scp 035 x 049 scenarios

By The_Potato_Fox

2.7K 49 38

cover art isnt mine- More

035s... death?..
Fluff (sorta)
Lime (i think)
Story ideas-
hurt mask :(
A//N read please

Twisted Affection

70 3 2
By The_Potato_Fox

[First chapter of new epic story, story is called Entwined in Madness]

Blood streaked the floor pooling into small puddles in some places, blood was splattered on the walls and even the ceiling, bodies unrecognizable due to heavy mutilation. Faces torn up, features of the face completely missing, teeth marks dug deep into the neck of some, ripping out the entire shoulder and collarbone area leaving a gaping hole. Stomachs ripped open and the innards spread around the body, parts of the body eaten while the rest was left untouched.
The doctor knew this was the doing of the SCP-939s.

Poor souls, if only he had gotten out faster then he could have saved them from both death and the disease that plagued their body...ah well, he must continue further to see if there are survivors, the 939s couldn't have gotten everyone.

The doctor continued to walk, only slightly glancing at the mangled bodies, while taking note of the things that lay alongside some of the bodies, objects scattered around randomly, items such as guns, cards, ammo, lights,and other various non important things.

As he walked he could hear screams, screams of pain and fear, Along with screams of anger. Roaring from a loud beast was mixed with the screams and many other guttural sounds. But that was in the distance, it was simply echoing down the halls, but the main sounds were that of steady muffled breathing from the doctor.

This doctor was dressed in all black clothes, robes, a black hood over his head and a bird-like mask covering the entirety of his face.
He was dressed as a plague doctor.
In his hand was a black doctor's bag containing medical supplies.

As he walked he soon picked up on footsteps approaching rapidly, and then a voice calling "Doctor!" in a gentle yet insistent tone. The doctor knew who this was but he just kept walking, his eyes became narrowed and he could already feel his head start to throb from a headache.

The ‘person’ following the doctor knew he wouldn't stop for them, he must be in a mood. But that didn't matter to the ‘person’ they just quickened their pace, luckily the doctor isn't one to run, he simply just walks everywhere so catching up with him was relatively easy.

As the doctor heard the footsteps get closer he finally stopped and just stood there waiting.

"My dear doctor! Why didn't you stop for me?" The person said once close enough, their voice was bitter and sharp, they were upset.
They walked in front of the doctor before speaking again.
The doctor looked at the person. They wore a ‘mask’, a porcelain comedy mask to be exact, a black liquid leaked from the eyes and mouth of the mask. The black substance covered their neck and arms. It looked to be eating away at their flesh but they didn't appear to be in any pain.
In some areas in clothes there were holes and then a hole into their skin and flesh until you could see the bone.
It was a disgusting site to see but it didn't appear to hurt the person.
This was Scp-035.

"You know, it's rude to deny one's company," they added, their voice carrying a hint of disappointment.
The doctor hesitated, feeling the weight of the person's disapproval. "I apologize. I just did not wish to speak at the moment he replied curtly, his voice betraying a hint of irritation.

"Apology accepted, my dear,"  cooed, their tone shifting to one of faux concern. Moving closer, they reached out and gently touched the doctor's arm, their touch both reassuring and invasive.
Now, where are you going?" 035 asked, their tone shifting back to one of casual curiosity, as they spoke they trailed their fingers down the doctor's arm to his hand.

"I sought out survivors. I can sense the pestilence down this corridor," the doctor explained.

"Well, then, I shall accompany you," 035 declared.

"I thank you for the offer, Dyo. But I'd rather be by myself for now," the doctor responded politely.

The change in 035's demeanor was instantaneous, their mask twisting into a grotesque expression of disappointment. "Alone? Aren't you always alone? We're always separated and I've grown tired of being alone, we've known each other for centuries! Why must you decline my longing to be with you!?" they snapped, their grip on the doctor's hand tightening.

049s eyes narrowed from underneath his 'mask'
"We weren't companions for centuries. You stalked me for centuries." 049 said, 035 let go of 049s hand and crossed its 'arms'
"There's no need to bring that up. Besides I wasn't stalking you." 035 snapped.

"Then what were you doing?" 049 demanded
"I was.. Lovingly following you. Dear." 035 said, its face turning back to that of a mirthful expression, its words laced with affection. 049 knew this trick already. He wouldn't fall for the masks tricks...again.
"Do not begin with that." 049 said
035s face went back to that of a grim sadness.
"What? It's not like I ever caused you any har-'' 035 didn't finish its sentence.
"never caused me harm? Are you serious!?" 049 said voice raising which was very odd for him.
"You have constantly harassed me!" The doctor added sharply.
"You know I never meant to hurt you," 035 pleaded, its voice tinged with 'regret'. "I was simply trying to be with you."

