the crowd started talking once more, their excitement growing at one of the competitors' presence, Iroh and Azula remained silent. The princess chanced a glance at her uncle, noticing he was staring at the sky with his hands clasped. Azula assumed he was praying for Zuko's safety.

She left him be as she once more turned forward, her anticipation growing once more. She felt herself growing restless and decided to scout out for Zuko's opponent. While she didn't know General Cheng's firebending signature, he would have to come through the singular entrance.

With that information she activated her resonance, reaching out further than she would usually do in a bid to watch his approach. It was faint but she felt someone on the edge of her range, moving forward at a swift pace. The signature seemed familiar, but at this distance it was fuzzy. She tried extending her reach out further before suddenly tensing, her eyes snapping open.

She knew this unique signature, and it was surely not the general. 'What is... father doing there?'

The prodigy quickly set her sights on the throne the Firelord would be sitting at, noticing for the first time that it was empty. His absence was odd before, but the way he was coming from threw her from a loop.

'Zuko must fight in an Agni Kai to repent for the disrespect he exhibited.' She replayed her uncle's words in her mind, trying to make sense of what her father was doing. 'Zuko interrupted Cheng, so why would father...'

The realization washed over her like cold water, just as her father made his appearance. A hush fell over the crowd once more as they set their sights on their lord's battle-ready appearance, which matched that of Zuko. Her eyes were locked on her father as the last dots connected.

Zuko had interrupted Cheng at a war meeting presided over by their father. While Zuko had no doubt disrespected the War general, it was their father who had been insulted.

Zuko would have to fight their father.

Her eyes drifted from the Firelord's form to her uncle who had gone pale as he came to the same realization. The fear in his eyes before was justifiably insignificant to what lies there now. Azula found herself mirroring the feeling.

They both knew Ozai and had experienced his cruelty in their own ways. That was just his nature. No, what was more concerning was that Zuko had nothing to protect him from the Firelord's wrath.

Iroh, for the majority of their lives, had been the crown prince of the nation. Ozai could only do so much to one of the only two superior to him. Azula, likewise, had a shield of her own. She had always been his favorite, his prized prodigy. While she was not exempt from his punishments and harshness, she was less likely to incur it.

Zuko had no such shield.

She was brought out of her thoughts as a gong was sounded, signifying the start of the Agni Kai. The princess watched as her brother turned around, almost feeling like the world was moving in slow motion. She saw the confident expression on his face crumble as he caught the first sight of his opposition and the fear that soon followed.

The world felt muted around her as she watched her brother apologize, plead, and fall to his knees, prostrating himself before their father. She grits her teeth at his refusal to fight.

'Fight back Dumdum!' She shouted in her mind, ignoring the confusion and concern that Sora was sending her. She watched intently as her father moved closer and closer to her brother, his irritation and anger growing more pronounced as he ordered Zuko to fight.

Zuko refused.

Her father's expression twisted further, his disgust and anger rising with the brazier fires that were stationed around the stage. "You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher!"

The words echoed in her mind as she watched her father close the little distance between them, taking Zuko's face in his hand. Close as she was to the stage, she could feel the heat building up through both her senses and passive resonance.

Azula had never feared fire. It had been the first love in her life, the element that had captivated her mind since she had first firebended. Even when she had burnt Mai over a year ago, she had only felt self-loathing and disgust towards herself, not her flames.

Even now as she watched her father torture her brother with his fire, the only negative emotions she felt were for the man himself. She felt anger, and hatred, and fear as she watched him smile, reveling in Zuko's suffering screams.

She absently noticed her uncle looking away, pale-faced and shaking, looking ill as the screams continued to reverberate around the area. She couldn't even think of reaching out, her gaze glued to the gruesome sight in front of her.

Unbidden to the princess, her mind went back to the day before she had burnt Mai when her father had arrived at dinner. She recalled him placing his hand under her chin, the unnatural warmth that indicated his preparation to call upon his fire. She had thought it a bluff back then, a threat to take seriously, but unlikely to happen.

Now she felt her stomach turning, and she had to push back the urge to wretch. She could see the satisfaction on her father's face, how it was mirrored by the majority of the people around her. She had never felt so vulnerable, and no amount of reassurance from Sora relieved her of the unpleasant sensation.

