Elite In The Apocalypse [] Al...

By MrAayush69

3.1K 219 237

|| Credit for the cover (masterpiece) goes to devilkouji. || It was a so-called peaceful day on the campus of... More

[] Chapter 2: Nah, I'd Win []
[] Chapter 3: Allies Or Tools? []

[] Chapter 1: The Betrayal []

959 58 92
By MrAayush69

3rd Person POV

On what seemed like a peaceful day at Advance Nurturing High School, also known as ANHS, a male student with grey hair, below-average facial features, and an average height for a 17-year-old boy stumbled down the hallway.

His name was Yamauchi Haruki, a member of the notorious idiot trio from Class B.

As he wobbled, his normally rosy complexion appeared pallid, and his eyes bore a vacant, lifeless gaze, resembling those of a corpse rather than a living person.

The air around him seemed to crackle with an eerie tension, hinting at something amiss beneath the surface tranquility of the school.

Wavering on unsteady legs, Yamauchi made his way towards his classroom, the familiar nameplate "Class B" prominently displayed on the door.

With trembling hands, he reached out to grasp the door handle, his heart pounding in his chest as he prepared to push it open.

The hallway around him remained eerily quiet, amplifying the sound of his shallow breaths and the pounding of his pulse as he hesitated before entering the classroom.


A/N: That's right, Yamagod didn't manipulate his expulsion. For the plot! :D

Kiyo's POV

Today started off like any other day-or so I thought. But as I glanced around the classroom, I noticed the absence of a student from our Class.

Chabashira-sensei was already present, her watchful gaze scanning the room.

I exchanged a glance with Horikita, whose furrowed brow betrayed her concern. It was clear that she shared my number senses unease about the missing student and the potential impact it could have on our class points.

The atmosphere in the classroom was tense, overshadowing the usual routine of the day.

As the tension in the classroom reached its peak, a sudden sound broke the silence-*thud*. All eyes turned towards the source of the noise, which emanated from the classroom door swinging open. In walked the missing student, Yamauchi Haruki, one of the members of the notorious idiot trio.

His presence elicited a collective gasp from the students, their faces contorting with a mixture of surprise and disgust.

Yamauchi's pallid complexion and lifeless gaze only added to the eerie atmosphere that had settled over the room.

The girls, in particular, shot him disdainful glares, their expressions reflecting both distaste for his appearance and annoyance at his tardiness.

It was clear that Yamauchi's late arrival had not gone unnoticed or forgiven by his classmates.

As Yamauchi stumbled into the classroom, the atmosphere grew even more tense. Suddenly, he doubled over, retching violently as blood spilled from his mouth.

The sight shocked the students, eliciting another round of disgusted expressions from the girls, while Hirata's worry was palpable.

"Hey, man, you alright?" concerned voices rang out from some of the boys in the class.

"Yamauchi-kun, are you okay !?" Hirata, displaying genuine concern, approached Yamauchi, followed closely by Chabashira-sensei, her stern expression softened by worry.

Observing the unfolding scene, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously wrong with Yamauchi.

At the same time, from the corner of my eye, I caught sight of employees outside the window, their frantic movements indicating a disturbing reality.

My survival instinct kicked in, prompting me to rise to my feet-a move that surprised Horikita, who had been focused on Yamauchi, her concern evident as the class leader.

"Horikita, i'll advise you to quickly get out the classroom"
In a low voice, I addressed Horikita, urging her to leave the classroom swiftly.

With my warning given, I made my way towards Kei Karuizawa, my girlfriend. Though she may be nothing more than a pawn in my strategic endeavors, she still held some value.

With everyone's attention focused on Yamauchi, my movements went unnoticed by most, and even those who did notice didn't see it as cause for concern, given the gravity of Yamauchi's condition.

"Stay silent," I whispered urgently to Kei, feeling the warmth of her hand in mine as a blush colored her cheeks. With a quick nod, she complied, her eyes wide with apprehension as we moved towards the back exit of the classroom.

Approaching the door, I swiftly retrieved my own seat from the back of the room, the familiar weight of it in my hands reassuring in its familiarity.

But before we could slip away unnoticed, Sudo, positioned nearby, spotted our movements.