"Also! Have I caused harm to you sense we've gotten contained?" 035 asked.
"Both physically and mentally." 049 responded.
"Dear, you know I don't mean those things! It's my nature, I can't help it!"

"And. Once we finally got to know each other, didn't you enjoy my company?" 035 inquired face going back to a grin.

049 couldn't say no to that, he had enjoyed the masks company, and as the years had gone by the doctor even found he was developing an odd feeling towards the mask that he didn't understand. But 035 had to ruin it.

The doctor sighed.
"Fine…Fine. You may accompany me," he conceded,

"Lovely!" 035 exclaimed, grabbing back a hold of the doctor's hand.
With a nod of acknowledgment, the doctor resumed his solitary march down the dimly lit corridor, his footsteps echoing against the cold metal walls. Beside him, 035 matched his pace effortlessly.

The two often had arguments over their past, but despite the doctors attempts 035 alway won in the end.

But despite the way the mask acted, 049 still felt a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him. He didn't know what It was but he only felt it when around 035.

While the two argued 035 was barely paying attention, just enough to answer the doctor, but it was just listening to the Doctor as he scolded the mask, it was too focused on the way the doctors voice sounded, the doctor never really yelled at anyone else but 035, to the other scps it would be a bit threatening as the doctor never lashed out. but to 035. The doctor's sharp voice that was laced with anger sounded almost heavenly to it.
Tho. it would have to make amends with the doctor…
The mask was slightly snapped out of its trance when the doctor started yelling its name, it waited a few seconds to respond to see if the doctor would lay hands on it, he never did that anymore, but he did thousands of years ago.
A hand was placed on the masks 'shoulder' the grip was tight, unfortunately the Mask couldent feel it, but it knew it was happening.
035 looked up at 049,
"Were you even listening?" 049 asked once the mask looked up.

"I was. Lovingly following you dear." 035 said in a soft tone that oozed with affection.
"Do not give me that." 049 hissed.

The mask craved more of a reaction.
"What? It's not like I ever caused you any har-" 035 didn't finish, on purpose.
"never caused me harm? Are you serious!?" 049 said voice raising.
"You have constantly harassed me!" The doctor added sharply.
035 loved this side of 049, the yelling and lashing out made it fall deeper in love with the doctor by the seconds.
It had to respond.
It could never enjoy these moments for too long, it couldn't just ask 049 to be rough and yell at it as the doctor would say no.
"I never meant to hurt you!" 035 said.
"I was just trying to get you to stop for me. But you wouldn't." 035 added.

"Also! Have I caused harm to you sense we've gotten contained?" 035 asked.
"Both physically and mentally." 049 responded.
"Dear, you know I don't mean those things! It's my nature, I can't help it!"
That was partially true, it could control it better then it led on.

"And. Once we finally got to know each other, didn't you enjoy my company?" 035 inquired face going back to a mirthful grin.

035 knew the doctor couldn't say no.

The doctor sighed.
"Fine.. Fine. You may accompany me," he conceded,

"Lovely!" 035 exclaimed, grabbing back a hold of the doctor's hand.

As they walked in silence the mask looked up at 049, being curious,as per usual the mask started searching through the doctors thoughts.
The doctor loved it.
How adorable...he doesn't even understand the feelings yet…this could be fun.
The mask often did this and it never really regretted the things it heard.

As they walked down the twisting halls of the structure, the air grew heavy with the stench of death. Shadows danced eerily in the flickering gleam of the lights above, casting twisted shapes upon the floor.

Suddenly, a faint sound reached the doctor's ears-a muffled cry, barely audible above the din of chaos. Instinctively, he quickened his pace, his senses sharpening as he sought to pinpoint the source of the diseased.

Beside him, 035 remained  silent.

As they rounded a corner, the doctor scanned over the hall until his eyes landed on a figure huddled in the shadows, their form obscured by the darkness. Without hesitation, he rushed forward.

Gently, he reached out a hand, offering words of reassurance as he placed a hand on the injured shoulder.
They went limp, the doctor opened his bag and got things out: a scalp and a vial of a green liquid, the doctor adjusted the body and removed the shirt then cut into the dead man's stomach into a Y. And the doctor started his normal procedure of 'curing' this man.
As he worked he could feel 035's presence looming ominously behind him.