This could have easily been her.

Before long, her father, Ozai, stopped and stepped back. Zuko had long since gone quiet, passing out from the unimaginable pain and shock that came with having half of one's face being torched. Ozai looked unbearably pleased with himself as he stared down at his son's shivering form.

Azula barely caught his words as she looked her brother over, shoving any thoughts of banishment and honor to the side. She was relieved to see his hunched form moving. He was alive. She gripped her necklace in one hand and her uncle's sleeve in the other, reaching for any form of comfort at the thought.

Everything after that was a blur of motion with people moving to leave, doctors providing aid to Zuko, and her own hazy departure to her room. She needed time alone to rest.

Line Break

Azula wouldn't have been able to give details about the night prior if her life depended on it.

The princess hadn't left her room, not even to bring food to Sora as she normally would. She had felt listless, her mind repeating unwanted memories and unpleasant conclusions she had come to after that... Agni Kai if you could call it that.

It was much closer to torture than it was an honorable duel.

She rose with the sun as she always did, though she found it harder to get out of bed than normal. Her morning routine followed a similar pattern, each step feeling more difficult than it had any right to be. It was only when she opened her door and felt someone collide with her that she was given a reason to get out of her haze.

"I'm so sorry princess!" The servant said frantically as he bowed deeply, the movement made awkward by the large basket he held in his hands. He was shifting on his feet, his attention moving from her to his cargo.

Azula stared blankly for a moment, finding it difficult to even feel agitation as she normally would have. Instead, she looked towards the load he carried, her eyebrows lifting at the assorted items he was carrying. "...What are you carrying?"

The servant blinked at her odd question, before he answered quickly, "I-I don't know Pr-princess. I was told to bring it to the infirmary for the prince..." He trailed off nervously, fearful that the mention of her brother would cause her ire.

She felt herself jolt at his words, her eyes growing wide as they registered with her. Without another look at the servant, she started moving towards the infirmary, her pace making it difficult for the servant to follow with the bundle he carried despite his longer strides.

They reached the infirmary quickly, the servant scurrying away to place down the basket as the princess looked around. Her eyes quickly found her uncle who was sitting beside a bed, his head resting on his clasped hands as he stared at the still form on the bed. She stared at the two for a moment before she slowly moved towards them.

She felt her breath catch as she stared at her brother's body, his breathing weak and tremors overtaking him every so often. Her gaze was quickly pulled to his face where the entire left side was heavily bandaged. She once again felt sick as she saw the hint of red that was visible under the gauze.

She jumped as she heard her uncle speak beside her. "It is times like this I wish I were a water bender." His tone was somber, though she felt slightly confused at his words. "The ability to heal is truly miraculous. Such a gift should be available to everyone."

Azula remained silent as she took a seat next to her uncle, her attention focused on her brother. He looked so weak like he would just vanish if anything untoward happened to him. She clenched her eyes at the thought, trying to banish the nasty thought.

The two sat in silence for an indeterminate amount of time, the only sound coming from the servants and doctors who were flitting around the room to provide the care Zuko needed. Finally, after several minutes or hours, Azula hadn't kept track, Iroh spoke once more.

"Zuko will be given a ship and leave the nation as soon as he is stable." Her uncle let out a weary breath as his shoulders sagged and he hunched over. She had never seen him look so old. "I will be going with him."

Azula nodded along her understanding, though she couldn't help the ache she felt building in her chest at the thought. It had only been a few months since she had gotten a family member who truly cared for her, and only a couple days ago that she had begun talking with her brother once more.

That had vanished in one fell swoop.

"I want you to come with us." he continued quietly, his voice almost sounding pleading. Azula felt a wry smile spread across her lips.

"You know I can't do that. Father would never allow me to leave." The venom in her voice at the word 'father' had been unintentional, but she didn't have the will to regret it as she looked at her brother once more. She had heard the fond way Huang talked about his children and Iroh reminisced about Lu Ten. She couldn't imagine either of them doing something like this to their children.

Iroh turned his head towards her, the misery in his eyes clear. "We would be gone before he knew. We could run and hide from him."

Azula felt an amused smile take over her face at his words. "That almost sounds like treason uncle." Her words were truthful, but neither really cared at the moment.