His voice cut through the air like a thunderclap, breaking the silence of the room as he shouted, "Hey dude, where are you going!?" The sound reverberated through the classroom, drawing the attention of everyone present and threatening to unravel our escape plan.

Without hesitation, I swiftly acted, delivering a kick to Sudo's chest, forcing him back into his seat. At the same time, Yamauchi's unsettling growls instilled fear in the classroom, and he launched himself at Chabashira-sensei, biting her like an undead creature-a scene reminiscent of a movie Kei had recommended to me.

Using the chaos as cover, I exited the door, locking it behind me with the seat, ensuring my own safety-a selfish but necessary action. Kei followed, her sadness evident, but my priority was survival.

"There, no need to worry. I'm sure someone inside will break this door, but it'll give us time," I said to Kei with my usual apathetic expression. Despite the screams emanating from inside the classroom, I remained indifferent. And the person I'm talking about would be Koenji.

"But still, don't you feel even a slight empathy towards them?" Kei's grip tightened on my hand, her eyes betraying her concern as they searched mine for any sign of compassion.

I could feel her worry radiating through her touch, but my empathy remained reserved for Horikita alone. "I'm sure Horikita will handle it," I offered reassurance, though my tone remained detached as I guided Kei towards the bathroom.

As we moved, I couldn't help but notice the echoes of screams from inside the classroom, but I pushed them aside, focusing on our escape plan.

Logically speaking, venturing to the ground floor now would be reckless, as it was likely overrun with the undead.

As we made our way towards the bathroom, we naturally passed by the three classrooms-Class A, C, and D. The same scene unfolded in each of them, screams rippling through the air, but we pressed on, ignoring the chaos and increasing our pace.

Along the way, we encountered three undead beings. Two of them appeared relatively normal, but the third was noticeably larger in size and moved with greater speed.

Kei, witnessing their ghastly appearance, sank to her knees, consumed by horror. She meekly clutched the edge of my red blazer, seeking refuge from the terrifying sight before her.

"W-what are those? They seem like zombies from the movies," she stuttered, her grip on my blazer tightening as fear coursed through her trembling frame.

"Don't worry, you have faith in me, right?" I reassured Kei, placing my hand over hers. She nodded meekly in response.

As the undead closed in on us, two of them rushed forward while the larger one hung back. I couldn't fathom why.

With the two zombies within range, I acted swiftly, seizing one by the head and delivering a powerful knee strike to its solar plexus. "Damn, these things are strong," I muttered under my breath, but despite their strength, I managed to break the zombie's ribs.

Meanwhile, the other undead made a beeline for Kei. Reacting quickly, I released the first zombie and intercepted the one targeting Kei, dispatching it with ease. Now, only the larger zombie remained.

He turned his gaze towards me, a creepy smile spreading across his undead face, sending shivers down Kei's spine.

With a grim determination, we both charged towards each other, but as anticipated, he was faster than the other two zombies I had just dispatched.

His bony fingers reached out, aiming to grab me by the throat, but I swiftly deflected his grasp with my right hand. At the same time, I delivered a sharp kick to his leg, expecting to incapacitate him.

However, to both Kei's and my surprise, he seemed unfazed by the blow.

"Oh? I suppose that didn't hurt," I remarked, taunting the undead creature. In response, he growled menacingly and lunged forward with a punch, but I managed to evade it by executing a swift backflip.

"How bothersome," I muttered under my breath, seizing the opportunity to slide between his legs, momentarily confusing him.

However, my true intention was to reach the metal rod lying behind him.

With the rod now in my hand, I wasted no time. Swinging it with precision, I struck him cleanly on the head, the force behind the blow shattering his skull instantly.

"K-Kiyotaka, are you alright?" Kei's voice was filled with concern as she approached me, her worried expression reflecting the fear she felt. Unlike when I fought Ryuuen, the leader of Class C, and his minions, she hadn't witnessed me struggling in combat before.

"Yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me," I said, my fingers instinctively ruffling her hair, a subtle blush creeping onto her cheeks in response.

"Baka!," she retorted, glancing away with a playful pout.

As I surveyed the undead creatures I had just dispatched, my eyes fell upon the remains of the large zombie.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed an expandable baton among his belongings, a clear indication of his former occupation as a security guard, as evidenced by his attire.