"Ah, you truly have a way with the living," 035 remarked, its voice a melodic blend of amusement, the mask knew that this procedure had failed and the doctor felt bad as he had failed to cure this man but the mask didn't appear to care.

The doctor did not respond, he closed his bag and stood up looking down at the body that still lay lifeless.
"The disease corrupted his body, I couldn't cure him in time." the doctor said with a sigh.

With gentleness, 035 extended its 'hand,' "Let us continue, my dear. There are more lives for you to cure."

The doctor looked at the hand, then took it and allowed it to lead him down the halls of the facility.

As the odd pair walked less and less dead bodies lined the halls. The majority of the 939s didn't appear to come down this way, which was good, it was a better chance there were still people alive, despite this the doctor couldn't sense any signs of the pestilence nearby.
The doctor didn't look at 035, but as they walked he soon could feel the black corrosive liquid from the mask eat at their skin, the doctor didn't mind he was used to it, 035 liked holding his hand so he had become used to the tingling pain over the time.

As they continued to walk down the hallway and took a turn, the doctor finally looked over at 035.
The state of the host 035 was using was in terrible condition, Bones protruded from decaying flesh, and the black corrosive liquid oozed from the mask's eyes and mouth, dissolving the remains of its host's body, it was starting to look like the bodies the 939s scavenged, to any normal person this would be considered disgusting, as seeing a mutilated body walking around and talking would cause most to faint.
But the doctor was familiar with this.

"Cher, your host is falling apart. You will need a new one soon." The doctor said, 035 turned to look at him, the neck turning a bit too much which caused a light cracking sound.
"I know, it's a shame, usually these hosts last much longer, but." 035 stopped and glanced around giggling slightly.
"There are plenty of hosts around us." 035 said referring to the dead bodies, all the doctor would have to do is take the mask. 035 off of its old host and place them on the face of a dead body.
"But, I can use this one for a bit longer, I'll tell you when I need a new one." 035 said.

The doctor nodded solemnly, his gaze lingering on the deteriorating state of 035's host.
"Very well, but do not wait until it's too late," the doctor cautioned, his voice tinged with a note of urgency. "We cannot afford any hindrances."
The doctor replied.

Another distant sound echoed through the corridors, a faint groan that cut through the oppressive silence. The doctor's head snapped toward the source, his senses heightened by the lingering vestiges of the pestilence.

"More survivors, Mayhaps," he mused, his curiosity piqued.

"Shall we, my dear doctor? Its another chance to cure someone " 035 suggested, gesturing towards the direction of the distant groans.

"Let us go." The doctor said, picking up their pace and letting go of 035s 'hand'
"Be cautious, it may be a threat." 035 said following the doctor though the state of its host was slowing them down.

Once they turned another corner, leaning against the wall was a man in an orange jumpsuit who had bullet wounds in their chest.
When he heard the footsteps approach he looked up and his face became that of fear and panic.
"No.. no! Fuckin! Stay away from me!" He yelled at the pair.
The doctor continued closer to the dying man.
"Do not be afraid. I am here to cure you."
The doctor said the man couldn't stand they had damaged their leg.
"No! God please no" they cried as the doctor got right in front of them, he bent down and reached a hand out to the man who was leaning back but contact was made and the man went limp.
035 was now behind the doctor and they watched as the doctor got things out of his bag: a scalp and a vial of a green liquid, the doctor adjusted the body and removed the shirt then cut into the dead man's stomach into a Y. And the doctor started his normal procedure of 'curing' this man.

As the doctor began his grisly procedure, 035 observed with fascination, they had always enjoyed watching the doctor perform.

With each incision and each injection of the liquid, the lifeless body of the man began to twitch and convulse.
As the procedure neared its completion, the man's body lay still once more, With a satisfied nod, the doctor rose to his feet,
"He has been cured, now, let us move on, there are more to help," the doctor declared, as he turned to face 035, who regarded him with admiration.

"Yes, my doctor, let us continue" 035 said, a hint of excitement in their voice as they surveyed the scene before them, the dead body started shaking, it would become animated soon.

As they traveled the empty halls a loud crackle sounded over the speakers.

"Mobile task force unit Epsilon-11, designated Nine-Tailed Fox, has entered the facility."
It was cut out.