Iroh did not seem as amused. "I know people who can help Azula. You could join us. We would be safe." He was determined, and the desperation in his voice was growing more pronounced.

Azula softly shook her head, staring at her brother once more. "Even if I did go, running would be near impossible with Zuzu like this, and he would rather chase the avatar for his whole life than give up." If there was one shared trait within their family, it was their nearly unhealthy stubbornness. "Besides..."

Her mind flitted to Sora as she allowed their bond to amplify, the dragon's thoughts and feelings becoming one with her own. She doubted she would be able to hide Sora even with the help of her uncle's 'friends.'

If there was one thing she refused to do, it was leave Sora behind. The thought was simply unfathomable, and it solidified Azula's answer. "I have too much here to leave behind."

Her hand unconsciously moved to grasp the necklace around her neck, a motion that her uncle caught. He gave her a morose smile, nodding his head softly.

"I see," He said quietly, acceptance and grief settling in his eyes. He remained like that for a moment before his eyes flashed with something and he stood up.

Azula looked at him curiously, his sudden rise surprising her. She hadn't thought he would leave her brother's side. He answered her silent question with a peculiar smile, that same unreadable look on his face.

"It is likely Zuko will leave late today or early tomorrow. This may be the last we see of each other in a while." His voice was both solemn and determined as he moved towards the door, the princess moving to follow him. "Perhaps we could have one more game together?"

His words brought Azula up short, the temptation to ask if he had gone senile popping up until she studied him once more. There was something else to his sudden, strange actions. While she did not feel like playing a game, she decided to see where her uncle was going with all of this.

They made their way to the room they had designated for Pai Sho and tea for the last few months, her uncle wasting no time setting the board to play. He was moving quicker than she would have expected from the man, though she supposed she shouldn't be so surprised. 'He was a general two years ago.'

It was easy to forget that her uncle was more behind his kind and affable demeanor.

In less than a minute she found herself making the first move, the opening she had created for her 'Dragon Gambit.' Still, her confusion had not been alleviated in the slightest. "Is there a reason we are doing this uncle?"

Iroh merely gave her that same enigmatic smile, as he made his own move in return. "I merely wanted to spend a little more time with you niece. I doubt I will find such formidable competition on the road."

She could tell his words were truthful, which she had not doubted, but he was still hiding things. Because of that, the dragon tamer decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and continued with her next move. Besides, she would be lying if she said his compliment hadn't stroked her ego.

The back and forth continued largely in silence, outside of the odd compliment and thoughtful hum from Iroh and Azula respectively, with both focused on the game. It was nearing the end of the game that Azula began making her final move, eerily reminiscent of what she had attempted a few weeks back.

She watched as Iroh moved a piece forward, the hint of a victorious grin on his face giving away his certainty in his victory. He had easily seen past her large attack with ease and had moved accordingly to counter it. Had she been relying on it for victory she would be in trouble.

So it was a good thing she hadn't.

Her 'Dragon Gambit' was a forceful attack meant to put an overt amount of pressure on her opponent to secure the win, essentially a brute force method. While it was troublesome if one played against it wrong, an experienced player could subvert the pressure and play around it. That was how she had lost in her first few attempts at using it.

So she adjusted it.

Sora had been the inspiration behind her creating this style of play, but it felt almost incomplete as it was. Sora was powerful, but she had her weakness. Azula clearly remembered when Sora had been unable to fly due to her injury. Her dragon would have likely perished had it not been for her aid.

The easy truth was that Sora and her together were greater than the sum of their parts, and she adjusted her Pai Sho strategy to represent this. Thus she had created the 'Dragon Rider Gambit' as she had called it in one of her more egotistical moments.

Using the large frontal attack as a distraction and to apply pressure, Azula was able to use her White Jade tile to use her uncle's redirection against him and lock his available moves down to zero.

She had won her first game against her uncle.

She felt pride build up at her victory, which she had spent months trying and failing to achieve, but it also seemed to open the floodgates to the sorrow she was feeling. The numbness that had enveloped her since the Agni Kai seemed to vanish under the veritable flow of misery.