"Damn, it's better than that damn metal rod which broke in one hit," I remarked, testing the weight of the expandable baton as I swung it.

Memories of my childhood, ones I'd rather keep buried, flooded back as I held the baton in my hand.

After that, we finally reached the bathroom and went inside, seeking refuge.

"Let's wait here for a while, okay?" I suggested. Kei's cheeks flushed red again as she nodded in agreement, choosing to sit on my lap for added comfort and security."

Meanwhile Inside The Class B
Suzune POV.

As I watched Ayanokōji-kun and Karuizawa-san exit the classroom, a mix of worry and frustration swirled within me.

Ayanokōji-kun's actions always seemed calculated and mysterious, leaving me to wonder about his true intentions.

My attention shifted to Yamauchi-kun, who was now biting Chabashira-sensei. Shock and confusion overwhelmed me as I witnessed the horrifying scene unfold before my eyes.

"What in the world is happening?" I couldn't help but let the words escape my lips as I watched in disbelief, now seeing Chabashira-sensei biting Hirata-kun.

I knew I had to take action swiftly. There was no time to hesitate.

"Sudo-kun, quickly open the exit door!" I shouted urgently, my voice filled with urgency. Sudo-kun immediately complied, rushing towards the exit and attempting to open it. However, to our collective surprise, the door remained firmly shut.

"Don't tell me..." I trailed off, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of my stomach as I recalled Ayanokōji-kun grabbing his chair before leaving the classroom.

On the other hand, Hirata-kun's once familiar face now twisted into that of one of those creatures, his eyes glazed over with an eerie emptiness.

"Hirata-kun, no! What's happening to you?" Mei-yu Wang-san's panicked voice cut through the chaos, her distress palpable as she watched Hirata-kun's transformation. Tears welled up in her eyes, mirroring the horror unfolding before her.

Driven by the same primal instinct as the others, Hirata-kun lurched towards Wang-san, his movements jerky and unnatural. His mouth opened wide, ready to sink his teeth into her flesh. But before he could do so, his face was abruptly punched by... Koenji-kun.

"My, my, what an ugly sight you have become, Hirata-boy," remarked Koenji-kun, his voice dripping with disdain. Hirata, now transformed into one of the undead, emitted a low growl in response as he lunged towards Koenji-kun with ferocious intent.

However, Koenji-kun remained unfazed, his smirk unwavering as he swiftly dealt with Hirata, dispatching him in an instant with calculated ease.

"Horikita, The door is locked, It's as if someone stuck something purposefully," Sudo's voice broke through the tense atmosphere, drawing my attention towards him. He was exerting all his strength, attempting to force the door open, but to no avail.

As Sudo's words sank in, confirming my suspicions, a mixture of frustration and understanding washed over me. It seemed my hunch about Ayanokōji-kun was correct. He had deliberately blocked the door with his chair-a selfish yet effective tactic.

'How selfish of him,' I thought, a frown forming on my face. Despite my irritation, I knew I had to remain composed. Ayanokōji-kun had done so much for the class, and staying silent was the least I could do for him.

As a faint blush tinged my cheeks, I silently acknowledged the debt of gratitude I owed him.

"Ahem, students, there's some chaos happening in the school, I reap—" the announcement over the speaker was abruptly cut off halfway through as the sound of chaos erupted in the background. Some of my classmates, now transformed into these creatures, instinctively began to follow the direction of the speaker's voice.

Observing this, I realized that they were being drawn to the sound. I glanced towards them and swiftly signaled to the remaining students to keep quiet, using subtle hand gestures.

Among us were myself, Sudo-kun, Koenji-kun, Kushida-san, who was currently hiding inside her desk, Harukaa-san, Akito-kun, wang-san and Satou-san, whose expression betrayed her despair as she witnessed Matsushita among the transformed.

As tension filled the air, I knew that we needed to remain calm and cautious if we were to survive this ordeal. With a determined resolve, I silently prepared myself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Back to Ayanokōji and kei
Kiyo POV

Hours slipped away in the cramped confines of the bathroom, the silence thickening with each passing moment. Despite the prolonged wait, I remained alert, my senses heightened as I listened for any signs of danger lurking beyond the door.

Kei rested against me, seeking solace in my presence. Her warmth was a comforting anchor amidst the chaos that engulfed us. I reassured her with a gentle squeeze of her hand, silently promising to protect her at all costs.