035 groaned loudly in annoyance.
"That fast? Are you serious?" 035 spat angrily.
"They will most likely focus on 682, who is on the other side of the facility as of right now." 049 said calmly, attempting to calm the other scp, who he knew got annoyed easily. And he didn't want to deal with that.
"True. Welp we can still wonder" 035 said.

They continued to walk, they just were more alert now.

035 stopped.
"Love, I think it's time I get a new host." 035 said as it leaned on the doctor, a crack was heard then a splat, the crack was dull and almost soft, the doctor looked down at 035s host, skin and flesh was sloping off of the arms and stomach of the host, bones visible, clothes almost gone, a hole was developing in its stomach, dark crimson mixed with a black liquid covered the bones and body of the host, the snapping sound was the right leg of the host breaking off.

"I don't know why it didn't last longer." 035 said.
"When you get upset, more liquid is produced," the doctor explained, as he fixed his position so he was facing 035, his voice was gentle and was meant to reassure SCP-035.

"Hm, makes sense," SCP-035 acknowledged, its demeanor shifting back to its usual playful self.
The doctor reached his hands up and removed 035 from the host.
The body fell to the ground landing with a splat, as it crumbled to the floor, the face of the person was basically gone, all that was left was inky blackness, some red splashed in.

049 looked at the mask he held in his hands.
He remembered in the past, when he and 035 were more. Enemies then acquaintances. He remembered that he would try to break the mask. Usually porcelain would be rather easy to break but. He simply couldn't, the most that would happen is that the mask would turn to sadness.
035 clams it cannot be broken, the black liquid it produces acts as a 'shield'
The only thing that has been able to hurt the mask was a bullet, but because it can now produce the strange appendages from the floor and from the host's body, it uses them as a weapon and shield, but 035 doesn't pose that much of a threat to the foundation so there is no need for it to be destroyed.

But If it was. 049 didn't know if he could handle that.
But As long as 035 was careful and didn't try to escape it should be fine…

049 blinked a few times when he saw the mask change to sadness.
"Ah, apologies, I got lost in thought." 049 said gently rubbing the mask's cheek, the mask went back to being a cheerful smile.
"Let me get you a host." 049 said as he started walking down the hall.

Once 049 found a dead body he bent down and placed the mask on the person, the new host only had a few bullet wounds.
Once the mask was placed onto the face the lifeless body stood up and stretched.
"Thank you my love!"

'love' they called him love again. 035 usually only called him dear.
That warm feeling he had been feeling increased. And he finally pieced it together, the feeling he was feeling was love.
Why had it taken so long for him to realize?
Should he..
"It's no problem..Love.." 049 said, whispering the last part.
035 grabbed 049s hand.
"Love, hm?" 035 inquired.
"I like that name" , it added on, voice lowering to a seductive tone.

"A-ah, well. If. You. Er." 049 stuttered slightly, he never was in these types of situations so he didn't know how to act.
"Yes, I'd like it if you would call me that" 035 finished the doctor's sentence.

The doctor's heart raced as he felt 035's hand envelop his own, their touch sending a jolt of electricity coursing through his veins. He glanced down at their intertwined hands, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"Yes, Love," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

“Awe, now that was just adorable!” 035 purred, placing its other ‘hand’ on 049s shoulder leaning closer to the doctor.
“Stop..” 049 said, pushing them away, they were too close now.
“What? You don't like it when I get this close, hm?” 035 asked.

As 035 leaned closer, 049 hesitated; he didn't know what to do, or what 035 was doing. Yet he felt like he could let down his guard at this moment. But he couldn't lose focus now.

"I...Dyo. I don't think this is appropriate," the doctor stated firmly, he didn't exactly know what move 035 was trying to pull, he only knew brief things about love, he never thought he would need to know about it, as he thought he would just spend his life fighting against the pestilence. So he didn't understand what 035 was trying to do to him.

035 continued, its tone playful yet insistent. "Oh, come now, my dear. Don't be so uptight. Where's the harm in a little closeness between companions?" it coaxed, its hand reaching out to gently touch the doctor's arm.

The doctor withdrew slightly,"We have more pressing matters to attend to," he replied.

For a moment, 035 seemed disappointed, but it quickly spoke "Very well, my dear. As you wish," it said, its voice light and airy.

With that, the doctor and 035 continued on their walk throughout the dimly lit corridors, their footsteps echoing against the cold metal walls.

[Give me your opinions, thats not an option, I'm forcing you too.🥰]

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