She felt tears well up in her eyes and harshly wiped at them as her breathing started to quicken against her will. She cursed herself silently for being so weak as she bowed her head trying to hide this outpour from her uncle. It was pointless and within a second she felt her uncle embrace her tightly in his secure arms.

"It is okay Azula," He said softly, tears of his own trailing down his wrinkled face. "Let it go."

Any thoughts of strength promptly left her as she heard his words and Sora's matching reassurance, the storm she had been trying to hold back encompassing her completely. She cried for the first time that she could remember as all the terrifying and awful thoughts joined together at once.

This last year and so weeks had been wonderful in many ways, from her finding Sora to strengthening her relationship with her friends to connecting with a family member in a way she had never before. She had made great leaps in her bending, even becoming a master, and had felt joy like she had never done before.

Now though, her uncle and brother were leaving, any trust or admiration she had left for her father faded, and she felt so afraid. Just like when her mother had left, she could tell a massive shift was coming and she was so afraid. What if she messed up, or Sora was discovered, or something else happened and Ozai treated her like he had Zuko!?

She didn't know what to do and she couldn't even begin to find an answer as she currently was.

All of these thoughts and emotions raged through her small form, and she felt herself shaking with the intensity of it all. Agni, she hoped there were no servants nearby. This was so embarrassing.

After a few more minutes she felt her tears dry and she pulled back, not meeting her uncle's eyes. She had never cried like this in front of another person, Sora notwithstanding. Her dragon was as much a part of her as her fire was. She wiped the tear stains from her cheeks as she refocused on her breathing, trying to regain some measure of composure.

Finally, she looked up and met her uncle's kind gaze, noticing the slight puffiness around them. She felt slightly better knowing that she had not been the only one to break down like that, but she still felt wrong for doing so.

"...If you mention this to anyone I will hunt you down." She attempted her best glare, but she could already tell it was a lost battle in her current state. Her uncle's badly hidden laughter made that clear.

"Of course niece," There was a moment of silence before his eyes roamed over the board, pride shining evident in his expression. "Congratulations on your win Azula. That was an ingenious strategy."

Azula nodded, a small dusting of pink spreading across her cheeks at his heartfelt praise. "I had to get in at least one win," She cleared her throat when her voice felt like it was getting choked up. "Couldn't let you think you were the best forever."

Iroh laughed as he nodded his agreement, his smile growing wider. "Of course. It is the younger generation's duty to surpass the old."

Azula could understand his words, though she didn't know if she agreed. She wouldn't just settle for becoming obsolete at any point in her life. Regardless, philosophy could wait for later. She had more pressing questions right now.

"What was the point of this uncle?" She said while gesturing to the board. "I'm sure you are sad you won't lose more in the future, but surely you had another reason."

Iroh stared at her intently for a moment, seeming to study her, which only confused the young prodigy further. What was so important that justified the way he was acting? It was quite shifty for her usually kooky uncle.

Finally after a moment longer her uncle reached for a tile. Azula didn't have to look to guess he had picked up the White Lotus, his attachment to the piece easy to see though she did not know why. Perhaps there was more to it than she had realized?

Her uncle brought the tile up to eye level, his eyes roaming over its carvings. "When I was traveling the world after the siege had ended, I was lost. I told you as much several months ago. It was this that had saved me."

Azula stared at the tile dubiously, her mind not fathoming his words. "You were saved by a... Pai Sho piece?" Her tone did little to hide her doubt, which her uncle seemed to pick up on if his sudden mirth was any indication.

"I told you not long ago to not ignore something just because it is unassuming, Azula." He handed her the tile, which she took puzzledly. "Remember this Azula: The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets."

The princess mulled the seemingly random words in her mind, but before she could ask Iroh about them further he stood up. "I will return to Zuko now. Please, keep that tile as a final gift from me until we see each other again."

The girl watched him go with wide eyes, still not understanding the meaning behind his words. Regardless, she slipped the tile into her pocket as her uncle had asked. If nothing else, it would be a good way to remember her uncle until she sees him again.

She stood and left the room after a few more moments, not bothering to put away the Pai Sho board as she made her way to her bedroom. She needed to wash away the evidence of her tears and prepare to see Sora again.

Her dramatic dragon was making her hunger quite clear.

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