As the hours wore on, my mind raced with thoughts of our predicament. We couldn't afford to stay hidden indefinitely—we needed a plan, a strategy to navigate through the madness outside and find a way to safety. But for now, all we could do was wait, biding our time until the opportune moment presented itself.

As Kei's stomach grumbled, signaling her hunger, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. While I, too, felt the gnaw of hunger in my own stomach, I knew I could endure it for the time being. However, seeing Kei in discomfort stirred a protective instinct within me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked softly, concern etched in my voice. Despite our dire circumstances, I couldn't ignore her basic needs. "We'll find something to eat soon. For now, let's conserve our energy."

I made a mental note to prioritize finding food as soon as it was safe to venture out. Until then, we would have to endure the discomfort of hunger together, drawing strength from each other's resilience.

After spending more time in the cramped bathroom, I finally rose to my feet, prompting Kei to do the same. Making my way to the basin, I began to wash away the dried blood from my face, feeling a sense of relief as the cool water cleansed my skin.

With a decisive motion, I removed my red blazer, wrapping it around my waist for better mobility and comfort during combat. The weight of the baton in my hand offered a reassuring sense of security, a reminder of the dangers that awaited us beyond the bathroom door.

"Kei, go wash your face," I instructed, my voice firm but devoid of any warmth. "We're finally heading out." As she moved to follow my instructions, I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead, determined to use whatever means necessary to ensure our survival in this unforgiving new world.

After Kei followed my instructions and washed her face, I promptly led her out of the bathroom.

Stepping into the corridor, we were confronted by a chilling sight—numerous undead roamed the area. Among them were familiar faces—former classmates turned grotesque creatures, including Matsushita from my class, Kaneda from Class C, Chihiro from Class D, and Machida from Class A.

Maintaining my characteristic detachment, I surveyed the scene with clinical precision. Gripping Kei's hand tightly, I focused solely on our survival amidst the chaos, devoid of any emotional response.

"Kei, wait here. I want to test something," I instructed, extending my baton and striking it against the wall. The loud bang echoed through the hallway, immediately drawing the attention of all nearby undead.

Observing their response, I confirmed my suspicions. "So my guess was correct," I mused silently. "Earlier, when we were attacked by those zombies, it was because of Kei's bracelet, which rang as I patted her hand."

As the undead closed in on the source of the sound, I prepared to use this newfound knowledge to our advantage.

I swiftly grabbed the broken metal rod and hurled it to the other side of the corridor. The clattering sound immediately diverted the attention of the undead, drawing them away from our location.

I gestured for Kei to approach me quietly. With a slightly apprehensive expression, she made her way towards me, her eyes fixed on the approaching horde of undead.

Fortunately, they were now distracted by the metal rod, giving us a brief window of opportunity to move unnoticed.

"They're attracted to noise, remember that at all costs," I reminded Kei, who nodded in understanding.

However, luck seemed to evade us as Kei accidentally stepped on the other half of the metal rod. She shot me an apologetic look, and despite my sigh, there was no time to dwell on it.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even realize this damn rod was here," she apologized as the horde of undead closed in on us. Gripping my extended baton tightly, I wasted no time in defending ourselves. With precise strikes, I incapacitated the approaching creatures, breaking legs, arms, and even skulls to keep them at bay.

"Don't do this again. It's exhausting, and these damn things are hard to kill," I remarked as I delivered the final blow with my baton, dispatching the last undead.

"Really? You're making it look too easy," Kei replied, a smug smile playing on her lips.

"Even if it looks that way, I'm having a tough time here," I countered, though it was an obvious lie. Nevertheless, dealing with these creatures was draining.

"Whatever you say, I guess," she responded, grabbing my arm as we began to walk cautiously, remaining vigilant for any further threats.



Here is the first chapter, and I'm not sure if it's good or bad, personally, I think it's okay for some reason. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

But if you liked this chapter, consider giving it a vote; it will motivate me.

Should I make it a harem or choose between Kei, Horikita, Kushida, or my personal favorite, Honami?

Also, it's only the beginning. There are going to be some undead who will give even Ayanokōji a tough time.

Anyway, have a good day!

Peace out~

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